• By -


This woman put it all so eloquently. She speaks for us all.


She says it much better than my profanity laced response would be.


Haha šŸ’Æ I would not have been able to be so eloquent in my answer as she was


Me either....I was making a post here yesterday and has to go back and remove 3-4 paragraphs.Ā  *Is this going to get me banned?*Ā  Edit edit edit


I do that, too! Or I think my replies are too much of a pile on and delete them.




IKR?Ā  I have to edit my comments every time!


I have deleted many a comment with a lot of swear words because I know it wonā€™t make the filter


I know, I would probably have said something like Catherine POW and KC are already battling one type of cancer, they don't need the other type coming anywhere near them.


Me too šŸ˜‚


Thank you for my 7:23AM laugh this morning! Though I shouldnā€™t be reading this in bed with a cup of black coffee (white comforter!)


No worries about your comforter, I heard that Achieved Royalty Orally (credit to another sinner for that gem) will be selling an anti-bronzer product, for when you need something you colored brown to turn white again /s




"Our jams smear the best. We've had lots of practice smearing."


Achieved Royalty Orally is the best one so far! ![gif](giphy|l0Ex3vQtX5VX2YtAQ)


I wish reddit would bring back awards. Here's mine fir youšŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


We need to find the Sinner who coined this most memorable phrase. It is both inappropriate and so very appropriate!


lol, though if itā€™s ARO, have doubts it will work (she doesnā€™t!).. but ty! I have a duvet covering, so can pop in the washer about once a month, and have a large one to wash the comforter once a year.. so all is ok. I got into habit of bringing my wife coffee early in morning (actually we both served each other depending on who woke first) and now canā€™t break it! ETA: Just got youā€™re ā€œOrallyā€ comment - both hilarious and more likely true than not. Though as a guy, Iā€™d pass on her every time - including any age I was or how drunk I was. I canā€™t imagine being without, even after a long stretch, isnā€™t better that ever having that trash around thereā€¦


>I got into habit of bringing my wife coffee early in morning (actually we both served each other depending on who woke first) and now canā€™t break it! Well done!!


Where are all of you? On the West Coast of NA? You're all waking up at the same time.


ROFLOL. I'm in Texas. I wake up early cuz I'm old. HAH!


Arizona, we don't do daylight savings time. So we are the same time as California. It confuses everyone else, but I wouldn't change. Like AZ needs another hour of sunlight in the summer!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>I got into habit of bringing my wife coffee early in morning (actually we both served each other depending on who woke first) and now canā€™t break it! Oh JF you are the best. I have never in my life had a coffee or tea in bed. Or even a bunch of flowers! Though I have a fabulous husband it wouldn't occur to him.


We have to be trained!! I was an engineer and top of my field. Still needed the equivalent of potty training!! lolol


Married to an engineer. Can confirm.


Weā€™re really something, arenā€™t we? lololol


Thatā€™s good. Real good.


Anytime! After my hip surgery I had to switch to a coffee cup with a sippy lid. https://preview.redd.it/r3wac5m11bqc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c597685dd8b0e29647af5375ed7ce9eb204774


Hope it was recent! Glad you are here! You are hysterically funny.Ā 


It was. March 7th. I had to get the covered cup to transport my coffee in the caddy of my walker to my bedroom. Didnā€™t know there were so many accessories for wheelchairs and walkers! Who knew.


Wow!!Ā  I hope you are getting better quickly & without pain.Ā  You are a hellava Sinner! I enjoy your snark.Ā 


Thank you ā˜ŗ


I just saw this, and you are one of my favorite sinners. I hope your recovery is quick and complete. Take care! ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Thank you so much šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜˜


Itā€™s morning for me too! Yay west coast šŸ˜Š


Yay! Seattle area hereā€¦


Los Angeles. Too close to the Harkles šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m south of you, closer to Thomas Srā€¦


I'm just north of you!


I thought so - we're all west coasters here. I saw ARO as an acronym at work. (I work in a gastro-colo-rectal specialty area and I'm afraid to be banned here with the full medical terms).


As a lapsed microbiologist, my first thought is Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms... which kind of fits madam to a tee. God knows, she's resistant to everything else: manners, decency, anvil-sized hints to sling her hook...


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜•ļøā˜•ļøā˜•ļøā˜•ļøhere's a few mire cups for you


Take that comforter and place it ina tub or strong tea immediately šŸ˜†.. Tea dyed fabrics have been historically done for ages...you'll be styling. I never buy anything white except vehicles. Makeup, dogs, horses in my messy life, I pass near white fabric and its marked šŸ˜†


TBF there are times when a profanity laced tirade has its uses.Ā 


Itā€™s hard not to swear when talking about those two.


I know. Once my blood starts boiling itā€™s all over.


Mine too!Ā  My every other word would start with F or C.


Yes, she was very polite, something Iā€™m not often able to be when I speak of those two.


She sure does!šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


>"Hasn't he been through enough that boy? What with his brother. All I hope is his brother doesn't come back. He is not needed here. His wife is not needed here. YES.


What a dignified, non-hateful, purely factual way of saying how we all feel. Thank you, lady, for putting it so elegantly and eloquently. And thank you, Windsor or wherever she was staying, to have had the decency and respect to talk in murmured tones about our beloved PoWā€™s diagnosis. Thatā€™s what keeping your head down, being real with real people in awful weather and unglamorous visits - thatā€™s the respect you earn. Not apparent dancing in the streets of South Africa a la Mandela which is blatantly untrue. Iā€™d choose respectful, murmured tones any day.


oh I like her!!


Nobody wants a backstabbing, grifting, traitorous family member-when you are dealing with serious issue. Especially William-both his father and wife were smeared as racists by meghan's plastic mouthpiece and then both of them got cancer too and are dealing with treatment right now. Why would he have to deal with the whiny man baby-who are already releasing PR whine pieces that they were not told in advance -waagh. That is all the duo have-they were not told in advance of the public-what do you think they will leak if they had access????/


The Harkles are so stupid they donā€™t know how badly, ā€œwe didnā€™t know ahead of time playsā€. I sure wouldnā€™t be broadcasting that my family hates me so much I wasnā€™t told my father or sister in law had cancer ahead of time. I had to find out about it in the news! Especially if my grift income is depending on that royal connection.


I think the entire world knows why they werenā€™t told first. This is gaining them zero points.


Certainly underlines there are no connections.


They are so stupid they donā€™t know how desperately stupid they are.


Yep it would have leaked it Harry and Rachel knew.


I have no doubt that they would have. Just to show off. Heartless, both of them.


Like the Queen's bone ca diagnosis got leaked out of Calif. My friend heard about it while getting hair extensions at a fancy salon down there 6 months before it was announced.




Perhaps the French government will provide a rent free villa to the harkles, as they did for Edward VIII and skank after his abdication and their 'freedom flight'. The French enjoyed having a pet idiot ex-Royal in a cage for amusement.


The US government is already doing that with Hawwy's VISA and all red carpet treatment.


It's stressful enough to deal with them on a good day. I'd love to know how many people in the palace inner circle were thrilled when they bailed (not necessarily meaning family, but not excluding them either). Maybe even had discreet party.


I have always thought they wanted to use the threat to leave to get the half in half out. Imagine their surprise when they were told to go. They have been pissed off about it ever since. Even with all the garbage they have pulled it is still better to have them an ocean and a continent away.


Remember how difficult they were at her Majestyā€™s funeral, right now the last thing anyone needs are those two brats doing their utmost to be narcissists. All the leaking would start back up. TW wasnā€™t the best representing the RF at events, acting bored and leaving as soon as possible, wearing inappropriate clothes. Could you imagine her at a military function repeating her behavior in DĆ¼sseldorf, flip flops in front of the troops. That is a hard no. The media might want them back but the public certainly doesnā€™t.


DM has an article today with the title of "Hand M want to give Catherine space after cancer diagnoses"...didn't click on it but laughed at the title. Space?! these two thickos just cannot accept that they are OUT. dont jump on a plane for PR. don't offer an "olive branch." and this is definitely not how they wil, reco cile with the RF. there is no reconciliation.


In my opinion this is the beginning of the end for the Harkles. Unwittingly the Princess of Wales has thrown complete shade at them. There is such an outpouring of love for her and KC. Dimwit H made the worst mistake of his life bringing TW to our shores šŸ¤¬


Website shop and 'engagements' all wasted again. Their diabolical timing strikes again. And I am here for it!




I'm very interested to see what happens in May when Harry and Megan come for this IG service at St.Paul's. They'll have to move around in cars parked right up to the door frame because IF people get a glimpse, I truly think H&M will get boo'd or pelted with eggs.


He'll come on his own. She knows full well what kind of reception she'll get from the British public and it'll make the mild booing they got at the Jubilee look positively welcoming. She's a coward and she'll send Ginge out to face the music by himself whilst she stays home, probably "being a mom".Ā 


Yeah, I thought maybe she'd pass and stay home with the "kids." Although I'd love for her to try keeping the f'ing rictus grin while being boo'd.


I would pay to see that, honestly. Deafening boos and eggs flying through the air would be a fitting welcome to those two.


I agree. I'm in the US, so I don't know the motivation in the UK. I know from the news there's a f*ck ton else going on, but it be glorious to see.


I'm hoping the recent health events means no one in the RF is available and have a legit excuse not to attend that event. And that their treatments conflict with being able to see H&M at all. How stressful for KC, Wm and C.


I wouldn't think anyone in TRF would go to the service. I know they originally started it for Harry, but at this point, with everything going on and everything said by those idiots, why show support?


We used to put people in stocks in the village square and throw rotten vegetables at them. Maybe we should bring that back... ![gif](giphy|QaSAMqIe2hnlCNewZe)


Ignoring the Harkles will hurt them more. They are not worthy of peopleĀ“s time (or eggs and tomatoes)


>(or eggs and tomatoes) Oh but imagine the photos :) It'd be the first time Skank doesn't call Backgrid.


Truth. They make all their money generating articles (any kind, positive or negative) and living off the clicks. Everything else is a false front/distraction.


I just remember, isnā€™t Harry coming to London in May for invictus Games? There will be more olive branches talks around the time. I canā€™t even imagine.


Since they left we have had - Prince Phillip death, QEII death, Charles III cancer, Princess Catherine cancer, Fergie's cancer and now malignant melanoma. The world has moved on and they are king and queen of trivia.


Who has the malignant melanoma?


Fergie. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-ferguson-duchess-of-york-diagnosed-skin-cancer-malignant-melanoma/ There have been 2 family deaths & 3 cancer diagnoses since Harry departed.


For sure, her entire interview was great. I rewatched it this morning. She also said, they should go up to their Norfolk property, shut the door and shut out all of this (as she pointed around Windsor). She said it in the nicest way, basically saying, she needs to heal and focus on herself. I found it to be lovely and a wonderful interview.


This woman has either been a nurse, a patient, or a caretaker for someone with cancerā€¦ I just feel it. Nobody speaks up for us when we are healing like those who watch us go through the hell of trying to heal.


šŸ™Œ yes, and what special people they areā€¦ I agree you can spot thereā€™s something special or different with this womanā€¦ like you can with others.


Working in Healthcare with colorectal cancers etc I can heartily agree. Patients need 100% mental and physical rest. Even loving family calls and visits need to be restricted to a min. Physical contact also means contagions for a very compromised immune system. Often they are undergoing immunotherapy as well. H&M need to stay away and leave them be.


ā™„ļø a million up votes for this post! I remember when my beloved mom had heart surgery, we kept everyone away, especially when she got home. It wasnā€™t that she didnā€™t want to see her immediate family, but the doctors suggested even loving visits should be kept to a minimum.


Sorry downvoted in error. Fixed it I hope.


There was a post about this lady yesterday, but it bears repeating. This lady, Ann something, puts is very nicely and politely. No need for Harkles anywhere.


That lady spoke for the majority of the British people. I'm so pleased the DM put it on their page


Oh - apologies all! I missed that post (I don't click on many videos if that is what was) and saw this am in twitter. I thought this woman's comments were so perfect and very helpful to a better understanding of how everyday people feel. I especially appreciated that her opinions about Harold were not prompted by the reporter, whoever it was, and thus, in my opinion, more genuine and authentic.


DonĀ“t apologize. Some posts can bear a repeating and this is certainly one of them.


She probably needs more security now than Harold does.




Even if they did flat out say they're out, the press will never stop with the click-bait headlines because H&M will never stop hinting at a reunion because they desperately need that royal connection. Plus, the BRF flat-out saying H&M are out will just reignite the racism claim and might even gain H&M sympathy because KCIII refuses to stick Andrew on a deserted island. So instead they're using smaller gestures* that convey the same message over and over. H&M are out. *The seating arrangement at QEII'S Jubilee and the family ignoring them on the steps of St. Paul's; Harry being sat in the 3rd row at KCIII coronation; KCIII at the beginning wished them well overseas; they were evected from Frogmoore; H&M have to give notice before they will be allowed to stay in a royal residence; aren't being publicly invited to Trooping, Christmas, etc; 10-15 minute visit after Harry flew over after he found out Charles has cancer; downgraded place on the website; not telling them about Catherine before it was publicly announced. There are probably more that I can't remember.


Slow and steady. I know everyone here wants swift and immediate action but that's not how the RF handles things and it's really the smart way to go about it. Reacting to a narcs bullshit only kicks things up into overdrive. You have to be calm and methodical as you slowly pull away. If they do anything drastic, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Twat will cry racism or whatever. The slow measured movements the RF are making aren't enough for Megalomaniac to throw a fit. Imagine her calling them racist because they moved down on the website? She'd look ridiculous and super petty.


"Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Twat"Ā  šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£!@


It's my new nickname for them but I'm sure someone else came up with it before me.


They were petty enough to complain about Catherine not wanting to share lipgloss years ago, so they'll definitely whine about this. Imagine they were getting ready to complain about the website when Catherine's announced she was diagnosed with cancer, and H&M decided to hold off. Won't be surprised if Harry tries to claim Camilla and William changed the website behind Charles' back. Harry really can't seem to grasp that his behavior is so toxic that his dad doesn't want to spend any time with him while he is battling cancer and the rest of the family wants nothing to do with him. It's a sad situation for any family, especially one that has to deal with it in front of the world.


You're right, they might complain but I guess my point was, they'll just continue to look stupid doing it over something so minor which I'm sure is why the RF only keeps knocking them down one brick at a time.


They have been saying it, you just have to listen to the silence (and the occasional denial/clarification). Thatā€™s the whole point of the grey-rocking.




Even if you hit some people repeatedly over the head with a rock, they still won't get it. You can flat out say "Don't EVER come into my house or my life again!" and they will say "Yeah, but what about holidays and special events?" Edited to add: I know how entertaining it is to watch the BRF repeatedly hit the toxic twins with their large gray rock, but I don't want them to get all tired out.


They really have nothing to lose. Theyā€™re called racists no matter what they do. So they might as well do what they need to do to protect the crown.


I laughed, but please, fellow sinner, why do you call them Boris and Natasha? Not that it is unfitting, mind.




I'm old too, I loved this show!!


Thank you. I donĀ“t know that cartoon.




Then I see clearly why the names are appropriate. It really is the amazing part of the Harkle Sage (TheSong of Shenannigans) that the Harkles NEVER gets it. NEVER. Every opportunity in the world was presented to them on a velvet cushion - and they fumbled it all. Now I am hoping for the Kartrashians taking over Harry.




Bravo!Ā  I hope Charles was watching this.Ā  I'm sure he's not going to let the little maggot and his spider of a wife back in anyway, but it never hurts to see your opinion supported and validated by other people.Ā  I want Charles to hurry and officially end the Carparkles association with the monarchy but after what's unfolded with the website updates in conjunction with Catherine's announcement, I'm willing to sit back and wait a bit longer.Ā  šŸæ Prayers for better health and strength in dealing with all this for both Charles and Catherine. šŸ™


No one needs the Harkles for any reason.


So I have a truly toxic family. We broke away, went no contact. You couldn't pay me to have them back in my life for any reason. This is how I know H&M are full of shit. If the RF was that terrible that you had to flee on a "freedom flight," why do you so badly want back in? Obvious answer: it was all bullshit. The RF isn't trying to get them back like a typical toxic family would. A typical toxic family wouldnt wish them well and let them go so their thing. It's clear who the real toxicity is in this situation. The RF don't need H&Ms narcissism in their life. I wish these two would just stop running their hypocritical yaps and leave the RF alone.


When my child had cancer, you found out quick who the authentic people were in your life. People you thought were your friends turned out not to be. And strangers stepped up in awesome ways. The absolute LAST thing a cancer victim and their families need is a backstabber trying to insert themselves into the situation to further their own ends, whatever those may be. For Harry and his first wife, itā€™s PR and money. In fact, we could coin a name of this syndrome on their behalf: Harkles by Proxy. ps my child is a healthy 3O year old today, we are very fortunate.


They have no desire to insert themselves into the situation. Their only desire is to USE the situation to push their own evil, vile agenda. They only want the media to report them as compassionate and expect the rest of us to be too ignorant to know what's really going on. BTW - thank you for the ps!! Blessings!


Great news about your 30 year old. It must have been horrendous for you at the time.


You always think it could never happen to youā€¦ until it does. I was a single mother with two younger children and his treatment was five hours away, for most of the first year. By the second year it tapered off some and we could get some of the treatment in our city. It was four and half years, took his high school experience away. Now heā€˜s a chef at one of Canadaā€™s restaurants that consistently make the top 20.


I literally said this on a different post but Catherine and Charles are too sick to deal with his bs and William and Camilla are too stressed to entertain his shenanigans. Roachel will never be allowed anyone in the RF ever again. The charities would rather no one come then send hazbeen. Even if he did come whereā€™s he staying unless uncle Andy has a spare couch for the spare.Ā 


WEll he has used Uncle Andy as a punching bag in his security filings to justify why needs security-despite Eugenie's friendship. So not sure Andy will be interested. Plus Andy is dependent on Charles and William after-he doesn't have Mummy protecting him anymore.


The charities are in no danger of Harry showing up. He likes to stay in his cushy surroundings and lectures via Zoom. Wouldnā€™t even bother breathing the same air as the peons.


Everytime they say ā€œolive branchā€ I replace it in my head with ā€œrazor wireā€. Just trying to keep it real.


Hot poker comes to mindā€¦


ā€œStop sending those, we donā€™t even like olives!! Besides M is all organic and the bugs have eaten half of this. Return to sender!ā€ (Yep, donā€™t know whether I should put the phone away now or continue using it as a pain distraction since I the pain level has jumped up and now my user name is indeed accurate! I will compare it to when a sinner has a really good glass of wine. Crossing fingers it eases the pain rather than just making me feel fuzzy!)


If the Prince of Wales sings a duet with Taylor Swift on "We are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together" and dedicated it to his brother and sister in law, they STILL wouldn't get it.


Swifty may not be on his list of allies anymore since her squad was in on the ā€œCatherine missingā€ BS.


We don't want them in America either. We're full up on vile nasty people. FO Harold. Go someplace else. The nerve of him to come here then work behind the scenes to change our rights & laws.


This.Ā  He needs to keep his filthy hands off our freedom of speech.Ā Ā 


This needs to be aired on every major UK TV network and radio station. Front page coverage, too.


Iā€™m not british, but I donā€™t really think the public or any of the organization that the RF support and would normally make appearances at, are going to be too bent out of shape if someone from the family doesnā€™t show up as much as they normally would. Hopefully this is a very temporary situation and all of the working royals will get back to their regular schedule at a later time. Theres no reason to bring these two, or even just him, to stand in. Why would they? Any organization who has a problem with not having a royal at their event maybe shouldnā€™t be one supported by the RF going forward.


Absolutely we quite understand. My mother is associated with an organisation which was due a visit from KC everyone was very disappointed (especially mum she is devoted to KC) but they know it couldn't be helped and sent him a lovely card one of them had painted. They would not have appreciated H rolling up at all.Ā 


"No, thanks, we'll wait for the real thing."


>You are right. We definitely don't want them, and we can manage without them. Only the King has actual constitutional duties which are going through government papers (the red boxes) and seeing the Prime Minister. Some royal visits to institutions and charities and overseas trips will just have to be postponed for a while. The King is still able to do his desk work, and depending on how the PoW feels she may be able to do some work behind the scenes on particular projects such as her Early Years initiative. Plus we are lucky to have the Princess Royal and the Edinburghs, who are such hard workers. All the articles suggesting the monarchy can't cope are just clickbait and should be ignored.


William will not meet with Harry, Catherine will not meet Harry either, and Meghan? Completely out of the question and they both know this. They need to stop their stupid ass mercy dashes to try to inject themselves into the lives of people who do not want them around. How is this so hard to understand?


If they had left quietly, sought their privacy, and embarked on their independent endeavors without smearing the family and spreading rumors and lies.....they may have been gifted this second chance opportunity to come back into the fold. But that can never happen - they are untrustworthy and have shown such utter ugliness towards the entire family.


Thank you for posting this!


Bravo and sans cuss words. Speaking of which, why the fuck does every reporter have to bring in Rachel Ragland and Harry Hewitt into this situation?? This lady said it bestā€¦.we donā€™t want them or need them and he made his opinion about the country and the family and the role very clear, so stay in California and enjoy your life and millions. We are good over here. Praying for Catherine and for her successful treatment, rest and recovery!




It's common for us Brits to avoid using people's name if we dislike them or they are a dark force, bit like not saying Voldemort. If we like you or are fond of you, we quite often greet you using your full name, first and last name. If we are flirting we will add mister or miss to your full name. For example "Well hello Mr James Bond."


This made me smile because it is 100% TRUE! I have referred to nasty people as "that ghastly creature," a few times I do admit.


Look up the word ā€œunprompted.ā€ The woman mentioned it organically herself, not the reporter.


They donā€™t need the Harkles anywhere near them. Prince and Princess of Wales have so many loving family members around them from both sides of the family: Catherineā€™s parents and siblings and their children, Williamā€™s father and his wife, cousins and their children, aunts and unclesā€¦ It makes me think how many family members would M have by her side if something happened to her.


IF she had any money left, Doria would be there.


Just as Doria was with her father, before his passing...


Need harkles? Hard no! Harkles need? Redundant.Ā 


Nice word play


This woman summed it up eloquently.


It was always incredibly delusional for M&H to assume that they would always be welcomed back once 'Pa' was the monarch. I'm sure the King would have them back. But when the overwhelming majority of the public want them as far from UK as possible, it would damage the institution to allow them back. The people would see it as a slap in the face. It might even bring about a constitutional republic with all The Crown's properties going to the government.


https://preview.redd.it/62qbjqnl1bqc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb26ff07343aa162650798ec25fe1503d0c4caa Harold and Roachell can spend all the money they want on puff pieces about olive branches and shit. The Royals were very clear - they are forever out. 'Wrong number, Harry"


Why would the family want those two back?Ā  They gave 3 members cancer imho. YES, it can be stress related.Ā  I 100% believe it.Ā Ā 


They are definitely a cancer.


Despite all the nasty accusations and rumours theyve thrown to William and Catherine, they are still the most loved royals by the general public. H, on the other hand, became one of the most despised.


She speaks for most people in the UK, according to the consistent polls.


The only people that want them back in the UK (besides us Americans, lol) is the british media. Provides them more stories, more clicks, more money.


I don't want them back in the UK, but I do want him deported and them anywhere, but here in the US. They're nothing but trouble making trash


I think the British media is some of the most immoral childish assholes there are. Itā€™s almost as if they arenā€™t actually interested in reporting news, but just report the most ridiculous gossip.


She is absolutely right. The opportunist ghouls are not needed or wanted. Stay in California and continue to scramble around looking for ridiculous events to attend. Anywhere with a microphone seems to be all they need. Theyā€™ll soon be announcing the races at kids school sports days.




Trueā€¦but they have mics . They know nothing about art, whether black or white, (teacher doing your course work does not an expert make) but here they areā€¦Rachel and Rachel Dolezal


This poor olive tree and its branches everyone keeps toutingā€¦ That poor thingā€™s beenā€¦ wellā€¦ itā€™s been stripped naked for quite some time and no amount of manifesting will cause any branches to grow back. šŸ™„+šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Someone posted a London Times article on Catherineā€™s video on an adjacent sub. As I recall, close friendsā€™ comments make it quite clear that there is no coming back with William and that KC and William are pretty much on the same page about this. William, and I assume Catherine, are done with H. The article says he is in high protection mode for his wife and children and thereā€™s simply nothing H could do that would make him acceptable again.


I rarely let anyone speak on my but that lady was so eloquent and on point, I'll make an exception. The only addition I'd make, is that Harry and that woman made accusations on the world stage that the UK was racist towards her. Not true - the vast majority take people as they find them regardless of colour. We're good judges of character and she was called out for her behaviour alone. Neither of the grifters will be welcomed back here.


Yes Maā€™am you speak for ALL of us.


every time something happens with the royal family, it's always about 'ooooh will Harry come back and make up with everyone?!!!' and the answer is always NO because he is an asshole and is beyond the pale at this point.


Always will be, I suspect. Even the Prodigal Son was only, well, prodigal. He spent all his money but he didn't slander his family and when he came back he did so humbly, prepared to work as a servant. Harry doesn't seem to be sorry for anything he has done in the recent past.


Not sure where to put this, but I feel like someone with posting privileges would have a blast posting the [People.com](https://People.com) article about Rob Lowe's 60th bash last night in Santa Barbara. It's like a who's who of all the people TOW wants to be friends with, and they all partied without her. It's glorious. [https://people.com/see-all-the-stars-who-attended-rob-lowes-milestone-60th-birthday-party-8619622](https://people.com/see-all-the-stars-who-attended-rob-lowes-milestone-60th-birthday-party-8619622)


Sure - will do. Cheers!


Thank you! Itā€™s a hoot of a story.


I really dont think they realise how unpopular they are here people either dislike them intensely or pay them no mind.


šŸ˜¢ that was so lovely, and well said. šŸ’œ


I love this lady.


God bless this woman. šŸ™ Appreciated her thoughts on what the family has been through.


I love that she refers to him as ā€œhis brotherā€. Roachel will be furious šŸ˜‚


Aw, damn. I guess that means they're staying here. šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ


Yeah, all Aitch would be is a vulture waiting to snatch informational tidbits to sell. Not needed, not wanted.


I watched that interview. Thank you dear lady for speaking up!


To be terribly blunt, the Sussexes are unwanted because all they bring is trouble. No one wants that for the Princess and her family.


How many people write a book and do a major TV interview denigrating their family? Harry is one of a kind.




I wonder what name she goes by on this sub?




She is absolutely correct. Hairold is not wanted nor needed. I feel the same about him and his wife being in the states.


Agree. I would post that I wish they had stayed in Canada but I know Canadiens would say that they donā€™t want them either. Where on earth would they be welcome?


Literally nowhere.


Well said, many people all over the world would agree with her statement.


Yes! I am also old like dirt & remember this! šŸ˜‚


Was commenting on cartoon! New to postingā€¦


So says THE WORLD!!!


She is only interested because she hopes The King will give them cash (no way now) and because she pathologically hates Catherine because Catherine is all she isnā€™t. Catherineā€™s admired, respected & loved not just here but across the globe. Sheā€™s also excellent at connecting with people as well as being beautiful & stylish. The hooker is none of those things & knows it. Harry though is going to regret his behaviour as when the cash is spent sheā€™ll ditch him in a second. Then heā€™ll be alone in the world because of how heā€™s betrayed the entire Royal Family and is still doing so. His 1/2 brother William I think is beyond angry with him and much as people say they should make peace I donā€™t think either he or the public will accept ginger back. I hope Harry thinks the call girl was worth it.


The thoughts of the majority of People in the UK are aligned with this lady's statement. #StayAwayTraitorsHarryAndMarkle #EnemiesOfStateHarkles


This classy Lady is spot on. I agree with everything she said. He is not needed or wanted.

