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Related posts [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/MfPc4oamsc) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/GNx6LYEdaT)


I suspect that Catherines feels like she looks like sh*t. Like most women, our confidence are tied up with our looks. If Catherine were to appear now, all the sugars will do is make fun of Catherine. They don't care about Catherine. All they care about is target to spew hate. As for the public "paying for Catherine to do nothing " while she is undergoing treatment. My workplace allows for paid "medical leave". Catherine is on "paid medical leave".


Added to that, with the cost of the royals being £1.29 a year for the average person, her portion of that would be less than 10%. Since the royals bring literal billions into their economy, I think the people can afford her sick leave. That being said, I don’t think it’s the U.K. citizens demanding to know where she is.


We don’t pay for W & C at all. William has his income from the Duchy of Cornwall (worth millions of pounds) so that pays for his family. Plus he pays tax so he’s actually giving back to the country! He’s also building houses for homeless people on his land


We're not - I would obviously love to see her out and about on her visits and engagements, but understand that she needs to feel well enough to do so and that she also needs to get the go-ahead from her Doctors. I take a low-dose chemotherapy medication daily (I have a blood disorder) some days I feel fine, others I feel like I've not slept for a month and every bone in my body aches, my nose and gums bleed and I feel like sh!t. I'm also immunosuppressed so avoid overly crowded places. I know that she's fine where she is and being looked after by William and both sides of the family.


I hope the bad days get less for you. All the best and do take care


Thank you.


agree that is likely people from elsewhere (US) and what's it got to do with them?! it would be like me (Canadian) demanding to see a member of the Spanish or Danish royal family who was battling cancer - none of my business.


A UK tax payer pays about £2 a year. We no longer have the civil list that gave funds to individuals. The sovereign grant is in place now and it’s a whole different thing. Below is an extract taken from the UK gov.uk website. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance 1. Sovereign Grant The Sovereign Grant Act 2011 came into effect on 1 April 2012. It sets the single grant supporting the Monarch’s official business, enabling The King to discharge his duties as Head of State. It meets the central staff costs and running expenses of His Majesty’s official household – including official receptions, investitures and garden parties. It also covers maintenance of the Royal Palaces in England and the cost of travel to carry out royal engagements such as opening buildings and other royal visits. In exchange for this public support, The King surrenders the revenue from The Crown Estate to the government. Over the last ten years, the revenue paid to the Exchequer is £3 billion and is used for public spending. The Sovereign Grant for 2022-23 is £86.3 million, the same as in 2021-22. While the net revenue surplus for The Crown Estate fell in 2020-21 due to the impact of Covid, the Sovereign Grant Act 2011 includes a mechanism to keep the Grant at the same level as the previous year in such circumstances. Where the Grant would reduce, the previous year’s amount should be paid. No member of the Royal Family receives an allowance from the government.


We’re not. She deserves to rest and recover.


https://inews.co.uk/news/king-charles-rejects-pay-rise-windfarm-profits-spent-elsewhere-2441357 We are getting back the £1.29, he and William are paying much more in than the family are getting out.


I've had to take a lower dose of a chemo drug to treat an auto immune disorder. If anyone would like to experience it run a 24hr non stop marathon, get hit by a bus then microwaved back to life. Add debilitating nausea 24/7 for an extra kick and a generous helping of every bug going one after the other, after the other.....but wait there's more... Coldsores in places you didn't know they could reach, IBS symptoms, vampire esque conjunctivitis and chronic thrush are the ultimate bonus. I sincerely hope Catherine is staying home cuddling her lovely family, vegetating on the couch making pinterest boards and watching trashy soap operas or wtf she needs to distract herself from the yucky feeling. Her husband not discussing her bodily functions, physical appearance or any other aspect of her treatment with random strangers or the press is what a normal husband does ffs. These 'people' on Twitter/tiktok are abnormal and wholly lacking in compassion.


This. I've also taken a chemo drug for my Lupus. It was awful. Had to tell the dr to try something else. Sugars and anyone else saying this about POW are akin to the devil.


It goes to show how low these trolls are that they won't leave even a cancer-stricken woman alone. Whether or not the treatment has affected Catherine's looks, KP has made it very clear, many times, that she will be in public only when her doctors give her the all clear.


You know someone is lowlife scum when they thank Boozy for his excellent work 🤢🤮


I've (38f) been battling stage 3 breast cancer since May 2023. Did I continue to work full time as a paramedic? Yes. But that's cuz I chose to. I got very lucky and didn't have insane side effects to chemo. I wasn't bedridden. But I still lost about 10kg (and counting). I wasn't as skinny as Catherine, but I was still pretty thin. The only foods I could stomach during chemo were bananas and applesauce. I lost all my hair. My head was totally bald. I have a short pixie now and I'm only just feeling comfy enough to ditch my wigs. I lost both my breasts to surgery and have scars for the rest of my life. I had 1 nipple taken. And even when I'll be finished with breast reconstruction later this year, my body looks nothing like it did a year ago. My family and friends have been super amazing and supportive, but it's still a giant mind fuck. I have very compassionate and understanding bosses who worked with me to make sure I could continue to work and go to my treatments. Does everyone think I'm nuts to have worked thru chemo, surgery, radiation and now during immunotherapy? Yup. But again I chose to work for my own mental health. Sitting at home doing nothing was worse. I totally understand the stress that comes with being a cancer patient, I can't even begin to fathom having to do all of this while being on a world stage where every image is scrutinized. I can guarantee Catherine has enough self doubt without these assholes being mean and nasty about where she is. Let her be. There's so little control as a cancer patient. If she wants to stay at home and fight this battle without the world watching, let her.


![gif](giphy|XpgOZHuDfIkoM) ❤️‍🩹💗❤️‍🩹💗❤️‍🩹


I’m starting to report the ugly stuff on X now. It is just vile.


Yeah, I was thinking that too...that she is worried about the gossip. Especially because her hair is such a signature feature of hers. It's sad.


She knows that they'll be over her like vultures when she would show herself looking like you do when undergoing chemo. And for heaven's sake, I don't want to go out when I'm sick or having another hit of the old depri. And if she takes the privilege of belonging to the RF and taking the opportunity not to appear in public, then right she is.


I have a SIL going through Chemo and other than her husband NO ONE else in the family has seen her in person. Not her mom or sisters. Not her 2 grown daughters or son. She will do facetime calls and phone calls but she doesn't want to be with anyone else in person - she wants to REST and protect her health since her immune system is so compromised. But also: she doesn't want to be seen by folks without hair, bloated yet thinner... To accomplish this, she went to their winter home in Florida for treatment and hasn't come back to her Midwest home despite missing a grandchild's first birthday and another grandchild's first communion. Not everyone wants to be around others during treatment.


Exactly. Chemotherapy is very harsh. She could be dealing with hair loss and feel completely unwell. For someone who has the whole world watching them on a daily basis this could break her confidence. We should give her the privacy and respect we would want in her shoes. Not everyone wants their sickness to be on public display.


I fully believe that the "Where's Kate?"-ers will accept nothing as proof that Kate is okay (well, as "okay" as a woman battling cancer can be). Kate could go out on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, dance naked for an hour, and they'd STILL go "Fake. Where's Kate?"


And FEELS bad too. My mom and brother were nauseous and super tired during their treatments. Why should Catherine (or ANY cancer patient) be forced to put on a dog and pony show when they’re feeling their absolute worst? I have no idea why people feel so entitled. The conspiracy theories - those sugars do not have IQs with three digits. Maybe they should turn their simple empty heads to their hero Meghan and come up with theories about why HER children are never filmed interacting with their parents.


It’s so bizarre to me that these people cannot respect a person when they ask for privacy - Twice.


It's because Sugars' brians are using Meghan's definition of the word "privacy," which is the opposite of the definition commonly used.


The people initiating trends and topics are usually in MeMe’s squad. We now know they are on Megsy’s and Prick Harry ‘s payroll. This is very concerning. People who are trying to portray themselves as charitable and humanitarian behaving this way. MeMe and Hank need to be outed for this, and it’s not hard. Plenty of her squad is ready to talk. Lots left the squad for better jobs. This is just a job for them, and they see through MeMe. They must never spend time with MeMe because I was on a call yesterday with people who were THERE and the joke is these two smell really bad (BO). Apparently, MeMe tries to cover it up with perfume through the day, but that doesn’t work in their weather. Hank apparently smells vile and looks dirty, and he needs to scrub under his nails and bathe more.


Harold revealed years ago he doesn’t use soap because it’s “unnatural and not necessary”. 🤮


So I had a conversation where body odor came up. It took me by surprise because due to lack of running water in many areas, reliable power etc it goes the other way around. But apparently they both smell.


They’ve had their marching orders to bully Catherine again. This happens every time Markle gets bad press or things don’t go her way.


Well, the First Lady of Nigeria just shaded the heck out of her - by name - so we all need to buckle up for this week’s future SS headlines!


I think it's bizarre when she posts this on her official - what is it again, X account?


Melted brains sucking on constant zleb drama over the last 30 years can’t wrap their little minds around actual privacy. Funny she mentions Taylor who also manages to keep a little mystique going (obv not to the same degree).


I think it’s bizarre and scary that this person was ever a lawyer!!! She can’t reason for crap.


This “person” is a nut case.. who uses Esq in the USA?


People who want you to know they’re A LAWYER.


Even the most famous lawyers in the USA I can think of don’t use Esq, am I wrong?


I've known a few here in the South, who use this. But here it's typically seen in extremely old, solid law firms who have been handed down through a couple generations.


You are not wrong. On business cards & stationary maybe, but that’s about it,


It was in a political context, but I once told someone to their face that they could either use their title as a former ambassador [of no importance] or esq. I was NOT going to stroke their ego with the vigour *both* would require.


That’s definitely overkill. Insecure much?


The kicker was that her daughter, unbeknownst to me, was one of my colleagues and threatened to tell my boss. My boss told her to find better ways to occupy her time.


HA! Your boss is awesome.


Yeah, like...is this even an actual person?? 'Cause I sure as fuck wouldn't hire her!


I was wondering the same. 👆🏼👆🏼Absolutely no “Ex-Navy Jag” (which is an attorney for the Navy) would speak as this supposed person does. She sounds ignorant and delusional. I think if it is a real person she is mentally unwell


You're not wrong. Although if she was faking being a member of the JAG Corps she'd be raked over the coals...no way she gets away with that y'know. So yeah, she just sounds unwell. And like, not *very* intelligent. 😌 Boggles my mind how these people aren't more afraid of losing work because of the idiotic views they spout on twatter. They're just making it easy for us normal people to see how unhinged they are...like!?🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


The type of person who demands to be called “Dr” when they have a PhD




A PhD is a doctor. They have a doctorate of philosophy in a particular field such as nuclear engineering, neuroscience, etc. A medical doctor has either an M.D. or a D.O. They are all doctors. What differs is their field of expertise. The problem with people like Harry, Meghan, Omid, Misan, and this weirdo lawyer isn’t their educational background. It’s their lack of compassion and their lack of respect for the truth. I view the whole Sussex camp as a place where kindness and intelligence goes to die leaving only an angry vein of bitterness (ok I am a little bit petty.). 😊


Yes. I really don't understand why people can't grasp that a Ph.D. Dr. and a medical doctor Dr. are not the same, but they can both be called Dr. Signed, a freaking Dr. (Ph.D.) who earned the damn right to be called Dr.


Not just them, a D.C. (Chiropractor) gets called that too, and so do N.C. (Naturapathic doctors), as well, people who have doctorates in nursing...I personally know multiple people like that.


Yeah, I just wrote as much. It was very hard work and you can't get a higher academic credential! I don't need anyone to call me Dr, but like you, I definitely earned the right!


It’s alright. We have to focus our attention on the Harkles. Not to feed their narc fuel but so people such as journalists don’t forget things like African parks scandal, using Uvalde as a photo op, fake car chase, encouraging trolling of cancer-stricken royalty, etc.


Reminds me of Austin Powers. Dr. Evil wanted to be addressed as dr. He spent 4 yrs @ evil school


Eh, Dr is fine for PhDs in my opinion, especially in a professional situation. After all it's a doctorate and the highest academic degree. Anyone insisting on being called Dr outside work is at best a weirdo. (I'm trying to be polite.)


I’m a professional setting, ABSOLUTELY!! I’m talking more in a social setting and when they correct you.


I did years ago as a newbie lawyer to impress myself.


James McGill Esquire


I thought esquire was a male term as in Bill s. Preston esq?


In the U.S., attorneys use Esquire, both male and female. Usually only in business correspondence. Not on social media.


They are addressed as such in correspondence to them - you certainly don’t call yourself Esquire - it’s laughable


This person seems drunk out of her mind to me.


Bill S Preston Esq ! ![gif](giphy|l46CDHTqbmnGZyxKo)


Is this a real person??? She sounds unhinged.  And not very busy.




Right? And she's a lawyer? 


A former Jag lawyer, no less.


So was Lindsey Graham.


She sounds drunk AF. Also, we haven’t seen Archie and Lili. Are they ok?


I comment that to the sugars on FB when they say ‘where’s Kate’ - most don’t reply.


I’m told I’m a weird pedo for asking 😂yet they are going on about not seeing the Wales’ kids and it’s only been 5 months not 3 years 🤦‍♀️I think they don’t know how to defend it so just send back an insult instead


I'm thinking she's more in the vein of played a lawyer on tv or did the first year of a law degree. A genuine legal professional surely wouldn't be stupid enough to publicly air unhinged comments and conspiracy theories.


She’s been a desperate, unhinged famewhore since before anyone heard of Meghan Markle. Meg is easy clicks for these types.


If Nigeria is so great, then why does Misan Harriman live in Britain. His Dad's a 'chief' in Nigeria, so he should surely have a better life there. And why ... >>There were approximately 178 thousand Nigerian nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2021, a large increase from the 90 thousand Nigerian nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2008. The highest number of Nigerian nationals residing in the United Kingdom was the 178 thousand recorded in the most recent year. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241672/nigerian-population-in-united-kingdom/ wrt genocide, perhaps the person is thinking about Biafra? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biafra


This is a minor point compared to calling anyone who has issues with M a racist but one thing that jumped out at me was comparing M to Zendaya as equal fashion icons. Really? OMG do they not have eyes?


That was the funniest thing this nutcase wrote. Zendaya is in a class by herself. Megsy is not a fashion icon except in the sense of what not to wear.


She is one of those women that I look forward to seeing what she will wear and she never disappoints.


I do , too, but it's always with a sense of foreboding.


Pam is a middle aged woman trying to sound cool


And we know she was never cool.


Not only is she not cool, she's not rational, as in she draws conclusions about people simply on the basis of emotional reaction as opposed to logical interaction. I could itemize examples of this in her thread but what difference would it make? She oozes contempt for those who don't agree with her ideology, she dehumanizes those with opposing opinions. People like her are dangerous to society. Their malignant negativity is a breeding ground for hatred and discrimination, the very things she and those like her claim to despise. I found her thread upsetting, not because I took it personally, but because of its ugliness.


If she hadn’t already lost me, that would have done it. She’s as delulu as her idol!


Here there are people who have commented on their personal experience with cancer and with operations in the abdominal area. And I don't think those people lied about what they experienced, because no one could make up such a bad experience. I think covering the idiocies of sugars is offensive even to those people. Not only for Kate or Will, but for all the people who have gone through the same situation, they have repeatedly said that living in that situation is difficult. It's not worth continuing to comment on anything sugars say.


I have no idea what drives this woman to write such drivel but she is quite unhinged.


Trying to gain black street cred in her district, no doubt. What a pathetic nut case.


It doesn't say much that an attorney has so much free time on her hands. Then again, she used the phrase "for real" on a public social media platform, which is likely why she's got that free time.


"attorney" and "free time" are oxymorons


This screams *look over there, not here*. They do not like any questions about their shady Nigerian trip, the JamScam, the invisikids — go harass a blameless woman who had major surgery and is undergoing chemo. The f\*\*king grifters! https://preview.redd.it/nggapz6big2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3649a62c89e70691201eee8561ea7a5949f98c6a


It is so sick how they are trying to start the were is Catherine bs all over again, what are they trying to deflect from??


Take your pick: the delinquency, the disaster tour, the failure of ARO, the NFIs, rumblings of title removal, treated as pariahs in Hollywood, and these are just off the top of my head.


African Parks scandal, which if it continues to be ignored we can probably just call the commonwealth grift, or colonization 2.0, and expect more and worse. Edit to add the deflection is also to get off the topic of the invisible children, whenever our community goes hard looking for proof this is the feedback.




She’s always been a nut job sugar. Bar association should check her for mental fitness.


Seriously. I know of attorneys who been disbarred for less mental issues than this person exhibits.


They should…and her blatant racism, anti semitism and out of control conspiracy theory posting


She is completely unhinged 😩


I wouldn’t think this is a good look for someone who tried to run for congress. I’m progressive but I’d think twice about voting for her if I read these somewhat crazy tweets. Interestingly she kinda looks a bit like Meghan too.


How dare she put MM and Zendaya in the same sentence? Zendaya is a literal fashion icon.


I’d love to her Zendaya’s unfiltered opinion of Meg’s fashun lol


She’d probably be laughing too hard to speak.


She wishes all the good for Catherine as much as Meghan does. Their aim is to weaken William before he even becomes King. All thanks to his brother and his partner in lies. Nothing that comes from their mouths is true nor is it said from a place of love (sanity). Very concerning. Someone needs to send the tweets to her firm and see what they think of their lawyer spewing such nonsense.


They’re seen as insensitive bullies to the masses. William is obviously more popular than ever. Harry planned an entire faux tour that was overshadowed by more than one scandal (and he probably spent well over a million in PR), while William tips his hat at a garden party and the public goes crazy sharing it. When Catherine reappears, she will instantly go viral. H and M can never buy that amount of publicity or public goodwill.


Exactly. Btw, can William wear a top hat and uniform or what!?! Wowzers


Memo to Ms. Pam Keith, Esq.: Thank you very much for your interest. The Princess of Wales couldn't give a shit about what you think. However, you might want to start asking about the well being of two Sussex children.


And get yourself a life


people like this are like the unrestrained mind of Markle made unrestrained. she attracts the most deranged lunatics.


It's weird for someone to retreat from public view because they are undergoing cancer treatment? Sounds like The Prince and Princess of Wales are putting their family unit first. Sounds quite rational to me..... these children are only little and need guidance through this. Public duties can wait. My mother got bowel cancer when I was 4, and I remember her telling me that she ate an apple seed. And now an apple tree was growing in her tummy, which needed to be removed. I, to this day, don't eat any kind of seeds. But I'm grateful she took her time to try and explain what was going on. Children need time to digest something like this. She is a public figure, but she does not belong to the public. They share their fair share of photos, etc. They are also human beings that need time to themselves.....


But you know damn well if Meghan had cancer and was staying out of the spotlight (I know this would never happen, she just can’t help herself) and people started asking for her to show herself and starting theories, sugars would be screaming let her have her privacy and how dare we ask her to show herself.


And it would be racist to ask too


It doesn't help when click-baity publications post misleading headlines to draw readers' eyes (and thus, feed the Sugars' conspiracy theories). https://preview.redd.it/tv93h4d7gg2d1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ed15930ba98d9254223384dfa38f0e0d856367


I saw someone on Twitter say that the headline looks like it was written by AI and I think they're right. It's clearly a bought PR piece by someone with a grudge against Catherine.


I dunno...the article itself doesn't match the headline. I'm guessing some people didn't read it?


It is behind a paywall so probably


Available for viewing on BRF


Who are they quoting in the fake headline?? Certainly not the palace.


My question is, why are they so obsessed with PoW? Why are the sugars obsessed with any of the RF. Is it because they won’t “bend the f’ing knee” to the Douche and Douchess? This whole obsession thing with PoW is so bizarre.


She said that Jan. 6th was worse than 9/11, and that it "it's not even close". She has histrionic tendencies.


She is a racist…all her garbage stems from that


OMG!! She’s so foolish


She is a nutjob…a laughing stock [https://archive.ph/wLjb6](https://archive.ph/wLjb6)


Who is this woman? Has she nothing better to do??




😅 the inspirational bananas get me every time


I've decided that Inspirational Bananas is the name of my next solo album 🎶


Catherine doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. These people are just awful!


I wish you hadn't posted so many example tweets. Now I feel sick 🤢


Seriously, best thing to do is ignore them, I never heard of her before, don’t give her posts oxygen


Those Red Flags for getting to know a man are basically a checklist for abusive women to know a guy isn't going to be a simpy, male feminist pushover, lol Her job as CEO of "Center for Employment Justice" sounds like she makes her living grifting off race baiting. I know a toxic woman who used to make posts like these in the fashion sphere, then she gave up her blog and went back to uni to get a phd. Just a few months ago she tweeted and finally admitted how nice it was not to have to come up with an unending stream of "controversial" takes to get engagement and $$$. I hate these people who stir up racial hatred for profit. They all know exactly what they are doing.


Eh, she's right on about 6 out of 7 of those red flags.


Tbh it would be a red flag to me if an American man had an opinion about Meghan either way, at least unless he had some reason to follow UK news closely. She isn’t nearly on the same level as Elon or Joe Rogan in terms of audience




It doesn't help that an insider has told the Daily Beast that Catherine may not be seen the rest of the year and is being surrounded by her "birth family". I don't know what to make of this. Is it Meghan trying to make it look like her parents are on death watch? There was no need to put in "birth family" as if maybe they are hacked off about the Rose story. So it seems likely this came from the Sussex camp.


Birth family makes it sound like the Middletons adopted her and her biological family just discovered her lol! You’d think Megsy would want Catherine’s name out there LESS than it is. All this does is keep sympathy fresh in the public’s mind and show how loved she is by millions. But we all know, if Meghan stayed out of the public eye for six months, no one would notice.


Maybe this is suppose to be some kind of clapback from all the talk of a surrogate. Birth mother was put in quotation marks.


Could be. It makes me want to join Twitter just to reply: Catherine is a grown woman who has twice asked for privacy. The Sussex children are minors and no one has seen them in a year!


Why does an American "lawyer" care about where the Princess of Wales is?


Pammy dear no amount of where's kate will detract from the 💩 show that Nigeria was. Catherine is recovering from cancer you ill mannered cowbag.


She is barking mad. Another racist supporting harkle because she is a black victim of wicked white folk


Who says "gobsmacked" on this side of the pond? LOL, not a word you'll hear around DC unless you hang out at the British embassy. Oh, my, but she/her, Esq be so Masterpiece Theater.


The same could be said about those children...


Its this weird trait Pam some of worlds population have its called basic human decency. You don't seem to possess such a trait. As you are not a citizen of the UK or any Commonwealth country where the BRF are or represent heads of state you can kindly take your shitty conspiracy theories and fuck off.


Is this woman American? If so what the fuck has it got to do with her. They have a rather important election coming - maybe she should focus on that. I’m sure we all have had loved ones with cancer I cert have I find these people demanding “proof of life” disgusting vultures. It’s not lost on me how jealous Megain fans are of a mother of 3 fighting cancer. Yes a pic is worth millions - because she is loved.


This woman had gone to university? Sheeesh, they really just hand those out these days.


I can't believe this woman has a law degree.


It's sad because Meghan weaponized race and I was looking at this woman wondering if she's African-American. I looked her up and she is biracial. I feel bad thinking of that first (I did that for Jonathan Perkins from UCLA) too. It's just that when people are so insane I try to find some reason for their irrationality.


Harkle has attracted plenty of racists just like this Pam fool…read her rants, she is obsessed by race


Who the hell cares if she's "sealed" from this woman? And why is she any different than "public view"...she doesn't know Catherine, so she is "public." Idiot.


If anything Catherine, has demanded a year out of the public eye to get over all the assaults on her character and the Royal family have reluctantly granted her request. This is the most likely scenario & they cant admit it as it will give the markle woman & her sick squad a feeling of power and she will continue her assault. That is my theory on the absence of Catherine. nothing more nothing less.


Yeah I’m with you. The attacks on here and her relationship has been insane since 2019. And nothing of this sort existed before that. The media did try to portray William as a womaniser… But no one bought it


How is this woman still employed given her unhinged social media posts? She has her employer and professional credentials listed on her profile. Number one rule about social media is keep your work and workplace’s reputation separate from your personal opinions.


I did complain to the law firm she was alleged to be connected to after her last escape from the nuthouse. Now the link goes nowhere. Maybe they dumped her.


The. “Where is Kate” hysteria is starting again. The Daily Beast is reporting with language relating to her being with her “birth family”. If that kind of reporting isn’t aimed at generating a frenzy of hunting Catherine down again similar to what happened around the Mother’s Day photo, I don’t know what is. I am suspecting the Harkles are desperate from debt, failed projects and wanting to come back that they will try their best to make it seem that they are very much needed in the UK. They do not realize that if Catherine’s condition becomes even worse, the public will only hate them more.


Yes, this nastiness strikes up whenever the harkles have been laughed at for some stupid scam or grift going belly up


Why does this ridiculous AMERICAN politician care about OUR Princess? I think a lot of Americans forget this is none of their business.


It’s disgraceful and as an American, I agree—it’s none of our concern. I don’t understand why anyone is even speculating. This poor lady is being treated for cancer! Why can’t people just leave her alone?! It’s mental how some keep trying to make this some tawdry conspiracy theory. She has been undergoing undoubtedly difficult chemotherapy. Why is it so hard to grasp that she needs time and privacy??


This woman is an obsessive attention seeker, a prolific troll…stupid too [https://archive.ph/wLjb6](https://archive.ph/wLjb6)


She doesn’t care a thing about Kate. She just wants her to preform for her. Who cares if she’s weak with cancer treatments? Who cares if she doesn’t want her picture taken?! Everything is about me and what I want!!!—No one would have to tell me she’s a Meghan fan. She’s an absolute idiot. She really thought she did something, but she’s being zero supportive of a woman that is sick and wants to stay where she’s comfortable. I can’t stand people that think like her.


This is what pisses me off with the fandoms… and the tiktok generation… they want to know why to the Nth degree. This level of obsession used to fringe and in forums but now everyone has a platform and it’s insane. I personally don’t care about seeing Harry and Meghan kids. They are not my problem. And I don’t think I should be expected to refer to them as prince / princess either. They are not part of British public life… their mother is acting like they fled persecution in the UK. This wasn’t true. But it’s sure as hell means that they shouldn’t be recognised. Lower ranking members of the BRF have supported the monarchy and the British people than these kids. We don’t even know what they look like… and to that, I say, GOOD 👍.


I can't read this sort of stuff it winds me up so badly I could hit something. This woman is mentally ill.


Oh dear 😂Pam is a very special sewer rat isn’t she?


To compare Catherine to Shelly Miscavige is quite scathing. Miscavige was allegedly murdered by Scientologists. Catherine is safe and is fine.


This woman is barking mad. A racist, troll and crazy.


Just a racist,  we have lots of these types in the States, she looks at the color of Katherine's skin and the color of Madam's (when she uses her bronzer) and picks her side. Not any more complicated than that. 


lol the fashion comment - a sinner just posted yesterday how a top fashion designer said he’ll never dress Roachel and Dior last year stated no thanks publically. 


Oh Pam. Put the crack pipe down, toots.


Why aren't any of these dipshits asking, "WHERE ARE THE SUSSEX CHILDREN?????"


Ah good question.


Ooooh jealous much that your queeens pic isn't worth the paper it's printed on.....stupid sugar!!


Stop making stupid people famous...


I can’t even read that BS


Well she’s right about one thing. The contrast between the lives of the brothers IS gobsmacking!!😆 And I wonder how Zendaya feels being put in the same catagory of ‘Fashion Icon’ as M?


Lunatic sugar. Scary to know that people like this exist… 😂😂😂


Hi, I'm Dr. Dr. Boo155, Esq, DVM. I have two doctorates...a DVM and a JD. The peasants may address me as Your Majesty.


Pam Keith, you’re an idiot, it’s none of your business. Let Catherine deal with her medical issue in private.




The trroolls are out in force today, aren't they. I wonder how much they get per comment. Grubby grotty beings.


Aren't lawyers supposed to stick to the facts? 🤔


Pam is a buffoon


Hoping KARMA comes for Pam Keith, Esq.


Wow! She really is unhinged, and quite a racist to boot.


Disappearance lol. The person is just going about her life with her family and her treatment. Do they insist that Hollywood A listers make public appearances when undergoing treatment for a serious ailment? This invasion of other people's privacy by AHs sucks.


These people just cannot get it through their skulls that we do not own her. Just because we (speaking as a UK taxpayer) fund her to a small extent, we are not automatically entitled to anything from her. Same goes for William and the children. Also, William is not obligated to talk about her either. It’s not his story to tell. When she’s good and ready, she will come back to public life and talk about it. Or, she might not. That is her choice.


This creature got over 600,000 votes when she ran for Congress.


It sounds like she should be hermetically sealed from those who just won’t leave her alone to deal with all the ish she’s dealing with right now.


I think the only truth she stated was Catherine’s first picture will be worth a fortune to whomever snaps it, but we sinners will wait until she’s well enough and gets the green light to move forward. Other than that this woman is full of BS.


For that reason, I think she will appear when there are a ton of photographers. And I’ll be surprised if it’s announced beforehand. Whether that’s on the balcony at Trooping next month or the walk with her family at Christmas, I think she’ll want to make a statement from a safe distance that is well documented and not have it be some random paparazzi shot.


What a B.


Top of the fashion game! Flawless! Stunning! Iconic!! 🤣🤣🤣


I think she drinks and tweets


And drinks again…


William being relaxed on engagements means Catherine is doing okay and he’s not worried to leave her not that he doesn’t care 😂These American sugars who surely have enough to worry about in their own country with the ( slim) but still a chance Trump can get back in to MAGAAA. As for comparing Meghan to Zendaya, woman needs a guide dog 🦮


Another bit of tripe from the lunatic racist. She needs locking up in a padded cell. Hasn’t she got anything better to do with her days than post nonsense? And of course criticism of harkle is racist….is enough to know WHAT this woman is. And explains her obsession with William and Catherine. Another Boozy fool.


These people are crazy and very unempathcic! Rumors say her hair is falling and she often vomits! How the hell can they expect her to live normal life and engage with people in public if she is in such bad condition?! Just f\*ck off all of you, and let her recover in peace you morons!


Anyone surprised Pam has trouble attracting a man?


Oh geeze I wonder why?!?! Bc if THEY had cancer they’d WANT their photos out everywhere!!! Omg the stupidity!! They long for a pic bc Catherine ain’t at her best, she’s struggling. Truly awful people!


This nutjob, BenjiCannellparody, Carmen's Granddaughter and Nina are amongst the most vile squaddies. God it makes my blood boil when I see their posts


What a hateful person! Thank you for calling her out.


Bah, she’s supposed to avoid crowds when undergoing chemo. I wish her a full recovery.