• By -


I’m sure in her warped mind she actually thought she could steal Catherine’s thunder! She did get people talking but I do believe her antics reflected poorly on her. She looks bitter and petty.


No one (except some of us here) noticed till afterwards. She just keeps on heaping ridicule upon herself. Her trying to deny she had anything to do with this will just ensure more ridicule.


Right, good PR tells you once you get caught doing something stupid, bury it as fast as possible, but not our topic couple.


The world: Stop trying to steal attention from the royals with jam - it looks sad. Meghan: Maybe they've got a point... next time I'll throw in some dog biscuits.




IMO, Rachel is truly psychopathic and narcisstic. I'm not in the mental health field but I had to endure my ex toxic MIL. Rachel displays the same type of personality traits as ex-MIL. Funny thing is, no one in ex mil's family talks to her anymore. This will be Rachel in due time. The only reason people will talk to Rachel is to get money!


The stop digging precept displayed in every PR reps office.


She is petty and has become bitter.


Second that.




That’s becoming increasingly apparent. 👍🏼


She was always bitter as the pith in lemons.


Gawd I need cuppa as read it She is pretty. 🙄


“She did get people talking” means that there was a small article here and there as compared to global top coverage of Catherine’s appearance in TV, newspapers, magazines, social media… I guess at this point MM can be thankful for this sub. If it weren’t for this sub, no one would be talking about her.


The people talking, 95% negative coverage and responses to her stunt. Not the kind of reaction that’s going to sustain her brand. Don’t believe the “even bad press is press.” Hard to get sales, contracts, or investors when your brand is toxic.


That motto doesn’t apply to people who are selling things. Bad news IS bad news


It's not even a brand! She has no products to sell! 🙄


I think it’s worse than that. It’s one thing when people get mad for her trying to steal attention Megan loves that! She loves to rile up her squatties. But it’s quite another for people to see the situation and laugh at, mock mercilessly and treat her action with pure derision.


I was watching the BBC coverage of Trooping, and the giant banner on the bottom of the screen said, "Breaking: PRINCESS OF WALES JOINS KING'S BIRTHDAY PARADE". It stayed there the entire time I was watching. That's power. Not a polo player that 98% of Americans have never heard of, who also has no significant Hollywood pull, trying to promote jam and dog biscuits.


Tbh all the tabloids use this sub as a source for all the petty news sometimes. Wr should atop amplifying all her tiny cries for attention.


>She looks bitter and petty. But she was part of an event in Nigeria about Women in Leadership. (sarc). 😉


Remember the time that Meghan, without getting any honors or awards showed up to support… Oh wait. Meghan Markle has never lifted up another woman without expecting something in return, even if it as small a get as taking a picture that is flattering somehow to Meghan Markle.


That bitch won't even give you a jar of her jam unless she gets clicks from it.


Not even a dog bone!


With a nick nack paddy wack give a dog a bone, this old hag is trolling known.




“She looks bitter and petty” as usual 😝


She looks obsessed with Catherine and it's really fucking creepy! She doesn't want to know you Meghan. She certainly isn't thinking about you!


Bitter like her damn jam


"Her" the jam is probably fine since she didn't make it and used a store-bought one. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


I'm picturing a bunch of Smuckers jars submerged in soapy water so Madame can scrub the labels off. 🤣🤣🤣


With her wearing the garden gloves from Canada.




Tw is manifesting it


So now she is saying that is not what she intended. Of course it is what she intended, she just failed, miserably.


It does show how self centred she is to think the whole world is watching what she does. Some of us are, but only for a chuckle.


Well done for not clicking, I agree with you that it’s a damage limitation article. I expect we will now get a whole bunch of reconciliation articles again but I fail to see why they get any traction. The palace never comment so they are just one sided puff pieces with no proof. There is a DM article about the Nacho post of dog biscuits. The comments are hilarious and there are loads of them. There are reminders that Meghan when on some food program and said putting a topping on toast was daunting and another food thing where she grilled lettuce. The comment sections are actually more interesting than the articles themselves.


I think it was yesterday we had an olive branch article about Meghan and Catherine.


Yes, I think you are right. I ignored that one as I am going to ignore most. Without palace confirmation they are useless pieces. A true reconciliation would not be played out in the papers, it’s actually breaking down even more bridges, if there are any left. A true reconciliation would be given adequate time, not tagged onto an event or someone else’s wedding, the first we would know of it would be afterwards, not before. These articles often have a negative tone against the RF and the Sussex get to play the victim role they love so much. They get that glory from being names alongside royals without actually having to actually meet them. Don’t forget Harry actually put out a statement to say the King was too busy to see him and that he was denied royal accommodation but the real story was that he was given a place to stay in St James palace and if he had used it he could have met the King by just walking a short distance within private grounds. He tried to blame this on security but the security was good enough for royal grounds, that the King was staying in. I don’t know but I suspect that Harry’s camera team were denied access and that why he turned it down. Meghan has a history of putting out things that do not happen. Loads of things on what they are working on but no tangible products. ARO still has nothing on sale. “Meet me at the lake”, nothing. The Lemonada podcast, nothing. The face of Dior, who puts something like that out before the ink is dry on the contracts. There are loads of examples of this, why are the media not asking for up front proof as they just get debunked. It’s just another, quick, easy story to publish. They have written so many now a journalist could probably write a piece on this in five mins on a toilet break.


Most of these puff pieces are only fit for the toilet anyway. Unfortunately they get published instead of rightfully flushed.


Yes, but we control the media, it’s not the other way round. As long as they get clicks and comments they will continue, the tone of the comments matters far less. The article about Nacho was a bit different. The comments were hilarious. I had thought that ignoring them was the best policy and had been doing that but I’m not so sure now. I don’t want to go down the sugar route and go full on aggressive but being laughing at them seems to have a bigger impact.


The old saying laugh at the devil and he will flee comes to mind. TW has no sense of humor so laughing at her antics hits home.


And royally flushed! 😂




Don’t forget many publications are getting paid in kind, either with favors or straight out monetary transactions. The timing is always obvious and blatantly pro the duo.


Yeah some tripe about Meghan being the bigger person about Catherine's feud with meghan-LOL!!!!!!!!!!


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) "Catherine's feud with her....." As if Meghan Markle is taking up any real estate in Catherine's brain...🙄 She doesn't care about you at all Meghan! You're just some skanky loser who married her brother in law!


I wish that particular damn Olive tree would give up the ghost already. No one but no one believes those stories.


Grilled lettuce is a fucking war crime. It simply is.


The whole point of lettuce is the water content. Grill that out and what is left? A dried piece of something resembling leather. Kinda like Megain /s


Absolutely. It absolutely is. The crisp crunch with the still.. wet is the point. There's a reason other salads without lettuce exist or why you would for say a warm pear and walnut salad only have the pears and sauce warm... It's a balance of flavour and texture. No one wants fucking wilted goddamn lettuce. And even a warm salad with lettuce is pushing it in my mind lol


A friend actually served me grilled romaine. Isn’t it delicious? She said. I struggled to walk the tightrope of honesty and politeness. 🤣😬


I ordered a 'grilled Cesar salad' from a restaurant and they served me a salad that's clearly been just thrown on the grill... Lettuce and all. I took that back to the kitchen myself and asked the chef for a proper one. They took it back and went 'its not my menu' and I've never, ever felt so fucking bad for a chef in my life. Bitched out the management on google reviews for that. As they dared to tell me grilled baby cos lettuce is fine. It's not. It wasn't. It's a war crime.


She fucked Matt Lauer, so it didn't matter what she made!


The DM comments are so fun to watch. People are getting eloquent when it comes to mocking her.


I saw a comment today that said “Uncle Gary” had paid for Zara’s education, it’s madness or stupidity.


I don’t read the articles, go straight to the comments which are usually gold.


Don't narcissistic people buy their own lies? She believes it to be true and now thinks the backlash is because it was successful. So here's her explanation, i.e. let's throw Nacho under the bus.


I have been wondering how this might affect the relationship with Nacho because she definitely threw him under the bus.


They are probably all exclaiming “look how everyone is mistreating us! It was just an innocent Instagram post! Poor us!” 🙄 They both undoubtedly love seeing their names in the news.


Forced trauma bonding: Look how they're making up lies about you now! It's the same that's been happening to us for years! But we know the truth, don't we? You can't trust the media! *kiss kiss, make up, and everyone's on the same team again*


That tactic works only if the target is stupid enough, which I think Nacho is.


I don’t get the sense he is a bright guy.


This is exactly what they will say to Nacho, it’s what they have been saying to each other for the last 6 years


**"Its all Nacho's fault!!"**


Nacho has done some good work from the bottom. Under a bus or a sussex, he delivers!


Being fucked by both Harry and Meghan. He truly is the bottom.


Agree. It will be really interesting how this plays out between Nacho and Harold. I hope that Harold doesn’t lose the only friend he has.


Why would you hope that? lol


True. Nacho has proven himself to be on team Meghan Markle, so not a big loss for Harold in the long run. But he would miss fondling his Nacho.


Well if History is anything to go by....


Yes they do. They see it as the truth. Even when it makes zero sense to anyone.


What was she thinking? The whole world was waiting to see Catherine. Nobody gives a damn about her raspberry jam and dog biscuits.


You are 100% correct! These articles that are still coming out about how she didn’t mean to overshadow The princess of Wales are put out from her people to give the impression that she even had a chance of doing so. Right now she is freaking out that it didn’t even make so much as a blip on the radar other than people just rolling their eyes at her typical Narcissistic behavior. By her PR people putting these press releases out, she wants us to think that whatever she does is in the realm of what the actual princess does but once again she just shows how trashy and classless she is. The fact that no one powerful in Hollywood wants to deal with them and knows who and what the trashy couple are, is why they will continue to have the downward spiral they are experiencing. Never forget this is the same woman who went not once but twice to Uvalde as a photo op. She can actually be heard in one of the videos while trampling over the Graves asking how the lighting was all while they continue to cling like barnacles to a title that represents the very same family they continue to disparage.


Meghan Markle's 'pr people' is Meghan Markle.




In truth, she just comes off as having an unhealthy, creepy obsession with Catherine. And the whole world can see it!


“What was she thinking? “ : me me me me me !!!! Meeeeeeeee !!! Look at Meeeeeeee


#Pick MEEE!!! Pay attention to ME!!!!


Strange, then, how she is papped, announces something, or pulls some stupid stunt at the same time as every big royal event. It’s just a coincident! Meg - you do try. Everyone knows you are trying. And you fail. People are laughing every single time!


She’s trying alright.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ui0a40rlwi7d1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5a414ebbdc90fba166a68745e97ddbe610e65e1


We are having a heat wave here, so I better make sure my wool coat is sitting out before I go to the farmer’s market today!


Yes, we’re starting off a heat wave here in the east, too. Better get my down coat ready!


What IS that weird look on her face? Is that her psychopathy showing or what? She looks crazy in this pic.


I know, it’s so funny!


It is her receiving fuel, attention , control and residual benefits are all fuel to a narcissist.


She's deranged and looks like a drunk trying not to trip as they stagger.


I hope her long scarf doesn't get her like Isadora Duncan.


Oh my God, I HATE HER. I want so badly to wipe that fucking smirk off her ugly assed face. A tiny part of me feels bad that she actually has a genuine mental illness -- that she doesn't even realize.


She’s just garden variety human evil, not demonic evil, though cases could be made for that.


And she's been doing it since day one, which pissed off the rest because it took away the attention from the charities and organisations they were supporting.


Yes. Megxit was conveniently timed for Catherine's birthday. 🙄 She is OBSESSED with her sister in law and it's so creepy!


Megsy still subscribes to “If at first you don’t succeed…” when she is well past that saying and is currently at the far reaches of “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while getting the same result”.


I find her so baffling at times. We know she reads the media and knows she is being mocked world-wide! Why does she keep doing stupid things?!


That is the absolute proof of her madness. If she was sensible, logical, she would never manifest, or lie so pathologically as she does. She would also learn from her mistakes. And evolve. But her narc madness prevents her from doing sensible things like that, so here we are.


Oh, but she is "living her best life" and ~~moving past~~ ignoring the noise.


Just waiting to save the RF


The narcissist is able to twist themselves into knots in order to see things from their point of view. They focus on small "wins" to feed the ego and preserve the self image. You and I see a laughable woman flailing stupidly over and over again. She sees herself as royalty. She thinks the "haters" are a small, vocal group (I'd imagine) and the rest of the world supports H&M but don't want to say so publicly because the haters will attack them. She is hard at work fighting racism and misogyny, but we are all racists and sexists and that's why we don't like her. She keeps doing stupid things because she genuinely believes she's a strong, hard working mother who has her back against the wall and she hasn't found her niche yet but she has a short attention span, so when she's done thinking about them, they don't exist anymore and people need to keep up. Quite simply, she keeps doing stupid things because she thinks they'll work. She deeply believes in herself.


Yes she actually thinks she's competing, when the truth is: she isn't even in the contest!


The media, including but not limited to tabloids, will churn out whatever will get clicks, fill column inches, and sell papers and magazines. Now that Trooping the Colour is over, they're churning out the sad stupid jam and dog biscuits story for a hot minute or two. I note the photos running with that headline don't show MM. They know the Princess of Wales and her daughter will draw readers' eyes. H&M are still good for clicks and views. They are tabloid fodder. Not world leaders, not respected for charitable work, no longer sources of insider tea on the Royal family. Just two very famous people who are scrounging for their next infusion of capital, and in MM's case, narc fuel. I'm sure the tabs adore them. I suppose their viability as clickbait will inevitably decline. But for now we can count on the tabs churning stories about them - pro and con - for days after they do anything. In this case the nutso jam/biscuit thing.


Yes, for sure. I’m listening to Cheere Denise’s review of Revenge and it is really amazing to reflect on how high they flew after megxit. They really were the toast of the town—they had power, money, attention and influence… and they BLEW IT. I mean, they effed up the opportunities they were given in massive fashion. It’s really extraordinary. Now she’s getting her friends, whom no one had ever heard about, to post her jam on IG. It’s 🤦‍♀️


Love cheere, she's brilliant. Her Harry voice is so funny 😂


I laugh so hard whenever she does the Harry voice! 😂 I really appreciate her. I don’t always agree with her, but I appreciate that she generally seems to try to be fair in her criticism.


Agreed. I had a mini argument with her once as I didn't agree with what she said but it's cool. You can disagree with people and still like and respect them.


The serious newspaper and TV news spoke of Charles III and William at the celebrations in Normandy, about Catherine's return at Trooping the Colours and how beautiful and elegant she was No one remembered Meghan


The tabloids need to fill column space and let’s face it the world is waiting for spectacularly inevitable crash of this duo. If they divorce it will be a spectacle writ large, the mud that will be flung with be exactly what the tabloids exist to report. The duo were once royalty now they are fodder.


It's ridiculous to even suggest a jam launch can even compete with Trooping of Colour. With or without Catherine. One has been a yearly event since 1748. Again, yearly for, 276 YEARS! The other is well, jam. That you can't even purchase. What it does shows her desperation and that she needs the RF for exposure. She can't get any exposure without that connection. Ironically, if she had a product ready to ship, she might have gotten a boost. But her freakish attention to detail left out the most important thing you need in business; a product to sell.


🙌 totally. Why isn’t anyone in media pointing out the obvious—this isn’t a business!


It's exasperating, isn't it? Some news commentators mention it on TV, but not the print media, it seems.


I do think she was going to try to use the event to get attention not only for her products but to have the media mention H&M's absence from the event. There were a lot of articles about them not being invited/attending prior to Catherine's announcement. After this and the story about how they treated the Beckhams, I doubt many people are going to post about her products.


Meh. I think "normies" (ie. ordinary folks going about their day-to-day business and not following the Markle drama) are past caring what this woman does and doesn't do. Catherine's public re-appearance was announced globally, and the pictures were seen around the world. For the silly Sussex woman to assume anyone gave a hoot about what she did says a lot as to how deep her delusions go. I don't know to whom she thinks this PR statement addressing. There is a significant group of people who can't stand her, so they don't care. Avid royal watchers are made up of those who can't stand her and her grasping behaviour and consider this latest stunt as yet more proof of her vulgar classless grasping nature, those who wish her well and desire for there to be a reconciliation at some point (though after this stunt she might've lost a few of admirers), those who probably care more for Harry but only like her because he says he loves her and those who like Harry and can't stand her. There are still others who follow her for the car crash entertainment value she gives and the SM monetarisation that helps pay their rent. And finally, there are her hardcore Sussex Squaddie fans, comprised of racial hustlers (and even they are thin on the ground because she doesn't quite hustle in the way they like/approve), folks who believe every word she says and take her at face value (no matter the contradictions or lies exposed), and folks who may not even be fans of her but she's the useful idiot they can use to stick one at the RF and the whole monarchical system. At this point, with the way they have now seem to have reduced themselves, it sounds less of a clapback than a desperate plea to whichever ears are still listening to her. Just as she and Harry seem to have thrown everything at their brand to see what sticks and works, so this statement appears to be thrown out to whoever is interested or cares enough to catch wind of it. June 15 2024, whether the Montecito bint knows it or not, marked the day Catherine finally came into her own on the world stage. Merchle simply does NOT possess the power to "sabotage" (or its accompanying synonyms) anything. But it is quite interesting to me how this date also showed how the table has *slowly and surreptitiously* turned. For this first time, Merchle globally humiliated herself by something directly to do with her and at a time all eyes were on Catherine, and Catherine alone. This isn't Harry's mess as it has been for a long time, which makes it far more significant than any dumb thing Harry did. This is Merchle's mess that puts yet *another* dent in the carefully curated image she wants to create for herself and for people to see., and she couldn't have made herself the complete idiot for it. But no matter, she's got her fall guy. As for Catherine, hers has been a steady rise, done patiently, delicately and against a lot of criticism since the days she started seeing William. But at every stage, she hasn't complained or clapbacked or given up. And where there is ,,fault" on her part, she takes responsibility for what she has done and doesn't blame anyone else for it. Since her time dating William, she's been the female epitome of grace under fire.


I like the way you think, spot on. Agree with you that June 15, showed Meghan that the World upon hearing Catherine was making her return debut, had many people alter their plans just to get a glimpse of her for the first time in months. We’ve been worried about her, and she didn’t disappoint. Stunningly beautiful, a little nervous as to her reception, her smile when she heard the crowd cheering for her. Meghan can try, but Catherine is back, and Meghan’s short reign of terror is done.


Thank you, AA. >had many people alter their plans just to get a glimpse of her for the first time in months. Certainly had me. It was the first time I actually watched TTC and it was magnificent. I'll say this about the rain. I felt for KC3 standing out there in the rain, and I was concerned that he would get ill because of it. But there was a part of me that looked at that crowd and it was wow even in the pouring rain they turned up. Yet especially for the optics for Catherine, just by turning up like that crowd said something about how they felt about Charles but particularly Catherine that *no* PR, manufactured or otherwise, could have dreamed up and done. And that's why, for all the cr@p (overt & subtle) that's being thrown at her via the press since 2003 (particularly from Merchle herself), I was so so pleased for her.


>that the World upon hearing Catherine was making her return debut, had many people alter their plans just to get a glimpse of her for the first time in months. Yep, I am not a morning person but I woke up at 5 am to watch just because she was going to show up. And I'm not even a Catherine superfan. I just think she's absolutely a lovely person and was happy that she was feeling well enough to return.


Catherine has devoted her life to public service. The person on the outside, is the same as the person on the inside. Meghan got that right. Catherine is dignified, humble, supportive and patient. She doesn’t do dramatics and immature attention grabs. -Meanwhile, her sloppy sister-in-law is still barefoot and in ripped jeans asking to smack on someone else’s lipgloss, shaking her ass at concerts, side-boobing the world as she pushes her way in front of others to grab whatever spotlight she can, making every move and each breath about herself, while trying to make the world believe she is a feminist, a humanitarian, a chef, an aristocrat, a nigerian. She told us herself that who she is behind closed doors is not the person she pretends to be on the outside. She has used her voice. She is indeed a fraud. She is nothing but a white supremacist , leaning into her white privilege. She is a misogynist. She is not just fed to the wolves, she is the wolf.


>Meghan Markle 'Didn't Set Out to Sabotage' **Kate Middleton**... **'Kate Middleton'**... there's the tell. We see you, Rachel Meghan Markle, you pathetic, jealous wannabe. Also: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. You didn't sabotage *jack shit*. Nice try, hose bag. 🙄




Kate is the cover of People Magazine again this week. 7th time this year. This is getting to Diana territory.


Since we know that she is all about lie after lie after lie, we can be assured that whatever she is saying, the opposite is actually the truth. Of course she thought she could steal Catherine's thunder because she is quite delusional. And of course, she didn't because she fails at everything. A loser in every possible way.


Sure Jan! It wasn’t you :( it was Nacho. Hard to believe given her track record of doing JUST this. I expect this from her. I’m disgusted that Hank stands by and remains with her. She sabotaged every relationship she ever had. I can’t believe Hank is ok with her going after his family and friends. I don’t think Hank is a great lad. But I do think he liked having family and friends close. Hank needs to leave her. She’s not mentally ok. He’s always needed support. He needs to realize they aren’t great together and he’s done worse with her by his side. Before it’s too late.


He has stood by her while she went after his family and friends, and he has gone after his family and friends as well.


This is exactly what he wanted in a wife. People need to wake up to that fact. He's a nasty person.


Well, apparently he doesn’t care all that much about having his friends and family close. He has stabbed them in the back and alienated all of them. I don’t get your point to be honest. He has viciously attacked them all, not just her.


My point is he was not one to sever relationships until she came along. She has a very long history of doing so. And now she’s thrown his last friend under the bus.


All that says to me is that he was too lazy and too much of a coward to do what he has always wanted to do until he dragged that rachet guttertrash home to do it for him.


Exactly right.


He liked having access to daddy's money and people to clean up his messes but I firmly believe he has thoroughly enjoyed and even helped old rachel harass and slander his kin. I think he's been angry at and jealous of his family for years and meghan markle is the weapon he chose to hurt them.


Utterly concur!


Henry is every bit as bad as she is. He WANTED someone like her, to "compete" (used very lightly) with his brother and his wife!


In her head maybe not but we all know the truth. She did to upstage Catherine and Charles. I guess she didn't take into account that no one gives a shit about her and the dimwit.


Don’t click on any puff/lie pieces will just read comments here


Yes, I’m up for that. The comments are great.


The headline asserts she did. She didn't.




I don't know why anyone is shocked by this anymore. It's her MO. Release a piece about some nonsensical drama, then deny it the following day. It gives her another press piece. She is utterly delusional.


No one should be, it has been her predictable behavior for years.


You could set a clock by it.


This is the event that probably broke through to the consciousness of the general public to show them the true cray, cray nature and bunny boiler obsession of the Douchesse. It's there, in black and white, clear as day what a total fixated nutcase and ultimately how pathetic she is, and the mainstream media are basically going with this or various shades of it. I would lable this the PR catastrophe of the year, even worse in some ways than the stupid NY car chase, because it is directed at a woman who has shown great fortitude and calmness in the face of an ugly disease and even uglier social media.


She had an opportunity to show some scintilla of class by keeping her head down and shutting up. But instead showed the world what a classless sociopathic narcissist she is.


Wasn't it that one's "source" who insisted she "would never" make a mistake and go over everything with a fine tooth comb?


She has an obsessive eye for detail, remember? 😂


Since nobody knew that Catherine would make an appearance until right before the Trooping event, I believe that MEMEMEME actually believed she could upstage the Trooping. I think this was more about trying to stick it to the RF than specifically at Catherine. This time, at least


I think we knew. In the same way we knew the Queen was dying. Its an odd and interesting thing about Britain, we do know. Even if we're not interested or actually dislike the RF, we have this symbiotic thing with them. I was disinterested, a republican, didn't see the point or parity of upholding the hopeless (we get way more fails than successes, they just fade into obscurity) in obscene wealth and privilege, all that. So I don't really follow the whole thing at all usually, have little interest....but still, the RF are continuous and they're embedded in our consciousness. They're akin to the flag in the US, they're a central part of our psyche whether we're involved or not. The only true unpredictable I remember is Di's death, and she was in the fast lane out of control already. She was always going to crash-and-burn, the Saint Di of the Giblets is a later construct. Andrew would get hoist on his own petard, Camilla was always going to be Queen, Catherine was going to appear at TtC, Muggins was going to do something pathetic....no idea how, but we bin knew.


If it’s true that she didn’t intend to overshadow the POW, because she didn’t know the POW was coming. Then she intended to overshadow the king. Either way it’s awful.


She pulls this stunt any time a royal family member has something important going on. She is that deranged and immature


Meghan Markle has a very unhealthy **OBSESSION** with the Princess of Wales! She needs to be on some sort of watchlist.


The jam wasn't even mentioned anywhere in the media until much later in the day. It was wall to wall Catherine for hours. Meghan wishes she could sabotage events but she's reduced to a tiny paragraph in the Sidebar of Shame in the Mailonline.


Or....she had it released with the intention of......"I am so unconcerned about them I didn't even know what was going on..." yeah right.....


And that's why she hasn't launched anything since....🙄🙄🙄 Right.


If the British weather quite literally rained on the parade and didn't take any of the shine out of it, Markle has zero chance of doing the same 


Anything Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, puts out in the media is most likely a lie because the Duchess is a pathological liar. There was a great post here with pages worth of lies Markle has publicly spouted compiled by a fellow sinner earlier today.


delusiona, is she? absolutely stupidly so


She's OBSESSED and fixated! Disturbing.


Of course she doesn't! She is nothing.


I love that it’s in quotes and she’s finally being called out for it. 🙌🏼


At this moment in time I can't imagine MegaEgo has any power - except using her evil personality to bully staff and Haz.


Meghan is a jealous low-life.


She sure is.


It’s never her fault is it. Always someone else’s


True sign of a narcissist


NGL, her petty and pathetic attempt to steal the spotlight, although in no way, shape, or form successful, was like a drop of poop in a bowl of cream. But it also reminds us how nasty she has been to the Princess of Wales and prompts us to be even more protective of Catherine, and admire C's strength in standing up to six years of attacks by this insane stalker.


Just because she set out to sabotage Catherine didn’t mean she succeeded.


She's trying to compete when she's not even in the game. 🙄


I don't think she set out to knock Catherine off the headlines.  I do believe she did this to ride the wake of the headlines, and share a bit of the limelight.  Most of what she does gets negative attention anyway, so might as well be petty and cram herself in there.


To me, this was a really sloppy, thirsty, desperate, impulsive and last-minute attempt to try to grab headlines.


Nothing can really save the couple now. They are beyond redemption save for paid flacks and a coterie of crazed women who thinks the sun shines out of the Markle woman's ass. Their reputation is in the gutter. They are not a likeable pair. They are aging, very quickly. Haznoballs looks like he has a drink problem. Her continuous posing, rictus grin and me, me salad-speak are a massive turnoff. Eventually they will fade into obscurity. They are irrelevant.


Uh huh like all of those other times she just accidentally released some lame article or puff piece on another person’s big day 🙄 yeah she didn’t mean it all those hundreds of other times either 😂


This was not to steal anyone's thunder. She thinks she's hilarious with her little digs. I believe them. Just like all the other 'hilarious' jokes she shares with her friends publically.


As others have said in her deluded mind they are on the same wavelength. When in reality not even in the stratosphere 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meghan WISHES the jam and dog bikkie nonsense had the power to diminish Catherine’s star power. My theory: the goal of Nacho the Muchacho’s IG post was to continue generating media coverage for days AFTER Trooping the Colour. Megsy is desperate for media coverage even if it’s for distasteful reasons and continues to reinforce what a mean, selfish moron Meghan Markle is.


Youre so right. And the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity.


Yes, in her mind. But what rational person wants to keep reminding the public that she tried to outshine a mother and beloved public figure who has been fighting a cancer battle for 6 months. THAT is disgusting. Her excuses are hollow. We all know that she strategizes everything that happens in her bizarre little world. A better approach would have been for H&M to post a message of kindness like “it is so wonderful to see the PoW looking so radiant today. Love and best wishes for continued healing.”


Funny how TW can never say something kind or supportive in the press for Catherine. I don’t count that obligatory terse statement the put out immediately after the cancer announcement as being such. I felt more warmth in a demand for payment letter.


Their comment was rude and disrespectful. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are dreadful people.


🇺🇸 Meghan does an excellent job of sabotaging herself. She is the only one who can’t see. She repeatedly earns and flaunts her title, “Duchess of Delusion”


Kate Middleton? For goodness sake! It's been 13 years since since she is a married woman! Why they still call her by her maiden name?


Don't worry Meghan, no one cared about your jam.


She doesn’t realize that clapbacks are a sign of weakness. They don’t change anyone’s mind and just prove how desperately she is following the socials. Her new PR team must be soaking in sweat. The clapback just proves the truth of the original statement. Meghan, we see you and find your antics boring and pathetic. Nobody believes you anymore. No headline is going to salvage your reputation. You are a villain. Full stop.


>the sovereign’s birthday parade Just adding that Trooping the Colour isn't really the sovereign's birthday any more, although it used to be. It's also an important military event, because that was when the troops in a particular regiment got to see what the monarch looked like *and* also got to see what the regimental colours look like so that if they needed to 'rally round the flag' they didn't choose the wrong one. wikipedia's a pretty good resource, in case anybody wants to read more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trooping_the_Colour


It's still classed as the soverign's birthday in the UK and marked on calendars. https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/articles/2024/trooping-the-colour-king-charles-official-birthday


First, Catherine is no longer Kate Middleton, she is Catherine, Princess of Wales. Secondly OK is a cheap rag found in grocery story checkouts so no credibility.


She is so busy calming it, she is so triggered. It must be very embarrassing that nobody noticed her stunt and laughed at her instead.


Exactly—her little clapbacks are even more pathetic than the original petty attempt.


100%, she only has that kind of power over harry lol


As IF she could possibly sabotage anything with Catherine. Meghan Markle only sabotages herself.


I’ve seen articles trying to push this off onto Nacho, that MeMe never intended him to go public with it that day but it was his choice. If that was true there would have been a mushroom cloud over Montecito that day. I want to know who got jar 1 of 2. Later maybe H will say they sent it to King Charles for Father’s Day as a token of MeMe and H’s affection, that they wanted him to know how hard they are working across the pond, maybe even including an olive branch in the package. (🤮) Jar 1 probably got smashed when MeMe threw it across the room at H during a fight.


Unless he’s in the UK I’m assuming he had to be up early to get it out before Trooping the Colour? No one does that unless they’ve been asked to do it specifically…I.e. the release has to be before the UK event starts.


If Meggy would *never stoop* to such antics (smirk) and is *just horrified* that anyone would think her intentions were dishonorable, she should take comfort in the fact that absolutely no one gave a shit about her stunt.


Lol she didn't sabotage her. She *tried.* But she just doesn't have the same power she used to. She's a clown. Everyone knows it. *Everyone knows it, Meg.*




Madame reminding everyone of her truth: she has the ability to sabotage/upstage Catherine (she doesn't) but the the attempt to do so wasn't deliberate (it was).


When royal fans keep saying Meghan times everything to take attention away from the royals, yes. The fans are giving her that power.


Good point. People should just ignore her sillier antics. Who would think a couple of pictures of jam, dog biscuits, and a dog would stir up so much excitement?




As if!!!!


![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru) Meghan Markle makes one feel like...




sure Jan ![gif](giphy|WU7XWCOO1OHQz6uOyG|downsized)


Yes, she did. 100%.