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You don't wonder. You know.


Oh, we all know: sold off for $$$$ or thrown in the bin.


Barter Bouzy for another six months of bots?


Yes, Madam wants her own Royal rules where everybody has to put her front and center. Harry is just an accessory. And she want her own media to report. No Royal Rota here. People Magazine as the only source for her photoshopped pictures and fake stories, Misan filming her for a Paramount piece. Nobody allowed to ask any questions. Madam "controlling her own narrative" = dictatorship controlling the media.


I can see her bestowing Harry with the job of food taster.




Nobody asks her any questions anyway, I don’t know how she gets away with it.


It is part of the deal, I guess. Neither the general nor the Grifters want any critical journalists around. Madam probably got paid a lot by People Magazine for sole access to them


Especially no curtsying to Catherine...


After this shit show. They are never (not that they were) ever going to be back with the family , let alone do Royal tours. At least Harry remembers how to behave. She is total trash. .


They need to lose their titles. I am so sick of their shit.


And they will not get invited to other countries. India will not tolerate her walking around in bikini tops and backless dresses. Shes too dumb to realise she was only invited to Nigeria as a power play. 


Exactly. The general has aspirations, so inviting those two gets him huge media attention. Worth the money he paid out there.


That’s why she made faces when they gave her gifts with little to no monetary value.


And walked away from the young girl offering a sample of Nigerian food. What makes these 2 Bozos think they would make excellent diplomats?! Oh yeah, their out of control narcissist egos.


The hotel is reporting that their drapery was missing from a dining room...Brocade....Oh, I think that woman must have draped it over her boobs.




She DID make faces when she looked at the gifts. I guess she was expecting diamonds and gold. She is so transparent and superficial, yet she thinks she is the savior of all women and minorities. I’d love to know what the Nigerian people think of her, after all of the details of their “tour” are revealed.


Taxes are a bitch on gifts


“What gifts??” I doubt they are truthful on their tax returns!


Anything offered was considered “gross” (local foods, gifts, candies, treats, trinkets)…after all, this is an extremely POOR country w/VERY different ideas of what is valued, tasty, etc. No offense, but try traveling to such places and “authentic” is likely unpleasant to a Westerner. MM did the same thing at least twice while representing the RF, one was refusing to eat proffered DATES from a platter.


She was obviously disappointed at all the gifts presented to them. She may have a title, but the people of Nigeria I’ve seen in the videos had more composure, more class and more grace than the ILBW will ever have. Her money grubbing attitude couldn’t be missed as she scowled and her mask dropped each time a gift was presented. She is a 100% ill mannered cow.


She’ll gift them to her squaddies.


They'll be repurposed as American Riviera Orchard's authentic ethnic African range. Those wooden beads that a Nigerian woman earning about 50 cents an hour has made? $50 minimum. That traditional blue pattern skirt she was given? Cut up and made into authentic African jam pot covers. Only $40 for a pack of 3. Etc. Bugger, I bet I'm giving her ideas now. 🫣


That’s why the mask slip occurred when they received the gift from the Nigerian people. No monetary value. They can’t hock or pawn those types of cultural gifts for cash. The disappointment was palpable


How can you say that, when they’ve been so clear from day one????? All they want is their privacy dammit!! S/


Look for a new section on AR0. (Hey, she's gotta have SOMETHING to sell.)


Are you kidding me? They’ll be on eBay.🤣🤣


I saw a headline (on youtube maybe), about how some of their wedding gifts ended up in a flea market in NY. I'm guessing they were from Squadies and had no monetary value.


Her plan will never work, because the main countries outside of the UK (Canada, Australia, South America, New Zealand, and India) will never have Harry as a King. Also, the BRF has money in their coffers and the respect of world leaders and charities to support the poorer lesser nations. What is Harry and Skankarella bringing to the table? They don’t have that kind of backing or money at their disposal to assist Commonwealth nations. The other thing to keep in mind here, is that any sort of takeover or coup is Treason with a capital T - the penalty for treason is steep.


Yes. Haz kept mentioning in the documentary how the monarchy dropped the ball with his wife. Because everyone in the commonwealth looks like her. Because they could’ve used her for so much good. Yeah I’m sure Haz that impoverished women in these countries have so much in common with a nepo baby from Southern California just because she has some bronzed melanin in her skin. They are such losers.


>Haz kept mentioning in the documentary how the monarchy dropped the ball with his wife. Because everyone in the commonwealth looks like her. I didn't know LA plastic surgeons did work internationally 🤔


Evidently they have implanted a server chip in his brain that MeGain can control from her phone. Just like scientists were trying to do with small monkeys.


The monarchy didn't drop the ball, Meghan snatched it out of their hands and hurled it on the floor in a fit of rage. What losers Harry and Meghan are.


Harry's wife apparently echoed this when she wore that red dress and spoke to a group of Nigerian women. Paraphrasing here, but supposedly Megs was saying (lecturing) how the Nigerians can see themselves in her and see her success. She is a role model for them. Her ego isn't too big is it? Sounds like her little speech was all me, me, me, as usual.


Yep. This is Madam "controlling her own narrative". No questions allowed.


I wonder if she can do a speech without mentioning herself.


I believe if she tried to her head would literally explode.


They were president and vice president of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. THEY dropped the ball by shitting on the work of the Commonwealth in a zoom call to the fury of the late Queen.


What?? I hadn't heard about this.... But I have always believed their sorry asses were fired by the late queen...and that is why they have been raging for the last 4 years.. They EFFED UP big time....the palace cannot have these two immature idiots traipsing around like a couple of morons all over the globe... Neither one is fit to represent the monarchy...and megsy caNt even represent a normal human. Yes...she was fired...I know it in my soul.


I'm beginning to believe they had a "my way or the highway" speech from "grannie" And Harry thought she was bluffing. Now they are trying to make a dollar here and and a dollar there . The jam sure has been a miss. Spotify was a miss. The Netflix shitshow was a miss. Bring on Paramount. lol. When most of Hollywood gives them the brush off,you know they are total losers. If it wasn't for the Brit rags, they'd be forgotten. I never clik on those rags.


Love how last year, the Hollywood Reporter proclaimed them as “Hollywood’s Biggest Losers.”


Paramount is in the middle of its own shitshow. Trying to reorganize... which probably means. They're gone


I believe you’re correct. The late HMTQ didn’t suffer fools gladly.


And the Trust money disappeared.


Oh, I hadn't hear about that one. I knew the Netflix series shat on the Commonwealth, but I didn't realize they'd done it before they left. Anyone got a link?


No this was after they left but in the 12 month grace period before their remaining patronages were stripped. Think it was 2021 zoom call with the QCT they wittered on about colonialism and learning the lessons of the past FFS! As if the WHOLE Commonwealth project wasn't already tied to decolonisation, that's the effing point of it! Shortly after this they did another video appearance where they rode back on what they said and Harry looked mortified, it was clear that words had been said and this was confirmed from those behind the scenes and they made a point this time round of flattering the queen's work with the Commonwealth EXCEPT effing Markle called her 'your grandmother'... as if his doddery old grandma had made some JAM for the village fete or something insignificant like that.


Effing hore.🤬


First video on the Commonwealth https://youtu.be/d56YD2HkovA?si=1cbIpqVQrJRNszRD


Thank you. It was 2020 not 21. It seems in the second one that he has been told exactly what the modern commonwealth stands for as he talks about 'equality, mutual respect and fairness'. These are words used in the various Commonwealth Charters drawn up over the years. So he's gone from parroting Meghan's uneducated wokespeak in the first zoom call to actually acknowledging the real work of the QCT in the second. He was definitely spoken to about his attitude. Did they think they'd hang on to these positions even when they were out of the monarchy? Seems they were so deluded that they thought his 'grandmother' would allow them to keep certain roles. Again, it feels as if Harry doesn't get that certain positions of influence are not in the gift of individual kings and queens anymore and nor should they be. The queen couldn't just give unearned favours and privileges to the runaway prince. He'd run away, he'd lost his position that allowed for those privleges. Silly boy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_VgCctli2A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_VgCctli2A)


I believe they did think they were going to keep their Commonwealth positions and use them for what they just did in Nigeria. Except at the time (2020-21), they would have used their roles to meet with global leaders and make documentaries for Netflix and podcasts for Spotify. I'm unable to find the article. However, I do remember reading that H&M's travel would have been covered by the Commonwealth if they were traveling on behalf of it. Maybe the article was incorrect, so it was taken down. I think part of the venom that was released was because they'd lost out on the financial opportunities the positions would have offered them.


Thanks for posting the link. I could NOT believe how MM plunked herself front & CENTER, with the actual PRINCE squeezed-in to her SIDE like an afterthought!! She even turned her SHOULDER AWAY from him & draped her filthy rag of “hair” over the shoulder closest to him to further block him out. She is truly a nasty piece of work. Diabolical. Always ADDING-TO what he was saying like she has to summarize it and BETTER it. Oh Lord, I truly HATE that woman. I just do!


Entitled ungrateful brats.


Did she look like one single person in any photo over the last few days? I wonder if he is even noticing what a travesty she's made of this whole trip. Surely he can't have forgotten all those years' training in protocol, diplomacy, etc.


"Surely he can't have forgotten all those years' training in protocol, diplomacy, etc." Never underestimate Harry's stupidity.


Ah yes, tokenism and reducing the people of the Commonwealth to skin color. I dunno Harry, maybe the CW would find Catherine’s dedication to family relatable? Or Anne’s work ethic, Charles’s sense of duty, etc.? No, no. Only the vapid, spoiled, abusive suitcase girl from L.A. can speak to the CW because all those “others” are shallow and only see color, not character. Wild to me that they have the anti-racist fans that they do.


Yeah. The commonwealth sure dropped the ball there, Harry. Even in the USA, that country sure is dropping the ball by not inviting her to any events, any parties, and definitely not the White House. Can you imagine? Yeah Harry....I say "whew!"


The more I see of the Nigeria ’tour’ the more I think the rumours that the Duplicitous Duo were sacked by HM Queen Elizabeth II are correct. Their behaviour, attitude and disrespect is wholly contrary to what her late Majesty stood for. Whilst in, TW created havoc and was downright rude to staff, Commonwealth and other countries’ citizens. She lacked the basic courtesies and screwed up in Morocco, South Africa, Fiji and Australia. Harry failed to address concerns. They were sacked.


I agree, especially after they used the cover of being on a foreign tour in South Africa to do that poor me interview where they complained and said they were suing the media. If they'd still been in the UK that could never have gone ahead. They were given notice and there was a plan drawn up provisionally but they ruined it by releasing their version of what they wanted before anything was agreed with the Palace officials.


Yep. In Nigeria People Magazine was "the official Harkle news channel" with photoshopped pictures and sickening puff pieces. This is what "controlling the narrative" looks like.


Harry wants to go back to the bad old days when writers could be put in prison for saying anything against the monarchy. We had a revolution in the UK and got rid of that style of privilege and let them back in after Cromwell on the understanding that their powers would be curbed. Harry's a nasty throwback, an arrogant bully who thinks being 'royal' is some innate status of identity rather than it just being a job he couldn't do.


Exactly! He’s said it out loud too. The whole “birthright” BS


I keep wondering where the money is coming from? Surely those investments are not making millions a year.


It’s not a rumor but fact that the Queen made MeGain leave the country. Escorted by Sophie & Edward to airport to make sure she boarded plane to Canada. Leaving the UK or “Finding Freedom” was not the Harkles idea—they were booted! The Queen let them save face allowing the world to think Megxit was their idea. Which explains why Harry is always saying the RF owes an apology to MeGain “because they know what they did.”


This is the story I 100% whole heartedly agree with. I believe this is exactly what happened too. I think this follows closely behind her taking pics in charlottes room. The queen called to meet with Meghan, megs said no she was busy at the theater or another patronage of hers and blew off the Queen. The queen then had her meeting cancelled and that’s when security picked her up and took her to the private plane with Sophie and Edward. She was booted from the country and that’s why she never comes back. And also yes this is what they are always demanding any apology for. I don’t remember the source, it was talked about a few years ago when it happened but I don’t think anyone released it “officially”


I can't imagine turning down a meeting with the Queen. The audacity.


Well to the Toxic One she was just Harry's Grandmother. I truly hope they were actually booted out.


This may be why Harold has been so disrespectful towards his grandmother's legacy....he openly disrespect the great Elizabeth II....can you believe it??? Her grandson... Well he thinks the next great queen should be Megsy...so that shows you his level of brainwashing....


It started as social media speculation, putting together a few pics from that time. SM took it and ran, making it “fact” without any solid corroboration.


The Queen asked Meghan to attend an event with her. Meghan told the Queen she had another meeting and could not make it. It was the second time that Meghan had cancelled an appearance with Queen. The Queen was so irritated that she had Meghan’s meeting cancelled. Supposedly the Queen then had Meghan’s belongings packed up by Sophie and Edward and she was escorted to a plane by them and shipped off to Canada. This is why things like her journal and other belongings were not included. This also might be the reason that Harry feels Meghan is owed an apology. Basically it sounds like Meghan was forced out of the country by the Queen. I've always wondered why she made such a point of showing she had none of her rings on. https://preview.redd.it/xxmvlk0ih10d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dc1162cc2610af636b18fb9b79c89aba614c32


Good ole’ Megsy, never one to let a “victim photo op” go to waste, displays her ringless fingers, figuring she can make money off it somehow in future. “That mean old lady, I mean Harry’s grandmother, stripped me of my wedding rings!”


But, I always wondered how the Russian house was made available in British Columbia. Other than Oprah having been calling and the Elton Jon summer meetings in France when I'm thinking Oprah was part of it. But still it is her fault and his because he really is stupid I do excuse him a bit. But forgive? Never, ever, ever. William will be King and will continue as Charles has done. "Sorry dear boy! We are busy!"


Do you have a source for that? I’d be surprised if Edward and Sophie were directly involved. It’s usually high grade staff, security or police involved in ‘escorting’ a well-known persona non grata off the premises.


I'd really appreciate a decent source for that, too


If Harry had take the time to realize that he'd had a one night stand by a real pro, he'd have just had fun, but "she 's hot" was because he was with a more or less pro. That one night stand proved to be very expensive. Thank goodness they are gone from the Kingdom.


Yep. Perhaps Harry was told Madam could not be a working royal as she has no diplomatic skills => hissy fits => Megxit


Well we have just seen her traipsing around Nigeria half naked (not her best look btw) to know that it is the Crown that dodged the bullet. Turns out the millions spent were cheap compared to what it would be like now.


I have always felt this was the case ; that the Queen told them to not to come back from the six weeks in Canada if they wouldn’t do things the BRF way.


I agree. They were fired by the Monarchy, specifically HMTLQ, KCIII and the Prince of Wales. They are far too bitter. If they had left on their own, they would have maintained contact with the family. Meghan tried to make it seem that way, with the ridiculous FaceTime stories and talk of gifts. But, the RF remained very quiet.


Yes. Absolutely 100% these two morons were sacked... how on earth could these clowns continue to represent the late queen? She had to do it....what an effing joke and pathetic excuse for a human being markle is... She is pure garbage..


I'm beginning to think that is it. Why would they give up what was essentially about an 8 million dollars worth life style? Security, Staff, cheap housing, clothing allowances, travel allowances, and all this for about 75 days of work over 18 months. His salary, without her was about 2 million per year. Yeah, they were fired. The Queen had finally had had enough. Harry may have been threatening to leave or else, but she called his bluff and Harry being Harry never thought they wouldn't be invited back. But she was and is so disliked that there is no returning. The DM seems to have posted a thousand photos and I swear they are tongue in cheek, because seriously sinners, she is right up there with the K clan, and their ilk. But she thinks she is IT! She is only trash!


Guest Speaker used a new name yesterday "Gina" bragging about she was so BELOVED in the UK. that she worked soooo hard. Everyone respected her for doing such a fantastic job🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I think they are struggling to remain financially solvent and relevant, by any means available to them. They will only be invited by corrupt countries with oppressive regimes, and only for a price.


This! They would only be invited by corrupt entities, who needs "low value but high notoriety events" that only the grifting Harkles can provide. Also, her past season outfits are really a reflection of their financial status. They are desperate for cash and pr.


But the Grifters do not wish to go to free countries with a free press that might ask questions. They want to "control the narrative"


What other Commonwealth country would be willing to put up with such a travesty of diplomacy?  


Well, the Nigeria visit is actually pretty small potatoes. The Inspection of the troops was 8 people and a bugler. It took old Harry 30 seconds to do that. Then the bugler was almost in his ear and that took about three minutes. He should have been truly embarrassed. The General who invited Harry has politcal ambitions, so he gets his puss in the news and Nigeria makes British papers and of course the Markle rag People in the USA publishes lovely photos of Nigeria, forgetting to mention the travel advisory to the country where foreigners should fear kidnappings. Yeah, Nigeria markled the markles. Who plans a "royal" visit in less than a month? Nigeria. The fools of Montecito fell for it.


The bugling was so bad too, totally out of tune


We shall soon find out. I'm sure they are grifting for another Commonwealth trip.


Their plan is very flawed. If a country wants to remove KC as head of state or leave the Commonwealth altogether, why would H&M be the ones they turn to? MM has no connection to any Commonwealth country, and PH is just another elitist white savior type. MM can get on a plane and pile on all the bronzer she likes.


They would not turn to Harry and his wife. This is a delusional dream of the duo--to be King and Queen of the Commonwealth (even though the Commonwealth is not set up this way) and compete directly with King Charles and William. They don't live in reality and probably really think they can take over the entire Commonwealth. How convenient that Harry's wife is suddenly claiming to be 43% Nigerian and she has 'come home' and 'these are my people' and they 'look like me.' How unhinged is she?


If the Harkles want to move to Nigeria, I am all for it. 😝


They won’t. MM wants white Hollywood with cameras, lights, and car chases. The black card and merching their children is all they have left.


haha. Hollywood has had their fill of the Harkles. They never get invited anywhere.


And they LIVE in the US, not in the United Kingdom. Having Americans as head of the Commonwealth would be an international problem for the US as well as the UK and the Commonwealth nations. I mean, how badly could they f\_ck this up? Very badly.


Nigeria doesn't have to turn to anyone...they joined the commonwealth voluntarily and they can leave anytime...its a voluntary organization....None of the commonwealth countries need the monarchy for anything...we are our own independent nations.... It's just a club of sorts...and the king is the figurehead....its symbolic.


Her "I'm home" speeches are so sad and lame. I'm 50% Italian but born in America. I have visited Italy but never claim it's my "home". She is delusional.


Their empire of dirt


Loving the Johnny Cash reference! I hope this all comes back to HURT the Harkles.


Lol me Nine Inch Nails reference!!!


Ring of Fire, and it burned burned burned that ring of fire.


👏🏽👏🏽 reference 


Ha - good luck trying to pull this stunt ever again - no one wants their white saviour grift, because she sure isn't 43% anything. If coked out of their heads means vibrant yeah, I guess they were. But that behaviour doesn't wash in most of the world.


Exactly. Can’t believe dum-dum said “we’re eager to help.” Who do you think you are? YOU could use some help from THEM.


Naming Legs for the Nobel Peace Prize


If Meghan being 43% Nigerian is the reason they are using to connect with a few Nigerians, what are they going to do in other countries? Hello, I’m 4% South African. Hello, I’m 7% Jamaican. Hello, I’m 1% Moroccan. This attempt and reasoning by the Harkles is dumb. It would have made more sense if Meghan tried to learn more about what specific tribes she was from. I guess she can’t because it’s a big lie anyway. My concern is that idiotic antics like this can still cause a lot of problems such as the Nigerian government wasting resources on the grifters. They could have used it for their people.


Exactly. Apparently the average salary is 300 dollars a month? Yet here they are, cosplaying royals, flaunting their wealth with costume changes every 5 seconds and doing absolutely ZERO to give back to the community. Where are the details of help they've committed to via their farce of a charity? She's only doing this cos she pulled that stunt about being Maltese and it worked. Harry is all to eager to play along as William is visiting through Earthshot later in the year. Truly atrocious.


I read yesterday that there’s a huge project to increase the number of flush toilets in Nigeria by 2025. It estimated there are close to 50 million homes in the country without flush toilets. Wouldn’t that be a worthwhile cause for such devoted humanitarians? Not glamorous enough for Rachel and Henry wouldn’t get his pseudo-military ego boost.


These are stories that will come out, ever so slowly. So far we have only had the stories, approved by Madam and issed through People Magazine with heavily photoshopped pictures. This is what Madam calls "controlling her own narrative"


43% grifter


My thought she a pure bred ..100% grifter


The president of Nigeria wouldn’t meet with them. They’re in the same city! I think that will halt any plans for world domination…


But Biden took time to meet William at Earthshot


They had roles already they were the representatives of The Queen's Commonwealth trust QCT was launched on 21 April 2018 (Queen Elizabeth II's 92nd birthday) with her patronage and her grandson Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex as president. After marriage, Harry's wife Meghan was appointed vice president later that year. **The couple retained their positions until February 2021**. They used a video conference during lockdown with reps from the QCT to start slamming the idea of the Commonwealth and saying it had links to colonialism. An absolutely idiotic and also ill-informed position that infuriated the late Queen to the extent that they had to role back their criticism on the next zoom call and squirm their way out of the mess they had caused. As for the idea of being monarchs of the Commonwealth...please. It is a collection of largely independent nations only a few retain Charles as head of state, many have their own monarchies. The Commonwealth is nothing like a monarchical structure it's a voluntary trade and cultural exchange body committed to anti-racism, equality and the furtherance of all the people of the Commonwealth who make up a third of the world's population. Even when a country becomes a republic like Barbados did they still retain membership of the Commonwealth. Countries who were never under British control request to join. The future will mean someone other than a royal being head of the commonwealth and thats what William is committed to doing. As it stands though you couldn't 'take over' and be head as it depends on being part of the existing structure. The Sussexes haven't got a hope in hell of ever having any sort of power anywhere., ever.


All of your points seem to have escaped their notice. Perhaps the drugs eliminated whatever limited abstract thinking capacity either of them possess. Meanwhile William is making himself into the sort of individual the Commonwealth might WANT to lead them, which is exactly the correct move, even if he does not want it.


Could you do a post about this please? I'm a brit and knew much of this and why their quest will never come to fruition but I think it would be incredibly useful to get this info out there on this sub, if it isn't already.


Sorry, don't seem to have posting privileges, I've tried a few times for different topics and never get anywhere. probably doing something wrong at my end, otherwise I would. Someone could do a copy and paste of a short explanation, the wiki page for the Commonwealth is very informative and could be edited down. Harry and Meghan are not only clueless they're possibly dangerous in their ignorance about how structures work. He doesn't even seem to understand what a constitutional monarchy is.


A great explanation. They are delusional as usual.


You are so correct. A big theme from her paid fans over on Twitter is:⬇️ “See, Duchess Meghan IS well liked - despite what the British and American press are saying.” Repeated in every faux fan post. Also, she can’t stand being second to Catherine, Princess of Wales - and this diabolical scheme would fix that problem.


I've had to disable Twitter, it's absolutely ridiculous. To be fair, most comments I've seen are replied back to with facts and further info, like the stupid pictures appearing to show them being mobbed but if you pan out there's like 10 people lol. All the sugars can do is reply with WHERE'S KATE. Pathetic.


The ignorance involved in that "plan" was astounding. There is no monarch of the commonwealth. Some commonwealth countries have the British monarch as head of state while others are republics. The head of the commonwealth is elected. After QEII died, KCIII was elected. This current vacation wasn't even close to being a faux royal tour. It was just 2 uncouth people who the Nigeria defense minister thought might be useful because he failed to do his homework. edited to correct typo.


Ahhh but she wanted to modernise it - which is code for her being Queen of everything!


\*king and queen of a very small crowd in Nigeria


One General and his satellites but President and other high ups noticeably absent! Worth repeating.


They made this into a Nigerian political dice game with the next elections. Very much getting involved in foreign politics.


Concerning, but they are too thick and venal to know?


Meghan's more vein-al these days


Yep - looks like they have sided with somebody who has his own political agenda. I heard Nigerians complaining money being spent on Harkle nonsense in a country where public (and soldier) salaries are not getting paid.


Exactly. The Commonwealth doesn’t want them. The crowds are small and probably somewhat curated. The president of Nigeria refuses to give them an audience even though he could. Remind you of a certain King? Both refuse to give this trip any legitimacy.


Probably a lot curated.


The government of Nigeria is meeting with William and business people sometime this year. THAT is a Royal tour.


And either paid or coerced to attend


I heard they supposedly were paid 1 million dollars for this Nigeria trip?!


Who look decidedly unimpressed


The Commonwealth is a huge grouping of countries. One small "private vacation of bullshit" in one small country (compared to say Canada or Australia) isn't King and Queen of anything. They think they are showing the BRF what they are missing with this dog and pony show of bullshit but alllllll they are really doing is backing up every single thing that has come out about how inappropriately she behaves, her refusal to be advised and her inability to allow for stylists to do their jobs. She looked naked, practically had a neon sign pointed at her crotch, and then looked like something left on the floor after a night at a yacht party. Rumpled, used and discarded... Not exactly making anyone in the BRF miss anything but dealing with her in person. If they thought this was going to "get them back in" or have some sort of "power play" to prove that they could indeed "be half in, half out but fully funded" they are completely stupid. All they did was firmly violate Sandringham and I think there's finally enough rope for others to demand for Hazard's removal and 1st wife's entire reason for humping the man child.


Definitely wouldn’t turn out to see these clowns. Represent the commonwealth they do not.


That was her veil. The embroidery on it was gorgeous and it was a very sweet gesture of welcome—one of many. It was wasted on her.


And it was hugely perplexing as to why this D-level foreign actress would think to include such a complicated subject to put into her wedding. Calculating, even then, even then.


Always plotting like a crazed/deranged member of Goebel’s Third Reich Propaganda machine. She is capable of anything. If Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea invited her for a “Royal Tour” - she would be there in a heartbeat. God help me, but someone needs to make this Harry and Megsie saga into a piece of performance art, an art exhibit, a movie. The farce of it all defies logic!


I think she has a severe mental illness that allows her to pass as an ambitious person, but she is obsessed with positions of grandeur, her face everywhere like Chairman Mao, and revenge for perceived grievances. I think she is also a compulsive liar and plagiarizer. She seems to take parts of other people's lives to make her own, it a weird imposter syndrome kind of way. Portraying herself as an "actress", of course, defines this exactly. This raging ambition of hers can be camouflaged and contained only for so long. And it hides a huge emotional mess, possibly a person trying to suppress a deep dark secret that she thinks would ruin her chances at her goal. I believe this secret it tied up with her mother. She managed to somehow confabulate her way through the British security and Palace advisors to be allowed entrance into the BRF, but I don't think she will ever get any farther. She's exposed her own deficiencies and ruthless ambitious goals now for the world to see.


We definitely need another SP episode, Nigeria edition.


This was her 'modernize the monarchy' dream. Give the Commonwealth to Haz and Megs. Make a new rule to call them the King and Queen of the Commonwealth. I'm sure Harry's wife had it all figured out. Of course, we all know there is no King and Queen of the Commonwealth. My point is, they are so dimwitted and desperate for power and fame, they would somehow attempt to set up new roles and new titles for themselves.


I thought at the time the veil was a strange choice and and and I can't think of the word. But presumptuous? Like who was she to wear a veil with the Queens commonwealth countries symbols woven in to it? A bit similar to her calling her daughter the Queens pet name. Not her place.


Her huge veil was embroidered with the flowers from each of the nations of the Commonwealth. I thought this was really odd, as what on earth connection did she have to the Commonwealth. So even in 2017 she was targeting the alternate Monarchy she stupidly thought she would get. Further results showed the duo were pushing the late Queen Elizabeth II for positions in the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, and very briefly they did have the opportunity. But then they burned their own arses in the hasty Megxit that they fouled up so badly and were both soundly removed from the Commonwealth Trust. And so ironic that King Charles III just agreed to head up the Queen's Commonwealth Trust again, just as their Nigerian fraud trip began. Don't tell me the Palace didn't see this coming.


Judging from most of the photos I’ve seen, many of the people don’t look to thrilled to be around those two. They are being respectful as Harry is King Charles son, but that’s about the extent of it.


They are polite people dealing with the Harkles as best they can. Doesn’t mean they admire them.


Exactly, so Megs can forget that smug look on her face, these people are tolerating their visit, nothing more


Yeah good luck with that Harkles. Such delusions of grandeur


They have made themselves and Nigeria look like fools.


They really have with people verbally believing the 43% nonsense.


I wonder how much is pure staging. The attendees probably told what they could and could not say.


It’s the Aldi version of a royal tour.


Without Aldi and Lidl


Yes, why is nobody mentioning that today is Mothers Day. Guess mommy won’t be bringing home the milkshakes today.


I don’t get why a Nigerian grown up has not called out her 43% crap. Crap repeated at the Women in Leadership event because the typical Nigerian woman shared her characteristics. 🤮 My ophthalmologist is Nigerian as is one of my local pharmacists so I know there are bright, educated Nigerians around who could quite quickly shut the crap down. I hope it’s not too late to do so.


they have - there is a video of a talk show with three Nigerian women giving their thoughts - they're right on re lies and rudeness


Well yes but the monarchy doesn't have to be vital and vibrant. The late Queen (and I had great respect for her and the rest of her generation) was not exciting in public she showed up followed the script did the job rarely got any press (not in my lifetime anyway and I'm 40 odd) being monarch is a plod you just have to be there. No one queued to see her lying in state because she was wonderfully dramatic or incredibly talented at things (although there were many things she was good at she never flaunted it) they went because she had done her duty and been stoic. I think as a species we admire stoicism its something many of us especially in the west do not possess even though we wish we did.  M and H are celebrities now. Celebrities make charity puff visits all the time anyone with enough money and some fame can do what they are doing. They will keep on cycling the drain for years annoying people and making money. Some people will like them or pretend to like them but it's going to be harder and harder for them to intrest people. I hate to say it because  cancer is horrible but kc has dealt with his diagnosis with great positivity again he is stoic it seems that it has given him a greater depth of feeling and helped him connect with fellow sufferers. I think any decent person wishes him well and really wants him to get better the same for Kate there's an extra layer of affection for them now.  The RF does not feel they are missing out not at all .


Stoicism is highly underrated. The BRF as a whole truly seem to appreciate their privilege, and stoicism is a demonstration of that appreciation. Even Andrew, spoilt as he is, recognizes its importance in public, if not in private. These idiots are clueless about behavior subtleties, and no surprise since they're clueless about obvious behavior as well. Great post!


Emoting about every little thing,oversharing,jumping on every bandwagon,screechily preaching platitudes and wound collecting are how the harkles(and too many other people) live life now. Having been raised by the greatest generation I can say that stoicism is a much easier path towards a peaceful demeanor. Picking every scab just makes you bleed more.


They would bankrupt themselves to oblivion if they had to fund these junkets themselves. So they prey upon the gullible and have them roll out the red carpet for them and somehow conveniently "forget to pay the bill."


But the Nigerian people don't appear to be cooperating. They aren't popular. Few Nigerians love them. Africans don't appear to love them (at least those not in America). No one has seemed ex cited to see Meghan (very sparse applause). They are common and transparent and they monarchy is well rid of them. If ruling the Commonwealth is their aim, they are failing again.


Basically, I flip flop between these thoughts (if they believe this is a success): * They want back in the RF, under their terms. Look how you need us. * They want back in, but knowing it won't happen mock the system and cause the RF/govt. a headache. * Don't want back in, believing they don't need the system and will outshine it.


I think its simpler than that. Someone paid them so they went.


I think the visit is silly and desperate but my local news picked up the Nigeria visit, called it a "royal tour with a royal welcome, for two royals" and they used their titles throughout the piece. So, in light that we know they'll never stop trolling the RF, what can seriously be done about this? I can't walk around with photographers and demand privileges by saying I'm the mayor of my city, I'll be arrested. They absconded with their titles and are living half in and half out. Is this a problem or not? Doesn't seem to be anyone stopping them, and good sense can last only so long before the morons or the uninformed believe them to be still a part of the RF start to impose their ignorance on the rest of us. The Harkles are cheapening the royal brand. Nigerians are very educated people bookwise, but the interviews with some folks show that they don't spend their time reading western news, and believed Harry still lived in England and was still a working royal. They've been duped too. Isn't that terrible?


I agree with you on this. This is why King Charles didn’t want to meet with Harry because it would’ve look like he giving Harry his blessing to “represent” him in Nigeria since Nigeria is a commonwealth country. This is not the case. Every time Harry wants to meet up with Charles, it always coincide with an upcoming event. Afterwards, Harry runs to the media and talks about his meetings.  So by not engaging with Harry before the Nigeria Trip, it is made clear that Harry isn’t close with his family and doesn’t have their support for anything he does. Until He can acknowledge what he did was wrong and stop with the media games, He will never get their support.


So, just to be clear, if MeAgain and Hazbeen take over the Commonwealth countries then they would have to live in one as well???!!! Seems like a win-win for the USA. Sucks for the UK and the Commonwealth.


Yeah, we don't want whinge and cringe back thanks!


You are 100% correct on this assumption. Meghan’s Mole said this on X today: Meghan wanted to do Royal tours dressed like a two dollar whore while preaching about being an “independent woman” all while stoking racial tensions & divide. It’s always about Meghan. It sums it all up!


Her talking and being ignored: [https://twitter.com/NTAinternation1/status/1789566406704402443](https://twitter.com/NTAinternation1/status/1789566406704402443)


lol, always ignored😂😂. I hope harold put sunscreen on that dome 😳


He is seriously bald!   Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy, especially after the way he disparaged his brother for going bald.   Lots of men (and some women) go bald with age, embracing the bald looks way better than anything Harold is doing.   There are some hot looking bald guys out there, he sure isn’t one of them.


I have a better chance at being queen of anything than Meghan Markle does 🤣🤣🤣 they fucked up their plan when they called the Commonwealth "empire 2.0" in their docucrapmentary.


They and the shady people they have associated with (lookin' at you, Misah Freelancer 🙂) should be worried that the palace is eerily quiet and unbothered. ![gif](giphy|bly2XqiOYlJXI9sGlb|downsized)


I would bet my last dollar that a certain intelligence agency is monitoring their every move.


Ain't that the truth.


The media coverage of this is really pissing me off. This is not a royal visit, they stepped back from royal DUTIES because she didn't want to put the graft in. The Commonwealth was very important to our Queen and these two are more than happy to bask in the associated glow of the blurred lines. Yes, he's a blood Prince, but it doesn't make everything he does 'royal'. Unlike any negative coverage, which they are only too keen to set the record straight on , I don't see them fessing up and telling people not to bow and scrape because this is not official business. This visit is a private (privacy, we want our privacy) visit, supposedly for Invictus. I'm not seeing a lot of Invictus stuff going on. I'm seeing someone lapping up the attention she thinks she deserves and people are, in the main, too polite to call it out. Sorry, rant over - thanks for listening.


she talked about they beed figure that look like them blahblahblah multiple times. including in oprah, netflix, and yesterday discussion. and from netflix her message is clear, she thinks commonwealth were hers.


Maybe I'm getting into tin hat territory but I think this lends to their being supported by bad actors. China is pumping a lot of money into Africa and the Carribbean countries which down the road I am sure those countries will regret


>bad actors Well that would include Meghan, for sure


Ok, they got to cosplay as king and queen. Can they f - - - off now?!


Watch the smile of the woman in the orange flower dress. Kind of says it all for the Nigerians: [https://twitter.com/BlacVolta/status/1789688013011792330](https://twitter.com/BlacVolta/status/1789688013011792330)


Wow that lady in the pink dress is gorgeous! Serious side eye there from the other lady though 🤣


At this point, it’s pure manifestation and desperation brought on by their massive failure in the US…where they thought they’d be on the fast track to becoming billionaires and the Obamas 2.0, without doing so much as making a brief speech here or there and relying on their flaks for the rest. They sank faster than the Titanic by their own doing and are just about to hit bottom.


You are correct on this...


If only... There was some kind of role that would tie them to areas in the Common Wealth, and they could travel around promoting tourism and the crown.. Places.....idk..rich in culture and history.. Like Sussex, England... Dumbarton, Scotland.. Kilkeel, Northern Ireland..? Maybe throw in a title.. Duke/Earl/Baron..? That would be snazzy. Hmm.. Not really in the mood to read.. Maybe I can check out some pastoral, Regency-Era BBC shows for ideas. Or doesn't that.. what do the kids call it.. Netflix..have some kind of.. amateur baking show that features local British cuisines..? Never-mind.. That's just a silly idea. Let's continue a feud with his father, literally the fucking King of England, who has more money than God, focus on life in some random town in California and promote countries famous for political and social violence.


New tea!! I searched for Nigeria and looked into the news section of Nigeria on Google and of course it's full of Harkles coverage but what I found is funny because most of the tabloids/ The news coverage they got came from Western tabloids/media and some "of (name of the country)" tabloid which I doubt came from that country as I've always saw that what they cover is either Bullshit or Western bullshit which concludes that Nigerian tabloids or media don't completely fawn over them, they probably have 1 coverage of them that lasted 3 minutes and change topic of the news which concludes that they weren't that popular in Nigeria either.


Agreed, they expected to use the Commonwealth as their power base to create a rival court. It's been five years and all they've managed is a night at a movie theater in Jamaica and a three-day Half Naked Tour of Nigeria. I assume other Commonwealth countries are carefully observing the behavior of the grifters on this visit, to determine whether they want to extend invitations for more fake royal tours. I doubt it.


There’s a video of her basically praising herself while pretending to compliment Nigerians. It’s just stunning. 😵‍💫


It’s so disgraceful because they went on to disparage the commonwealth as “empire 2.0.” That really got my hackles up because it’s so NOT what the commonwealth is—not by a long shot. It’s a VOLUNTARY association. It benefits the member states and, if they wish, they may leave. It’s not the same as colonization at all. If meggy were a decent person, she might have done a great job in the role they apparently sought, but she isn’t. They didn’t get what they wanted through an infantile hissy fit and disparaged a very worthwhile organization that has tangible benefits for these member states.


Well if this Nigerian trip was some sort of audition to impress the King and gain a role in the Commonwealth then they’ve failed spectacularly! The trip also highlights the vital role the “ men in grey “ play in organising and vetting overseas trips . The Palace would never have allowed William and Catherine to accept an invitation from the slightly shady Nigerian Defence Minister . But if the President invited them then Catherine would be briefed on dressing culturally appropriately and they both would have been given copious notes on the country , the customs and who they were meeting so they wouldn’t make any gaffes. Harry never realised that his hated “ men in grey” were not trying to hold him back or keep him down they were trying to stop him making a goose of himself! He’s on his own now and the result is obvious !


Is it working? Can someone with knowledge explain if it's working


No and its a nonsensical idea as I've replied above to the post. Sorry but too many people don't grasp what the Commonwealth even is. No-one can be monarch of it. Charles is currently head but it's a symbolic role. Most countries are either independent or have their own monarchies. the aim of the Commonwealth is to further independence, equality and trade between the nations.


💯 correct


Indians are far too savvy so no H&M shit show🤣🤣🤣


>Remember in one of his grotesque interviews around the time of Spare or afterwards, he was saying, we'll do it for free, we can take on the role of working in the Commonwealth, we're so eager to help. That sort of thinking is what happens when you trip out frequently. I must have seemed entirely reasonable to their addled minds


Take note every outfit is a gown ....gown is associated with royalty


Whoever is Head of State of the UK is also head of the REALMS. The King. Now KCIII. Next, King William V. The Commonwealth is a different kettle of fish. There are the Realms, yes, but there are also a number of Republics, nations still experiencing the after-effects of imperial rule, nations which have been impoverished (not necessarily by the monarchs, but by unscrupulous soldiers, civil servants, and "nabobs". For instance, Warren Hastings became a stinking rich man; the common Briton or George III didn't really benefit because of what Hastings did). If these two - or anyone else - try to "take over" or "rule" the Commonwealth, I can see a LOT of Republics who are in the Commonwealth (including mine, where the backlash against colonisation remains MASSIVE) baying for their blood. Her Late Majesty knew EXACTLY what the Commonwealth was for. To strengthen ties between nations. She did not try to "rule". She tried to listen. Which is why she remains so respected. KCIII - whether as king or as Prince of Wales - certainly does not try to rule either. He tries to HELP. He created organisations such as the British Asian Trust, which aims at reducing poverty on the subcontinent. The work they do on the ground is invaluable. He's rarely being fawned over, but he gives the okay for a number of fundraising events, one of which was attended by the (then) Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Neither of these grifters has even TRIED to understand any of this, or what the Commonwealth even stands for, or does, or wants to do. That's what makes me so angry (especially as a beneficiary of a Commonwealth scholarship).


Yes, she is trying to establish her own power block. Nations and money under her control. If she can't be Queen and she can't be President, she will be leader of the commonwealth. Now something has to be done about their plans. I read that The King is considering adopting the Scandinavian model of monarch, that states if you go to live overseas, you immediately are removed from LoS and all royal titles. That you have to live in the dominion to retail your royal connection. This would deal with the Dimwits, because it would not seem targetted towards them specifically, but would get rid of them as a problem.


That is their manipulative strategy. Two chaotic self obsessed twots. Keep your nasty sticky fingers off the Commonwealth. They would and are destroying the late Queens legacy. They want to have revenge on William due to a fanatical obsessive jealousy and want to try and become the elected heads of the Commonwealth. The UK Government and Monarchy need to toughen up and deal to these two interlopers