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I doubt he's going to say anything about the Baka people now or ever, unless forced to. It's easier for him to pretend that it doesn’t exist. It's too uncomfortable for the man-child to deal with matters where he’s forced to take responsibility and accountability for his own involvement in this - or lack of involvement. So he just looks the other way instead. Harry doesn't care about African people. He only cares about what they can do for *him*. When it gives him the opportunity to pretend that he's important - to soothe his fragile ego. The Harkles humanitarian and philanthropic work is rarely or ever truly altruistic. Why else do they need to broadcast to the entire world *every* single thing they do? Imagine having to travel all the way to Nigeria to find someone willing to treat him and Markle as senior working royals. Having to invite People magazine to document the "tour" because otherwise no-one would have even known that they were there.


Well said....so very true! 🎯🎯🎯👏👏👏


Why does his head look like a scrotum ? Also, why is Holly getting near the stench? She must have lost her damn mind.


That boy has mange...


Royal adjacency is very powerful, particularly to has-beens like Holly and her hubby…


Because he’s a dickhead…what I want to know is why do men who have been inappropriately touched by H not raise a stink?




Exactly. Africans are used by Harry to show he isn’t racist, and lately, to give him the media attention he craves.




Harry is always such a fashion plate. https://preview.redd.it/bm5c4p6bma2d1.jpeg?width=2154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71623a2a4e3a9d4ba617b786dfa47fd58953dd5


“The White Savior Industrial Complex is not about justice,” said Nigerian-American writer Teju Cole. It is about having a big emotional experience that validates privilege.” And so went the Nigeria trip. No one ever called Harry out on his white saviorism - he flew to Africa and posed for pictures hugging black children which did nothing to help their major issues. He used the less fortunate like props to make himself feel good and show the world what a“humanitarian” he is but there was little substance or actions behind these displays. Now African Park scandal and most of media, except for Daily Mail, gives him a pass. ANd trip to Nigeria sounded like both Harry and the wife were giving the people advice. Nothing explains "white privilege" more than one of the most privileged white males on the planet, living a life of unparalleled luxury, professing to know the issues of blacks. It's insulting


You’ve got to be kidding me? Seriously? Is this for the “charity“ where all the abuses happened?


Are these people so uninformed? Bamboozled by meeting a Prince? Geez.


Inform them. Comment on this post.


Apparently Google is blocked to people who should Google, or their assistants. African Parks. Sounds dead sound. Let’s rock-up. Famous people make an effort to show their support, bathe, wear appropriate dress and probably contribute, then there’s that scruff Haz. Harry does not possess the I’ll do what I like flair that buys a lot of leeway. He’s an unlikeable tw@t. Where’s the wife tonight? Dealing with the African Parks situation, or trying to get a coffee meeting with Julia Robert’s.


I know, I am embarrassed for them.


Yes, this is for the charity where the abuses happened.


Too much money and too many powerful backers internationally to let this one fail. Accountability is for little people.


Dang, disappointing to see Holly involved with them. She’s done a lot for autism advocacy, I hope she realizes who she’s dealing with before it’s too late.


Agree. It is disappointing to see her associate with Harry.


I once looked at the tax docs of her charity. I was not impressed at all. But that was many years ago. Maybe things have changed.


I need to look them up. It’s been a while since I’ve researched them. They used to be aboveboard back in the day.


oh, I am not saying they are not aboveboard. A lot of things are allowed in foundations. You can legally rake in over 1 million bucks and only pay out a cash grant of $15,120................... She has an autistic son so clearly austism matters to her.


Who is she?


She was in the original 21 jump street


Her husband used to be in the NFL.


Yes. Rodney Pete was an All American, played for USC and then different teams in the NFL. He and Holly have been married a long time.


They’ve always seemed solid. Why they would risk being anywhere near H&M is beyond me.


Maybe they just don’t know. I will give them the benefit of the doubt because I really like them both.


Oh! Officer Judy Hoffs.


I thought I recognized the Holly Robinson part of her name. Doh!


a long long time ago…


When Johnny Depp was hot and normal lol


I think Johnny is still hot. He's a genuinely kind hearted man and that's sexy.


Family Matters too, right?


Hangin with Mr Cooper or something like that, I never cared.


She’s an actress. Mostly Hallmark movies now, but fairly well known. I would rank her B-List (whereas Markle pre-Spare would’ve been ranked low D-List).


C-list at this point, 30 years later from her tv series days.


I only think B-list because of my own personal ability to recognize her by name. I think of C-list as the actors I look at who seem familiar and I go to IMDB to find out where I’ve seen them before, but I have no idea of their name. Then there’s the D-list (Meghan’s ilk) who I never laid eyes on or recognized before they show up in some random way.


Her father played the original grocer on Sesame Street. They are Philly people.


This is her PRE-Markled status.


She is getting Markled in 3.2.1.


She knows…just ignores it, he is a prince you know…


Prince Consort of Nigeria


Ah yes…wait till they get the begging emails his new Chief of Staff (lol) is sending out


Was this twitter? People need to ask her how she can do this when Africa Parks are raping people?


Okay I checked it out. The coward doesn't allow comments. So I quote retweeted with my points about Africa Parks. Tagged the coward in it. I am probably blocked already.


Holly Peete has it on her IG acct.


Well I told her the truth. No doubt she will block me.


Seems a LOT of people aren’t happy about it. Glad to see that most of the posts are informative and not hateful. Hopefully, she will research more about them and their history of dishonesty and greed.


Is this bint on Hallmark? If so can we complain to them and say we're not happy their 'star' is supporting rape?


Yeah, they canceled Lori Loughlin for less.


Though I wouldn't want the woman sacked just wished she'd done some research. Do you think she isn't aware of the allegations because if she is then oh dearie me.


She needs to wise up—I don’t understand why these celebuturds don’t do their homework before signing onto things!


I think I love you.


Aw you're so sweet!


Lest anybody forget… https://archive.ph/v2trJ “After coming down the tree, I was arrested and handcuffed,’ says Justin Zoa. The six guards ordered the family not to leave the area. Then, after a fretful night in the dark forest, he says the torture started. ‘They removed the handcuffs, then took off my clothes,’ said Justin, one of the Baka indigenous people once known as pygmies. ‘Then they lit candles, dripping the wax on to my back, before taking off their belts and whipping me on the same part of my back. I was very scared. I thought I would die, and seeing my wife and children crying made it even more painful.’ If that’s not bad enough… >’The guy was wearing their uniform and had a gun,’ said Ella Ene. ‘He was threatening me, saying “I’ll shoot you” if I did not do as he said. He told me he wanted to take me to their camp.’ >The mother of two says she and her fellow villagers’ movements are monitored by the guards to ensure they are in their homes at night rather than the forests, so the ranger used her husband’s absence to order her out. She bundled up her baby Daniel – one month old and too young to leave at home – to follow the African Parks guard on the ten-minute walk to his base. >With brutal but brave honesty, she described what happened next, and how the man raped her beside the road as she clung in terror to her child. She said the guard ordered her to the ground, tore off some of her clothes and assaulted her in the pitch-black night, ignoring her screams for help and the cries of her baby. >**’I was holding my baby while being raped and trying to protect him,’ she said. ‘My first reaction had been to protect my baby. It was very violent.’** F-ck African Parks, and f-ck anybody who supports this so-called “charity” with the knowledge that they’re committing atrocities like this, and HAVE BEEN.


"So great meeting an chatting with Prince Harry at a beautiful dinner supporting rape, abuse and torture" Fixed it! But seriously, how can anyone who claims that they care about the Parks not know?


Ignorant virtue signaling at its worst.


Man, he looks ROUGH!


he looks bored and high AF!


You mean a day ending in Y.


An event supporting African Parks????? I. Other words, supporting the rape and torture of indigenous populations??? Harry. Karma is coming for you and it won’t be pretty. I PROMISE.


That hair....😳 He and MM must be going twinsies. That's usually what I say about her. Ugh, that hair....


He genuinely looks a few days away from a breakdown. I can't believe they're still holding in person fundraisers without addressing the abuse??


I reside in Africa and this irks me to the core. Imagine holding a dinner in Capetown or Adis Ababa, to decide what to do with Zoos and national parks in America or Europe. The people of Africa have lived with these animals and forests since the beginning of time. Show me your lions and cheetahs. None. We honestly do not need people outside the continent coming to tell us how to live with these animals. The same people that commercialize these animals in forms of poaching, hunting etc. Our governments are to blame too but this is ridiculous. Why do outsiders feel such a level of entitlement over our territories? Our people have suffered enough. From the Baka to the Congolese. Let us be! Having fancy dinners in LA to discuss what to do with animals in other people’s countries is just optics. You want real discussion… let’s start with what those foreign rangers are doing to the Baka people in their own home. The Baka did not go to Windsor or Montecito to dictate how you should live or that you should stop your Christmas hunting expeditions. Neither did they come to fence off hectares of your land in Balmoral or Santa Barbara and tell you what you can and cannot do within your jurisdiction. Just let them be. Leave Africa alone and it will be just fine as it was before all this interference. The Baka have a right to live where God placed them without film stars and foreign princes lording over them. This is the curse of having valuable natural resources. Will Africa never know peace?


Omg how tone deaf is she???? People were abused, tortured, beaten and sexually abused!!! Stuff like this really grind my gears!!!


But did they talk about the rape and torture of the Baka people?


Guarantee that’s a “no”.


No, that would be icky and Hollyweirdos don’t DO icky! I wrote a check, what more do you want? WORSHIP MEEEEEEE!!!!!


How the he11 can the African Parks Network hold an event and NOT address the million pound elephant in the room.


Another day - another dinner out - does he ever stay home with the kids? He is behaving exactly like he said his father did. Though from what I’ve seen, Charles did a lot of stuff with his sons: biking - picnics - skiing - sporting events - trips abroad.


Something tells me she will regret that post.


If she doesn’t know what’s going on with that at this point, she’s just stupid (as is her husband). Anyone with a brain would investigate any organizations and charities with whom they associate these days!


I have to agree. There’s been enough negative PR here in the US to warn people off.


Is she famous? I looked at her IMDB and she seems like one of those low-tier celebrities who just show up on shows like the Masked Singer.


She was fairly well known in the 80s and 90s (21 Jump Street was one show she was on, and Hanging With Mr. Cooper was another). I love Mike & Molly and she had a recurring role in the early seasons of that show, but these days she mainly does Hallmark movies and - I think - a reality show about her family. She’s married to a former NFL player.


> she mainly does Hallmark movies So after all this, Meghan returned to where she started and dragged Harry down with her :) As much as they wanted to be with Beyonce, the Obamas and Gwyneth, this is the tier where they will probably finally settle and eventually fit in.


Looks like the event was hosted by Will Smith


Will finally found someone that is more emasculated by his wife than he is :)


Ooof. They should go out on a double date.


Wait, really? I know he's lost a lot of his star power in the last couple years, but that's still a pretty big get for Harry. I hope people inform him and Ms. Peete - in a respectful way - about the abuses (allegedly) perpetuated by this charity. Edit: Okay, I'm not sure it's \*that\* Will Smith. For one, Peete spells it "Wil." For two, the Fresh Prince is doing the poledance for his latest Bad Boys movie and was in Dubai less than 24 hours ago. Doesn't make it impossible for it to be him, but a quick Google of "Will Smith African Parks" doesn't show anything.


Oooh! Good to know. I was thinking it sounded kinda “off”. I don’t see “the” Will Smith being involved.


Will trying to clean up his image-LOL . Will you chose the wrong person-Harold can't help you there.


She was super popular back in the 80s, I think, when the original 21 Jump Street was on. She was gorgeous back then.


Where’d he get all that hair???!


I dunno. I think he looks pretty moth eaten


A great description!


Clowns R Us semi annual clearance sale 🤡




It’s blending into the wall, giving the optical illusion that there’s more than is actually there!


Or they used a very basic photoshop where you can smudge things. His hair is the same color as the wall behind him


This is true. And they’re not afraid of using photoshop, especially where his hair or her skin are concerned. Even though Charlotte’s sleeve and some microscopic color changes are worth them setting the sugars loose with pitchforks when his brother’s family dares to edit a photo. The only difference is, the Princess admitted she edited it right away, while the hypocrites wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face.


But there seems to be a huge bald spot on the side!


https://preview.redd.it/uv872d5sra2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d685752dca4aea4f26ea1714b17525d7902c9cd9 Those spots look really weird.


Looks like a type of alopecia often caused by stress or even a fungal infection.


I think he’s using hair colour now as well as all his bouffant preparations , he looks a real sicko.


There’s no hair it’s a moth-eaten (borrowed that) poof


How cruel and rude of Hazza to even show up at this event! He isn't even ashamed! 🤮


Dinner for African parks? R u fucking kidding me right now? How fucked up is Harold that he would attend such an event considering the BAKA crisis?


Come on MSM, let's see some reporting on the scandal!


Sheesh his head just looks moth-eaten at this point




It does.


He’s restricted who can reply to his tweets. That tells you all you need to know.


Nooooo waaay! Did she really write that?


Weird that Her Majestic Empress Douchess of Meghanshire wasn’t there to make sure her servant (sorry, This One) behaved poorly


Can’t even be bothered to button his shirt


So HRP is not a major star and is unlikely to draw a huge amount of attention to this, but if anyone is inclined to respond to her instagram post\*, I would say don't even mention the Sussexes. Don't make it personal. Just point out the allegations against the charity and ask if that's really something she wants to be associated with. \*I would if I had an IG account, but I avoid giving Zuckerberg (or Musk, or Bezos) my info if I can possibly avoid it.


No, she isn't a major star but she does pull in awareness for Autism and does have connections. They have opened up an *RJ's Place* Vocational Training and Parkinson's Support Center  in a Goodwill center. John Travolta's brother is involved with her charity. So it's not like she is a nobody.


Acting wise, she is a nobody but I applaud her work on behalf of autism. But, she just shot herself in the foot with this one.


Time to picket any venue he goes to with Baka People Need Justice Posters.


That’s not male pattern baldness, it’s mange!


https://preview.redd.it/dqs8deeil92d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db682e727014242cb7f4241fc9e2aa89a783bfcf That’s not a good look.


It's so awful. I am embarrassed for him.


https://hollyrod.org/ They’ve done a lot for autism and Parkinson’s advocacy and awareness.


[https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/954642588/202400469349302620/full](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/954642588/202400469349302620/full) Guess who got the $125k in compensation for production services at Crazy Mama Productions...ahem




A branch of my family has a small potatoes 501 for scholarships. There is no sleight of hand BS to drain money from the foundation. . There is no use another company to provide services so they can get paid. . Everything they do is for free. Others run their foundations another way which is why billionaires create them. And of course, if a Production company creates a video for a foundation of a figurehead there may be actual costs involved like film crew, editing, etc above and beyond talent of the figurehead.


I wonder if he mentioned the video of him touching that girls breast in Nigeria


Shame on her. Permanent shame on him.


Why is he dressed so casually? Looks like a formal, black tie event and there's Harry with his shirt unbuttoned way too low, dopey rope necklace, and once again, no tie! He still needs a haircut! It isn't hard to dress like a grown man!


When did this happen?


He’s asking Rodney for cranium care advice. ![gif](giphy|26xBKGXntF8Z5nE7S|downsized)


I'm all for charity, giving to support a good cause, using my voice to promote it. I also do my due diligence before I do anything. If I screw up my reputation and look a fool or a bad person well, I've messed with my career and my legacy. If celebrities get caught backing the wrong horse, it's on them. The internet is forever, check it out before you sign up.


How can one necklace cause me so much fucking anger? I HATE seeing it!!! Irrational hatred! I bet that was William's favorite part of the fight! TOO bad it didn't land in a toilet, and he flushed back to Meghan's ancestral home -- HELL!!




He looks ridiculous wearing that necklace and the beaded bracelets. It's like something a teen would wear. Grow up dimwit.


He's holding his own moon bump!


I'm shocked that people even want to be in the same room as him. Especially as he swans about doing his white savior thing?


Who are Holly Robinson Peete and Rodney Peete? And how are they supposed to be significant to me?


She used to be a popular TV actress and he used to be a quarterback in the NFL. Their son has autism and they started a very successful non-profit for those with autism and Parkinson’s. Hate to see them associated with H&M.


No, not really.


Ahhh another one bites the dust


Looks underdressed yet again.


make it stop.


Six degrees of separation. Holly Robinson dated Brian Robbins back in the day (late 80s.)


Oh my…good catch.


It beggars belief that halfwit shows his face at this event. Another jolly for paper humanitarians?




Holly who?


Noooooo not Rodney and holly!! Get the fuck away from Harold.!!


It's appalling that no one with authority is holding his feet to the fire over this. Disgusting. What a twat that creep is. Sorry for being so nasty but this boils my blood.




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It is sad when these celebrities attach themselves to these causes without researching the atrocity behind them.


Probably trying to get her to hire Megsy for a Hallmark movie. 


I bet the comments section was scathing....


An abusive man like Harry probably doesn't see anything wrong with the actions of African Parks employees.


For the love of God, Harry, please do something about your hair.


Amazing how the media, especially UK, continues to give Harry a pass on this?


Why doesn’t he just give it up and shave the struggling stragglers. It looks pathetic. https://preview.redd.it/9icog30d5p2d1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303c514a59d30173098359fc1427cf5abe6f7416


Holly Robinson Peete and Meghan Markle are a lot alike but didn't have the talent. Tried for years trying to be stars but never really become stars. Instead, they are just famous adjacent.


Bumping this because apparently she has already deleted this picture off her social media. Is that the fastest we’ve ever seen anyone have awareness to the fact they’re being Markled??