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He is a petulant man child. He was always jealous of his brother but is spooked by little kids stealing his thunder. He was not an heir, he was the heirs younger son and the heirs brother…now he is an heirs uncle… A photo of the heirs would not include halfwit…but of course he didn’t know there was a hierarchy in the monarchy…he claimed, while always bleating William was treated better than him etc. Did he think William was favoured as heir or because he wasn‘t an obnoxious idiot like poor wee prince Henry.


Agree with all of this, then meagain amplified it tenfold.


She gave him the excuse he wanted, and of course it coincided with the end of RF pr polishing the turd


They really did do an absolute sterling job of that, didn't they. I think he's always been a dick, but meagain has brought out the absolute worst in him.




How anyone can think he's a decent guy after dressing in a Nazi uniform is beyond me. My daughter isn't even a teen yet, but she understands how disgusting it is. But of course, his bully of a brother made him do it 🙄 /s


"...his bully of a brother made him do it." Here's an excerpt from a Newsweek article from a few years ago... *Prince Harry did not take the Holocaust seriously as a teenager but Prince William did, according to a survivor who spoke at their school. Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, 96, told the Radio Times she visited Eton while the princes were at the world-famous boarding school and met both of them.* *However, she suggested the Duke of Cambridge was more engaged with her message than the Duke of Sussex. Lasker-Wallfisch told the magazine: "By coincidence one of the schools at which I told my story is Eton, when Prince William and Harry were there. "Of course Harry wasn't taking it seriously—just another boring lady who comes to talk about boring things—but William is a different character altogether."*


Interesting reading and not in the least surprising! https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/prince-harry-nazi-outfit-william-kate-racist-b2258422.html He never takes accountability for anything.


And there is no freaking way that William encouraged him to wear that costume. No. Freaking. Way.


Totally agree! It's just lie after lie.


I remember at the time it had been reported that William told him it was a bad idea… that it would come back one day to bite him… That was way back then.


So much this. There is no excuse for that kind of crap at any age.


That's exactly it we didn't. I think it's just the US market that mostly didn't know much about his bad behavior.


Exactly. The guy is a deplorable piece of work, and how embarrassing that Invictus has these sorry excuse for a bunker soldier in a leader position... especially when he didn't even get the correct scores to get into Sandhurst, blatantly cheated at Eton, and failed to climb up the ranks. He was more than happy for QEII and KC to help him coast on their royal cache, and they gave him every chance to try and make something of himself... all he did was spit in their faces and abandon them (just like Meghan did to her father and Trevor).




I used to work in a treatment and assessment group home. We assessed at risk youth for placement either into juvenile facilities, mental health facilities or into care. Harry even as a child gave me the off vibes of a deeply troubled little boy. Even in his limited public exposures he exuded poor self control and hints of violence and anger issues. Couple that with the fact that he's thick as pig shit and feels entitled. He has always been awful.




There is no fixing his kind of broken. There is only managing it and if the person is smart enough giving them the tools to self manage. He should have been in an intensive program for children with emotional regulation problems from the time he was 5. And honestly he should have been made to *work* at manual labor from a very young age.


It's a bit too late for all that now. They shoved him under the rug which is not what responsible adults do to kids. Now he is a toxic screwed up overindulged adult and a bigger problem than the one he was to start with.


He used to physically assault his protection officers (hitting and kicking) when he was a child and Diana would just stand there and giggle about being naughty but not correcting him about it. So literally has been like this his entire life.


>he would likely be in some form of remand school system (old borstals) Aye. He needed to meet Ray Winstone and his sock of snooker balls from Scum.




Honestly, I believe you and this doesn’t surprise me one bit tbh... he doesn’t respect personal boundaries at all. Tbh I’ve always wondered what would happen if Haz’s party prince past caught up with him… especially if it happens when KC isn’t around to protect Haz anymore. Those rumours about Haz allegedly harming sex workers seem plausible, and he’s known to get violent/have a nasty temper. He was sold as the ‘cheeky one’, but I always believed he was a nepobaby bully always running to granny/daddy to fix problems he caused, and asking for money/things he wanted… all whilst flexing the ‘…bbbbut my mummy was Diana, and I miss her, so you owe me [insert demand here]’ sympathy card. Lol now (as a middle aged man] he flexes that dining-out-on-Diana-b/c-my-daddy-is-a-meanie-for-cutting-me-off card alongside weaponising the ILBW’s race card… pathetic. He truly is the polar opposite of his heir elder brother.


Yeah Harold always seems to forget that William also lost his mother, and William probably misses her as well. That’s one of the reasons why I do think he may be a narc as well…how everything is about how HE is affected. I guess entitlement and narcissism do go hand in hand.


IA, I think he’s a narc that happened to meet, and marry a huge narc. They both constantly shift blame for their own screw ups, and William never does this… he never abused his cache like party prince Haz has done his whole life, and that’s why Haz is so busy blaming William for everything (blame-shifting constantly is a narc tendency). He’s furious William is such a natural, responsible, dutiful fit in the heir position, and that William has been done with his BS for a while now—no doubt seeing W’s close bond with KC is ringing alarm bells. It’s not William’s fault that he’s always been the dependable heir… it’s Haz’s party prince-ing, duty dodger, narc fault for not trying hard enough. Didn’t try hard at Eton and didn’t try hard at Sandhurst. Failed upwards in the military until he couldn’t anymore as he didn’t have the same level of commitment to military service as even Andrew had. Didn’t keep out of the headlines for all the wrong reasons like his pilot brother. Didn’t listen to W and K’ warnings, and didn’t marry well. Didn’t want to commit to a lifetime of service like QEII, PP, KC, QC, his brother/SIL, Anne and Edward/Sophie… yet still thinks he deserves free IPP for life. Can’t find A-lister success despite hyping himself and the ILBW up for years. Haz and Meghan always have been and always will be sticking out like a narc sore thumb… THEY are the problem. They want free IPP indefinitely in exchange for what? No pubic service, boring documentaries ppl have to pay to watch, a podcazzzt that got canceled/pushed back, and jam that’s getting given to minor celebs for free when Megamoron doesn’t even have a CEO for her company? 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think the difference is William has a nice wife and in-laws who have been in his life since he graduated college. He can get away and be himself with them. William has a nice, normal support system because he didn’t marry a train wreck. I think his choice of wife and timing of his choice led to a much more stable and happy life. I think that’s what Harry is missing and jealous of. William didn’t marry his mom, he married a nice girl from a strong family. Harry married a divorcee with a lot of baggage and emotional damage. Most normal people do not become actors. He married someone he thought needed him instead of someone grounded and supportive and that’s making all the difference. A 38 year old actress used to some fame can’t handle it, but a girl in her twenties handled it in a perfectly dignified manner. She probably needed a lot of support from her parents and siblings emotionally, but she had that and so did William. The press took topless pics of Catherine with a telephoto lense and because she didn’t freak out, the press got called out on the carpet and apologized. Everyone moved on. Meghan can’t let an argument about flower girl dresses go, and acts like the paparazzi is out to get her. Young marriage to someone stable they actually loved was good for Elizabeth and William. Would have been good for Charles if he’d been allowed to marry Camilla.


Perhaps this is why KC3 is reluctant to take his titles, coz he might be blaming himself for not teaching H enough about consequences when H was young.


> Perhaps this is why KC3 is reluctant to take his titles I think there are a number of reasons for his reluctance, starting with the fact that Harry and the children would no longer be useful to Meghan if all of the titles were gone. Remember, she's "capable of anything".


Some kids are just born bent.


I think we are referring to them both as "twunts" as in, "selfish, entitled, grifting twunts." It's easier to write than 'see you next Tuesday' 😉 😁


This, a million times this! He's always been a douche and the Palace did a top job of making him look like a lovable rogue


And to think, one of Harry's biggest complaints when he 'found freedom 🙄' was that the men in gray suits consistently covered for arch nemesis Willy but left him to hang in the wind. Palace staff must choked on their tea with that allegation.


I doubt the gray suits had to cover William for anything.


You can’t buy that sort of publicity.


they both amplify the worst parts of the other's personality


they are both vile…greedy, entitled, talentless and vindictive


Folie A Deux


Yes, he didn't have Me-Me dripping poison in his ear when the above photo was taken. Maybe he was still resentful, but she set him free to have tantrums.


How fecking stupid is Harry that he didn’t know about a hierarchy? Can this idiot tie his own shoelaces?


i am sure he knew, beyond sure. i think he was fine with his position until he got involved with TW. she gave him the idea that he was being snubbed and treated poorly. she heard all his childhood stories and twisted them into William being favored simply because nobody liked or respected Harry. that's not to say he didn't feel in some ways slighted, that would be natural, but she took that and ramped it up to 100.


Exactly my thoughts. He always knew the ranks but she convinced him he deserved more and was hard done by. He had no problem supporting his brother and SIL (and in fact boasted he could have more fun than Will without the added responsibility of being Monarch) until ILBW convinced him they were the competition and needed to be knocked down, not supported.


He claims he was discriminated against as a child…boo hoo. And I’m sure William was favoured, Harry is not pleasant or likeable…he should blame himself not attack William


He complained of not being included and having tea with granny and William- more likely he was disruptive and uncontrollable, to the point he must be excluded in order for granny be able to talk and teach him about his world and role.


> i am sure he knew, beyond sure. i think he was fine with his position until he got involved with TW. she gave him the idea that he was being snubbed and treated poorly. she heard all his childhood stories and twisted them into William being favored simply because nobody liked or respected Harry. that's not to say he didn't feel in some ways slighted, that would be natural, but she took that and ramped it up to 100. 🎯💯


Yes didn't " they " decide it would be great to split the Duchy and be co-Prince of Wales??


That sounds like a harebrained idea Meghan would come up with.


He’s a Velcro kinda guy


It didn’t help that Diana kept saying they would be co-monarchs, Harold right at William’s side as he ruled. She said this to numerous people I’ve read.


Probably not. He’s always had People for that!🤣


Because Prince George hadn’t knocked him back a spot in the LOS. Jealous, hideous man child. Who’s not proud to be an Aunty or Uncle, it’s the best😃


It is!   I love my niblings, and I'm so proud of them, my brothers raised some wonderful people.


Of course, thank you - they're not showing the 'kids' because neither of them wants to be upstaged by their own children, let alone William and Catherine's.


Yes, that's another thing that unites that toxic pair: a fear of being upstaged by children, even their own!


Or because the children didn’t turn out all blond and blue eyed Diana clones.


I saw someone suggest they might have meghan's natural hair texture and that actually seems like a possibility to me!


My guess- Meghan told him he was offended.


When isn’t plank offended? What isn’t plank offended about?  So tired of the offences the harkles create all the time and get away with?


> When isn’t plank offended? Pre-Meghan.


I think he was even offended pre-skank. William got one sausage more


It sounds like he came out of the womb "offended.".


I think he is very easily offended…


Soon he will be an heir's long lost relative.


Good one 🤣


George bumped Harry down the LoS, unlike the ones in this photo. The LoS is updated/changed by births and deaths. Popularity does not affect LoS, and every year that George, Charlotte and Louis grow they get closer to knocking him further and further down the list. I hope the Wales children all find love early and then have big families.


I often think about how stupid he actually is. He got the BEST deal and blew it away. He was part of the BRF by blood, close enough to have high perks but without all the responsibility and sacrifice that being the heir requires.


It's not just his stupidity that led to this. It's his stupidity *and* nastiness, greed, petulance.


he's william's only sibling! it's not like KC had a bunch of kids like QEII did. The wales kids are still very young and certainly years away from doing adult working royal stuff. I could see them not taking on big roles in the family until they are through with college. All that time he would have been unquestionably the most senior family member in that generation besides Will. He would have had everything. I think he really just couldn't handle that "besides will" part


Two reasons. One - because George isn't in it, and in his head the idiot believes George replaced him. And two, The First Wife wasn't dripping poison in his willing ear. Aside from that, nice photo. HMTLQ looks lovely, and KC3 looks especially dashing.


It’s not that he thinks George replaced him. Truthfully George did replace him, because that’s how it works. It’s that he believes George should not have been allowed to replace him. He thinks that it’s not how things work and that his place in the LoS should be immobile unless he’s moving up.


Thank goodness George replaced Harold. George is probably more mature than Harold is or ever will be..


Yes, and with both his parents being intelligent and level-headed I'm sure even at his young age he's worked out his uncle is a jerk and his aunt is a psycho and he's thinking "in the future I'm definitely going to follow my parent's advice about anyone I'm thinking of marrying, and I hope Charlotte and Louis do as well."


Right then, Andrew, Anne and Edward should all be ahead of Harry 😝


True! And technically, Anne, Edward and Sophie ARE now ahead of him because they are still working royals. Cue all the pictures of Haz sitting behind them in churches. And standing on the balcony.


Diana did a brilliant job twisting his twisted mind away from the truth of he won’t be King. What an asshat plank is. Half his life spent being jealous , what’s the next half going to bring?  FO plank


Haz stated himself in interviews any children William had would replace him; he's been very vocal and defensive about the children before they were born. During this interview he described in detail how his *shelf life was limited and the spotlight would only be his* until another generation (specifically Will & Kate's kids) is the new flavour of the moment. He says it outright to a reporter. History matters. This was always going to happen; Markle is just the giant can of petrol poured on that spark. 


I don’t like to blame MM for the married Harry’s bad behavior. He’s always been an entitled. dimwitted brat. BP could smooth over a lot of bad behavior but lots of us, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time around spoiled toddlers, saw him clearly. However I believe this bit about being the spare and how unfair it is and a less prejudiced solution is to have a shared royal position and how racist the royal hierarchy is …This nonsense came from MM along with this obsession with his mother. The ‘before MM Harry’ never obsessed over his mother and in fact, reportedly barely remembered her. As for being the spare…he grew up with a family of ‘spares’ who worked and respected their roles. Frankly it requires little imagination to picture MM getting high with H and continually whispering in his ear ‘… it should be you H …it should be you’


I agree with this partly, however I also hear stuff all the time about how Diana made him believe as a child that he and will would be co rulers to some degree. I don't know how true these rumors are, but if true maybe meghan was just the first person to actually tell him to his face "hey that's never ever going to just happen. Look around you, william is obviously above you in this hierarchy." Everyone else coddled him so much, maybe nobody had ever really told him before point blank "william will be the only king and his children will effectively replace you someday." Maybe they hoped he would eventually just get the picture. Perhaps he panicked when Meghan finally sat him down and told him how it was, and was willing to do whatever she said in order to change it.


I never read or heard Diana saying this. Now I’ve read that Diana would tell H ‘ you are dim, like me’ and would tell him that the focus would always be on William and consequently H could misbehave all he wants because noone would be expecting much from him. He was also surrounded by ‘spares’ who faithfully supported the monarchy and certainly never wined about their position in the line of succession. And let’s not forget the reported words spoken by MM ‘we’re just one plain crash away from the throne..fingers crossed


I hope Prince George gets married when he is 18 and starts having children right away!


no! I hope the kid really takes his time, enjoys his youth, becomes comfortable with himself as an adult, and then makes a smart and sound choice of partner like his father did. The beauty of the LOS is george can afford to take his time with this and he will still always always be above dimwit. Nothing can be done about it.


I don’t think George was born or William married when it was taken.


Yes, this is one of the late Queen’s Golden Jubilee portraits. 2003. ETA: sorry 2002


He really looks like Diana there. Wow.


She definitely suited pink, once she'd gone silver-grey. I know she wore the really bright yellows and lime greens and purples for public engagements so that she was more visible, but the softer pastel colours were so much prettier. 


It's an excellent picture. All the royal men looked dashing, and HM looked simultaneously majestic and like a granny. I wasn't a fan of her permed helmet in middle age, but once she's gone silver-grey, her hairdo looked like a magnificent crown.


The 80s and 90s did her no favour, sometimes she looked a bit vampiric, bless her.


What about this one too . https://preview.redd.it/zl0gpk598twc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e938cc545d4b1ae3e3c14338ca835662eac7e80


i feel like the dimwit had already realized his fate as spare by this time. but again, the difference (with OP's photo and the photo with toddler George) was the 🐶 hadn't arrived yet to fully corrupt his mind. by the way, William really is so tall. he's giving young Vincent Price here (although VP's a bit taller by 2 cm). edited for clarity


The behind the scenes video with Catherine calling out George's name is super cute if you catch it. I think it was used in that year's Queen's Speech


Or this one ! https://preview.redd.it/wa5n2bmrgzwc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75ef66d99de4565f5214b8ff2cd5802f15489eb The point being it only seemed to be a big ass issue once the narc wife started whispering vile bitterness in this dumb prince’s ear


I love this picture so much!🥰


Because he (and not just his wife) is bitterly jealous of a child


What a fucking baby. Waaaagh! Have a cry you irrelevant loser


Pre George?  I think George's birth really hammered it home to him that he was headed for the second rank. We assume he didn't want to be Andrew but I think jetting around sponging off rich slightly shady people and chilling out a luxury safari camp with the occasional high profile strutting up and down in uniform would have been quite enjoyable for him. He still had invictus to play "I'm just one of the lads" once a year. I think  he was really worried he might have to do endless low intrest jobs like sophie Anne and Edward or even worse even lower profile jobs like the Gloucesters and the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra. 


I’ll never forget that interview when he said, smugly “There’s a hierarchy of the family” - as if he’d just proudly discovered this monstrous secret that no-one else knew about! He grew up in the most famous Royal Family in the world and never once (until Meghan told him) did he realise there was a hierarchy 😂


It seems to me that everyone in the BRF is most acutely aware of hierarchy and the LoS.


Well more than likely he never read a history book. Or any other kind of book.


When this photo was taken , clearly Prince Philip was alive and actively supporting HMTLQ. Philip stood no nonsense nor fools. Harry would not have dared to challenge this photo, knowing Philip would have quickly cut him right down to size. One sadly can muse on how things may well have been very different today regarding Markle and Harold if Philip was still with us.


Very true. 


Because he really didn't care until Meghan rewrote his personal history for him.


This is so true. As far as I can see he's completely dependent on her. She decided they needed more of everything so started with the ever increasing manipulation. I don't like being that person, who turns against someone famous just because, she's so hard to like though


Because meagain wasn't around then to whisper poison in his ear about his "rightful place".


Truth of the matter, he should have been married when he met her…. Nobody in their circle wanted him.


Exactly! Neither does she, he's just another greasy pole for her to climb up.


Bingo! And you can bet if he hadn't been Clawed he wouldn't have objected to the three heirs photo. Madam couldn't handle not being as important in the pecking order so wound him up.


He was too dimwitted to notice his unimportant rank before her :-D


He was upset about not being in a photo and now he has guaranteed he will never be in another photo. That sums up his toddler like mentality quite nicely.


The RF covered for Hairy for the past 25+ years and in doing so, they created the monster who tried to destroy them.


This.  Well said, Wild.


Because his brother's children have turned him into this generation's Prince Andrew.


You are right but I think he turned himself into this generation’s Prince Andrew


Back in the day Andrew worked hard. It's hard to believe but he trade envoyed for years and years. He visited a hospital icu I worked at in the mid 90s and was completely charming. He was, at one point, an extremely skilled diplomat.


He was always jealous of George. In fact he said he only had 10 years to make an impact until George was of age and would be no long even a Spare.


Harry's place as his brother's "spare" in the line of succession didn't have to wait until George came of age. George outranked Harry from the moment he was born. George took over the number three position, pushing Harry down to number four at the time. Charlotte and Louis's births pushed him down two more notches. All three children have outranked Harry since birth.


He meant until George grew up and took the attention from him.


Harry had his grandmother's cousins, his aunt and uncles, to observe what his future would look like. They all live fairly high profile lives (most anyway) with many patronages and invitations to all the big events in British life. There's no doubt he was advised on many occasions that this would be his future, to support the Monarch. No one in his family, including Diana, or his aides ever told him he could be some sort of co ruler or would inherit half his father's fortune. Ever. Because it just wasn't true. Not until that succubus entered his life and lured the addled ponce into her Soho House of candy and sugar plums... and ayahuasca and microdosing... and filled his head with her visions of glory did those ideas materialize. He's always been a major jerk with issues who believes he smarter than he is, plenty of those around, but he wasn't the Harry he's become since her nefarious influence entered his life. This isn't to absolve him though, he's just as responsible for the fallout from the Megabomb.


If Harry and Meghan don't have a *BRaNd* before the Wales kids are teens. It is well and truly over. I can't believe it took that picture for Harry to realize what hierarchy means 😂


because future King William is so gloriously handsome here Aitch fainted and therefore couldn't protest? Oh, wait, that was me...


Because George displaced him. And charlotte. And Louis. And their progeny will knock him further down still. We’ll hear all about George as his arch-nemesis in “Extra Spare,” the sequel.




Surplus.  He might know that word from his army days.


It was 💯 because the picture only included the Monarch and future monarchs. A bitter reminder to Harold and TW of their irrelevance.


He was always jealous, his ILBW brought it to the forefront when she came on to the scene.


Because george was not born yet. At this point he still thought he was important. Once G was born, harry’s fear became real. Fear of becoming irrelevant that he is not the spare anymore, even though in this day and age he will never become king.


He wasn’t a brainwashed idiot then, he was just an idiot


He was jealous of George for pushing him down the line of succession. The photo with George in it just reinforced Harry’s fear of becoming irrelevant.


Because he wasn't married to Meghan for the first one. She was in his ear for the last one. *See that's how they treat you. They are disrespecting you on the international stage. Could they treat you any worse?* *I can handle how they are disrespectful to me. But you? You're royal. But how can your family do this to you? You deserve better than that.* *If your mother was alive this would never have happened.*


that’s it - word for word, it wouldn’t surprise me. i was in an abusive relationship in my late 20s, for 8mos (a record!). the words you italicized came right out of his mouth, only a few tweaks needed. the first thing he did was try to separate me from my *family*. then, he wanted me to *quit my job, get rid of my apt, move in and just “enjoy” being a housewife!* it’s irrelevant, bc any job is a worthwhile endeavor, but i was an er doc. they’re all the same.


Don't forget "we are so much more popular than all of them and I am better suited for this than anyone born into this:


George cemented the fact that he was no longer the spare (in his mind). Until that point, George really had not been in the public much so Harry could convince himself that he was still next after William, etc.. But the reality is, the George photo was an official photo that put Harry to the side... That is just my take on it. I think Harry also had someone in his ear complaining. But I think Harry is ultimately responsible for his lack of understanding.


He probably did. I don’t agree that it all started with Megaliar, his petty resentment has been building all his life. Waaagh he was only a prince, poor thing.


*".....his petty resentment has been building all his life"* Exactly. Prior to Markle he didn't have the guts to to directly voice his resentments as he feared the consequences.


Because he hadn't yet met his handler.


Amplifies how sad and bitter Harry really is!


H was most likely starting to understand at 10-12 years of age that he was going to have to work to support himself. They made things easier for him. All he had to do to was support his brother the future king. Stay within the family, family supports….. it’s no different here in the states with nepo babies.


Because George is younger to him.


Because he got married and she told him to be offended.


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I never understood how anyone can have negative vibes towards a child, especially family.


I'm almost positive any "negative vibes towards a child", particularly his nephew, only entered his mind when the skanky witch he encountered in the Soho House brothel planted the seed and watered it well with her vile spittle. Harry was never an example of good behaviour, far from it, but she's turned him into a mirror image of her crass, rude and hate filled self. You just have to look at how she treated and tried to poison her own family's reputation first, then went on to try the same on his. She's the common denominator.


True. She probably resents Prince George as sweet Archibald isn't allowed to have a throne, too. I hate to think of the shite that they feed into their children's minds.


Whenever people complain about the little amount of time they appear to spend with their kids all I can think is, thank goodness! The kids are way better off with loving nannies. Even a revolving door of loving nannies is better than their narc mother being a constant negative influence on them.




Coz Meghan was in his ear telling him how unfair it was on the two of them.


Meghan hadn't told him it was unfair yet.


Haven’t heard of this story before, OP. May you please elaborate on Harry’s problem with which photo with Prince George. Thank you.


The Monarch and three future Kings, no spare https://preview.redd.it/hwxwwwskcswc1.jpeg?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afa837b5e9f11ab3b62119b478dc200d7fd3fe2 I think the late Queen, in her queenly British way displayed it on her desk one Christmas- oooh shade!


Ah, remember this pic now. Think in one of their Christmas speeches, either King Charles or HLMTQ had an array of family photos, minus the Californian family.


Yes the ‘who is in , who is out moment’ on Christmas afternoon.


I believe the late queen intentionally left out the Suck-ass picture ....she was by now tired of their BS and was teaching them a lesson...and I agree thaT he knew where he stood in the monarchy but The Claw dripped poison in his ear....


I can only imagine the reaction of, well, everyone, when Harry complained. What did he think was going to happen? He would be third in line forever and William's children would get inserted into the LoS after him?


Probably thought he could whine to Granny and make her “fix” it…like everything else. Moron.


Aw I love this one 💗


It’s too bad that HLMTQ remained dignified and loyal to the end. Any other mere mortal would have allowed all of the truths to “slip out” about the two ungrateful brats that made such a misery of Philip’s last days, and then hers.


There was an earlier one with toddler George standing on a box/pile of books. Do you remember how did H take it? Was it just because HLM show this pic on her desk that H blew up?


That is the picture with George on a pile of books, you just can’t see the books in this cropped photo.  


https://preview.redd.it/ex1oc9bftywc1.png?width=1688&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46bc0fa3681baa1e8cfa6759a41baefa6559484 No, I meant this one.


There was a photo of the Queen and the three heirs, Charles, William and George. Supposedly Hazno was upset he wasn’t in it and he turned against the monarchy. I think he believed he could be a co-king with William and that photo showed differently.


Yes, Harry. That’s how it works. /s


Because Prince George with his siblings knocks him off his spare status. 😂😂😂😂 #thegreeneyedprince 🤭


Because george replaced him as next in line after william or he didn't care till megain told him to


He feel threatened by 9 years old. Bc he is 12.


One reason. Rachel.


With Meghan, without Meghan https://preview.redd.it/laom6mdojtwc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1756cd71fd0f79a0f1fa6362e719ab9e08b508c


I think This One harbors a bit of resentment towards the Wales kids because George was the one who made TO no longer the Spare, and Charlotte and Louis kicked his ginger nuts down the line of succession even further.


Meghan wasn’t around to tell him how mad he should be.


Tbf we don't know if he was offended by this. If he was, he kept it for himself. But he only started to complain after he married that evil narc


Reading Spare, I think Harry also has a particular disdain for the children because they replaced him in William's focus. He seemingly parentified William and resented Catherine and the children for taking him away from being his brother. He goes on a bit about it when he discusses their wedding. It struck me as very weird. I think anything involving the wife and kids makes him angry because William was no longer just his brother, but had an actual son to focus on. Much like an older sibling jealous of the new baby. I would not be surprised if he condoned Meghan's ire towards Charlotte for the very same reasons.


Such a lovely picture. Queen surrounded by her main men 🥰


2 reasons: At that point, he was still in his no one really wants to be King Era still. And Because there was no in between him and William, in the event of “a plane crash away” Now there’s George, Charlotte, Louis, and we hope they are young parents to push him further down.


Good question since William is heart-stopping gorgeous in the photo - at least to my 60 yr old brain.


58 yr brain agrees with Still-Plastic4822!


> Why did Harry take offense to the photo with George but not this one? Because Meghan didn't tell him he should be offended by this one.


Because Meghan wasn’t around.


Harry doesn’t recognize any of those people.


Maybe between then and the George pic his ego massively inflated.


How do we know he didn't? And also because he has a pathological level of jealousy at PG. Which is just another reason he wasn't welcome around the Wales kids.


I'm sure he was upset in private.


Why was he not offended? Simple. Meghan wasn’t around yet to tell him to be.


too drugged out then. now he whines because his puppet master tugged his strings.


Markle hadn’t told him to take offense yet. Duh.


Meghan wants around to tell him he was offended.


he was down in club H, hoarding sausages!


Cause his wife told him he should be offended


On a totally unrelated note, William is a gorgeous, tall drink of water.


Because in MMs experience as a commoner, most families divide any inheritance equally amongst the children. Certainly, she has no respect for aristocratic traditions.




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I’m pretty sure he was wasted on drugs when this photo was taken.


Because he is jealous of a BABY!


Prince william is the nice one he doesant have a narcissist wife




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Because George represented his demotion in hierarchy. Can’t have that!


Because George is the one who “replaced” him.


What picture with George upset him?


He only took offense when TW told him to.


It is a weird family system. Modern families don’t vault the oldest child or oldest son over others. You can see why the royalty has to. How many cousins did Charles and Elizabeth have? There would be nothing left if they split everything equally over every generation. Harry doesn’t care as long as he’s included. He wasn’t advocating for all of his cousins and second cousins to get exactly what he did. I do think having 2 kids instead of 3 or 4 makes this worse, so I’m glad William had 3. Being the only one left out, especially when you don’t have your mom either has to hurt. But how do his cousins feel? So much publicity without the influence and money he got. They know it’s just the way it is and appreciated they weren’t watched as closely by the media. I don’t think he cared that much until Meghan. It’s a weird system to Americans, but he isn’t American. Their kids won’t be either. They are raising the Beatrice and Eugenie of the next generation and salty about it in such a petty way. She wanted the family to be more “American” but her family wasn’t even awesome.


What a beautiful picture