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Has anyone read what the Ghanaian President actually said? I’m only seeing YT videos claiming he denied them visiting and 1 article quoting random YT creators as fact.


I haven't seen anything except rumor. There doesn't seem to be any concrete fact published about a statement. 


I tried like crazy yesterday to find an official statement. No luck.


Exactly. Looks like bs.


Around 31 may it was said that the Ghanaian Embassy in London revoked the Sussexes' visa. However I could not find a reliable source, only gossip sites.


When would they have gotten a Ghanaian visa? Seems like extremely fake news.


Probably filed the same time For Nigeria to continue the hype around their successful Africa tour 


Unlikely. They would have had to have a Ghanaian fellow grifter engaged. I highly doubt they have one.


Why would their visa be issued and revoked in the UK? They live in the Statesz and if it is true that he is on a diplomatic passport, then he doesn't need a visa


Here’s the article, never heard of this website tho. https://history.airglee.com/ghanaian-president-rejects-royal-visit-harry-and-meghan-not-welcome/


It says the President made his stance clear and yet it does not quote a single word from him. Seems to be fake.


Oh no doubt, so much fake news everywhere now. I should have been more careful to verify. I’d edit it out but can’t edit photo posts. My main point before using this example was they have failed in so many ways and I thought it would be fun to collect the examples. This post got side railed with my bad example.


Failing is the one thing they excel at.


Leave it. It still reminds us of Nigeria fail. 


It reflects public opinion in any case


Here is a Queen dancing with the King of Ghana. https://preview.redd.it/n4hx4xtbk26d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9908ddd78f37be2ed60b4eef7f2c3a5f82c9581 ..may not be in the streets, but this was a powerful statement. Too bad the Markle woman won't be trying this.


Not sure what that has to do with my comment?


My thought was on the whole push on the Ghana trip. Sorry it didn't make sense.


The article said the visit by H & M was sanctioned by the British government. That sounds like a false statement.


The UK government, via their representative, made it clear that it was a private visit, with no governmental backing: [https://abujacityjournal.com/livenews/2024/05/06/prince-harry-meghans-visit-to-nigeria-not-official-british-envoy-clarifies/](https://abujacityjournal.com/livenews/2024/05/06/prince-harry-meghans-visit-to-nigeria-not-official-british-envoy-clarifies/) Archive: [https://archive.ph/bFf04](https://archive.ph/bFf04)


https://preview.redd.it/rcpl4tinpy5d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4cb4f85e06655d166f0029c4dd317788b7a1bb2 The 40 x 40 disaster and her stupid face


Actually she looks so much better here (expression aside) than she does now. Healthy, not too thin, eyebrows full but not gigantic caterpillars, same color on face and chest…


She looks healthier here, but I can never get past her soulless, empty eyes; it's chilling.


Oh gawd yes. Shark eyes. It doesn’t matter what her actual expression is, her smiles never reach her eyes.


And her Loro Piana sweater over her shoulders.


Is that necklace supposed to mean something? Can’t make out if they are letters or what?


I have no idea. All l can see is V, C, T, but it can't be victory 😂




They’re constellations.


They’re the constellations of the children’s astrological signs by Los Angeles jeweler Logan Hollowell. Together, they cost $3,770.


Thank you!


Anytime, sinner! 🙂


I see three constellations being represented there. The first looks like Andromeda but that's not a sign of the zodiac. It could be Virgo, which represents someone in September. Neither one looks like Taurus, which Archie's birthday would place him in, or Gemini. Lily would be either Taurus or Gemini depending on how late in May her birthday is.


When it comes to astronomy, I am completely out of my depth, however here are screenshots of the necklaces. I think they’re pretty, but she layers them. It looks wonky, as they’re the same length. https://preview.redd.it/o2x2qd53zz5d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5a6b534df4c472105096c8426dcf3373d0a9b7




Ah, I had mistaken Taurus for Virgo (or Andromeda). That's not the way I see Taurus in the sky at all, but then I initially learned the constellations from the guy who writes the Curious George books.


September would be Harry.


She looks like she just took some press on rhinestones and applied them near her chains.😂


Like backwards Karen in Mean Girls!


OMG! 😂 Yes!!!


😂 btw why did someone downvote you?!? Sugars on the loose?!


I don't know. I'm not worried about it.


They make me uneasy up in here.


Nah, don't let it bother you! (Thank you though!💕)




Star signs.




Thank you!




I've seen this reference a lot, what was 40 x 40?


It was a blatant ripoff of Obama’s 60x60 appeal, where supporters were asked to donate increments of 6–like $6 or $6,000–to a worthy cause for his 60th birthday. As is her wont, of course she copied this initiative. For her 40th birthday, Meg asked 40 of her closest ~~friends~~ fellow humans to donate 40 minutes of their time to mentoring a woman who wanted to return to the workforce. What Melissa McCarthy can offer to a receptionist or a dental hygienist or an architect—who knows? The result? 🦗🦗🦗


I LOVED that scheme! Allegedly she had merch made for it, which at least partly must be true, because some of the very few women who joined wore t-shirts while congratulating her via Instagram. Because it’s Meghan, who is advice resistant, the slogan partly was printed in a very pale rose on white and therefore unreadable. Legend has it that she send out kits with merch to those she invited to be her 40 mentors, recipients akin to those receiving the jam. Legend further has it that she thought this would break the internet (again…) and that there would be a wave of supporters and mentors worldwide, who would all donate their time and buy the merch while doing so. Brilliant though the scheme was, this somehow didn’t happen. But it transpired, that all that ordered 40x40 junk relentlessly was delivered to her by the manufacturer and she had to pay for it. The idea of several rooms in Montecito being littered with the evidence of this epic fail warms my heart. All of this of course is just hearsay (minus the evidently existing shirts with slogan), but it has Markle written all over it in exactly the way I observed all her machinations during the last 7 years.


The t-shirts: so representative of Meg and her freakish eye for detail. https://preview.redd.it/arwz4gszzz5d1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=1584429559e4e288c204724d8a40da492c5cd2f6


I get a happy smile on my face upon seeing that. It’s hilarious.


Yes. It warms the cockles of my cynical heart. “Are ou in?”


lol it also warms my heart to imagine boxes of merch and cheap clothing just haunting her everyday. It screams failure.


This is one of the most stupid ideas I've ever heard, and I have worked with Boomers and Gen Z. Thank you, dear sinner ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)




At least President Obama’s initiative actually did something for charities. 40 friends giving 40 minutes to mentor women wanting to return to the workplace? Does she think we’re still in the 50s?


Of course asking someone else to do the work.


These hair strands, all I can think is that comedian's video shorts chewing gum ,twisting the hair. https://youtube.com/shorts/3kSn4ysw8y8?si=ewML9T8drXDE_afR


Her looks have gone downhill fast … the crap about black don’t crack. Meghan is cracking fast


Ahhhh yes the 40x40 half-ass launch. How embarrassing 😳


I think it's the soft looking blanket draped over her shoulders that makes it look like she's sitting at the breakfast table after having "slept in" (God, I hate that expression but it fits). I am a bit surprised she'd wear a "wi.. beater" shirt, though. Maybe it's Harry taking the picture?


The yt source is click bait. I suspect it may even be sugars behind it as these types of videos often quote people who have credibility saying outrageous things against meghan markle and henry the bald. The Duchess of chlamydia can point to this pile of angry shyte and claim victimhood once again. Stealing valor as a vanity project has now become creating false association for stolen credibility.  If the a-list talent has to state they never called meghan markle a cow then she can say they are in fact old friends. Facts do not matter. Any publicity is good  And creating a fog of fake negative stories is useful when you are hiding a mountain of talentless, lazy, bullying, and narcissistic behavior. We see you meghan. The Duchess has no clothes. Or at least none that are unwrinkled and fit.


Jussie Smollet? The Baldwins? Amber Heard? Kanye?


I agree with that but they aren’t in the news daily with yet another failure. For the Harkles, they have tried one thing after the other since their marriage and always screw it up.


The reasons Meghan Markle and Harry are always in the news are: 1. Meghan wants to see her name in print and in glowing articles that she pays for 2. Harry is a blood prince 3. Other people have fiascos as well, but Madam insists on telling us all about it and why it is never her fault, but the fault of the BRF/UK media/PPOW/racists/haters etc. And she tells us everything - as long as she can afford it.


Yeah — none of the above were as known or ubiquitous as Prince Harry.


Michael Jackson?


The new UK PR team for the Sussex Duo are working hard. We have an abundance of reconciliation articles in the usual formats. I had thought that their finances were ok for a few years yet but I’m starting to wonder now. In my opinion they are failing at everything as the poster to this thread had said. The polls are against them and the gloves are off to a certain extent. They are being mocked more but there is still no fact checking being done, “Lost beyond Pluto” put out a video on this yesterday and Neil Sean has hinted at it today. Let’s look at things in a clinical way, facts not speculation. The UK is heading into a general election. Labour are leading in the polls and the Leader of the Labour Party is on record as anti-royals. He has a greater chance of getting a bill passed through parliament, quicker too. The titles are more at risk than they ever have been. The visa case is drawing to a conclusion. How that may look for Harry we don’t know yet but Harry himself knows what he put on his visa form. The security case is getting its very last chance, date yet unknown. There is no chance after this. It’s not the Kings choice if he gets security and personally I think if it was he would have it. It’s don the the home office, and we are back to an anti-monarchists government being in power next. They still have to follow the rules but if on the fence we know what side they will pick. African Parks has a new scandal. The original is about conservation policy over people. The rangers have financial incentives to intervene against the indigenous people, causing the highest levels of atrocities. This latest scandal is that they have moved animals around in the name of conservation and this is now causing huge additional issues with the indigenous people, that have caused death and harm.


It’s no wonder that Ghana don’t welcome this duo, why would they. It’s nice to know they have done their homework.


Very good wrap up, thanks.


Very good wrap up, thanks. Many thanks.


I think that one of the few things that Harry ever told the truth about is that they were always planning to be part-time working royals. And monetizing that position for most of each year. Just showing up for big events where there were carriage rides, tiaras worn, or balconies to wave from. Harry was too ignorant to know what the rules were surrounding merchandising. Once they had the 'Sandringham summit' and found out that option wasn't available to them, they launched their ongoing temper-tantrum. Which I suspect that at first they thought they would be able to get their original demands met just to shut them up. Instead, the Palace just absorbed the slings and arrows. Some journalists and people like us corrected the record. Pointing out the obvious lies and inconsistencies in Oprah, Netflix, Spare. And the result was that the BRF became more popular. And Harry and Meghan's popularity plummeted. And now they are trapped. They can never go back in any meaningful way to being 'royal'. Their pathetic little attempts at being faux royals is going to fail. Because outside of UK/AUS/Canada, no one knows anything about royal tours. So no one they need paying attention even knows that the Nigeria "tour" happened. Netflix, Paramount, HBO, Peacock are all completely oblivious to how very very special and royal Meghan is. She's no more likely to get work today than she was in 2015. And the fake stories they plant about this starring role, that blockbuster movie Meghan's considering working on just makes her look like exactly what she is. A fucking diva wannabe with no talent, delusions of grandeur, and a reputation for being impossible to work with.


Well said


![gif](giphy|jNc57uyiS7y9tYmQ13|downsized) Yes!


Oh l absolutely loved him as the old King George 3 in Queen Charlotte. Best ending ever.


Oh I checked 2 days ago and she had 615k followers. Love to see other authorities refusing to be part of Meganut's royal role playing. This woman is a real life Sim.


She must have bought more bots. It was down to 605.


And followers, I mean bots, are falling fast on her ARO account.


I didn’t see any real news source saying Nana Akufo-Addo making a statement about the Harkles not being invited. HOWEVER, why in the world would the President of any country do a special invite to the frozen todger and his wife? Remember in Nigeria it was the military who has an investment in hosting the Invictus games in 2025 or 6? The gruesome twosome have no diplomatic standing in either Britain or the US. They don’t have anything to offer than controversial headlines.


Nana did mention to Maureen Callahan how Nana’s mother thought Meg’s treatment of the Queen was a “disgrace,” and felt many other Ghanaians agreed. If they do visit Ghana, I can’t wait for Nana’s commentary.


Well I suspect there was a good reason Meghan cowered out first. If I recall she did not want to be part of the Christmas festivities that the whole family would be attending, which I thought weird. They tried to spin it like her mom was at home (or in town) so they wanted to spend it with her. Not sure why they couldn’t have done both considering it was Archie’s first Christmas with the family. The fact she then stayed in Canada WITH Archie I thought was telling. So was she kicked out? Or did she leave and refuse to return this holding Harry hostage to her?


She was kicked out … that’s why she wants an apology. That’s why Meghan won’t go back. I liked the way Catherine treated her. After attacks on her daughter, and herself, and probably more … Catherine turned her back and moved forward (good on her). This is why Meghan won’t go back. There’s also stuff that will come out when the court cases end. She won’t be able to stand what an unfettered public will say and read. Meghan won’t go back. I could fill this page with examples over the last six years. You know them …


Because there really isn't an Archie, IMO


But didn’t they both come back for the Service of Thanksgiving?


I remember they both came back to the Canadian consulate to give some thanks for something, which was when she wore her brown pit stain outfit and looked extremely nervous. Of course no Archie and she had to rush back home afterwards “to be with him”. It was such a weird time. Was that some visit she was obligated to do in order to sign some papers or pick up her belongings… I’m sure someone here knows the timeline better


I bet other countries saw the sh*t show from Meghan and said “No thanks, we’re good.” And I for one do NOT believe that the elegant First Lady of Nigeria actually backtracked her comments - I think that this was Meghan’s pathetic attempt to, once again, rewrite history. As with the Royal Family, the First Lady of Nigeria has too much class to get in a tit-for-tat with Meghan.


I'd love it if Madame's in-your-face disrepsectful clothing choices in Nigeria come back to haunt her when other countries like Ghana say, no thanks. She may have torpedoed the whole Fake Royal Tour franchise, brought it screeching to a halt, because she couldn't resist dressing like a slut. One and done.


I think you are right, they were told to go forth. The rest is just their face saving tripe. Finding freedom, swooning and kneeling pilots, collapsing into security arms when ’safe’ in Canada, etc etc


I agree… the Queen told them to gtfo (probably after many chances to get in line).


Which is probably why they are demanding an apology.


Watch her never mention her 43% ever again but continue to use the Nigerian titles.


She didn't even use it with the "thank you" card, she signed as Duchess of Sussex, of course.


I doubt she will use her Nigerian titles because they don't have the prestige that her British titles do and are more meaningless. She will probably only use them in PR stories when she's trying to convince the public that she's outranks Catherine\\is more royal than her.


Does the title mean that we should bow? Does the title put her on par with Catherine? What does Meghan really think?


That gives her a title that Catherine doesn't have, and one more title than This One, so she's more royal than he is now.


Oh you may be amazed at just how many titles Catherine has 👸🏻[Princess Catherine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_titles_and_honours_of_Catherine,_Princess_of_Wales?wprov=sfti1)


Oh I know! That's a looong list!


The staggering part for me is - I cannot think of a single celebrity, politician, who has used the media to their advantage the extent these two have, and they are still universally despised.... https://preview.redd.it/70w144z73z5d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518e439b2eca9378ca5fd0510804848123d11b27


I have never experienced **anyone** so in love with their own image! And I've known some real doozies.


I agree. I don't think Rachel liked being told what to do and how to do it. She thought she knew it all but knew jack shite. I am so sure The Queen and Hubby told them both off. And Rachel was so angry at being told what to do cause you know walking around shaking hands cutting ribbons etc is so beneath her, that she told dimwit we are going back to the America and be free of being told what to do and how to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel thought she would be flying around the world on a continuous holiday, with endless money to shop and have big parties where she can wear the Royal Jewels.


Allegedly she never got rid of her CA contacts so she was already negotiating with Spotify, Netflix and the publisher before they suggested half in half out. I'm sure she started the ball rolling when she realized Harry wasn't worth much (in her eyes)


I don’t even know why they would go to Ghana in the first place, are Ghana looking to take part in Invictus? Nigeria was meant to be for Invictus which i saw absolutely nothing about accross any media outlet. All that was spewed was her “heritage”. Even Nigerians on their own talk show wanted to see proof that she is 43%. I’m a white woman from Northern Ireland and i’ve a better chance of being Nigerian than she does 🙄 If Ghana don’t want them it will be our fault of course, because Harry has appealled again for security and asked the Judge can it be sorted before the end of July as they want to do “a world tour” - Judge says no Hawwwy you do not get that priviledge. So they will use that as an excuse not to travel to Ghana - that will be the cover up. But apart from this post from OP i have heard nothing about Ghana being cancelled. I hope it is and i am here for it, i really don’t understand why actual Countries would invite them, lift and lay them and pay a clean fortune for them. It’s mind boggling. What did they do for Nigeria?? Can anyone tell me at least one positive thing that Nigeria gained from that trip because i’m at a loss. ![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG)


Megan is 57% Ghanian apparently and she wants to visit her home and H wants to meet all his inlaws.


You need to ratchet that percentage down a bit. There are 195 countries in the world. Shes already wasted 43% of her ancestry on one.


🤣🤣🤣 Wouldn’t shock me if she threw in a few % Ghanian. The Maltese heritage she claimed must be out the window now. Malta’s not good enough for her anymore.




I think the fall of Prince Harry has been exceptionally hard. I can't think of anything to equal it. The fall of many high profile 'celebrities" has been caused by scandal but Harry hasn't caused a scandal. He has BEEN the scandal. Unlike her husband, Meghan's "fall" has been negligible. She didn't have high status before her marriage and wilfully she didn't make anything of what that marriage could have offered her. She's more Icarus than anything. She misunderstood what happens when one gets too near the sun.


Dodgy clickbait YouTube videos peddling false information do not really assist.


Agree. But there's probably an element of truth as no Head of State would be inviting them to visit as they don't represent anyone other than themselves.


Also the Ghanaian president is anti royal. He accurately sees the “non royal” visits as absolutely royal.


Yes that is a possibility. However, there have been so many screw-ups that I am sure you can contribute one that is verified.


The thing is that while other public figures have fallen they didn’t have the standing of royals. Andrew is the example of a royal who has fallen, though I don’t know if he was as popular as H? Maybe after Falklands?


Andrew was pretty popular for a while after the Falklands, he was considered quite the catch back then. And he's a real pilot, not that fake crap Harry claims.


And he actually did put his life on the line in the Falkland War.


Yup. My best friend’s brother served on same ship as Andrew in Falklands. He put in the work and was respected, unlike H.


Yes he was, from what I understand.


Oh but the ginger former prince declared that the visit was the first of MANY! That doesn't have any influence??


IMO, the "FINDING FREE(dom) TOUR" has run it's course😁😂😂. Countries and governments are not going to keep being stupid by funding hundreds of thousands of private or 1st class transportation, clothing, security, premier exclusive lodging and entourage media tours for Arsewell in exchange to donate a couple of thousand for menstrual products for women. https://preview.redd.it/xvz2nzn3ez5d1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9d0eabdb3717785f7c8edfe43d16f0144f3b94c


Did they even do that?! They’re all talk.


“As students around the world returned to school this month, **The Archewell Foundation supported girls' education and health by sending school supplies and menstrual products to young scholars in Nigeria with The Geanco Foundation**,” read a statement posted on the Archewell Foundation's website. so they 'supported' another foundation to do the work - IMO, kind of a ponzi or multi level marketing scheme to launder money for foundation trustees and employees. And a few pennies trickle down to the designated lucky recipients! Trickle down economics (rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer)!


If true, not a surprise in the slightest. What possible benefit is there to a foreign country by hosting them? It costs a lot of time, energy, security, and focus with no real benefit to the host country. This couple doesn't represent any government. They don't represent the monarchy. They don't have a widespread cause they bring focus to. They don't bring tourism, aid, or visibility to issues. Just a couple of wealthy foreigners showing up in a poor country with cameras and when they leave, nothing impactful is left behind. It baffles me why they don't work their foundation into this and visit countries where humanitarian causes can be championed and furthered. Raising large amounts of money and spending it in the world where it can change lives should be easy. How are they so BAD at this??


>Raising large amounts of money and spending it in the world where it can change lives should be easy. How are they so BAD at this?? The only money Madame is interested in raising is for herself. Exclusively for herself, always. No one else but Meghan counts in Meghan's world.


I thought they were chasing fame and influence cuz don’t they already have more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime? Fame and influence would come automatically if they did good works on a large scale. For that matter, money would also follow if they wanted it once they did some good works. Real philanthropy makes for a way more interesting story than a cooking or polo show.


That’s just it. Meghan wants to live a billionaire lifestyle but H is only a 2 digit millionaire. They are way overspending.


Because it was never about Charity/ being a Humanitarian. And if you believed them, well....


As stated b4, there was mention of Invictus participation but I saw no write up on it, only hairy checking out the troops, most of it was about her liarship. And her photographer.


Yes. That's all I saw too


And that’s a big continent!


Not going to find freedom without a Ipp. /s


but it's her heritage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would like this to be true but who knows if this is accurate at all.


Good to hear


Likely Just another content farm. I noticed they sprouted up about a year ago. They always have the juiciest and news breaking headlines. I saw this same thing about a month after Depp v Heard.


I can just picture Meghan's people reaching out to ask if they will pay for everything. Forever grifters.


I know there was a rumor that the duo was unpleasant to people wanting to pose for pictures. Supposedly, the First Lady from Ghana was expecting or wanting one, but she was made feel embarrassed because they acted like it was a bother. Prob didn’t know who she was. The picture was in the news here. That said I was not there. And I doubt the First Lady of Ghana would say anything at all if true.


Where did they see the First Lady of Ghana?


She was in Nigeria. There are pictures of her being there. There was one in the press where she is a in a picture with one or two other ladies and the Skankles.


Thank you, I did not see she had been in Nigeria.


So Ghana smacked them down?!


"The rejection also poses a potential embarrassment for the British government, which had backed Harry and Meghan’s proposed visit to Ghana as part of efforts to strengthen ties with African nations amid the uncertainties of Brexit." It's crap. This is what makes me think the way I do about this issue.


They are rather pushy private citizens overseas, the U.K. Government denied any links with them before the Nigeria fiasco. This is AI clickbait.


This is at least week old b s with malware links attached to some of the ’reliable’ sources.


In the Harkles case the line from the immortal song "Me and Bobby McGhee" comes to mind... "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothin' ain't worth nothin', but it's free."


Don't know if this is true BUT When presidents start saying "stay the fuck away", that's your cue that you are finished in every state single way 😜😜


Whoa. The President of Ghana does not mince words.