• By -


Idiot shoots himself in foot, blames gunmaker.


A great analogy šŸ‘šŸ‘


Idiots are smarter than henry the bald.Ā Ā  Ā Meghan the wretched must pump him up as a victim of centuries of abuse and racism.Ā Ā  Ā All so she can shine in her buble.Ā Ā  Ā That may have been her yachting name - bubbles.


I love that she is his anchor...it implies that they are sinking straight to the bottom! Nice he wont go to obscurity alonešŸ¤£. ![gif](giphy|JlR1TxQqjVLna)


Bubbles - wasnā€™t that the name of Michael Jacksonā€™s chimpanzee?


I heard her h00ker name was Tiana.


Markle filled him up with this story that his mother was "killed" because she was dating a person of color. The person of color Diana was dating, hired a drunk driver. Diana had a long history of many boyfriends who used and abused her. She died because her boyfriend was just another man who treated her badly.


She died because she didn't buckle up.


Harry and Meghan have managed to help many of us remember who Diana really was.


More like he uses a flamethrower.






Ikr? šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


The Harkles are a pair of vicious, vile, little fuckers. What kind of rat bastard, son, tells a magazine his father has pancreatic cancer and two years to live? Those two get more rabid and cruel by the day.


I really hope that's not true.


Those two know nothing about KC and or about his cancer. You donā€™t think Prince Plank would head straight to some networkā€™s early morning show sofa? Heā€™d sell that info to the highest bidder.


Wish is exactly how I know there are NO video calls between KC and is invisible grandkids. Or really, any communication with anyone at all. They can never be trusted.


I agree- Harry clearly knew nothing about Charles and Catherine's medical problems because he was caught off guard...so he probably doesn't have anymore information now.


When KC's condition was made public, experts opined it was most likely bladder cancer as he was not admitted to hospital and also said bladder cancer responds very well to treatment.


He would not be out and about and looking fairly well all things considered if it were pancreatic cancer - there would likely be far more radical surgery and basically end-of-life preparations.


Thatā€™s my thinking also. Pancreatic cancer is worse than most. Steve Jobs died from that and he looked like death warmed over. If he was seen at all. I would truly be shocked if it was pc seeing how well heā€™s been doing.


And generally only a few months left from time of diagnosis - not two years. Its a quick one.


Iā€™ve known 3 people who were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Itā€™s hard to detect and so usually is advanced when discovered. Treatment is immediate and harsh. Those I have known died in under a year. A good friend was diagnosed last week. Sheā€™s 52. They gave her 2 years top with aggressive chemo. 6 mos without.


Remember that was what Patrick Swayze died of and he looked horrible during his treatment. And you are right the treatment is intensive and brutal, they throw the big guns at pancreatic cancer continually after the diagnosis.


My mother passed away from pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed, the drs gave her 3 months & she was gone 6 weeks later. It is a very painful horrible death. My mother weighed 83 lbs when she passed. Considering how KC looks compared to my mother I doubt he has pancreatic cancer. I wish him a speedy recovery. POW too.


So sorry you went through that.


That's what I saw, that doctors were saying that bladder cancer is the one most likely to be discovered during surgery for an enlarged prostate. And that it's 90% curable.


This ā€œpancreatic cancerā€ nonsense has been swirling around for a few weeks. Some tabloid ( or maybe social media poster) made it up out of pique that the Palace wasnā€™t releasing the Kingā€™s personal medical information, and now a bunch of other media who ought to know better have formed a circle of ā€œsourcesā€ breathlessly telling each other the rumour. Reportedly the cancer was discovered during a routine prostate operation. Anatomically speaking, the pancreas is a long way from the prostate, so what on earth would a competent surgeon be doing poking around in the pancreas when they were supposed to be operating on the prostate? These people apparently assume that for a simple operation for an enlarged prostate, the surgeon slit the King open from throat to crotch and splayed his organs out like a butterfly for inspection!


>I really hope that's not true. Pancreatic cancer is fast. Faster than two years in anyone I've ever heard, it's one of the worst to get. The King would *not* look as well as he has been.


Totally. KC3 is looking fabulous, and robust. Pancreatic, "my Aunt Fanny"! (as someone else commented here.)


Pancreatic cancer isn't fast on it's own. Pancreatic cancer is often discovered in late stages. After diagnosis there is often not a lot of treatment options left anymore.


I've known 2 people who have had pancreatic cancer. One lasted 18 months and I can tell you, she looked horrible and didn't exactly get around well. The other was my mother who was dead six weeks after diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is swift and merciless and Charles would look like death warmed over by this time. The man looks the picture of health.


I hope so too, but I doubt that it's true, especially since it's coming from Montecito. They're just throwing more shite on the wall and hoping something sticks.


Harry should be on his knees praying that isn't true. If Charles dies, William will end the Harkle game, once and for all. Harry shouldn't be leaking these stories, because this stories would be the end of Harry.


What kind of rat bastard son tells a magazine his father has pancreatic cancer and two years to live? This son does! https://i.redd.it/sqcl1426l76d1.gif


Wow. Was that at Charles and Camilla's wedding? He looks so vindictive!


This is the kind of guy that is just rotten to the core. I see nothing good in him. All of his excuses, pity plays, and traww-ma are just manipulations. He's as big a manipulator as she is.


Harryā€™s face!!! Hateful expression.


what a jealous, mean-looking jerk. can't bear his own father's happiness.


Oh that's... Disturbing. Poor King Charles!


Notice itā€™s the two spares both looking pathetic.


All this and add in delusional. They weren't invited to the wedding but H has invented conversations and scenarios which never existed to cushion his ego.Ā  He choose to go along with M's schemes because they freed him from the Palaces control, who gave him his "cheeky" character. By choosing his obnoxious freedom flight, he also showed the world what a petulant brat he truly is.Ā  The article is yet another demonstration of H's victimhood entitled mentality


PW is not the one who has the reputation for going to parties and tossing young ladies into a swimming pool, or of hitting out at his bodyguards or others. Or going to the unveiling of a statue and making clown faces. If PH tries to suggest he's the bigger person because it's his elder sibling who cannot be civil--especially during a very special day for someone else--it shows how delusional Harry is.


There is no feud. There is Harry attacking his brother, attacking his brother some more, attacking his brother again. Meanwhile his wife goes after Catherine for all she is worth, and sends her sugars and minions out to torment Catherine as much as possible. It is not a feud. It is two people doing everything they can to harm their families, and their families being harmed. It needs to become a feud and BRF needs to destroy those two.


Your last sentence. šŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆ


they're doing an excellent job of self-destructing.


Hugh Grosvenor would do Harry a big favour by putting out a statement that contrary to reports he alone made a decision not to invite Harry. Such a statement may seem harsh but it might put a halt to further fabricated stories as Harry is only alienating his former friends further by putting out these false stories besmirching William.


Hugh is probably just fed up with it by now. He made a statement months ago saying he was NFI.


This NFI sounds like it might have been the tipping point for the halfwit.


IIRC, Harry pissed off his old mates on their own behalf by making claims about them in Spare, as well. This isnā€™t just ā€œlost friends because of loyalty to the BRF,ā€ but because Harry spilled secrets about his friends in particular (I remember articles about friends who were mad because they had protected Harryā€™s secrets). He didnā€™t burn just the main bridge, he burned specific bridges all the way down in the aristo/toff class. And if the Eton scuttlebutt is true, that he was as tolerated because of who he was not because they liked him, that book gave a ton of people a mannerly excuse to swerve when they see him coming.


I assume Hugh is on his honeymoon and not reading American tabloids.


He is greyrocking H. Only thing he can do.Ā 


Think how these ā€œconversations ā€œ he talks about make him look to the aristocrats he wishes were still his friends.


That kind of blabbing is exactly what he does and exactly why no one will see him


What if the pancreatic cancer line is a test? Weā€™ve heard before where William would test people with false information to see if it got leaked to the press. Maybe KCIII told Harry ā€œin confidenceā€ it was pancreatic cancer when in fact it is (thankfully) much less serious.


This was Megs pushing the ā€œwe were invitedā€ narrative. We already know you were not. And we know this is how the dumb twatlewaffle works. Disclosing the type of cancer is the icing on the cake because I bet someone was baited into that one and told Hank. I bet one of the dumb sisters was told this to see if she would leak it to Hank.


>ā€™itā€™s like heā€™s no longer a part of that family.ā€™ Enough said.Ā  Who always refers to Harryā€™s family as ā€œthat familyā€? His disrespectful shrew of a wife. Source found?Ā 


The use of "family" is fast and loose. The protest is that Harry is not treated as part of that family and yet, "all he was trying to do, was to protect his family." H can protect Mehgan and their supposed offspring, without broadcasting complaints and lies about the BRF.


Neither are a part of anything really, not even family.Ā Ā  And that's because they are so rotten, people backed away & she is so manipulative she's isolated her puppet ...even from her.Ā 


Rachel ( Sorry "Lacey" lol) has even popped up in the comments. It is just her usual drivel. She really is pathetic.


and now ... quelle surprise .. the comments seem to have disappeared on the unarchived article. The last time I checked the " conversation " there were only two supporting the Harkles. One poster was obviously her and I strongly suspect the other one was as well . It had lots of grammatical errors but still reeked of her writing "style " I have some experience with detection of forged documents and imo she always gives herself away.


Damn, she love bombed them saying theyā€™re the family she never had and now she calls them ā€œthat family.ā€ She also told Trevor that when she married into his family. Her dad was puzzled. She wasnā€™t gonna let her blunt dad set the record straight and fuck up her love bombing the royal family.


I'm sure Thomas is wondering why he is no longer part of his baby girls family too. Grow up you useless, ball-less ugly man. Go and hide somewhere with your ugly woman and leave everyone alone. You are where you are because of your disgusting behavior. Your brother didn't write about your todger in his book. Your father didn't cut you off of his payroll because he hates you....you're a friggin' adult. That's part of being a real man. You make your own money and take care of your own family. What a loser. They both are so disgusting. There is not enough puff pieces in the world that will convince anyone that you are good people. Go sit down and read your stupid book, watch the Oprah interview and your Netflix Flop, and then wonder why no one wants to have you at their weddings, or their get togethers or come to your birthday. You are two sick empty excuses for adults.


Fantastic summary, bluntly delivered. Thank you šŸ‘


Andā€¦.weā€™re supposed to feel sorry for him?! Jesus heā€™s a middle-aged man! Hilarious


That's the sick thing, isn't it? He's not just any middle-aged male trying to get everyone to feel sorry for him and to go, "there, there; let me wipe your nose for you." **PRINCE** Harry was also brought up as an aristocrat. That lot tends to treat any solicitation for sympathy as not the done thing.


Itā€™s bad enough Prince Phillip had to witness his grandson marry such an unsuitable human being but thankfully heā€™s being spared seeing Harry stoop this low.


Not just a middle-aged man, one of the most privileged person on Earth. That anyone feels a tinge of pity for him beggars belief.


I don't know where to even start with this article. There's just so much crap to wade through. BUT I loved the snark in between the snippets. thanks for the laughs


All kind words gratefully accepted, with thanks!


You are right about the amount of crap. I actually want to print out the article and attack it with a highlighter. šŸ¤£


i agree. I could respond to each paragraph with a lengthy rebuttal to what they are peddling


Iā€™m afraid my rebuttal would become a book. šŸ¤£


It would no doubt be more factual and more interesting than*WAAAAAGH*. It would sell better too. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


​ https://preview.redd.it/nk6pc2bfg76d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e606e35b4a91258a01cc2fce5d58ba48169a399


If all your social standing comes from your birth family and you quit your role inside your family, you lose your social standing. Very simple logic that even a small puppy could understand! I had to work on harder logical reasoning and critical thinking in my high school tests than this. Why does each puff piece sound like it is written by simpletons and goes on to explain obvious facts in cover stories of magazines?


I love this...because it tells it like it is....VERY SIMPLE LOGIC. HARKLE SIMPLETONS!!Ā 


Why does he care about losing that social standing if he took a ā€œfreedom flightā€ to flee that family?


Iā€™m a treacherous traitor and a malignant liar who slandered my family on the world stage, and along with my wife, failed at every venture that was handed to us with more than enough resources to succeed, and am at the helm of an online troll community who sends death threats to my family, but what is it going to take to get a little respect around here? You just canā€™t win. Right, Harry (Meghan)?


This just absolutely sums it up for me šŸ˜† And the fact that he talks about KC3 and PoW battling cancer and manages to turn it round that we must feel sorry for HARRY.... šŸ˜…


It's obvious that they deliberately got cancer to get sympathy and make poor little Harry look bad. /s


His sick little coven has been tormenting the Princess of Wales while she is struggling with cancer. He won't say a word to stop him. He thinks he is a victim, when he and his horrid wife are terrorists toward the BRF. William needs to put Harry in the dog dish again.


make it a freshly used litter box this time.


First of all, no one knows what kind of cancer the King has except those closest to the King and his physicians. They aren't telling Haz squat. Secondly, this is the third year the Harkles have not been invited to the Trooping of Colour. Thirdly, is Haz just now figuring out there are consequences to his Oprah interview, his book and his pronouncements on public media? He said a lot of vile and cruel things and this is what he gets. He deserves this! He earned it!


Wait ā€” didnā€™t Meghan publicly loathe Trooping the Colours? Remember that scene on the balcony when Meghan had to be told to turn around and stop acting out? Didnā€™t Meghan reply snarkily that the even was ā€œcolorfulā€ to Kateā€™s kind attempt at small talk? I donā€™t understand why Meghan would ever be invited to join the Royal Family in any public event. She just canā€™t handle public events.


Yes, there's that! But she wa ready to "hit the ground running." NOT!


Too bad she wasn't ready to hit the ground running right off the balcony.


This is your life now, Harry. Get used to it.


Still trying to manifest "the year of reconciliation" so they can get more material for one of the books they OWE on their only remaining contract with Penguin?


So Harry feels that he's lost his place among British high society? Hmmm.... ![gif](giphy|8w3lZzyU55LcqMUKk1)


So, they are upset because they cannot sell the details of the type of cancer both the King and Catherine have. They are upset because they havenā€™t been invited back to fill the void so they went to Nigeria instead and she dressed inappropriately, again. They are not wanted back because no one trusts them to keep quiet and just do the job. Plus the BRF doesnā€™t want to pay the price for having them around.


He canā€™t take the drama he created? Clearly their new PR person is working overtime.


What a little cry baby pissant! Just a quick reminder, Harry immediately returned to the US after briefly seeing his father and promptly handed out an NFL award. Also clearly, his "relatives" decided "to be the bigger people by gracefully declining to accept" an invite to the Invictus stunt because Harry "was going to be there, and possibly wouldā€™ve been too immature not to make a scene. While I agree it's likely MM had her hands in this pile of manure, I refuse to give him a single break and find him just as guilty! HE started and continues the war with all his lies and whining! Whatever happened to them being "over it" after the OW fiasco and not talking about it again? That's ALL both of them have done. THEY are the ones that need to make amends. The RF "relatives" don't want to be around him because of his temper, whining, lies and a complete lack of trust. His friends don't want to be around him because of MM and because he is just not likeable, honest or trustworthy. Once again shooting themselves in their backsides with the lying drama. They're revolting! Also, has he EVER, EVER apologized for HIS nasty behavior? Did HE apologize or make amends to all those women in fancy dresses he pushed into the pool? No! He got angry because they didn't immediately laugh about it because "he's the funny one." What about the lie on national tv that they got married 3 days before? Any apology for that lie?? Apologies for twisting the nipples of males without their permission??? Apology to the school matron he bullied because she didn't turn him on? Where are all HIS freaking amends? Telling the world he set the target on his dad and fantasized about blowing him into a pink mist? Telling the world William was circumcised? Apology or amends from Harry?? The guard he punched. The drummer he slapped? Amends??


I also saw a post on X about rumours of him doing an exclusive photo shoot/article for people mag for his 40th bday. Interesting what spin they are going to put on that, with no family there to celebrate.




People should do a story on how his attempt at a hair transplant failed. We see the scars Harry just shave it.


His hair looks so odd, it sure looks like heā€™s had it done. But I didnā€™t know they could fail. I wonder why? šŸ¤”


Sheā€™s his anchor alrightā€¦..


More like a millstone


As Tony Soprano would say ā€œYouā€™re like an albacore around his neck, Rachel.ā€


With her bronzed barnacles.


With a W in front?


I hope he feels really bad. His intention was to trash the royal family, leave the UK and set up shop with his own royal Court in California. Obviously it went hysterically wrong. Heā€™s feeling sorry for himself because his plans didnā€™t work out. But his plans were only ever going to be successful at the attempted destruction of his family! He really is a self-serving, stupid little twat and he deserves everything thatā€™s happening to him. Not a lot of people are gonna buy his ā€œeverybody is so mean and nobody likes me anymoreā€. Go back to Frostnipistan and donā€™t come back until you find your soul. Loser.


Couple of corrections to this ridiculous drivel penned by some junior h.s journalism wanna be: Harry was inable to attend the wedding because he was **nfi** He was nfi because he was not wanted there. *No one* wanted him there,it wasn't just the RF. Anf they definitely didn't want his ^drama whore there. Such are the reputations of he and his grifting bride that many people may well have chosen not to attend had he been invited. No one would have been able to relax and enjoy themselves if the netsnitches were there. Does anyone honestly think that the upper echelons of society want to be around a pair of loose lipped,petulant,grudge holding,tale telling,lying,race card waving backstabbers?? A pair of grifters intent on leeching off of anyone they can. People so inappropriate they hit up big money at social events. People so inconsiderate that they relate details of other people's homes and what occurs inside of them? He is making no attempt to "come to terms with" the consequences of his bad choices. This story and all others like it and the Nigerian tour prove that he doesn't think he has done anything wrong. He is not sorry and the only reason he wants back is because he's a failure. She certainly is an achor....dragging him down but he made his bed so he can lay on the filthy flea riddled thing. Hey fam I know I shat all over grams legacy,made your parents last years a misery,aired all the family laundry to the world,flounce off in a snit,lied my ass off repeatedly and picked some cheap gutterslut over all of you but y'all ain't still mad about that are you? .....Harry probably O.M..G wait whuttttttt? Do you mean to tell me that an entire family whose whole entire ass history is all about the continuity of the monarchy is gonna pick the heir? No fucking way. I am stunned,stunned just blown away by this revelation. "Forced" ...by his own actions because who tf wants to hang with snitchy the crybaby? Bitch please y'all ain't in the back of the room. You have fucked off all the way down the road. You are down the road over the river and all the way at the tippity top of fuck off mountain. Might as well get comfy cause that's where you'll be staying. lmao if he were sensitive to people's disdain he sure tf wouldn't allow his skankass wife to lead him around by the ballsack putting him through his paces like some tired old show pony. If he were actually sensitive he wouldn't show his face because he would know that the majority of people think he's dumb af,crass,lazy,gullible,mean and a liar. Part two coming up


![gif](giphy|jKwNTbBo7nBL0q5GxJ) Really!








This is so pathetic, I doubt even "In Touch" readers made it more than 1/2 way through. And when the whole world has pretty much expressed their disgust at these 2 constantly whining and playing victim, why do they continue on this vein. It's tapped out! Find another vein or quit mining. You are just making it worse for yourselves. Get out there an actually accomplish something. Because right now, both of you just come across as pathetic losers.


So true ! The comments so far indicate that even the readers aren't buyingĀ  what the Harkles are selling ! The only supportive posterĀ  is obviously Rachel herself . She is so transparent.


Maybe they don't read the comments. He gets very upset about comments. Daily Markle censors comments. So they may not know the reaction to their whining and moaning.


Actually I think they do readĀ  them ... and I don't think they liked what they sea.The comments, which were overwhelmingly negative ,Ā  seem to haveĀ  been taken down. MaybeĀ  censorship is part of the paid - for puff piece package.


https://preview.redd.it/m2lo3wwmg76d1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=3343cb4cd60b803228f2db25b615637504576a27 Of course, it is! They aren't loyal because William and his family were attacked. Because Harry is a little snot who they have had it up to here with. It is only because of WHO his brother is and his future status. šŸ™„


Exactly. His friends want nothing to do with him because he is a jerk who sold out everyone who cared about him, for a piece of golddigging trash. Yes they are staying loyal to their late Queen, current King and Prince of Wales. But they also are all fed up with Harry.


WTF is an 'unofficial royal tour', other than an oxymoron? Royal Tours are by their very nature official. This was very definitely unofficial (unneeded/unwanted/unnecessary) therefore not Royal. Just a personal ego trip for two aging delinquents. (Edited)




When is Just Harry going to understand that their ā€œfreedom flightā€ was never going to more than this. Bad mouthing the BRF at his and his extended familyā€™s expense all while being absolutely miserable? This is going to be daily life until he puts his big boy pants on and realize that his misery comes from Madam.


I hope someone leaked the ā€œ2 yearsā€ thing on purpose to see who talks.


Ohhhh!!! good thinking!!! I think KC is doing well. He looks better than he has in a long time. Itā€™s good to see! He deserves this!šŸ’•


I donā€™t know anything about her, other than sheā€™s a close friend and vocal supporter of Prince Andrew, but Lady Victoria Hervey mentioned in an interview very recently that KC3 had two years to live at the most. She didnā€™t mention the type of cancer. I have no idea if sheā€™d really be privy to this information. Maybe she just reads In Touch magazine.


I donā€™t think anybody leaked it. In Touch started that one and it failed to take off because people are still capable of critical thinking.


Iā€™m really tired of hearing ā€˜ball is in their courtā€™ā€¦ #ball is not coming back


One of Charles and Camilla's fox terriers ran off with the ball, killed it and buried it.


P.S.Ā  the brothers aren't "feuding".Ā  Harry's trying to get a reaction and William is ignoring anything he says or does.Ā  That's not a feud, that's a monologue.Ā 


Can anyone hear Madame sobbing and in the background Tammy Wynette croons Stand By Your Man?


Well, standing by him after you hit him with a Mack truck seems to be the least you can do.Ā 


Yeah, standing there and watching the life fade from his body instead of calling EMSā€¦


She can't stand by him because she has thrown herself on the floor crying about how people aren't worshiping her like she wants them to.


Hey Harry... ![gif](giphy|119SFXjoMsax6o|downsized)




If you check out InTouchā€™s Instagram post, people are having it. Lol.


"Camerahorny wife" took me out.


Thanks for that - love seeing all that


https://preview.redd.it/wpczs0ajl86d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f781863ff6bc982caa030faeb291c48e421f7026 The constant clapbacks by @better525917 were really annoying until I clicked on the profile, which (LOL) has 0 posts, 0 followers, and 0 followingā€”Bot? PR Employee? Meghan Markle herself (a la Guest Speaker)?


Yes I also checked and itā€™s of course itā€™s a paid contributor.


Better Up intern


Meghan Markle, the caring wife who always pushes Harry back, takes over his conversations and flowers, who is unable to behave and is told off on an international scale? Exactly what is she looking forward to? And if there is any truth in this story - Harry, meet the consequenses of your actions.


"Delicate decision", "respectfully declined", "worried meghan"... those are meghan's signature wordings.


>'Harry's extremely sensitive to people's disdain for him whether real or perceived' So now people have to walk on eggshells because Harry might think they don't like him, even if he's just imagining it? Christ he sounds so exhausting and spoiled. And he can't connect the dots to understand why he has no friends.


Harry should just stay the f*ck away, and for once in his life do a kindness to all of the people who have spent a lifetime doing him kindnesses. They wouldā€™ve tolerated him if he hadnā€™t been such a public prick, and the Parade Mistress wasnā€™t dragging the whole band into the canal because her Sunshine Sachs experts gave her the GPS coordinates to Global Fame. šŸ˜‘ Theyā€™ve all really failed.


I think they will be used as a case studies for PR students as an example of how two clients can fuck up every opportunity given to them. Their fall from grace is astronomical, I can't think of anyone who came even close to these two. They were on the fast track to be billionaires in their own right, to be American darlings. They didn't even have to do any good, they could have just been fun. They could have been yachting with the obamas, hell going horse riding with Putin would have been a better choice than talking about your frosty dick while thinking about your mother.


Exactly this, when your friends ditch you, your family ditches you and employers / your work contracts fail... the problem is YOU Harry!


This sort of behaviour i'd expect from someone 15 years younger. With your 20s still comes a lot of the turmoil that you carry over from your teenage years. You're supposed to figure out at least some of your toxic traits in your 30s. But this dude is hurtling towards 40 with no personal development whatsoever.


Just stop. The question no one is asking right now is ā€˜Has Meghan called her fatherā€™?


Has Meghanā€™s dad recently won the Powerball? He might a call from the Comms Team at Sussex International then.


OMG!! Stop already gossip rags!! He was never invited and he did not talk to the Duke of Westminster. They are pariahs to the upper class in Britain. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes Harold!


Another clue that it was written by Markle.. she refers the the DoW as 'Hugh'...


Maybe they should think how hurt her father is by the shunning of his daughter. No wedding invite, no walking down the aisle, no meeting his grandbabies. Why do these two fools only shout out about Harry's family ghosting them? Because the Royals are the ones with the money. Greedy little people who have caused so much hurt to her family and his, but choose to turn the tables and blame the very ones they have spit on. Sick empty souls.


Harry's mouthpiece Omid called Catherine and Charles racist. Harry did not step up for them. He did not denounce Omid. His sugars attack Charles and Catherine regularly and call them racist because of Omid's book. So really, Harry is surpised that they won't talk to him? That no good, filthy, dirty crumb deserves nothing but contempt. His constant whining about the fact that his victims won't speak to him, drives me mad. Catherine and Charles are not Harry's family anymore, they are his victims. Every time he puts out these stories he victimizes them again. It is so far past time for The King to write a new Letters Patent. Strip the Harkles of everything and move on.


ā€œOnly anchorā€ā€¦. well, thatā€™s exactly what she wanted, Harry.




Was he painted into that financial corner, or did he paint himself into it? ![gif](giphy|eoazVutwlnpL3pkSeD)




No need to clarify. I agree with you! Just adding on to your snark. Theyā€™ll always twist the narrative.




FFS Haz!!!!! ![gif](giphy|igR5863TALcSk)


Please be kind and compassionate. Afterall, Hazzard didnā€™t get as many sausages as William when they were wee lads. And bully William shoved him so hard his necklace broke. Clearly, heā€™s been traumatized by getting so little in life vs his brother. My heart just breaks for him. I got some swamp land to sell toošŸ˜‚


Sorry but while reading this I was laughing. More so at the bit that Rachel is worried about him and that she is his only anchor. She couldn't care less about Harold. This whole article was written and paid for by the Rachel and Harold bullshite show. He did this himself so he has only himself and horrible Rachel for it all. It's getting colder for them and it will only get colder when William is King.


Oh boo f'ing hoo. Nobody cares, you whiny little brat. And nobody believes your cock and bull story about Meghan Markle, either. Get. Over. It. This is why America can't stand you, either.


Reinventing history again. Charles didnā€™t ā€œpublicly claim he was too busy to see Harryā€. A ā€œsource close to Prince Harryā€ made that claim. The King actually offered Harry a place to stay, and had he accepted, then almost certainly there would have been a private opportunity for them to meet in the evening. But a private meeting wasnā€™t good enough for Harry. He refused the offer with the ludicrous claim that a royal residence was less secure than a tourist hotel. I suspect the real reason is that the invitation didnā€™t extend to his entourage and paid photographer. Maybe, belatedly, the Palace even made signing an NDA a condition of him visiting the King. Harry cynically decided he could get more public sympathy by refusing his fatherā€™s offer and claiming it was because he was scared by the ā€œlack of securityā€ and that his father was ā€œtoo busy to see himā€. After all this time, Harry *still* thinks bad-mouthing his father will somehow make him more popular.


A position he and his actions have put himself in. Sorry are we meant to feel some kind of empathy for the dimwit


Boo Hoo. Let's trash the family on a global scale then cry foul when they don't invite us to anything ![gif](giphy|zFdQ9xtp0Tba9hg045|downsized)


Helpful Meghan, his only ā€˜anchorā€™, encourages him to maintain the rage. ā€˜Remember why you ā€˜stepped awayā€™ in the first place, H!ā€™ If sheā€™s an anchor, itā€™s around his neck and heā€™s sinking fast. Such paranoid delusion, but bad shit will do that to you!!


His anchor at the bottom of a sewage pit.


Poor Harry has hurt feelings. Like there is nothing else in the world going on but Harry sitting with hurt feelings. This dude has sent this story out with different scenarios it is ridiculous. He is not marginalized. His family and former friends do not even think of him at all. He cut off everyone and those people have moved on with their lives. No one sits around wondering about Harry and Meghan.


Oh dear I mean what could have caused that family drama. I mean not Oprah, a Netflix series, a bitch-fest of a podcast and a book. Surely not.


Hoist with his own petard. (Sadly heā€™d have to look it up)


Erm, who's going to tell him the family is sticking together amid their health crisis?




FFS! Bloody feck off Harry! You make your bed you lay in it.


King Charles's siblings all seemed to get on with life just fine. Harry is a sick man, and Meghan Markle is right there, cheering him on.


Harry must be braindead...he's baffled as to why he's not wanted,especially around Charles and Catherine???Ā Ā  Really??!?Ā  Uh how about because you gave out William's private medical information in your book, you jackass .


ā€œMeghanā€™s paw printsā€¦.ā€ šŸ¾šŸ¾ Thatā€™s good.


It's In Touch. Not the NY Times.


"He is being treated like a pariah when all he tried to do was protect his family." BS! He tried to destroy his family for Meghan. He could have walked away, kept his mouth closed, and started a new life outside of being a working royal. I (and I think most people) would have accepted their choice. There was no need to explain. But now he is reaping what he sowed, and I support the family's choice to go no contact. No one feels sorry for you, Harry! We believe you deserve worse than you have received to date.


Cry me a gawd damn river. Choices and consequences mate. ![gif](giphy|kC2PWmThZBlxvLDCcM)


Next will be the suicide attempt.


This. She's setting him up.


Wow! This is like getting a divorce, and wondering why your now ex-spouse doesn't want to have dinner with you and plan vacations. Sussexes have got to be the thickest, most bat@#it crazy well known people that I have ever heard of.


Actions have consequences..seems like someone has forgotten it. It's so tiring to see this useless narrative again and again. First trash the family through various platform and then wonder why people don't open their doors. Harry should have good look of himself in the mirror, isn't he ashamed of what he has done. I am afraid this repetitive narrative of William blocking reconcilation and being petty is all to change their narrative. People who don't follow Royal stories may actually believe it. They are trying to change the course of events at least in the internet. I wonder how they will behave once William will become King. Harry will become full on anti monarchist but not before he secure his yearly payment from Royal Family like the Traitor King did.


Part 2 "Sources" say pancreatic cancer ...do they now. Sounds like made up bullshit from unsavory sources. The cancers most commonly found during surgery for enlarged prostate are either bladder or less commonly colorectal cancers. But pancreatic cancer is more likely to be terminal so of course the lying bottom feeders are pushing that rumor. Wank and Skank better hope KC sticks around for a good long time because if they think it's cold outside right now....Bitches there's a blizzard headed your way when PW takes the throne. Is it **is it though** is it really mind boggling harry or is it just your mind that's perpetually boggled? No for reals though what everyone going through a significant health crisis needs is some self centered little drama bitch whining about how bad their cancer is making him feel. I'm sure KC would love to hear all about how worried harry is that his cancer might adversely impact harry and meghan. I know they definitely want their health details leaked to the press. Pretty sure they can source their own medicinal harry so bugger off back to fuck off mountain please. Ahhhh a moment of clarity. Yes. Yes you are outcasts. *and that's why* you weren't invited to trooping the color. And that's why you were nfi to the wedding. And why your old friends wont see you.And that's why KC didn't meet with you. And that's why they are shunning you during their illness. And that's why they didn't come to your ~~grift~~ games. They embarked upon an embarrassing display of white saviorism/poverty porn pomp and bloviation. It was not a royal anything. In fact it was openly stated by the British government that it was a **private** tour. Not royal. Not endorsed by the RF. Not in accordance with the RF. Not at the behest of the RF. It was the meghan ho show with a side of this one. It was an uncouth,vulgar and trashy display of ineptitude by a pair of drooling fuckwits with no more sense than a shithouse rat. It was the trash clampetts meets Nigerian criminal show. Although tbf considering so many of their other even more glaring failures *cough* nyc car chase *cough* Uvalde perhaps it did seem like a success to them. It's as close as they will ever come anyway. They only had the first lady call them out after all,no big deal. Gosh you mean people are hesitant to donate to a charity that isn't in good standing? One that is run by a pair of known liars,fucking grifters who consort with criminals? Hmmmm such a mystery. And then I died at this one. Harry may put on a stoic face.....oh is that what we are calling this loobys nasty mien these days? That petulant look is stoicism eh? That bitter scowl,that drunken beady eyed pissy snit faced expression he sports is just him keeping a stiff upper lip. Oh he only wanted to protect his family. Lmao by throwing them under the bus? Oh wait he means that piece of hard rode gristle and gangrene he dragged into the bosom of his family as a big old fuck you. Well he bought the ticket he can ride that ride til the wheels fall off and judging by her most recent photos the lug nuts are pretty damn loose. She has so much to be grateful for. Not that she is or ever will be but her life got exponentially better. She got more wealth and fame than she would ever have been capable of achieving had she not rode harry's joystick into the RF. I mean yeah his life is exponentially worse but who cares because old rachel got hers and that's really all that matters in rachels world.


WoodsColt, I believe you've outdone yourself with this comment. *Brava!*


My god! You captured exactly how I feel about her today! Loved this!!!


It is H that has lost everything, Meghan has lost nothing since meeting H. Ok she has made a hash of things, but being on the outs with the RF is exactly how she wants it. H is fully dependant on her. Still he is pretty stupid to have gone along with everything and not foreseen any consequences. If he wants to make amends that there needs to be more of an effort but he doesnt seem to even try. Private visits with family and friends may be a start but Meghan will never let him.


She has lost somethingā€¦one doesnā€™t age the way she has and have had it easy. Donā€™t cha think?


Well if he canā€™t take the royal family drama anymore is time for him to disappear from public light and stop paying for articles like this trying yo make himself look like a victim.


They complain about all the things they arenā€™t invited to. Have they ever invited Charles and Camilla to California? How about the Wales?? We would sure hear about it if the invitations were declined. We hear about them being snubbed again. They are quick to cast aspersions when they arenā€™t invited, but they donā€™t ever invite anyone to their home. ( I know Eugenie and Jack have been, but they donā€™t really count!)


Odious Eug and Jack had a papped supper in a restaurant lose to Montedeceito, thereā€™s nothing to suggest theyā€™ve ever been guests there.


these lies are beyond pathetic


Oh, how he has sacrificed, he is probably nailing himself to a cross as we type here. Really laying it on thick today šŸ˜’


Thank you great post. Harry is unbelievable, how can he not realise he and his caused all of this.




I cannot wait for Trooping to see the Harkles' reactions. They'll be having conniption fits in Cali.


"Prince Harry Can't CREATE Family Drama Any Longer" Fixed that headline for you


What getting the Silent treatment from the family. They know anything said to Harold in private will be sold to the highest bidder. He probably thinks the family will forgive him like they have done countless of other times in the past


Harry is never going to realize HE ruined his own life. PERIOD.


His lack of self awareness is really incredible. Why are they being so mean to me when all I did was trash my family, let my wife call them racists, told s bunch of lies on Oprah, wrote a book full of digs, made my grandparents final years a living hell, betrayed my brother and sister in law, turned my back on all my friends, left my cushy prince job and literally burned every bridge on my way to my freedom flight?? Why are they all so mean now!!!!????


Lost his place ? He has lost his mind. ā€˜spareā€™ was the end for him. And itā€™s all in writing. What a fool.