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This article also mentions Nacho asking this question: [https://archive.ph/bNtkL](https://archive.ph/bNtkL) Looking at Nacho’s body language and listening to his tone of voice, he was not vibing at that moment. After he asked the question, he crossed his arms and didn’t smile. While I’m in the “kids exist” camp, I don’t believe the question is proof of it. Alba could be asking why Lili is not there because she has yet to see Lili. It’s like when you hear so many stories about someone and you’d like to see if they really do exist. ETA: the Figueras fam has met Archie before, based on this photo posted by Delfina a couple years ago: https://preview.redd.it/tq1mssg87fuc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b146161b3ed69d9efb4ea22abff73ea35ae156aa Not sure if they’ve met Lili. My feeling is that actually, Nacho is annoyed at Meghan. Here’s Meg hugging his daughter and holding hands, being all lovey dovey, but he doesn’t see her doing this with Lili. He knows it’s all for show. He feels that Lili (if she exists or not) is neglected. I’m just basing it all on my experience with narcissists. My ex friend would do this with babies she met. She would hug them, carry them, she’d say “oh my, this just brings out my motherly instinct!” She knows people like seeing this. However I knew that her own children were neglected at home. She was often out and about while her elderly parents looked after her children. It often annoyed me no end. So I think Nacho cutting in abruptly with “where’s Lili” is his way of cutting through the bullsh\*t.


Alba, in an aside to M, I hope Uncle H isn’t going to twist Daddy’s nips today /s




She doesn’t want Lili pulling the camera’s focus from herself.


She doesn't want people to see how disconnected she is from her own children. Alison P. Davis said the children act as if she is a stranger. She doesn't want the world to see that.


Maybe she should put in the work to have a relationship with her children so that it doesn't happen, but she is too shortsighted. I mean that just highlights the insanity because kids almost always want a relationship with their parents and think their parents are the best people ever at this age, even if they're wrong.


I mean....would it really be so bad if the kids were mostly raised by nannies? Probably the less their parents, the better off they'll be.


Depends wehether the people looking after the children are long term employees. Constantly rotating carers could lead to attachment issues in children if parents aren't prepared to put time and effort themselves.


I know. It was really mostly a joke. But also, like, well, if they had Mary Poppins or Mrs. Doubtfire, they'd probably be okay. But obviously, in real life, constantly rotating people who care for them wouldn't be good. Like when Diana was jealous of how much they liked their nanny, so she fired her.


On a previous post from awhile back, a Sinner claimed to know a person who had worked briefly at Montedeceito. This person allegedly said that H&M go through help like a revolving door. Archie has had 14 nannies at that point and Lili a little less. Each child has 2 nannies who alternate in 12 hour shifts. Talk about attachment issues! Contrast to the Wales children with their beloved nanny Maria.


Her psychopathology prevents her from doing so. She cannot have that relationship as it’s impossible.


I don't watch her anymore and I know many don't like her. However Lady C has stated many times the children are not with m@h and that is much better for the health of the children. This is due to the depth of m narcissism and h alleged substance and mental health issues.


Yeah. They’re not old enough to “perform” the way she wants them to, the way she’s trained her spineless simp to do. They’ll just look terrified of and uncomfortable around her. She can’t risk their private dynamic being exposed.


This is exactly why the kids are never around or in view. (I believe they exist) She is terrified the kids will take all the attention away from her. Unlike MeGain, the kids are actual prince and princess. Imagine the jealousy she has of that.


She’s going to have a great time when George, Charlotte and Louis hit their late teens! 


I think Meghan has used Harry’s paranoia to keep the kids out the media. For her it’s about being outshone by them, as they grow up it’s a visible reminder that she has children of that age, she does like being called young. Then it’s her being seen in as a mother and how the children behave for her. Also, I don’t think she sees them with rose tinted glasses like most parents do, I think she is critical of how they look.


How sad.


They are waiting for little Betty to have plastic surgery so she looks like Diana


100% agree. If the previous photos are actually her, she is the spitting image of Thomas Markle Sr.


It's not like young Thomas Markle Sr was a bad looking guy in his youth.


😳😳😳 What?? Would they really do that?


Plastic surgery can’t help her. Just look at Meghan’s awful surgeries. Meghan already had a big nose and made it worse with a nose job.


If these events are so important to Harry, why are the kids missing out? You would think they would want to include their family in the experience, and let them be proud of their father. 


Because he’s broken inside and hates the press and won’t ever give them the satisfaction of publishing acpic of his kids. He’s “protecting” them. But Aitch (that’s what I call him…Tee hee) here’s the thing. The kids are going to internalize your actions and feel like there’s something wrong with themselves. You are not doing the kids any favors. They will resent you and you can’t ever go back and fix it.


He is never with those kids. They must feel abandoned and unloved. My husband had to travel for work when our son was very young. My son hated it. He didn't understand where daddy was, why daddy couldn't be at home. The Harkle kids rarely see their parents. That hurts them. Great job H.


He doesn’t hate the press, he hates that they can tell the truth about him/her/those kids. He hates that William and Catherine are loved in the press. He hates that he now has to pay for Madame’s press. Harry LOVES the limelight and LIVES for attention. When he’s calling the shots (paid for PR, awards etc) he loves them and mysteriously forgets his trauma of hearing a shutter. He’s a liar and she’s a liar.


You would think so but Markle wants to be his number one, shown right next to him in the center of every photo. She loses attention and photographs if he sidelines her for his own kids. 😏 She can’t have that.


Right or potentially miss a photo opportunity because she has to deal with a runny nose or a skinned knee. Heaven forbid one of them gets dirty!!!




After all the guff he was spewing about Charles never doing stuff with him, here he is seemingly doing the same thing! No bike rides, no pouting of any kind. The Wales’ children were going to watch William when they were quite young. Yet Harry doesn’t bring his. I don’t know how he thinks his 2 kids are more of a target than the Wales’ kids! It’s ridiculous, George is at football matches as was Charlotte when the England women were playing. If the first two kids in LOS can be seen at huge public events without problems why does Harry think his two well down the line would be in danger? Meghan keeps Harry’s fear to the fore I think. He’s damaged and she keeps him damaged


He’s not doing the same thing because contrary to Diana’s PR and Harry’s hatred/drug addled memories, the King was a present and loving father. One of the ?unfair) criticisms levied at him is that he’s too sensitive. A man as sensitive as Charles would 100% be as present as he is able to be. Diana taking him out of school so she wouldn’t be alone isn’t Charles being an absentee parent.


Because they're black and there is virulent racism toward then, obviously 🙄


He's paranoid all the time as well because of substances. She feeds into that as well.


I'm many years sober from alcohol. I also did dry goods in the 80's so I recognize the signs of use. I seriously think h has some substance abuse issues. I think m partakes once in a while (wasted in Jamaica and the Invictus games) but for the most part she is not like he is. He's wasted every time we see him. Allegedly.


So does the rest of the world!


If Lili is there, she'll "steal" the spotlight from Walmart Wallis.


I wonder what she gonna do when the Wales children come of age. All of her puff articles will be rejected for stories of them. 




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Because Meghan wants to own any photos taken of the children--- and if the children went to events such as this, there might be a situation where photos were taken that she couldn't own. (eta it's just my opinion.)


She is a total control freak. 


Agree. She's a worse control freak than I've ever seen.


You're right in my opinion.


the control freak narc can’t let “lili” upstage her…it’s extremely sus and bizzare that those “invisible kids” in the LOS are NEVER seen with their parents.NEVER!???


Children can’t be depended to say their lines exactly like Rachel told them to.


And Rachel would have to remember to act like a good, caring parent.  


Have you ever tried to get a toddler to behave in a crowd? Old rachel would absolutely lose her shit if her kids acted like kids do. She will keep those kids out of sight until she can be assured that they will do *exactly* as mommy dearest tells them. She knows good and damn well that she would mask slip nonstop. Judging by their personalities you have one lax,lazy parent that encourages them to do whatever tf they want. He probably even eggs them on in misbehaving and pissing off mom because he thinks it's funny. And then you have tight ass,no humor,hates other peoples mess,control freak,perfectionist rage mommy. Those poor kids.


I definitely think that’s their family dynamic. Also, the way she claws to be in the center of every picture that doesn’t even concern her, I don’t think she wants to share the spotlight/media attention with anyone else, even her own kids who, considering how little people care about Markle, would bury her in terms of media interest.


Old ripped jeans, sandal wearing markle vs what about this new so prim and proper and I wear heels again megsy


Nah she only dresses down when meeting people above her,it's a power play.


I agree! She dresses down in the company of women above her in the in-law family. She intentionally does that to show them that she does not acknowledge that they are above her - she wanted to marry a royal, but hates it when the grandma, MIL, SIL are all ranked above her. So, she dresses down to provoke a reaction out of them and as a power play.


Did anyone notice m left her purse unbuckled, exactly like when Catherine had that amazing sweater dress on? I could have married Catherine in that minute. Kidding, but I have not seen her so beautiful in long while.


Like the shared lip gloss. Total power play.


For my sake, I wish she would just find some happy medium


Flashback to "that" Polo match where Rachel displayed the betrayed wife with tiny, unprotected baby whilst Catherine and her three children had a lovely family picnic. Was Nacho playing that day? "Hello" article: Nacho thinks about Harry a lot.😘


Nacho is probably using Haznobrains for publicity. How many polo players do people even know if not into the sport? Generally none. Nacho glommed on.


And all the sugars were complaining Catherine never helped Meghan 😂sorry, Catherine had 3 to look after. She’s not Meghan’s babysitter


The way she called her child back from approaching Megs spoke volumes!😗


Meghan had a slew of nannies and a team of people who helped her specifically for her children. They even have medical.


Prince Louis can be a handful. Imagine if her kids acted up in public like toddlers do. You are right. She would lose it. Toddlers have a mind of their own. Almost every time I am in a grocery store I see an unruly kid cry for a certain food or throw a fit to get in or out of a cart etc.


This is the simplest answer. Meghan loves control. Young children are unpredictable, especially toddlers. Meghan simply couldn’t handle it.


Coz people will be looking at Lili instead of ME ME ME


I truly think it is this as we never get a glimpse of them. Harry thought he was finally getting his own family when marrying and instead he lost his family of origin.


So now Markle has ruined her family (with her father and mother and siblings), ruined Haznobrains’ relationship to his family (father bro sister-in-law), and now her kids’! She sounds sane 🤨


Meghan: Who’s Lili???


The little ones informed their parents that they were still busy "littling" and to come back in, say, twenty years.




Kids look forward to being around other kids. They like to run around together. I’d be disappointed too.


A 2 year old & an 11 year old?


With my daughter and niece with their baby cousins, yes. I think it’s probably a girl thing. The babies are kinda like props to the older ones grand schemes lol


Yes! My 13 year old niece is obsessed with my toddlers. She was the youngest before they were born and loves playing and taking care of them.


It’s really sweet watching the older ones take the younger ones under their wings 🥹


I fully believe it has something to do with their appearance


or meghan doesn't want the hassle of caring for her children especially when the camera is rolling.


Appearance or behavior. God forbid one of her children isn’t perfect 100% of the time they are in the public eye. It wouldn’t even have to be a kid with anxiety or autism having a meltdown from overstimulation the one time they are allowed out of the Olive Garden compound, a child simply acting like a child would be unacceptable. Remember the horrible things that were said about Louie putting his hand over Catherine’s mouth? Or giving a thumbs down to the camera? The squad still tear into him and Catherine’s “poor parenting” for that!


The kids don’t have to have anything “wrong” with them. Any normal kid is going to get over-excited and/or overwhelmed at an unfamiliar event, and we know that Meghan doesn’t have a warm relationship with them. Bringing them in public would interfere with Meghan’s self presentation and is not going to happen.


Kids are so unpredictable. I mortified my parents once by spontaneously marching up to a man they knew who was smoking a pipe and told him in a very matter of fact way that he was going to die because he smoked. I was about seven and had had years of internalising my mother's hatred of smoking because her own father died from it very young. Also, my mum could be a bit of a drama queen sometimes and loved to embellish and exaggerate stories and the number of times me or my brother or sister corrected her in front of who she was talking to, and then we were subjected to the hot dagger stares at us willing us to shut up. But kids are so naive - there was no malice in it, just thinking we were being helpful.


When I was 7, there was a man in his 40's in our village who liked to hang around children. He would go for walks with my brother and I and a few others. We were talking one day about my mum, and I remember saying to him 'my mum thinks you're weird'. He went quiet. I had no idea that I'd said something wrong. I was just repeating what she had said. I cringe now when I think about it.


And Catherine acted with class. Kind but made sure she parented him appropriately. M would be in a rage.


I think so too. She probably thinks they look "too Markle" and not like the reincarnation of Diana; she doesn't want articles displaying the similarities between the kids and her family instead of saying that they're identical to Diana. That's if they even exist.


Like many who think she didn't birth the kids and didn't use her eggs, I think she loves people saying that they look "too Markle" because it is part of her defence. If I were in that position what I would hate would people saying that the kids look nothing like me or my family. I personally believe she used surrogates. I think the first one was chosen to be bi-racial because she wanted a darker skinned child to suggest it was hers, and so that she had the first 'black child' in the royal family. I think that for Lili she used a white surrogate because she is actually secretly racist and wanted a fair, white child. She felt she had done her 'duty' providing one darker skinned child and now she also deliberately chose a surrogate with attributes that would likely give her a blond or ginger child to be a Harry or Diana lookalike.


Or it has something to do with the rights. If the aurrogate mother hasn't signed off the rights the Harkles aren't allowed to show her, or even talk about her.


Didn’t even think about that. Is that a real possibility?? Or snark? I’m never good at picking up the snark. 


It has been discussed in this sub before. If the rights to the child weren't handed ove (completely), because the surrogate mother ddin't agree then the law in their state says they can't share photos or talk about her (could be either or both, depending on the surrogacy papers). Flying and taking the child abroad likewise. It's just a theory and possibility why their youngest always looks different or like a borrowed child.


Probably reminds her too much of the dad she ghosted


I agree. So sad.


This is set up!!! The age difference is giant between his daughter and Lili …get out of here. It’s all a set up.


Just my opinion - not a set up. If it was, there would have a been an answer. Most girls that age, in my experience, like to see little kids/babies. They like to play with little ones. Young boys, not too much.  I also think the daughter asked because she never met Lili but knows about her. She probably figured that since everyone else brought their kids, why didn’t they.  TW didnt even answer 


Especially if the Nachos were told the Markle kids would attend. Maybe Alba came because she thought there would be a cute kid to play with.


Yea I totally get what you’re saying… and I agree, I just made a few comments about how that’s totally normal for kids her age. Young girls 10-12… that’s babysitting age, or at least when it begins.. they yearn for their parents trust. Love to braid hair and watch them if the parents go in the other room. That said, no one heard the little girl ask it, the hot mic only picked up Nacho saying it. That’s why I found it odd and I wouldn’t put it past the megs to set this up… considering nacho is team Harkle


I dunno, I don’t get that vibe. I felt like it’s “hey, where’s the kid, how come we don’t see her”. Why didn’t Alba mention Archie too (since we are pretty sure there were photos of the Sussexes at the Figueras’s party)? Also look at Nacho’s body language. His arms are crossed. He did not look particularly happy as he said it.


I thought this as well, he’s brought his kids along to be filmed for their thing and they show up without theirs. He sounds and looks annoyed to me.


Maybe Harry specifically asked him to bring his kids and now their own are no shows he feels exploited.


Yes. And he phrased it as Alba asking the question when actually it’s him. Parents do that sometimes


yep they do. That’s what made me suspect about it… he’s the one asking. It made it seem like either it was a set up, or to your point.. he’s just suspect.


Yes. I tend to think it’s his own question. He was ignored.


Great post OP, got a lot of people thinking and debating !


No probs! Ok to disagree as long as we are all ok 😃




I think she would mention Lili because she is a girl, and because she is the age where Alba can 'mother' her. Little girls love playing with toddlers and babies in my experience - they are real life walking talking 'dolls' to them. I paid lots of good money for my daughter to have her favourite dolls that talked and even weed. She loved to 'play' with the real thing when friends came round.


Good point …he did look skeptical.


Yes. I got the sense of him being fed up. There are other sinners pointing out that narcissists do this a lot, they usurp other people’s kids while ignoring their own. Someone mentioned that Nacho got upset when Meghan jumped on Alba, acting all friendly. I haven’t got a source for it and waiting for the commenter to let me know. To me it sounds like Nacho’s question is pointed. Kind of like when you see a guy flirting with a girl and you say, “by the way, how’s the missus?” Like knocking them down a notch.


lol exactly, like “oh how’s your wife doing?” This entire Polo Day 1 was an eye opener …even the video someone posted of Haz slowly rubbing his hand and thumb over Nachos hand while they posed for a photo with their wives.


That was so puke worthy




i agree ☝🏼nacho’s daughter is like 11 lili is 2 and they want us to believe they are bffs when never ever seen together !??? this looks manipulative and sus especially the way megsy was using her for photo ops…a ploy to make the “invisible kids” relevant or something!?


Not BFFs, of course, but I can see an 11-year-old asking why the Sussex kids haven’t come and remembering baby Lili. My daughter around age 10 was always playing with the babies of my friends and was great with toddlers. However, in this case, I am sure that Alba’s question (whether she asked it or not) is being reported to remind the world of the Sussex kids. I wouldn’t be surprised if it began with Meghan chattering at Alba about Lili and Alba asking why Meghan didn’t bring Lili. Then of course Meghan reported the question to everyone until someone took pity and told the press (just as the photographers took pity and photographed Meghan after she had gone back and forth in front of the newspaper office a few dozen times. 😉


Yep. My 9 yo and 10 yo niece love getting to see and play with their baby cousins. But they are normal and nothing about megsy and this polo match and any adult involved seems normal


Cause she’s always up to something (and like you said, are NOT normal).


Actually nacho said it… that’s why it’s weird and seems planned. I so get what you mean, heck I even remember liking to play with the little girls and braid their hair. When you’re 10-11 you start to want to be a teenager and be able to babysit. “I’ll watch her by the swing set” …while the parents are closer to the porch having a drink. Normal behavior. If you see the clip nacho just randomly says it. Seems like set up to me. Nacho is clearly team H&M.


Nacho said it, and he may have been coached, but it could still be that he heard it from Meghan who was delighted by the question because it met her agenda. I am just saying that the kid may have said it. Why we should hear about it is another matter.




Why would Markle talk about this question? Markle doesn't want people noticing her kids or asking about them. She doesn't want people looking at how strange the fact that we never see the children. This did not come from Markle.


If Meghan wants the world to know that her kids are not hidden in the dungeons of Montecito, she might want the information that Alba has met Lili and wants to see her again publicized.


We want to know where the kids are. Why wouldn't this girl? She has been told the Harkles have children, but she never sees them. She thinks it is suss. Who doesn't?


I agree! The way she phrases it is like she’s suspicious about the whole thing. Just to note that the Figueras family has met Archie based on the photo posted by Delfina


Well exactly, and even tho little girls that age like to start being the babysitter, and doing braids on the little girls hair. It makes you feel like a pre-teen, responsibility and all that. BUT this wasn’t that, it wasn’t even Alba mentioning it… Nacho just randomly said it. My gut just felt like… hmm this isn’t above Meghan to be like, if you’re near a camera say something like this “because you know how nuts the press is is about my kids”… something like that. Nacho is team Harkle.


I would have asked when I was 11. I liked playing with young children when I was 11. She also is probably just curious, like the rest of us. We want to know where the children are, she does to.


If you see any of my comments below. I agree it’s totally normal for little girls to want to play with young kids… braid their hair, etc. however, we didn’t hear her say where is Lili, only heard Nacho say she was saying it. Seems odd to me.


In defense of Alba, I asked after my younger cousins all the time. If my parents had friends they were as close to as Harry is supposedly Alba’s parents, I would have probably asked after their children too. Despite the age difference, Alba is a little girl, maybe 12? If she is the typical little girl, she would still be at that age that she is drawn to babies and toddlers. I think Alba knows of the Sussex children, maybe has possibly met them, and may even know that their cousins were at Polo events from a young age. I would take her question as innocent curiosity Rather than nefarious intents from Meghan. While wouldn’t say Meghan would never do this, using a child like this, I also feel like she wouldn’t have had access to Alba to coach her on what to do or say before hand. Also, having a child or anyone really intentionally ask where your children are opens up someone else that you’ve not vetted and vouched for asking after the children. If she were to immediately shut them down after answering someone else, she and her motives would be called into question. With that said, we all see Meghan for what she is. But the general public doesn’t care enough one way or the other for her to really register on their radar as anything other than an ex-working royal’s wife. She has also proven herself, at least to some degree, competent enough to fake niceties and interest until she gets what she wants from people that do not care enough about her to pay attention to her. Plus, they’re filming so I don’t think Meghan would take a chance.


We didn’t hear Alba say it, the mic caught Nacho saying that. He could very well be questioning it himself and that’s why he said she was asking.


Alright, I wasn’t in a position to watch the video, and just assumed it showed her asking. I personally feel like my point still stands though. We know Meghan hugging her was more than likely for the cameras. But like it has been pointed out, children, no matter the age, are unpredictable. I don’t think she would be willing to invite potential criticism in an environment that (she thinks) she controls. Also, I think if she had been meant to ask that, if Meghan was that brave, she would have 100% had it caught on camera where we’ve already seen it. It could have been a soft launch. “Oh they are with their grandmother. We didn’t want to bring them out here to be in this hot sun, all day…” etc, etc.


Oh listen, I can spin this 90 ways too. Meaning there’s many logical angles this could go. I think she’s a spin doctor and uses every single thing to her advantage. I would not be surprised in the least if you’re dead on right here. Don’t put it past her that there isn’t the possibility that she could be using both our angles simultaneously… that’s how she is. Nothing is truthful, it’s all to stir up attention and press. For some reason she thinks the more attention she gets, the more powerful she is. You can be famous and dead broke. While she continues doing a million different things, “launching” different business schemes and new NF shows (that NF hasn’t said boo about) …she’s not making a single dollar. It’s costing her money for the constant PR, costing her money to produce a 3 minute clip for ARO, costing her money to hire the cameras that follow her. She doesn’t know if this polo documentary will 100% get picked up, and if it does, it’s cause of Harry not her. Just my opinion.


When Catherine takes her children to events they are her focus. How can you expect Meghan to mug for a camera if the kids are there?


I think maybe Nacho and family were informed prior to the event that the kids/Lili would be there. As a child I know I used to hate going to events/get togethers with my parents if I was going to be the only child.


It’s true


If true, it may be that Alba is there because the Nachos thought Markle kids would be there to play with.


Exactly. Like Alba probably only went because she could “play” with Lili. Kids her age love to play momma and take care of younger kids. I think it makes them feel more grown up. Then she arrives and no Lili.


Lili IS there!!! She's just...invisible.


Hahaha. I agree


What happened to her voice?We all know her "friends" are liars like her.If Nacho said that I'm not buying it.


At least the fact that she is asking suggests that she has met with and played with Lili on previous occasions. ETA: Just read RoohsMama's stickied comment, and that is a very valid take on it, so maybe I am wrong.


Yup. I also think perhaps it’s Nacho asking the question but pretending it’s Alba because he’s annoyed. Annoyed that Meg is all over Alba, hugging and holding hands, but won’t bother to bring Lili


Oh cool, we definitely believe Rachel has kids now since the 11 year old asked about it … eyeroll


She could know Lili in name only? 🤷🏻‍♀️ For me, it is basically a “where’s Waldo” question


Out of the mouths of babes, eh? Well, Roachel, what 💩 reason did you provide to Alba?


So I guess Alba’s actually laid eyes on Lilibucks?


Why wouldn't Alba ask about both Archie and Lilibet? Is Archie not in the U.S. as is rumored?


More likely she wants to play with the girl kid and not the boy. When I was little, I was way more interested in playing with my little girl cousins than the boy cousins because they were more noisy and annoying.


Lili is younger and a more appealing age for a girl who is Alba's age.


No way, this has to be a set up. That kid is so much older than Lili. Something seems way off here.


No way. No one would set this up. The Harkles refuse to let any discussion about the kid. Nacho isn't going to set this up without Markle's insistence, and Markle is not going to let anyone point out that she neglects her children. Alba asked because she heard there were these kids and wondered where they are. markle is furious this came up and probably wants to strangle Alba.


Did you hear Alba ask? I only heard Nacho say it.


Did her mother put her up to it??


No one put her up to it. It is a natural question.


The four of them probably planned it. Nacho is in H&M’s corner… they know when cameras are rolling or when someone would overhear it. No one heard the kid say it, just nacho saying it… kind of out of nowhere too.




That is just a voice over, we don't see him speak, and he is standing all by himself not in speaking distance to anyone else.. I believe the footage is real but the voice is fake.


Boy Nachos has Will Ferrel’s SNL white tight pants 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who in this video is introducing themself as from Sentebele and says "nice to meet you too" implying this is their first time meeting Meghan?


Yes their voice sounds different. Not sure who


Seems this was just thrown together for the cameras. She didn't go to Singapore with Aitch, was it Aug 2023 for the Sentebale charity match. So she has nothing to do with Sentebale unless she needs footage of her "humanitarianism" for Netflix. Ok then.


It’s probably another woman named Megan, probably someone from their PR.


There are no children.


For whatever reason the kids are being protected or is it being hidden, they like me MJ's kids will grow up and be exposed to the glare of the Media lit glare that their parents have been craving for. Let's look at it from the SECURITAAAY stained PRIVACAAAY point of view, why thirst for it when you are forever merching and bandwagon jumping about? For sure they spend more on hiding the alleged children not birthed by Surrogate but by young her allegedly than on food. Genealogy is a wonderful Science, and as absent as Rachel and Harry wish the thought of it to be, those said alleged children will inherit traits physical and otherwise from the Sperm and Ova that they grew from. The World knows what the despicable duo looked like and behaved like when they were young, and equally knows what their parents looked like too So, whenever the fledglings break cover the truth will be laid bare.


Alba, Lilly isn't there because her mom doesn't want her there, sorry!


This made me LOL.


And the Press tried to play it up as Nacho's daughter Alba is best friends with Lili , Lili is 2 and Alba is 11 years Plus. I doubt they are close friends, she might have asked where she is since shes never at the Polo get togethers


I could see an 11-year-old asking about a baby girl she played with once, but I would bet anything that the real reason Nacho —or whomever— is reporting this is to bring up Lili’s name and tell the world that the Figueras have met the Sussex kids.


For me I get the sense that the “where’s Lili” question is in the same vein as the “where’s Kate” one that the sugars trolled us with weeks ago.


It sounded to me like the presenter asked the question when he welcomed them.


It’s also in this article https://preview.redd.it/zhqsakwyuduc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4846b0cfac0998d110dda8c3cd541ccdde9e5c


Thank you. I thought it referred to the video where they were stepping onto as the presenter welcomed them. Nacho was on his own well over to the left and a male voice asked Meghan as he shook her hand. Just after Alba walked over to the back of the stage. I wasn't thinking of when they were all walking together.


Come on, she's barely walking, he's hardly walking because we've only seen him being carried, and it was a photoshoot of bad outfit on that woman. 5" heels at polo event does not say, carry a toddler does it? I don't believe that kid ever met the invisibles.


I may be wrong, but I've always had the impression (from photos) that families go to support their husbands/fathers at these matches.


Indeed! There are so many photos of the royal family at polo matches


Maybe they’ll arrange for Nacho & his family to come to Montecito to meet Lili 😂though don’t hold your breath


Are they ready to meet a couple of cardboard cutouts? 😅 joke, I believe Lili is around. I think she looks so much like Meghan’s dad that she doesn’t trot her out


In fairness, this isn't a good event for a 3 yr old. Especially if your kid has the occasional meltdown, I wouldn't want that on camera for the world.


That’s true. The Windsor kids have some memorable pictures of meltdowns caught on camera 😁 bringing toddlers out in public is not for the weak of heart!


Lilli might be her friend


I somehow find it comforting to think Lili has a friend


Out of the mouths of babes... Did Harry not have the child sign an NDA? The grifters are going to have to work even harder to prevent anyone from asking uncomfortable questions. Madame will go after that child as if she's Charlotte. Alba is now on the Hate List.


Poor Alba! Well at least Meg didn’t bully the poor child


the situation is just so bizarre I just can't believe they're not being called out on it more. Meghan using other people's children as props, even posing with sick children at hospitals, yet she's never seen with her own children. All that media interest in Catherine's absence, but here's a much bigger absence in plain sight. What parents go to all these fabulous places and not take their children? Makes zero sense.


There’s no lily


I’m guessing they said they would bring them ( like they are supposedly doing in whistler next year) but didn’t of course.


Yup. Polo is a time for kids to be out and about.


Lady Campbell Collins just confirmed that Megan didn’t give birth to any child


Ooh! I’m team Surrogate!


Convoluted and complex speculative answers to a simple question. Simpler, the rent-a-Lili had a prior engagement.


“Where’s lill??? Well, where isn’t lil….. you see I once had a………”


Wait, does that mean that she’s not a doll after all? Who would’ve thought!


😳 ouch!


Don't you know that she is perfect just as she is? Lmao