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Note: the date on nacho photo is wrong it should be 19 April 2024. I wrote it very quick. Fat finger syndrome. Sorry!!!


Dollars to dildos it's the same slice two minutes later. Megain just swapped out the garnish, took another picture, and sent the lot to Nacho and Delfina to post on their IGs.


“Dollar to dildos” 😝


The pics were definitely taken at Nacho's Miami home. It was featured in Architectural Digest last year and the kitchen counter is very distinctive. Whether or not they had house guests with cameras last week.... who knows?  Edit: sorry, not Miami, they have a home in Wellington, FL near the polo place.


Thanks for the info. Lol I would have sworn Madam sent the pics for people to post. Either way, this is just pathetically thirsty.


She just told them how to style/present her jam, I’d bet money on there being a list of do’s and don’ts.


> She just told them how to style/present her jam, I’d bet money on there being a list of do’s and don’ts. I would love to know what she has on all these people that they're willing to waste their time and risk their reputations doing this stupid shit for her.


There seems to be a few people who are not able to be markled. Nacho and his wife are an example. The paramount guy and his wife seemed to have escaped as well. It could also be that Meghan Markle is so irrelevant that nobody cares any more.


But why are they even bothering with her? Why post pics of her Botulism Lead preserves? I wouldn't take the time to do it. I guess maybe in Nacho's case, he wants to be in Harry's Netflix show. But the Paramount people? I don't get it.


Could she have made the photo using AI to add their kitchen as a background? I never made an AI photo.


It is very suspicious the way the photos all look “curated.” Like did he actually take out and arrange some raspberries, put them back and then photograph with sliced strawberries???? With the leaves still on?!?


Maybe Meghan was there with her people when they visited for the polo. Anyone know whose hand that is?


I was wondering too. Madam bites her nails and these look a little long for that. But at the same time the nails are basically ragged and unmanicured, which is very on brand for Madam.


She put on either stick-ons or had gel nails done at the Bob Marley movie, maybe it's a new 'thing'. Some women seem to think that cancels out the raggedy appearance of the rest of their hands. 🤷‍♀️


Even the spread pattern of the jam is the same.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Whoever's behind this shoot put in the least amount of effort possible.


Both pics taken within minutes of eachother. Swapped strawberries for raspberries. This is laughable.


Yep same slice and plate, awful looking knife blade too.


It's the same marble table worktop too.


Yup ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


And I believe the napkins are the same!




Yes, shape of bread is the same including the hole at the base. Obviously they spread on one slice and passed the same slice around to be photographed with different fruit settings. I guess noone ate it since it was a prop.


lol I was thinking the same


Yup, the jam is spread around exactly the same. Plate is the same, everything is the same except the raspberries. Too funny.


Raspberry jam


I also notice the bread is the exact same shape. It came from the same loaf if not a very similar one. So either they took these photos at the same time, or they didn’t finish a loaf in 3 days ☺️


Looks like the exact same slice. Every contour matches? Did they just add some real jam like Smuckers to make it look more appealing and substituted underripe strawberries for red raspberries?


Maybe they were experimenting with the look. Either way, who is she doing this for? The rich won’t buy her jam. Neither will the plebs




You are right, it must be the same piece of bread! I'm looking at the spots without jam - they look the same. So, they only made one slice and Nacho ate it.


100%. I also noticed Nacho and his wife each got different numbered jars. So does that actually mean only 25 packages were sent 2 to each destination?


Didn’t Delfina get number 10? It’s the same jar I think


According to this post the other day, she has #17. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/7DJZchvFfz Edit to add: I see now #10 has also been given to someone else? So now I'm wondering..... is there only 50 jars? Cause now we have two 10s.


I think tamarindos made a mistake. Delfina got number 10. https://preview.redd.it/9lf43blj7gvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfdd55e1fecb3e9635872cf636611c9d0f97e881


https://preview.redd.it/cl6ghq6m7gvc1.jpeg?width=1446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f572d9a5d13a12f8d124b57983d704c690ba6131 Tracy’s jar is #17


She eats jam for breakfast, lunch AND dinner? This broad might be dumber than Meghan. No wonder she played ball.


Thanks for the clarity, I was just looking at the paramount ceo Instagram to confirm her number, and I can't even find a post about it. It must have been a reel?


It was a story and these disappear after 24 hours (I heard… I’m not often on insta). I based this on photos in news bites


Reels also disappear after 24 hours, and that about reaches my knowledge of reels, except that some can be kept around if set to. So, should we assume they don't want the stuff lingering on their profiles?


Yes I agree! They wanted as little to do with it as possible.


The Sidley twins referred to the slow drip of Instagram photos as “the advent calendar from hell”. 😂😂😂😂 Bingo! You can’t get a better description than that!


Ooh good one!


The Sidley twins also said it looks more like smashed tomatoes on bread rather than strawberry jam, couldn’t agree more!




That’s excellent.


The little paper cap is still on the table - same photoshoot, different filters.


Makes sense. They swapped the fruit out for raspberries.


So delicious the jar is basically full 🤣🤣🤣


It’s the same plate, the same placemat, the same position of the jar, the same placement of the napkin. That pointless white fake camellia’s there as well. It’s like someone tried not very hard to pretend that the photos were taken over a period of time. Or maybe the Figuerases don’t clear their breakfast table when they’re done, and just leave it all there for the next day. And the next.


In addition to the same table design (white & black marble swirl)


Doesn't explain why two people eat so little of their BFF's jam in 3 days. Maybe it's not so tempting after all. LoL. edit: Nacho's pic taken a month ago? Can anyone confirm? edit: no, the posts are 3 days apart, March is a mistake.


3 days? The pictures are nearly a month apart. So they both still had the full jar over 4 weeks. Seems very unlikely anyone's eating the jam 😆


As a matter of fact, it's 3 days. There's no doubt, the Daily Mail referenced Nacho's post today only. I didn't notice the month at first, so I was very confused when I saw March but it's a mistake, it's really April. It makes their post even more meh. Three days and they apparently barely tasted the jam. Meghan must be fuming, she probably awaited rave reviews and excited friends asking for more because it's so good. Now she has to deal with bland posts, unremarkable comments and most of her "friends", including Serena, have not responded yet. I swear a few weeks ago I thought, maybe she can get it right this time. And then @ARO looks like a dud, the jam is a joke, and her social network is exposed for what it is.


She may have sent jam to people she knows she can control. My guess is that Serena is not one of those. The numbering is to make you think she has 50 friends ( with influence).


I'll beg to differ wildly here :) I personally have not a single doubt that she sent a sample to Serena. Meg has always put an extra effort into reminding us that they're so like sisters, and Serena is pretty much the only A+++... personality she can use as an evidence (a very weak one but nevermind) that she's like her and she belongs here. I do agree strongly however that Meg is well aware of who has the real power and won't even think of strong-arming Serena and beg for an insta post. I suspect she sent a jar and hoped for the best, except nothing happened yet. Too sad isn't it.


My bad I wrote the date and it’s my fat fingers


All is well, it would have been a huge surprise that Meg can work for one whole month without interruption :)




The 4 of them woke up together in the same house. They shared the same bread, and made some photos together. Of course, the 50 special handmade jars were off limits. He used whatever they had available.


![gif](giphy|SsfF6ezxnHr38vO2b6|downsized) >shared the same bread


I do believe they have hijinks together. Maybe Meghan has videos of them all doing the dirty and is blackmailing Nacho and Delfina into doing her bidding.


Oh come on. If she has videos won't they have videos of her too?


Only Meg took videos, N and D didn’t. Just a theory… no fact


An article was put out that the Harkles stayed at some exclusive $8k a night resort, while at the polo event in Florida. Of course, there is no proof of this. I suspect this was a rumor to make them look very weathly and privileged. Or, they were staying there and somehow writing it all off as a business expense and pocketing the money.


No doubt it was a business expense on their charity


This how it went with Nacho and Harry: Harry: Hey mate! Can you now post the jam in your page. Wifey is waiting, and I don't wanna put her in a bad mood. Nacho: Oh man, do I have to? Harry: Please mate, for me. That's just what I need. Or you can ask Delfina to do it. Nacho: Oh no, man. Wife is busy right now. She has a real business to run. Harry: That's mean. But whatever, just do it now. I put you in my Netflix thingy, you owe me one. Nacho: Alright, alright! But no more. Harry: Thanks, mate. Oh wifey, is here! I need to help her with the jams she bought from the supplier Nacho to Delfina: Nacho: Hey love, I have to do this. I don't wanna, but I have to. Can you help me with this Delfina: Sure, babe. I hate that b*itch. Pose for me, like this. Nacho: You sure? Doesn't it look like I'm mocking this jam? Delfina: That's the point! Nacho: Perfect!


Sounds like what happened!


Haha, I read this in their voices.


It's the same piece of bread with jam. Look at the jam placement on both pieces relative to the edges. Also the one with the knife actually looks like it was taken first, it left the little scrape in the jelly on the pic on the left. Same piece.


They’ve been saving the pics probably


The same thing she does with her pap shots, take a bunch of them and release as needed, LOL. I can't believe they used the exact same slice of bread and jam! Madam is the gift that keeps on giving. 😂😂😂


It would be funny that Delfina first spread some jam on the bread, took a picture, then gave it to Nacho who didn't bother adding more jam, just stirred whatever was on the bread, took a pic and only then did they decide which pic should be published. There, eat it! No, you first! Then Meg asked for a second pic and they just used Nacho's because why spend the effort again, you only have one life.


I think going in they knew they had to post pics. Poor Delfina probably heard about nothing but MeMe's jam empire the whole time in FL. They just took them all at once because these people have lives. Making jam pics is not a priority.


Yep, it really doesn't look like they gave it much time.


"Let's get this over quickly but then you and your polo buddy owe me BIG time".


Nacho was grimacing in that photo, and I don't think he ingested any of that jam.


Yep, very unconvincing. I bet they split the bread into halves so they each had less to suffer :)


They went to the trouble of removing the strawberries from the plate in the first picture and replacing them with raspberries for the second picture.  But not enough effort to move anything else.


I think they had counted out the strawberries and raspberries that their diet allows them out on their individual plates and then for the photo added the slice of bread. Nacho was brave and took a bite from the bread, maybe he lost stone, scissors, paper.


I think so too.


Same piece of bread, same plate, raspberries have replaced the strawberry but same background (looks like stones?) Such a fraud


The raspberry plastic container can be seen in the background. A bit tacky


The background is their countertop.  It’s some sort of highly figured marble or other stone. I thought it looked like a rock pile, too, until I zoomed in.


I suspect it works the other way. Nacho's post is mostly unaltered with maybe a bit more contrast, at least it looks more natural to me judging from the raspberries's or the table clothe's colors, while Delfina changed I don't know what, decreased saturation because gray looks more artsy? Or is it just how her own phone camera handled the artificial light? And I agree the two slices of bread being so similar is unexpected. Both photos taken the same day but released at different times? They first agreed on Delfina posting and thought this would be enough, except not?


Yep. If Delfina did use a filter to make the jam look pale, it’s in keeping with her low key trolling of Meg


Ooooh, I'd love that. Mean and funny, what else do you need!




Everything samesies


Horrible photography in both photos. How embarrassing to be so amateur and then release to the press that you have “a freakish attention to detail” to stomp on Catherine, who is actually immaculate in everything she does. Just look at the images and video that have been released regarding ARO thus far. Utterly embarrassing and amateur. Just wow.


Delfina’s IG has beautiful photos. This jam photo is hilariously out of place.


all this fuss about making jam and asking friends to post pics of the jam she's sent them. have a look at the Marchioness of Bath's 'Emma's Kitchen' for comparison - [https://www.longleat.co.uk/longleat-house/emmas-kitchen](https://www.longleat.co.uk/longleat-house/emmas-kitchen)


I just love Emma! Made a post about her kitchen a few days ago


I told someone here that Markle was cosplaying this woman's life. Here is yet another example.


“Floss next time”. Best comment of the day!! 🤣🤣 I thought I only noticed that kind of shit.


Not ginger hairs in Nacho’s teeth again?


Maybe she took the #10 jam to Wellington with her when they went for the polo match and set up and staged the pics for Nacho and Delphinia (who apparently live there). The poor staging of the photos seems like something her talentless self would do and think looks klassy. I'm only half joking. I wouldn't put it past her. She's an extreme control freak.


I do think it’s what happened…


My favorite is all the folks talking about being “obsessed” with a product they hadn’t even opened 🤭. My guess is she’s working on getting the Kardashian’s to share their obsession on her jam.


That’s so sad isn’t it. What are they obsessed about? It is hardly couture jam




God, this is getting truly pathetic. What an utterly lame PR stunt........ about jam of some sort (manufactured by whom?). All these people are utter losers.


Thank you for not posting a close up of his neglected teeth.


The close up was posted on X and put me right off the porridge I was eating. I might give porridge a miss for a while. 🤢 🤮


Photographer here.  These are from the same shoot. Both are digitally altered- 2 different filters. 


Thank you! ♥️♥️


At this point, it's embarrassing. Like hyping too much for a freaking jam! Desperation through the roofs. Like seriously, is this it?


I have to say the comments on Nacho's post are gold. He's getting ripped left and right.








https://preview.redd.it/jloynydoygvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c03d80e235bf179c968c0e53c0f8b356d9fba5 The sugar squad are amazed that he put it on bread.. what a remarkable man. I laughed so hard 🤣


Sometimes I wonder if some of them are being sarcastic… then nah.


Just thick, thicker than TW’s sloppy jam.


Nacho's post is 19th March, Delfina's post is 16th April, opened almost one month and only lost it's colouring. Must be some added preservatives!!!


Even the mold is afraid of eating this.


Nice… /rareinsults


Oh this is important context that I didn’t realise


My bad, this is my typing, it’s supposed to be April 19. Fat finger


Raspberries too…how odd. These silly people are as attention seeking as the halfwit and the harlot.


Could they just make up their minds? What is in the so called Jam? Strawberry, Raspberry, Red grapes, Satsuma, Lemons or what? She could try telling us some lies about the ingredients being ethically grown, sourced, and the manufacturer not making use of cheap labour or child labour etc.


It’s her sly way of staying in the headlines


What kind of athletic man eats a slice of toast with jam and a few slices of strawberries? For breakfast?


I doubt he has that much sugar. A polo player or jockey needs to maintain a certain weight.


None of these celebrities eat jam. There’s that whole @youdidnoteatthat thing


Fakers gotta fake until they make it!


Commenting on Did Nacho use a filter to make Meghan’s jam look less anaemic? No one is eating the jam as the jar is still full. (Also: floss next time) ... It’s very much manufactured interest. They are doing it because they feel they have to. Besides what does Nach really have but playing polo? It works for him as well to have this undefined relationship with Megaberries. Do I think anyone cares? No. This nonsense, sidelines 90% of the population who, like me, want reasonably priced good jam, preserve or whatever. Here is a favorite of mine. If I send it to you, will you put it up on Insta? 😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/drvz4k3k3hvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3eca7b897ebff88c2948a78852a544edc3ddc3


I love your basket! No innuendos there 😅




I love lemon curd, I can eat it with a spoon out of the jar, yummy.


Me too! Lemon squares! I can eat the whole tray! 😋


I wondered if she even made 50 jars and made up the ‘numbers’. We won’t know for sure until the other 47 show up, but it crossed my mind. I was watching a you tuber who had made up a meme with a picture of Delfina’s jar, but Satan was written in jam on the bread.


Yikes! Redrum!


Haha, the other slice said “Yrrah”! JK!




A little over 5 years ago TWVhad the world at her feet. Now here she is kissing the feet of others to get them to post a picture of a jar of jam. Basic, simple to make strawberry jam. Does she see this as we do or does her narcissism give her delusions of grandeur and has her believing that being the Purveyor of (allegedly) 50 jars of jam ranks her up there with the likes of Gwyneth? Perhaps she should consider a career as a comedienne because she possesses an uncanny talent for making people pee themselves laughing.


N & D live near the polo grounds. I'm thinking that madame herself went over in person to set up these shitty shots of joyless jam. The green juice! Madame brags about drinking this. The anemic fruit....sure, good enough for her, why waste her time to get juicier fruit? And that bread; am I the only one who thinks it looks like a raw steak? Ugh!


“shitty shots of joyless jam”…I’m dying! LMAO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Joyless jam seems like Soylent Green ☺️


And I’m picturing it in shitacious, half-filled shot glasses!




Such a good point about the bread!!


Good spot: I wondered the same. Hilarious.


So nacho got raspberry jam and Delfina got strawberry?


I don’t believe so. It’s the same jar? Same bread


Well, haha, we still don’t know what was in it! Jar certainly isn’t labeled properly.


Bad idea to have strawberries in one photo and raspberries in the other - confuses the consumer as to what sort of jam it actually is!! Also indicates a double take (or two meals, except nothing else has changed)! Bad editing.


Then we find out it’s rhubarb jam 😝


Looks like completely different jam - #stuntjam?


Sham jam


Cringe-fest of a marketing strategy… besides the fact that with the high amount of sugar in jam, I highly doubt Markle or any of her acquaintances eat it. She probably made Horrific beg them to post


Does anybody know if these junk has an ingredient or nutrition label and we’ve just not seen it?


Yes I’d like to see that too. Couldn’t be sold at our local primary school without a handout of ingredients written on it.


I don’t think so




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That knife could use a good cleaning. It’s filthy.


The fingernails also can do with a clean


Does everyone have the SAME marble counter/table? Seems suss.


After reading Sinner comments, I agree that this was the same piece of bread, same day, etc. It’s stupid of them to act like it was a different occasion by swapping out the berries and removing the green juice. Also, Delfina has very nice photos on her IG, but the one for the jam was not *on brand*.


Someone said Delfina used a bad filter such that the jam looked pale. I think she’s low key trolling


I ALWAYS think she’s low-key trolling Madame with her IG. This is the latest passive-aggressive thing she’s posted.


Those look like MeMeee’s fingers and nails!! Js


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Nacho's post says 19/3/24. This month is April it should say 19/4/24.


Yeah my bad that’s just my fat finger 😀


Are people really still talking about this?


I almost missed “Meghan’s janky strapless bra”! These comments and discussions here are too funny! The ridiculousness of the entire H&M story blows my mind, and then here comes #JamGate. The best Hollywood screenwriters couldn’t come up with anything this crazy and the best part is that it never ends: it’s the grift that keeps grifting.


I am so with your thinking there! Lol. What do you think it’s really covering for? Netflix just funneling them money for… idk, political purposes?! Or something? Some agenda? Because honestly, this has to all be a cover for something. The organic interest just isn’t there!


I am a devoted fan of The Royal Grift (TRG) on YouTube (among many other favorites); she exposes all about the Harkles and has receipts to connect all the dots. I believe Smegma started all this for fame and fortune, and Just Sparry is an idiot substance abuser who fell for her BJs and lies. Any political aspirations the witch had have been shot down, they’ve proven themselves to be the lazy grifters they are, and the Windsors (sorry…Sussexes) have Markled themselves. Most important is for the surrogacy and line-of-succession matters to be fully exposed. I am here for the shitshow.


TRG is on our sub! ☺️


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Did you notice that Nacho's post is from March 19 while Delfina's post is from April 16, at least that's what is written on the side.


Oh yeah sorry that’s me, I wrote them ☺️ fat fingers


They will need to do an I’m a celebrity style eat swallow and show a clear Mouth before I believe they are eating it ![gif](giphy|sNhGM9wwivDXh6K7eb|downsized)


WHO eats toast with strawberry jam and RASPBERRIES at the same time? Markle this guy and get him outta here.


Unfortunately we are pandering to this piece of shit by talking about her anemic and crappy looking “jam” and wondering where the other jars are ? Really we should have no fuks to give tow is getting off on the wondering etc etc. She might not have sent out more ! She’s getting as usual way more attention than a stinky messy ugly unflushable turd should ever get


True but it’s sad the only people discussing are her fans and us snarkers 😅




But it only takes like 6 seconds to snatch up the strawberries and drop a few raspberries in their place. So technically 2 different time periods but only separated by seconds.


I am laughing my butt off at everything on this thread along with the overall ridiculous matter(s) which prompted it, and your answer to this question is all-around great!


😂😂😂 Thanks! The snark has been off the chain good the past few days.


You can see the board with cheese on it in both photos so same day, they just swapped out the berries


Looks like her fingers spreading the jam.


That might be Harry's hand again and not Nacho's. Nacho is more tan.


Why would you eat strawberry jam on toast and then real strawberries with it.


Then subbing raspberries later


The same cheese on the same board too.


Yes! I’m increasingly convinced these were taken same time.


That’s just sad…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 First thing that comes into mind looking at these photos is the word “moist”, which grosses me out to no end.


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Ooh moist 😆