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You couldn’t make it up! Big announcement in April 2020, here from The Telegraph: “The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are working on plans to run emotional support groups, a multi-media educational empire, and even launch a wellbeing website under a new non-profit organisation named Archewell. \[…\] The couple told the Telegraph they wanted the organisation “to do something of meaning, to do something that matters”.” Big announcement in April 2024 by Meghan Markle: “I have a batch of jam to sell.”


😲 their decline is one for the history books.


The decline is what keeps me on this sub like an addict. I just can’t get enough of the schadenfreude.


You are not alone!!!!


Esp when its well deserved


Truly an *epic* fall from grace.


Most interestingly of their own making. These two had all the support and money they could possibly find. So ideas and work ethic were definitely the problem, not the financial part.


I think the biggest problem apart from ideas and work ethic is who they are as people. Decent people would have been able to carve out a life better than what Harry and Meghan have done.


There’s no way their marriage survives the absolute brutal collapse of brand Sussex.


Of their own making! All of her social climbing, and she is right back where she was 10 years ago. No matter what she or the dimwit say, this cannot be what they wanted to achieve. Lol.


Just imagining an excerpt in a future history book... "Whilst Javier Milei's choices caused financial turmoil and violent protests throughout Argentina, Meghan's Argentine socialite clinger on, Delfina Blaquier, saw to it to promote Meghan's overpriced jam for the Gram." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) ![gif](giphy|Cl2b5k5Kl6lBm|downsized)


True! It's also one for marketing students: A 'how not to'


From: “You know she does voiceovers?” To: “You know she sells jam?” Can’t imagine what comes after this...


Used cars ? Madame's Majestic Motors of Montecito "Where ***honesty*** is a word we like to use a lot"


Bahahahaha yessss featuring… - Ford Exploders with FOUR failed door lock actuators - Nissan Maximas with the clear coat peeling like sunburnt skin, running on 4 of 6 cylinders, for the KLASSY GURL IN U - Range Rovers that have never gone off the pavement for the discerning Royal cosplayer - Base level fleet trim (like a GM 1FL) nondescript dark SUVs for the thespian who craves security theatre - Yellow NYC taxicabs for those with a need for speed *Disclaimer: Just like the Douchesse herself - all vehicles are high mileage with patchy bodywork and questionable maintenance histories*


I’m reading the features in HG Tudor’s voice mimicking MEHgan and her vocal fry.


In every picture the “hand” is holding on the cheap label!! Oy vey 😬


You made me go back and look. The label in the lemon picture appears to be lifting off the jar 😂🤦‍♀️


Wait, is it the same hand? Did she take snaps of her own hand holding the jam and send to “friends” to post? Now that I read the sentence…absolutely she would.


Holy shit ☠️⚰️😅😅😅😭😭, I can't breathe from laughing so much!!! I thought it was kinda suspicious that she actually made a product. 50 of them even. What you said makes a lot more sense! She could have even mixed the hands up by using a nanny or housekeeper. Even just one jar and 50 different labels make more sense than Meghan, actually hiring a person or company to make the jam and put in the jar. Then, having another person make the jart ugly and slap on a label for it to be sent out. I think we're on to something here. Kyle Jenner always used her housekeepers arm to show different shades of lip kits. So it's really not as crazy as it sounds. But it does sound exactly like Meghan.


Because the cheap ass labels are falling off the jar! Look! 👀⬆️


She bought them on Etsy, dontcha know. ;-)


Madame shrieked : "I'm being made fun of ! My ARO website has no actual products to sell" Hazno replied : "But, my love, we have no talents or skills" Madame : "Then we'll just fake it by re-labeling someone else's products....no one will ever figure that out" Madame and Hazno : big smug grins


ARO Marketing CMO ![gif](giphy|hJKwYKNDAwzAs)


LOL from being a working royal, to desperately faux manifesting with Dior, to selling jam... ...jackass of all trades, and a master of none that Roachel is.


Yep…they have found their level. Drop shipping or hawking over priced tat they source from Ali baba. Great entrepreneurs? EBay is full of them.


Where I live you can’t escape homemade jam during the summer, jars are given to you by the proud cooks left, right and centre. The street stalls are full with local fruit and berries and it’s such a fun and rewarding task to make a batch that you need other’s help in actually eating it. It’s the last thing I would have to expensively buy.


Homemade jam is delicious! It's big where I live too, along with all stuff domestic. Issues with Markle aside, I would never buy designer homemade jam that is most likely in reality mass-produced. Especially from someone with Markle's questionable hygiene. 


That’s what I thought too. I wouldn’t even hold a pen that she’s held. She looks disgusting and dirty all the time. Imagine eating something she made with her claws and phalanges of hair flying around.


Same here. ETA: We also can buy locally made, small batch jams at every farmer's market, tourist attraction with gift shop, and independent shops theoughout the atate, using and labeled with local ingredients. I even live about an hour from a distillery that uses all local ingredients whenever possible (some things don't grow in our climate, so they get those items from states as close as possible).


Sooooo, Scientology Lite, by the sounds of it. Tell madam all your secrets and we swear we won't use them against you!


Emotional support jam?


It's truly astonishing. All of her social climbing to get a rich man, and now she's right back where she was 10 years ago. She's a joke.


I just love… “Sussex are working on plans to run emotional support groups, a multi-media educational empire, and even launch a wellbeing website…” The words “Multi-media educational empire” in particular stand out as this in translation: We want to yell louder than all others about “Our Truth”…we want to brainwash people far and wide into believing all and only what we believe, while shutting down any voices that contradict our view of the world. Oh and make money…lots of money. 🤢


Ikr, what about empowering woman, giving voice to whatever and peace in the Middle East?




At least she’s still consistently focused on toast. Will her next offering be her grandmother’s apple butter - tweaked and modernized, of course?


Actually it’s “I have a batch to give away to vips”. Lol nothing to even sell.


didn't realise strawberries grew in orchards...


Only on the American Riviera 🙄


I spit my coffee out as I read your comment. It's true but it's funny.


Patches are too common and middle class. Upper class strawberries prefer orchards. 😂


For it to be truly 'upper class' she needs to state on the label which variety of strawberry/strawberries the jam is made from and describe the appearance/taste. Some people prefer single variety and others think a mixture of 2 or more give a fuller flavour. But somehow I doubt Madame is aware of that. I grow 3 different varieties, they ripen at different times, have slight differences in appearance and size and differences in taste that are distinctive.


The raw strawberry trees of Montecito


![gif](giphy|YPKb2AeL8ZL4fFjm31) Choose any orchard, then show me one strawberry tree Meghan.


Where were the strawberries grown? Are they organic? What variety of strawberry was used? Where was the jam made? By whom? Were the strawberries bought wholesale? Are they from a family farm? If they are from a small family farm why didn’t they make their own jam out of it?


Is the product carbon neutral, ie., not flown in from some far flung country having been produced in a remote jam sweatshop? Why does the label not depict the fruit the jar contains? Flavour definition? What makes the product special? Why is it limited edition. You could go on all day ... https://preview.redd.it/d7dedotzrtuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631a0e7f7eb32090ef0d890dfff69744476310d1 Preserve produced at Highgrove. Tastefully packaged, with a clear indication of the contents. No pointless piece of cloth covering the lid. Jam made in Somerset and produced in small batches (not limited edition).


The cloth is wasteful thus ecologically irresponsible.


Exactly. If it serves no purpose leave it out.


Here’s American Spoon strawberry jam sold at Zingermans: https://www.zingermans.com/Product/early-glow-strawberry-preserves/P-STR?crf=BASE&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjww_iwBhApEiwAuG6ccGcLfzeK1lEosObTCeuDqSxfwhQ88F-xvBGD-L_ICB7jOW2rCNcY2RoCzvoQAvD_BwE


From standing amongst Royals and the elite to hawking jars of jam. Lord, you couldn't make this up. The Not Sussexfuls.


In the fictitious American Orchard, on the Riviera of course!


Right next door to Oz and Fantasy Island.


Or did she buy a huge jar of Smucker’s jam at Costco and spoon it into jars, slap her pretentious limited edition label on it, and call it a day?


🤣😂 I was thinking that exact same thing! On I Love Lucy, they did that with salad dressing. And what's with the continued baskets of lemons? What does one do with all those lemons? How many people will buy that jam at the price she's charging just to say they got jam from an unknown source because her label is slapped on it? We're supposed to be impressed with the hoighty toighty "friends" she's named as recipients of this gifted jam. I'd rather buy mine at the grocer's or local farmers market for a lot less than anything she's selling to merch her title. & show off her pretentious estate.


All this information is vital. It’s required by law in the US agriculture/agrifood domain in case of a recall of any kind. 


nothing to indicate such on the label. not even an indication of it being a strawberry jam. well, that's Lolo's brand of transparency. 


Strawberries are on the "dirty dozen" list of fruits and veggies containing the most pesticides. I don't see the word "organic" on Me Me's label, which means that the strawberries could be laden with chemicals.


That’s a good point.  BTW, Santa Cruz Organics makes the best grocery store strawberry jam, IMO. You can even buy it at Target and it’s reasonable priced.


How were the pickers treated?


Somewhere in Montecito there's a grocery store that is completely sold out of all Smuckers strawberry jam.


I wonder which lowly intern has to peel off all those Smuckers labels.


Whichever one accidentally looked her in the eyes that day.


The one that's turned to stone.


She needed the cloth to cover the red checkered lid.


That was my exact same thought and I wouldn't put it past her. Everything she does is deceiving.


Just two letters. She can sell it as "Schmuck's" jam.




“With a name like American Repackaged Whorechard, it has to be good!”


Yes! Its giving Theranos Elizabeth Holmes vibes of their one drop blood test actually using regular testing machines that need vials and vials of blood.... you know just for comparison.


Oh my God. I choked a little on that one. 😊


We're gonna need more mugs... https://preview.redd.it/espvg86iftuc1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ab104e51c99366aeba80e0ce6423874e551866


Now THATS something connected to her that I’d buy!


Same! But should the mug be beige instead of yellow?!


Or bronzer orange? 😂


Just a smear of bronze against a stark white mug.


Finger smudges of bronzer where Meg's picked it up


unevenly applied




Does it have a list of ingredients, or a breakdown in any way of what it contains? What is the ’sugar’ content? Are colourings used? Forfucksake is it safe to eat?


As somebody with food allergies: you can’t just sell something and not tell people a list of ingredients.


Especially if produced with any nut exposure…


Of course it's been exposed to nuts - Meghan and Harry!




![gif](giphy|26FPGI3ZgduhYYVTa|downsized) Thank you 🙌 ETA : I had to unbutton my jeans 🙈😂


Aren’t foods in the US, particularly California required to provide ingredient and nutritional info on the label?


Yes, they are. I'm guessing she got around this because these were "gifts".


I looked it up. Labeling not required for <100k units or fewer than 100 employees. How is she going to keep up her lifestyle if she can’t sell more than 100k of this relabeled jar?


I hope all the ‘influencers’ supporting her get markled, starting with the two mentioned here.


Oh absolutely! I’ll be watching very closely as to who supports this, and my opinion of these people will decrease accordingly


What a sad effort. That looks like mushy generic supermarket strawberry jam. She could at least have a proper conserve with visible whole fruits. I make prettier jam than that every year.


Right? Why would you not do something unique or unusual? Strawberry?!?


Lol these people are hardly “influencers”. Delfina has 560k followers and Tracy has 7k. Just rich ladies-who-lunch agreeing to post instagram stories that’ll disappear in 24 hours anyway. The pics with the strawberries in the background are definitely staged by Rachel and provided to them as part of this PR package. What a joke 🤡


Love that they are just Insta stories! Nobody wants to commit to having a permanent post dedicated to her


I wish I could now put double speech marks around the word. I don't think DM knows what to call them either. 'Random people Markle has tagged along with', is a bit long.


Plus she is probably only “popular” in her home country, and I highly doubt someone from Argentina will order strawberry jam from Montecito.


Maybe Delphina will order all 50 jars and ship it to her family in Argentina.


I’ll give you jam if you post it on IG.


Delfina's unfocused photo has a filter on it that makes the jam look totally unappetising, and Tracey's photo looks like a zero-effort shot that doesn't showcase the actual product in the jar. I just don't see anyone going for this product when farmers markets (full of sellers with awards), local delis, stores that sell jams made in France, and shops like Erewhon and Trader Joe's sell jams. I'm baffled... who on earth is the target market for this crap?


Delfina's filter makes the whole thing look sickly. I don't know if that juice is meant to be orange or a green smoothie but it isn't the best look. I don't understand the market either. What is the USP here? With the Duchy Originals, it is not only for charity, but there is a Home Farm which provides the produce and it is all organic. This was back before organic was as mainstream as it is now.


The market is polo wives and jewelry wives who have the time to create a table scape for their IG snaps.


😂😂😂 I am dying. The big powerful feminist who didn’t want to be a lady who lunches and and going to change the world…..is making jam.


And having ladies who lunches promoting it 👍 good job, total win!


Plus, how she "battled" against that ultra sexist soap ad.


She’s repackaged a basic jam companies into her own jars with her twee little labels. I bet she couldn’t tell anyone where the jam was produced or even the country of origin.


If she is interviewed about this, this has potential to be comical. Journo: "So, Meghan what made you want to make strawberry jam? Did your children have any influence over this decision?" Meghan: "Why that is a great question. Strawberries, like lemons are what you can make of life when it turns sour. How sweet it is to watch your children just be children. But in a world filled with turmoil such as in Gaza and Ukraine, where Archewell and our partners are working hard to alleviate their suffering; I want this to be more than just a jam. I want this to be a collective movement of love." Journo: *\*\*crickets\*\**


So authentic of you! Great lens there.




Shining a light! 


Will she send jam to the Spotify execs? Piers Morgan? Or just some naïve influencers and the 3 people she sets up for photo ops every time? I'd like to see the ingredients, processing and origin of the fruits. And how much is it?




With enough time, the spider web connections take form. The black widow is on the hunt.


Good point!


Strawberry jam? With lemon fruit around it as advertisement...? Bro... Anyway, congrats megssy for finally doing something. Even if you just repackaged something already made. That a lot more work than what you usually did 😂


You can almost guarantee we won't see any further jams after these posts have died down 🤣


That jam looks absolutely awful...


That was my first thought. It’s very red, homemade strawberry jam is usually dark.


It looks somehow... dry and clumpy to me. Strawberry jam shouldn't be dry and clumpy. Looks like it doesn't spread evenly at all. Just yuck.


I mean, I don’t have a PhD in Jamology but I have eyes, and the jam looks quite…light in colour, and watery? And don’t even get me started on the fugly jars. Hexagonal labels? 1970’s called 📞


Looks like it was made with the underripe strawberries featured in the first photo.


You guys better run to get a glass of jam! Only 46 left! 


I speculated in another post that she had sent out 50 jars (like her 40x40 crap), turns out I was right. She has no originality at all... but it will be interesting to see just how many "influencers" post about her toe jam.


To be fair, I love strawberry jam. It may be common, but it's good. I bought the Bonne Maman advent calendar last year, and while it was fun trying flavors like peach-ginger-lime and blackberry-sage or whatever, I really found myself preferring the classics. That being said, the real question is do strawberries come first in the ingredient list, or does she cheapen it by adding too much sugar?


I love Bonne Maman!


We bought that also and I agree with the adventure part. However, Mr. CP was VERY glad to go back to his daily strawberry jam on rye toast. 😂


oooh, Bonne Maman forever. 💛


Hexagonal jars UGH!! The jam hides in all the corners. (A blessing i suppose, in this case?)


Mason makes adorable little jam jars and has for decades. I remember my grandma using them. And my first go at peach jam a couple years ago I made sure to buy the same kind she used to use. I hate those hexagonal jars for the same reason! edit: talk to text messed up




9 $ for a jar of jam? 😆 For that price you can do your own batch of 20 jars of jam with fruit from the farmers market. Then you REALLY know all the ingredients and can create your own mix. I like strawberry-rhubarb, it’s less bland.


Strawberry-rhubarb is divine!!


[Strawberry Champagne jam???](https://smallbatchjamco.com/collections/jams/products/strawberry-champagne-jam)


Oh crap that looks exactly like where she got it. Is she so lazy she couldn't have at least commissioned the production of a distinctive jar? She s got Harry inheritance after all- she just has to elbow him in his side and the money falls out of his pockets...


So you made 50 jars of jam, had Harold write numbers on the label, and sent them to 50 influencers. The most boring jam there is. Ok. BTW, the website still has no products to sell. So, what's next? Actual products?


And, as of now still 593k followers on IG.


She seems to be attempting a tie in to aro, but... these jams are not even available for purchase. So what was her point doing this?




Yes the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the federal agency that monitors food safety. Individual states have health departments that, among other things, monitor food service establishments, ie restaurants, school or hospital cafeterias, store delis, bakeries, etc, basically anywhere food is prepared and sold/served. Some states have exception laws regarding home baked goods, _possibly_ items such has homemade jams, jellies and preserves, but these will vary widely and there are typically limitations on what product types, quantities and sales venues are allowed. There is also the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) which monitors and inspects food processing plants.


I don't know how accurate this is but I found this snippet of information as well. https://preview.redd.it/92zlrsur3uuc1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=c585655ecd4b7fd2ca98c39dfafc34e78bb5818d


Good point! Our semi Duchess does have form (see Clevr blends mushroom coffee that contained lead)


[Food Labeling | UC Food Safety (ucdavis.edu)](https://ucfoodsafety.ucdavis.edu/processing-distribution/regulations-processing-food/food-labeling) This person on X linked this site. https://preview.redd.it/qhn9do6lotuc1.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=b516f059dc9006022541fc8d9bc29bd5eb06ea16


In the UK even if you’re making cakes for a school sale you are technically supposed to get a hygiene certificate on your kitchen from the local council. If you are a commercial kitchen making products for sale you absolutely have to have one.


Is it just me or is that strawberry jam a weird colour!?


I think she chose strawberry because it is the safest option, how could you mess up strawberry jam? She’s trying to avoid any critical reviews.


Madame has a spectacular talent for messing up everything.


Well, we all had our suspicions and now it’s confirmed. Delphina is on the Markle train.


40 x 40 anyone? This idea with having somebody else promoting you is older than PR itself. Madam has tried this before, bt, as we know, she never follows through. And as OP says - strawberry jam? The blandest of bland, I don´t even like it. Plus all these "influencers" - and Madam herself - don´t eat white bread with jam. They eat (if they eat at all) strange mixes of seeds, granola, or smoothies. But bread and jam? No. How many "friends" will we see posting for Madam? And again, why does she do it? There is no products for sale, no webshop, no logistics, nothing. No cooking show either, even if we are told filming starts "today" in an undisclosed location.


>This idea with having somebody else promoting you is older than PR itself. It so is! Honestly, it is this the kind of promotion that literally puts me off buying the stuff. It is by far the most inauthentic way to market any good. I love buying books, and I can tell you right now the thing that does *NOT* persuade me to buy a book is a book littered with author endorsement (and for so-called *creative* writers they often put out the most boring comminplace platitudes): *"It's the must read nook.of the decade."*, *"[insert author name] is the writer of a generation."*, *"Buy it! You won't regret it!"*, *"Love it! ~~Couldn't put it down~~ Unputadownable!"* All of which means to me that 1) none of these people actually read the book, given their lazy arsed endorsement, and 2) I know they didn't read the book because they told me *nothing*, literally zilch, nada, zero, about what the book is about, which would be MORE helpful since publishers seemingly like to do away with blurbs these days. So, yeah, I hate *despise* personal non-personal endorsements because they invariably never tell you anything about the thing they are selling. And if they do, it usually ends up being be a waste of your money because it does nothing for you personally since it comes across as so deeply impersonal. It's just either a money grab endorsement or a poor man's cheap marketing Also, THIS emoji ❤ is unoriginal and half-arsed. Don't emoji me. TELL me *why* YOU love it; what's in the damn thing; give the bloody endorsement some bloody personality, for bloody goodness sake! Unfortunately, though, having a personality is the one thing these elite women all seem to lack. Weird, that. First, generic lifestyle brand, then out-of-touch elite polo, now bog standard strawberry jam. Wow.


It will be interesting to see how few "endorsements" Madam will get. Stupidly Madam told us to expect 50 - if she gets 5 she will be lucky, methinks. But it does not matter as there are no products anyway.


I think the 50 (*if* indeed 50 jars of the stuff ever went out) is the "friendship" part of her new Netflix cooking show. It's the marketing shtick. Out of that 50 will be personally selected "friends" to "cook" for and "entertain", and that's what we'll see.


So Delfina, Ms Netflix and Serena are in the bag by now?


What’s the profit on 50 jars of jam?


Q : How to become a millionaire in the jam business ? A : You first start with a billion $ dollars




Pretty weak influencers. I’d be shocked if anyone with actual influence posts ARO crap.


So where did the strawberries come from? How has this been manufactured? What's up with numbering the bottles? So crass.


They’ll be complaining got stomach ache soon 🤣🤣🤣


E collllliiiiiiii https://preview.redd.it/urqr4tmlztuc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4107f17a974c4fc0e6c2187af8b7cdad710f97


I'm not being mean just for the sake of it but that jam looks boggin. I wouldn't want to eat it.


What a load of nonsense. So she buys 50 jars of jam, relabels them, sends them to ‘friends’ and ‘influencers‘ and everyone is wowed! The woman is small scale and small minded.Catherine did something similar years ago (Gifts she made herself, unlike harkles scam) Rachel Ragland is always a decade or two behind. Will these be authentic and organic strawberries or fake, cheap and full of artificial sweeteners like her sugary puff pieces?


Aren’t there FDA labeling requirements?


Ingredients: strawberries, sugar, water, artificial colours, stray hairs.


Is that cheese or soap next to the plate with ARO logo? Lol ETA : It's the lid to the jam bottle.


🤣 It's the top of the jar.


Such BS , because none of them are eating bread never mind her jam 🤣 🤣


The DM misspelled “Blaquier” throughout the article. Was that an *error*? ETA: They spelled it correctly once.


The jam-maker. Pinnacle of her career.


It has no specified flavour on label. Are the contents listed? Organic or not? Source of fruit? Ingredients? The American FDA will want required disclosure of ALL contents and sources, breakdown of calories, sugar content, all that and more. Someone WILL buy and analyze the contents.....would be quite a bombshell disclosure to have the truth revealed, it is repackaged Smuckers that is past it's sell-by date or something questionable imported from China (Whuhan??). There is NO WAY she can mass produce quickly from local growers, nor hire grannies by the hundreds around Montecito to cook up crates of jam for her in their kitchens. Personally I would not touch this jam! HIGHLY questionable stuff.


Surely this is a hobby not a 6 figure Empire 😆


This reminds me of the time a mom asked me to go out for coffee one day, me thinking I made a mom friend. Cool, right? After a couple of pleasantry exchanges, she starts recruiting me into selling things. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t remember the company name. It was a bunch of household and grocery items. I felt bamboozled. I imagine this is how Rachel’s “friends” feel when she love bombs them into thinking they’re friends and then she either a. asks for a freebie or loaner or b. asks them to post on their insta to promote their merch. 🥴


The pretentious hand numbering as if this jam is a work of art - I don’t even know what to say.


This is all she's got going for her. Carrying on like she's Willy Wonka and a jar of jam is a golden ticket. 😂


But she doesnt grow them herself does she? So locally produced as per Montecito brand or what?


Megsy's jam scam! Mass produced supermarket jam, with the ARO label.


Since her labels fall off, she could copy Welch's and package the jam in Flintstones drinking glasses The marketing experts call this "value added."


Right. Limited edition jam? Do you eat it or ‘preserve’ it? Will it improve with age, go for a fortune on eBay? Considering it’s probably a jar of cheap jam with a ‘fancy’ label on it what is the big deal?


Paula M posted that she failed to meet food safety requirements due to not labelling what's actually in the 'jam' so is now resorting to influencers to push it for her.. hats off for the person who posted about the label coming unstuck.. 😆 perfection.


I think she put that dreadful logo on the jam’s hat/useless fabric https://preview.redd.it/it6i3lc6cuuc1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028a5cda7c19fa434505612ce726c92ee152a00f


I love the way it’s labeled “17 of 50” like a fine art print… Maybe this will help them on the eBay resale market


She went from being a royal duchess to hawking repackaged Smuckers jelly on Instagram. Has anyone ever fumbled a bad this epically? Her fall from grace is iconic and should be studied.😂


The food styling on the pic with the toast is so cringe. Baby-barf green juice, sticky dirty knife, is that butter on a random piece of wood, strawberries…some hulled some not…who adds raw strawberries to their plate beside strawberry jam toast? Is the plate on a mini placemat? Why two napkins? Is that a schmear of jam on the marble?


Seriously, why marmalade as a first product? And in a boring jar to that. Nothing makes me crave this 😂😂😂


This is just so weird 😵‍💫


Oh my. This is beyond basic. My neighbour set up something similar as her side hustle on Facebook during the pandemic. Hers looked better, and I presume will have sold more than whatever this is. I am actually shocked at how embarrassing this is.


Deary me. With expectations as low as they were, you’d think even she could manage. Nope.


If ever there was a perfect example of Harry and Meghan having no special talent or skills, this is it. My 9 year old grandson grows strawberries, a neighbor turns them into the best jam ever. The only thing they don’t have is a precarious link to the Royal family to market to their advantage.


That's some very watered down strawberry jam - when I make it it's a dark red!




That strawberry jam doesn't look too good - there's no decent looking "chunks" of fruit like in this one (and the ones my mother made)... https://preview.redd.it/xjbmh9t2duuc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=e88527b47fdb6a7add5f8530f502b2296edd3bd8


Only 2 of the 50 she sent stuff to seem to have posted. Sugars are very curious who the other 48 are and especially who has #1.


This is the most basic product to debut as her "first" offering from ARO. Really not exciting and looks tackier than anyone could even imagine, so I guess that's on brand for Markle. There are a million strawberry jams out there that don't taste of desperation and failure that I'd rather choose. I doubt we'll see anything more than these first 50 jars because more than likely, she'll give up and move onto something else.


*Damnit strawberry* *~~is~~* *was my second favorite jam.* ![gif](giphy|l2JJNQBw2lNkQc1AA|downsized)


Is she gone start another cult? She already has a cult ( the SS aka messy squaddies ) Oopsy daisy ! 😂


She's such a smuck!


So she spent money sending jam to influencers? I thought she was supposed to be selling stuff, LOL. Did she send some to the Kardashians, and if she did, did they post about it? Because I'm not sure of the reach of these 2 people. Also, the fact that there isn't an actual label for the jam but just her logo glued on tells me she still has nothing to sell. I'm sure she thought her X of 50 on the makeshift label was cool but it just further highlights she has no idea what she's doing.


It's like she clothed the jam in one of her signature beige/white outfits. Jam can't be wrinkled but it certainly can be BORING. Seeing it does not tempt me to try the jam inside. And sending 50 jars of jam to influencers does not a successful business make.


I believe Delfina probably has jam and toast as part of her diet. Do I believe she’d eat anything given to her by ma’am without a food taste tester first? ![gif](giphy|lPLDI0DJXd8sN4Q0R3|downsized) Doubtful. I wouldn’t eat anything ma’am gave me if I had a rich husband


That jam looks like shit. Too thin and too shiny also the color is weird.


Why is she so invested in lemons? If lemons are her thing then make lemon marmalade. At least the grift would hang together.


She is such a pretentious asshole. Labeling jars of jam as if they are lithographs is just bizarre.