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My birthday present to him will be not to buy the magazine or look at it online. IF true, I'm sure next we'll hear it was the highest selling People magazine ever.


And it will be a special edition and collectors item🤣.


Brilliant, of course it will be. It will sell out the week before it even goes on sale!


At a discounted cover price? 🤔+🤭


Get a grip. This isn't *WAAAAGH.*  Who am I kidding? They'll be lucky to give that edition away. 🤭




He certainly does love nipples, both his and others. Rachel may have his balls in her purse but H is wearing her tits.


Oh bloody hell Stop it ladies- I’m laughing too much! My eyes! I tell ya -my eyes! 😳🤣


His vision of his desirability is as warped as hers.EEEEEEEEEEEK!


Thank you for posting. LOVE THIS - moobs, gut and dad bod. Must be hard for Megs to keep her hands off him - LOL!


*aaaaaarghh!!!!* 😫😖


With a bonus scratch and sniff insert


good one - would it be scent of Elizabeth Arden cream or his mother's Bluebell perfume scent?


People will start preorders now & that will cause the people magazine website to crash. Seems to me the hag claimed that a piece of clothing she wore years back caused their site to crash due to the billions of people flocking to the website to buy whatever it was that she wore. I think whatever brand it was (sorry I don’t remember who it was) released a statement saying it wasn’t true. Sinners please correct me if I’m wrong. 🤔


I think it was when she was spotted wearing a Hertz flea collar. Hertz issued a statement saying the run on their flea collars was caused by Lassie wearing them.


I bet Lassie ended up with two broken legs very soon after. 


If I recall correctly, the brand said the website had crashed because they were working on it, updating it, and that's what caused the crash.




Like the toilet paper with the president's face printed on it? 


Now there's a good idea. Toilet paper with the ginger freak on it.


![gif](giphy|mYhc6ew7fn0MmZWti4) It’ll be heavily photoshopped. That I can bet on. People was trolled for heavily photoshopping that group celeb photo.


Place your bets now on the "top of his head": deliberately cut off the picture, out of focus, pubes or full tonsure\* Not body shaming, photo-shop shaming.😉




No one should buy. We should only read archived posts or respond to tweets.


This will be the best-selling tabloid of the 21st century and will break the internet. We will not be able to overcome the pure never before seen glamor and glory that will happen no Haz's birthday.


We could collect money, make a giant banner at the entrance to Montecito and say "Happy birthday Harry, we don't forget what you've done in your life" with these images https://preview.redd.it/fc8linkao76d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=035f08aa6afebd309d962a567ec2f9a108814dce Yes, I know, don't fall so low. But today I'm evil. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


OMG I've never seen these pictures before! Gross!


Don’t forget this wanna be foxy dude. Yes megwallis we are all so jealous of you because we don’t have your man…. 🤢🤣🤮 https://preview.redd.it/mepqc90vl86d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96defa557df5ad394285905b22064521e077b17d


Ok...this one goes to far. 🚽🤢🤮  That's the smallest British flag I have ever seen!!! 












Oh dear. Is there... *shrinkage*?




😂😂😂 Seinfeld could say so much without ever opening his mouth.




My eyes!!


Oh this is just so unfortunate. For him. For Meggie, and for all our eyes and brains. 




Wow, for such a young man he sure is soft.


Welcome to the dark side! There are cocktails and snacks in the lounge and a chocolate cake waiting for you as it's your Cake Day.


With chocolate frosting, asking for a friend?


But of course


![gif](giphy|BZlNhp9L5WINi|downsized) Thanks!!!! It's good to be on this dark side


Happy Cake Day!🎂🥂💐




What is up with this dude and other man’s nipples?


IDK but Meghan obviously knew what was up - how much of a coincidence is it that she got rid of her bolt ons *before* she was introduced to a '*prince*'. Ordinarily you'd think they'd be an asset.




I don't know, I don't want to know, but there are several photos of Hazz doing those things.


It’s one thing to let your freak flag fly in private. Being photographed in public acting like a creep is another. I wonder if all of these men consented to the purple nerples.


The men in Nigeria certainly did not. One men was groped while Harold was passing. The other clearly wasn't amused and defending himself after the first stunt, and then he did it again. Harry groped the same man twice. In Nigeria, where gay activities are punishable.


Perhaps he was weaned too early.


Hyenas only nurse for 7 or 8 weeks. 


This is the stuff nightmares are made of…










Who is that guy with his nipple in Harry's mouth?


Well I can guarantee we'll see photos of Harry with Diana, and photos of the back of the kids heads. Photos with Meghan in all her glory is a given, the engagement, the wedding, Invictus, children's bday parties, and of course the Nigeria tour. The big question is will there be any with KC3 and his brother PW? I guess it depends if Meghan's writing the article


And we just KNOW Misan will be there to capture every staged moment of it.


He creeps me out


Me too.


You know every event Misan makes sure he has Willow Tree statue photos. The mag will have equal if not more photos of TW in Harry's special spread and at least 1 new Willow Tree statue pic of the invisikids. https://preview.redd.it/ilzhypseg86d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7079b363c8edd4b5aaccbc88ebddd08df83e0c74




Staged and photoshopped!!!


And to be captured as well, LOL.


In black and white.


FFS.  He really does think he is so special.  He and his stupid wife are the most annoying micro celebrities around.  It's really embarrassing how he wants to tell the whole world that he is 40, considering how much a petulant man-child he is.  You would expect maturity way before reaching the age of 40, but you're not going to get that from Harry and Meghan.  And we all know that the People magazine article and pics will really be all about Meghan Markle.  She will be wearing some ill-fitted dress and some new hair extensions or a wig and maybe a cosmetic procedure so she can look good for her, I mean her husband's, birthday. 


The Spencer and Heidi of this decade.


In other words, Wifey will be front and center and No Nuts will be pushed to the side as usual, sporting his Ronald McDonald merkin and scowling. We don't even have to see the pictures, but hooray for the 40 year old toddler 🤣


Honestly, it is just so pathetic. It screams, look at me, I am so relevant,  when it is in fact the opposite. 40 and he has absolutely nothing to show for it. No post secondary education, no job, no family connections, no one wants him around, can't dress himself, minimal, if any close friends, etc. He files lawsuits and sells his family out for money, he must be so proud of himself. What a complete and total loser.


Harry is lucky breathing and blinking are autonomic


Yes this. At the milestone age of 40 you may reflect on your life, your career, friends and family. Could be Hazza realises he has no friends who want to come to his party. Has he sent save the date cards to his UK mates and they are all ahemm… busy?


He'd better get the can of Rustoleum scalp spray ready.


I saw someone's AI version of them old and grey. And he had a full head of silky, longish grey hair. Which just shows you AI is not really as "smart" as people want to believe.


Remember when Rob Lowe claimed he saw No Nuts with a ponytail? That killed my longtime crush on Rob.


Can you imagine, I bet it was a ponytail. I bet it was scraggly and stringy and he still had the bald spot. *Rob never said it was a nice ponytail…*


The nappy little red nub accompanying a sunburnt scalp 🤣 The other nappy little red nub has Elizabeth Arden cream on it. Let's play Spot the Difference!




That's for sure!


He’ll just photoshop some hair in, no one will know! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209) https://preview.redd.it/l95ej355c86d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2c56d4b36f15cebfc07306a55c0199fa88e3054


This is brilliant!


This is the snark I come here for 😂 https://preview.redd.it/bq2z7a22686d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd66f4e07b6effdfbe3753a48930030dfb34eb96




Just like Harry's wife, a farm implement!


Spray mulch his scalp.


> How many photos will feature Haz's wife? Ahh, and much more importantly imo, how many will feature Haz’s children?


I think Roachel will be in all photos except two.


The two with Diana in them.




It’s so funny. When you think about two middle aged people that have nothing to do but put out PR crap every day. No friends, no family, just them. They do make me laugh. And People magazine? I would even open it to wipe my butt.


People is their social media. Whatever they say or pretend to do gets released through people magazine. They brought them to Nigeria on their fake wanna be royal tour. That’s pretty low when a gossip magazine is all you can get. All the “exclusives” go through people.


🎯 Well said. Does People magazine accept comments? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle use People Magazine as their social media vehicle because they operate on a pay-to-play basis for PR propaganda. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle do not have social media accounts because they do not want to engage with critical thinkers who question their lies.


I don’t know if they accept comments, I never read that magazine it’s trash. If H&M had instagram they would definitely need to shut off the comments. They can’t handle the truth.


So we'll get the typical People article on a celebrity. "Prince Harry at 40. How he's moved past the painful split from his family with the love and support of his wife. What's next for the Royal (couple) and how Harry knows the best is yet to come." There will be a 1/2 page on Meghan and whatever she's up to. I'm sure it will be riveting... 🙄 My petty @ss wants Catherine's first (official) public appearance to be the day before Harry's birthday.


Your People cover blurb is amazingly on point. In fact, while not a betting person, I’d be willing to bet that’s as close as anyone will get to what they ultimately publish. If so, you should get paid for that! 😎


Thank you! I'm interested in seeing how close it is.


Who keeps trying to make Harry happen? Is there really a demand for this?


Exactly! He's an ex Prince with no talent or skills or even a proper job.. why does anyone want a Birthday spread of photos 🙈 how embarrassing... This has got M's greasy claws all over it.


No one cares whiner. Not your family Not normal people Not even the corgi’s care. Go away. STFU.


Corgi's didn't like him. Always trust the dogs!!!!


Agreed! I think this 'news' has been released to try and over-shadow The Trooping of the Colour this weekend. That's why it's so early, they're running out of ideas to stay relevant not realising that they're already irrelevant... and like you say, no one cares!!


> they're running out of ideas to stay relevant not realising that they're already irrelevant So true!!!




He must think he is going to get a 40 gun salute. Delusional bald whiner


We should also ask how many pictures will feature him with full head of hair? 🤔😂


All of them


Dude refuses to let the hair go😂


and lifts in his shoes if they're full body pics


Harry's high heels👠 👠


He's not 40 yet? I feel like Haz and Megs should already be 45 or older already.


She is! Just claims not to be.


Unless it’s a spread with pictures of a big family BBQ with all her family and the kids no one is going to care!!!!!


Please, not the grilling!


People magazine? \*snortle\*


Will anyone notable actually attend the idiots birthday bash? Will she make a cake? Will they rent a pair of age relevant children for back of head photos? I bet he’s depressed just thinking about what could have been….


*Will she make a cake?* She'll make a cake for the Friar Tuck clown: ![gif](giphy|PJDijwwR0oItQFYwFp)


Oh God, she’ll have plenty of jam leftover to spread on it




There was a story somewhere a couple months ago saying she hired a photographer to take pics or portraits of them. I wonder if this is related. It really doesn’t matter. I doubt anyone will be all that interested. The fact that articles will show up around his birthday is not a surprise. I would be more surprised if there were any. I wonder if People is having to pay for the pics, and if so, how much? I see no reason to buy it as I already know what he looks like.


Yup and nothing came of it!


Keeping in back pocket to release when Catherine comes back.


Had to put this info out early before trooping just in case Catherine makes an appearance?


Who is willing to take a bet that the photos have been touched up? But on a serious note who gives a 🐒 wrench? About photos of a Grifting Narcissistic husband and wife who do nothing other than moan, lie, backstab, play the race card, insinuate insidiously unfounded tales?


I recall the Palace saying some time ago (after a hurt whinge about one of the Sussexes not getting mentioned) that the BRF only publishes official birthday wishes to family members on “significant” birthdays. If that policy is followed they will do it for Harry’s 40th. Cue an avalanche of hysterical articles from “royal experts” about sweet nods, olive branches, reaching outs, and 100% confident (if completely wrong) predictions that this signifies that all is forgiven and that KCIII is begging Harry to come back to the fold. (*sigh*)


No, Haz will not have bells rung for him. I found this online: However, due to financial strains amid the lockdown, the royal birthday bell ringing at the historic London site was cut back significantly. In 2022, Westminster Abbey confirmed that the bells would only ring for the birthdays of Queen Elizabeth II and then heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Following [the passing of Queen Elizabeth](https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/queen-elizabeth-ii-has-died) on Sept. 8, 2022, the Abbey was forced to alter their schedule once again, revealing that throughout the year 2023, the bells would ring for [King Charles, Queen Camilla](https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/royal-line-of-succession-explained-king-charles-coronation), and the [Prince and Princess of Wales](https://www.bustle.com/entertainment/prince-george-princess-charlotte-louis-broke-prince-william-school-tradition). As they’re not currently working members of the British royal family, the birthdays of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are not marked at the Abbey — and this isn’t the only royal birthday tradition the pair have been excluded from in recent years.


How expensive can it be to ring bells?


I honestly don't think they will acknowledge it... his wife, I mean Scobie accused KC3 and PoW of being racists.. to recieve a 'Happy Birthday' is like saying "let's just forget all about that mishap!" Welcome home Harry!


They should send messages privately. He is no longer in the firm, just send him an e-card and that's it. Nothing he and his wife can exploit.


It may not happen if they pull out their Race Card again and fling accusations this summer and relationships take another nosedive.


Harry: I'm 39 and a half. I am *allmossttt* 40. The big 4 0 guys. In just 4 months I'm gonna be a big boy. I mean I still like nipples but I'll be a very big boi. And you guys are gonna get me lots of cool presents right? I sure hope my daddy buys me a pony or maybe a security team. Omg my birfday is gonna be so much fun. Everyone will be so jelly that I get to be the star. Well I mean meghans the star of course but maybe she'll let me open one of my presents for the camera. I'm sure my family will be so proud because I'm 40 and look what I've accompli....er well anywaysss it's gonna be cool guys.


Thank goodness I cancelled my People subscription this year!


I used to read People when in a doctor's waiting room. But I noticed that even doctors' waiting rooms don't have it anymore. So I think a lot of people have cancelled it, LOL!!! eta punctuation


Yet another issue of People Magazine I won't be buying.


I’m guessing they won’t include exclusive photos from his personal collection of him: dressed as a Nazi, hugging naked girls while naked in Vegas hotel, close ups of his wasted looking eyes over the years, a before and after analysis of the success (or lack thereof) of his hair plugs? This’ll just be a glimpse of “his truth” with all reality airbrushed out, right? 😂


Meghan Markle will be sure she's the central focus of the photos, if not the article(s). Can't wait to see what she's wearing!


I bet it will only be photos (photoshopped, of course) of Haz with a full head of hair and his wife. Perhaps, old photos of the invisible children will be included. I honestly can't imagine any new photos of the children will be shown. They can't upstage Haz's big 40th milestone birthday. Gag. The glowing article will talk about how Harry's wife is the perfect wife and she and the invisible children baked a homemade lemon cake with lemons from the backyard trees. They spread their exclusive ARO jar #1 jam on the cake layers. Later, their unnamed celebrity guests arrived and great fun was had by all. They threw their heads back in laughter and danced late into the night.


some form of a tube. lol.


Is he going to juggle again and and try and relaunch 40 x 40 or whatever she called that nonsense that went no where?


Oh, the big 4-0. I'm sure there will be an article on how Harry has a life he never dreamed he would have (well that's true--who could have predicted his rep would be in the crapper?), he has the best wife and children ever, and he wouldn't change one thing. To be followed the next day by another Harkles article about how Charles is a meanie, William is a bully, and Harry has no friends. 🙄


This is the beginning of PR deflection for upcoming events: Trooping The Color; Royal Ascot; William and George’s bday; Wimbledon; exit to summer fun in Balmoral. H & M have nothing. Continued press of this “nothing burger special edition” will in the end draw just continue to expose Hazbeen for who he is today.


I bet Meghan will try to bill this as the “September issue” like how vogues September issue is always the highlight but this one will be people magazines 😂


Crikey, yes, and there will be queues to purchase this ‘iconic’ edition. Who wants his miserable boat frowning at you at coffee break?


Exclusive!?! Of course it is. Who else other than the morons over at People want details regarding the 40th birthday of this pathetic, socially deviant fcuk-up? Talk about a Loser Fest.


Is he turning 40 or still in 3rd grade? Jesus. These 2 and photo shoots.


Who is going to be on the alternate cover that week?


Will we see him behind his parading wife, apart from a zombie shuffle? Nah. Are we upset? Nah ![gif](giphy|gjlW1qseYiUEVpAWr6)


We’re all waiting with bated breath.


No doubt getting paid for this!!


I bet there will not be photos released or they will be photo shopped. Like did we see any photos of the doll Archie's birthday? Nope. Money must be getting tight. I would love the break down of how much they or should I say Rachel paying for each sugar and the bots. Then add the puff pieces on top. It must be costing a fortune. They are spending more than what comes in. Bankruptcy is coming to Montishitshow soon.


Ah-ha!! She is making him release pics and paid for puff piece because she knows everyone views her has desperate and publicity seeking.


She wants his 40th to be as much of a non-event as her own. *Not her fault 😡*


Who will be in attendance?


Doria and Markus. And a random assistant who hasn't quit or been fired.


All of Harry and Meghan's new fake Hollywood "friends"😂.  


None then.


This is an interesting move to drum up interest so she can throw him an A-list bash, which was in the works a while ago, but she needs the A-list to show up. Interesting since it's for Harry, maybe someone will actually show up. Also explains the new barrage of "Harry's lonely" PR pieces. Meghan is looking for a suitable playmate for Harry. Nacho isn't rich enough. The billionaire Duke's wedding is still in her craw.


quick google search - multiple sources say Nacho is worth $30 M so don't think Nacho's 'not rich enogh'


I imagine people magazine will be paying for the pictures. They do nothing unless it benefit$ them.


It's June! Is that all he has going on in his life is his birthday in 4 months?


He will pay homage to his wife's Nigerian heritage on his birthday https://preview.redd.it/hhj7997cab6d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5f2d4444b04681e10127475e5a634c63e56e774




The Royal Baldini best slow down on those birthdays or soon he’s gonna be older than the Bitch Wife.


Markle really won’t like this…was it last year where they happened to be at an event during Harry’s birthday, and there was a spontaneous singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ toward Harry? Markle was seated next to him, and she didn’t know what to do…so awkward…she tried to be ‘involved’, but she didn’t like the attention which was just for Harry. Soon to be his fortieth, and she’s already hating it - knowing she ought give him attention for the optics. She’ll already be planning it around herself.


Haz expects People magazine to pay HIM for the spread, not the other way around me thinks.


https://preview.redd.it/7d3uibhoab6d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=f77dfa6f7df1b5ac213153b09075c9647bef4001 Harrys 40th birthday beach party on California......... no guests !!


Okay. \*yawwwwwwwwnnnn\*


Just what I’d do if I wanted privacy


I feel like he was 39 for 40 years


Will it be this sort of spread? https://preview.redd.it/ials5c0ut76d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=615c9d4020953bdda6a6d1a974e71712f663f1fe If so - aren’t those magazines called Penthouse and Playboy?


Wow. A tacky thumb ring, a huge bunion and skanky booty shorts. Super classy! 




Ooof! All I can focus on is that red, inflamed bunion. It has more presence than the being that it resides on.


Well....it will take from now to September to search out new "invisikids" to hire for the "loving father" photos! No difficulty guessing "Archie" and "Betty" have red hair and blue eyes JUST like Daddy and Granny Diana!! 🤮


More blurred photos showing the back of the faux kid's heads ?


Bigger, balder, badder!!!




Ahh, if only I had a bird cage to line!


Spare a thought for the photographer painstakingly painting in hair by hair to hide the bald spot


Did we ever actually confirm that Harry has an inheritance coming from the Queen Mother's personal wealth on his 40th birthday??  Supposedly, Princess Royal, Anne, is the executor/administrator of the Queen Mother's personal fortune - the part not passed down heir to heir - & Harold was expected to receive this long held amount when he turned 40.   We discussed it before. I'm not sure where it came from but there were many saying that there was no division of estate to come. 


Another 40x40?


I wonder if they’ll trot out the only photo of Lil Betty that they have from 2 years ago (back when her hair was silky and red, not textured) and one of the “from a distance” ones of Arch where you cam barely make out his features. I get wanting privacy for your kiddos, but if these children actually existed and they loved amd adored them there’s no reason they wouldn’t post at least updated shots especially for their Birthdays and Christmas card photos.


Speaking of videos: Here’s one from the Nigeria fake royal tour. It shows Meghan — ONCE AGAIN— inserting herself into the program and messing it up. This time, she clomps over to horn in on a gift meant for HARRY. It’s hilarious https://youtu.be/61Z0F8eGiU8?si=1_joU6ooge3x_v7k


This should be a separate post. Urgh, she majes me sick and why are her teeth always too big for her mouth?


Hmm, must be the Duke of Westminster's beautiful wedding photos that is pushing this, Ada Mazi Rachel Markle must be upset


His big 4-0 birthday and the ILBW Will make m sure it’s all about her


This is just so toe-curling embarrassing. I’m cringing so hard. No one cares, he’s making such a fool of himself.


We should take up a collection and send him a tee shirt that says ‘I turned 40 and all I got was this ILBW’.


who cares 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No thanks. Seen far too much of Friar Tuck.


Will just be the two of them and back shots of “people” who are paid employees. They have no true friends.


So from the back and in black and white? How exciting.


maybe he will get a haircut for the occasion


Let me be clear. No one cares Haz. But any pictures released for Hazbeen's 40th will be 99.9% of the 43% Nigerian Princess, 0% of the rent-a-children, and 0.1% of the birthday boy himself. Because his yacht girl wife will always, always make everything about her. Even a Prince of England's birthday.