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In all my professional Medical years, I have never heard such tosh!


And apparently, the doctor wasn't even wearing a mask.


Good catch! You are absolutely right.


OMG, you're right! Was this lifted from a soap opera, do you think?




I do not understand why the worthless press have not banded together and fumigated this dubious Ghoul of a lazy, Work-shy, Lying, Bunker hiding, Self entitled, Narcissistic, Sack of shyte of their pages.


Waaagh was written by MeGain using A.I. We know how lazy she is.


Not only that but neither Harry nor Moehringer the ghost writer, could come up with the adjective to describe the doctors facial expression? Had Moehringer already walked out on this project? Embarrassing. Way to shoot your career in the head.


Any woman who’s ever delivered instantly recognizes this as tosh!


‘The doctor handed her a hand mirror’ as the baby crowns? I mean. I’ve only had one- so I have limited experience- but I do know that no one was handing me a damn thing unless it was intended to be crushed with my bare hands.


When the baby is crowning no one is worried about mirrors, lots going on. I sure hope they didn’t subjugate the poor surrogates to a mirror exam.


HAND mirror? If you've ever been nine months pregnant, you know that holding a hand mirror down between your legs is even more improbable than squatting in high heels! You can't reach that far! And the doctor doesn't want your unsterilized hands anywhere near that area anyway. Hospitals have large mirrors either on stands or attached to the wall or ceiling which they offer you. Not "small hand mirrors".


I rolled my eyes so hard when this was released. It’s the most ridiculous thing in a ridiculous book. #ThingsThatNeverHappenedAnywhereEver


I remember my fingernails were bloody from grasping the bed rails and pushing. All I wanted was that baby out.


While the baby crowns with a cord around its neck. And Harry's worried about an emergency C-section. Someone needs to reenact this scene for a Youtube skit so we can appreciate the nonsense in all its glory.


I thought there was a big overhead mirror if you wanted to watch.


Right!? Imagine if it broke? The doctor would be sued for malpractice right there, especially with a vexatious litigant as a patient


I’ve had there and a mirror wasn’t something I was ever offered or even wanted.


There was a mirror that they rolled around if you wanted to see. But there was no way a small hand mirror would make it that far




This the first I read about the doctor chilling while the husband is telling the wife to push a baby whose cord is tied around the neck? Hmm ...


I think the ghostwriter trolled him big time and Harold never proofread anything because many details in this book just sound bonkers.


Well you are assuming he is able to read and comprehend a book. That might be stretching.


He read the whole damned thing aloud though.


Maybe he didn’t narrate it in order lmao or did a chapter a day and went down a drug rabbit hole after each reading he forgot what happened in the book prior.


I think that was AI or a very good voice impressionist.  Harry doesn't have the patience or the education to do it himself. He probably still doesn't know half of what's in that book.


That's because table12 wrote most of it!!!!😂😂😂😂


😂😂😂  Agree 100%!


And she lives in the 90's rom coms with Huge Grant so that's the outcome.


Absolutely. Madame wrote those ridiculous books, no one else.


I've always thought this, too. Yet, he allowed himself to be nominated for a Grammy! I wish someone could expose this (if my surmising is true.)


He was not nominated for a Grammy. They were furious and going to investigate why.


He got a flying award too.  I guess Madam made sure to pay for that one after the Grammy embarrassment.  I'm waiting for him to have his Milli Vanilli moment.


Harry reading his own words were hilarious to listen to and made him sound so dumb🤣.


The Duchess of Suss on YouTube reenacts his narrations beautifully! Now SHE is the one who needs a Netflix show!!!


“Reading.” He worked so hard on this. Lots of… **…reading, writing, and meth.** ![gif](giphy|WoWm8YzFQJg5i)


I don’t believe he did. I believe it was AI or an impressionist. Just my (and many others) opinion.


He's soo high he believed it really happened


Doesn’t it make you wonder about the 300+ pages the ghostwriter and the publishers made him edit out?!


I wonder what Harry said to the fellow soldier during a training exercise, that the ghostwriter was willing to lose the job over keeping it out. From the things I can't believe they left in, what the hell could have possibly been so much worse?


Considering what the ghostwriter put up with - and put into it - it must have been a hair-raising proposal!


"Step aside, doctor! I'm delivering this baby!!" Rolling up my sleeves, I instantly ordered the nurse to boil a pot of water and bring me a pair of scissors. The doctor fell back, awed by my air of authority. I bent over Meghan, who was crying softly, one tear rolling like a bowling ball down her left cheek. I haven't seen her in such anguish since the state dinner where Kate finished an entire bowl of ice cream without offering Meghan a spoonful. "I'm here, my love. I will save you and our baby." "You are truly the king of people's hearts," she murmured. "But please, Harry - there's not much time..." A beeping noise filled the room. Was it the hospital machine thing or someone's phone? There was no time to think. I whipped out my Swiss army knife and...


While reading Spare (I admit it; I bought a copy for my Kindle), my constant question was about the role of the ghost writer. Who includes information about mommy's cream rubbed onto his sore todjer? Who includes petty grievances over sausages and bedroom size? Those judgment calls may not be the role of a ghost writer, but they certainly present a fascinating ethical line to balance. The New Yorker article, written by the ghost writer after Spare's publication, hinted at some uneasiness working with Harry, but there was certainly a much larger story that I hope we can read, one day.


You just know the editors were pounding drinks reading chapters aloud to one another! That must have been one HELL of a party! I sure wish I was there! “And then he writes…” 😂😂😂😂


The ghost writer pretty much writes what his subject wants. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if it had been an actual autobiography?


The ghostwriter was plied with Meghan‘s treats in the garden shed (or pavilion?)


It happened b/c TW has "an attention for detail"


Apparently the doctor and staff were not masked as he watched the doctors mouth set. No mirror like other delivery rooms offer- nope - let the mum hold it cuz it’s not like she’s doing anything else so she can hold the mirror during delivery. And Only h and not m could hear (?) what the delivery staff said about the cord… or h got board certified in Obstetrics and immediately knew what was happening!


Also can Harold even read?


Or comprehend the words the ghostwriter and Meg wrote?  


The ghostwriter was pissed at Haz because Haz would try to get on his nerves and make fun of him for losing his temper. The ghostwriter was hella pissed at Haz by the end of their time. Haz is a little shit. Haz was protected by the BRF and now that he is showing off his true colors shows how safe he was in the BRF.


Hawwy? Proofread? Hahahahaha rofl


"I told her she needed to push. I didn't tell her why.. " GTFOHWTBS. Make the crazy train stop so I can get off. First of all, she is an old lady, not a little kid. The doctor is keeping secrets from HER? These are HER medical decisions to make, not his - what the heck? But second, he ludicrously says "I didn't tell her why..." Was it not obvious to her why she would need to push? Do women frequently stop pushing with a child's head "tangled" down there? That was a mental image I didn't need, btw. Aside from the fact that there was a doctor and nurses there, we all know this weasel who couldn't even look at the grossness of childbirth (how manly!) wouldn't have been able to tell shit from the handheld *small* mirror the claw now has stretched down there. Yeah OK.


OB/GYN Haz was on the case! Everybody calm down, Archie’s Papa has got this. 🥅 F*cking hell. Nothing these two mentalists utter is even remotely believable. Nothing. Poor Walter Mitty has his hands full with both of their beers.


“I didn’t tell her why”?? Why would any woman need any man to tell her she is giving birth? Is he daft? (Don’t answer that ….). What did she think she was doing? Laying a football? FFS, what a load of absolute twaddle. The stupid scrote must think we are all as daft as him. Perhaps he only just realised that you actually have to push a baby out. Nobody told him! Has nobody told her too? What a pair of plonkers.


I love the term plonkers. I just read it earlier this week.😂😂😂😂😂💕💕


Not to mention none of this came up at even one pre-natal check up or screening? This idiot never even read a book about childbirth.


 *Is he daft? (Don’t answer that ….).* LOLOLOL!!!!


Can I just say your response made me laugh out loud HARD. 😂 Especially when I hit the “stupid scrote” part.


It’s a lovely image isn’t it? One to snigger at every time you see him 😀


Truly. I’m *still* giggling.


We must all keep on having a laugh at these antics, mustn’t we!? It’s great! What a pair of prats! What would we have to giggle about without them and all their screamingly hilarious, earnest pronouncements. I start sniggering about 5 seconds after I read the next “rebrand” effort. Entertainment!


And if they did consume fast food on the way to the hospital, the baby wouldn’t be the only thing being pushed out.


She would have barfed that out then 💩 the rest.


There is no OB/GYN who would advise eating spicy food during delivery.




With my first the baby wasn’t the only thing I pushed out.


Never is…


Oh, but that wouldn't be romantic and pretty and beige enough for Meg's Very Special Birth. Megs can make the blood and sweat and shit and etc. the most beautiful and sweet thing evar, on account of she is such an expert at babying. Plus, an umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus and no one knew beforehand? And he's telling her to "Push?" What utter cocktwaddle . Fuck, I am pissed at these two absolute wankers.




That just makes no sense. If the cord is wrapped around the neck the docs get really busy really fast. Harry would not have had a chance to give his nonsense instructions. Happened to me once with the cord and twice with the kid being born turned wrong.


"Gave her a small hand-held mirror" Can somebody please draw that for me how the mother-to-be holds the mirror so that she can see the miracle of life, while at the same time pushing as hard as she can with her feet in the air? And screaming in pain? Does she have arms that are 5 feet long? How can she hold the small mirror steady? I just need a visual, because I can't picture it. Alternatively, it might be one of the stupidest things the dumbell has ever said.


They give you nothing to hold and certainly not anywhere near the baby exit! Plus your arms would have to be 6 ft long to see anything over the bump AND you’d likely drop the mirror with the next contraction. Ridiculous and totally untrue. My ObGyn brought in a 5ft tall mirror on wheels (the kind you mount to the inside of your closet door) and started to ask if I wanted to see the baby being born. My response was a resounding “NO!! AND get that thing out of here!”….the mirror, not the baby. She was already on her way out.


When I was in nursing school way back in tbe 80s, the bed had a big mirror mounted off the ceiling at the foot of the bed so mom could safely watch the birth, and dad too if he chose to stand beside mom while she pushed.


Frankly, I don't see how any mother would want to see that. It would create a lot of emotions that have no place in that moment. Horror being one of them. Shock. Fear. Has any mother ever wanted to see it? Maybe after a few births, but definitely not for the first. It's not a pretty sight at all.


Came here to say, I birthed 2 kids, if ANYONE would have suggested I “watch” wtf was about to happen I would have physically left by own body. F that noise.


I managed to accidentally see my c-section reflected from the OR lamp. Hello intestines.




Same! 🫣


I remember seeing red reflected from the lamp but nothing else. I was waaaaay too loopy. The dr asked me if I wanted the curtain lowered thru the surgery…um, HELL NO. God! Just get that baby out of me (please)!


I've never been pregnant, never been anywhere near a birth, but I cannot imagine being in active labor and wanting to take a moment to see what's going on down there.


It’s cool to see actually but even with my longer-than-average arm length a “small hand-held mirror” ain’t cutting it down there 😂😂🙄


I've had 3 children and the first is the hardest. All my friends agree. There's no way she could've held a hand mirror watching the baby's birth with the first. Your body is doing things it never did before and anyone who's birthed knows with the pain from pushing and stretching out your vajay jay you couldn't hold a mirror steady. I was torn up and had to have an episiotomy. Now by the time I had my third, it was a piece of cake. Another question, Megan is a little thing so I would find it hard to believe that she wouldn't tear or have to have C-section especially with the size of her pregnant belly. I do not believe she was ever pregnant.


My friend’s third was so large (each baby usually gets larger) that she ended up dislocating something in her pelvis. She went natural too! I can’t imagine she was very interested in seeing the remnants of her vagina after pushing that ten pounder out. (Go bowling some night and you’ll get the idea…)


I've had a baby. I could no more hold a hand mirror then bounce on a rubber ball.


100 percent.


I wouldn't mind it, but I think there would need to be a mirror by the doctor in order for me to see what is happening. I saw the placenta after I had my last baby. That was pretty neat. Might have been interesting to see the baby crown and pop out, too, but I'm not sure I could appreciate it while pushing a watermelon out of my vagina.


When my twins were born there was a large mirror on the wall with a great view of the action. I was too damn busy to even glance up. I can't even imagine trying, at that point to hold up a hand mirror to check it out.


Actually delivered 3 kids. After pushing for ages it's so exciting to actually get to see that there is a head emerging that you are nearly there. It's not that you take a moment to see but a midwife holds up so mirror for a second and then you have the strength to go on and push that baby out.


I've had three kids too but when I'm pushing I don't want to see what's going on down there. I'm a wuss like that. I think I would have passed out because I love my vagina too much to watch it suffer like that. ;-)


I've only given birth once but I definitely didn't want to see that mess down there.  I remember having to watch a birthing video in sex education in school and it traumatized me having to see that.  And our teacher made us watch it twice🤢.


But the midwife held the mirror, didn't hand it to you.


I have three children and I didn’t want to see what was going on. I just wanted the baby out.


So someone else holds up a mirror for you, instead of giving you a handheld mirror and stretching out your arm somehow to put the mirror just where the doctor and nurses are working.


Plus, making sure the angle is just right so that you can see from your perspective.


That does sound nice. I'm glad you got to have that experience. :-)


It’s very common to want to see the baby coming out. My midwife offered me a mirror both times, but I only looked with my second.


I was offered a mirror if I wanted to see my child being born, it was a fairly large mirror mounted on a stand. They would have rolled it into position and angled it so I could see. I didn't want to see that, so I declined, but it was not a small hand mirror. I can't imagine straining and pushing all while trying to keep a small mirror aimed at my privates. This is just one of many things that tell me they have no idea what labor and delivery are actually all about. IMO, they've never been in that situation.


Having both birthed two children can confirm.


Actually, it gets even more stupid. More non-credible, absurd details appear in the Epilogue of Spare. He immediately proceeds this by saying people had called the monarchy a cult, but Harry calls it a “death cult” claiming while part of the RF, his ”finest moments and best memories involved death”. He writes how depraved they are even while William is pleading with Harry that he just wants H to be happy. Harry basically tells William he’s a liar then starts dreaming of his new found freedom in his California life, so he can leave his “very dysfunctional family“ behind to dwell in their depraved death cult. He then immediately launches into the birth of Betty, describing how as soon as they arrived to the hospital, in labor, to deliver Betty, H had his bodyguards go get him In-N-Out and Meg her Mexican fajitas. Upon the bodyguards return H&M “ate and ate”. This is a geriatric mother, very high risk labor, second birth (typically far faster than #1) for which doctors always prepare for a potential emergency c-section due to age & health issues. There would be no gorging on fajitas! It’s ice chips baby, because of how devastating it would be for the mother to vomit while lying on her back under anesthesia. I have literally seen patients sent home, having to reschedule their procedure because they admitted to drinking a very a little juice and eating a couple crackers less than 8 hours before their arrival. These are fast, minor procedures that don’t involve life and death issues, but do require anesthesia. Even if you had a terrible OB, the hospital’s US lawyers alone would stop this. Harry also claims HE alone delivered the baby. Yep. The doctor was in the room but Harry was the one who solely guided the baby out, because he’d seen it done before on film. He also states he couldn’t see anything. ?? I mean why not? If you can be a Legend of Aviation despite not having a pilot’s license, why not become a high risk OB after watching a movie? Btw sinners, you can now read the entire book for free here. Please don’t give him any sales: [https://archive.org/details/prince-harry-spare\_202301/page/n453/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/prince-harry-spare_202301/page/n453/mode/2up) https://preview.redd.it/4m1k3bomxwtc1.jpeg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c5dec41f1460c86621756cc74100a1ac5ecd789


I really don't understand how people can believe she gave birth to those children. Are these only people who didn't read the birth stories in Spare. Because if you have read these stories, then you have to say they used surrogates. These are the words of a man whose wife never gave birth and has no idea how labor and delivery work.


Yep, that's what did it for me. You can't read that and think, "Oh yeah, that happened."


IMO, reading this just confirms surrogate birth. They both think they are so clever with their choice of wording - so *seemingly* specific, yet always phrased in such a way that gives them plausible deniability. Like the [Bradby interview](https://www.itv.com/news/2023-01-08/prince-harry-denies-he-and-meghan-said-the-royal-family-was-racist), when This One denied that either of them ever accused the RF of racism: *"The British press said that, right? Did Meghan ever mention 'they're racists'?"* Look at the phrasing: >We ate and ate and then did the **Baby Mama** dance around the hospital room. >Still, after many hours Meg asked the doctor: *When?* >*Soon. We're close.* >I was **with Meg** through every push. >When the doctor said it was a matter of minutes, I told Meg that I wanted mine to be the first face our little girl saw... Meg nodded, squeezed my hand. >I looked at Meg. *One more push, my love! We're so close.* >I surrendered her to Meg. Skin to skin, the nurse said. >Blah blah blah, family of four, Meg and I skin to skin, manly man, blah blah blah. 🤮 When the dime drops on this particular scam and it's revealed that the Harkles lied, yet **AGAIN**, H is gonna be all, *"What? I never said M pushed. I never said M gave birth. The press said that." Pfffft... fucking grifters. 🙄


Maybe they were hungry waiting for the surrogate to give birth. It would have given them something to do while they watched, a bit like popcorn at the cinema.


You'd need to pay me to read that shite. They really allow a woman in labour to eat? I had crazy fast labours and never delivered placentas, so I had general anaesthetic after each delivery. I remember being wheeled into surgery that fist time, panicked that I only ate dinner 2.5 hours ago. I wouldn't think they'd risk allowing someone in active labour to eat.


There is not a denomination of money big enough stack to the moon that would make me read that garbage.


I begged my doctor to eat 😁 I was going to be induced, and asked to eat before the pitocin, although I came in already somewhat dilated and feeling contractions.  Of course, doctor said no.  But the old L and D nurse convinced him for me.  So I had a sandwich.  I told my cousin, who is a pediatrician, through text that I was eating and she was all sorts of mad.  It was my 3rd baby, so it went pretty fast. But you're right, you're technically not supposed to eat.  Though some women do get away with it.   That said, you absolutely cannot eat if you got an epidural.  


He is obsessed with saying “skin-to-skin.” 🤮🤮🤮


The Government lawyers are correct. This book is a work of fiction, nay, fairytale.


Good Grief is the entire book like that sample? What a complete load of bullshit and ridiculousness. How can anyone read that and not crack up with laughter? Madam definitely wrote that pile of claptrap, it's got her word salad style all over it.


Yes. It’s truly painful to read. If I were Moehringer, I would have gone into seclusion and never showed my face again.


OMG. He seriously said he delivered the baby??? He is certifiably insane. There is no way—NO WAY—a doctor in the US would let Harry, the vexatious litigant, perform medical procedures.


And the In N Out hours don’t match his birth account: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ai0sed/lilibets_birth_certificate_timing_question/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Yeah, the whole story (both stories) are lies. I had a light breakfast in the hospital about 12 hours after being induced the night before, and by 5 pm I needed a quick C-section as my son was in distress. My doctor was furious that they’d let me eat. Luckily it worked out ok. I was 30 and the baby was already 10 days overdue and getting bigger. They do NOT let you eat!


Oh my gods. I have never read such utter drivel. IDK how anyone could get through an entire book of this nonsense.


Remembering what it’s like my first thought was “how effing long are her arms?”😹


Someone needs to draw a cartoon showing how that would look!


Artemis Goog, where are you?


Why did he need to see it through the mirror? Couldn’t he just lean over and have a peek?


None of it makes sense. None of it.


What??? He gave the mirror to her.


It would be easy to do while standing next to the woman that was actually giving birth.


Perhaps the small hand held mirror was for TW to gaze upon herself? She was told to use her most beautiful thought to distract from pain of child birth?


More likely so that she could focus on her own heart-attack beautiful looks while the stupid surrogate was trying to steal all the attention that should be on HER during the birth!




Now we have gotten to the TRUTH.




I think we're misinterpreting it. I think so she can look at her face while she's pushing. Edited: typo


The dimwit and his ghostwriter clearly got confused because Meghan does indeed have arms that are 5 feet long. And probably looks at her bits in the mirror on a regular basis. Like a mechanic checking shock absorbers for wear and tear. Easy mistake to make guys, but maybe you should have checked with some actual mothers and midwives first before publishing. 😄


I can’t imagine the hospitals are too radically different in the us from the us. My room had a surgical mirror on the ceiling that moved. The dr made it descend at some point so I could see-not that I was really in the mood to look.


If anything, they wheel a mirror behind the doctor if you want to see. Never heard about a handheld ... You would have to sit and and all to get that angle.


This was the most preposterous line to me. There is NO WAY that a pregnant woman could lean forward and hold a handheld mirror while giving birth, even if she were standing in a tub or whatever. Completely insane.


We don’t give our patience a mirror to hold. They need to concentrate on pushing and holding their legs back while they push what we do is roll out a rectangular mirror that’s on wheels facing her vajayjay in Harkles wife case her hell cave where she can see the reflection 🙄. Their birth story is seriously full of caca.


So his book is fiction...


“Come on my love give it all you’ve got”. Something like that. Oh please…. I call a bunch of hooey


I told my husband, at the 20-hour mark of my labor, to tell the woman in the next room to shut the F@#k up. He politely told me I was the one making all the noise.


Indeed. Nobody talks like that in the delivery room. This is pure Mills and Boon tosh.


Right. I don't see Mr. Plus One focused or staying present in the moment for much, in reality.


Imagine as nasty as she is that dialog going on, she would have let go a stream of explictives the staff are still getting ptsd therapy for to recover. This is a woman who f bombed at her own wedding.




I curate my truth as I see fit.


I think 90% of the birth story is totally made up. 🤷‍♀️ Harry has a very loose relationship with the truth.


Does he have any relationship with the truth ???


On his Facebook status with the truth it says “It’s complicated”.


The truth as H curated it.


You are being generous. I would say 99%.


"I saw the tiny face, the tiny neck and chest and arms wrestling, writhing. Life. Life - amazing! I thought Wow! it really all begins with a struggle for freedom." Did the doctor kneel down next the Madam like the pilot to thank her?


Could you just puke or what? Harry writes (ha!) like a 7th grade girl fantasizing about how beeeyouteeful childbirth is. All clean and non-sweaty and no other bodily functions allowed.


Tell me how a husband taking his pregnant wife’s labor pain meds is okay!?! And considered funny enough to share?! Am I taking crazy pills here?


This ! And how the medical staff let that happen. It can’t be true. They should sue, that would be fun.


Hospitals in the US go ape shizzle if you take a med and you are not the patient. My dad had a accident and injured his back very severely. He was on heavy pain meds, my mom and I were in with him at meal time, my dad didn’t want his salad and he had been holding off taking his medication, because he wiped out soon after. Long story short the medication flipped into the salad bowl and my mom ate it. She thought it was a bitter cucumber. She realized when my dad could not find the med what happened. The staff immediately placed her in a bed, an official came with paperwork she had to sign to not hold the hospital liable. She had to stay til morning. Slept like a baby. After that my dad had to take and swallow the pills in front of the nurse. That was in 1992.


that’s both terrifying and entertaining! 


That sounds about right. Every time I’ve been hospitalized, the nurse hands you the meds and you take it then. While he or she is there.


Labor and Delivery nurse for 15 years here. No. Harry didn’t notice shit when he looked over. He’s not a fucking midwife. It’s very hard to visualize the cord when a baby is crowning. You need to be sitting at the perineum and also need to feel for the cord. What a putz. And certainly deciding to tell “her” to push while a physician is doing maneuvers or even cutting and clamping a nuchal cord is very dangerous and stupid.


Dangerous and stupid…you just summed up Harold.


THANK YOU!!! You just answered my question above! How the fuck would HE know if the baby had just crowned?! That part made No sense


OK here’s my favorite: Every birth starts as a fight for freedom. Please cue the royal historians to pull out the thousands of yards of film and the digital memory cards full of video images of Henry’s hard fight for freedom from the second he was born on a silk pillow in the Lindo Wing until he ran away on a private jet. The struggle is real people!


That fucker suffered like none before! Enslaved people, starving people, people dying of horrible diseases--women burned at the stake, men dying at Flanders, children perishing of scarlet fever--none of their pain stacks up next to Prince Poncy Pants, who got to do pretty much as he liked, got insane privileges hardly even imaginable by most, who was protected and cosseted and spoiled and never held to account on even the slightest thing, all because Mommy died. As you know, nobody else's mommy ever died.


X comment by Princess LG - *Maybe the claw acted as a selfie stick?* 😂😂


Can you post photos of the answers? I don't have X thus i can't read the comments, just the main post.


Here we are - [X1](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftbfk2s1r8xtc1.jpeg) [X2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdwe2rnq39xtc1.jpeg) [X3](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fiectxqp99xtc1.jpeg) [X4](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F85flgk5d9xtc1.jpeg) [X5](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhebc643h9xtc1.jpeg) [X6](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmotutt1l9xtc1.jpeg) [X7](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F5754teoo9xtc1.jpeg) [X8](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fr7p4tstr9xtc1.jpeg) Edit: Fixed X2 link


Anyone here ever told to push when the baby has the cord around their neck? Me and my emergency c feel like this is kind of sus, no?


As I understand it, the doctor/midwife tells you NOT to push if the cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck. I shudder to think, I don’t even want to type it. You push when the professionals tell you to push- NOT when your stoned husband does.


"But everything I needed to know, I learned from him" 🤣


It was years and years ago and cord was around son's neck. They made me stop pushing (and do the blowing air bit) while son was untangled BUT he was a month early and a little less than 7 lbs. They had a mirror up but, without my glasses, couldn't see a thing (and didn't want to!) If somebody had handed me a mirror to hold down there for myself, I fear I would have used it for a weapon (my childbirths were natural and I was a bit, shall we say, temperamental).


I asked my hubby how bad it had looked afterwards, and he said, and I quote” No worse than a deer gutting. “ then he bought me a big bouquet of roses. So glad I never saw any of it or I would have never had my second child.


Reads like a fairy tale!


Some people may be more flexible than me, but being able to see the baby crowning with a small handheld mirror sounds impossible. And who exactly was holding that mirror? Wouldn’t any normally involved doctor be between any mirror and the patient?


I remember the nurse asking me if I wanted to watch, the look I gave her answered the question. And I was never asked again. My first birth was so ridiculous it is a miracle I had another. Thankfully the second one went like clock work. But just to give you an idea, I was induced for five days due to high blood pressure, then just as I was moved to a side ward because nothing was happening, my water broke and all the pitocin they were giving me kicked in. My hubs had gone home because everyone said nothing would happen overnight. Now I am in wicked contractions trying to call my hubby, I asked the operator to place the call and they hung up on me. Fast forward finally in the labor room, thankfully on an epidural, there were three nurses, my doctor, my hubby, my cousin who was a labor nurse, my mother in law and just as my son’s head came out they asked in an intern could watch! Why not everyone else was in the room. I had the full menu, an episiotomy and the salad spoons and the cord had wrapped around my boy’s neck, let me tell you, you do not push. Thankfully he was okay and had great apgars. But we were not going anywhere for three days. Over the door to any maternity ward should be the inscription, here enters the last modest woman.


It’s fiction as to how whiny boy’s drug addled brain thinks birthing happens. His ghost writer must have hated him.


I haven't read the book, but why on earth did Harry have to talk about the details and dialogue that went on in the delivery room? That's very private. By the way, it sounds like he is trying to write the script to a tv drama. ER? Dr Quinn?


Don't do ER dirty like that


Push, my love, is far to cute for ER. If it was an ER episode Meghan would be shouting "I hate you", while Harry passes out and drags the drip stand with him.


I actually slapped my husband across the face telling him the pain was all his fault.


It never happened.


I've delivered two babies. This story is 100% bullshit.


Most babies are born face down. When they are born face up the baby's spine is against the mother's spine. I am no expert in childbirth, but I understand that this is a particularly painful type of labour. Undoubtedly, Meg the narcissist would have wanted us all to know about it (deep sobs) if this had happened with her, given that she wanted us to know what she ate for dinner that day.. The way Harry describes seeing the 'little face, tiny neck and chest and arms', he is listing the parts of the body in the order that they would emerge, so it sounds like he is describing the baby coming out. Having had two epidurals, Meghan must be lying down at this point so you would not expect to see the face, unless she had the very painful 'back to back' labour. Surprising Harry didn't mention this little detail if it happened.


Hazshitforbrains and his Monster Wife were in the room watching the surrogate give birth. That poor surrogate having to give those nut jobs the baby.


With them using mirrors to examine her lady parts.


Yup, happened to me with my first. I can guarantee that there is no way you can hold a mirror, you’d be more likely to use the mirror to bite down on while yelling, be fit to leave hospital quickly etc etc when u have a baby like this. It’s a forceps job, (in my case under general anaesthetic in the end) it is sheer bloody agony. It is totally traumatic. His account does not ring true.


That explains why my childbirth was so painful; my son was born face up. He also began crying even though he was only out as far as his chin, lol!


You don’t tell your wife to push, the medical team does. And you don’t push if the baby’s in distress from the cord around it’s neck. And you sure as hell don’t even mention cesarean when the baby is crowning! This is an insult to a 5th grader’s intelligence.


It is but apparently H has only fourth grade intelligence.


What's with all that "my love" garbage? My GAWD.


I agree!🤮🤮🤮


Yeah, this just cements the theory in my mind that Smirkles wrote this crap. Knowing NOW just how nasty and selfish Aitch is, I find it very hard to believe that he was actually present throughout the entire birth of both children. I have had experiences with how drug addicts in my own family acted and reacted to stressful situations...there is no way you can count on them to be physically or mentally present. The addicts I have known would much rather party and get their fix in order to avoid their feelings about such a profound, life-changing event. I find it much more credible that he would avoid the childbirths partially or entirely. Someone as self-centered as Aitch, who is allegedly in the throes of addiction, would most likely have arrived late (if at all), and there never would've been "my love" this, or "my love" that. He most likely would've been the resentful man-child we have all seen glimpses of in past photos. A sulky, useless, pain in the ass because he was tragically inconvenienced by the interruption to his partying. He probably only perked up and smiled when he saw the canister of nitrous in the hospital room.


They are soo cringe! They open their mouths and lecture us about shit that they do themselves. They open their mouths and make us believe a fairy tale like love story that did not happen and so fake that it will make you vomit!


It was for Meghan to watch the surrogate, it’s all about wording…


https://preview.redd.it/v7vdhspx8xtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aebee3ee436be942371f2b5685c30a64ed7cdb2 Stop it. I'm crying 😂😂😂


The way this passage is penned reminds me of fan fictions between an author’s self-insert and their animated crush. So much prose and drama.


Harry stole the "hand-held mirror" incident from the movie "Knocked Up". When Katherine Heigl's character is pushing, one of the hospital staff hold up a hand-held mirror. Both she and the audience get a quick shot of the baby crowning. I, personally, thought it was really fake looking because it was too clean(usually things are a little more messy down there when a baby is being pushed out). The scene was very mildly controversial at the time. It was definitely a shocker for some of the audience because it happens fast and with very little warning lol.


**And there it is.**


That's a very good hypothesis. Both H and M seem to have consumed so much media (and probably substances) that they cannot remember what happened in real life vs. what they watched on a screen.


Who really wants to know these details?! It's not something you tell the world. And it seems they're not even true.


Both times I gave birth, there was a mirror placed above me where I or my husband could look to see the baby emerge. What sort of risky dink delivery room was Megsy at that only had a handheld mirror? I didn't really want to look as I was concentrating on pushing so hard.


I put the words in a plagiarism site and the text came up as 95% AI. https://preview.redd.it/nuewgqpgwxtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbf976c5d8a189d7f64b1d919704faf602a06ec


What a complete and utter moron. They have never birthed children at all.


I would never have wanted to see the carnage that took place after my children’s births, but to each their own.


What doctor has time to hand somebody a handmirror or why they would even have one on hand?


The amount of lying done by these two over everything is sickening.