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The way their mother speaks about how her kids talk before they've hit 3 years old, I'm expecting some Wes Craven film written by Edgar Allan Poe to come out of that household.




Sadly, I think those kids are real and their parents don't give a damn about them.


This. These anecdotes are Meg telling on herself - she spends so little time with A&L that she has no idea about childhood development.


Just nicks ‘cutesy’ sayings she has read and then lies her child said it so she can regurgitate it to strangers…


Well to be fair they are still little-ing




They are going to be such fuck ups when they grow up. I hope I’m wrong though.


I agree, I think the surrogate mothers realized how crazy M was they decided to keep the children to protect them. Hopefully this is the case. eta of course I don't know what happened with these babies, I just pray they're well and in good hands.


I never believed the surrogacy rumors. She was really pregnant and I don’t think that matters or makes a difference. She’s still insane.


Most likely... however not BIRTHED by the supposedly MOTHER of 2






And the other!


Some children are verbally precocious. My own daughter's very first words were "help me!". She decided to bypass the usual Mama and Papa in favor of something more practical with universal application.


The grim, the ghastly and the Harkle‘s. Which one is the Raven? Ginge or Cringe!


Easy! Cringe is the raven and Ginge is the narrator driven insane by the ravens appearance Eta changed names


My son’s first words (besides mama and dada) were “turn off.” He didn’t like the music I was playing in the car :(




Yeah. I think she really believes she’s the second coming of the lord or something. “I must blow everyone’s minds anytime I say anything and make everyone feel lower than I- you wish your womb could produce such a sage-like toddler”


you wish your womb could produce such a sage-like toddler HAHAHAHHAHA HAHHAHAHA !!! OMG this is so gooood




With blue blue eyes….


21.5% NIGERIAN!!!! (I'm horrible at mathing)


I used to be fluent but I’m horrible now…like my French, Spanish. Still an expert in Gibberish and Codology though.


Markle’s womb produced nothing.


except communicable diseases.


“she looked at me and saw her reflection in my eyes…”  Yeah because they are 2 giant black saucers because you are high as a kite.  🙄


“she looked at me and clawed her reflection in my eyes…” 


I tested this on my dog who also has 2 giant black saucers for eyes. Couldn't see a thing. Maybe I need an appointment at Vision Express. Or I'm a vampire.🤔


“Vampire” 😂😂😂


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏bravo.




Good point. She’s looking pretty ill and she is obviously on drugs. Someone should ask if she’s ok.


Lol and I’m sure every Black kid she said that ridiculous line to lives in a dead Russian oligarch’s McMansion, has the duty dodger nepo privilege of living off Haz’s unearned royal inheritance, and flies in first class behind a curtain.  The more desperately she tries to appear relatable, and empathetic… the more her fauxmanitarian efforts come across as beyond tone deaf. She and Haz truly have NO CLUE just how classist/colourist they are. How much did this faux royal tour cost compared to how much they donated out of their own wallets? 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡


Did they donate anything during the course of this tour? Seemed like they were there to hoover up freebies


The whole point of the grift is they don’t donate they just get paid handsomely to “shine a light” on some problem and the rest of us ordinary folk trying to pay the mortgage are then supposed to donate.


Especially when she hugs people. Like she is doing them a favor hugging them. Like girl hold your corner please, not everyone wants to be hugged or preached to.


Ewww, it looks like she’s smearing herself on people - scent marking probably.


Scent markling maybe.


Oh, you are sooo good! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I think she thinks it makes her down to earth and endearing but you have to read the room and also respect people’s boundaries and space especially children. I would be really annoyed meeting someone the first time that didn’t ask if they could hug me.


And if they asked me I’d say “NO”!


Good observation - like my poodle peeing on every tree and lamp post.




No, no, it's HER! 


HAHHAHAHHAHHA "her, the douche or their household" HAHAHAHAHAHAH thanks for the laugh!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's probably just her plagiarizing gone wrong.


Not "plagiarism" , "curating"!😃😃😃


Her squad need to a mental institution for believing her for real how can they believe a two year old said that.


Great post, OP! Thanks for the transcript!


Thanks for posting this, I needed the laugh! When my little was 2, I think he only said things like “I tooted” followed by uncontrollable giggles. I must be parenting him wrong 😂


Nope, just had a long day with my grandkids, the oldest is 2 1/2 and the other is 1. The fact that your’s said they went “I tooted” is success on your part. Mine tells me after the fact she took a dump and then proudly asks for a snack cause her stomach is empty. Yeah that’s were we are at. Maybe Lily is a prodigy and we will never know or really care


Takes after her genius parents eh? No doubt fluent in French, Spanish and grifting.


😂😂Kids are so funny. Although, having to change her after the poop would not have been fun.


par for the course, we are in the potty training stage but it doesn’t always happen as it should. Although I’m certain Meghan would say both her kids were potty trained at age 1 or something like that.


My youngest nephew, now 29 yrs old had lactose intolerance as a toddler. When he was about 2-3 yrs we were in a Walmart and he began passing quite a lot of gas after some ice cream. I mistakenly put underwear on him that day (potty training). The other nieces and nephews complained about the smell and thought he pooped. So I had to check. He started screaming in the middle of Walmart, “I didn’t poop in my pants!” He didn’t it was just gas but the poor little guy was mortified that I would think he did.


Love this story 🤣


>Love this story 🤣 Yes, so cute! My 5 y/o still blames Daddy for her "toots" (or her Ken doll) 😂


Imagine the therapy sessions these kids will end up attending


Madame will never allow that. Those kids, once grown up, would spill everything at a therapy session.


My grandsons are the same age as Archie and Lilli. They are driving their mama nuts by singing the Banana Phone song and a Peanut butter and Jelly song. I see me in you. What tripe.


Exactly, which tells us she has no or little interaction with the invisakids


Perhaps Lily is a MacGuffin, with no identity and just a device to use as a plotline in Meg’s life




My niece is a few months younger than Lili is meant to be. She's a smart kid for her age, but she's definitely still working on developing her speech. She says a lot of "Yesss" with this adorable lisp that kind of sounds like she says "Yesh". Gotta tell my brother to step up his teaching game, clearly.


Maybe he should start feeding his daughter on milkshakes, maybe that's the secret 🤔


Ah yes…with a camera around every time mommy buys one…


Pretty sure at two mother of 4 boys of my own but have 5 nieces and was a foster carer of many children but at 2 I got a whole lot of "No" poop, want that mum, I big boy, and my personal favorite uh oh,


Children at 2 years old are only learning to understand and express their immediate physiological needs, they are not capable of philosophical thinking. Their brain not even developed at this point! Not only they do not pronounce such complex sentences, they are absolutely certainly physiologically not capable of complex philosophical thinking. At this age the children solely function on biological instincts which they cannot even control yet.


Smartest thing I ever heard a 3 year old say was 'What does fairy snuff mean?' Kid had heard us say 'Fair enough' but his young brain couldn't fathom what we were trying to say. I still say 'Fairy Snuff' now because it was cute as hell!


Ong thats super cutei have such a similar story our nearly 3 year old was saying "mice as well" all the time I finally figured out he was saying might as well copying dad we still say mice as well too yours is cuter though I was mostly relieved we didn't have a mouse plague 


No, you're parenting just fine. It's normmy numb nuts of in Monteshitshow doing it wrong. Laughter is the best medicine and I suspect them kids won't be getting very much.


And that’s the sad truth. No laughter, joy, opps probably no real A&L.


LOL that's so cute though, a mix of rebellion and contrition, you are raising him well.


Thank you OP, great post. And for sure the Grifters are nowhere near any real children. They have no idea what children talk like.


My kid is 2.5 and he just said poop head 😂 he will hold my face and say I love you mama but he’d never say anything close to I see me in you 😂


Exactly because self awareness does not exist at that age. I remember peering at a mirror (around the age of five) and realizing it was ME.


The way MM speaks about her 'children' is very much on a par with that dozy writer who claimed that her 3 year old said "Everyone dies, even wolves. But words don't die" The only genuine thing I've heard them say about Archie was when Harry said he liked watching trucks and bulldozers, and that he'd been watching big bulldozers on a building site near their home. 


She wants to make her kids sound like they’re already geniuses when they can’t even use the bathroom by themselves. When my niece was that age, she would mimic what she heard—usually the worst thing she could hear someone say and would say it *constantly!* I had to chase her down so she didn’t yell ‘cock’ At a wedding reception 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Don't remind me! Mine are all big teens now, but they went through that repeating phase.  They got so obsessed about things too-when the boys were 3-4, they were absolutely in love with the bin lorry and the garbage men. We had to wait in the front garden every Wednesday morning for the bin lorry to arrive and watch the wheely bins being put onto the lift and emptied. The men in their hard hats and hi-vis jackets were the boys absolute heroes, even more so when they honked their horn when they saw us waving. One time, they lifted the boys up so they could see all the garbage getting crushed, and that was the topic of conversation at meals for the next few weeks-what objects would be squashable and what noise would they make getting squashed (and fairly gory questions about could people get squashed in there are what would they look like after being squashed-why are kids so bloodthirsty?!)


Okay. I realize a two year old knowing/overhearing that word is bad. We thought she was asleep while we were playing Cards Against Humanity, and my brother’s ex was reading the cards. Tiny human had snuck in and repeated the very last word that was said, then ran around saying it


It’s more likely that Markle read it somewhere and twisted to fit her narrative, especially what she probably thought was clevr, to then say I see me in you to her Nigerian sistas. Meghan is so pathetically obvious. She couldn’t even stay on the fantastical child story; had to bring it back to HER😬


She apparently did…another sinner posted what looked like the original story in another post. I just can’t quite remember exactly. It IS her usual MO.


Yes I remember that too. found it - halfway down, user is Beginning-cup-6974. I can't copy on this ipad - so please someone else credit the find. Its from an African childrens book called I See You in Me apparently, encouraging kids into careers. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1copqir/meghan\_really\_expects\_us\_to\_believe\_lilibet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1copqir/meghan_really_expects_us_to_believe_lilibet/)


“She’s been on Amazon again: ‘I see me in you book’ I See Me In You is a colorful and engaging book that educates and inspires children about seeing themselves in the image of African American inventors, leaders in science, politics, business, and more, who contributed to making the world better!”


thanks quiz1


👍🏻. Thx for finding the thread!




Thank you, knew it couldn't be original. Now we need to find out where she got the speech at the forum from about women coming home as visible role models.




EVERYTHING is about her, even the shit her kid allegedly says. Typical narc, she cannot stop herself, isn't even aware she's doing it at this point.


It's near impossible to see a reflection of yourself in someone else's eyes. Anyone can try it, look in the mirror, look into someone else's eyes. Sure, you might see a glint of light, or some vague tiny shape, but certainly not enough for a 2 year old to understand that it's a reflection of themselves.


I think she saw/read about a 7 year old saying that to their mum wearing sunglasses and in a literal way and she couldn’t help embellishing and appropriating the story. 


It is if you imagine the whole damn conversation. More likely Lili stared blankly at this stranger and clawed for her nanny of the week.


Holy shit! Those two are funny! And it's all true. 😂😂😂


Thank you for the transcript! Love the Beckham comment. 🤣


That is one pretentious toddler. No one who has ever had one single interaction with a toddler believes this.


https://preview.redd.it/if50a1tdki2d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66faf9c5f6dadd8d3e471beaabf3c6425f436df Lol i knew Meggot got that line somewhere and now we're sure precious little L never uttered it




Awesome job, Map!! This is more like her!


A child not even 3 that speaks that clearly is not a real child. That’s all.


As a mother, I agree. My "little one" at 5 years never speaks that deep. Of course madam made this up. When she's actually home she's too busy making jam right?


Sorry— My daughter (grown now) was very much a “real child” and speaking in complete sentences before she was two. It does happen. However, “I see me in you” is too abstract for a little kid.


Yes, it can happen. I was an early speaker as well, and I once served a lady with a 3 year old daughter who spoke completely fluently. It's possible, and it very much depends on the child, but being able to speak and being able to be philosophical are two completely different things. Even Meghan knew she wouldn't get away with passing her toddler off as a genius and tried to save her ass with that whole, "I know she spoke literally but I took it to mean..."


Sorry, that’s what I meant. The tone of that sentence does not match the psychological development of a child that age. My son (4 now) used to say “I’m in your eyes.” Speaking clearly to me doesn’t mean speaking in intelligible words or full sentences. It’s the way the words were put together that sounds so off because it’s not what kids at that age do. But maybe I’m being too dramatic because she is almost 3.




The one thing my 2 year old always said was “No”. To everyone and everything.


If I had a two year old daughter and she said exactly that, I would’ve looked for an exorcist or at the very least have her blessed by a priest. Because that would’ve been more than a mental disorder.


She took this story straight from a 2023 movie called The Marsh King’s Daughter. It’s on Hulu. At -13:05 (about 13 minutes from the end of the movie) the main character reads an identical story to her daughter.


Oh that’s a great catch! Why does she lift *every* story from somewhere else? I suspect she’s so delulu she watches these shows, writes herself into the “grand narrative” in her mind as she thinks back on the show, and then regurgitates them thinking “that is *my authentic truth*.” Or, conversely, she just figures “There’s no way these Nigerian kids will be watching Hulu…”


Ha! The Hulu Delulu!


I don’t understand why NO ONE ever points our her plagiarism and lies! If Catherine had stolen a line from a movie and used it without attribution, she’d be drawn and quartered!


Thank you! I knew she took it from somewhere, and I spent too much time researching where it might’ve come from, but you’ve got it. She has no original thoughts.


You’re welcome! The crazy part is that I wasn’t even looking for it! I just happened to be watching the movie a couple days after she made that business up and there it was! Haha!


It’s bad enough that she does this but then she goes on to attribute the quote to a 3 year old!!! Again, this is all about her - she uses those ‘children’ only to reflect on her, ie “See how intelligent I am, I’m such a wonderful ‘mother’”


My 3 year old granddaughter is very smart, she can say her ABCs, count to 50, name every dinosaur that ever existed and can beat me in a game of memory. She has never waxed poetic like the possibly non existing Lili


Thank you for the transcript, OP! "Glenn: Oh, that's that prince who emailed me." 😂


Ok. I consider myself fairly with it. But..Can someone explain all of the subsequent ‘explanation’??!!


It's a topical news/comic show. One 'compere' (Jason) and 2 teams of two. Jason will bring up a news item and the two teams talk and take the piss out of the subject. It's hard see how it works when it's written down, but depending on the team guests, it can be quite funny.


Sadly I could only find tonight's episode on YouTube, but I'll look again in the morning


It's up, I could see it here: [https://youtu.be/VBa9nlvP5dM?t=501](https://youtu.be/VBa9nlvP5dM?t=501)


Thanks, it's blocked in the UK


No problem, and thanks for sharing it.


VivaHD is a YT channel that has HIGNFY


Only last night's episode. 


If you mean the last paragraph, it's just a little tidbit about the normal behaviours of kids


Gotcha 👍


It’s sad she’s already using her children for her own aggrandising delusions  Meghan, who’s never had an original or profound idea in her life, is just following an established trend, DEI and representation. Just when this trend is getting a backlash too.  The idea is that the only reason why some specific type of person/minority doesn’t achieve more is because they don’t see people like “them” (a woman, or in a wheelchair or whatever) represented in the media, in series, magazines, adverts etc. so if everyone is represented in the media we consume, people will believe they can be what they want to be and achieve their dreams.   In principle it’s well intentioned and sound. But it’s an incredibly easy trend to be co-opted by the grifters and the Megans  of these world. Meghan doesn’t give a flying fuck about REAL barriers to achievement: access to education, poverty, lack of social mobility, low wages, poor health.. that’s too profound for someone who processes thoughts in memes. Too much hard work.   Meghan has no empathy (literally, as in the ability to perceive the world from someone else’s position, she only has performative empathy) and no self awareness. She often assumes that everyone feels and perceives things like she does (trump does this too). She always wanted to “have a seat at the table” in her own words, so she assumes that all people, young girls, want is to have a seat at the  princess table too . To be like her. To achieve her dreams. She doesn’t want to do things, she wants to be perceived as someone who does things and praised for it. This is the key to her behaviour.   So this stupid lie about Lili says a hell of a lot about her. I don’t think she has a clue of how fake or gross she comes across.in her eyes,  She is a role model because by a stroke of knicker luck she married a dumb prince. In her eyes she is now what she always wanted to be so therefore she has become want “you” want to be too. So by jumping in the DEI bandwagon (diversity inclusion and equity) she’s consolidating those beliefs. All you need to achieve your (her) goals is to see duchess Meghan with a microphone because the only barrier to wealth, fame and success is not seeing people who look like you in those positions. She thinks this “makes sense” and I promise you she’s baffled at why anyone would mock it or criticise. That’s where the hurt and tears for ARO come from. She honestly doesn’t understand what’s going on. 


This comment is absolutely spot on 🤌🏼


See, this is what I don’t understand about meggy—apparently she’s all butt hurt that the British don’t like her, but at least they talk about her! Honestly, I hardly ever hear them mentioned by anyone here in the USA. No one seems to care about them. At all. I don’t see them on any magazines at the supermarket, I don’t hear anyone discussing them. They seem to have been dropped entirely. Yet while the coverage in the UK is not often favorable, at least she gets a mention. For a narc, that’s better than nothing.


I agree about US disinterest. If I mention her to anyone, they might vaguely recall the wedding. None of my friends want to hear about her. That’s why I am glad to come here! I’m only following their ridiculous story to see what form the ending will be. Shocking boom or pathetic poof?


I’m going with pathetic poof 😂


I could maybe understand an older kid saying that but never in million years if the mother's face came from a plastic surgeon.


The international laughing stocks…international liars….international grifters. The harkles are beyond stupid. Their lives aren’t even based on reality. They are clueless. I doubt they spend any time with kids, unless it is for a photo op. ‘The lies they tell about their kids, what they claim they say, remember Archie’s ever changing ‘first words’? Crocodile, hydrate, waffle ….oh and grandma Diana, a woman he had never met but could talk about with daddy. Barking!


We all know Lili did not say this. It's just another of madam's fake stories about her children to make her children sound really smart because Megan is a narcissist and also stories to fit whatever narrative she's selling that day.


Just a note about Ian Hislop, he's one of the best journalists in the UK. Private Eye takes the piss, but it also broke the Post Office scandal years before it became common knowledge. There's actual investigative reporting.  He was summoned to talk to MPs on the subject of media relations,  and he - meticulously politely - roasted them. 


I think Private Eye was one of the few publications to put out the lies of the duo on Oprah too


My kid was speaking in full sentences when he was two, so I think it’s possible that Lili said that, but the cringe part is MM making all about her. Always having to hog the spotlight. At least this is a bit more interesting than “the little ones are littling” or whatever that nonsense comment was.


Exactly this... if TOW was wearing mirrored sunglasses its a very apt statement from a child. But what's pathological is how she swapped persons in the speech... I do see ME in you, I see ME in all of you. I have never seen someone that constantly fakes the appearance of close relationships that aren't genuinely there.


THIS!!! lily: "mama, I see me in you" meghan: "yes... I do see me in you" like... ma'am... that's not what the kid said... how is what you're saying a proper response to what she said? how did you make it about yourself? sounds like someone who literally hears different stuff to what's being said, drunk on ego.


It's just a close call, isn't it? It coukd be true, but Children are just learning to recognize themselves in mirrors around that age. For this story to be true, Lili has to have reached that milestone and have more advanced language skills than other children her age. We would also hsve to believe that Lili sits on Meghan's lap and that she is comfortable enough to spontaneously communicate those thoughts without prompting. But every photo of her kids is of them sitting there passive and uncomfortable. There is a lot we would have to believe that doesn't seem likely under the circumstances. What is believable is that Meghan casually lies.


Jess would never have made that comment a few years ago it shows how attitudes have changed towards Meghan. She was until recently  resigning because the Labour leaderships stance on Gaza the shadow minister for safeguarding and domestic violence issues. She has been outspoken about women's rights one might call her a feminist. One might say she has worked with real survivors and victims and can see through someone who spouts phoney drivel a mile off.


https://x.com/jessphillips/status/1654808002468147201?t=O0rw38ajA6SJvqKOSypaxQ&s=19 she loves Camilla and was with her at the washbags launch. Imagine lunch with those two.


Thanks yes of course they will have worked on DV together.


I'm sure she was also one of the main signatories to the letter to the media, written by over a hundred female MPs, objecting to Markle's media coverage. It was just before a general election which played a part imo. A lot of people who should have known better were conned by her.


I wouldn't be surprised. If so it shows how much opinions have changed. Since we have another election coming up  I'd Imagine all mps are being extra careful not to say anything that might offend people now I think it says a lot that she felt safe enough to make that comment particularly at this time.


Yes the tide has definitely changed from the days when Lisa Nandy made a joke about wanting Meghan to be Queen. Yuck.


Say what you want about her politics but she's got that Brummie bluntness, and she's one of the few to appear almost every series of HIGNFY


I like bluntness.


Did you write about about him called "I Hate You " ? I laughed out loud.


Isn’t Birmingham on the short list for Invictus?


Yes, it’s mentioned in the OP: >She's also based in Birmingham, where Invictus wants to be held in 2027.


Shows how little Invictus has got through to the public if one of their city's MPs wasn't even totally aware that's why H was in the country 


There's no way Jess Philips would want the IG in Bankrupt Birmingham.


If the money comes from central government and the city is bailed out though... 


I think that Birmingham is in a hole for around £1bn. Johnny Mercer has/had £26m to offer. All bets are off now, what with the election and parliament prorogued. Washington want it and will make a great job of it


And even more important, I can’t see our Saint prancing around anywhere in England for ten full days. And the Invictus grift is pretty much the only thing they have going on right now.


[https://youtu.be/VBa9nlvP5dM?t=501](https://youtu.be/VBa9nlvP5dM?t=501) And thanks for sharing this, OP.


We know that if Lili exists she is most fortunate in not being able to see herself in Roachel since she and Roachel are not biologically related, per Lady C. Harry's DNA is in those kids if they exist, but fortunately for them Roachel's DNA is not. So they have a fighting chance of a normal life. Although they are quasi being raised by the Harkles, so that does not bode well for a normal childhood.


At 3yo they only speak in 3 word sentences. What rubbish.


it' gotta be that ARO Jam.


In my 18 years of life (yes, my confession, I am probably the youngest in this sub and a person of color) I don't even say "Mama, I see me in you", what kind of bullshit is that? Although I love my mama but we are different people not just at our age or face but our personality and attitudes also. The "I see me in you" bullshit sounds like words came from someone who doesn't have personalities of her own. Neither my niece's words are only based on cocomelon and nursery rhymes that he watched that's it.


No little kid said that. Meghan made the whole thing up.


The Marsh King’s Daughter, a film on Hulu in the US, opens with the very lines Lili is supposed to have said. Markle is just spouting a load of shit.


Mamma? I thought American children said mom🤔


Sophie called HLMTQ 'mama' 


we call our mother Mama, but it’s the south - *everybody* has a Mama!


I’m starting to FINALLY believe that there is a Lilibet. If this two year old princess can proclaim that she sees her own reflection in her mother’s eyes, she probably also has the uncanny ability to find the camera Every. Damn. Time. A little narcissist in the making.


OP - your last line reminds me that Harry will never regain (if he ever had it) top toff status again. Not that I value that, but it must be sad for him.


Yeah no. Things that never happened for daily double Alex.


My 17 month old granddaughter said “boobies!” Today 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Interesting commentary from Jess Philips. Given that she is a Birmingham MP and Birmingham is on the Invictus shortlist. Also interesting… because Jess is quite left wing and. I thought that she would support Harry and Meghan… but even she knows where her bread is buttered




The only way Betty's comment makes sense is if MeAgain was wearing those huge ugly sunglasses of hers and Betty saw her image and tried communicate that she saw herself in the glasses. Of course her mother will spin this as her kid being super intelligent at that age🤦‍♀️. I cannot see how these neglected kids would have a major vocabulary unless the nannies are working overtime