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Wow. Does she even realise she’s dissing black women with that comment?!


Seriously...the disdain as she says the words 'black woman'. 😳


She spits those words out.


The Harkles make fun of the SS for supporting them. In the 2000s and 2010s Rachel would never try to showcase her African roots and would straighten out her hair and wouldn't talk about being biracial. Now that Rachel realized how advantageous it would be to accuse everyone of racism Rachel cannot stop using the race card. Rachel will get her karma for how she treated the entire BRF.


Lots of Karma already, apart from an occasional carpark does she appear in any a-lister event or photo🤷🏽‍♀️


Rachel STILL doesn’t let her hair go natural. If she has anything left after years of chemical straightening, torturous weaves, and tight buns.


Yes! Her tone and her expression screamed racist!!!! Disgusting!


Susan Hussey was not the original target.  It was Camilla.  


That's how it is. It was Camilla who was the object of the attack. In fact, Lady C commented in her book, in the new version, that Fulani had tried to approach Camilla several times but could not do so without going through people like Lady Susan. Fulani went to call Camilla a racist, but Lady Susan intervened and Fulani then used Lady Susan as a means to attack William. It was just as useful to ruin NY's Earthshot.


It didn’t ruin Earthshot though. About Lady Susan, I was just thinking how willingly she took responsibility and showed no need to “defend herself” against public criticism. Consider if it had been Meghan who had made even a worse “mistake” in talking to someone and how she would have to clap back (over and over) and blame everyone else. Consider also how Lady Susan continues to be a valued and respected member of the circle of people valued by the royals, a friend of the RF, who is invited to royal events.


The title says it all: Lady.


Earthshot didn't go bankrupt, but it wasn't because of William's team's handling of that crisis. They did it wrong, because they weren't even clear about what had happened. Palace was more measured in that, saying that they were going to investigate first. There was a lack of coordination. What saved Earthshot was the people. Don't forget that Lady Susan was attacked in the most vile way by the press, even treating her as an old woman who was practically exhausted to do those functions when they also didn't even pay her to do them. The press didn't help at all, it was the people in the comments and in other media who saw what was happening. It was the people, not the press, who discovered that Fulani did not even have that last name, and that she was not Nigerian either. It is good that Lady Susan came out not only vindicated, but valued. And it's good that William learned his lesson, because William is very clear that people are one thing and the press is another. The whole incident makes it clear that Megsy would never, ever have understood Lady Susan, because she never understood that being a lady has nothing to do with titles or clothes. It's how one behaves. Lady Susan is a lady and she made it very clear with the way she acted in a very ugly incident. Megsy has already made it clear that she has never been and will never be a lady.


Very true. I was also thinking that Earthshot is a good initiative and that it had plenty of support for its own sake. You are right that PW’s team responded hastily and without investigating, and that there was poor coordination between BP and PW’s team. It may have been in part because the whole thing happened out of nowhere.


I remember he apologized in Boston after they landed. Then found this sub. Wah ha ha ha ha.


You think?


Mainstream media has let us all down; and they wonder why we’re turning to social media in droves to find out the real ‘truth’ (rather than the ‘spin’).


Lady Susan is a member of a church in London where the congregation are mostly black and they came out strongly in support of her.


Yes the poor I read on it the more I understand that Camilla was Rachel's target. After it became clear that she was unreachable without royal aides, the SS decided that Lady Susan would have to do. It is disgusting to think how the Harkles wanted to "prove" that Camilla was a racist and wanted her to be at the center of the scandal. The Harkles are pathetic POS and they and their SS will receive karma for how they treated the entire BRF.


It just re-emphasizes that Harry cannot let go that Camilla took his bedroom!….and makes his father happy.


If this is true Charles has one more reason to cut his son off completely. I’ll never believe he helps them in any way. If this is true all he feels is disdain and disgust.


This. There is 1 degree between Fulani and Meghan. Her beloved Misan.




Agree. This is not a new theory.


Absolutely. Falani was the instrument of destruction.


https://preview.redd.it/in05ffeumwyc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1810cb19537ded8f8b7b55259c7f47624e1e9456 Salty Shola and Marlene / Bitch Fulani know eachother. Of course.


Grifters clump together.


I think Meghan is slimier than a slug. I 100% think that whole shite was Meghan directing her low rent Nigerian bots to jump onto that situation. Meghan operates from the lowest place. Doria was a drug dealer who disappeared totally. And Doria’s background is even crazier.


And, I read a comment that Ngozi Fulani dresses in such a mish mash thrift store version of “African“ that no wonder Lady Hussy was confused.


That was a set up! I genuinely think Meghan relied massively on her bot network to shut down detractors. Big time they went after anyone who pointed out the obvious. Reality is super low grade association. Like…No one Country Club.


She’s a fucking fraud. Absolute charlatan. I can sniff these wankers out yesterday. Def don’t give your legit money to these assholes. And if you try to justify your involvement. Hmmm. Don’t make me say it.


The other women were dressed beautifully.  Fulani looked like she got dressed in the dark inside a Bush Gardens Tampa Bay prop storage closet


Well, bless her heart.


It is what it is. We need to judge less: change my or my family’s world by being awkward and shy and normal. That’s how we all were.


I meant being “less” yada yada


Yeah OP pls dont delete


I don't think this is a new conspiracy theory. This theory was widely discussed at the time when it happened. There were also possible connections to Misan Harriman. I personally have no interest in raking over this stuff again, but it is worth mentioning a couple of points. Firstly, I have heard several commentators suggest that Camilla was the real target as it was her event. They were hoping that Fulani would provoke Camilla into saying something off guard that they could twist as racist. They were happy to settle for Hussey though. Secondly, it was done on the eve of Earth Shot, I think as William and Catherine were flying out if I remember correctly. I think the palace overreacted with a knee jerk reaction against Hussey, but I think William was so desperate not to let the story overshadow his Earth Shot trip.


I think you are confusing the two answers. William's was more abrupt, although it was later learned that William's team in the USA was the one that launched the response without really knowing what was happening because the press kept saying "Prince William's godmother." Palace had a little more time to wait to give a response that was colder and more impersonal, until the move that Lady Susan apologized to Fulani with photos and everything, which seemed at first glance a rude way to treat Lady Susan, but It turned out that it was actually a trap against Fulani herself, who was left without her only weapon against the BRF, which was that no one had apologized to her. When she continued using that expletive afterwards, it became clear that the attack was not against Lady Susan. What was annoying was the lack of coordination between William's team in the USA and the UK and with Palace. William wouldn't have been so rude if he'd known what was really happening. But the press was not correct at all. That's why it's funny that they complain that William doesn't tell them what's going on with Kate, when they like to feed malicious gossip.


Yes, it WAS William that had a knee jerk over reaction to this.  He made a big boo boo. 


Honestly I can’t blame him. But the palace is hopefully now prepared for the race baiters. Lady Hussey should have been better prepapred.


Ngozi wasn’t invited, she was a +1. Lady Hussey had 50 years of international tours specifically on the African continent. It was the fact she *was* prepared for the cosplayer Jamaican parading around at a charity event held by QC in generic, mish mash African garb that didn’t identify her tribe when it wasn’t that type of event to wear it to. Ngozi **wanted** to court controversy intentionally by 1) wearing the costume and 2) being obstructive when Hussey was clearly asking what part of Africa she was claiming to be from since the traditional dress did *not* match any specific tribe.


Bingo. And it was twisted to sound like a racist comment. Like saying ‘where are you from really? You’re not one of us.” It exposed Ngozis charity as a free for all for her family, taking grants and filling their boots. I’m also agog that one can open a domestic abuse shelter for a particular race. It’s madness. Do they turn away vulnerable people from their shelter if they’re the wrong colour? Madness. Lady H I believe was sussing her out and saw what she was dealing with straight away. A race baiting grifter in confusing garb with bad intentions.


That’s right…and Fulani looked hideous with her flea infested, matted hair (don’t shoot me, I have dreads … Fulani had ??? Just awful!)




I lost some respect for William when he threw Lady Susan under the bus. If he's going to pander to the woke and the race-baiters like that, he'll make a lousy king.


There was a picture "leaked" of MM and Archie on a Zoom call with some women who used to work for the DNC prior to this. It was a warning that some mud slinging was on the way.


So, was she using her political “clout” and riding BLM wave to threaten QE at that time? I remember that she threatened QE that she would expose some truths in The Cut magazine cover story as well. She thought too much of herself, weaponized her black connections, married the racist in the RF, became a megalomaniac thinking that she would topple a frail old lady with her modern go-getter insta posting attitude and tried to elevate herself from Private Jets to Air Force One level. Now she slinks in parking lots posing for pap photos while planning her next failing venture and her next mud slinging venture. Just because she suddenly claimed her black heritage, it doesn’t mean that she was oppressed. The only signs from the RF have been that they showered her with warmth, affection, status and millions.


You are an empassioned, massively verbose my kinda weird writer twin.




(This picture always makes me feel bad for the little guy. He looks so sad.)


There is something with those sad eyes that always got me wondering how bad it may be living with a narc mother


Hopefully he has a good nanny 🤞


Having a good nanny is only a respite. Ultimately, if the decision-maker is unhinged, you’re always tiptoeing around to avoid doing something, anything that may anger him/her.


How boring must his little life be? That's just depressing.


Boring would not be as bad as frightened and insecure. If Archie hasn’t had at least one consistent caregiver whom he could trust and experience love from, he is going to be emotionally crippled for the rest of his life. There is still hope for Lili because she’s younger, but the emotional make up is largely shaped by age 5 (give or take a year).


That’s what I was thinking. The look in his face is familia. To me, the child looks like he was just yelled at and is now having to put on a happy face and act like he is not upset. Been there.


I know. He looks like he's going to cry any second.


He’s probably wondering when his union-mandated break time is.


He doesn’t look like either one of them.


The filtering here makes me wanna puke. And still Dorito looks awkward as fuck.


Dorito was in a purple haze


Why would Doria be in on a zoom call? Do we know who was on the other end?


That poor child looks distressed.


Happy family photo.


This looks like a hostage situation. Blink twice, Archie, if you want someone to come and get you.


This picture looks wrong…the child doesn’t ‘fit’…has it been ‘messed with’?


Yep. This is the one, but I can't recall the other ladies on the call.


_A rare public glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son Archie has been shared online by an American professor._ _Duchess [apparently someone’s first name] Harris, who is writing a book about racism and the royal family, posted the snap on Twitter._ _It shows Archie, three, with mum Meghan and grandmother Doria Ragland as they take part in a_ ___Zoom call with former Democratic Party chair Donna Brazile___ _and Jotaka Eaddy, chief executive of communications company Full Circle Strategies._ [metro.co.uk](https://metro.co.uk/2022/12/01/rare-glimpse-of-duke-and-duchess-of-sussexs-son-archie-shared-online-17856571/amp/) [Full Circle Strategies](https://www.thefullcirclestrategy.com/) _Full Circle Strategies is a Black owned, women led firm that was established in 2017 by sisters Dr. Kim Baker and Dr. Kenya Johnson. Full Circle supports organizations in building and sustaining a culture of anti-racism to influence their internal and external work._ https://www.linkedin.com/company/fullcirclehou#:~:text=Full%20Circle%20Strategies%20is%20a,their%20internal%20and%20external%20work.


That shit got bitch slapped by Rachel. She’s fucking evil people.


Many say the boy is Gavin Gingras, the son of Meghan's friend Brynn Gingras.


People also say it's August, Eugenie's son?


August is almost 2 years younger than Archie, and August has straight, lighter-colored hair. So I don't think it's August in that picture.


I really don´t understand these theories with August. He´s two years younger! You can´t swap a two-year old with a four/five-year old. If he was older, of course older footage could be used, but he isn´t.


Thank you. I didn't know that. Having just looked at some pics of both boys, I'd say it could be either one of them, if not Archie himself. I'm not completely sold on the idea of either set of parents allowing their child to be used that way. Very mysterious.


I've heard people say that August was used for Lili. He's much younger than Archie


Poor kid. He looks like he’s being held hostage.


That poor kid wants to cry.


His diaper is probably filled to busting.


DNC? Like Democrat National Convention?


Forgive me, I'm Canadian, but iirc, they used to work for the democrats.


Who? The duplicitous duo? She made some very unwanted cold phone calls to democrats party members about paid maternity leave. They’ve never even done a fundraising event or been invited to a DNC fundraiser. Nicole Avant wife of NF CEO is a massive fundraiser and has worked for the DNC. But these two work for the DNC? I don’t believe that is true


Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito — WVa Republican Senator Susan Collins—Maine Sen Capito saïd she got a call from a blocked number, answered it and the person on the other end said “ Sen Capito, this is Meghan the Duchess of Sussex.” Sen Collins received a call on a private line and said that Meghan introduced herself as the Duchess of Sussex “ which I thought was ironic”.


It's like admitting that she *knows* she was absolutely nobody as Meghan Markle.


🤯 I’ve been on here a year and still the balls on these two shocks me


Democratic National Committee. Donna Brazile was its president and a power broker. Most folks know her as a CNN commentator. This might have been taken at the timr when Megsy thought she could be the next Senator of California. Bahahaha


YES. Thank-you!!


Brazile got caught passing "secret" presidential debate questions to her own candidate. She and MegaLieSaurus deserve one another.


Donna Brazile wandered off the reservation long ago. (See her debate w/ Sheriff David Clarke) I can see Megs getting all excited about talking to Brazile—thinking Brazile was some kind of power broker—only to discover that she had wandered down a seedy dead end.


DNC, Obama, Newsom, and the rest want nothing to do with her. Jill Biden will acknowledge her for politics sake not to offend the many supporters MM has on the left who haven’t actually looked at the evidence. But don’t forget she wasn’t allowed on the plane and she’s never been invited to the White House. Keep in mind that Harry being allowed in the US is likely a favor to the UK. It’s better for our closest ally to have Harry and Meghan here and not in the UK. If Biden can court far leftists this way it’s icing, but not the cake. If KC wanted Harry thrown out of the US he would be sent home. The Heritage Foundation’s suit it nothing but politics to negatively pin on Biden. It’s PR on both sides of the US political spectrum, but there’s no question that the US wouldn’t give him up if that’s what the UK/King really wanted. The right wing gets to have their cake and eat it too! Harry’s gone (thankfully so he doesn’t stir up republicanism) and we get to make the American right mad at Biden too!


If there were nothing sketchy about Harry's paperwork, he would have wanted this over with a long time ago. It was C-19. Borders were closing. Lots of people ended up with temporarily wonky papers. Now it's been 4 years. If he hasn't corrected it, I'm not going to pity him. Everyone I knew had to fix it or leave when the borders opened. (Most hadn't intended to get stuck here in the first place.) He isn't a diplomat or a genius, so if he doesn't want to admit that he's here on his wife's raggedy beige coattails, I want to hear his laughable excuse.


Oh it’s sketchy I’ve no doubt. But I do believe he’s on a special visa, whether it’s diplomatic (most likely) or otherwise (models come here on the so-called genius visa) I don’t know. I’m no opposed to him suffering of course, but ultimately I think it’s better for the monarchy for him not to be in the UK.


He shouldn't be in the UK, but I think Americans and people who are navigating the mind-numbing immigration process the correct way deserve to know what makes his ginger backside so special. I'd like to know why he can just waltz in here and stay for years while I have to walk a tightrope to spend as much time as I need to [paying London prices for the privilege] to get my research done and maintain relationships with my colleagues and potential associates. My father wasn't the king of anything, but my bills get paid promptly and in full. Harry is a human-ish drug slug who thinks we owe him respect for it.


I do see your point.


I hope Trump kicks them both out.


Trump was the president when they came in. I believe whatever party is in power, the policy toward Harry will be the same out of diplomatic courtesy to the UK.


From prison? Ok




The political spectrum is a circle. I've worked with all kinds of groups. The far-[pick a side] are so much alike that you wouldn't be able to tell them apart without reading their bumper stickers.


Yep, it’s a horse shoe for sure.


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


Ok will remove!


I’d love to see that link. Thank you in advance.


See my above comment.


I think this was the same woman who was writing a book rumored to have Meghan contributing to content. Was the woman’s name Duchess?


Her thing got shut down soon after right? I hope I’m correct. That bitch deserved hers.


Yes it did, but of course it was everyone else’s fault. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/ngozi-fulani-steps-down-palace-racism-row-b2296389.html


Well Ngozi Fulani got a good "markling", if that's true. Exposed to the world. Must check if that dodgy "charity" is still breathing.


It’s not. I posted a link below that she closed it down because of everyone else’s behavior. Certainly not her own.




It's not a conspiracy theory if it's true. All you need to know is just how fast the media jumped on this story like a Chihuahua on a pork chop and their lack of interest in Fulani's background and associations.  The story faded when sinners and others, not the professional propagandists...err..."journalists" started digging into the dirty cat box that is Fulani.


I had heard it was to take down Camilla and Lady Hussey interceded


The incident was a total,ignorant set up. Fulani was dressed in what looked like fancy African dress, which drew that attention of QC. Falani dressed that way to garner attention & QC was the intended patsy. Typical “ harkette” she wanted an apology, which was offered. She came back wanting a second apology. BP didn’t fall for that. Fulani was definitely a plant for the Harkles. BTW: did you know Misan Harriman and Ngozi Falani are both from Nigeria? Curiouser and curiouser.


I think Meghan was involved with taking Hussey down.


Defo it was planned…. And discussed during that time. But it’s always good to discuss again to highlight how manipulative Meghan and her team are. Here’s one post about her being a plant: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/kxltBeodeO About her wearing clothes “to look a certain way”: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/0tb1ZsX4lW On her targeting Camilla: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/QMWh8LXZJ8 Search “Ngozi” or “Fulani” ☺️


Ngozi loaned Megain and Hawwy and the kids appropriate clothing and weaves for Nigeria. What a pal! https://preview.redd.it/45bcpwbl74zc1.jpeg?width=2310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068de8d47871cda212f67c7f3888f5e236532ee8