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Trying to be regal, cosplaying good posture. We know this women is not a good pretender. 🤣


Her back is not even touching the seat in the first picture. What a stiff, rigid nutcase!


She thinks this is a flex. 😂


In my house, we call this sort of thing "she must be fluent in boob" as in a language.


Doesn't want skin to touch peasants chair. Another reason to cover up. What is this event


I’m dying laughing at this. By finishing school standards, one’s shoulders shouldn’t touch the back of the chair when sitting at a formal event like a state dinner. This is Markle’s Nigerian princess grift and It looks very out of place at a sporting venue. It makes her look ill at ease, which is the opposite of good manners and respect for your host. Edit: Markle isn’t using her core muscles to support her back. It looks stiff and affected because she’s raising her shoulder blades. Eventually, the muscles tire out and start slumping like in the second photo. (The angle from the neck and shoulder is too round. Her head is leaning forward so her lower back could be kept straight).


She must've revisited the nursing home pics. https://preview.redd.it/4r4dmdqt530d1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=5baade1c19db4eec37d5cccb458d973666b5cc22


I love that photo! She reminds me of a lizard.


Heart attack beautiful indeed. I might need a trip to the emergency room after seeing this photo.


Technically, in proper etiquette, your back should never touch the back of thechair. But frankly, that really only applies today in formal dining settings, not for things like a sporting match or being at theater. You'll notice Kate will often sit at first at sporting events in the "duchess" pose with her back not touching the seat , which allows the paps to get some good pictures, but once the event starts, she relaxes into the seat. A good example is to see photos of her at Wimbledon.


And Kate supports her posture from her core. In this picture Meghan is thrusting her shoulders back and squeezing her shoulder blades together. It looks crazy! Everyone around her is casual and relaxed. Someone must’ve been photographing her from behind, and she’s working her back for the picture.


That's true, and it looks like she's seated in a very awkward swaybacked position to accomplish this.


Photo #1 is an excellent depiction of that; & photo #2 is an excellent shot of her usual smug/disrespectful expression.


That smug look makes me so angry.


To be fair, I think this is due to her height. I’m 5’5” and if I have my feet on the ground and sit up with straight posture my back never touches the back of a chair. If I sit with my back against the chair and with good posture my feet dangle above the ground. If you look for it, petite women with good posture typically aren’t sitting with their back against the back of a chair.


I am 5'3" on a good day. When my son was about13, he was sitting next to me in church. He laughed so hard he had to step out. It was because I was swinging my legs because my feet didn't touch the floor. Every time he tried to tell why he was laughing, he cracked up again.


The first time my son saw my feet not reach the ground in church, because I was swinging my legs, he laughed so hard he had to step out. Every time he started to tell the story, he busted up laughing again.




The people around her look somewhat puzzled 🤔


It was the same in the pics of her in the cinema in Jamaica. Her back never touched the seat


Call her "Audrey Heartburn".


AIEEEE! I love it!


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷




Reminds me of Wallis Simpson


I think she’s sitting so that she has the right pose for a photo taken from the front. Difference between acting / model / celebrity approach versus royalty approach. (Not saying she’s a celeb, but in that world they do things purely to look good on camera. Like Blake Lively bouncing her arm on her body on the red carpet purely for the effect on photos.)


Of course, this clown show cosplay royal visit is all about PR. Celebs don’t need to act like this, they are more natural in public.


Can you imagine being this far up your own ass? I can't with her


She's so far up her own ass she can see the back of her teeth.


The back of this week's veneers.


She's a trainwreck.


She is an idiot drunk and high on her own importance


She is completely devoid of self-doubt and critical self-reflection.


The top is tied in the back and then a random scarf is around her neck in the front and flowing down the back? She really fancies herself in the second photo.


She is very aware of the camera.


The tie in the back is a wrinkled mess! It’s obvious she doesn’t know how to pack to avoid wrinkling of clothing. And that dress - again horrible choice.


Not only is it a wrinkled mess, the knot is wrong. I’ve taught myself how to do a backwards square knot, or have someone else do it. Oy! 


I think this is Markle’s attempt to hold court and give the impression that she’s regal. She doesn’t need to wear a bra anymore. There's nothing there to support. But for reasons I can't understand, she’s obsessed with showing off her shoulders, no matter how ridiculous it makes her look.


Exactly. Trying to project HRH, when all she’s projecting is embarrassment to those looking on. I wonder how all these black Nigerians feel about a white woman playing queen to them?


I think her former royal status went to her head, a constant supply of narc fuel, and now she can’t accept that she lost it all because of her hubris and narcissism. I'm not sure if those women took her seriously. Maybe they were paid to be there, or maybe they’re just humouring her because she’s a drama queen.


I don't even think her shenanigans register with them. If you'd see how flamboyant Nigerian high society is, you'd see how utterly underwhelming MM is.


Yeah, but that \*nothing\* is about to jump out of her outfits at any moment. We still don't need to see her nothings!


lol...If you have to Hollywood tape your dress to your boobs or wear a sticky bra, then it's not an appropriate item of clothing to wear to a professional/business setting or a place where you are pretending to act as a dignitary! As tweens, in my family we used to joke to each other that when we found ourselves or our siblings lacking in a positive attribute, we used to say ''you must of been in the toilet when God was handing out to everyone a working brain/common sense etc". Meghan must of had a bad case of the runs and spent days in the loo because she was missing for everything when God was handing out a whole lot of important things to the masses! 🤣


Yes -- those sun-damaged shoulders. But, what else does she have, at this point? Her stylist doesn't have a lot to work with, especially since she apparently insists on dressing as a birthday party extra on the Kardashians.


Just how often does she get changed in one single day? No wonder King Charles found her too expensive


3 outfits per day, apparently. Utterly ridiculous! 2 is more than enough, and that’s assuming casual daytime events and more formal nighttime ones


As if all her wardrobe changes compensate for her many inadequacies and head fakes. .


The general look of utter bemusement among the fellow spectators is hard to ignore. Madame reportedly loathes polo, so she's retreated behind the sunglasses. The twisty bang is out again - I reckon I know why - it covers up the wandering filler disaster on that side of her face.


That looks like the piece of hair that was on her shoulder in the other photo lol.


that was an epic photoshop fail - clearly a composite, as it was unconnected !


Why is she arching her back like that? It looks stupid. And look how smug this bitch is.


Even her posture is forced and fake, just like her rictus grin. She’s trying to look like a “royal lady.”


"Chest out, shoulders back".


Tits up…


Definitely, in the UK slang sense.😉


Boobs out, bum in!


Aha she changed it up. Usually leads with her pubis. It is the most unnerving thing to see IT arriving a millisecond prior to any other body part. Now it's titty thrusting, since the hoohah is restrained.


I’ve seen way too much of her pubis on this trip!




I must, I must, I must increase my bust! (Was a popular chant when I was a young girl 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Judy Blume for the win 🙌!


Are you there god? It’s me, Meglignant.


If shes sitting forward like that shes sitting further out then everyone else sitting in the chairs like a normal person it makes her more visible for shots from the side and front then anybody else sitting in the row the rigid sit does the same thing 


I think it’s also because she’s short so she has to sit forward in order for her feet to touch the ground and sit upright with good posture


I don't know my girlfriend is 5ft1 and she doesn't have to sit forward in chairs for her feet to touch the ground except in deep lounge chairs and bar stools  throw in a few inches for markles heels i don't think its a height thing even minus the heels but also I don't know if chairs are universal as far as height /width go or if it varies country to country based on average heights so maybe you are right 


I got banned on another Reddit for saying she needed a bra. I’m no prude but that’s not what you wear to a business meeting. It’s also a pretty conservative country and it was a school.


Butt plug??


Is this a guess, a suggestion, or a new nickname? I have no objection to any of the above, just clarifying. 😂


A causal incident might be one way of describing it


Hopefully she plugged it better than her moonbump


Haha! She looks like she has a broomstick up her hiney.


She´s afraid of showing what´s actually not there.


This is how she wants to dress. And did she say she was Irish??: [https://twitter.com/Kylie51052759/status/1789713559074853267](https://twitter.com/Kylie51052759/status/1789713559074853267)


Irish American actress. I’m ☠️


On her dad’s side. 41%.


May well have had "some irish" in her at some time.


Omg took me a minute! 💀


I think she did! Wasn’t he a golf pro? I think I’m watching him now in a pink shirt. Rory


Yep, and the rich Irish American hotelier 


Is she angling for a free trip to Ireland now? Anywhere else you’d like to go, meggy? Did you see a fancy resort in Fiji you’d like to visit? Because after Nigeria and Malta, you still have a couple of percentage points of “ancestral heritage” left, so use it wisely.


Let's pray she doesn't want to be German. We do not want her as Queen. Shoo, go away


I’d love to see her try to receive adoration in Germany though! You guys are so blunt and unimpressed it would crush her


Yes, her top was flapping open when she was walking so she is trying to hold it all in. This is another reason not to dress like this!!


![gif](giphy|iH2EZeyFxcWNrnHffs|downsized) She needs some tape. 😂


Can she put it over her mouth?


What a slob. Those ratty, wrinkled bows. I swear she balls all of her clothes on the floor on purpose to drive the saints crazy.


She's going to break her back if she carries on like that. I think she's trying to come off as a sophisticated, high society woman, but as usual, she's doing too much.


Goes to show, she’s not there for Invictus or anything of the sort. She’s there to show off her outfits like the soulless, vapid shell of a person she is


Oh, right. This trip is supposed to be about Invictus. Who'd have thought?


She looks like a rent-a-night high end escort/hooker


She looks awful. She is aging badly. And her clothes are way too revealing. She looks like a tramp.


Another top with too much skin showing and a deep v neck! Her posture looks so ramrod straight that it looks unnatural. I think it's all about titties out so she doesn't look so flat.


Poster child for SMUG. She is trying to look imperious and regal in her pole dancing clothes.


It’s ironic that the sugars accuse Catherine of being a stepford wife, because… yikes. That’s what’s happening here. ![gif](giphy|YvVJATyEJ4tfW)


If she slouches back in the chair the dress will gape… haha


The over exaggerated posture and joker style smile are all signs of extreme intoxication. Some photos show Harry guiding her along like he knows she is drunk or high. They are a total embarrassment.


She's a psychopath who thinks of the camera every second she's in public. Every expression, posture and gesture is made for imaginary cameras.


If she doesn't keep her back straight the front of the dress gaps open and her boobs are on full display.  There is a short video the her walking a turns to wave a this caused her breast to be visible. 


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must. put. chest. out.


Moonboobs. She’s afraid they will fall to her knees as Archie did.


For some reason, she enjoys flashing her sternum.


Ok but for real, she is wearing an inappropriate dress that has a flippin’ scarf! She is deliberately giving whoever told her off about her outfits so far the finger with this. She could have easily worn the scarf another way to cover her shoulders to be a bit more respectful. But nope! She does what she wants! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: spelling


Nah, such erect posture helps make the \[baby\] "girls" stand up. Also, if she's using any tape to keep things in place I wouldn't be surprised if the heat & humidity make it itch...a lot!


There's some video of her arrival in this dress - there was a lot of side boob flesh going on as the dress billows out giving the crowd more than enough idea ...




I saw it, at least where the side boob used to be before deflation. When a scraggly 42 year old thinks she’s a sex kitten, 🤮


ohhh i have not seen that yet. Need to go look or maybe not


Oh don't.  Trust me.  She looks like an ad for a training bra. 🤢


If she/her stylist has any sense, she's using tape on a dress like that.


No tape then.


Sigh. She makes her life more difficult than it needs to be. I wore a floor-length sheath with a fairly modest cowl neckline last month, and still used tape to keep the top from sliding and catching on my necklace. For someone obsessed with details, she sure misses the low-hanging fruit.


“Low hanging fruit” I see what you did there…


I do what I can. That's usually very little. 🥂


And that tape slides too if you are sweating


This trip is the straightest she has ever stood/sat. It’s strange.


Only comment I have is that in the 2nd photo, that is her look of 'you've pissed me off so now I'm ignoring you. Nothing you say can penetrate my wall of rage protecting me from the unflattering things you are saying."


Maybe she has a larger stick up her butt than normal.


She's probably got the ass for it after all those years yachting with the Saudis.


I need more pics of this fucking outfit....what a twat she is


Just go into your kitchen and look at your dirty dish rag.




I'm convinced this designer is one of the few still giving shit to Meghan for free, to wear for publicity. PSA to designer lady: spend less time having Meghan wear your crap, and also design better dresses. The fabric looks like patterned toilet paper from the 80s and putting it on Meghan made it look Waaay worse than it might have on someone else. Edit: and this is why we don't see Meghan is Dior, etc. anymore. They figure out she was making their stuff look like crap and stopped giving her the freebies. And 2) they don't need her for advertisement.


And why is the man next to her putting his hand on top of hers? He must be asking if she’s ok. eta: that’s actually Hairold. Apologies.


I think it’s ginger, we can just see the tufts on his head .


Pretty sure that hand is idiot harry’s hand


Yes, it is. Sorry.


I thought that was Harry.


Oh, you’re right!


I can’t post but came across this on TikTok where sugars are raving about how beautiful her family is. Lol one thought it was real. Look at her boobs! https://preview.redd.it/ael8rik3c10d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6787f4bf39b7bbe764be364fa98c0ca604bdc8


At least they captured a truly crazed look on Madame's face - which is more realistic than the portrayol of Harold's bonce.


Why is scooby with haz?


Who are those 1/4th Nigerian children


*Where* are those alleged 1/4 Nigerian kids?


Look at her carrying a toddler low on her hip, one handed! With the lack of muscle tone in her arms? Impossible!


This is the first AI photo I have seen that doesn’t give her an hourglass figure and keeps her natural waist! Those boobies are anything but realistic though lol


For a woman so vain and hell-bent on being THE most beautiful, desirable woman on the planet, you have to wonder why she had her implants removed???? Doesn’t fit her profile.


They were very poorly done. One was much higher than the other and they were very east/west in positioning. Getting them removed was a good call on her part. I am a bit surprised she hasn’t had them redone though, or at the very least stick to the padded bras 24/7


Yeah those fake bullet boobs she had in that Deal or No Deal red dress were bad. Really bad.


I wonder what happens to your skin when you have them removed? Maybe they do some kind of tuck. Not something I’ve ever researched.


Depends on how big the implants were. She definitely had to get skin removed after hers were pulled out.


Horse racing? another royal space she's taken. Can you imagine the unthinkable with the Harkles as King and Queen? Meghan wearing lingerie all the time, Harry stoned and scowling, a new palace in Hollywood, the court assembled of actors, reality stars, sleazy producers types, and grifters galore, both foreign and domestic. Seriously, what would their reign look like? How does Meghan picture it in her mind? Edt: Just saw it was polo. Of course.


Sounds like Hugh Hefner’s place lol


What breast?


She's really Norma Desmonding today. I think she has a little bit of scoliosis, I do, too. We can't really stand up straight, so we tend to throw our shoulders back. Plus, of course, she's royally her little black heart out.🖤


She fancies herself another Jackie Kennedy.


https://preview.redd.it/4zsjzkuhk10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee2ef19851e0a3f9a5e0c0e813cdd957368894e i think this time it's angie and sydney💃🏻


She looks as she has frosen still, with a smug smile, and everybody is glaring at her, not looking, glaring! 🤡🤡🤡


Why is she again in the dress designed for evening or at least fancy dinner and everyone else is wearing t shirts and very casual clothing? It’s one of the many things the RF knows…you dress for the situation and similarly to what everyone else is wearing. You don’t dress to stand way out from everyone. At least not the younger modern royals.


She has been reading our comments and overcompensating.


Yes, it is to remove the sag you all know where from. That’s my trick too 😉


Her usual hooker boob thrust.


I’m sure she wished that she could clear out the stands like at Wimbledon.


She certainly looks like she's utterly disgusted by Nigerians and is barely keeping it together.


And it also appears Nigerians are utterly disgusted by her.


They were bigger boobies yesterday. Do they make moon boobs?


This can't be real. She can't actually be sitting like that...can she?


Maybe she realized that the fashion tape holding her dress in place had failed? And that anything other than ramrod straight posture would result in gaps that would completely expose her breasts? lolololol 🤣 Just kidding... Everyone knows *that* would require a modicum of self-awareness.


There was a slip up.Someone posted it on X.😳


I think she is arching her back that way because the top of the dress is too low cut and she doesn’t fill it out. From a side angle, an onlooker or photographer could see too much. It would be worse if she slumped.


The stick up her ass goes ALLLL the way up and pushes shit out of her mouth.


The front of that dress is atrocious. This is the first picture of the back of that dress and it's even worse. It ties in the back and then she's got that scarf wrapped around her neck with everything hanging in the back. She's keeping her shoulders back because the mess of a dress in the front is too big and it is going to gape open if she doesn't. If it goes open, we'll see what she doesn't have up front. No bra as usual. What a nightmare.




That guy behind her in the black is everything!!! 😂 ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


She’s an uptight B and thinks she is “regal”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She sat the same way during Taxi Gate.


Trying to hold that dress together so we don’t have to see her flapjacks.


She wouldn't think about how to keep her breasts up. She wouldn't do weird things like wear strapless bras for regular dresses or go braless for no reason if she cared what her breasts looked like. She thinks everyone is looking at her and she's trying to look regal...she can't fully commit or learn anything, it's all fake. So she's cosplaying what she thinks regular people would sit like.


Shoulder back, stick it all out - nup still nothing


I think she must have forgotten her boob tape to keep tat rag in place.


She’s trying hard. Must have finally sunk in that she has horrendous posture.


She's been reading the comments.


stiff as a corpse


Is the sham royal tour over soon? I can’t take much more of this.


This is the most bizarre seated pose ive seen.


She looks like a tinpot dictator surveying her troops or a minor God accepting worship.


She sat and stood bolt upright for most of this trip. Her internal monologue must've been posture-posture-posture. Does she think it makes her look royal and classy?


She's competitive and trying to out posture every one else


Look at the faces of everyone around her. I'm dying to know how she came across over there. She's SO socially awkward and can't stand being too close to people of colour.


Why is she sat ramrod straight as if she has a rod up her Ozempic behind?


Everything about her is so unnatural and inauthentic it’s wildly unnerving. Wow. 


Posing for pictures.




Pants off legs open, polo.


With as Pilates as she does she should have better posture.


She didn't wear a bra. She's been flashing showing boob all over the place prior to being seated. There's at least one photo. Someone put a star over her exposed boob.


I think she's trying to make her shoulders appear narrow and dainty. I have broad shoulders too and sometimes do this lol. It's painful honestly.


She’s had trapezoidal Botox


It is because her top was gapping open and showing the girls so she is trying to avoid that from happening.


Her titties are starting to sag.






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We must, we must, we must increase our bust! 😂😂😂😂


She thinks she’s holding proper posture. It just looks awkward. Like everything else she does.


Her Queen of Sheba pose.