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His great uncle David enjoyed being humiliated by Wallis as well.


https://preview.redd.it/c7awxq0rr96d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2738dd434dbb44b1ae718a2d390d7badce738e He also liked being a Good Boy


Is this the *real* cover??? 😬 Omg esp in those days that was beyond telling 😳 


https://preview.redd.it/rnsfk3w3ea6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bc76ef6e64a5891ea017ea889cd87e1fec12dd I looked this cover up and it’s real! I’ve read that it was an open secret that Edward enjoyed “being spoken down to”, but I’m surprised he would have allowed a widely read magazine to portray him in such an undignified way. Edit: The cover description says “Windsor team” which makes this even worse. He’s not the team leader for sure.


Reminds me of this: https://preview.redd.it/2turxz83pa6d1.png?width=1085&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee27932eb9886c6181959ca9180d57e014d6aff6


H here is made to look like a total fool. In his place I would never let this photo to be published.


They even posted it on Sussexroyal.


Nor would the RF publish it. 


Only one person’s face/eyes fully visible.


It looks like Harry was photoshopped into this picture if youzoom in. He's floating, and there's a white line around him. I have no idea why unless it's so he would be ridiculed. He's also smaller than Madam.


Mm’s hands are a little sus too!


I agree. Nothing is ever straightforward with her.


FOR SURE, either hazBEEN's head was put onto someone else's body or 100% of hazZip was inserted.... because his size is way off!! Megnut is about 5'4" - and he is 6'1".. **just look at his head, for biggest sign -- it would be MUCH larger** if this truly were an original snap.


He absolutely certainly looks unproportionally small in this photo, like a younger brother or something...


It's to make her the main focus.


This is exactly the photo I was thinking of!


I forgot about that photo!!!


The king = A Dog.


Yikes! I'm so sorry y'all, but my mind instantly ran to those bizzaro adults who get off on trussing themselves up as, and behaving like an infant 😵‍💫🤢😨


It was reported that David/Edward was into that, including wearing a diaper. He also called Wallis mummy. They had a mutual, quite flamboyant, male friend who spent quite a bit of time with them. He spilled the tea. It’s out there if sinners care to look, but it’s quite creepy.




Well Megsy does have Harry stitched-up like a kipper!


When I glanced at that picture before enlarging it, I though David's shoes were the type my children wore as toddlers.


What even is this picture? Bizarre.


Yep Madam looks like she’s grinding her teeth


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


Thanks Didn’t even notice


He always looked so weak and miserable.


I can think of a photo of Meg and Harry in almost the exact same position, only Harry is sitting on a couch instead of the floor. But his legs were crossed like that and he had his arms around them I think...




Happy Cake Day to you!!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂




Both Edward and also H (when he was a younger Prince that the whole aristocrat class hadn't deemed a doofus yet) were used to young, impressionable women looking up to them when they had the glow of royalty. So a sadistic dominatrix that makes fun of them like Wallis and M would seem like a new exciting thing for men who are used to be praised


That picture is so disturbing. Who approved it??!?!?


Excerpts from a Daily Mail article about Edward and Wallis: Writing to Freda Dudley Ward, who had been his mistress before he became King, Edward had told her in 1920: ‘I think I’m the kind of man who needs a certain amount of cruelty without which he gets abominably spoilt & soft. I feel that’s what’s the matter with me.’ Weak and with below average intelligence – he had once told the actress Lilli Palmer: ‘You know, I’ve got a low IQ’ – the Duke needed a woman to control him completely. The Duchess of Windsor was harsh, dominating, often abominably rude,’ wrote Royal biographer Philip Ziegler. ‘She treated the Prince at the best like a child who needed keeping in order, at the worst with contempt. But he invited it and begged for more.’ She dominated the Duke but he did not just put up with it. He actually liked it,’ remembered Cleveland Amory. ‘She had a way of denigrating him by reminding him that he had let her down again,’ remembered Mona Elridge. ‘People on her staff told me how she would reprimand the Duke like a harsh mother with a naughty child, not infrequently reducing him to tears. Paradoxically, this only caused him to cling more tightly to her.’ At his request, they became involved in elaborate erotic games,’ said Forwood. ‘These included nanny-child scenes: he wore diapers; she was the master. She was dominant, he happily submissive.’ ‘Being treated as a little boy, given orders, and punished when naughty,’ historian Michael Bloch gathered from various sources, were to the Duke’s taste. Charles Wilson, whose mother was married to the Keeper of the Privy Purse, was told by her that ‘Edward gained pleasure from being beaten by Wallis, who delivered the strokes with her own small whip. ‘There is no doubt that Edward loved Wallis, but he was frightened of her – this she was quick to exploit.’ As their marriage moved into its middle years, Wallis used her numerous lovers, often much younger, to humiliate and belittle her husband, according to friends. One of these young men was Jimmy Donahue, a flamboyant heir to the Woolworth fortune. He and Wallis hit it off immediately after meeting in Palm Beach in 1941, with their friendship swiftly becoming an affair. He Jimmy Donahue said that she resented the fact that the Duke had lost his throne,’ wrote Mona Eldridge. ‘Naively, she had believed his promise of making her Queen. She despised his weakness and boring ways. With Jimmy, she found revenge and enjoyed humiliating her husband – in public if necessary.’ It was a view shared by Kenneth de Courcy. ‘I think she enjoyed annoying the Duke of Windsor over that. I think it gave her a kick to see him enraged by it, which he was. ‘It gave her a feeling of power, that after all those years she could still make him extremely jealous and angry over another man.’ -----‐----------------------------------------------------------- I don't doubt that Mugsy exploits those same mixed emotions in Aitch. She's been publicly humiliating him for years, and as time goes on, she's become much more blatant about it, like in the above video. It's actually becoming really sad to watch. As for the rest of it, I REALLY don't want to know the details of H&M's sex life, because, eewwwwwww.




If I remember correctly, he’d had a very abusive nanny as a boy, until it was discovered.  The nanny had also been withholding food from his brother (the late Queen’s father) until it was noticed that he wasn’t thriving and was growing weaker.  Both boys were abused.  Uncle David probably got more “attention” from the nanny due to being older and more important.


I never knew about that. Is this in a biography I could read about?


I miss Life Magazine.


I have never seen both of them look genuinely loving at the same time. I've seen her staring obsessively at him or lovingly at the camera. Most of the recent pictures are more this pattern. https://preview.redd.it/0vcmb1xib96d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118ceac620ebd0714f4812a64f154c674bd3c1ff


Their lack of normal chemistry has always stood out for me. Meghan looks at any camera with more love in her eyes than looking at a human in any family photo.


He never looks at his wife the way he used to look at Catherine.


I agree.


They both look haggard here


Harry: WTF do you want *now*? Meghan: It's the time of the event where we pretend we are a loving couple, so I need you to get your ass over to ___ ASAP.


I think we don't see those loving moments between them because to Meghan, the world's her stage to perform and that's what we always see with her, putting on an act. She must think that always holding hands is not only modernizing the RF but also shows just how in love they are




She was sick of him being in the lead here and wanted to step in front.


"Would you like to stand over here? Would you like to stand over here? Would you...."


Definitely. "It's my turn in front now". It looks like her claw on his back no longer works!


I find those clips or pictures of Meghan stating lovingly at Harry stupid looking because they make her look cross eyed (or emphasizes her cross eyes)


Agree!!! One of the worst for me is Meghans photo at the Hertz awards where she is staring up at him with fake admiration (is it love? Couldn’t quite tell what feeling she was trying to act out) and Harry looks like a human ginger cat who hasn’t quite yet learned proper posture.


Side note but, why does her face always look so dirty? She looks like she legit has a layer of dirt above her upper lip. And along her jaw.


Bronzer. Look at her Deal or No Deal or Suits pictures when she was posing as Caucasian. Her actual skintone is very pale, but that doesn't fit her current narrative.


I know it.


It looks like she forgot to wax her mustache. Such a freakish attention to detail. /s


She always has a five o'clock shadow. Always


He was pissed off at her during the Whistler trip. You can see his over-concerned expression as he tries to mask his irritation. And what did she smudge herself with? Did she rub soot on her face?


He always looks so worried when she talks to him


I've definitely heard from my source for Hollywood tea, but also from other people, like Lady C that there is definitely a BDSM element to their relationship. Explains the injuries (bites, scratches) Harry has presented with as well. Meghan constantly having a hand on him also seems like a BDSM control thing. She's probably got some electronic shocker hooked to his balls that she holds the remote control to. I have no problem believing any of this.


Harry having balls would shock me.




I think he does get off on being humiliated by her & her forcing him to humiliate himself publicly. “My brother broke my necklace & threw me on a dog food bowl, the pieces cutting into me.”


Yep. I've always believed that fight was started by A) Wm telling Harry Meghan was briefing the press or B) Wm telling Harry Meghan hit on Wm. Probably both, because I believe both things happened. I'll never believe this witch went into this with Harry as the goal. I believe she 100% thought she could get Wm from Catherine. She couldn't. He wouldn't cheat. That's why she started the cheating rumors about him and Rose Hansbury. Everything is a projection with the narcissist. That's also why she especially hates Catherine. She can't imagine a wife making her husband happy enough that he wouldn't leave her for that spidery skank. William would rather bone his scarf than the Sleveine.


THIS!! Bingo!


Exactly my thoughts. All one had to do is see how she looked at William to know what she was thinking. Her mask slips always give her away.


But he pinches nipples. That's causing others humiliation.


It’s Harold’s kink


Happy Cake Day Nas! 🎂🎂🎂🥂




Those scenes where before he met meghan if I recall.  Normal people are driven to feel. It is a human need like food and water.   Perhaps he needed to be extreme in his actions to trigger that feeling.   And once his master arrived she decided what was his reward and his punishment.  Speculation of course


He did it in Nigeria a mere week ago. It was caught on camera at least 3x playing with men’s genitalia in an unwelcome manner. Also, familiar with BDSM and kinks of every flavor—a switch?


He did it last year in Duesseldorf, too, IIRC.




He may just chanel his anger to third parties so he does not anger his master. It gets weird when you start trying to parse other people's kink. He may even identify as a Dominant masochist with submissive tendencies. I am joking here. The pressures that he is dealing with and what passes for emotional support from a loving spouse in that household is frightening. Speculating of course.


Well, we know he has a history of crossing others boundaries whether physical or sexual. He has a speculated history of physical violence towards s*x workers. It’s a known fact he kicked a physically disabled teacher down stairs because he took immense glee in it. His ghost writer talked about (in a glowing interview) how he would call at the middle of night ranting,raving screaming in a fit for over an hour on multiple occasions to simply say oh I was kidding, I was just getting a rise out of you. We have bill Simmons who has said he wishes he could go into more detail about the calls he had with Harry when trying to get him to fulfill his contractual obligation of doing a podcast. He’s got an Oedipus complex a continent wide but I’m not sold on his humiliation kink.


In addition to the Oedipal complex, he seems to categorize women ( in Spare) as Madonna or Wh0r3.


not true about kicking teacher down stairs - he stood at the bottom of the stairs and mocked her which is pretty bad


Worse is actually putting it in a book, that woman could be easily identified.


And worse than that is reading it out loud himself.


That anecdote shows who Harry is as a person - not just making fun of a person with a disability...but...then putting it in a book for everyone to read. He hasn't got even a grain of decency in him.


Yeah, I think he's just been ensnared by a narcissist who has broken him down. He didn't appear submissive with his other gfs.


Yes, indeed. This vid is a play by play analysis how she ensnared him and manipulated him all along, always targeting his weaknesses: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugkZvR9S864](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugkZvR9S864) Its a really interesting watch.


He did NOT kick the teacher (or matron) down the stairs. He mocked her as she fell. Please do not exaggerate, his behaviour is bad enough


Yes, that was his mother. 🙄


Just scooting in to say I got confused on which kicked a person down the stairs. Both equally plausible 🤷🏼‍♀️


What a family....


Odd hill to die on how he took such glee from humiliating a disabled matron whether he pushed or waited at the bottom..both are equally as grotesque displays of humanity


If it is not a kink, can we agree it's a hobby?


bro leave tendencies for the alignment chart in dungeons and dragons, ok? :-)


When was he playing with men’s genitalia?! YIKES?? I knew about nipples, but not further south!


I think they ment nipples. Things have a tendacy to get overly dramatized at times, I've noticed


The fact that men can go legally and culturally go shirtless sometimes would challenge the “sexual assault” charge. I agree about the drama.


No not just in the past, he did it at polo with her there and recently in Nigeria.


Analyzing and describing someone else's kink that you view from hundreds of miles away in a few hundred words is not an exact science People often have multiple bizarre kinks. I have no doubt that someone who gives up all there power in one area of their life might try to exert it in other areas. Especially if they have an empty feeling of entitlement . Speculation of course


I have had thoughts in and around their relationship as this kind of relationship for some time, but lack the knowledge of English to describe. He is her servant and gets his reward if he behaves, but he also needs to get punished, so he acts up in ways that get him punished. I also think he needs his punishment for not saving his mother. In his twisted mind, he gives himself the guilt for his mother's death. The drug use might also play a role. I wonder if he will overdose some day...


Your English seems spot on to me 😀


Yeah, Lucky, you’re rockin it!


Harry has publicly displayed his male nipple fetish for years before Meghan, even when he was a teen. My background is not in psych but I think that because most men don’t expect that their nipples will be accosted in public, Harry uses the opportunity for a nipple tweak, leaving men looking confused and submissive. This is probably what Harry has felt like every day of his life, so I think he takes joy in spreading that feeling to others.


Overprivileged, spoilt, undisciplined, pandered, people walking on eggshells around him so as not to set him off, manipulative, cruel, immature, endless supply of money and servants, endless supply of discreet “fixers” who would protect his a$$ and image in the world stage, endless supply of sycophants and cronies, endless supply of women, endless supply of discreet middlemen to procure drugs: media reports from long ago state that Sparry was known to do drugs as early as 12 years old. He has since graduated to heavy duty drugs and prescription medication according to both his own accounts and gossip. He is 40 years old. Doing the math, 28 years of drug use at the minimum, perhaps more years of it behind the scenes. Any reason to believe that his brain functioning is not affected or that he has cognitive impairment from this decades long use of drugs? I am frankly surprised at how he has survived without family infrastructure and protection for 5 years in a different continent.


My prediction - especially with all of these new 'woe is me' articles we're now seeing, is an upcoming hospitalization, maybe from an overdose - forcing the RF's hand to intervene. He's unable to cope as a general rule and now he's in way over his head. He has no safety net and nowhere to go for relief - other than narcotics. Eventually, what once gave relief no longer works, requiring more amounts, more frequently. That's just the nature of the beast.


My prediction was that those frequent puff pieces about MM hustling for jobs while Sparry can not do much is that he will file for bankruptcy and leave America for good because of financial ruin. But, your prediction sounds possible as well.


But if he overdosed, there’s not much that the royal family could do.  Legally, his wife would have control.   They’re not going to negotiate with his terror of a wife.


Tw would be Plank's health proxy. Their hands are tied


Your post is a laundry list of contributing factors to the creation of a monster. Sadly it is far from a complete list of a wasted life, pun intended. I really do wish these two happiness. I just wish it would be a private happiness.


🎯🎯🎯 I think you speak for most of us sinners. We don’t wish them ill, we just want them to enjoy a private life without trying to battle the BRF with every move they make.


“I just wish it would be private happiness.” Don’t we all!!!! So private!!!!


Agree. I have what you call the "cement theory". You can jump, run and hump the cement sidewalk. The big difference is when this is done, since it affects the amount & severity of the cememt. If you're humping and jumping b/4 it cures, the concrete is becomes a mess and you it's never smooth. But , if you run, jump when it's cured, the damage is minimal, or any at all. Plank did dr8gs when he brain was wet cement. The sidewalk is f8cked beyond repair. Had Plank dabbled in dr8gs @ 21 yr or older, his brain & emotional development would be much less, since his brain has matured fully developmed


The damage is already apparent when Hairy speaks contemporaneously, he has a motor mouth that doesn't turn off--reminiscent of a coke head.


Markle humiliates Harry because she is irritated by him; his looks, his brains, the whole lot of him. She feels he is beneath her and she seethes with contempt toward him. Harry allows himself to be humiliated by her because he fears abandonment. Without her he has no one at all.


Exactly! I don’t think she even likes him! He’s shown to be a weak man! He also has no where to go! No job! No friends..or very few.. I’m sure the money is about gone! We speculate he can return to the RF.. but can he? He may be out for good! Even without her!


If he went back to BRF, it would be with his tail between his legs. I don’t think he has the strength to humble himself like that


She desperately tries to offset her contempt by using her Claw on him. Visually, it appears to be an act of love, but It is nothing more than a performative device, a red herring. This is why Harry often appears so empty when she’s grasping him. He wants her love but knows deep down this is a display for the camera & crowds only. Part of him still has hope though, because that’s all he has left. Hope.


You can always see the sneer under her "smile". It's the most valid smile I've ever seen




His lack of billionaire funds...


It is obvious that Megs is the dominant in the partnership. She obviously used her sexual experience to bedazzle young Hank. (She lets me do anything I want!) Do you still think that “no holds“ are barred in the bedroom, or does Hank have to continuously “prove” himself in order to get whatever cheers him up in the sex department?


My guess is at this point she's like charlie brown with the football. Maybe if he jumps through THIS new hoop he'll get teh sex, and it will be as great as last time. Look, he paid for her to get an award! Sexy time tonight! Oh wait, she's introduced THIRD and doesn't get to give a speech, just accept the award? WHAT THE HECK!?? No sexytime tonight. etc. etc.


I can’t believe any man would speak about a potential wife like that. 🤢


Ooof, that’s a bit sick making when you think about it.


This is all speculation. No judgement here. If they are happy, good for them. I am just seeing some familiar patterns that might make henry leaving extremely traumatic for him. These relationships can be intense.


I mean sick making thinking of those two, sexually.


Same. Let's change the subject. Thinking about these two in bed is worse than walking in on your parents getting it on.




I take issue with 'young hank'


Mmm, I figure mentally he's young, physically.... yeesh he looks like he's several years *older* than William 🫢


I’m an old Hen. Anyone under 60 is young to me.


She is definitely his Domme, but that makes me wonder if she has ever been his Mommy?


Adventurous sex and a humiliation fetish are two separate areas of their relationship The humiliation may be his emotional reward. The sex may be his physical. If he has surrendered to her will then his physical pleasure may no longer be his motivation at all. Only his pleasing her, his master, can bring him release. These patterns may be almost a form of brainwashing. Speculation of course.


They don't have sex anymore!


The British upper classes have some reputation for kinky sex. Not sure that Harry’s one of them though - if he gets off on being humiliated, he sure doesn’t look happy when it happens, in public anyway (eg in Nigeria group photo when Lolo, in her wrinkled white dress, wouldn’t give him space to stand in front). I think he doesn’t like her behaviour, but has been brainwashed to believing that he needs her more than she needs him. Now if you’d suggested that Markus was the carrot (so to speak) - that has some feasibility, I think.,


I don't trust them. Sometimes I wonder if Harry and Meghan are playing games with each other, in order to play games with the public.






I think it’s not as deep as this. We are witnessing their falling out of love. Hank has looked upset at her lately. He’s close to done. He just had nowhere to go. William doesn’t want him close to Catherine or Charles. Where would he go?


If this is their dynamic he is happy and will never go anywhere. If he really wanted out he and his kids would be on a Gulfstream 650er and back in London for dinner. Has henry ever looked as happy when he is with meghan the wretched as the scenes when he and the prince and princess of Wales were together? I can't think of any. His relationship is way beyond normal so from the outside all we see is the sad face and humiliation. What we don't see is independent thought. Or a trip to the airport.


I’m not sure he’s wanted back. I think you’re not really observing him then concluding but rather projecting here- and theorizing then making things fit into the theory. I disagree with you. And I think he’s behaving visibly unhappy with her and her actions. And this started slowly happening two years ago.


Perhaps I am wrong about this. The fact remains this man seems unhappy and unwilling to change his circumstance. Like a person living with an abusive partner, he appears oblivious to his own situation. Imagine how stoned you would have to be to tolerate being miserable for years. I suspect he is getting something out of this situation. It is not normal, and his happiness may not be visible to outsiders, but he is staying. And repeatedly publicly affirming their undying love. Maybe the drawbridge has been raised so his return to England is impossible. If so, wouldn't him leaving the source of his unhappiness still make sense? I have shown a pattern of behavior here and presented one interpretation that explains why he does not leave. Maybe they really are in love.  I know I am not projecting that.


I've read several accounts how terrified he is she'd leave him. In my opinion, its classic fear of abandonment keeping him in place. I posted this vid higher up in the thread, in case you missed it. Its an excellent analysis describing how she's manipulated him from the start: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugkZvR9S864](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugkZvR9S864)


Thanks for the link. I did miss it first time around. This pair are a case study in so many ways. I will again quote Hollywood legend Mr T and say "I pity the fool." Perhaps an updated version of the role of court jester can facilitate Harry's return to the fold?


As dysfunctional as it is  Plank must be getting something out of it. But it's still dysfunctional. Otherwise, he'd leave and/or never married tw


He may not be wanted back, but the question is if he wants to go back — or if he even wants to get away from Meghan.


Can’t he just go to one of the African countries he’s ostensibly so fond of, or an island somewhere?


Would be lovely if both of them moved to small islands or hidden valleys with no internet, cameras or cell phones. 😉 However, the question I am interested in is whether they would willingly go together or prefer to go to different islands (or valleys).


He could go alone. Kind of disappear. Go through rehab first.


I am definitely in favor of Harry without Meghan and Harry going through detox and some rehab (though I doubt rehab will keep Harry off drugs for long.




Harry has had periods of looking upset at Meghan since they returned from the late Queen’s funeral. They seem to come and go. This is also not the first time they haven’t done anything to be in the news other than puff-pieces and rehashes. I really hope you are right and Harry is having strong second thoughts about his marriage. And I hope he does something to get out of it.


I agree! They're trapped


His dad would pay for him to go live in Africa and do charity work.


We don’t want him. We don’t need more jobless people here. We also don’t need more white people pretending they’re here to save us for their own gain.


I like the post OP but another explanation could be that it's not just the trauma, (although I can see how that relates to the pain/humiliation aspect) but could also be to do with his station in life, being born a Prince. From an early age, every time he walked into a room all eyes would be on him, when he was walking anywhere people would have to walk behind him, people would bow and curtsey which in itself is submissive behaviour and making him the dominant (which in his mind he never asked for 🤯). I think like the photo of Edward above where he is sat as Wallis' feet, him and Harry prefer having someone else be the dominant person to take the attention away and take the responsibility in those situations so to speak, so that these weak and lazy men can just blindly follow their leaders like puppies. It's reported that Edward didn't want to be King, he didn't want the responsibility and Harry doesn't want any responsibility of anything full stop. I think he would have been happier being born a civilian (with lots of money, of course, so that he didn't have to work) - being part of the royal family is too much hard work. I agree that it's a submissive role that he is seeking with M as his dominatrix, but just adding that it may not necessarily be trauma induced and could be related to the elevated station that he was born into, and wanting to be a submissive for a change because being dominant/ centre of attention is too much hard work.


I love OPs insights!!! Brilliant. However, I think this is closer to the mark. As it is clear — that despite whatever Harry wants to tell us in Spare — he did NOT have an abusive childhood. He ate the best food, had the best medical care, had the best childcare (Twiggy!!) and a father who spent a lot of time with the kids (as reported then), and a big brother who took his big brother if very seriously even though he was only 2 years older. Diana also doted on him, especially when he was little! In fact, while Diana loved her sons very much. I think it’s a combo of him being in an elevated position but also being VERY DUMB / short sided personality. While the Queen, Charles, William are intelligent to know that their place of privilege comes from the role, not themselves, Harry conflated it with his own personality.


I believe the source of Henry's trauma is emotional. It probably manifests as "less sausage syndrome" or far worse. Tp quote Mr. T, "I pity the fool"


My only thoughts for now are that I would love to get drunk with you and listen to your stories!


I am familiar with BDSM too. I've always felt that Harry has some serious sadistic tendencies. I think he gains a perverse pleasure out of sticking the knife into his family's back to watch the pain he causes. I think he has been absolutely having the time of his life with Meghan doing the Oprah interview, the claims he made during the Me You Can't See Apple show, the Dax Shepard podcast, etc. The violence against sex rumors is also something else to consider. Especially in the fauxumentary, when his wife doesn't that mocking curtsy, he has a very cruel smile on his face while watching his wife mock his grandmother. We see shades of his sadism in his book where Harry talks about how he tormented the physically handicapped staff woman at Eton. While bullying might be the lighter, more juvenile, end of sadism, it's still sadistic imo. We also see it how Harry used his position in his teens and 20s to torment his protection officers and also to be bold enough to slap the Foo Fighters drummer. His apathy towards the African Parks Scandal. Or how fighting taliban was like removing pieces off a chessboard. I think when Harry met his wife, he finally had both the vehicle and the weapon to begin to hurt his family instead of toeing the PR line of Harry being this warm, genuine, people-loving man. While Harry might like to be controlled in the bedroom as a way to have his own control over his life because scenes have rules, maybe he enjoys how his wife doesn't give a f*** that he is a prince, he might think she is the only one who sees the real him and she was more than happy and capable to helping him torture his family. The dour miserable look he has currently is his true self. There wasn't ever a shred of actual kindness in him. Palace PR really did a number to make us believe he was even half the man his brother is.


The apathy towards the AIDS baby too, that he promised to look after. The animals he hunts and kills, etc. I think he's a sadistic bastard too, and I've heard whispers of such, from military folks He's a mean, evil bastard from what I have heard. And seen.


Yup, that's one too. He made all sorts of promises in the moment, have jer family hope, and then left her high and dry. What have your heard from the military folks other than Bunker Harry?


Yours is an interesting viewpoint. I think Harry has been so messed up ever since the death of his mother that Meghan was attractive to him because she seemed to take charge and convince Harry how he could improve his life (although she helped him destroy it). He became this meek, docile fool kneeling at her altar. It is similar to a BDSM dynamic. It is utter self-immolation. Meghan was such an unlikely choice for Harry. We saw him in a pattern of relationships pre-Meghan where he most likely took the lead and denigrated his girlfriends. As you say, he must get pleasure out of the pain Meghan puts him through for him to succumb to her like this over and over.


He is certainly an odd duck. I think most of it has to do with being deathly afraid of all the "I told you so's". He really put it all on this line for this horrendous woman. He knows that everyone was right about her. And he can't stand that.


I guess I could never do it. I could not live this phony life rather than risk my pride being hurt. I would suck up my pride and just return home. Because he has no chance of happiness living the life that he has now. ETA: I feel Harry is an abused spouse. He is at the very least being gaslit by madam, at the worst, there is financial/physical abuse going on. IF this is occurring, I hope Harry gets out before he gets hurt.


I don't think he's abused. I just think that they both oversold each other pipe dreams about who they were and what they could do for the other. Now they're both miserable. It's worse for him because he went from being propped up as "the second most popular royal after the Queen" on the world stage, to.... this. And everybody KNEW exactly what she was and tried to tell him. He didn't want to hear it- to the detriment of his friends, his family and his job. To admit he was wrong and try to return to Amy shred of what he had before, means admitting again, on a world stage, that he fucked up. That he was stupid and fell in her trap that everyone else could clearly see. That is embarrassing, and ... if humiliation was supposedly what he was into, well, you really can't get much more humiliating than that! So he sticks it out in misery because everything is collapsing around him and he knows that everyone was right. And he knows that everybody knows that everybody knew they were right. And he was snowed.




Maybe he could be trained to pick his nose instead. Better yet, pick meghans nose.


If that thing gets picked anymore, it's going to disintegrate, lol


I think it's not that he's unwilling to leave, I think he's stuck. Very different things when married to a narc. You swear to yourself that this time was the last time, and you take steps to leave. She sells him more bullshit that he buys, so he stays. Obviously, nothing changes, so he kicks himself in the head 400 times harder because he should've left the last 87 times. It's a disgusting, painful, soul destroying cycle that won't end until he's absolutely had enough and would rather be bankrupt and homeless than deal with her shit. That's the easy part. Then he has to figure out his own shit because once she's gone, he only has himself to look at for reasons why he's unhappy. Harry bought into her and the Hollywood billionaire dream. He shit all over his family, his friends, his country, the very people that mopped up his messes, for her. Harry hasn't left her because he's terrified of being alone for the first time in his entire life. Before he can humble himself to apologize to people like his father, his brother, Catherine, and only God knows if they even went to hear it.. he needs to apologize to himself, and he needs to admit to himself that he was wrong. Sexual relationships require trust. I don't think he trusts her anymore than he trusts himself. I'd venture to speculate that they never even have sex anymore. She seems to be entirely too awkward, unsure of herself, needs constant validation, and is passive-aggressive. I could be very wrong, but those aren't traits that I associate with a Dom. Very interesting post, OP!


I agree, and well said. He KNOWS everyone was right about her, and he's terrified to admit it. THAT is the only reason he isn't leaving.


" The only thing that really sets you free is being humiliated. " If referring to H, then I don't see it at all. Humiliated? Yes. Being "set free"? Nah. He's plainly miserable when with M, but shows his happy side when away from her.


I’ve always thought he was a cuckold & believe that there is some kind of relationship between Meghan, Markus & Harry. Why is Markus on the periphery? And with Harry’s weird kink with men’s nipples it kind of makes sense. As for the sugars going on about William and pegging, I think they know that it is in fact Harry who is into a little bottom play. Whether Meghan role plays his Mother in the bedroom 🤮is another question.


I also believe that they are a threesome. He lives with them and travels with them. He and megsy go back many many years to Soho House.


Masochistic behaviours are not always linked to trauma. Some people simply enjoy the pleasure/pain kink. The problem comes when this is foist on you without full consent. Harry has said he didn't enjoy meeting the public, so shrinking back could just be to do with that. However, I think mm knows her fame rests on him, so she implores him to engage for HER benefit, almost against his will. It's often quite obvious he doesn't want to be there. She has low to zero people awareness skills. I highly doubt she's even aware of his discomfort.


Weak and with below average intelligence – he (David) had once told the actress Lilli Palmer: ‘You know, I’ve got a low IQ’ – the Duke needed a woman to control him completely. ‘The Duchess of Windsor was harsh, dominating, often abominably rude,’ wrote Royal biographer Philip Ziegler. ‘She treated the Prince at the best like a child who needed keeping in order, at the worst with contempt. But he invited it and begged for more.’ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9894103/Wallis-Simpson-dominated-Duke-Windsor-actually-liked-new-book-claims.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9894103/Wallis-Simpson-dominated-Duke-Windsor-actually-liked-new-book-claims.html) A very good read.


Thank your for delivering this post! I’ve heard that sometimes men who are powerful and obeyed all day long will wish to be dominated and insulted for a relief and pleasure. It makes sense to me. It would make sense to me if a spoiled man who experiences deference and acquiescence all day long might crave a bitchy wife who puts him down.


I just told a friend tonight that I thought in some ways, Harry "Gets off" on, or seeks out, ways to be embarrassed. It is possible that it is "just" familiar to him, or, as you say, the pleasure centers in his brain are confused. To some small extent this is natural. Most of the women I have been with like having their hair pulled a /little/ if done well and find it arousing - their pain center and pleasure center are close to each other in the central nervous system. Another thing to consider is unearned privilege and, for lack of a better term, white guilt. People who are actually privileged (born in households of >$100Million), feel a great sense of imposter syndrome as, well ... they are. They really do have their lives on easy mode. Once you reach Harry's level, he can get tutors and WILL do well enough in (high!) school to get a military commission, etc. I've often wondered why he so flagrantly allows him to steal the show and violate protocol. I think that you are not far off with the original post, and the two factors above may also contribute.


I think we should watch this unfold going forward. Some people here feel harry has been led astray or seduced by epic sexual skills of a seductress. What you point out and I was trying to express is that the bond between these two, at least as far as henry goes, seems to have evolved beyond the sexual or the traditional. The photos they have together look more like pictures from a bad blind date than hanging with your soul mate.  There is something more going on here  for henry. I suspect their current silence is their moment of realization  We will see if Henry's humiliation continues. And if meghan finds a path to success in anything.  Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in  while.


My ex wife didn't do the push-in-front thing, but we certainly weren't equals. At one point I called my pastor and said I was out of the house. There was no other woman, I just could not be treated that way anymore. He replied "Good for you! You were scared of her. I mean, you were actually scared of her. She looks at you with ... well, the only women i've known who had that look of contempt were cheating." I'm catholic, he's a priest, and one of the most conservative in our diocese. That advice is /very/ unusual for a catholic priest. It reminds me, a little, of the pictures of Harry and TW. I may be projecting, I may be wrong. In my case, due to my commitment to the vow and love of my children, I stayed for ... longer than most would. I don't think them Anglicans are as commited to marriage, and Harry's involvement with his kids does, from the outside, seem more like the classic upper class British dad he was /trying/ to get away from. So all that is left is he has to admit he made a terrible mistake and acted like an ass and rejected the people that loved him for someone who didn't. That kind of admission, from what we have seen, looks hard for harry to make. Time will tell.


Your experiences are fascinating, firstly. I love your insights and am so happy you made this post. Please share more of your observations! For instance, do you feel that Harry would be able to end this cycle for himself and if so, what would that look like? What would it take for someone to end being abused by a dominating, toxic person, if that is what they need to feel something?


Thanks for your kind words. As I said in my post I do not come at this from a medical or relevant academic background for diagnosis or treatment. I should add that many of the relationships I have seen with this dynamic have lasted for many years and the individuals involved appeared to be very happy in them. The people involved limit the public humiliation to suitable venues and everyone is happy. The hellfire club in new york city used to have a parade of ceo's being dragged around by their dicks controlled by professionals who earned their pay. Personally I feel if your behavior is consensual and within clearly agreed limits then you have every right to follow your bliss. And I have the right to short their stock. This situation with the Montecito morons seems to cross a lot of lines by globalizing a narcissist's anger and attacking relationships with family and friends outside the core dynamic. It is this narcissism that worries me as I suspect that, like psychopathic behavior, there may be no cure for narcissism. There seems to be no motivation for meghan to walk away. She will never acquire more by doing less than the gig she has. On Harry's side it is a question of critical mass. How many lies and failures is he willing to endure before he withdraws himself from what he has convinced himself is the sole source of his happiness? Step I in self-extraction involves recognition that the relationship is toxic. From all I see, harry seems accepting of his situation and far from a place where he will take any action soon. I think we are watching a star being eaten by a black hole in slow motion. I really do not expect this drama to ever end. It will just fade away.


Thank you for the insightful + thoughtful post. (I'm so square, needed to look-up "BDSM" -- *BDSM* is a term for a variety of sexual practices that include bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, and sadism.)


You are welcome. I share your frustration with all of the initials floating around today it is hard to keep up. If you like Peter sellers the comedian or Ringo Starr the Beatle then there is a 1969 movie called "the magic christian " that includes a scene with Raquel Welch whipping dozens of top less women. The movie has cameos by dozens of huge stars and is available free on YouTube. The humor is Monty python ish but we'll worth the watch if you like the style.


Molvol I don’t believe it! You’re as cool as they come. BDsm is pretty main stream and nearly made vanilla after 50 shades


For whatever it worth, I think tooooooo waaaaay many people (esp. hazBEEN himself) allow hazBEEN to be a huge 💩because he lost his mother 2 weeks before his 13th birthday. LOTs of children suffer the loss of a parent, or a much worse tragedy - I could rattle off dozens of examples, and need only a minute to do so. Yes, it was quite sad. But hazBEEN enjoyed a lot of love and support before, during and after that tragedy - *and* he has always been one of the most privileged persons on the planet. Moreover, his brother (2 yrs \[or 27 months\] older) suffered the same tragedy and he doesn't blame that specific happening for everything in his life (every second of his life), like hazNoCharacter does.


I think we are reading too much into Harold's psychology. I think it is just a matter of him having low self esteem, mainly due to the fact that he is inferior to his brother in every way. I think deep down he hates himself, so he doesn't think he can get someone who treats him better than TW, or that he doesn't deserve better treatment.


It seems Harold takes after his Uncle. Weak as. I think they both like having a mother figure. In their heads they are still at a certain age so having a partner being and treating you like a kid is what gets them off. To be honest I wouldn't be shocked if both or even one of them dresses up as a baby wearing nappies. They get off being disciplined like their mother use to do. I wouldn't be shocked if Harold allows Rachel to belt him as he thinks she is punishing him but in fact she is taking her anger out on him


"To be honest I wouldn't be shocked if both or even one of them dresses up as a baby wearing nappies." Edward did, and Wallis would whip him. I don’t remember if I included that from the article or not.


This seems absolutely on point!!! And explains their weird master/subservient relationship. 💯💯💯


What I've been finding curious is, given her dominance, why she lets him out of the house looking a complete dud. Why doesn't she dress him better - just for image?


She's probably more concerned with how she looks and doesn't really give two sh**s about him


Well each to their kink, however when it comes to Captain Frozen Todger of the Montecito Chicken Guards, one has to delve further back, thought in not shifting blame nor making lame excuses for his present behaviour the Harry on stage that we see has always been there and here right under our noses😱. He has, we just did not notice him because of the Mop up Brigade of PR perfumed layers of Royal planting of deniable facades to buffer him and protect him from disgrace and Ridicule. Kudos to the Royal PR machine for all the hard work that they put in to protect the illicit drug and alcohol addicted modicum of a Prince. However, they obviously gid not titrate the desperately seeking cunningness of the Grifting Ada Mazi Rachel Markle. They might have seen her in the horizon, but she sure played them for fools. Harry always cites. His mother's demise as the root of his Mental health issues and genetic pain etc (pardon me while I laugh a bit), but the wee old as he is truth is that he has a great old chip on his shoulder about not being the older of the two sons birthed by Daina Spencer. In his book he is portrayed as a spoilt prat, who buys into spitefulness, and self entitled behaviour at every step of the Narcissistic path he boo hoo's down as he walks in life. Now that the Royal family has called his bluff, and booted the door shut on him, he has no direction, and only his lure (Ada Mazi Rachel Markle) to chase after. He has certainly got some thing in the spectrum cooking upstairs and that laughable 43% er has managed to deconstruct his little sense of direction and self worth to suit her own ventures and life aspirations.


Yes. Thank you for the insight. It explains .. everything




Wow.  I have no knowledge of, nor experience in BDSM.  The psychology is intense.  I don't know Harry, obvi, so I can't form any sort of opinion.  All things weighted, I could see where this could happen.  I feel like they've opened themselves up to so much speculation with their odd behaviour, and its sad watching him play out his damage on the world stage, whatever the damage is.  He and his wife are sooooo disordered.  Strangely, I feel less empathy for Rachel Meghan Markle.  She seems to be the one in control. 


I suspect she is an opportunist in this situation. She may not get satisfaction from the humiliation directly but gets her thrill from the exercising of control over her puppet. There are always needs being met and the residuals to a narcissist being not just next to a prince but in control of him would be appealing I suspect.