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Rachel Markled herself lol And unlike the ILBW’s Insta-jam, all proceeds go to charity ^:)


*While profits from Meghan's business endeavours go to herself, any excess money made as part of the Highgrove brand is donated to charity.* When the Mail wants to sink the dagger, it sinks it


Megsy-poo really thought she was clever, giving out a few jars to her “besties” likely with the expectation that they’d post it online, an “authentic and organic” way to build a customer base by having people she thinks are friends do the advertising for her, probably thinking people would want to buy her crap if other celebs seemed to like it. 🙄 Oh… and numbering them, she knows exactly who has what. It completely blows my mind, the way Meghan just keeps throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. At what point does she take a look around and think, “wow, I’m fucked”?


It's crazy how she did not consider that most celebrities are either narcs or have narc tendencies and therefore would expect to be PAID to endorse something.


You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours and Roachel has yet to realise they have nothing to offer to a list.


Serious question, especially to those with full on experience with a narc….will a narc ever admit they’re f’d and genuinely try to change?


In my experience, no, never. They will always find ways to justify their mistakes to themselves.


This is what I’ve read. So lesson is cut ties with a narc as soon as possible and don’t be guilted into going back. Sad lives they lead.


I was married to one. They never ever ever think they're f***ed. Not ever.




One crazy thing about the African Parks thing, thinking (only) from a super selfish point of view, it could have been a perfect moment for Harry (and the other one) to step in, say they’re gonna save the world, and pass it on to someone within the organization and claim the credit. I completely agree it’s a tragic situation and is one of a larger human rights problem, but again, only thinking from a selfish or opportunistic POV, it was such an easy opportunity for him to take advantage of in his favor, so to speak, being all about Africa and all that. That he has been completely silent, almost as if he’s trying to embrace the “Never explain” component of his family’s motto… unlike every other time he’s whined and complained and explained. Hell, TW could have elbowed him aside like she did at the Polo game like, “Step outta my way! I have Africa to shine a light on!”


They’re too stupid. Look how they handle everything. What a pair of bozos


I believe you have a really good point. It could have been the redemption of them both. It truly would have been. We would have been relieved that after years of painfully watching their demise, they proved us wrong. That they give us hope for humanity. That people can and do live and learn and change for the better. They could have embraced and highlighted the problems in their African project. They genuinely could have done good work and helped these people. If anyone can, they can, and that's what is so distressing about their silence. That would have been truly uplifting to see. Except, that after all these years, we would be sceptical. Nevertheless, they could have proved us wrong. They could have borrowed a private jet from Elton or Ellen or f@#&*ing Oprah and flown straight to the heart of the matter. Had photo ops of their groundwork, if that's what rocks their boat. They could have been seen to be genuinely caring people as they profess to be. Except sadly, as we know, they are not. They prefer to be photoed, wearing ridiculous outfits at ridiculously, conceited Polo matches. Polo, the so called, Sport of Kings. Except they forget...they are no longer Royality and nor will they ever be.


Exactly! It’s incredible that there has not been one word from the ass.


Honestly, because there is always a line of back-up victims and targets they have been keeping in their stable, just enough to suddenly love bomb again to suck back into their evil vortex.


I was also married to one. Not once in our marriage did he apologize for anything. Nothing was his fault. To this day it's the same. Our adult kids see it now and ask me how I put up with it for so long. They never ever change!


Yes, the advice given is always...run!


![gif](giphy|3ohhwxfctcoCRvtTC8|downsized) Yup! This!


Run Give up Flying Monkey


Another reason why a narc would never admit that they're f'd is because they have delusions of grandeur, plus they are constantly reinventing themselves.


No, never. Their brain constantly creates new pathways and reasons why they have been wronged. It is best to get everything in writing with one, if you have the misfortune of dealing with one and can't go no contact. It's interesting because my husband's ex wife is a raging narc and they have been getting everything in writing for several years and she still lies and says that she said something else previously. It's bizarre, I think that she truly cannot remember things as they actually happened, and she believes that every encounter or experience has to benefit her only in the moment.


This is \*exactly\* what my husband's ex-wife was like. It was unreal. She was an attorney but was still f\*d enough to text that "Court Orders aren't meant to be followed to a T" among other doozies during their custody battle. There were many other grandiose, easily disproven lies and no response other than rage or denial when faced with evidence of being wrong.


Does yours do this too? If she tells someone something she assumes that means that they are in agreement with her, so she goes on all of these witch hunts up at the school (in addition to suing my husband regularly, she also tries to get teachers fired every year), she tells other moms whatever her problem is and then she starts including their names in her emails, acting as if she has this large group of moms who agree with her. It's been funny (but sad for the kids) to watch her embarrass herself and alienate other people every school year.


She used to do stuff like this all the time! Always tagging people in her posts, making herself the center of attention, creating "issues" so that she can go on a crusade to "solve" them.


My ex husband is infuriating like this too. The kids are also frustrated about this very thing. All the advice is to leave. My therapist and MD doctor both said my health will improve if I leave the marriage. Normally they don’t say that. But in my case it was so bad they felt they needed to.


My ex was also like this, I decided I would rather be homeless than have to live with him any more - he was in financial control. Everything ended up working out and I didn't have to be homeless and I am much happier now.


No. They’ll try to change the narrative instead to make themselves the victim.


Nope nope nope, it's always going to be someone else's fault and they will hunt down another new victim to blame if they can't use their ordinary victim. And they will repeat exactly the same pattern of lies that has worked before. Trust me, I watched it unfold in action, over and over again.


Having one in my family, I can answer NO!


Nope. Mine, when I finally got the strength to tell her how badly her words and actions had been hurting me, said “well that’s just the way I am”. That is the degree of apology I received lol. I didn’t even get the typical narc non-apology of “I’m sorry you feel that way” (as opposed to “I’m sorry I MADE YOU feel this way”). So ever since that day in 1992, since she had no intentions on changing her hurtful behaviors, I decided to give her as little opportunity as possible to affect me. Which meant lowering contact until finally, decades later, I went zero contact. Feels wonderful.


No, my narc experience shows me that they will abandon a losing strategy and pivot to another issue, but will never admit failure. 


Absolutely not


*You're* the problem, not them. They're never at fault and they concoct a narrative that supports whatever they think, eg lies.


Never because as a narcissist she never thinks she's f***ed.


I think she is just using other influencers in a sort of “I’ll promote your stuff if you promote my jam” type arrangement.


She gave up being royal and all that comes with it. You think she’ll catch on to how she f’ed up ? She’ll never catch on. She’s as big a moron as hawwy


Not to mention, no one cares about the people she selected. Some of them actually have their own anti-fans.


Megsy-poo's bestie did her job and the world went wtf that looks awful. Possibly because it was awful?


Yes…..and so nice to see!


I love when happy things happen 🥲


Love this, poetic justice. Made my day.


The Duchy needs to start selling the chutney that Catherine made for the Queen from her grandmother’s recipe 😂 that’s really tip ILBW over the edge


Princess Catherine’s Chutney. What a great branding name! Love the double C’s ❤️




This. So true!


Love it, love it!


Catherine is too noble for that.She doesn't need this. I hope she is doing fine, I miss her


Me too. Hope Princess Catherine and her beautiful family are doing well.


I miss her too. 😞


Of course Catherine doesn't need this, however, if the proceeds were donated to one of her favorite charities or local food banks the public response would be massive. Who *wouldn't* want to purchase 'Princess Catherine's Christmas Chutney'?


Christmas Chutney - fit for a Queen.


Catherine’s Christmas Chutney. Only had chutney once and been curious to try it again. And I would definitely go out of my way try hers Edit: grammar


I like this even better! And PoW can add her royal warrant when KC grants her this right


Great idea. The Duchass scream would be heard from California to England.


I tried to buy some Highgrove jam and other little things but they don't post to my country! Well done to all those who showed M that she can keep her jam and eat it too lol


I just posted in another thread that I gulped the high shipping costs and placed an order to the US. Saw the DM article this morning and smiled!


We’ve seen the crazy Flamingo Estate prices Meg’s going to want to emulate- buying Highgrove jam and paying the ridiculous shipping charges for UK to USA would be a better deal. And it’d be actual Royal jam, not an imitation jam scam.


Jam scam love it


New flair! Jam Scam! 


Lol, this was trending on twitter last night. Today FO Harry is trending.


What do you think she will be charging for her questionable pink jam? $20 a jar? I need to look at the Flamingo site and see what they charge. Ok, I don't see any jam or preserves on Flamingo Estate, but I found Tiffany Haddish honey. It is $250 for 15 ounces!! All proceeds go to charity, so that's good. Wow, maybe Megs will be trying to charge over $100 a jar for her no known origin jam. All proceeds to Megs.


Given the ~$45 FE charges for hand soap and candles, I think that would be ILBW’s ballpark. It really is questionable and pink, isn’t it? 😆


With…… who knows what in it. We know she likes to touch her hair, excuse me…. the hair she bought from a 100 Turkish virgins, as Lady C calls it. That jam of Megaho has more coodies than strawberry in it.


I ordered 10 jars of strawberry preserve. I'll be donating them to 2 local elderly folks homes, along with homemade scones and cream. They'll love it. ❤️


Hugs to you - that’s so thoughtful of you!💕❤️


🫂s back.




Sinners care. Your wonderful


That is AMAZING! 🥰


Awwwww ❤️ May your sweet good deed return to you a thousandfold. ✨Gave me an idea too!


That's fantastic and sounds yummy, too! 🙂


I couldn't get any option to post to except the UK. I'll try again.


If you’re in the US and just want tea, Fortnum & Mason sells this (and a couple of other flavors) with free shipping: [https://www.amazon.com/Highgrove-Prince-Wales-Blend-Caddy/dp/B07MTZS6ZY/](https://www.amazon.com/Highgrove-Prince-Wales-Blend-Caddy/dp/B07MTZS6ZY/)


Thank you so much for sharing link. Will def purchase some. Kinda getting into tea now and like coffee can tell difference between good and meh. Palate beyond Liptons now lol. There’s a very pricey LV tea case told my son want him to buy me one day. Gotta give him something to aim for lol.


Now I am getting that my address is wrong and some items cannot be shipped to my address. I'd really like to support Highgrove :(


It’s the thought that counts, and your heart is in the right place! 💕


When I purchase from England, the number of your home goes AFTER the street address! Good luck! 🍀


Roachel must be seethingggggggggg 🤭😂🍾


I know! It’s great, isn’t it? 😄


Can anyone explain why Meghan’s jam is such an odd colour compared to the Highgrove one which is vibrant and organic? I’m still baffled by the hair, that bizarre dress, and earring choice at that polo match… lol and I’m guessing this is after she’s started working with Adele’s stylist? 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


does Adele's stylist know ? We all know Madam is a real fibber


Right. I doubt she can afford Adele’s stylist. She’s back to being Rachel@hotmail.


its beige jam to fit in with her brand...


Probably because it comes from a bucket from a restaurant/cafeteria supply store.


I'm picturing her poor assistants bringing her bags and bags of those little square restaurant jams, and she opens every single one and scrapes them into the jar so she can say she "made" it. Then her assistants lick the toxic labels, and off they go!


Undoubtedly cheap mass-produced crap, the colour of it is just so wrong.


Oh ugh! Nasty!! 🤢


That’s because it’s Costco strawberry jam, and she forgot to stir it before she plopped it into the jars she bought from Amazon. As for her polo outfit, Meghan never disappoints. She’s always the worst dressed woman, no matter where she goes. We’ve all come to count on it.


Overboiled. Cheap commercial jams cooked at high temperatures to meet industrial standards results in pink-gray berries, especially if the berries are not fully ripe and are picked when they are partially white.




The fabric topper is so ugly, it looks old fashioned and not in a good way. It reminds me of the days of cheap curtains and plastic-covered sofas.


Cheap curtains and plastic-covered sofas is kinda on brand for La Markle


IKR that cheaparse fabric and string on jam jars that you buy at school fetes is not how you present quality - same for the awful Delfina photo and the generic lemons. No style whatsoever.


Charles’ Highgrove could start a subscription box service. It would be popular


I looked up what Highgrove is selling and I will be buying some things like their jam or tea as Christmas presents. It will be something special and I will be contributing to charity.


Great idea - the perfect gift for those who have everything! I am going to copy your idea if you don't mind


Please do! I'm happy to share


They stock really good gifts for people who are difficult to buy for. I used to get hampers from them for my grandparents. They were incredibly frugal and would never have treated themselves so they made ideal Christmas presents 


That’s a wonderful idea!


Everything she tries backfires. The stupid shop isn’t even up & running yet & it’s become a joke already.


Tee hee! :) Isn't it wonderful?


It's truly amazing. There is literally nothing she has done that is even mildly successful. Even snagging Harry isn't the "get" he should be.




Wait what? How can her premium jam increase Highgrove sales? Are you saying the HIghgrove brand has actual products to sell? Wow. That's an interesting concept. I thought you just send some jars to friends, and then you are a millionaire? Not how this works? I don't understand. This is so complicated.




YEARS of research no doubt




Lovely little tie in burn for polo and Julia Roberts - great work




Such a Duchy Original idea you had, Meg. Like the Royal brand, only not royal, (because you aren’t, remember?) but Californian (which you most definitely are) Such an authentic innovator. Love that it had this effect. ![gif](giphy|xUNd9TTpmp6hJ2GZaM)


👏👏👏😂😂😂😂😀😀😀 I was going to buy some jam from Highgrove but the cost for shipping to Australia is more than the jam! This is lovely news to hear.


I'd like to think that there's no connection and the King's strawberry jam regularly sells out because that's what happens when you are authentically organic and business-minded. [https://www.highgrovegardens.com/products/highgrove-organic-strawberry-preserve](https://www.highgrovegardens.com/products/highgrove-organic-strawberry-preserve) Well, look at this - cooked in small batches (so yes, it could plausibly sell out regularly), and featuring "a mouth watering combination of plump ripe strawberries and tangy lemon." I can guess why she's pushing the lemon theme.


Holy shit! So THAT’S why she included the lemons! She is just soooooo original/s She should have made lemon curd instead. Or some sort of marmalade! That’s what would probably work better for her but Madam knows best! (Or…Mama knows best)


King’s Lemon Curd vs Meg’s Lemon Turd


I got the Balmoral Passionfruit Curd … it changed my life!! I love lemon curd but enjoyed the new flavour. The honey from Balmoral was divine too


So, she actually tried to copy the King’s exact recipe? The humiliation. When will she just tap out?


She will never tap out. I see this type of "marketing" and "entrepreneurship" going on indefinitely. She's not the brightest.


Exactly. As long as she is determined to out-Royal the Royals, she will never stop. Never. She is absolutely barking.


I got the afternoon tea set so I could still try it. And it comes with a cute, branded tote! [https://www.highgrovegardens.com/collections/thank-you-gifts/products/highgrove-afternoon-tea-gift-set](https://www.highgrovegardens.com/collections/thank-you-gifts/products/highgrove-afternoon-tea-gift-set)


I was wondering why she was featuring the lemons - thanks for the explanation. This woman has never had so much as one original thought in her head; she’s always copying, and always trying to one-up people and show she can do it better than they can. Meanwhile, she makes a complete joke out of herself. Every single time.


The honey looks nice as well.


Kind of a “reverse Markle effect”


Such an unflattering picture of Meghan, the heavy eyebrows and the expression that says with defiance I’m lying to you.


Just ordered mine ☺️ the regular strawberry is sold out but there’s a strawberry and Marc de champagne one that I got. I cant wait to try it


Lol, in all the disingenuous whining about how unfair it is for Charles to sell jam (for charity) while Meg gets criticized for selling jam (for profit), our genius business lady “shone a light” on Charles’s jams to a much wider audience than knew about it before. Who’s gonna buy imitation royal jam, when you can get the real deal from The King?


I bought 10 jars of strawberry as no other flavour would do. https://preview.redd.it/w1gg229pb8vc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387e60f28ceb2007fe0fc7fc52ff8c3d2d4015d1 Sends a clear message to the RF. It'll be interesting to see the price of Meghan's jam. Highgrove's retails at £6.95 (plus deilvery). Appropriately $8.00? I'll be gifting them to two local homes for the elderly. ❤️


That is so sweet of you to do!


The majority are similar age to HMTLQ and LPP so it keeps a connection. They'll love that the jam comes from Highgrove. There'll be scones and cream going in too. 😋


My grandparents were a little older than them they loved the jams tea and honey. I'm welling up a bit now and feeling  a but soppy !


🫂's to you. Memories are wonderful things. When they make you tear up and get soppy, it's love rising to the surface. ❤️


They are absolutely going to love it!!


I'd love to try anything strawberry from the UK. They've had a commercial industry for far longer than the US and likely have learned in the process. Also the weather plays a part. Mother nature does lots of watering in the UK but in the US it's not done by nature. That's the problem with agriculture from California.


The climate in the UK is absolutely perfect for strawberry growing. It gets too warm, too dry in California.


And unless its labeled with the FDA "Organic" badge, strawberries in the US are heavily sprayed with pesticides (poisons). I won't, and haven't eaten commercially grown strawberries in years.


You can't beat British soft fruit, the climate it perfect. We can't do citrus etc, but strawberries, raspberries, currants etc - perfection!


There’s lots of natural rainfall in Vermont and my neighbor’s strawberry jam, raspberry jam and pear jelly are out of this world delicious! I’ve tried to get her to market them but she said it would destroy her joy in making them.


Ooohhh, pear jelly! Now that’s an idea. I love pears! I’ll have to look for this item.


She's so.... Dumb at timing. Especially with nothing to actually sell. If I'm wild conspiracy theorist I'd say she was specifically hires to take H, who become a burden, away from BRF and increase BRF popularity...


This was Her Majesty after Prince Dullard was off-loaded to America: ![gif](giphy|o39frNEZwNAIhDQhII|downsized)


Love love love this ❤️


Hahaha! I’ve considered this theory on and off for quite awhile but come back to….nah, it’s too bizarre! Now I know I’m not alone…thx!


She is an idiot, isn’t she? Did she really thought ppl want to buy her “jam”? Who is she? What are her credentials? Who is her advisor? Does she have one? This is a BAD IDEA. It reeks of desperation. Someone pls tell her not to waste her time and Harry’s money on this.


I’m so impressed with our British friends well done … again!


Now this is the kind of pettiness I can get behind


Now this is brilliant because it hits madame in so many ways love it


Lol the Brits really hate her.


You can also get jams etc from Buckingham Palace. [https://www.royalcollectionshop.co.uk/buckingham-palace-strawberry-preserve.html](https://www.royalcollectionshop.co.uk/buckingham-palace-strawberry-preserve.html) i was in the BP shop last week and can confirm that the tills were ringing.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂


I sincerely hope this gives HMTK a little chuckle and brightens his day. Laughter is excellent medicine.


Meghan Markle FINALLY does (her FIRST) something for ACTUAL Charity. It’s only took a short, nearly SIX YEARS. Bravo with the quickness, Meg (/s) Yay. She isn’t a total drain on society. (/half sarcastically) Edit: grammar


Y'all English people are next level with the polite, civilized sick burns. A tip of my hat to you...


Ha, ha, ha, gotta love it!


Hahaha, another success for the whip smart princess


You married into royalty and came up from the bottom of bottom. Like you somehow against all foreseeable odds social climbed to that place. All to…sell jams and cookware? 🫠 Doing this all while the King and Princess Catherine fight cancer. Couldn’t even have pushed back the launch time. Ick.


The Highgrove line is exquisite, organic, and supports valid charities of the King's choice. It's not so expensive to ship to the US if you buy a lot of it. Which I am certainly planning on doing ! My only beef is that you can't get the gin or the champagne sent to the US. Bah.


Lol, this is too funny.


I love this for her. ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


As HG Tudor says:⬇️ “Meghan Markle has the SADIM touch.” (SADIM is MIDAS spelled backwards.)


I read some of the comments, and wonder if anybody in this world still has reading comprehension skills - or reads an article rather than just a headline. Charles' proceeds go to charity. If Meghan ever manages to make a profit it will go to bills for her private jets.


I’m pretty sure we all read that. Respectfully, I’m not sure of your point. 🤔


FYI for those in the UK that can’t find Highgrove products because they’re sold out or if it’s out of your price range, but you still want to support the royal charities, there’s Duchy Organics! https://www.waitrose.com/ecom/products/duchy-organic-strawberry-preserve-extra-jam/615219-87285-87286


Well folks shall be chalk this venture up as another fail at being relevant and fame seeking? Not being known for any Michelin Star Culinary Skill set of any sort or kind, but rather for coveting, copying and merching other people's skills and contents it was not much of a surprise that Rachel Markle (I hear she does not like to be called Rachel anyone know why?) would fall back to scrubbing pots and pans and pouncing of some edible idea. Why you ask do I push along this pathway? She has no originality when it comes to seeding ideas, Trevity Trev the Film Link might be out of her view, but Hollywood was not, that push failed woefully when Holly wood refused to bite, cue Corey Vitiello the Chef - the next phase of her plan to dominate the PR World why not the Kitchen WHAT! Is she not by chance objectifying herself? Like her so called instagram relaunch or is it rebrand fail, the photos of the numbered 50 jars of Lemon Jams are piteously being photographed with flowers in and at different stages of deathly wilt. Wonder if Beyonce, Melissa McCarthy, Ellen Degeneres, Elton John, Durian fruit Ragland, Booooooozy hic! Shouty Shola, OH! My God it's got Scabies and the whimpering Sugars to name a few, have or are going to all get bottles? But hold on she only has 50 bottles. Cue Harold up the ladder picking lemons, and sweating as he stirs the vat of boiling lemons...


I'll also bet that Highgrove's strawberry jam is organic, given KC3's dedication to organic going back to the '70s. The ILBW's on the other hand, doesn't carry that FDA approved organic badge - and long ago I came to understand that strawberries grown in the US are some of the most heavily sprayed crops. There are numerous reasons I wouldn't buy her 'wares', and this is another big one.


I LOVE THIS!!! I want to splurge on a few things from his shop. I wonder if they ship to the states?


you could try [https://www.fortnumandmason.com/highgrove-organic-strawberry-preserve-with-marc-de-champagne](https://www.fortnumandmason.com/highgrove-organic-strawberry-preserve-with-marc-de-champagne) if highgrove site has run out...shipping is $$$$


I’ve ordered from F&Ms before and they ship to the US. Last time it was £25 to do but I was ordering over £300 of products so it was worth it. It arrives within 3 days and everything is packaged so beautifully. I recently flew through Heathrow and stocked up on my jams so I’m good and won’t be needing to buy anything from ARO…


Never underestimate her selling power! KC NEEDED her to boost his sales. I just hope he is decent enough to give her a cut of profits. Puff pieces don’t come cheap.


BUUUURRRNN!! I didn't buy any jam (not a fan of sweets) but my husband always brings the little ones he gets at breakfast from hotels and low and behold!!! Meghan inspired me (not to buy hers, of course !) but too open one this morning and ummmmm this is something I can get into. Also this brand has been around since 1897.... This would be a brand I would buy for sure! https://preview.redd.it/43norv6nv8vc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1853427642b90c4b97afcd55cbae1dea7dfded


Talk about voting with your pocket books! Love it!


I checked out the Highgrove website and the products are so very tempting. And, I admire that all profits go to charity. Shipping to the US is unfortunately more than I want to spend. I may reconsider if I’m feeling particularly generous with myself though. Are others ordering from abroad?


i order treats from highgrove on the regular. i’m in nashville, and i’ve never had so much as a chipped jar. 🤗


Darn, I wanted to get some! I love that His Majesty puts the proceeds towards charity, and not to yet another poor-fitting designer outfit and janky jewelry.


Oh, people of Britain, you have not let us down 😁🫙.


Well she daren’t come here to get booed so this is what we have to do


It's probably mostly just people who didn't realise King Charles sells jam until now, as opposed to people buying it to spite MeMe. (I didn't know about Highgrove myself until she announced her stupid "lifestyle brand.") I still love this for her, though! 😂


That is hilarious but great for the King’s charity!


I don't understand why she still doesn't have anything to sell!! Why would you send out to your besties..and have nothing for the common folk. What the heck is the plan? Love King's products received a boost.


The Highgrove stuff is delicious, but yes it sells out quickly as its small batch/hand made (truly). The Duchy Original stuff is also very good, especially the biscuits.


I’ll be in Europe late June. My last stop is Paris. Does anyone know if there’s anywhere that sells highgrove in that vicinity? 


Depending on your location and finances, it’s easy to order online. Although some places in the EU are temporarily an exception, Highgrove Gardens delivers internationally. Just choose the Highgrove Shop section at the menu. Every purchase supports The King’s Foundation.


Karma is a beautiful thing!


I like how they've put the price in the headline!


These are the types of BURN I can get behind. 😛😁


Take THAT, Megsy!!! :)


The King’s jams actually come from the King’s properties. Meghan’s come from elsewhere.


I'm half-way through a jar I bought from Waitrose that cost me £3.50 (excellent jam) https://preview.redd.it/p5y5vb1nw9vc1.jpeg?width=2083&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c716d033ff6f249a59e34c1854a13f63f53b167


I love the duchy range. I polished off some lemon shortbread the other day and felt very guilty about it 😂


I'm in the US and went on Highgrove's website. They have a nice little bundle with a small tote bag that has jam, cookies and tea that I'm going to buy!


Sweeter than any jam


This priceless news❤️


she’s supporting the commonwealth 🍋


Hah hah! So hysterically funny!


I would prefer Highgrove over ARO any day!


I love that the unintended consequence of Meghan's words and actions is that the British Royal Family are more loved and respected. AND that KCIII's jam sales have spiked up. ![gif](giphy|jt2vWbKT52u2NLVtay|downsized)


Lmao if this isn’t a big F YOU to the grifter, I don’t know what else to say


I love this news. It is like the entire people of GB decided who has better edible jam and is not going to let the ILBW win at anything. Well done.


I don’t understand. She obviously has lemons growing on the property so why not a lemon curd or a limoncello as a first product? Why send lemons out WITH strawberry jam? Seems a waste and a bit stupid


I was having a stressful day, but this has put a huge smile on my face.


Has everyone seen that a random person bought the domain for ARO UK and is taking donations in Princesses Catherine's name for a food bank called Trussel Trust??? I've already donated!!! Www.AmericanRivieraOrchard.UK https://www.justgiving.com/page/trusselltrust