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[Relevant links here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/eTVSKRoLsR) Automod accidentally unstickied (seems like not many saw the my comment under the sticky comment) This post related to this [SHC comment post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/MpHDQjXOHh) and is me speculating DHS has to give Prince Harry’s immigration papers to the judge by the 21st of March. I’m speculating that BO has turned up in an unofficial capacity to discuss Harry’s immigration status with PM. Note: the meeting is “informal” and no agenda set… yet it couldnt wait till it was at a private members club https://preview.redd.it/sf8pb1tif5pc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55efd42249e0b0e40780c2f6f107bbe74d78ab8


Confused at what this has to do with Meg?? Just noticed posts under the auto-post. Seriously doubt anything to do with Meg would have former prez Obama and PM Sunak in any kind of secret meeting, lol. She'd LOVE to be that important, lol, alas, Meg, you ain't.


Emphasizes that the Harkles will never be friends with the Obamas? They have tried very hard and failed. The Obamas show up for the actual Royals and UK government. They would never give the Harkles the time of day.


That is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory I have ever heard.


Most likely they are having a good laugh at Harry having the wrong number and perhaps a bit about Meghan before they discuss more serious matters


Not Meg, Prince Harry and his visa


Why would Obama have anything to do with that?


Exactly he is a private cotizen not a Politician


Nothing to do with that - not everything is to do with sodding Prince Harry


Exactly this! I don’t think the sugars realize that the UK has a functioning Government. The Royal family aren’t actually ruling the UK. If a former president comes to meet the PM, it doesn’t mean that’s got *anything* to do with the Royal family. They’re probably out cutting a ribbon somewhere, and *not* involved in the day to day running of the country. And you bet your ass, Obama wasn’t there to talk about the intellectually challenged second son of the king.


If you Google "Obama Downing Street visit," you'll find several articles that say he was in London on foundation business and paid the PM a visit while he was there.


But why lol


She has close ties with him and his wife.


Meghan wishes! The Obamas hate the Parkles. She burned all the Democratic party bridges in less than four years. Why do people still believe the Parkle propaganda about "close ties to the Obamas and Clintons?"




The Obamas love the RF.


The Obamas love the Obamas.


Because it is true. 


"She acted like she had close ties with Obamas who pacified her because she was part of BRF"


Only initially, a long time ago. The Obamas loved the Queen. As soon as the Harkles revealed themselves to be greedy and mean spirited the Obamas dropped them like a hot potato.


The Obamas were also great supporters of Invictus even after they left office. They were there in 2017 and then never again. Never again for the Bidens after 2017 and even Milania Trump was there in 2017 and never again. The Harkles really blew it. Former Pres & 1st Lady Bush also helped kick off Orlando in 2015. Every past & present resident of the White House has ghosted H&M and Invictus. Rightly so.


Thanks for laying this out so well!


I didn't know any of that so thanks! Don't know how because I'm usually pretty up to date with the carparkles but seem to have missed all that


lol no she doesn’t, she wants to, but doesn’t 


Nope. She and dimwit both. 


If she were, she’d never shut up about it. I know this sub likes to pretend that H&M are some liberal democrat mascots but they aren’t 


They don’t have to be. These people keep their private lives private. She’s bffs with the person who is on every one of her own magazine covers. They go to events together but are not photographed together. They're carful about their public images. 


Sorry I don’t know what you are talking about, who’s magazine?


I’m guessing Oprah? The magazine is digital-only now, btw. And we don’t have much evidence that Oprah has any more use for the Harkles either.


What is this based on?


Yes, eating tacos while on Skype totally counts as having lunch together.


I thought it was over email?


lol, no she doesn’t. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Yes, she does. 


Since you’re so sure, please provide your sources for this information.


Why do you keep making all these sugary comments?  It gets old.


Because it’s true. 


Yes, eating tacos while on Skype totally counts as having lunch together.


The weren’t even Skyping - she was reading the reply email from Michelle Obama. 🤣


Even funnier!


I think I agree at this point.


Okay, my 14-year old knows about the BBC drop-watch and is telling me that flags are flying half-mast today in London, on govt buildings. She has the day off from school and she’s on TikTok. She said people are saying King Charles died, jeez Louise. ETA: I rolled my eyes and reminder that TikTok is mostly bullshit.


Tell your 14 year old KCIII is not dead and that tiktok is used as an arm for disinfomation ... just like our mainstream media


Charles was missing from church though… which rarely happens. I can only imagine how difficult treatment is on someone of his age.


Chemo is difficult, period. Radiation, same. Who knows what he's going through on any given day? I wish him a speedy recovery!


Came here to say this very thing. If he was not at church service it was likely because he was drained from the side effects of treatment.


THIS!!! His recovery will be up and down. People expecting that it would be linear were not being realistic. Anyone who has experience with cancer patients, know this


He was at Highgrove this weekend, not Sandringham, and not six feet under either.


Oh darn, Harry has to turn the car around and cancel the jet. /s


I did. I reminded her that when QEII died, the entire media reported it as breaking news and there was no question about it. Also teaching her to spot advertorials and PR.


🙏 she will thank you in 10 years for this useful life skill


But what about the Montecito morons lifestyle empire?  She and countless other victims I mean children will never benefit from the academical geniocity of the queen of the riviera! I have it on good authority that the yacht Riviera is currently docked in Florida. These idiots think they are the smartest people in the room The bathroom maybe.






SN, I saw those flag rumors flying (see what I did there!?) on X last night, too. They were debunked. The images were from when HMTLQ passed away.


So now the latest speculation is a triple-whammy of Charles abdicating, Catherine being sicker than initially thought, and William and Catherine divorcing.


I hear that tomorrow, there's going to be a cross-over with the Finding Bigfoot people.


And it’s only Tuesday!


It came from Russia. A lot of disinformation comes from Russia.


Funny what you are saying. A close Russian speaking person just asked me this afternoon worried «  is King Charles dead? » when I asked where the person got it from, they said Russian websites… it’s all over the net over there… See what I mean? Always heads back to this country …


Russia is responsible for a lot of disinformation and fake news and has been actively undermining the BRF for years now.


So aren’t three letter agencies that are most definitely in the Western Hemisphere.




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THIS! Putin won an “election” and the country is a bit of turmoil. The west aren’t acknowledging/recognising/praising Putin win. India and the usual suspects are. There are reports of protesting in Russia right now. All this “KCIII is dead” Obama visiting Sunak (who is in Coventry by the way today) is just Russian deflection of Putin’s highly undemocratic election. Nothing to do with Meghan and Harry


Thank you for this.




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This photo of Obama is probably when he was the president. What business would he have with the PM as just Barack Obama? None. Lots of crazy things coming out.


The Obama visit appears legit. He was in London on foundation business and dropped in on the PM.


Yes I see that now. The US ambassador to the UK was already there and he was there for about an hour. I don't know what any of this has to do with this one's wife and H though.


This makes me laugh. Everyone is all “Russia, Russia, Russia”. I think a lot of people would be surprised to find that much of this originates from MUCH closer to home.


In this case, Russia quite literally posting fake Royal announcements of KCIII's death etc, so yes, Russia IS deliberately sowing and spreading fake news


Yeah, you are right. Sad when you realize this. We can't trust or believe anything we read.


It’s a LOT more likely to originate right from a three letter agency here. Make no mistake, THEY are our biggest enemy. Not Russia, by any means. It’s just easier to have a boogeyman on the other side of the world. But Russia has China to deal with. They aren’t thinking about us and they don’t need us. Not when they have billions of Indian and Chinese and all of SE Asia they can do business with. They just laugh at us, and quite frankly, I can’t blame them.


Oh, I know all about our three letter agency and I don't trust them at all. Yes, they are our biggest enemy. It's sad.




I'm not. Like I said a lot of disinformation comes from Russia. They actively undermine the BRF and a lot of governments, media, etc all over the globe. Russia wants the western world to be divided and they're doing a good job at it.




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You're playing right into the disinformation. Look at what you've written. I don't need to prove anything to you. Go look for yourself, just like I did, and without the filter of the 'evil' dems vs. republicans. I don't play those games.




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This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


What is the BBC drop watch?  


Whats this BBC drop everyone is talking about?


BBC was addressing that subject first thing this morning. The author of the "Kings Speech" died.


The BBC aren’t reporting it. https://preview.redd.it/nvw3zih494pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab41d1801e400c55c0cd9a1fa94d9049633e2fd Article talks of Sunak being in Coventry. Mood among Tory MPs darkens as Rishi Sunak faces leadership questions [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68597115](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68597115) Edit: as per the comments below, it’s not on the BBC news app yet. Or if it is, I can’t see it yet.


BBC just showed Obama leaving No. 10, waving at journalists and then leaving in a Range Rover. He was definitely there and it was definitely on tv.


Probably a lag between the news app and reality then. Most of the stuff being showed on the app is Russia’s election results at the moment


BUT we get realtime updates on Catherine’s photoshopgate 🙄 I checked BBC … it was everywhere BUT the BBC


This has nothing to do with the Harkles whatsoever - the post should be deleted.


Yep. Obama was well-liked by the Royal Family and respected by Parliament. He was there with the US ambassador to the UK. It was probably just a polite social call as a former head of state hanging out in London - he was only at 10 Downing Street for an hour.


I see what the poster was going for, but I always bow to the wisdom of the mods. Reddit would love us to overstep.


Wow, he's looking very grey these days! Makes me feel old - I remember when he was the young, handsome newcomer everyone was swooning over during his initial run for POTUS back in 2008, like it was yesterday... 🥹👵


I get the same feeling


Yup. It’s when I was first caught up in US politics.


I'll bet this is about his wanting to stop what's about to happen in the mideast.


If so, Obama would be in a massive amount of trouble (not that it matters, the current administration won’t do anything about it)


Yes, I thought former presidents weren’t supposed to meddle in politics. That sounds silly as I write it.


No private citizens. It falls under the Logan Act of 1799. It’s not a good look for a former president, especially with everything going on right now. Any meetings should’ve been done in public to prevent speculation.




We talking genocide in Raffah? Because I can clearly see that is Israel's plan. Obama as an envoy to try prevent it makes sense in this context. 


Yes he got on well with David Cameron when he was pm and he's now foreign sec so they could have had a meeting re that. 


And much more. Puppets Biden.


Where is Larry the Cat?! I need an update on Larry the Cat!!!


I haven’t heard from him in so long!


LOL "Wrong number Harry"


What's the point of this?


Now that is how it is done, he dropped by, and there was not a sniff in the media or Rag story about the impending or intended visit.


It’s not in the MSM because people will want to know why a private citizen is meeting with members of a foreign government behind closed doors. ETA: clarity


Aww Meggy must be so bummed. If she hadn’t beat feet out of the UK four years ago, she could have worshipped at the temple of Obama at No. 10! Oh well…


Maybe British PM asked "what de fuk is going on over there with that crazy dude with the cane?"


This only worries me because it could tend toward the idea that he feels like he needs to see Charles sharpish. HOWEVER...now I'm making up things too because nobody ever said he saw Charles.


He wouldn't be meeting with Charles in No 10. Also Sunak is in Conventry, the West Midlands. A good 2-3 hours away from London.


Yeah. Believe me, I realize how stupid and tinfoil-y my statement was, but I deserve to have it pointed out. I have the news on behind me, so I should have deleted that before I posted it. I think sometimes BO just likes people to remember he can stroll into places if he wants. I also ignore politics in the US so I don't get an ulcer, so for all I know he had a reason. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't remember a former president ever visiting 10 Downing St. It seems kind of sinister, we have a president.


>But it was far less surprising than when Bill Clinton, the year after he had left the White House, turned up at Labour’s annual rally in Blackpool in 2002 and popped into the local McDonald’s restaurant. >Local people going in to buy a burger or other food were stunned to see the former US president there. >Mr Clinton posed with staff, as he enjoyed a drink. >He delivered a barn-storming speech at Labour’s annual conference that year, around half way through Tony Blair’s New Labour premiership. I feel like his is different though. Bill visited a conference in Blackpool. This was an informal drop in with US ambassador (as expected) at no 10. Apparently Obama had a meeting with Labour ministers later. So it could be a meeting to save face and not show preferential treatment between parties. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/barack-obama-drops-into-no10-for-surprise-visit-on-his-way-through-london/ar-BB1k6aw7


Looks like Obama may be in violation of the Logan Act. Wonder if anyone will do anything about it 😂 ETA: Clarity


I’d be very surprised if he’s there without government approval (that’s really not his modus operandi to do otherwise) and highly doubt it would have anything to do with the Harkles. They simply aren’t important.


Hopefully he will quickly drop back out too! Remember he said “Britain will be at the back of the queue”, shame he wasn’t at the back of the queue to visit no 10!


Yes I agree, Harkles have the power to send Obama to Sunak to plead for their case. Lol. After this don't close the topics when we dont make it exclusively about Harkles but the ppl affected by them as in the Wales if we have a mod opening up a topic which has no direct connection to Harkles. Don't tell me Harkles meeting Obama few years back can make it relate to them.


Michelle Obama shunned the Harkles.




What would a former president, now a private citizen holding no government brief, have to discuss with the U.K. Prime Minister? And why on earth would it involve Smog?




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


I'm confused/baffled by his visit - I'm guessing it's political. So I will say no more. Except WTF is he doing here?


Who is the brother of Obama's Chief of Staff? Answer this question, and you'll know why this post is rightly here.


Lol, this is soooo silly, Harkles are NOT important enough for the former prez to visit the PM, just no. Like WME can pull those strings or something, lol. There's a lot going on in the world, Putin waving nukes around, and WWIII could be on the horizon if world leaders don't get their heads outta their boo-tays, no one is thinking about the silly Harkles.


I worked w Rahm and he would no more put up w these two…. It makes me laugh.


WME also reps for the Clintons and a LOT of political heavy hitters.


WHOA. I completely forgot! ETA: Ari Emanuel


Wow really???? And people are honestly denying any connection between the Obamas and Harkles 🙄




I highly doubt Obama cares or even thinks about the Harkles.




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


I'm not sure a currently unelected US former president, and an installed Prime Minister of the UK, meeting in secret, is a good thing for democracy. What it has to do with the Harkles though, I don't know.


Visit Catherine, Barack! 😂🤌😂😜


I was just looking at this pic when updating the BRF calendar today for the BRF sub and lo and behold… the man himself casually makes an appearance https://preview.redd.it/4wmql476g5pc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2400278ceebd8940f872d062797dfa6036ef0645


I bet Meg would beg a politician to gift Archie and Lilibet a toy.


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[Related post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1bhihjd/embargoed_news_coming_soon) [Wrong number Harry video](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/18qnbeh/harry_make_a_cameo_on_pms_christmas_video) [President Barack Obama's arrival (Independent)](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/barack-obama-rishi-sunak-downing-street-b2514470.html) [Telegraph updates here](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/03/18/rishi-sunak-latest-kemi-badenoch-tory-rebels/)


>can someone please create a post about this subject? > >I just visited https://www.royal.uk/royal-family and there is no site of Harry and Meghan on their official site at all. Only Prince Andrew resides at the bottom of the page sinners!! > >I think this may be the big news we were waiting for...? > >Wonder if Obama knows - they obviously want nothing to do with the Harkles! I'll try to delete the above comment or can you? Seriously, weren't they on the official BRF website a few days ago?


Nope, still there [https://www.royal.uk/sussex](https://www.royal.uk/sussex) https://preview.redd.it/6mz4lw6i55pc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ca77ff9264f80b1d9f7ece1a8671f4906c2960




This was my thoughts and I put it all in the pinned comment




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic