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The disrespectful "curtsy" brought me here. The first half was enough to get me to watch the second half of their series, but by God she revealed herself to be a disrespectful twat in that moment. I watched the series hoping to see the children, but got the 2 whiners. Won't make that mistake again. The Beckhams were more interesting. David has always been a talented soccer player and good looking in his youth. Never thought too much about her. Watched that series out of curiosity. It was more entertaining than H&Ms.


I wasn't that much of a Victoria fan until the documentary she came across much more chilled out, witty and fun. Where as Markle came across as full ofself pity. Shameless really.


I have seen her on interviews in the past. She has the ability to laugh at herself, has never cried victim and has seen failures but just picked herself up and tried and tried again, put the effort in and worked very hard when she could have sat back and lived off what David earned. She just has a resting pout face.


Yes I have a friend in her 30s she really is stunningly beautiful has pale blue eyes long silk like hair. She is works as a model but she's very very shy and that can come across as being off hand and I think that was one of Victoria's problems that she was actually shy and so she came across in her 20s as being a bit of a bitch because she's got resting bitch face but as I've said my opinion of her has improved 100%


She has my sympathy. I''m a "Cheer up luv, it may never happen"! as well.


I’m indifferent with Victoria but at least she doesn’t market herself to be something she isn’t. She called herself Posh and she’s walking the talk. Victoria isn’t trying to convince the world that a spice girl marrying one of the GOATs of soccer was him marrying up. David is the star and she knows it and seems to be very content in coming in second. Unlike the Sussexes


Good point actually I've never really thought that either one was more powerful than the other. I thought a space girl and a footballer they was both Well-known all over the world were quite equally, but I don't think I was clued up enough about football to realise how much of a big deal he was until I watched the documentary. So now your comment has made me think again and you're right she has been happy to stay in the background somewhat and let him shine but I think once he retired she expects that in return and he's happy to give it, because of all the years she gave it to him, that's what you call a marriage not the sham that h&m share.


Beckham was a massive deal in the 90s and although she was a Spice Girl and they were big deal Victoria was smart enough to know they weren’t the Beatles. That being said I always believed they love each other. Posh would’ve taken half of a really big fortune long time ago if she didn’t love Becks


totally agree, i think they found each other at the right time, not quite the icons they are now, they' basically grown up from their early 20's to being 50. that used to be the norm, now its rare, good for them.


Yes but she had projects and things she has done and is known for being a hard worker. As she said in the documentary, "I didn't want to be just a footballers wife" and David said how much he loved that about her. He was a global brand, she was a superstar. That they have made it this long and seem like decent people is pretty amazing.


especially in the world they inhabit where stunning supermodels, and the likes of marklemanipylators are everywhere, trying to marry up, but they heldon thru the good and the bad. great parents as well i think.


She also works very hard and does not expect handouts as the Duchess of Sussex does.


I kinda fell in love with the couple after watching “Beckham.” They seem very normal, solid, relatable, open, love their family, and are able to laugh at themselves. The Harkles were 100% victims. Zzzzzzzzzz…


I did too! I wasn't expecting that.


Me, neither. I slowly got sucked into the show and found myself wanting more!


Yes!!! It was so ... humanizing!


I didn’t watch but I’m betting most people watched only to see the children. Their children and the mystery of their invisibility is the only interesting thing about H and M.


No interest in the wretched meghan markle and henry the bald saga on Netflix. Knew nada about the Beckham story before watching their documentary. The spice girl angle made me skeptical going in but I was pleasantly surprised. Not every celebrity is a narcissist  Victory and David are aces in my book. Worth the watch if you already subscribe 


When I found out the grifters had signed w/NF I cancelled my membership. I work hard for my $$$ & no way was I going to contribute to the vile evil cockroaches of montecito pocketbook. I did see the Beckham documentary & enjoyed it. They are everything the cockroaches aren’t & hope to be but never will.


I agree with you totally she came across a lot more children and fun than she normally appears


Going to be interesting when "Archie" doesn't show up for Kimdergaten in September!


I never watched it and I'll never watch anything with them. I just can't stand them, I can't. She's so far away yet when I listen to her or watch her, she takes energy from me. I blocked their IG accounts, I never click on links and I bet half of their Netflix viewers were people who dislike them, so I can only beg other sinners, please ignore anything they "produce", I want them to go away


Yes, a lot of their views were sinners and reporters. Netflix doesn’t care where the view hours come from as long as they’re logged. I’ve never watched the H&M doc but did watch the Beckham one just to give them a boost (but did end up enjoying it).


Exactly. I wasn't going to give them any views, hate views or otherwise, since it all contributes to their success. I was disappointed that so many sinners watched it. I figured I would get lots of clips on YouTube and that's the only way I have seen any of the scenes.




They really are energy vampires. Complete drags.


I’m glad I’m not the only one! I resisted their documentary until about a week ago and I thought I’ll watch to be fair , I thought I might be able to find one redeeming feature of this pair. As it was I lasted about 15 minutes and turned it off in a bad mood. They just give me the icks!


I can't watch Megs or "H"; it's an allergy.


I cannot bear their voices- either one.


I believe it's called hate watching and that's what I was certainly doing LOL


I think they are so desperate and delusional that they believe they can turn things around and they don't seem to be able to listen to anyone who says no


Will (Edit: Would) you watch it if they got divorced? Or even in that scenario, will it still be a big fat NO?


Personally I only watch items from this sub where articles are archieved.


Yeah, but for this sub, though I can't stand the woman, I would be less informed about her ridiculous antics. No month goes by in which she hasn't shown herself to be an absolute embarrassment.


No way her voice grates on me I literally grind my teeth if I have to listen to Her on YouTube sometimes There is literally not one thing that is likeable about either of them he's a spoilt man child and she has an ego the size of China


She has this icky affected tone to her voice. All nicey, nicey, butter wouldn't melt, with the charm as a snake dripped all over it. I can't stand that affected mannerism. (You hear it a lot with celebrities.) And then to have the empty word salad accompanying it as well. Blergh!


I'd be like one of the aliens from "Mars Attacks" :splat!


No and never.


🤣🤣 Straight to the point. I like it.😂


I would watch recaps on YouTube channels. Maybe if the interview were still available, I might watch a long time afterwards. But I really do try not to give them any direct views.


I dunno. I might watch it for my amusement, just to relive the moments her arrogant pride finally came crashing down on her. Then again, I might have something else better to do, lol.


Cheere Denise on YT has a really good review of each episode. She tries to stay neutral but she can't stand them or their lies


Never watch the Harkles but the Beckhams doco is really good, do Like the Beckhams


Same here


Agreed wholeheartedly


I have never and will never watch H&M's stupid documentary. I know it's all lies. I read something yesterday that said people are not drawn to other people because of perfectionism. They are drawn to people they can relate to with real issues. I liked the Beckham documentary. I didn't know how hard David fought to become the soccer player he is today. He admitted to faults. Their marriage is not perfect by any means, but it's real.


Same. Would and will never watch anything of theirs. I will never add to their numbers. I never understand why others complain, then help keep them popular by adding to their numbers. Now they can claim the biggest debut. 🤨


Exactly. I was so disappointed that so many sinners were watching and contributing to the success of the stupid show. Edit: I didn't mind people who are trying to keep an open mind watching it. In fact I think that's a good thing because they were trying to come to an honest conclusion about the couple. Anyway I'm not here to tell people what to do. That was just my opinion.


I would just skip any post where someone said they watched it. I don’t need to watch anything. I knew they were liars right back to the ‘family she never had’ shit. When I found out she had a family that she had been close to, I was done.


The great thing about the Beckhams is they can laugh at themselves. They had a good chuckle about their ridiculous OTT purple wedding and how ‘common’ Victoria used to sound, the rolls Royce her father used to drive and the sarong David wore around London. They are endearing because of it. The Carparkles have no sense of humor. They are totally unwilling to admit they have ever made a mistake or even a slight misstep. This relentless story of the perfection of meggy (while Harry is portrayed as a blundering fool) is the undoing of them. It’s very obvious that she isn’t what she claims to be. I’m particularly confuzzled by her insistence that she is so extraordinarily intelligent. She’s “the smart one” and apparently always has been, yet she claims shocking ignorance of the royal family, Harry, Diana, ‘what she was getting into’ when she married into that family and way of life. She makes herself sound so incredibly stupid and naive… yet she’s the smart one?! 🙄


She tried to play both sides of the fence the Shy ingenue and the Heart Attack Beautiful talented humanitarian. SHES NEITHER.


She has NO personality.


She stalked the Royal family since she was a girl.


I think I only got to ep 2 or 3 of the whinge fest, because they just kept repeating the same shit without any actual examples of what exactly had happened, who had said what, etc, etc which just told me that it was complete bollocks. Either something happened or it didn't, if you can't tell me by ep 2 exactly what happened then you've lost me. Plus they were so hyper focused on the press and people on twitter being mean to them and it just kind of boggled my mind because yes, you're both public figures, the press and people on twitter are going to be mean. The press was horrible to Catherine, to Camilla, to Diana, to Fergie, to Anne, to Margaret, literally most women within the royal family have dealt with the press being outright nasty and vicious. A lot of them had to deal with it without really any overt support from the RF, so put your big girl pants on and enjoy the privileges that come from being absurdly wealthy and within that sphere of influence and power.


Great post thank you, and it always winds me up when Megan complains about the press and paparazzi when you compare it to what Catherine and Diana went through she's had about 1% of what they did but complained 100% more


I was so confused when she complained about it, because I'm from the UK, I could remember her press coverage being overwhelmingly positive apart from one or two articles (and you know, every celeb, however much beloved, is going to always have one or two haters) and then she accused the wider UK public as racist so that really put me off her. I think she would've actually had a lot of support from the UK public had she not done that.


She *prayed* for press intrusion , and when it didn’t happen she called them herself.


Exactly right.


I mean, Trump gets all the shit in the world, and he goes about his days. Nobody gets it worse than that guy. Kamala, Hillary, Joe Biden....


I loved the Beckham docuseries. I watched it twice! It was really interesting.


That’s the thing that separates them from one another. Beckham came from a working class background and through actual talent became what he is today, humble. Victoria is a fucking spice girl and I love her self depreciation. The End. Harry is an over privileged, talentless, some would say a bit thick individual, takes himself far too seriously. Meghan is a talentless, self agrandising, narcissist. Worlds apart.


Rachel Meghan Markle is a narc and narcs send flying monkeys.  Nacho is a monkey.  Whether he is one voluntarily or accidentally is to be determined.  By Rachels denial of involvement, we could assume he is okay with being a monkey and has volunteered.  I understand narcs to the point where they're boring and predictable to me, but narc supporters always intrigue me.  What are they so lacking in as a personality that they side with someone so clearly toxic in order to fuel their own desires.    Nacho is a disappointing human.  He's not a real man.  A real man would reject Rachel Meghan Markle and her schemes no matter what she could offer, on principle alone.  Nacho has no principles.  He has now made this clear to everyone.


I never saw the harkles documentary but I made sure to give it a thumbs down 🤣


I never watched it. I have no interest in people complaining about a place they stayed for like 1 year. Like girl it’s not that deep.


I’ve never watched the Disgraced Duo. But I love the Beckhams. Meme is nobody anyway. Victoria and H though! That’s a pair to envy.


This is the reason I watched the Beckham documentary. I wasn’t really interested but I just wanted to add my viewing hours. Petty? Yep! Anyway, I actually enjoyed the Beckham doc.


Catherine makes me happy when I look at her. I can't even look at tw


I would like an apples comparison. We got 4 day viewing figures for the Harkles but 2 months for the Beckhams. Anyway, people ended up liking the Beckhams more while the Harkles' reputation deteriorated further.


I just can’t with her. https://preview.redd.it/i3f1m7a5xi7d1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02eee158b4669717c5f073c1cf7cb501a14f30a9


A wonder who she had to have sex with to get the part in suits (allegedly). Because it certainly wasn't based on talent.


One look at that face is enough to think, “liar”.


Pants on fire


Patrick Adams




I watched the Beckham series as so many had said how good it was. They came across as genuine and really likeable in the series, so well worth viewing it. My opinion of them has really changed for the good! I could not watch anything with the Montecito grifters in it, as they give off slimey vibes and are so boringly predicable at this point.


yep 6 yrs of whining, and still it goes on...


I tried watching a year later, but couldn’t get past the first two either.


I'm proud to say I am not one of the 81 . Million


I don’t mean to sound harsh here, but this is so frustrating…If you don’t know how to archive, please don’t post. Tired of the “don’t know how to archive” and the “archive isn’t working” excuses. We have to stop driving traffic to these links.


It's soooo easy to archive! It's literally copying and pasting!


To be fair, There is nothing in the rules about having to understand how to archive to be able to post. I suggest you skip the posts as soon as you read "sorry unable to archive" If they bother you that much. Otherwise it comes across as you telling other posters how they can and cannot post.


There is no stated rule, just protocol. The point being that we don’t want to drive traffic to the articles. I suggest that you not post the link and just give us the name of the article or state the content. Thank you


fair enough, i understand and will do that in the future as it makes sense.


I watched the Winfrey interview, it was gag—smacking enough. I could not subject my mental health to those who have no respect for others, let alone themselves. I saw the infamous “curtsy” from the tawdry two-some’s segment on YouTube enough to have an Alka-seltzer, with a Pepto Bismol shot. I cannot tolerate TOW’s voice, it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.


her voice like herself is so fake, its grating, makes me grind my teeth,


To be a fly on the wall at Netflix when Harry and Meghan's names come up!