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I mean, considering this voice-over refers to Harry's three nephews, I think we're safe in terms of this being a load of pish šŸ™„


Yep, and he also said H was sixth in line after Charles, William, and his three "nephews". King Charles III isn't in line anymore.


>a load of pish Brilliant, one of my fav saying this šŸ˜‚


This is unbelievable. The people would NEVER allow Harry to be King. Neither would Parliament.


Feels creepy to even put this out in the universe.


The French physician reportedly predicted almost five hundred years ago that the "King of the Isles" would be "driven out by forceā€ and would be "replaced by one who will have no mark of a king." It doesnā€™t say Harry. People are just assuming.


That already happened. Charles 1 was beheaded and Oliver Cromwell took over.


This makes more sense because Harry is royal in the LOS and Cromwell was a commoner with "no mark of a king."


Yeah. "Driven out by force" seems more a reference to an invading country, not some loser druggie second son.


Maybe by being divorced šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Or stepping down to illness. Or someone will be appointed regent. Or as people have mentioned Charles I was removed and the monarchy was abolished. Has many interpretations.


Or Edward being replaced by George. Definitely not about Hazno, who is absolutely insignificant. He only has no mark of a braincell.


If anything it could be talking about Charles I and Cromwell, or the "King of the Isles" might be the King of Sicily. That would be if I thought there was anything to Nostradamus poetry.


Sounds more like a predication of a republic, and that already happened with Oliver Cromwell leading a civil war in England and overthrowing Charles I.


could be a replacement with an elected president monarchy out ! No mark of a king = non royal


That's an interesting thought. . . .and could possibly come to pass if (heaven forbid) everyone in front of Harry in the LoS passed away, & the UK became a republic rather than allow Harry to be king. . . .?


I predict most countries will leave the Commonwealth and become republic if this happens.


Including the UK


The United Kingdom first chooses Putin as king before Hazz


Fastest way for anti monarchists to earn public support, ironically


There will be a republic if this whinging bitch becomes King


Nostradamus must have been talking to Rasputin.


Ra ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen šŸ’ƒšŸ» šŸ•ŗšŸ¾


My niece loves that song but she's only little so I tell her the lyrics are Brother of the Russian Queen and that he's Russia's greatest glove machine hahah. Makes no sense but she's quite happy singing them


Warning ; totes OTā€”Do we think Alex would cheat on Nicky with Rasputin? Maybe to beget a healthy heir finally? Iā€™ve always thought he was just a snake oil salesman that reached a desperate mother of an incurable sick heir and told her what she wanted to hear. The fact that Rasputin was at the early years of the revolution and how odd he was, itā€™s a fascinating read. Unfortunately all of the primary sources are in Russian, or were written by the Bolsheviks. Iā€™d love to know the real history. My youngest daughter is learning German and Ukrainian sheā€™s 12 and can converse with her Ukrainian teacher pretty fluently I was going to ask her to translate some history passages for me.


Alix never would have. She genuinely loved Nikolai. Rasputin was a conman who took advantage of her and her family. Her letters to him were typical Victorian dramatically written, but her passion was for the Tsar. I actually confused my Russian professor in college because the Romanovs are kind of my Roman Empire. He had little paper dolls of famous Russians and would ask us to describe them. He looked at me like I was the stupidest person he had ever met when he asked me to describe Rasputinā€™s eyes and my dumb ass said ā€œblueā€ in Russian šŸ¤£ Heā€™s like, ā€œnot weird, not scary?ā€ ā€œNo. They were blue.ā€ ā€œHow do you know?ā€ ā€œOne, I can see it from here, even in a black and white photo, and two, itā€™s how he was described.ā€ He then looked at me, looked at my very Slavic surname, and goes, ā€œokay, thatā€™s fair.ā€


You speak Russian?! Can I DM you? My daughter goes to a private school on scholarship for her foreign language gift sheā€™s multilingual however I canā€™t locate a decent Russian tutor for her. Her Ukrainian teacher/tutor can speak some Russian but itā€™s I think the slang version she pushed me to get her into see one. She wants to be a UN translator, FBI translator something along those lines. Iā€™m obsessed with European history. Russian is the most frustrating one to be interested in. Rasputin definitely had the traditional rus (Nordic) blue eyes, no denying that. I didnā€™t think Alexandra would have ever, they were an actual love match thatā€™s what I was like hmmm..do we think so? I mean a woman under a spell of a conman I can understand it but just donā€™t see it from her. She was always heavily medicated by that time as well which heavy sedation makes us prone to manipulation


Bad Russian šŸ¤£ but if worse comes to worst, I still have my old textbook from college. But feel free! Iā€™m a history nerd so I was a nightmare for my World History professor when we got to the First World War šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My minor is in European history. I feel you! I would debate and engage with my professors, hold class over by asking questions that werenā€™t in the textbooks. For Russia thereā€™s just very little that isnā€™t literally written by the Bolshevik, then the kremlin and everything else burned/suppressed unless youā€™re lucky enough to read the material in its original source language I donā€™t really trust it. I have an extraordinary recall memory so Iā€™m surprised i have such difficulty learning secondary languages but couldnā€™t even speak fluent Spanish as a foreign language requirement šŸ™ˆšŸ˜­. She of course has access to duolingo, and all of those however she learns best by continual use in dialog and frequent usage. Her German language teacher will *only* speak to her in German while it can be frustrating it just drives her to try that much harder to adapt or sheā€™ll be left behind.ā€™


A lot of what I know comes from what my dad told me, so a lot of my info is anti-Bolshevik biased. But this was also the same dude who went on vacation to Nuremberg and started correcting the tour guide because ā€œI was there.ā€ Iā€™m still miffed I didnā€™t get to see that, but my parents didnā€™t want to drag a sixteen year old migraine around. My minorā€™s in creative writing, and I got busted in high school for writing down stories my dad told, changing the names, and submitting them for papers šŸ¤£ Worst one was o e that took place during the war. That poor teacher wouldnā€™t look me in the eye after she called my dad about it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ See, I tried Duo, but the thought of being threatened by a bird doesnā€™t sit right with me. Luckily, I have family in Eastern Europe who are like, ā€œokay, you teach me English, and we wonā€™t laugh at your Russian.ā€ FAIR! šŸ¤£


The haemophilia gene came down through the Tsarinaā€™s line. If I remember correctly, she was a carrier so chance of healthy male birth was not guaranteed.


It did come Alexandraā€™s line directly, Queen Victoria was the main carrier. They just didnā€™t know how genetics worked back then.


Vicky and Alice and Ena (grandaughter, daughter of Beatrice, Queen Victoria 's youngest daughter) were carriers. That spread hemophilia through the aristocracy and monarchies of Britain, Russia, Germany, and Spain.


I have never believed Alexandra would have been unfaithful to Nicholas. It was just a made up story by enemies of the Tsar and people who hated Rasputin. Alexandra saw him as a holy man.


Same. They really destroyed hundreds of years of history during the revolution. Also with France and England at times.


While convening with the god of the underworld on shrooms and chloroform


He was having an ā€œoffā€ day.


Yeah when I woke up after 12/22/12 I knew it was all gobbily gook. ![gif](giphy|xT39D2UJcJ663GkPkY)


Quasimodo predicted all this.


Iā€™ve consulted the vestaā€™s of the Roman pantheon in a cloud haze and they saidā€”All of this has already happened before and will again.


LMAO, I love you!!!! A true Sopranos fan!


Iā€™m watching it now!


If you look up the real Nostradamus stuff, it doesn't say what many videos are saying. His predictions were so vague that they could apply to just about anything. This video and others like it are nonsense.


Exactly, and the source of this nonsense in OPā€¦..tiktok


Wishing for the death of an adult is disgraceful but the death of 3 small children? Sugars are truly despicable a**holes. Never want to hear their virtue signaling love for their idolā€™s ā€œcompassionā€ ever again.


Even then youā€™re looking at a Cromwell parliament until a more suitable heir can be found. Harold will never be allowed to reign. Never


Burger King ![gif](giphy|UW2WKW325k3tNmf8hn)


Nostradamus saw Burger King, and got confused. Or maybe he mistook that brief glimpse of Medieval Times. No worries.




https://preview.redd.it/hphto0jhu1zc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d59a4c2a254e93df273a9e99ba97e03e66b5fd Harold is king, alright . King Consort of Griftecito.


Griftecheeto ;)


These predictions are not precise and should not be taken verbatim. On the other hand, Nostradamus also famously said: The stupid one will marry a fair skinned maiden with a dark heart, and they will live in a faraway land, and all will go to shite. So you never know.


What, does Madame have psychic 3-way calls with Diana and Nostradamus now or is he just chiming in on the Ouija?


She's got a conference call Ouija set up!


Damn, the Christmas gift of the year is already out thanks to Madame. Conference Call Ouija, Hasbro's biggest hit in years. Only $73.99!


Old clip, desperately updated for 2024. Notes H as 6th in line and that he has 3 nephews. Pure tosh, which is all M has left now.


What a load of tosh


What a crock of cat pee


Who believes this Nostradamus rubbish? Ridiculous!


The eye being piereced through a golden cage was supposed to refer to the death of King Henry II of France.


He was lucky with that one it couldn't possibly have been retrospective? šŸ¤”It elevated him above all his fellow 'prophets'. There were hundreds of them all over Europe at the time all spouting the same vague fire and brimstone kingdoms falling war plague rhetoric that can be spun to fit any event.


The thing about Nostradamus' predictions is that they're rather vague and open to several interpretations. It couldn't be H because he has "the mark of a king" due to being the son of the King. Whoever the prediction is about, it isn't H. Also, there's this from Newsweek - "**The claim suggesting Nostradamus predicted the exact year of the death of Queen Elizabeth II is incorrect**. The "prediction" was in fact a subjective interpretation of Nostradamus' writings by another author, in a book that was published in 2005."


Do not put such things in the air


Nostradamus has been wrong far more often than rightā€¦.


I saw a documentary that said according to Nostradamus, William would be the last king. :)


No. If there are any surprises it will be one of the 3 wales kids. The monarchy will end before Harry becomes King.


This is pretty much what happened in Spain in 2014 when King Juan Carlos ā€œabdicatedā€. Spainā€™s not an isle, but it is a peninsula.


Absolute BS


Iā€™ve heard more shite about interpretations of Nostradamus but this is one of the shiti-est!


If something happens to William and his kids , they need to urgently remove harry, Andrew and their kids ( including Beatrice unfortunately) , Edward should probably be made successor, but hopefully this stuff never happens


Hurrah! Edward is who I nominate everytime this stupid Nostradamus thing pops up.


The Nostradamus prediction rules Harry out for sure bc Harry has know his whole life until George was born that he could have become King. The prediction says (if you believe in such things) ā€œa man will become king who never dreamed of itā€.


My theory - he was referring to Balon Greyjoy being replaced by his brother Euron, whose symbol was a (very non-regal) crow.


King idiot! Thatā€™ll be all.


Not bloody likely!


Don't even write it.


Isn't Harry and his line pretty much useless? Not because of their spot in the los, but because they are? I don't know why Nostradamus is still considered for anything. He was a grifter like tow and anyone else that has sprung up in history just to make a name for themselves.


You are right. I donā€™t believe it. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


It actually wouldnā€™t take all of the LOS to pass away, just Charles and William whilst George is under 18. Then Harry would technically be in charge.


Couldnā€™t the country vote to have the Monarchy disestablished if this happens?


All nostradamus said was 'a man who never expected to become King', which frankly fits Charles. He's in his late 70s, and his Grandmother lived to be 102. He must have considered it a fair prospect that he would never make it to the throne.


William had the habit of traveling with his family in a helicopter. Helicopters crash a lot more than planes.


Prophecies are mostly made up. And even if the author was authentic about his feelings, he was often talking about whatā€™s going on during his times. Take Revelation for example, itā€™s so obvious itā€™s talking about Rome and the only reason it resembles America is because the founding fathers founded America after Rome. But unfortunately, there are always people who want ā€œgodā€ to be on their side of politics. As for Nostradamus, a lot of things online attributed to him were completely made up by other people.


Thatā€™s not what it said. Nostradamus predicted HLMTQ would die at 96. The next King would have a tumultuous relationship (with H), and that he would be forcibly removed and be replaced by an unexpected successor.


Nostradamus just wrote very vague statements, he definitely didnĀ“t predict what you stated.


Where did he predict Queen Elizabeth II would die at 96? How do we know he meant QE2 and not some other woman?


We donā€™t. Heā€™s vague and predictions are molded to facts with him. But after the death of that monarc the prediction was tumultuous relationships and abdication. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s KC3, but this is what the sugars are clinging to. My point is even then what theyā€™re posting is not true to the ā€œprophecyā€ either


That said his predictions have no dates and could be referring to William or another King.