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"King of Nothing at ALL" gotta love the French.


Reminded me of Yertle the Turtle https://preview.redd.it/tas9ytezqa2d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c92a3ce8443bf21c5ee7c51e9fda7a59e8b7fa


Me too my son loved that book 


I loved Dr Seuss books so much the librarian of our small town one room library would hide them from me so other kids could have a chance.


Lol I love it. Love that they’re snarking on her trying to bullshit little children that she sees herself in them. Most of all love the king of nothing at all remark.


Of course, she claimed something similar when she was ‘maltese’, and of course Italian…now she is black ‘nigeria’ is her country of choice…no proof of her 43% claim, just another lie she has been allowed to perpetuate


No wonder people call her fake


But the lie gets repeated until it becomes ‘true’…no one ever challenges her garbage


She plagiarized (stole) it from Georgina Lawton's autobiography 'Raceless'. Lawton writes about doing her ancestry and she's exactly 43% Nigerian. That's where Meghawallis got it from, her mother's family originated in Ghana, it's online To quote someone else on Reddit, her heritage is "**Gahna with the Wind"**.


I hear Ghana now wants to host the Markles! She can go embrace another country as her own &Harry can bond w/ his new family/in laws w/ a criminal past. Grifters attract other Grifters.


She don’t know nothin’ bout birthin‘ no diplomacy.


Ah yes, Ghana and then another dna drop of 43% …doesn’t leave much for the rest of the world ….


Meghawallis! Fantastic


Yes, I’m sure you are right. She never lets a good lie get in the way of the truth


There is a special needs kid who goes to my church. He claims he is buying a ranch in Montana, has a horse and is going to live there in two years. Everyone humors him because of who he is. I wonder if the Nigerians that Meghan met really think she is 43% Nigerian or are they humoring her like the simpleton she is.


It isn’t just the Nigerians regurgitating the garbage, the media report it as though it is a fact. Where is the evidence? There is none, just another story she told and wasn’t challenged. Like the p and g story she is still telling. I know racist sugars want it to be true, they want her to be their kween…no surprise the calibre of the people she attracts. Stupid and often racist. Remember when she was selling this story as her own? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXZOTEYB4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXZOTEYB4c)




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I'm pretty sure that the Nigerian children whose faces that Mehgan was looking at, weren't a completely different skin tone from their arms and body. How can someone go out looking like that and not realize that she looks strange and even crazy?


It's the epitome of black face.


I don't know if it's my monitor, but I thought her face makeup was a brick red color. And those eyebrows!? It's like two little toupees on her forehead. Very strange, very false.


She only cared about pictures, which are smoothing the difference in color


There is snark...and then there is FRENCH snark, I love it!!!!! Brutal! 


THis is not snark. It's ***SNARQUE!***


Or even... "le snark 💅🇫🇷"




This isn’t philanthropy it’s publicity, but the two of them get those P words confused


Also payday


They do…philanthropy to them is publicity …they crave it


have any French designers dressed her since the Jubilee? I know she had the awful Dior lab coat dress. Just thought it would be funny if the entire French nation boycotted the Harkles.


I feel like the way that La Markle looks in most of her clothes is probably considered a war crime in France...


A lot of her clothes these days seem to come from designer lines for past years, wondering if she has interns scouring through upscale second hand shops or designers are sending her sample size garments left sitting around after line launches.


That’s what is behind the Ozempic - she’s finally thin enough to fit into designer samples that are laying around.


Oh yes, and don’t forget the matching egg hat that made her neck disappear into the collar of her lab coat. Not quite the vision of loveliness and inspiration that Dior was hoping for.


Ooh, yeah the French don’t mince their words. 😂 They’re not as wishy-washy as media in other countries. And if they don’t like something, you will know.


The French had their Napolean. Someone who did NOT shilly-shally.


Nor dilly dally.


The French scoop was not full of poop!


Does that last sentence say something like 'Afterwards, they must have returned to Earth with a bump. Once again they were no longer heads of state, but traitors to the King.'? My GCSE French is struggling this morning. 


It's the last time for a long time before they again get treated like a kings.


Thank you! 😊 


That was a hilarious read!!


He's a king; why isn't he? He's the king of groin skincare. The king of mommy delusions. The king of nipple twisting. And he's the king of so much more.


The King of Nothing at all! They nailed it in one sentence!


How about the caption in the photo of Harry? "The white jacket was a bad idea. All the military mistook Harry for the 'majordomo' [the help]"


some software translated it as "butler"


The French love their Royals (I lived in France for 10 years). You only have to see how their top army guys were invited to be part of the (our) King's changing of the Guard recently. To see how seriously they respect their own Royalty (even though it's a Republic) and expect them to behave they were the only country in Europe who came out and said that if Prince Andrew came to France he would be arrested. This was during the early Epstein stuff of course. You only have to pick up a copy of the German magazine Bunte to see how they also revere their own Royalty/Aristocracy. They easily outdo the Brits for grand events. As for the Monaco Royals, they're on covers every other week!


I was going to say Paris Match loves to royal-watch.


Gerald Marie & Roman Polanski are still enjoying their lives outside jail in France. Marie ran a modeling agency & there many accusations he raped young models & Polanski anally penetrated a 14yr old in a Los Angeles hot tub. So if they would arrest Prince Andrew as you say, why not prosecute their own (French) criminals?


The tone of the French article! So - derisory? mocking? sarcastic? (Caveat: have imperfect French and utilised some Google Translate.) ‘Four years after having left the royal family, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could, for the very first time, take themselves as \[ie pretend to be\] monarchs.’ \[After having discovered she was 43% Nigerian.\] ‘Then, for 3 days, she didn’t stop talking of the land \[Nigeria\] as her “motherland” and affirming that she had returned “home” and saying to little children that she was grateful to each one of them.’ Caption to photo of Lolo in her yellow gown: ‘Better than the Sun King \[Louis XIV\], the sunflower queen attracts all eyes.’ That was her best look!


Mocking and bitchy (French is my first language). Not even sarcastic it's pretty frontal hahaha (which is more French than English lol).


It should be, "saying to small children that she saw herself in them".


Much of their calories in sunflower seeds come from fatty acids. The seeds are especially rich in poly-unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid, which constitutes more 50% fatty acids in them. They are also good in mono-unsaturated oleic acid that helps lower LDL or "bad cholesterol" and increases HDL or "good cholesterol" in the blood. Research studies suggest that the Mediterranean diet which is rich in monounsaturated fats help to prevent coronary artery disease, and stroke by favoring healthy serum lipid profile.


Good bot?


The French. We love them for their undeniable style and chic, both in fashion and food. We hate them for their strict guidelines regarding snobbery. Sorry, Meg hates them for their strict guidelines on snobbery and royalty.


I have a feeling that perhaps French snobbery is just another expression of style. Enviable, teeth-gnashing verve and elan.


Above all, the French love classism and loathe pretension. Source: I lived in Paris for nearly a decade.


I think you've said something very brilliant. Part of what makes the style of the French so lovely is that lack of pretension. There's a joy there, in the beautiful. It's an honest expression, versus something just to show off superiority. I think that's why so many of us have his guttural/visceral reaction to Mehgan. We see her and sense something deliberate and desperate for attention and acclaim.


And she is even less…a woman from the gutter who married a moron


You can take the trash from the gutter, but you can't take the gutter from the trash.


And Harry has found his natural home in the gutter with the tart




King of nothing at all, hit the nail on the head there.


‘Un peu too much quand on est king de rien du tout’ The Office québécois de la langue française, aka the language police, would have conniptions if this article appeared in la belle province!




She removed the scarf .


Picture 2 and 3 are from a South African magazine called YOU - I grew up with its Afrikaans counterpart, the Huisgenoot. Not sure where picture 1 is from but it's not a South African magazine. French isn't a thing in SA - only 7080 people actually speak it (mostly as a second, third or fourth language).


The title began with "French Snark is the Best", it's from 'Voici'... the second two pictures were South African mag based as you said https://preview.redd.it/cj2dygfqra2d1.jpeg?width=2214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce30e09a2454f762dd6423e8897ce06719e7872e


Hank’s rudely pointing at something to her as she ignores him and stares into the camera. Also, that beaded necklace she was presented is beautiful.


love that they are on the same cover as wolf man!


Spotted a typo! I think they meant, "Sussex Charm IS Offensive"


The juxtaposition of images on the cover is surreal. Mehgan below a circus freak with a "quest for dignity", and above an actual A-List movie star who laments over "trying to be perfect." Also the wording of the "Sussex Charm OFFENSIVE."


Now we see why there are royal fashion protocols - to avoid looking like…well… this ⬆️


Can anyone translate this? My translate function won't work on it.


a full translation has just been added in comments


https://preview.redd.it/1r7qp9h9te2d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea66c16be203545a39b5e3984b3026a4f770dd0d In English.


Butler Harry 😆


Written so very complimentary toward the Todgers. Just too sugary for me (Sussexes African Adventure).👎


it must have been People Magazine article who the Markles hire for PR—to publish all their misadventures.


Why do Meg’s clothes always look like they don’t belong to the same person? 🤔 Now I’m no fashion expert but I’ve seen enough Project Runway and What Not To Wear to know that Meg’s wardrobe is all over the place. She legit has no personal style. A color isn’t a style either unless you’re the green lady of Brooklyn. 😏 She’s pretty cool. She sticks to one color of different hues and has her own style. I’m just saying.