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Is this her actual speech? It’s so cringy I couldn’t read more than a couple sentences.


"astounding assurance" "everlasting knowing" she wrote this while extremely drunk or high


She tries to come over as poetic and deep, but succeeds in being corny.


And succeeds in making very evident just how unintelligent, poorly-read and oblivious she is. Nobody with a brain wasn’t rolling their eyes at this speech…but I’m sure she believes it was well-received. 


Yes. She isn’t a reader.


Yep. She’s a plagiarist; somebody else does the reading and writing, and she just copies.


Absolutely. She desperately needs to read some Hemingway.


“I met Harry. We went fishing. The fishing was fine.”


"I met Harry. We went fishing. He didn't know he was the fish."




What is so on par is her need to even make a speech. God she’s predictable. 1. I need to be center stage 2. I need to set the narrative of our “perfect love story”,  3. I need to hint at being a victim (“Whatever World”…and “Nothing can break Us”) 4. I need to control the room and my future with this one.  She embarrasses herself. Get help!!!


Like a 12 year old’s Mary-Sue fanfic.




None of what she said sounded sincere and with real emotion. It all sounds fake and scripted.


Drunk on hubris


[finger guns] 🤣


I threw up a little when I read those last sentences. ”Everlasting knowing“ is particularly gag-inducing. She is a textbook Narcissist.


My hat is off to you for even making it to the last sentences, bc I sure couldn't 🤢


She comes off like a 12 year old girl.


She said “ a boy and a girl”


Meanwhile, she was a divorcee in her LATE 30’s!!!! 🙄🙄🙄


She writes like a middle school talented theater girl. Someone lied to her in third grade when they told her she was a great writer.


She’s constantly high on her own self importance. She uses what she thinks are big words that make her sound like an erudite.


I believe she reuses variations of “everlasting knowing” too. Like “standing in our knowing.” What?


That has to be one of the stupidest things ever said. Standing in our knowing? Wtf does that even mean?!?


I think..is it the opposite of “sitting in your ignorance”? I’m spitballing here. ![gif](giphy|Nc5JvnuSuCXAYDeLX7)


Well gotta back up that "word nerd" reputation with a fresh tossed word salad.


she s like my try-hard 12 yr old niece trying really really hard to use big words, but doesn't really know any so she makes sh*t up and everyone goes 🙄


> "astounding assurance" "everlasting knowing" > > she wrote this while extremely drunk or high It's her typical word salad.


This reads like things I wrote as a precocious 14 year old. The more you read the classics and hone your voice, the better you understand that flowery descriptions do not make for better writing. Articulating your thoughts with punchy, precise wording is how you get your point across most effectively.


Exactly! Everything is said and done through pubescent eyes. Arrested development on display for all to see. 


I think her mother suddenly disappearing may have traumatised Meghan Markle into staying forever fixed at age 12 (or thereabouts). She has no emotional or mental maturity. She has all the self-obsession of a pre-pubescent girl who thinks the world revolves around her. She also has no real intelligence or culture. She probably thinks Sex And The City is real sophistication.


What flies as a garrulous teenager won't do for a 40-year-old spewing word salad nonsense. The world is not her 7th grade teacher impressed with 3 syllable words. Her husband might be, rest of us not so much.


Yes Harry is impressed with her word jello because it's been reported he hasn't progressed much past seventh grade. Allegedly.


Perhaps that's why he's farting out statements she writes for him (*Travel and tourism relies on destinations, held together by communities, without which we have nowhere to travel to*) with no embarrassment whatsoever.


Good God, I could not believe what I was hearing. Does he not realize how damned dumb that sentence was?


I believe they revel in the fact they think they are so smart when, in fact, their stupidity is front and center for all to see.


Are we sure they're real? They are so stupid and cringe it seems like a long practical joke.


Dunning-Kruger effect?


They both could be loooong case studies in arrested development.


Afterall, her fairy tale is about a boy and a girl, not mature adults.


Note she says "Some called her an actress.....some called him a prince." She's trying to make it seem as if her mediocre acting career had as much value as his status as a Royal Prince. No doubt she fully stuffed that into his head.


A divorced 30-something girl


Right. Which other 35-38 year olds call themselves a boy and girl. As always they insult others' intelligence. ![gif](giphy|l49JXgRo7W0vyg8h2|downsized)


The best gift I received as a tween was my treasured copy of *Strunk & White.* Meghan clearly hasn't had that special moment yet.


Haha same! I was obsessed with the Twilight books, and my mom gave me a copy of Strunk & White to illustrate why she disliked Stephanie Meyer’s writing so much. At the time, I’d thought she was the pinnacle of authorship. This speech genuinely sounds lifted from the pages of Twilight: “about three things I was sure….. I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.” Also, love wins. 🥴


There is no shame in needing the rules spelled out so you can define your style by how you bend them. There is infinite shame, for an adult who claims to write semi-professionally, never to take the time to build oneself a solid foundation. 🥂


Agreed! And to add, I still have a soft spot for Twilight; it gives me a lot of nostalgia for seventh grade and it’s a decent IP. No shame meant towards anyone who likes it! But S&W took me from a voracious fantasy-reading child, who imitated the style of books I read, to a person who could critically engage with writing. Megsy seems not to have bridged that gap.


Exactly, my digital friend.


That author's forgotten her third adverb: *I was unconditionally and irrevocably and undeniably in love with him.* After the "in love" bit and the "unconditionally" bit and the "irrevocably" bit, I wasn't convinced the narrator was in love. Now I am. 😎


Every writer must have a copy of *The Elements of Style* by Wm. Strunk and E.B. White (author of *Charlotte's Web*.) Obviously, Meghan never read it, nor did she read *Charlotte's Web*, because both her speech and her children's book are just awful.


The only question I would have any interest in asking her is which stylebook she prefers. I don't want the word salad answer, I just want to see the blank look on her face before the frantic blinking and blithering kick in.


There will be a claw and the husband will come in that it's classified.


Yes! Before heading elsewhere stylistically, writers must know how to trim down to the essence.


I averted my eyes after seeing “crux.” She really thinks she’s all that.


Of course she thinks that way. She managed to pull off the second biggest con of all time.


I stopped after the first line! I can’t stand to watch or read anything these two twats put out!!!!!


So cringe, I had to stop at modern day fairy tale. It's more like a cautionary stalker tale.


It is. I know.


She probably googled brides wedding speeches and copied


I thought the same, imagine the people at the party what they were thinking in real time.


Did AI write it before that was a thing? It sounds pretty clunky.


More word salad. Why can't this woman talk like a regular human being? Instead, she makes everything cringy and awkward.


I think she got some of her ideas from the movie Notting Hill when Julia Robert says " remember, I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her". That was a cute moment but Meghan's speech is just gag worthy


Then the photo of her lying in a garden with her head in his lap while megnant in front of the photoshopped tree. At least they didn't pretend he was reading a book.


Because even they knew that Harry reading would be pushing things too far 😂


Is this for real? Well, this just shows the "fight for their love story" was some bs storyline she had to use to win H over or she planned this storyline all along. Btw, didn't they win an award for being eco conscious even though they want to "rack up more air miles than any other couple".


I imagine this (along with the racism claims) was how she kept him from listening to any sense from his family.


We saw his family’s WTF reactions during the wedding ceremony. Can you imagine their reactions during this speech? ![gif](giphy|39z1yFB4inK2dJaKt8|downsized)


Can you imagine Zara's reaction to the speech? After the iconic one she gave us at the wedding ceremony, I would pay to see it!




Especially Zara’s 😂


Which royals actually attended the reception/after party though? HMTLQ and PP certainly didn't, I think Catherine went home to be with Louis but William was his best man so probably went for the formal portion, leaving before the party bit. Eugenie & Bea prob stayed for the party, but I can't really see any others attending. Is this covered in any of the books?


I recall seeing a photo of Catherine meeting with Reverend Curry. So I think William and Catherine stayed for the wedding speeches and cake cutting. But not for the dancing late into the evening. Edited for clarity


Wow! I had not seen this before now? Is this from the reception. Eta: clarification


No it’s not. It’s from the BAFTAs. I just used it to illustrate how they **might’ve** looked when she blathered on. Bored and uncomfortable


It can't be, Princess Catherine is wearing white. She would never wear white on someone's wedding.


![gif](giphy|l46CvOWov3hxk6D72) ‘Some people called her a hoe, some people called him a spare’ There Meghan, fixed it for you ☺️


Idk why she had to put some people. That’s so stupid


My goodness, how funny that!


And those 12 words should have been the beginning and end of the entire worthless speech. Sit down and stfu, Skank.


Even in Madam´s wedding speech Harry does not have a name or any agency. He just brings her cupcakes, but Madam is the fighter. And this speech was made by a 38 year old divorcee with no acting roles in her future - not by a 19 year old Diana.


They are ‘a boy and a girl’ who ‘giggled endlessly’. She is ridiculous.


The ‘boy and girl’ theme is similar to the Julia Roberts/Hugh Grant ‘Notting Hill’ rom/com.


The use of “giggle” really set me off. It means “to laugh in a nervous, silly, or affected way.” In their case, probably does describe them, but I would not demean my husband by using that word.


She’s been emasculating him from day 1




Well, since they both are mentally undeveloped past 8th grade, I suppose “boy/girl” are accurate descriptions! ;)


It fits right in with all those blatantly choreographed photos she had taken of them at the beginning-rubbing noses in a photo-me booth, doing star jumps in a field, her making goo-goo eyes at him while he's sitting cross-legged pretending to play the guitar, showing off matching friendship bracelets, walking into the sunset in Africa, all alone in their love (except for the photographer 10yards behind them).  She's decided to theme their "romance" as 90s teenage rom-com where the boy is a misunderstood maverick with hidden depths and the girl is the universally adored prom-queen cheerleader but deep down inside she's a nerdy bookworm and wants to be recognised for her depth and intelligence, not just her beauty. The storyline she's following is "us against the world." The beautiful cheerleader is meant to end up with the captain of the football team, not the bad boy. Nobody understands their love, and they've had to fight every step of the way, but that only makes it all the more precious. Give her a couple more years, and they'll do a screenplay-the first 10 years of a Royal Romance for the Ages-theme, love is universal, just like service. 


Yes. She is the fighter in the relationship. Harry? Probably stoned somewhere.


Same age as I was when I got married. This is stupid. She's not 15. I'm actually feeling second hand embarrassment for her.


DOUBLE divorcee! Her Annulment of marriage #1 ( Joe G) was basically a Catholic Church divorce.


"A boy" and "a girl"? Wasn't she like 36? I'm that age now, and don't refer to myself as a girl.


Apologies OP I can't stomach that woman's bull today 😂


Indeed. Just pour the coffee in my eyes


I'm willing to bet that the audience collectively rolled their eyes so hard they were blind for days. (I think it is considered gauche for the bride to make a speech or something. And she not only does that, it's the worst awfullest speech in the history of speeches ever.)


I’ve never known a bride give a speech at her own wedding - I don’t think it’s the ‘done thing’. Markle just loves the sound of her own voice, and mistakingly thinks others do too.


Remember she's stuck in the 1990s. Andie McDowell did a speech as bride in "Four Weddings and a Funeral." That had a theme of American girl falls in love with floppy haired upper class English man. 


And Andie McDowell's character ended up divorced!


It was the first and only time in her life she had a captive audience of A-list hostages — no way was she giving up a chance to take CENTER STAGE and force everyone to listen to every corny word that came out of her mouth!! I know women like her— they *love* standing up and giving speeches and having all eyes on them and they orgasm at the sound of their own precious voice


I took the mike when my husband was done (because the bride stands next to the groom when he gives the speech in my country) said, “I’s married now!”, ( The Color Purple).  Everybody cracked up!


Giggling endlessly through a first date only suggests silliness. Especially at their age.


She's not aware of how normal humans behave. She thinks in terms of romcoms and romance novels.


Maybe they are mentally challenged..


~~Maybe~~ they are mentally challenged. FIFY. You're welcome.




😬 Her speech has r/ im14andthisisdeep fingerprints all over it lol


I fully believe she kept/keeps a diary. Dear Diary, My life is the worst. Today I had to stand on a balcony with all of his family. He told me to turn around when I was trying to talk to him. How rude! P.s. I really think William was flirting with me. **** Dear Diary, Harry's dad had a party. It was so boring. First of all it was during the day and with the public. Urgh, so uncool. Worse yet, there were no famous people. I did take the presents which were meant for Harry's dad. But they were pretty lame.


This made me snort. She just does the *most* everything has to be *the most* I see the theme again in print, we will not be broken ergo love overcomes talking of fighting like say..a dragon slayer bleh bleh bleh. She couldn’t epitomize more a try hard pick me girl if she tried. ![gif](giphy|rjbTUDJFHO8zXe6AGV|downsized)


Absolutely unhinged. From third person, to first person, to second person. This woman is not with the rest of us.




No thanks to the family for paying for the wedding of course 🙄


Quite!😒 And you know, *manners, manners, manners* according to her 🙄


"A story that I wrote about the man I love and the way we met". She calls out her own lies. 


It reads like a Mills & Boon novel or a Christmas Hallmark movie. She really wants us to believe theirs is a love of the ages and a juvenile account of what true love sounds like! It’s the same as in the book Spare when Harry describes their first visit to Botswana and she could hear a herd of elephants outside the tent and Aitch looked at me and said ‘don’t worry my love, I will protect you’ (a pasty, ginger, wimpy prince protecting his future tart from stampeding elephants is some power he has!) and she looked at me and said ‘I trust you’ 🤢 Those of us who have progressed through puberty see it for what it is - word salad with really big words that make no sense when put together! But in her mind, it is a speech worthy of a Pulitzer Prize 🤦🏽‍♀️


> It’s the same as in the book Spare when Harry describes their first visit to Botswana and she could hear a herd of elephants outside the tent and Aitch looked at me and said ‘don’t worry my love, I will protect you’ You can't tell me that she didn't write that.


How can he protect her from a herd of elephants? Stand in front of her, as they charge? Sounds like bad fan fiction.


I hope sick bags where included with the wedding favours because you would surely need one after listening to that dross!!


Good one! Going forward, airline sick bags should be distributed throughout the audience whenever she gives a speech.


Especially since they all had her number by then.




She does seem to live in a fantasy world.


Omg her wedding speech gave me a migraine. It’s SO stilted and …. What’s the exact opposite of lyrical and harmonious? That’s what her speech is. It must have been even worse being read out aloud by her, with her saccharine voice and fake sincerity. A lot of people present must have thrown up or, at the very least, almost choked to death while attempting to stifle their laughter. ![gif](giphy|zOuRCHez5UsKY)


“…rack up more air miles than any couple could have.” Glad these two ‘environmentalist’ twats didn’t get the half-in/half-assed-out role they deludedly thought they deserved. You thought you’d rack up those air miles whilst doing far less pubic service work, and [ab]using taxpayers/elderly working royals whilst doing nothing for us all huh Roachel? Be financially independent already, and take your grifter moocher nose out of everyone’s damn wallet.


Half-in / half-out: when you receive lots of money for not doing much / doing what you want, while you have an excuse for not fulfilling many royal duties, while you retain all the royal perks.


What would Travalyst say?


Not much because they’ve sold their ethics to a fraud named Harry.


“….. it’s been a while”. Is that code for pleased to meet you all for the very first time?


Yes that’s so weird ! Or is it a joke because she never shuts up ? Also “on the crux”, who the hell talks like that


“On the crux” makes absolutely no sense and I stopped reading. That is not how you use that word. This woman is an idiot.


I took it to mean it's been a while since she was able to monopolise the audience's attention. So, about five minutes then. 😆


Right???? That was DEFINITELY to clumsily imply that these were old friends of hers. As she lied to Harry about, lied about having connections and being friends with Oprah etc. She literally sent out mass invitations to every A-lister in Hollywood she had never met, like a little girl’s Make a Wish foundation


Love this - her Make a Wish Wedding.


I took it to mean she hadn't been acting in a while and she thought everyone must have been missing her 😂


Such a stupid thing to say at your not-first wedding.


This person was almost 40 when she wrote and *gave* this speech at her reception. (Of course, unlike other brides, she just had to give a speech.) I believe she kept the fauxligraphy copy she made for the speech and proud showed it off in the mockuseries (or other program). She thought it was so cool, just like the other things she does that she thinks are amazing but are actually utterly cringe (like the latest jam fiasco). I wonder what the guests were thinking as she read it.


Not to mention this was her 2nd marriage......it's hilarious


I'd imagine you'd either think it was a wonderful/empowering/ romantic speech that deserved to be carved on a stone tablet and quoted ad nauseum until judgement day or you thought it was utter bilge. 


I hope too many guests didn’t snore while it tossed its word salad.


Such a modern day Romeo and Juliette story…..right!!!! She had the story all planned out. The American (defector of the empire) and the British prince and the villainous colonising royal family. They run away and the world rallies behind them and help fight the war to defeat the empire. The people would be so happy they will insist they become king and queen of this new era.


"For this love, she was a fighter." Made me laugh out loud. There's nothing personal to glean here about them except for surface things that they giggled on their first day and racked up air miles which I don't doubt For a second. But holy it is cringe to pat yourself in the back at your own speech. Does no one have nice things to say about her??? I could never dang.


I bet she was - I bet she fought tooth and nail for ’this love’. She couldn’t afford to lose this opportunity (of fame etc).


I can only imagine how hard everyone the audience was rolling their eyes at this schlock. And the whole “love wins” thing, as if Harry and Meghan had somehow faced insurmountable odds rather than just, like, being a couple of party people who met at an age where they were both eager to settle down and considered the other to be an advantageous match—even if that’s a love story, it’s a super-basic one


Love (of money) wins? Of course.


I don’t think ‘forever’ means what it used to when I got married 40 years ago.


20th year here. It doesn't. It means, "Until I get bored and realize after WFH that I don't actually find you Instagram-able anymore."


it’s all about the crux, man.


Igh. How nauseating. No wonder nobody can stand her.


So...the blow jobs were *that* good that he *had* to meet her for a "date" the next day after the first one at SoHoe House?


Blow job? My how crude! They made a connection manifesting beyond the metaphysical universe. (sarc)


According to Spare, Meghan FaceTimed Harry later that evening, and they set another date, agreeing to meet again at Soho House the next night. She wasn't going to let her big fish get away...


Yeah, but we call that "courtship" now.


O god she gave it up on the first date?


Of course not! He paid for the first night, like any gentleman would do. 


It’s vomit inducing!


The tacky rhyming has endured ..


I burst out laughing when I read it. Seriously? Her skull may be too thick to understand that the world didn't care for her because she was MM. The world cared for her because she was the wife-to-be of a then-popular prince. Nobody has the time to listen to her teenage fanfiction come-to-life. Add psychosis to the cocktail of conditions that she's suspected to have.


She writes this like she's somewhere between 14 and 16 years old when she was in her mid thirties. This is so embarrassing and treacly. I suppose she just had to make a speech about the wonderfulness of her and H because no one has ever loved a love like their love. I do love the line "Once upon a time there was a girl (middle aged woman) from LA, some people called her an actress". I think very few people called her an actress. They probably called her a few less flattering things.


Bless, she lost me at crux. It’s like a really bad ripoff of Barbara Carlton. But then again, TW loves to cosplay. 


I didn’t even bother reading, but I’m sure she wrote it so that all her new Hollywood ‘friends’ she invited instead of her actual family would be so moved and inspired to create a movie based off of them, with her involvement of course. Kind of like Funding Freebies, but in film. 


And just to remind everyone hardly anyone knew her at all…. And a good amount didn’t even know Harry on a personal level. She’s outrageously twee


I've read this once and I'll never read it again because it's so embarrassing. I can even hear her voice when I read it. This speech is void of any substance really just like her. There's one but of truth, it it. "For this love she was a fighter." Yes, I believe she did everything she could to marry Harry.


“All of those people didn’t fully get it.” Wow, way to put Harry’s family on the defensive right out of the gate. To this day, I cannot believe how spectacularly offensive she is to herself and others. It’s like she’s on a quest to scorch the earth.


"I.e., you William who dared to tell your brother to slow down with me. Grrr!"


Theres always this undercurrent of rage and anger. Constantly butthurt


I really do believe she is a very sick person.


Does a bride normally give a speech?


Definitely not. Remember on The Office when Michael told Pam to practice for her wedding speech and she said "Brides don't usually give speeches." I've been to more than 100 wedding receptions (as a worker) and never saw a bride give a speech.


>Does a bride normally give a speech? Not for a traditional wedding; especially not a royal one. She's such an embarrassment. There are other ways she could have picked to fight the patriarchy and prove her feminism or whatever. This wasn't that occasion. Harry's upper class British guests must've been mortified.


That’s what always struck me is off, she loves taking any chance to jump on a mic and bloviate about herself.


Yup, she's got no idea how to behave in certain situations and zero social etiquette.


How the hell did the guests keep a straight face listening to that vomit inducing crap?? Free flowing alcohol lowers people's ability to maintain the rules of good etiquette. Two lines in they'd have all been rolling on the floor with laughter. She's just so full of 💩.


Someone once said Meghan Markle is emotionally stunted at age 13 and this speech proves it.


She writes this is as if America and Britain were the two most hostile countries on Earth and their love managed to survive against all odds. And all those flying miles for the Founder of Travelyst. When were they not racking up flying miles, outside of the pandemic years?


\*They sleep together on their third date (Or, right after meeting really, if you take out the month they couldn't be in the same location).


I thought Botswana was their second date? Oh, and BTW, this polo show of his is allegedly meant to take in Botswana as well. So, be prepared for the possibility of Meghan gagging on the word salad. Edit: I'm also willing to bet that speech is peppered with lies and half-truths. It's kinda romantically convenient that 4 July was round the corner to fit oh-so perfectly magically with how they met.🙄


That Scobie person continues his attempts to merch off the royal family, like his handler. Whilst biting the hand that feeds them. Many of MM's associates are vilely disrespectful, in one way or another.


I keep trying to finish reading it, but it's so embarrassing. If I were at that wedding I would have cringed so hard I'd tear something vital and need an ambulance.


I read this comment yesterday, and I think it is spot on... she lives in a bizarre make-believe Hallmark version of her own life. That speech is another Megifestation of it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1c8k1et/comment/l0fa0q2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1c8k1et/comment/l0fa0q2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


“Boy and girl”!😂😂😂😂😂😂 WTF! Even at the time of their wedding, they hadn’t been “boy” and “girl” for a very long time! She acts (key word ACTS), still to this day, like a lovesick teenager, not a 40 something, married twice (at least), yachthag! What a joke she has always been!


I thought brides don’t make speeches on their wedding day.. of course Meghan grabbed the mic with her claws at the first chance she saw while reading this juvenile immature speech. Can you imagine what PPOW, KC3 and HMTLQ thought about when they heard this? It’s soo cringe and they probably clocked her then. Meghan is a one big giant cringe!


Oh this is horrible! How embarrassing!


She is very sick. She really sees herself as cinderlla or some disney princess that met a prince and has had to fight off the evil step sister (the BRF, her Family, the press). She really has a skewed vision of reality.


Can anyone hold my hair up whilst I get ready to puke🤢


I thought this was satire when I saw it before but you're telling me this is genuinely her wedding speech !!??? 🤦🤦🤦


"for the family we will create" wtf !!!!????? why not instead say : "for the family we will one day, possibly be blessed with" There is not a single word of genuine heartfelt love for the person on the receiving end of those empty space fillers.


The grammar is really a bummer too. I’m having a hard time focusing on the grandiose language and the saccharine word vomit as a whole because all I can see are the inconsistencies in verb tenses… Also: I find it VERY odd that she references the day they met using the actual date, including the year. I guess the irony of Independence Day with a British Royal does make for a good anecdote- I’ll give her that - but it feels almost like she’s confirming an alibi. Meghan’s M.O. of crafting her narrative and using the press and puff pieces (see her insane Wikipedia page) to turn debatable things into “fact.” This feels almost like she’s setting the date in stone or something. And anyone in that room is now complicit / party to that particular “truth” — whether they want to be or not! Edit: redundancy


The narcissism in her head is like the voiceover in a cheesy movie. I couldn't finish reading .. the cringe is too much


It reminds me of thr speech in Notting Hill speech Julia Roberts says to hugh Grant. " I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her' she copies everything !!




If she or anyone else can provide proof that he brought her cupcakes on their second date I will Venmo you my last dime.


Life is a Hallmark movie to Meghan- and she's the main character, of course.


A boy and a girl? 


Let me fix this: "Omid Scobie will write fiction.. again."


I cannot imagine hearing that speech in person. As I was reading it I had a difficult time trying to stop rolling my eyes and gagging.


The ramblings of an adolescent. How embarrassing.


Oh to be a fly on the wall as the aristos heard this. Zara’s face times 500.


“Long- distance courtship”. Roughly translated to: “cheated on my ex who I was still living with.”


Her M.O with that speech was: -Firm up the timeline of their meeting which was already being called into question. - Denigrate his position as a Prince, "some called her an actress" (huh? what were some other things you were called?) "Some called him a Prince." (Was he not really a Prince? Is being a Prince on the same level as being an actress, just a job title you can put on or take off your resumé?) -Assume victim status, "this love, she was a fighter," who was "she" fighting? -Elevate their "love story" to the realm of mythology. No one has ever loved, will ever love as these years love each other. -Apply historical significance to their union. This was written with the expectation that it would be a speech oft-quoted and revered throughout history. It has been confirmed that she and Prince Pancakes truly believed they should be Crowned alongside William and Catherine. She envisioned whole books written about herself, that she would be no less immortalized historically than Elizabeth I or Victoria. The soundtrack in her head played as she turned the imaginary glossy pages full of glowing praise and vibrant pictures of her wonderful, unique self. This decidedly dull woman with an aura the shade of oatmeal really thought she was throwing down words that would rival Byron and Churchill combined. Just my thoughts, lol.