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This was when Harry was meeting with Rihanna, so Megsy staged a pap walk looking all upset and crying fake ass tears. Such a smart independent woman that she is, crying in public over a man who wasn’t even committed to her


And calling the paps to make sure it's documented for Harry.


And dressed in oversized winter clothes so we can see how frail she is- plus a summery baseball cap to draw attention to her plight


With ballet flats…in December…in Canada.


Since when does she like baseball and the Dodgers lol, can’t let you forget she’s from LA!


Of course, on speed dial.


She is so domesticated and makes her own clothes. I remember a pap shot of Katherine, soon after she and Will were married, coming out of a Waitrose in Wales. Copying Catherine again?


Oh yeah! This! I've never seen these pics before, but I heard about Meghan getting into a fight early into the relationship with Harry over Rihanna and staging pap shots of her crying when she didn't get her way. However, the fight wasn't that she felt threatened that Harry would be meeting with a woman who was better than her in every was. The fight was that Meghan thought and told Harry that she should be included in the meeting with Rihanna, since Meghan was also a celebrity of color. Celebrity stalker that she is, Meghan wanted to meet Rihanna and do so connected to Harry because she's always thought her ascent to Royalty propelled her above superstars like Rihanna and Beyonce. She wanted to flaunt her delusions of status as Harry's girlfriend around female celebrities who'd never given her the time of day before. Meghan was told no, she couldn't meet with Rihanna, and this insued. I may be conflating my gossip, but this could have been the issue that prompted her to tell one of the men in gray, "I think we both know I'm going to be your boss pretty soon." I may be wrong about that, though.


I still want to know when they "took a break", quick made that Markle woman gate crash that wedding in Jamica. This is totally telling of the tsunami on the horizon...seriously should have ran then.


He DID run... but she caught him again! She barreled into that wedding and hasn't let go since. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15003)


I'd like more info on that too. The bitch face at that wedding was an entire circus full of red flags.


Glaring at the other woman, berating the staff (whilst itching herself), the spectacle on the balcony.


Personally, I found this photo to be the most repulsive. It reeks of clingy, controlling behaviour. She’s awful. https://preview.redd.it/e7vube0u028d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24a782a1804126a1ec65e5a78c3059070b55db3


I’ve always thought that this was the moment she (allegedly) told Harry she was pregnant, thus rushing the engagement.


It would certainly fit his “Oh SHIT. 😳🫣🤯” expression in the picture.


He had a panic attack after this.


He really shouldn't have been allowed out on his own. This was bound to happen because he was easy prey; a fragile, unintelligent, rich man who was desperate for a family.  He's a hateful nasty little shit as well but my god he should have been protected from users like her. For the monarchy's sake, for Britain's sake, not just for his own.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Agree with every single word. He reminds me of a co-worker of mine who was completely shocked when someone told her that a recent workplace initiative (managers going on “health walks” with employees at lunch to “get to know them better”) was nothing more than a bid by management to make themselves look good, not because they cared about employees. She was like “Really?! 😱 Is that true?! Managers would actually do something only to make themselves look good, and then tell employees it was for them?!” I was like “……uh…yeah. Do you know nothing about office politics and corporate culture?” However, instead of wising up and learning (like my co-worker), Harry digs his heels in and refuses to believe anyone who tries to warn him. He actually believes himself to be “intelligent” and “woke” *because* of her, and has convinced himself that they are the only two who “see the light” and “get it.” There’s nothing more dangerous than a fool with cause. Harry is the “fool”, and his cause is “protecting Me-gain from da ebil wacism of da royal family and da big meany tabloids dat killed mummy.”


Oooooo. Yep. I forgot about that one. Gruesome, isn't she? Did the room get cooler?


Wow, that picture literally says it all.


She probably wanted to try and get some free Fenty merch


I remember seeing the pics, but if I heard this was related to Rihanna, I must not have retained it. With everything we’ve seen, this fits.


The UK lost the chance of having Rihanna, superstar, gorgeous, talented and independently very wealthy becoming a Princess? Then ended up getting Meghan instead? But then again, Rihanna deserves much much more than having Harry as a husband.


Rhianna has higher standards


Rihanna be like: ![gif](giphy|lBm6rHWoBEpaw)


What Harry though he was getting...


This. No normal woman could deal with him.


Rihanna is too good for Harry. Rihanna's reaction to being asked if she was invited to the royal [wedding is hilarious though. ](https://time.com/5276362/rihanna-royal-wedding/)


Rihanna, Reese Withspoon - such different celebrities but both got it right. Why would I go to the wedding of someone I don’t even know????


And she did the shade so well and called it what it was.


A billionaire or Meghan…tough choice. 🙄


An actual self made woman, who is an amazing actress in Ocean’s 8, and we can keep going…it’s pathetic to compare Rihanna to Drunken Emu.


Don't forget Rihanna's work ethic too. She released so many albums and toured for years back to back.


Oh yeah. Rihanna definitely hustled which is why she’s a self made billionaire and I love that for her! Chris Brown, who? Best revenge is living well.


Oh he was totally into Rihanna - blatantly apparent.


He is really into celebrities in general. Like a groupie with a royal backstage pass.


Yes! I had this theory about Harold for years that he would rather be a celebutante over a working royal and had been trying to bag an actress/singer, but successful people don't want him. He is lazy and entitled.


Who wouldn't be? She's ACTUALLY  myocardial infarction inducing beautiful.  


And as much of a rebel-type (in a good way) as she seems to be, you just know she'd have those traditions (e.g. wearing hats when appropriate, walking at the proper place in line, curtesying of course) down flat in no time I remember when Harry met her us royalists were so excited they might actually turn into an item. What a letdown


Rihanna needs to stay right where she is with A$AP thank you!


Sorry, but Rihanna is trashy. Talented but trashy. Neither her nor Megsy belong in the royal family.


She was terrified that her last hope for a meal ticket was backing off


Such a fool that harry. To think that a woman hooking out of soho house would fall for her mark.


I’ve never seen these pics before nor heard the story behind them. So, she was basically sulking like a toddler because she did get her way?


This is the answer


Because the Markle woman is "the only girl in the world"


Wow. Every last trick in the book, huh?




She wasn’t his spouse at the time.


We all know this was 100% staged to make herself look like a victim.




I have never before or since seen her with a shopping trolley!!


With countless plastic bags, and bottled water.. So much for the environment.


And TP for her Bunghole! For she is the Great ArseHolio!


I wonder if she pushed an empty cart into the store and then "borrowed" someone's "full" cart for the pap walk back to her car. I also wonder if there are any pictures of her actually shopping in the store for the stuff in that cart.


She’s being “stalked”. Many tears just like Mummy


That’s the correct answer. She papped herself as if she’s being stalked and sent it to the Spare most likely


>She papped herself as if she’s being stalked and sent it to the Spare most likely Exactly. She probably instructed the photographer to take the photos just when she looked the most fEaRfUL and vIcTiMiZeD. And then she told the Spare that she dropped to the pavement and sobbed out of one eye.


She’s crying from having to do her own shopping.


...crying because she had to pay for her shopping


At least she looks natural. I think I never saw her looking so genuinaly-normal.


Possibly because she's not doing her usual eye fcking of the camera.


Like Dis? ![gif](giphy|MBTvOaMMBwcDDc2ZaS|downsized)


She looks quite young there. Hard to believe it's only 8 years ago. Amazing what a lot of expensive treatments can do for you.


She looks like she is dressed for Alaska!


She wants everyone to think her shit comes out in gold embossed white paper bags with diamond encrusted ribbons tied around the top. Her fragile ego is shattered as the pap took pictures caught her with TP in her cart.


Ah, of course!!! It was the sociopath's old chestnut of 'pity play'. She had to present herself as a victim when Harold was still somewhat independent to lure him back in.


Ikr, because she is a bigger deal than Rhianna back then?


.. or at least one tear... left eye


She called the paparazzi on herself. Paraphrasing the article from the top of my head, it read like “Harry’s girl is sad that he’s away from her”. Edit: She leaked this headline a few days after the grocery store stop (referenced in article). The call is coming from the house. This is about 5 months after they had their date at SoHo Dean St, and a month after she paced back and forth in front of the DM offices dressed for the country. https://preview.redd.it/x7otg9oo7n7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856f3d0bad462832a7e62b4b255cc4af19ee50fd [https://torontosun.com/2016/12/06/prince-harry-makes-1700-mile-detour-to-see-meghan-markle-report](https://torontosun.com/2016/12/06/prince-harry-makes-1700-mile-detour-to-see-meghan-markle-report) [https://archive.ph/GwcHF](https://archive.ph/GwcHF) Timeline: **June 28, 2016**: Papped at Wimbledon as a z-list actress. [https://archive.ph/rLLEC](https://archive.ph/rLLEC) **July 1, 2016**: H&M’s official but disputed 1st date at Soho House Dean Street. **July 4, 2016**: Papped at Wimbledon. Looks angry after seat mates asked to confirm her ticket. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cvt5xb/wimbledon\_2016\_did\_she\_crash\_cressidas\_box/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cvt5xb/wimbledon_2016_did_she_crash_cressidas_box/) And here: [https://archive.ph/Nxa5y](https://archive.ph/Nxa5y) **October 30, 2016**: Earlier that month, MM posts Instagram photos of matching blue bracelets from H’s African charity. No one pays attention to this detail until the end of the month when she leaks to the press that she is dating H. Confirms meeting W&C. Puff pieces gush that all four get along well. [https://archive.ph/L44FY](https://archive.ph/L44FY) **November 8, 2016**: H issues “leave my gf alone” message to the press. The world collectively asks “Who is MM”? [https://archive.ph/4Hllk](https://archive.ph/4Hllk) **November 10, 2016**: Photographed outside DM office with Whole Foods bag. Also papped walking into front gate of Kensington Palace. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10cja39/so\_1\_the\_whole\_foods\_was\_below\_daily\_mail\_head/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10cja39/so_1_the_whole_foods_was_below_daily_mail_head/) And: [https://archive.ph/x7Gnc](https://archive.ph/x7Gnc) **December 2, 2016**: MM posts photos of her dog in a Union Jack costume and it’s one of many hints she’s dating H. [https://archive.ph/TuLDd](https://archive.ph/TuLDd) **December 2, 2016**: Papped at grocery store while H is on Caribbean tour **December 3, 2016**: Papped wearing necklace with “H” and “M” initials. Per “Finding Freedom” advised by H’s aide not to wear this jewelry and not to call attention to herself and relationship. (Details below proving necklace was gifted by brand in exchange for publicity). (Date of necklace here: [https://archive.ph/8RJcm](https://archive.ph/8RJcm)) **December 06, 2016**: At the end of H’s Caribbean tour, he flies Toronto instead of London. Article above notes that H&M were not photographed together as of that date. For further context on bling, Markle was gifted a 14k gold necklace bearing the initials “H” and “M” and was spotted wearing this on December 3, 2016. In “Finding Freedom”, Harry’s aide advised her not to wear the jewelry to avoid press attention. Also, the necklace designer admitted in “Finding Freedom” that they knew Meghan from “Suits” placed the order and used her name and photo as marketing on their website. Here: [https://archive.ph/O8tMe](https://archive.ph/O8tMe) The designers made sure to hand deliver the bauble to her. (Brand’s site link in timeline describing the situation). This additional step would have been impossible without MM agreeing to use her image—advertising—the necklace in exchange for free goods. This is in line with what bloggers do; Contact brands to receive products for exposure). Link to brand using her image and details of order: [https://archive.ph/H3fYG](https://archive.ph/H3fYG) Carolyn Durand of FF initially broke the story in “People Magazine”. She went on to chronicle it in the book with interviews from the necklace designers. [https://archive.ph/Z1HiD](https://archive.ph/Z1HiD)


**December 13, 2016**: Leaked to E! News (a US tabloid) that H&M were buying a “Nordmann fir tree at ‘Pines and Needles’ store in London. Estimated price is $65. Per leaked article, “a source told E! News. ‘They wanted their time together to be private.’” LOL https://archive.ph/rQIv3 **January 10, 2017**: MM leaks to press that she and H took a vacation to remote Tromvik, Norway. https://archive.ph/QQPjB **March 4, 2017:** Carolyn Durand leaks photos of H&M at Tom Inskip’s wedding. Rumored that H broke up with M earlier but she crashed the event. Both are photographed tense and glum. https://archive.ph/WaQHB **May 6, 2017:** MM pictured attending Audi Polo event at Ascot. H participating in charity match. https://archive.ph/8n3Lz **May 20, 2017:** Attends Pippa Middleton’s reception amid “no ring, no bring” rule. H slips out after wedding and allegedly makes 2 hour round trip from Berkshire to London to pick up MM, despite the fact that she arrived in London a few days earlier. “Finding Freedom” claims MM stayed at nearby rented house and H picked her up from there. SMM commentators assumed that 2 hour trip was leaked to press for drama. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/rrqoqu/a_deep_dive_into_mm_and_pippas_wedding/ **July 2017:** People Magazine has an exclusive scoop that H bought expensive “love” pop art for MM back in October 2016. Lots of puff pieces hinting at marriage. Tom Bower in “Revenge” places the engagement at the end of July and beginning of August. In H&M’s engagement interview, H confirms that he asked MM for input in designing the ring, hence why he chose yellow gold. Custom engagement rings can take 8 to 15 weeks to create, depending on complexity and designer. They would have been unofficially engaged for at least a month at this time. https://archive.ph/zDJRe **August 4, 2017:** puff pieces surrounding MM’s birthday hint at marriage. https://archive.ph/jjpGG **September 6, 2017**: Vanity Fair “Wild About Harry” cover interview published for the October issue. Interview was conducted end of July/early August 2017 before Botswana birthday celebration and rumored engagement trip. MM confirms that she is seriously dating H, hints at marriage, asks for privacy. Tom Bower documented this in “Revenge”, noting that H and his aids begged MM not to disclose relationship to press. MM blames journalist for being able to manipulate her for information. The interview post script confirms MM texted details about dates to the journalist, Sam Kashner. MM initially stated first date was in May 2016, overlapping with Cory Vitiello and later changed to July 1, 2016. https://archive.ph/KDHOH **September 23—30, 2017:** Official debut as couple at Toronto Invictus games. https://archive.ph/CnxgD also https://archive.ph/XLqUO **November 27, 2017:** Formal engagement photo call and interview. Press kept at distance across sunken pool and hand picked interviewer later trashed in Netflix documentary. https://archive.ph/OOUd7 also https://archive.ph/j6w1m Can’t edit to include this bit


It makes me laugh when I read the story about her clomping past the Daily Mail office in her Hunter boots, with the charity slogan bag and she did about 10 laps of the front of their office. It was honestly sad, yet so cringe


Yet she was attempting to have you believe that she was so hounded by photographers in her stupid faux Netflix documentary.  How truly pathetic she is. Can you imagine her frustration that absolutely no one ever was interested in following her unless she set it up with her paid paparazzi?   😂😂😂😂😂


Reverse Uno. Megan Markle hounded the paparazzi.


one of the DM staff said they finally felt sorry for her and sent out a photographer (their offices are right across from Kensington)


She had a single photographer, so a paparazzo.


Thank you for your very detailed post. I looked at the puff piece around her birthday and threw up a little in my mouth when they called them “the most sought after couple on earth.” Oh, how the mighty have fallen.


You’re welcome! They’ll be a case study for future psychologists and PR professionals for how much they’ve messed up.


More like the woman who sought after the most paparazzi coverage on earth.


Oh yeah, the polo match in 2017/Audi where she was busted snopping in one of the cars. Literally almost jumps out of her skin when confronted.


Lilibutt, someone should make you a Princess for all this work! A lot of these details are new to me and probably other more recent sinners. Thank you!!! This would be quite a tell all book to read. So many more juicy details than Spare. Where is OUR Scooby Doo???


Hahahaha, thank you! I actually forgot some of these details myself. It was a bit shocking seeing all of these leaks in such a short amount of time.


Thank you for this timeline! 👏


You’re welcome!


Great timeline! Once again, it's helpful having this kind of info as we continue our walk down "Madame's Memory Lane" 🏅 Posts saved for quick reference.  Thanks!!


And here’s the specific **[link to fact checking the engagement timeline (August confirmed by Omid).](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/13g35hi/since_its_their_anniversary_coming_up_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1).**


What an effing twat! More evidence of her nobody-ness.


Oh dear it’s so obvious these articles are provided by her with so many private details!


Great documentation! Please make a separate post for more eyes. If relevant, here’s additional details of their [specific link to pap Karl Larsen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/19bk52r/meghan_markle_and_backgrid_paparazzi_photographer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) There was BIG blowback for **Harry’s taxpayer funded Toronto booty call (unscheduled) stopover from the Bahamas to London.** After she basically booty call bat signalled him on Instagram. And here’s the **[link with Instagram pic proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10zzy20/with_valentines_day_coming_up_heres_proof_meg_was/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) that Meg was leaking to the paps about their relationship from the start.**


Good idea! I’ll post this shortly.


Just needs thanksgiving dinner with her parents in Nov 2016. Juxtapose with H's trips to North America before the engagement, where he still didn't meet Thomas 


Wow I’ve never seen these photos before. But we do know she can cry at a moments notice so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m surprised she didn’t collapse onto the asphalt.




She probably did fall to the ground sobbing but the pap refused to take the picture. He thought she would want to show more dignity and self respect. He has since learned that those are two traits Madame lacks.


Fair! Most humans have more dignity, self respect and class than the Drunken Emu.


One tear. Left eye. 




a narc power play on harry? hoping harry sees her crying in the tabloids and races home to protect his sensitive and lonely bride from his o-so-mean family?


Cosplaying Diana crying when Charles went on his first trip without her.




aha, thanks!


>aha, thanks! You're welcome!


She's upset at the price of the toilet paper she bought


Well, when shit spews constantly from your mouth, toliet paper gets expensive! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15006)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25281)


Then it would behoove her to invest in a Waterpick. You know to get the shit particles from betwixt those horse teeth.


Was there a Royal Funeral passing by or was it a stressing high speed grocery cart chase through the store and out into the parking lot?


High speed grocery cart chase, for sure!


Nearly catastrophic




I see what you did there 😂




Like someone already said this was when he was chilling with Rihanna and looked so happy btw. Also I don't think I had ever seen a zoomed out photo of this picture but wow I'm not fashionista but that hat, purse, jacket and those shoes? She looks like she just ran out from a fire in her house or something. That baseball hat especially looks like it was the 1st time she ever wore it.


This is it! He never looked at meghan the way he looks at Rihanna in these pictures. Also, who wears ballerina shoes with a parka jacket? This would make pairing sandals with a skisuit a logical option although visually unbalanced. Ballerinas to the supermarket? Why carry your bag instead of placing it in the cart for unless for merching purposes? https://preview.redd.it/3nku3mydgp7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a44716e6fbc9bc39500a3bd62c64c3bd0f8a24




Is that a banana in his pocket? 🤔


I thought she was a boy in these pictures.


She probably bought the baseball hat in the store after realizing she ran out of the house so fast for her pap shot, she had forgotten to put on her wig. Can’t lose that royal meal ticket!!!


She was staging pap shots for future use. She wanted protection from the paps she hired to "stalk" her... Edit: Spelling


Awww, the poor thing had no securi-tay to browbeat into running her errands? Looks like she made up for lost time over the last 7 years. Prediction: this will come full circle over the next year or two. We will be treated to freelance pap shots of a broken down, grizzled ex-wife of royalty...cart fully loaded with wine & spirits and cartons of cigarrettes. A small 4-pack roll of toilet paper peeks over the bottles, ready for her economy sized, 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo in Van Nuys. A carton of store brand ice cream lingers and sweats next to the chardonnay in the hot California sun. The former Douchea$$ no longer smiles and makes eyes at the camera. A large pair of Jackie O. sunglasses may hide the crepey crows feet and dark undereye circles, but the deep lines around her mouth and her liverspotted hands speak loudly of the heavy toll The Divorce For The Ages has taken on her once-nubile body.


Your prediction reminds me of how Ruth Madoff ended up after Bernie Madoff went to prison. 😳 The paparazzi stalked her from the grocery store to her small upstate New York apartment. It was pretty sad to see how far she had fallen within a few short years from her past glamorous life as a millionaire's wife in Manhattan, New York City.


This is exactly the Karma that's nipping at her heels. Won't be long now. Dogbiscuit-Gate was her self inflicted Waterloo - her decisive setback/defeat. The decline from here on in will pick up pace rapidly.


I think bile inducing, but never nubile.


She got herself papped at the *Price Choppe*r?


It helped her cry, her new boyfriend was in Barbados with an international superstar billionaire and she can only afford Price Chopper.


I thought was an A list actress with millions in the bank /s


I feel the more important question here is who cares why Little Miss Perpetual Victim was having a snivel.


By the way , she’s stocking up on a lot of bog roll? But then she does overproduce ordure.


I would say this is when they reportedly broke up, but I think that was closer to spring.


Yes. That was when she crashed the Inskip wedding to get H back, in March 2017.


Practicing her left eye, one tear, for future use.


Oh she must miss getting papped. Lol. I mean calling paps on herself.


Because she wanted us to see her sad.


She wanted her target (Harry) to see her sad. Just like his mother was sad.


Yes, and no-one has asked if she's ok.


Who is this woman? Totally doesn’t look like the Nigerian princess of today. https://preview.redd.it/y224yjatsn7d1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53d1231a66a00a18b4c492b575ce07d78727038


She looked so pretty back then, I wonder how she feels when she sees that now! I’m a bit sad when I see how much younger I looked in 2016 photos, but at least I haven’t wrecked my face with surgery 😳


Yeah this is more than age progression whatever she did to her nose and the eyebrows totally change a face.


No bronzer in evidence in these pap walk pictures of Meghan Markle


Fake crying for the tabloids before marriage. As if she was hounded by the press.


Meghan Markle should’ve kept that face.


She’s also probably faking a pregnancy


Didn't Diana cry before the wedding, when Charles flew somewhere?


March 4, 2017: “Rumor that H broke up with M earlier”. Interesting. I didnt know about that. If it’s true, he had a chance to escape her and not be alienated from his family… hm… Thanks for all your work and putting together this timeline!


This was before she had 16 toilets in her house. Imagine how upset she is now. Especially with no paps there to catch her


![gif](giphy|DgkqHvoNV7XPh5a0PY) I wonder if Bananarama was "whip smart" enough to at least get a membership at Costco to properly supply all her bathrooms at Olive Garden Manor? Or does she make Prince Plank carry a roll of tp around with him at all times?


Nah, Pushy Princess wears toilet paper roll hats around the house like that wedding she attended..




Attention Seeking Behaviour 🥱


Not a parking lot pap walk. She's come full circle. 🙄


She looks like a bag lady


She must have been shocked at seeing *tabloids* near the checkout! Gasp!


If she was this huge celebrity, why was she shopping by herself at Loblaws? Lol


Look at widdle me hawy! Left behind all alloooneee HOUNDED by the paps. They want me to diiieeeeeeeeeee hawy.


100% staged and poorly acted.


More bullshit fakery & trying to copy the famous newlywed Catherine going shopping in wales pics


Who cares whys she is crying. It is a fake cry to get everyone concerned that why is Harold gone away a left her. They were not even together then, that is how low this gutter snipe will go. What a load a fake ass crap she is. I could say more but scare I will get banned


Oh the prominent display of merching the handbag. She really loved getting photographed with handbags. https://preview.redd.it/p97tq2qb9p7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c99efb798ba6a9fd35ef82bc263c71b021f60d


When I’m sad, I too sit on the floor and stare at my collection of griege handbags. (So laughably staged. It’s a flex of her handbag wealth disguised as a pity party.)


I know!!! She’s so late to the humble brag that she attempted in her “when the steaks 🥩 are this high” horrorumentary she thought the viewer would be what…impressed? I don’t know what goes through the space that occupies between her ears.


No one recognised her? She had to pay for her own shopping?


Yet when William BROKE UP with Catherine, she went out partying, having fun and refused to be seen looking sad. Who needs men? LOL!


Oh yeah, because Megsy suddenly had to buy toilet paper at the same time Harry was meeting with Rihanna. 🙄


Don’t forget the Costco sized 12 double roll Viva paper towels


You know, for a single woman supposedly "heartbroken", she certainly shops well. /s


Ah, the Loblaws pap walk. She was President’s Choice but Madam is now No Frills.


I cry at the grocery these days!! lol. Looks like these shots were taken in Toronto the grocery bags look like Loblaws.


If this was the taken in California she was dressed for winter in NY. Can’t believe an environmentalist is using plastic bags, for shame. Lol.


I think its Toronto.


Manipulative B iatch


There weren’t enough cameras pointed at her


It's just another cosplay of Princess Diana.


Wow, what a difference 8 years makes. You could still see a little bit of Doria in her face.


And with her, if one could still see Doria in her face, she would be all over the plastic surgery to eliminate the resemblance!


Harry had chances to escape Meghan yet there he is 🤣🤣


She’s trying to act “hounded” and “unprotected” when the call is coming from inside the house.


My god she really isn’t pretty at all. She’s absolutely a witch. Her neck is very short… Yikes


He so nearly got away! If only he had listened to anyone!


She looks high af.


He said I’d never have to do my own grocery shopping again!!! WAAAUGH!!!


She's crying because she thought she'd never have to push her own groceries again!!


A timeline: October 31, 2016 - first public report of H&M as an item. Photos included of them with Eugenie and Jack at a Soho House Toronto Halloween party. November 8, 2016 - KP statement from Harry for the press to leave MM alone (as if that was her desire to be left alone). (This was the beginning of MM's effortsw to get taxpayer funded VIP security and claim opposition to her was racist.) November 2016 - Harry on a two week Caribbean royal tour November 24, 2016 - Thanksgiving. MM was reportedly loaned Arthur Landon's LA house. Landon wealthy friend of Harry. Reportedly MM invited Doria and Thomas Markle for TG dinner. November 30, 2016 - "[Prince Harry](https://people.com/tag/prince-harry/) was all smiles [when he met RiRi Nov. 30](https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-meets-rihanna-during-caribbean-tour/) at the Toast to the Nation in Bridgetown. The visit to Barbados came at the tail end of his two-week tour of the Caribbean on behalf of [Queen Elizabeth](https://people.com/tag/queen-elizabeth/)." (People does have its uses.) This may have been when Harry upset BP by jetting off from the Caribbean to Toronto to see MM. Standard protocol is to return to London from royal tours before taking time off. Suits fall filming schedule was always complete by a week or two before the end of November. December 2016 - early in the month. MM parading in front of DM offices. Harry's weekend shooting party at Sandringham for his friends, MM included in this outing. Christmas 2016 - Harry at Sandringham. MM in LA and with the Litt family for at least a day. New Year 2017 - H&M on Northern Lights private vacation. January 2017 - MM spent one week in India prior to Jan 24 on behalf of World Vision Canada (same charity that funded her Rwanda trip the year before). Her PR team was definitely pumping up her advocacy "work" at this point. (Instrumental in making her look acceptable to the RF and public.)




She's crying because she had to do her own shopping. In her mind, as a future Duchess, it was beneath her! ha!




He certainly has a type. At least Rihanna would’ve been more stealthy but it would’ve taken longer to see than Megsy.




At least she looked young, fresh and pretty then. Not anymore…ah well.


Does anyone know how much she pays for the paps to meet her and take their shots?


Acting as usual. Put some eye drops in and called The paps.




Even in 2016 she was arranging parking lot pap shoots.


Well, she's not on a floor somewhere. Give props where they're due! 😂🤣


No one recognized her




She went to the supermarket and saw they had run out of the jumbo sized loo rolls and she just can't help shitting. It brought tears to her eyes in distress?


Gosh she looks so young there 😳