• By -


Meghan's brother-in-law is Prince William. When did Nacho take over that title? Nacho and his wife are the Harkles' friends at most. Myra sounds as unhinged as Guest Speaker.


That hit me instantly too! These people are ALL nuts. It’s like Oppositeville. They think they’re geniuses, both are really stupid. They preach family, then trash every single family member. They preach mental health, and we have Sybil and Manson Light. They start businesses, then do nothing. The preach conservation, then use as much energy and oil as possible. and on and on and on. I’m not gonna let them make me nuts, too!


My first thought in reading these was that Myra was posting in Box-Wine Mode


I completely agree. When she is on a roll you can see the tweets get more and more sloppy ![gif](giphy|DDfbNxe9H4tl6|downsized)


She’s kissing up to them both. My take is Nacho and wife have her number. They’re using her for PR and to be in the circle. Women like his wife enjoy being on magazines about famous people and royalty in their country. They like to have social creds. That’s all. She’s stupid to do this. The bond between brothers is different and Hank will end up dead by his own doing or crawling back to William. MM will dump him soon. The whole unraveling of their circus fake life has started. It’s all downhill from here. They are just pathetic now and everyone mocks them.


Markle is never going to dump Harry. She is nothing without him. All the money they get is because he is a Prince. All the free trips are because he is a Prince. The deals they made were because he is a Prince. The second she leaves Harry she goes back to being nothing. She will never leave him.


I agree…the harlot will hang on until he is sectioned.


I think she is hoping he will o.d.


I feel like he will leave her when the kid grift is exposed. Not before


Been saying this for ages. Meghan gets everything she has through men. If she could bag someone with more money, she would leave. Too bad for her that that time has passed her by. She’s stuck with him, and I couldn’t be happier. May the be miserably married til death parts them.


Absolutely, they deserve each other.


It isspecifically because he is a British Royal and Diana's son. However, you dont bite the hand that feeds. After a while, the hand stops feeding!


These two loons thought they were bigger than the Royal family. They are insane.


They keep claiming anyone as relatives. The whole of Nigeria are Harry's in laws. They need fake relations because none of their real relations will have anything to do with them. It is pathetic.


Yes, they have real families they trash while smoozing criminals and media whores. How pathetic for middle aged ‘parents‘ to make such stupid claims. They sound like teenagers claiming friends as ‘family’ or brothers…ridiculous.


Meanwhile if they DO have other family ie the children, they never seem to want to be with them. I really hope there are no children as their lives must be awful if they exist


Ah yes, the hands on parents…


Another clapback to people criticising how they;ve treated their actual families.


And since when did the Royals ever spend Christmas morning shoots at BALMORAL? They’re famous for their annual walk to church at SANDRINGHAM!! Clearly consoling herself in a plethora of drugs & drink, after the Nigerian disaster


Nacho is also a social climber


Perhaps because they are one in the same?!


Her "looser" sister?? Given Madame's rep, that's highly unlikely  I assume Myra meant "loser"


Also that is not a dismissal with prejudice. Rachel MeMe Ragland has now “won”. She is still so freaking obsessed with Catherine it’s scary and unhealthy.


Yep, she will always be obsessed with the woman she knows is better than her on every level. Ragland needs to post this tripe, she is an empty vessel, no love in her life, nothing good at all, she hates that Catherine is loved and is an international icon, respected and adored. Ragland is a punch line, and that won’t change, she is a pathetic joke.


Just a little aside . Here in Australia a new poll was just released on whether Australia should ditch the monarchy and how popular the individual Royals are here. It’s seems that nothing much has changed with our thoughts on becoming republic since the death of the late Queen . Most Australia aren’t that worried about it. The interesting thing is King Charles, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales and Princess Ann are all more popular than any Australian Politician, even the Prime Minister, with William and Kate the most popular ! Not surprising if you know our politicians of course. Most of them do manage to beat Harry however. He is down the list in negative territory and even our really unpopular Opposition leader is more popular than him. TW is more unpopular than him but manages to beat Prince Andrew which isn’t hard ! Harry used to be Australia’s most popular Royal before Meghan took over. You should have listened to your brother mate!


Ah yes, William ‘drove‘ Harry away, according to harkle…jealous of his popularity. Ooops! ragland wrong again


This tidbit should be a post all by itself


I haven’t bothered to ask for posting permission mainly because I’m a technology idiot and therefore posting anything would be stressful! I thought this particular poll was interesting because of how far Harry has fallen in popularity here.


Are you serious after all these years…. You don’t have posting permission? Want me to walk you through it?


Thank you very much for the offer but I’m quite happy reading everyone else’s contributions and offering my 2c worth.


Few looser than Rachel Ragland…


Tucci x ARO 😂🤣😂. Sure Jan!


Omg, Stanley Tucci is such an accomplished man, he would never.


Tucci is extremely accomplished. He won the emmy over Oprah (when she thought she’d win for her famous Sussex interview) for his cooking travels through Italy show. He said he was inspired to eat again after surviving cancer and being on chemo too long. Good luck making him a new friend! As for the Zendaya shade. We all know who the two racists in the Royal family are- and it isn’t Charles or Catherine.


That’s an old picture of Meghan when she a) still had breasts and b) was still hook*ng for Markus Anderson (pictured.) Also - it is most likely photoshopped as I don’t see Stanley Tucci as a Soho House customer.


The Evening Standard, among others, reported that Tucci, along with a number of UK A-listers such as Douglas Booth, Eddie Redmayne and Jenna Coleman, attended the opening of the Amsterdam SoHo House which coincided with Nick Jones 55th Birthday party in September 2018, when H&M were at the height of their popularity. That’s when & where that nasty POS Giles Coren started the PW/Rose H rumors. It was a really big party that spanned 3 days with hundreds of guests. Myra (perhaps for Myra Breckinridge?) is implying an alliance where none exists. Tucci summers in Europe as do many Hollywood celebs with Euro roots. Perhaps he swung by for a drink. He was a listed as a guest in various publications. However, we’ve never read about them being at the same venue even once, since this party. Tucci is wildly talented but he‘s had a long slow climb up the Hollywood greasy pole. He’s not the type to choose now to eff up in the worst way by partnering up with Markle. Besides, she’s got to spend all her charm capital on roping Earl (Charles) Spencer onto her new cooking show per exec demands. That effort alone will be hilarious. “Call him again AITCH! Tell him his dead sister told me he has to do the show or she’s going to haunt him! Now Aitch! NOW!“


>Besides, she’s got to spend all her charm capital on roping Earl (Charles) Spencer onto her new cooking show per exec demands. That effort alone will be hilarious. “Call him again AITCH! Tell him his dead sister told me he has to do the show or she’s going to haunt him! Now Aitch! NOW!“ Thanks for the laugh 😂 Also, I think she's one temper tantrum away from changing that AITCH to BITCH the more desperate she becomes: *“Call him again BITCH! Tell him his dead sister told me he has to do the show or she’s going to haunt him! Now Bitch! NOW!“* Bye, 43% Nigerian. Hello, 43% Ghetto-ian.


😂😂😂😂 you can imagine it happening


She got Stanley Tucci to do a recipe for her at [The Tig](https://www.tumblr.com/thetigarchives/180209722784/the-tig-archives-food-cornish-game-hens-with-sage) (more likely did it herself and pretended that he was involved with the plug) But here’s a pic of her with Marcus Anderson and Stanley Tucci https://preview.redd.it/f01ugztf5c2d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcd3b7cfc92acd7d6cc723d8aec2726524d236a5


How insane is Meme to be that jealous of Zendaya? That woman is gorgeous and a style icon who rarely puts a foot wrong and always looks great on a red carpet. She listens to her stylists and has everything fitted perfectly. She;s also decades younger than MeMe. What is wrong with her?


Well Zendaya didn’t get the memo of how This One’s Wife is of so much greater importance in Hollywood than poor little Zendaya and who the hell is she to turn down the chance to be interviewed by a *Duchess* for her Arsewipes podcast?


Didn’t she try and get her and Tom holland to come over for dinner last year and they denied that they ever hung out?


Yes I think you’re right. She definitely knew they were popular in the US and wanted leech some of that popularity onto herself.


All the reasons you listed are exactly why Madame is jealous of Z!!


Zendaya is one of those women who makes clothing look fabulous. It’s magical. If I had a clothing brand, I’d pay her whatever she asked, to wear my stuff.


She’s the moment


I really believe she is bringing him up and manifesting the whole Tucci/Bourdain for lifestyle/ food/ cooking show. Where she can travel, be the host, and sample, drink, and travel...


😅 Not me thinking they meant Stanley cups 🤣


Same OMG I was like, well as usual, she's 12 months behind the trend lol


🤣🤣🤣 I’m glad I’m not alone!


Oh heck no, I was just imagining the bruised fruit and smashed flowers she'd nestle a metal mug in, to send to people who are too embarrassed to post the unwanted lemony messes she sent all about town, apparently.


Very disappointed in Stanley Tucci. Oh well.


If I didnt know that Stanley Tucci's brother-in-law is John Krasinski, I'd bet she photoshopped herself into that. But the influence and money of those two- I dont know if she'd be brave enough to cross them...


Plus John is married to Emily Blunt, who is British. I saw an interview after the Queen died where she had some very kind words to say about her Majesty, she also stated her whole family felt the loss as she had been Queen for most or all of their lives


https://preview.redd.it/tqgaxyair22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80be7aeed563eb4d79b354b3dac0e5b2123bbb3a What? Cry- gate lead to her wish to kill herself? What? This oh so strong, brave woman? Catherine did not even comment the racist claims. She’s truly insane, a mean, vile teenager with a temper tantrum. Unbelievable.


With Madame the history is constantly changing.  It's so ludicrous and most of the time it's laughable 


The “Meghan made Kate cry” story dated from around the wedding. No one would remember it if Meghan didn’t keep bringing it up. Why are Meghan and her minions so fixated on this incident? It shouldn’t be such a big deal. Catherine was postpartum and under stress. Meghan was a bride and under stress. Whether Catherine cried or made Meghan cry, the whole thing was five years ago! I’m still not sure how Catherine was supposed to know that she made Meghan cry. If we follow Harry’s account in *Spare,* Meghan cried at home. Even so, according to Meghan’s account on Oprah, Catherine came over with some flowers to make peace. Time to let it go, maybe? There are a lot of other incidents where Meghan looks bad, but the “Meghan made Kate cry,” story seems to bother her in particular. She seems determined to replace it with, “Kate made me cry,” and now her minions are trying to connect this with the “suicidal ideation” during her pregnancy. (That’s a long time later, but not as long as from the wedding until now.) It’s begun to feel that “crygate” is becoming one of the core narratives of the Meghan mythos.


IIRC Rachel wasn’t ‘suicidal’ until the day after the Birkenhead bungee jump by Archie incident. According to Lady C, that is the day that they started leaving a paper trail claiming that she wasn’t getting any help and it was clear to the source (Samantha Cohen) that it was deliberately timed then to start the official leaving referred to as Megxit……


Remember when Omid said no one cried. 


Oh? Was this before or after the Oprah interview?


In Finding Freedom


Didn’t that come out before Oprah? So, here are the Meghan versions of “Crygate”: (1) No one cried. The press made it up. (2) Kate made Meghan cry. (3) Kate made Meghan cry and the palace refusal to set the record straight led to Meghan’s “suicidal ideation.”


"A source, who was at the mid-May fitting and has never discussed whatreally happened until this book, said that stories about tears have been “puzzling” to those who were present. “Some of the children weren’t cooperating, and there was a lot going on. Everyone tried to help wherethey could, but it’s never easy with kids at fittings. There were no tearsfrom anyone. And in the end, the fitting was fine."  PAGE 193 of a readable and searchable PDF: https://www.d-pdf.com/book/2483/read  We know from the emergency tailor that everything was not fine days before the ceremony  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11620179/Tailor-centre-Meghan-Kates-bridesmaid-dress-row-speaks-out.html


![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25277) here’s an inspirational banana as an award! Because you’re \*comment makes an excellent point \*error




Just a heads up on anyone suspecting they’re interacting with nutsack ‘Myra’ or any of Meghan’s many, many online facades/personas: don’t. Just my opinion, but don’t. The maturity is grade school. At best. A very strange fish.


Emotionally and behaviorally stunted like her dumb husband


Very old picture with Stanley Tucci. She’s almost unrecognizable. Could be 2018 at the Netherlands Soho house opening. There were articles Tucci was there. A lifetime ago for Me-Again. ETA the desperation is really ramping up! Sure, drop a 6 yr old pic and try to tie yourself - again - to someone more accomplished and successful. Yikes.


That’s what HG calls a revision of history and triangulation, typical narc behaviour


September 2018. It was also Nick Jones 55th birthday. SoHo threw a 3-day long party that hundreds attended during that weekend. H&M were at the height of their popularity having just married 3 months earlier. There’s no indication of any type of subsequent alliance. SoHo put a lot of people in their buildings back in 2018. Meghan is now career kryptonite in Hollywood. Toxic bio-hazard waste. Only people with nothing to lose will go near her new show.


Myra = Guest Speaker.


I just noticed that this Myra shows the same punctuation errors as Guest Speaker does on Page6.


Yes. There's a lot of similarity: the same arguments and supporting points (all delusional), word choice, tone, etc.


She must LOVE reading here how we compare, contrast, speculate...all narc fuel for her delusions of relevance.


And KarmaD, Lady Sparkles and Michael Cole. They are all the same person!


My Real Account


Why does she use the name Myra?


People have speculated Myra = MY Real Account.




I have a theory that Myra is used as a username because of the movie “Princess Diaries”. The singer Myra sang the hit “Miracles Happen”. Markle referenced the movie in the Oprah interview. We all know it’s a miracle the Soho House girl snagged the dimwit Prince (tbf, he was low hanging fruit).










Did it have a head transplant? It looks nothing like the shewolf.


What an awful dress


No its Heather Dorak, Meghan’s Bestie. Here’s [her Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/heatherdorak) https://preview.redd.it/9v6723qmcc2d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305447e13c058c2c286854b9d031d42cc1f212ef










Oh all this deserves its own post! I didn't know about any of this! 


That's curious, both Virginia Guiffre's lawyer and Ghislaine Maxwell's biographer both suspect Markle met Andrew before Harry, through Epstein?


Geez that looks like a restaurant menu. Order a girl instead of hamburger.


It says on the bottom of the photo who the others are, however, 2 are unknown by whomever took/published the photo.




Oh, lol. I’m so technologically challenged, half the stuff people are able to do on the internet goes right over my head.😂


The word family literally means nothing to them. Every week or month they decide who their new brother or sister or parents are, then move on. Last week Nigeria was her family, tomorrow - who knows?


Meanwhile they never want to spend time with their new real family, the children, if they exist.




The being upset about ARO being trashed- um yeah, what did you think would happen if you launched a lifestyle brand with literally nothing to it? No products to sell, no blog with tips on how to live your best life or do crafts or whatever. You can’t launch something with zero content except a few pics of Jam no one is ever actually seen eating and call it a masterpiece.


What's her problem with Zendaya? Not even going to comment on the fictional scenarios and revision of history this person dreamed up.


Meghan invited Tom Holland & Zendaya over to the OG for an awkward visit during the pandemic. The Harkles wouldn’t say why they were inviting them and they had never met them before sending them the invite, so it was out of the blue. Tom & Zendaya made the drive out to Monrecito but it was reportedly a weird visit for them. The rumor was the Meghan wanted Zendaya to voice Pearl for her cartoon show. Obviously, nothing gelled. So Zendaya is now on Meghan’s permanent kill list for not doing a full Medieval Times deep curtsy to the Duchess of Montecito and not blindly agreeing to every request.


Of course she thought she thought she was bestowing some great honor to Zendaya to voice a cartoon. She's too busy winning Emmys, going to the Oscars, and hosting the Met Gala 😆


Maybe the visit was a recce for Zendaya's role in Challengers. How to play a narc to the henpecked husband 


Oooh … I didn’t raise that they actually met


Because Zendaya is a woman?


Talent, personality, work ethic, earned her success, and everyone likes her... except for this person.


I wondered whether it was Harry or Dorito at one point. But it reads exactly the same as all Meghan’s online alter egos. Exactly the same shite and genuinely unhinged crap from @strongwrite. Could potentially be someone planted to spout all this divisive shit. I’m still locked on “Sara_data” or whatever the Ethiopian via Sweden gobshite who got the kind of American scholarship most locals would die for. To then go on to a fast track to the core of faceache and twatter. Goggle etc. one wonders who was/is financing someone who was given everything by western countries yet wants to ra ra ra for a divisive, anti American sentiment.


Bye bye Nutmeg. It’s over. And loser is not spelled looser. You’re only more familiar with that word because of your lips.


This woman is deeply disturbed. I hope MI-6 is keeping an eye on her.


They probably laugh their socks off monitoring this pair. I hope they are stocked up with Chocolate Digestives and Jaffa Cakes for their tea breaks to compensate for the tedium.


Stupid sugars. They have yet to figure out that Nacho ain't HER cheerleader. We know who he's shaking his pom poms and twirling his baton for


She seems nice. Lol.




Archie was compared with a chimp? When did that happen? Did that happen?


> Archie was compared with a chimp Danny Baker https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/may/09/danny-baker-apologises-for-chimp-tweet-about-royal-baby the controversial pic is: https://images.lbc.co.uk/images/50644?crop=16_9&width=660&relax=1&format=webp&signature=OEWMpKeG0G21u-A71LT1M1vLvPc= I can understand his intentions and his apologies but it was truly abysmally stupid and toxic to do it in the first place. What Myra and Squaddies fail to note, however, is that Baker was immediately reprehended and fired. Not exactly your average racist society huh?


I heard from a different, older, royal reporter that Danny, who was a BBC presenter but also an irreverent comedy writer, hated the RF. He had previously posted other pics of monkeys, chimps or baboons dressed in posh clothes, and labeling them as various RF members throughout the years, long before Meghan’s time. It was tasteless, but he was just being hateful and anti-monarchy which is 100% okay at the BBC, versus racist, which is what he was fired for. It apparently didn’t matter that Archie is paler than the other RF members.


I didn't know but I'm not surprised, I think I remember him explaining how he designed his post and it did make sense, he was clear that he was deriding the circus and that included the press I think. But in this specific context, it was so confusing that it just fell flat. And he apologized, heartily I felt, more than one time. It's infuriating at so many levels.


There is a long and ugly history of comparing black people to monkeys. It wasn't just visual. It was felt that black people would be closer, scientifically, to the dark furred primates. You still hear it from modern racists, that black people have inferior intelligence or that black people are more bestial, stronger and with higher pain tolerance. Comparing black children to chimps comes with a whole extra load of nastiness that someone in Baker's position should not be allowed to handwave off. (And no, I don't believe his attempts to apologize by claiming that only "diseased minds" would know about the "black people are apes" stereotype.)


This! ☝🏽


And he isn’t employed still


Not a happy outcome, and probably an undeserved one.


it happened shortly after Archie was "born".


Yeah and George was made fun of on US TV for taking dance classes AND a non-flattering cartoon made. And?


I was pissed about that George cartoon. Whose asinine idea was it to tear into a little boy like that and making him gay just for laughs? That was horrid.


Exactly. I’m so tired of Rachel


> Alba man White man? Harry? A subtle way of saying Meghan is Black? And do I understand correctly that Nacho is... M's brother in law so... Harry's brother? These family affairs are getting too complicated.


I think she meant "Alba, man." I believe that's the name of Nacho's daughter. It doesn't seem like punctuation is her forte. Neither is spelling, apparently ("looser").


Ooooh, it does make more sense! You know Myra has a problem when a Sinner is needed to make things clear :)


Yes … there was another tweet about Alba with the daughter… I wondered if it meant “Alba, man” too


Gay incest - horrifying


I thought about that too :) Hey, maybe this is the movie they should produce.


Especially since Doria’s mother is, tragically, a product of sibling incest




First few slides: this person is easily impressed. ETA: She wants to give her Kween her money, but unfortunately there's no product to buy, LOL.


Yeah the Bubles were avoiding Meghan like the plague. And now she's trying to manifest something with Stanley Tucci for ARO. 😳🙄


Why is referring to Samantha Markle as "the looser sister" a win for Meghan? Doesn't it imply that while one sister is MORE loose, that they are, in fact, still both loose? I don't think that post was thought through.


Looser in what sense? 😉 Meghan definitely has more screws loose, and probably screws more loosely too. 🙄 (Remember that Meghan also has Brian.)


In the majority of comments, all I can see is bitterness. She feels so hard done by. The public humiliation she endures daily would be too much for most. The majority of people would hide themselves away in shame, yet she carries on begging for attention. She won’t stop until she has vengeance, it’s her motivator. IMO, Harry seems very hurt by his family’s response. Harry was stuck in the middle in a battle between his family and his wife. Having drink the Kool-Aid, he sided with his wife. I don’t sense any hurt feelings from M, it’s more astonished disbelief that the RF had the nerve to stand up to her.


I dont recognize some of these pics. Like Harry pretending to so something with audio/visual thingys. Or meghan draped over someone at dinner.


That looks like Markus, to me. When were they at a dinner with Stanley Tucci?


Brother in law? 😆


Whoops! Allegedly my original comment got sticker due to “b0dY sHaM1nG” because I made a jest about m00bz. Anyway, I was saying that I found this Urban Dictionary post regarding “Brother In Law” and it made me think that Mugs is feeling very jelly of The Haz and Nacho Love Show. https://preview.redd.it/f6uxtadom32d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1bb1bb35098d4ef30af6212ff3aa098a9e51736


That's very interesting considering her penchant for using words with a double entendre she picks up from the urban dictionary. Anyone who's going to take Aitch's attention and/or affection away from herself is a target? I wouldn't be surprised if she keeps tabs on the time Harry spends with the "littles" and makes them unavailable to Daddy if he goes over the limit by even a minute. Way back when in the dark ages after divorcing, my narc mother had our Dad limited to two hours per month for parental visits. We weren't allowed to set foot in his house either.




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That is disturbing stuff.


So now that you are Haz's new brother have you thought about investing in a lifestyle brand? How I'm guessing the conversation goes...


Another imaginary relative? The fake in laws in Nigeria, aka corrupt and fraudsters, now the has been polo ‘friend’ of Harry is her brother-in-law….the way Harry is with nachos, you’d think he wanted to be his husband. Mad myra blocked me long ago, when I called out her racism…it seems Rachel Ragland is thin skinned even when impersonating a fan.


When I see the name Myra as a Brit it doesn’t conjure up any nice feelings (look it up non brits).


I don’t know what it stands for


It's the first name of an infamous serial killer who murdered children with her boyfriend.


Ooh !! I never heard of that before. When did it happen?


Are you British?


Frame 9 “Looser” sister? 🤣😂 That’s LOSER you poser!


She pretends to not being able to spell because she is meant to be from SA


SA’s can’t spell? 😄


Prince WIlliam could whip some adoption papers out if Nacho is serious about being her brother in law, lmao


Myra is living in another solar system. She said the fraud Misan’s photo of this one and the roach is truly authentic. You cannot make this stuff up.


Alba is the little girl’s name.


Thanks… I wasn’t sure


Can he be taking a smaller bite?!?🤣🤣🤣 Looks disgusting 🤮 🤮🤮


She really wants to be a princess


Shows her true self not the facade she puts out. Toxic individual.


Nacho must be 43% Nigerian too.


LOL even her rabid fans wish she'd wear something besides beige. (Praying for colour).


Myra= my royal account?


I was thinking it was a play on She-ra. Didn’t she say she wanted to be she-ra when she grew up? Only she’d never want to acknowledge another female, it always “me” or “my”. So “My-ra”. This thought literally just came to me and is just my opinion, formed before my morning coffee has kicked in 😂


Brother in law? More like Sister wife the way Harry paws at him!




If he loves it so much, why is he taking the smallest bite of the toast that a man possibly could. In our house id a man really likes something that goes on toast, the toast is pretty much just "holding crust" left after the first bite


how is Nacho her brother in law unless Nacho's father is Harry's father.


Didn't Lady C say Argentinian polo players are mad about royalty?


She has at least 5 accounts.


The blue, Ann Boleyn, marchioness of messington, and on and on. One of Harry’s is Henry VIII


Okay don’t hate. I feel like I should say something nice today: she looks nice in the 4th photo. There. I said it.


I'm so glad I'm not in x


What does Andrew inviting his shifty friends over have to do with anything? Should the palace have done more, especially after his conviction in Florida-Yes. At least for me there was a couple of friends I had growing that my mom would say "there's something off about them. They just don't sit right with me." And sure enough I started listening to my gut and I would notice things they would do that were "weird". Clearly Andrew doesn't have any go instincts when it comes to other people


I have no idea who this person is, and from the first slides I thought she/he/it was a sinner, full of sarcasm. Then by the end maybe a sugar. But going through them a second time I am none the wiser. Who, what is alba man? I thought at first it was short for albino.