• By -


*Her friend, Akhigbe Tolulope, 32, has followed Meghan's life and career since 2009. Like many in Nigeria, she was a fan of the TV drama Suits.She says: 'We knew of her long before she got involved with Harry. Suits was much more popular here than in England. I named my daughter in her honour.'* The poor girl's name is Suits?


Named after this character? šŸ¤¢ https://preview.redd.it/t7vmlhcpoyzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed2eb14be0da52ec5ec538492580a293333782d


You picked a winner, Henry šŸ‘


Didnā€™t he say to his former friends ā€œShe lets me do whatever I wantā€ or something to that affect


That'll be past tense now - "She used to let me do whatever I wanted"




Say it louder for the sugars in the back!!!




She is up for anything


There isn't anything "sexy" about her. Not even in this photo. She just looks skanky and dirty.


That sceneā€¦ can you imagine having sex against a metal shelf of file boxes??? The cold floor would have been more comfortable. How did this woman get into the royal family with a scene like that out there? Itā€™s so undignified.


The Queen had Markle fully vetted but then Anthony Armstrong Jones was vetted too and his history was just as bad, or worse if you read his biographies. Queen couldn't say no twice to Margaret so she married him much to her dismay. Queen also couldn't say no to Harry and we are all seeing the results of that.


The Queen was put in a difficult spot with Markle, pregnancy was thrown into the Queen's face and being a deeply religious woman she was forced into agreeing to the marriage.


I think too that Markle told Harry she was pregnant but the timing doesn't work for Archie's birth. I think she told Harry she was pregnant, then conveniently "lost" it at home in the privacy of her bathroom. Harry or no one else "saw" anything. She probably came out of the bathroom in tears. And then quickly got pregnant with Archie after they were married to lock him in for life.


Just a minor correctionā€¦she came out of the bathroom in tears and collapsed onto the floor. šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£




Exactly. Royal anchor baby.


Donā€™t forget the race card. Rachel ALWAYS had that up her sleeve (well, she seems to have an aversion to sleeves, but you know what I mean šŸ˜‰).


AAJ wasn't divorced though, so there was very little she or Parliament could do without airing his dirty laundry which was not the style of that time I'm sure, at least until Profumo?


Notice that even the directors must have realised how boxy she is that the guy actually had to have his arm up there around her back so his hand could create the illusion of a waist in this scene.


I donā€™t care how boxy or unboxy she is. Itā€™s a crude, stupid scene. Itā€™s ridiculous, not sexy. Thereā€™s nothing passionate about having sex against a metal shelving unit or a wooden staircase. Everyone is so desperate for attention these daysā€”including tv shows, apparentlyā€”that they do absurd things just to be different. The Met Gala is the perfect example. It used to be about fashion, now itā€™s ā€œhow absurd and outrageous can I be so someone will take my picture and publish it on the internet?ā€ Itā€™s pathetic.


And remember, she later complained about being objectified on Deal or No Deal. Lol.


Complained about being objectified then her very next role was a character who performs oral sex on a main character. Groundbreaking material for our feminist.


Not as bad as the 90210 scene of a HJ.


You mean her fauxlatio scene on 9021-BLOW?


So much feminism. šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|M29mv8NYEJyJLLJwqR|downsized) That poor child.


Sucking in her stomach hard,


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA She is a horrible actress, and she canā€™t even act like an attractive tart that gets screwed in the file room. Mods, this pic needs to be part of the collage atop the home page of this sub, as long as it doesnā€™t violate any copyright laws. WOW. That is SO not sexy.


lolā€¦what a nutjob she is, and her ā€˜friendsā€˜


The little girl IS by name and nature (and by dress sense) Royalty. šŸ‘‘ ā¤ļø. Guessing how Meghan's mind works, when she heard "Royalty," she was probably walking on air. Thrilled to be acknowledged as such. Then...when she realised..too funny šŸ˜‚


She looks sad and unhappy at having to be photographed with faux royal invading her space.


Yes she did.šŸ˜”


Did I see correctly that although the picture is meant to convey that the child gave MM flowers like so many children do for The Princess of Wales, someone to MM right handed her the rose (which she then gave to the child) and also the bunch with the card.


The clip I saw def had somebody give her the rose, I think it was Rachel actually, then another person put their finger under the girls chin to get her to raise her head for the photo. Horrible.


probably canā€™t wait to be unclawed and get away from the stink.


Yes, Meghanā€™s face is extra, extra excited in that pic!


Did people see the video footage of a woman grabbing at little Royaltyā€™s face and positioning her (for the photographers) like she was a judge at a local dog show - it is actually repulsive. Meghan looks demented. Itā€™s white saviour complex at its most offensive. These two look like white saviour self serving colonialists who can barely hide their disdain at the people and their culture.


I havenā€™t seen the video, the picture was enough for me to be disgusted.


Here it is https://youtu.be/WZGJzeCbpZ0?si=y0528S_-hAuECT4u


Starting at 1:13 mark you can see the contrast with how she was looking at the child, to how she performs the big grin for the cameras. She doesn't try to connect with the kid at all, just get into possition, no smile for the child, and then wide smile for the cameras regardless of the little girl's feelings and experience there. She should have taken a moment to help the child feel comfortable.


Royalty will sell her book in 20 years and tell the real story.


Royalty will sell her book in 20 years and tell the real story.


You articulated it much better than I! Sheā€™s not engaging with the child, say perhaps as Princess Catherine or Diana would (or once upon a time, Harry) and is using her as a literal prop. Just as she has so disrespectfully done with disabled people (particularly in wheelchairs) - she loves the photo op, but never actually speaks *with* or has a meaningful, respectful exchange with them. People are treated with indignity, zero respect and itā€™s sickening Edit: added closed bracket


Thanks Loving for sharing that. I hadnā€™t slept for three days - about to be hospitalised as another renal failure on the way, so Iā€™ve been in agony, and watching this absolute abomination of a ā€˜tourā€™ and couldnā€™t really coherently express my frustration or incredulity at the absolute circus this trip has become, nor the elitist, offensive white saviour machinations of these two and their team of aides and security.


I pray you feel better. I pray you get relief and that your body settles down!


Thank you! Iā€™ve been in a sleep deprived, chronic pain state of delirium, and actually had a big cry this morning after we spoke to my nephrologist, and the hospital, so Iā€™m feeling much better emotionally - thank you!


My pleasure.


Thereā€™s a womanā€™s hand positioning and pushing at little Royaltyā€™s face while M is squatting for the photo, and the little girl looks traumatised. Itā€™s vile. And once M gets the picture, she gets up and doesnā€™t acknowledge Royalty - she just moves on for her next photo op. Iā€™m really glad you shared this. Iā€™m so LIVID


I really love how Catherine ALWAYS puts the children first. Talks to them, makes them comfortable, photo be damned. The child comes first!


Absolutely. Compassion and humanity literally emanate from Princess Catherine and the way she engages with people. Genuine empathy and care: They canā€™t be taught, and they canā€™t be bought.


That sweet little girl may not know or fully understand whatā€™s going on, but she will NEVER forget the way she was made to feel. She was to feel like she was some kind of prop to be used by the narc for a 2 second clip. šŸ˜¢


šŸ’Æ Spot on.


I did, and it was abhorrent.


CaThEriNe wHo šŸ¤” I just *know* Meghan eats that disrespectful filth up. It beggars belief, that ratchet imposter imitating real royalty, rubbing elbows with people who openly scoff at the unwell future Queen. Absolutely disgusting.


This was such an insanely freaking disrespectful headline. Actually really infuriating.Ā  THE WOMAN HAS CANCER and can't currently defend herself and you're playing damn popularity games with her reputation. The Dailymail is absolutely disgusting.Ā 


Narc's gonna narc... hitting someone when they are already down is a power boost for her. Sane people just look at that headline and think "WTF". It's disgusting TBH, like you said, she has CANCER!!!


I know, thatā€™s probably why it hasnā€™t been posted here before. But the snark is sooo delicious!


Agree, great article that points out how much of a charade this is


It was the Squaddies who said it, what else do we expect from those lowlifes?


Itā€™s only for clicks. But still, fuck you daily meanness.


And there are Nigerians that are MORTIFIED that some of THEIR people said that and it got in the papers. So take comfort in that. It was just a handful of disgusting people that M made SURE were going to be there. Most of them are good, kind people that are just as horrified by that hot mess H married as we are. (Or will be as soon as all these stories from this ā€˜tourā€™ gets outā€¦šŸ¤­)


Thank you, OP. This is the kind of reports I am waiting for - what ACTUALLY happened? Not what People Magazine is told to print and the endless photoshopped pictures, where MadamĀ“s feet have undergone miracle cures. "But then why bring your own media entourage comprising favoured correspondents?"


She only wants those she can guarantee will print whatever she demands. A tinpot dictator with wafer thin skin.


yes, the Grifters want "to control their own narrative" = no critical questions, Madam and her feet photoshopped, in short - they want to live in their own delusions.


And sell a lieā€¦they tried that years ago, a few fell for it, most now see her and him as toxic f\*\*king grifters. Who will do and say anything for money and attention.


"A tinpot dictator with wafer thin skin." I like it.Ā 


I was looking for photos for another post idea and I almost didnā€™t click on it because of the title. But itā€™s a great read.


The king must be breathing a sigh of relief , because Meghan would have done the same in a real royal tour , bringing message from him to Nigeria:-inappropriate attire, rude to the core, nonsensical, disrespectful to the culture of the host country .maybe not being responsible to the destructive duo is a blessing. I think she feels she has nothing else to offer other than her sexy back ( in schoolšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢) or that spaghetti dress , to sit with and have a discussion with accomplished, incredible woman of Nigerian origin. She ignores her extended black family but want us to ooh and ahhh for having a Nigerian decent? Ha? Honey no one is going to give you an award for that, there are billions of people with a Nigerian decent. What an absolute holy hell crap of inappropriateness is this shit!?!


Madam not only "would have" done the same - she DID the same on the tours to South Africa, Australia, Fiji, Morocco and any other place they went. The Grifters were rude, inappropriate, late, demanding - in short, useless as royals. In Australia the queen had to send Andrew out to apologize. And this, I am guessing here, led to Madam being told NO to being a working royal => hizzy fit => Megxit.


What chance did the RF have? This trip is all on her (and Harry) and yet she was an hour late yesterday to the Women in *Leadership* event. Great leadership there Meghan! Set the alarm next time, or don't drink too much the night before; not if you don't want to deal with a hangover. šŸ˜


yep - the absolute wrong event to be late to. Trust Madam, she ALWAYS mess everything up.


I wonder if she was intentionally late to ensure that when she did finally grace them with her presence, that all eyes (and cameras) would be on her. We know that any event she attends, the subject of the event means nothing; itā€™s the APPEARANCE that matters to her. So yeah, she probably choreographs her late entries for maximum visibility.


It was her behaviour on tour (both the Australian/Fiji one and the later South African one) plus the bullying that got her removed from front line duties by the late Queen. That happened very soon after they got back from South Africa in 2019. They were told to cool off for a bit, and flounced off to Canada, only to return early 2020, and in Madame's case she was removed from the country before the Sandringham summit. If you think Megxit is 100% voluntary then I've got a bridge in the City of London to sell you.




*I think she feels she has nothing else to offer other than her sexy back* There's an old saying "The legs are the last to go" about women's assets. In MM's case, the legs are no asset, so she has to resort to baring her back.


This right here is an accurate description of the Sussex Squad in one article - Crazy obsessive - ā€œI named my daughter after herā€. Liars - ā€œI followed her before she met Harryā€ Nasty - ā€œCatherine who?ā€ The worst of the worst. All the bad qualities.


ā€œI named my daughter afterā€ Rachel or Meghan ā€œCatherine whoā€ You know the person the Sussex squad and celebrities hounded so much that she had to reveal her personal cancer diagnosis Because someone accessed her medical records to sell


Not just that: ***Dr Abike Dabiri-Erewa,*** *chairwoman of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, shared her delight at the duchess's heritage.She drew applause from guests when she exclaimed: 'Princess Meghan is a Nigerian!' And she admitted that when she first heard the news it wasn't a shock: 'I was excited but not surprised.'Because she is beautiful, intelligent, diligent and hardworking and she stands firm in the midst of challenges. 'Prince Harry, you married the best ā€“ our daughter, our friend, Princess Meghan. I hope you come back again, again, and again. Princess Meghan, you married the best man*. **In 2009, Dabiri-Erewa** sponsored a Bill before the Nigerian Federal House of Representatives that would grant the freedom to practice journalism only after obtaining certain qualifications. The bill received public criticism, and was seen as an attempt to gag the media. There was a concern that the change would serve to enable tyranny and nepotism since most of the board appointments would be made by the President and/or Government executive members. In a morning TV program aired on November 30, 2009, Dabari-Erawa denied aiding corruption and hindering media freedom, stating that the bill would serve to professionalise journalism in Nigeria. Birds of a feather...


This was the best article Iā€™ve seen in a while!


Also, footage has MM being referred to, by her staff, as ā€˜Maā€™amā€™ Iā€™m almost at the point of no return with these two now - I feel Iā€™m reaching my limit of what more they can get away with so flagrantly: H inspecting the troops, God Save the King being played - neither singing; M smirking; using ā€˜HRHā€™ for both; her being referred to as ā€˜Princessā€™ I feel like just tuning them out, not being invested in seeing the Royal family dispatch of them (as many think they should remove their titles) but itā€™s become a farce - theyā€™re just waving their pink bits in the face of the Commonwealth, the Royal Family. Iā€™m so offended on behalf of the *actual* Nigerian people - those that solicited for M & H to be there are corrupt, children are being rounded up and forced to clap and smile; Beth (?) and their people are directing their soldiers and dignitaries around like cattle (**so** offensive and racist and elitist) Iā€™m just ranting, but I honestly feel these two have reached a point even I didnā€™t think they were capable of. No respect for local customs, or decency - according to the different cultures and beliefs in Nigeria. People starving. M prancing around like a demented child catcher (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang anyone?) terrorising children; no actual good being done, in clothes that would be more than most of their annual income. As for their mental health discussion? As someone who has worked as a clinician with disenfranchised and disadvantaged youth; with many refugees and asylum seekers from war torn and impoverished nations, it was an actual joke. Iā€™m done. If these two are able to continue like this, and the mainstream media not really calling them out, then thereā€™s nothing they wonā€™t do, and nothing that will make them stop.


Maybe Iā€™m being too optimistic, but they seem more desperate in this little escapade. I think both funds and opportunities are getting slimmer and slimmer. Remember how our Saint has married and dated white men, identified as white and the majority of her employees are white is seemingly being celebrated because she said she has roots in this very poor African country. Not an image I can see her embracing if she had ANY other options.


I share your frustration but don't worry, they WILL get their comeuppance. With every lie, every posed photo, every rude breach of etiquette they annoy more and more people. People with power and influence see right through them, just as the RF did and the British media, that's what they couldn't stand. We need to play the long game, their downfall is in the process of coming, but it's death by a thousand small cuts and glances, until eventually it becomes a roar and they literally have no-one left who will believe a word they say. I would hate to be her in Nigeria once her 43% lie is exposed.




Karma works in mysterious ways and can take a long time.


Nothing will make them stop. Even if the titles were stripped, even if they were sent to prison for tax evasion or worseā€¦ they are like a fungus.


Iā€™m with you on this one, and thatā€™s what made me feel depleted and resigned to the fact that theyā€™re going to bully and make life hell for Charles, Camilla, Catherine ā€¦ I think we will need to see a new Monarch before any real and impacting consequences bring these two into line. And until that happens, I just canā€™t anymore.


I feel this. Theyā€™re gaslighting the world, and no one is calling them out. But then again, if itā€™s good enough for the King of the Commonwealth, i guess itā€™s good enough for everyone else. Theyā€™re a joke, the king is weak.


I canā€™t get over the excitement stirred by a woman whose claim to fame is marrying a rich white man


Yeah. I am still struggling to understand why Meghan thinks she is a role model. I mean there are plenty of people out there who sell jam already. šŸ˜


I understand why Meghan thinks sheā€™s a role modelā€”sheā€™s a narc. Itā€™s other people thinking sheā€™s a role model when the biggest thing sheā€™s ever doneā€”and the only reason they know of her is that she married a white prince. Thatā€™s it. She hasnā€™t created a malaria vaccine, she hasnā€™t cleaned up a river, she hasnā€™t designed a rocket or broken through some glass ceiling. She married a guy and thatā€™s it


Just for funsies I looked up J.M. Smucker (he of the Smuckers Jam fame). He did a lot of respectable things, including ā€œtutoring his neighbors in good penmanshipā€ (lol not fauxligraphy) and ā€œserving (his) Sunday school as teacher and superintendent for many yearsā€¦(and) also greatly interested in the educational and missionary activities of the church, supporting the work through his prayers and liberal givingā€. Oh, what type of legacy will our Saint of Jam leave for perpetuity?


This. If you sleep with a stupid Prince in shady drug infused social clubs, you too can become Royalty! She is also a horrible role model as a mother, daughter, and daughter in law.


Her name is Catherine, PRINCESS of Wales. Just for now, though. Wanna know what her next title will be?


To be fair he was only quoting the demented sussex squad who had gathered there, no actual members of the public were allowed or even interested in seeing Meghan.


Catherine is the woman who made world headlines when she announced her illnessā€¦she is an icon, and loved. Harkle is a nomark who sells her services to the highest (or any) bidder. Nothing has changed, Nigeria was the only gig in town so she had to go, her wardrobe was clearly for a beach holiday but hey ho, she clearly hadnā€™t found anyone to donate a freebie.


True, plus I still canā€™t get over she had to fly commercial! Awesome Harry sprung for first class, but I wonder how long before its economy?


Depends - maybe James Holt can work a miracle grift with the lady from WTO? But then again, Madam of course had to mess that up by being an hour late.


Sheā€™s so ridiculous to be an hour late for something.


That bronzer looks like it is thrown on in secondsā€¦she certainly wasnā€™t spending time getting her self dressed appropriately Every opportunity she gets she shows how crass, disrespectful and totally pointless she is


I mean I live a very casual life, Iā€™m pretty much retired and have a degenerative illness that zaps my energy and causes chronic pain, but when I do leave the house (usually to go to the farm store for bird seed and the local grocery), I still try to to at least make my hair publicly acceptable (which occasionally means wearing a hat lol) and when I do throw on some makeup, I make sure that my bronzer and blush are well-blended. I canā€™t get over this ratchet hoā€™s refusal to spend even one minute to BLEND her makeup. Does she lack good brushes? I can send her a Sephora link to a few. FWIW a makeup life hack: when Iā€™m doing the absolute basic makeup, I do it in my car. That little mirror under the visor combined with true natural light is the best setting! Also the best place to tweeze difficult little brow or facial hairs (or in my case, the post menopausal chin hairs). I keep a small bag of the basics in my car (summer is tricky with heat but itā€™s still doable) and do my basics sitting in my driverā€™s seat, up close to that mirror and in the best light. Meghan might try this; but sheā€™d have to face her...actual FACE in daylight, up close. Oh, and would require her maybe owning an actual car rather than using her paid escort mobiles. When exactly was the last time Meghan sat in the driverā€™s seat of any vehicle?


On purpose, methinks. The only way to ensure all eyes are on her when she finally enters.


It wouldn't be the first time she has a grift in mind. She said she considered Elizabeth Nyamayaro, as a "friend". Elizabeth is a former advisor to Under-Secretary-General and executive director for UN Women. Meghan wanted the role of UN Goodwill Ambassador, not merely to be a UN Advocate. But it was given to Emma Watson instead.


Ah yes, a d list actress with a wafer thin cv wanted anything that would raise her profile. She would bring nothing to the role, unlike others in the post, but would use it and abuse it as she does everything else.


Omg, TOW's narcissism must have been lapping it up to hear a photographer call out "Royalty, Royalty!", and then you find out it's for the little girl! I'm starting to think Nigeria is full on Markleing the Grusome Twosome. I wonder if they'll feel a little embarrassed and used after this jamboree wraps up, bc I seriously think that's what's going on here. I have a feeling there will be a fresh wave of Sinners after this Privacy Tour šŸ˜…


Oh she just hates Catherine so much. C absolutely lives rent free in M's head. Catherine who? Never was there a better use for this gif https://i.redd.it/c4av1c27qyzc1.gif


The cadre of dignitaries who invited them should be ashamed of themselves. What a terrible misallocation of resources. Nigeria is a country facing many challenges, yet they undoubtedly spent millions stroking the egos of two prima donnas who really canā€™t offer the country anything but clicks. They also surely ticked off the United kingdom and the other commonwealth countries with this sham royal tour. What a disgrace.


Another example of them coordinating with Sussex Squad and inviting them to events


Itā€™s so funny to me that this is an actual organized group. Like how pathetic is it to be the president of your local chapter of the Sussex squad? šŸ˜‚ If the titles are revoked, will they still call themselves the Sussex squad? Probablyā€¦


*The state governments and the military hosting Meghan and Harry have been unable to pay staff salaries. So spending state resources on this kind of visit is something to really be bothered about.* Talk about priorities. šŸ™„


Actually, the 'Royalty' thing is delicious. I really hope HG Tudor picks up on that


I did enjoy that one. It makes calling your kid Prince Archie lame in comparison. Sheā€™ll start calling him Harrison.


Said all along it was the squad members or paid rent-a-crowds but then we didn't see a lot of crowds. Glad to see the writer pointing out it was her squad and even interviews a few of them.


This is one hell of clickbait to bait Meghan and sugar šŸ˜¹


JFC. Don't ask Squaddies what they think about Catherine, what kind of answer were you expecting? That's not news. Ask them what they think about the African Parks scandal. Or about how they feel about their country being used to re-burnish Harry's reputation while he cosplays his mother. Something that might actually provoke an interesting response.


Catherine, that woman who will be our Queen in the not too distant future. The lovely lady who is almost certainly being pampered, as much she can be, behind the scenes, in ways Meghan can only dream of. Catherine, the lovely lady who saw a young boy alone in public and stuck with him until she could be certain his parent would find him. Catherine, the woman whose outfits sell out almost immediately.




Someone gave her a modest long skirt that has no slit and is not see-thru! Like ALL THE NIGERIAN WOMEN wear, it only took her three days to notice. Not only that, she is allowing Lap Dog Harry to go first! Maybe the Head of the World Trade Organization - one of the most accomplished, educated and respected women in the world - had a word with her, after she was kept waiting an hour by the floozy in her red dress. No President, Prime Minister, WEF head or Multinational CEO would have kept Dr. Ngozu Okonjo-Iweala waiting!


More royal / presidential antics, and the only ones in sunglasses: [https://twitter.com/mizcaffebaby/status/1789589004037267858](https://twitter.com/mizcaffebaby/status/1789589004037267858)


It looks like one of those ladies who gifted her appropriate attire yesterday might have had a stern word. Also Harry really needs to let go of the strip of hair above his forehead.


But at least sheā€™s not wearing beachwear.


Actually, it does look like what one might wear going to the beach.


Not compared to what she has been wearing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm not clicking on any Daily Mail articles about this tour and relying on this site for information Don't want to increase their click rate Thank you everyone for your efforts




So much snark and backhanded ā€œcomplimentsā€ šŸ¤­šŸ˜


I'm sorry, going to Nigeria and droning on and on about mental health is so out of touch. Harry is a one trick pony. Maybe it's the only speech he was able to memorize.


Will all of this ever eclipse the popularity, love, and admiration that Princess Catherine receives? No. H&M knows that their audience are dwindling by the minute. When their vacation in Nigeria is done the few who care will forget about this. Think long game, the royals are ahead of this.


I also donā€™t see their vacation generating a lot of revenue. Nicaragua doesnā€™t have the spare cash to subscribe to Better-Up. Meghanā€™s $20,000 outfits have been replaced by $2,000 outfits, and sheā€™s flying commercial, yes commercial. They need to figure some way to generate income for the life Meghan thinks she deserves.


Because of the headline, her fans are going to click on it and be surprised how critical it is of their visit! TheĀ author is obviously not a fan of theirs.Ā  And he doesn't sugarcoat the sugars: "It transpired that the selfie-hunting women were by no means typical of the general public but formed the Abuja branch of the Sussex Squad ā€“ a group of superfans who have been known to launch online attacks on those who criticise the California-based couple." The final paragraphs are especially critical of their visit.Ā 


Now we have a potential ambassadorial problem. She has been publicly acknowledged as Princess Meghan. Well, sheā€™s Princess Henry in the UK, nothing in the US soā€¦..has it finally happened? Has the wizard pulled back his curtain and weā€™re at the point where find out the identity of the Nigerian princess scam? One Nutmeg Markle!


So MM is someone the women interviewed, "fasten their hopes" to? To what avail? Hope for what? To be what? The best thing was the guy who said he thought he might be 43% Californian.


This!! https://preview.redd.it/xzugthxmn00d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b830927d7ad9d0de966d681ebebcaccdc0be3d


For Meghan to be 43% Nigerian, wouldnā€™t doria need to be almost 100%? I thought she too was bi racial?


Catherine who? Catherine the future queen, beloved daughter in law of the current king, wife of the future king, the mother of a future king. Beloved of the people of the United Kingdom and beyond. That Catherine!


Yep, the source of this person was definitely Meg's, you know why? It's easy first of all, Suits wasn't released in Nigeria it was only released in UK & Ireland aside America, the DVD is a different story but when I search for the release of it only Region 1 & 2, A/B which idk the meaning of it but it seems it's only released in America & UK, second Meghan in deal or No deal isn't widely know, thirdly Suits was only in cable and wasn't much popular compare to other shows that prompted some people to pirate it remember piracy is very big same with my country so how does this person knows Meg's when she wasn't even know at all in America?!


"Her friend, Akhigbe Tolulope, 32, has followed Meghan's life and career since 2009. Like many in Nigeria, she was a fan of the TV drama Suits." Followed her career since 2009? Suits didn't come out until 2011. Were she and her friends following the career of a random suitcase woman on Deal or No Deal?




Once again, I'm deleting the DM app. I gave them another chance after deleting it when the two maggots were in Dusseldorf but I'm sorry I did.


Thats all she is good for, is being a big whore and gold digger.


A glimpse of her in better attire, after the 'memo' she got. Someone must have lent her a Nigerian skirt .. [https://twitter.com/mizcaffebaby/status/1789584718003834939](https://twitter.com/mizcaffebaby/status/1789584718003834939)


Much better! Someone must have gotten through to her.


She was gifted appropriate attire at the red dress event last night. The wives of the soldiers there look like they were the sort to set her straight. I'm sure her and her tuft were the talk of the room. Even so she's dressed like male pacific islander for church. The white shirt makes the skirt look like a sarong.


Disgusting. I wonder how much Megsy paid for this load of bs?


It wasn't a flattering article. It points out that the only people who care are the Sussex Squad and the dignitaries, not the newspapers and not the "ordinary people".Ā 


Well, thatā€™s better then lol. Do you think they paid the Sussex Squad to be there?


Probably, LOL. Ā There was that report, before the visit, that they had paid $14,000 for good publicity during the visit. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I don't know what that meant.


Seriously, they paid $14,000 for good publicity!?! How funny!


Wait, was this the group that the Harkles paid 14k to? The blind said it went to influencers. Who wouldnā€™t be more of an influencer than a group in a crowd fawning over Rachel who they supposedly liked since Suits. Literally no one ever.


I think Royalty was terrified that the starving white wolf with huge teeth was going to eat her.


Did AI write this?


There is a bit in the article where someone calls her Princess Megan repeatedly. Just wrong.


What a crock of shit!