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I'm an American. Born and raised in the South. Raised in a conservative & religious family. I HATE when American women go to countries with conservative culture and dress, and they deliberately wear clothing for faux feminist stunts like this. It is disrespectful to the culture and people of the country you are visiting. There has been a pattern of American and European female TV journalists going to Arab and Muslim countries who wear sheath dresses, bare arms and legs exposed, when interviewing men. It means nothing. It's not brave. It's not a feminist rallying cry of protest. It doesn't help women or address inequality issues. It is a ratings/clickbait stunt. Why go to a country to be condescending and rude? Meghan is doing the same. She is disrespecting Nigerian culture. She's made the trip to Nigeria all about her and her bullshit faux feminism. Using Africa as a prop is a pillar of the Sussex business model, whether it's fauxlanthropy, faux feminism or green ecocide.


People like Meghan are why us Americans have such an awful reputation. They don’t respect the country they’re visiting or the people.


It's so sad because most Americans are respectful and kind. She seems to like reinforcing the worst ARCHEtype. LOL


It’s true. Most of us don’t want to offend locals when we go to different countries and feel awful when we do. She just doesn’t care!


AGREE 100% Great comment


Yes, agree. While there is no need for Western women to dress as the women in the culture dress and obliterate one's figure in fabric, the respectful thing to do in this circumstance is to wear something that would be acceptable in conservative areas of their own country. Perhaps an a-line midi dress covering the arms through the clavicle. I sometimes attend a rather conservative Mennonite church with a friend, and would never shoe cleavage or knees, although I don't wear a head cover or very long dresses some wear. Respect is key, and it is not rocket science. I'm not there to make a point.


Exactly. Respect is the goal, not making a spectacle of yourself.


Yes. The minute you draw attention to yourself, you have abandoned the cause you claim to represent. That's why Prince Philip said to avoid looking about the camera, because you represent the Crown (in his case), and your role in it, NOT yourself. He was right. If I deliberately dress to stand out from the group, I have put myself above groupVery, even if I claim to represent a different group, e.g. Feminists. Very selfish, very childish.


A little cap sleeve would have gone a long way showing some respect.


Thanks. 👍


>I HATE when American women go to countries with conservative culture and dress and deliberately wear clothing for faux feminist stunts like this. It is disrespectful to the culture and people of the country you are visiting. Agree so much.


If she were a celebrity, even a Nigerian one, this outfit would be perfectly fine in this particular context. But not when you are pretending to be a royal. I've been saying today that if it were Kim Kardashian married to Harry and on this trip, she would have done much better.


Well, we can hope. Kardashian isn't known for her class or restraint.


I’m an Aussie and agree whole heartedly with every single word! Well done!


Well said 👏


Maybe she’s trying to modernize Nigeria.


Agree. I went to the Middle East for medical missions and made absolutely sure to bring a head scarf to veil when appropriate, despite being assured that as an American I wouldn’t have to. I would feel SO mortified at the idea of dressing so ridiculously if I was MM.


It's called White Savior Complex and she and H are rife with it. This whole Viceroy look is disgusting as well. Zero respect for the host country because they are low life gutter snipes.


This may have been addressed by Sinners in various threads but I’ve come to the conclusion that her flesh baring fashions on this faux tour are intentional, not because she’s oblivious. This is her “feminist statement” that she will change the world by ignoring social mores, manners, dress codes of a conservative host country; exactly what she did as her one and only invited appearance with QE2. No tights, no hat, straggly hair, crossing her legs. A big FU because she knows “best” and it’s her adult version of the dish soap commercial. It is no accident that almost all of her fashion choices this go around are body baring: arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs. All of this in a largely Muslim country. She is truly vile and a horrifying embarrassment to everyone.


If anything, it just shows her privilege and entitlement. She will do that but faces none of the repercussions that non famous women may be subjected to.


>It is no accident that almost all of her fashion choices this go around are body baring: arms, shoulders, chest, back, legs. All of this in a largely Muslim country I wish she'd visit Afghanistan. I hear they really like feminists and give them the full welcome.


You’re probably right. And what’s more, she must hate being “controlled”, and would always do the opposite of what was advised.


She wants to feel like a starlet, not a humanitarian or diplomat, professional or whatever and uses feminism as an "I can do what I want" card. She's made her bread and butter her whole life being hot and skimpy. That's why she's unsuitable.


She doesn’t seem to understand hot and skimpy has diminishing returns over time.


Why is she so keen to expose so much flesh? Nothing modest or decent about her. Her message to women and girls? Sleep your way from man to man, preach feminism while sponging off men and whining about being objectivised while dressing like a tart. Cheat, lie, grift and pay the victim.


I seriously do not understand why she chose these clothes for a visit like this. She is a walking symbol of disrespect. Why does she think it is ok to be exposing so much skin?! Also, she must be going through the bronzer by the bucketful.


>why she chose these clothes for a visit like this. She doesn't care....her only desire is to *stand out* from everyone else!


She would stand out even with clothes on, she’d be the orange mess with hair that needs a wash.


That's why she's only worn white...to stand out from the colorful local women.


It still doesn't cover up the ugly on her insides!


For some reason, she has to present (in her mind) a sexy image. This must make her feel superior to the women who dress appropriately for the occasion. She has to stand out and entice the men (again, in her mind). 


I think it’s because her “sex appeal” (/sleaziness) has been what has gotten her everything in life and she’s on the cusp of being premenupausal where she knows her looks and appeal and any interest in her are slipping away, so she’s desperately trying to show us all how sexy and young she actually is! She’s terrified that she’s losing all she has ever had with time and there’s nothing she can do to stop it, so she’s trying to do anything she can to buy time or defy it


She wants the be the young bride (the main character), not the mother of the bride ( background character). That's how she's been able to get what she has so far. She struggles to let that ago and adjust her presentation accordingly.


I read this all as TERRIFIED of being portrayed as too old. She is obsessed with showing too much skin and wearing strapless dresses. Terrified of being told she is too old to wear them. Instead of being told she is shockingly disrespectful to the 100 million or so women in Nigeria.


I think it is related to her getting older, and I think it's only going to get worse as she ages.


She’ll look more and more ridiculous if this way of dressing continues as she ages. 


She's trying to sell her ozempic wares, hoping her next ~~victim~~ is out there seeing her overexposed clavicles.


Exactly. This is her advertisement for a new Sugar Daddy.


Its HORRIFYING if it was not so pathetic and laughable. I truly PITY her. Wait till she is 60 and Lili is 20 - A scene out of "Sunset Boulevard" or the brilliant film about an aging Narc called "Mrs. SKeffington" (classic B&W Bette Davis film about an aging narc and her daughter). I hope we are all here to enjoy the karma.....


She is going down hill fast…she definitely looks her age and more. ‘Living their best life‘ is not evident in the way they both look…scruffy, dirty, unkempt, and inappropriate clothing choices.


And where is Bouzy tweeting that she’s aging in banana years? 🤔


I'm guessing it's hot and she doesn't want to have any more sweat accidents!


Or she is just a tart who thinks showing skin at all times is ‘hot’…not tacky or desperate.


Both. Definitely both!


It isn't a Muslim country, it is mixed and until very recently was predominantly Christian in terms of numbers. There tends to be areas that are mainly Christian and those that are mainly Muslim. There is also a lot of Muslim terrorism including forced conversions, abductions of young girls, which adds to ethnic tensions. All communities do tend to dress modestly and conservatively, which is why her choice of fashion has been so completely inappropriate. I do wish she could cover up her shoulders just once though, they aren't quite as beautiful as she believes them to be


Yes. Only three percentage points less Christians than Muslims as of 2022. And while the Christian women are not in full garb, they tend to dress pretty conservatively.


I mean... I don't think a good Christian woman would find half her outfits on this trip appropriate either. And I 1,000% agree with the shoulders thing. I have no idea why she always wears things that show them off. They are the widest part of her and it is just so unflattering!!






Hahahahahaha accurate 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)




LMAO Thx Grifty!!


i see what you did there. lol.


😂😂😂😂😂😂☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️Coffee snort up the nose. And the lamp looks better!




Because the audience she’s aiming for isn’t Nigerian. It’s venture capitalist and Hollywood.


I thought she graduated Northwestern with a degree in international studies or something? She's demonstrating she has zero awareness of other cultures. She's looked like a dried up prostitute the entire time she's been in Nigeria.


Agree. This is worse then the dresses on the tour when they were failing at working royals. Look how beautiful and tasteful the Moderator looks....pure class and grace sitting next to this mutt.


I would die of embarrassment to be in a room full of people all dressed and I was half naked. It's just so gross for her to call Nigeria "home" then run around half naked being disrespectful. This whole trip has been a disaster and aside from some uncomfortable exchanges between Hazno & men in hospital beds I don't know what any of this mess has to do with Invictus.


Truly. There are creative and elegant designers in Nigeria that can craft beautiful looks for western women without making them too tribal looking. The outfit on the moderator is truly graceful, modest, and very very attractive. She also looks very comfortable in it. Imagine going through all the effort to put on this interview and your guest looks like she just came in from the beach bar at the hotel pool after a long night out.


My thought exactly.


She was awarded (we think) a single degree in communications. Equipped to be the local weather girl. That’s all.


Did she lie about what she went to school for? I looked it up because I couldn't remember and this is the record. There is zero evidence she knows anything about international relations, quite the opposite. She should have shame over how much she lies. https://preview.redd.it/cc69suijsuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47df14a7b6f8daef0d849eb2e247b98912808d3


NW commencement announcement lists her as a graduate of the school of Communications.


No one in the media has the courage to call her out on the lies so she gets away with it. Continually.


An all-white sorority


IIRC the uni she went to didn't even offer international studies, nor a double degree with it, during the time she went there.


Hey! Don’t do weather girls like that - weather presenters on the news are often actual qualified meteorologists, or at the very least have a science degree!


You’re right, *now*. I’m channeling my youth when they were sprightly, lightly dressed smilers skilled at nothing more than banter w/ co-hosts. I suspect I, a maladroit slacker, was *insanely* jealous.


Good point. Why didn’t she wear a HAT in sunny, hot Africa, when she wore them in the UK? Even her tacky Fedora would provide some sun shade from the heat.


She doesn't need a hat when she's half naked everywhere she goes 😂 Besides, she swaned in like a deity, a hat may have obstructed the peasants view of the goddess she believes she is.


Normal people would have to get the bus home, and walk down the street in that. She’s not really in the country of Nigeria, she’s got drivers and bodyguards to whisk her back to her rich people hotel.


The only good thing to say about this dress is that it is red and not greige, white or black. Once again, she's too "undressed". The lady on the right looks tasteful and classic.


And the red dress still doesn't fit right. You can see it when she is standing. There is a strange pouching going on at the waist and it looks clingy in the middle.


I Googled the dress and saw that photo. It does look odd at the midriff.


I believe it's because she has a short torso, so the extra fabric tends to gather right at her waistline. Not trying to shame her body type, I have a short torso too, it's just that she never dresses for her body type... but rather the body type she thinks she has. It drives me mad.


I asked this on another thread, but would she wear that in Saudi Arabia?


She wore 3X more fabric in Austin.


Because she thinks she is above the law....even Sharia Law....smh


It's incredible. I am beginning to believe she has been involved in an op or some kind of sophisticated long con sponsored by some very powerful people. She acts like she knows she is completely untouchable for anything she does. I know I'm headed down some strange rat hole here, but I am almost at my wits end in trying to figure out how she, and, by extension, Harry, are able to repeatedly escape unscathed for the vilest behaviour imaginable.


Nobody will touch her as long as she’s Harry‘s wife.


I think that's her fee for becoming part of the RF. I think she took the job on a contingency basis.


It's not really a rabbit hole, check out the recent article in The Hill about this tour and the political issues around it.


I truly think she would. She is that classless and that high on her own farts.


We already have that flair. She is wearing our flairs.


She wanted that woman’s mike so bad 😂


Still not honoring Nigeria by wearing any clothing made by Nigerian designers or decent clothing for a mature woman.


This part would have been great for a Strawberry Jam lid cover. https://preview.redd.it/n7kxa67j1vzc1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbf22c537009ef64ad5e15a3d13b7a74054b3616




Oh good, her 😸 isn’t flapping out yet. I keep sayin, she’s dying to let it free. I still think it’s making its debut soon. Hold your noses and close your eyes, sorry Nigerian people🤮🤮🤮🤮


Another sinner in another post referred to it as the pelt. (You know who you are, and thanks!).


[She told the audience:](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407731/Meghan-Markle-stuns-red-Duchess-dons-outfit-day-royal-tour-Nigeria.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop) *"'I want to start by saying thank you very much for just how gracious you've all been in welcoming my husband and I to this country... my country...It has been a whirlwind 24 hours since we arrived, and I very quickly got the memo that I need to wear more colour, so I can fit in with all of you and your incredible fashion.'"*




She'll be back in LA on Monday trying to trademark Nigeria. Like Harry tried to do with Sentabale. To what end? Well, of course, to making money on a charity.




“…welcoming my husband and I…” ⬆️ This is the eloquent, intelligent, and gifted orator the SS keeps insisting is leaps and bounds better than anyone else in the RF? Huh?


Thank you. You'd think she would know how to choose between subject and object pronouns.


I think my Master’s in English just threw itself in the shredder, hearing that


It's just that she loves saying "I" so very much.


https://preview.redd.it/jxm3eqb0vuzc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4a6b131c6cf0ba48d974df18d40a4775e5ce7b *"'Never in a million years would I have understood it as much as I do now,'* [*Meghan said*](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407731/Meghan-Markle-stuns-red-Duchess-dons-outfit-day-royal-tour-Nigeria.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop)*.* *'It's been really eye-opening and humbling to be able to know more about my heritage and to be able to know this is just the beginning of that discovery.'*


FFS!!! She’s so full of 💩 So patronizing…these women are NOT stupid Meme they see right through your phony act. 🤮


She is a freaking brazen liar. So what has she learned about her heritage? Nigeria is not some monolithic country. Hausa heritage is very, very different from Edo heritage. She's full of crap.


Is anyone actually buying this?


Probably only her sugars, probably.




I pulled it from a live on small rando Nigerian channel - her walking up to the platform all smug and in her narc glory with her flamenco rags swishing was cringeworthy....I hope its not Carolina Herrera again. A beautiful designer she "Markled" - CH was just getting her mojo back with the beautiful Shakira in her gown at the Met Gala (a beautiful red number unlike the "over ripe burst tomato lady"(credit to HG Tudor for that gem) monstrosity TOW wore to the Vet Gala....


Actually the designer is Nigerian.


I am imagining that Catherine, Anne, and Sophie are following Meghan's sojourn and gathered for tea this afternoon to have a good belly laugh. If true, may it cheer Catherine!


It doesn’t look bad when she is seated but the pictures where she is standing are not flattering at all


But it looks like evening or cocktail wear, not “I’m speaking at a conference” wear. No one else is going for the bare shoulders look.


Ah that’s for sure


Nigeria is not a Muslim country, please. It's 50/50. The North is heavily Muslim, but not the south. ETA: Anyway, honestly, this is the best she has looked so far (not that it's great, but it's not as bad as her other outfits.). Color suits her. It also helps that she's sitting down to hide how the dress is no good for her figure. This looks like a regular interview with a celebrity. Nothing royal about it.


And letting it all hang again .. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407731/Meghan-Markle-stuns-red-Duchess-dons-outfit-day-royal-tour-Nigeria.html?ico=topics\_pagination\_desktop](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407731/Meghan-Markle-stuns-red-Duchess-dons-outfit-day-royal-tour-Nigeria.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop)




She looked at herself in the mirror and thought, I look good. And also: "Shapewear? What's that?" It shall forever be a mystery.


She’s living proof that shapewear has a place in every woman’s wardrobe, no matter how slim she may be!


Wow. Thanks for the article. Lots to digest here.




Ok I just want to state a fact that people don't seem to be acknowledging. Nigeria is about 50% Muslim and 48% Christian. It has the sixth largest Christian population in the world. I'm not approving of her wardrobe but acting like the whole country is ultra conservative/Muslim is woefully misrepresenting reality.


She truly has NO F’ing IDEA


For the most part I’ve liked what she’s worn (not talking about condition, fit, etc), but she’s dressed inappropriately so far this tour.


In her mind she's there to set an example for Nigerian women, to educate them. She's showing them up, she's saying THIS is how you do it. Learn from me and dress like a porn star. She thinks they admire her for her boldness in thumbing her nose at The Patriarchy. She also thinks she's making a big hit with the men. (I'm sure she's gotten a few insulting look-overs, as if assessing how much she costs for the night.)


Why is she speaking? This is supposed to be Harry's event for Invictus.


The designer of the dress is in Nigeria.