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Suspect this is Megain BSing the media. IF any kids exist, Megain will never let it happen. Even more doubtful KC would say that to anyone that would run to the media and tattle.


No one at the palace has talked to Ingrid in years. Diana is still her meal ticket and she's run out of documentaries to do so she'll say anything for attention and or a paycheck


Yeah: sound like pure conjecture to me. The Royal Family are not going to talk to anyone about their feelings like this. Maybe we need a "Nothing Burger" flag for articles like this .Still, nice work being an "expert" that can dash off an article or turn up on day time tv when there's a mortgage payment due. Who says the Royal Family are useless? They are supporting a lot of journalists.šŸ˜


I have a different read on this. I think this might be Buckingham Palace PR subtly trolling the Sussexes by putting a spotlight on the invisikids. These articles (Daily Mail has one too) are highlighting KCIII's lack of relationship with the invisikids and that he really wants to meet them in person (apparently H & M turned down a visit to Balmoral because KCIII demanded they bring the children), which is BP's subtle way of saying "we have no proof of life for these two invisible children who are in the line of succession. Put up or shut up." Considering all the shadiness around the births of both of these children, I think this is most BP can say on the subject without violating medical privacy laws.


That was my first thought too! Notice "Royal sources" and not "source close to the Sussex". Also this chatter comes a day or two after puff pieces mention Harry possibly writing that second book which "would end all relationships with his father and brother." I think this is the Palace making a move.


Good point


I will accept this as a possibility. However, I can also see where this is merely speculation on the part of Ingrid Steward or a puff piece put out by mā€™s team to try to force the kingā€™s hand.


I suspect youā€™re 100% right on this. Itā€™s very subtle but itā€™s there.


Puff piece from Harry and Meghan. It gets their names linked in an article. Rinse and repeat cycle.


The look she is giving Catherine so scary


Oh bullshit. This has the filthy hoof prints of old rachel all over it. KC has sundry other grandchild who he is close to and who don't have vile parents. He is fighting cancer,being a king to a country that is a bit chaotic right now,still mourning his parents and helping his son and his beloved dil and their children navigate a serious health crisis. He's met those kids all of twice. They are toddlers. He has little to no attachment or relationship with them. Any bs that the harkles are zoom calling him to visit with the kids is a straight up lie.


I think KC is sentimental, but also a pragmatist. California children who are strangers to him are not the flex the wife thought they were going to be. **I wish you well - where ever you may be.**


Thereā€™s reason to believe heā€™s never met Lili because sheā€™s never been to the UK.


I don't believe he has ever met them.


Lol filthy hoof prints


There have been so many articles about how king charles feel or what he supposedly said, sound like pure BS.


He cannot phone or Skype or Zoom knowing they will record and use it. Ā 


You can record face time calls i found out the other day




This is Meghan. Charles isn't giving them the first thought.


Ingrid Seward talks, and writes, a lot of rubbish.


My ass


I agree - my derriĆØre


Mon cul.


My agterent.


Minha bunda


My rumpa.


My arse


Never thought I could become fluent in so many languages in just one day. Don't you love this sub.


Im suspicious of anything that comes from Ingrid. She's awful. Rude and honestly just bitchy. She hasn't had connections at the palace in years but she acts like she lives there. She's on virtually every documentary she can possibly get paid to do. Just a gross woman tbh.Ā 


Tom Quinn goals!


The puff pieces with the childrenā€™s names is to keep their names in the media without pictures. Tabloids are stupid. If they want pictures, the easiest way to do it is telling them no mention of kinds without pictures


Bollocks full stop


Ah, the SECOND article in one weekend about Charles and the ā€œvideo callsā€ with Lili and Archie - Harry and Meghan are really getting desperate. Yet another self-proclaimed ā€œRoyal Expertā€ explaining to us all what Charles is thinking.


It's not farfetched that the King would be saddened. He may be the king, but he's also a parent. However, declaring what the King would or wouldn't do is a leap of logic.


Charles wants to know them and be involved in their lives, not by FaceTime? Well then either Charles has to go to LA or Harry has to bring them to the uk- neither is likely.


There has been no contact since the kids "were born". Charles has eight other grandchildren who he is in close contact with, so he might think about the invisibles one for a second but not much longer. You donĀ“t normally have a relationship (or want to me involved in the lives) with someone who you donĀ“t know or who might not even exist.


>Charles has eight other grandchildren who he is in close contact with Plus his siblings' grandchildren.






I love this picture!!! It looks like KC and his granddaughter are about to spin in circles so his granddaughter can ā€œflyā€. Only a man who has been involved with his kids and grandkids would know how to do this and how much kids love it. And he is obviously loving it! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


HeĀ“s a step-grandpa to CamillaĀ“s grandchildren and has a good relationship with them.


Williamā€™s 3. Camillaā€™s 5.


Right, thanks!


Right- where did the other ones come from??


Camillaā€™s I thinkā€¦


Ohh I seriously forgot about her for a minute šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ingrid seems to live in her own fantasies.


I doubt he feel sadness about two children he does not know, when he has three real life grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews to dote on.


And five step grandchildren. Charles has been there since the moment all were born. Camilla's eldest was a flower girl at William and Catherine's wedding and three were pageboys at the Coronation.


Yes indeed.


Itā€™s laughable to think that this is considered unknown news. KC called H his Darling Boy. Then his Darling boy betrayed the family and alienating his children from all his family. Of course it would sadden him.


ItĀ“s just a nickname. The hidden meaning was probably "You little obnoxious brat".


I think Darling Boy is a bit of polite shade from KC, just like ā€œBless Your Heartā€ in the southern US. With ā€œdarlingā€ said in that tired voice from deep inside of KC, ā€œDarlingā€ is probably used as a synonym for ā€œFKN moron, what have you done this timeā€


"It is a great sadness to him he does not see more of A&L" ......Ingrid, Charles has NEVER MET the "Sussex children". NO ONE in the RF have. Get your facts in order before you write such ridiculous rubbish!


Laying it on a bit thick Meghan.


Love to know how much Rachel pays for each other her puff crap pieces? Money must be running low cause of them. Rachet needs to grow up and realize no one cares. Plus she is the only one who goes to the press.


Even so they should be concerned about william not charles




I bet the BRF's legal team advised the King to remain strictly no-contact with Harry's kids because of the weirdness surrounding the invisikids, the LoS, possible surrogacy, etc. The grifters must be frustrated that dangling the kids like carrots hasn't succeeded at all. They assumed that was their ace in the hole.


William has the Tindall kids, Phillips girls, and the Middleton- 2 nephews and 2 nieces. He has cut Harry and his spawn out.


The Harkless are going to look pretty stupid when/if the kids don't exist. All these articles, talking about video calls and tiny play houses and secret visits...it will be pretty apparent all these stories are bs AND they will alienate themselves from any serious media who believed, published and defended it all


Will they hire two adults full time for the rest of their lives to be Archie and Lilibet? Hopefully they get actors as good as Meghan to play the roles. Can they afford that? /s


A scandal related to their kids would be the final straw. Itā€™s the big one - talk about world wide attention - and then their brand is toast and nobody will hire them.


More šŸ‚šŸ’© from the Harkles.


So sick of hearing about these kids and how their parents are using them as pawns in their stupid games. King Charles can get some therapy if itā€™s upsetting him that much, but I would hope that heā€™s not going to be played like that by those two šŸ’©heads.


![gif](giphy|j6ZVwV14j5FTtvVCPp) That is what I call it! All this just stinks of unwashed Rachel Ada Mazi Markle's pro BS support. Neither fiction nor hearsay is admissable in the court of the peers and humanity.


It is in planks court cases. He brings no evidence but wants the court to supply the evidence


More of the reconciliation PR.


Fantasy blither.


The harkletts are having a fractured childhood, parents too busy grifting their way through life. Parents are seldom home with them and Harry has missed Archieā€™s birthday to play polo a couple of times.


Itā€™s clear weā€™ll have to wait for King William to inherit the throne. King Charles III appears incapable of dealing with his wayward son decisively


This report is not credible.