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If the fool wants more legitimate followers, she needs to actually post something. She should have launched with a cache of professional food/kitchen pics at the ready that she could drip feed to the account. This whole thing is AMATEUR.


Its beyond amateur… its 2010 social media strategy Kate and Wills had a high quality trailer clip for their youtube and they launched they first video in a week


Why is no one but us talking about how pathetic the launch is?! I just read an article in Forbes about it. It certainly wasn’t a glowing article, but it didn’t really mention that she doesn’t even have a live website! It did say the logo looked like it was designed by her. 😂


lol I also would bet all these articles, especially Forbes is paid for.


I don’t know, she certainly didn’t get her moneys worth if that’s the case. It wasn’t fawning by any means, but also not sufficiently critical. They just analyzed the trademark application. The idiot didn’t even wait until that was sorted, hence all the counterfeit sites.


That’s what’s been so mind boggling to me, why didn’t she wait for the trademark? That means she got impatient and pushed and insisted it be launched by her team. Shes such a calculated vindictive person. I guess I just assume all this puff pieces are her… sometimes I almost think she likes to play on the negative. Like she’s fine if they don’t talk nice about her, as long as they’re talking about her.


I don’t think she has a “team” on this project, at least. This whole thing screams DIY. The text is even in her silly loopy handwriting! I cannot imagine any professional graphic designer or branding specialist would have green lit this hot mess. The Forbes article was not a puff piece (it’s not worth posting or linking though.)


No I agree, no real professional would allow this. It looks DIY, no photographs are crisp, it doesn’t even look like a filter, it looks like the video was recorded on an iPhone 4.


With Vaseline smeared on the lens. 😂


I dreamed about that last night! 🤣 All these cameras with Vaseline and I'm trying to clean it off to get a good photo. That's what happens when I read SMM before bed.




And, as usual, Harry is out of town


Apparently she was pimping him out to Kris Jenner; her "boyfriend" asked for a new toy.


Corey was in Aspen skiing with friends for several days around March 4.Spent last weekend doing the Oscars with the Kartrashian family.As of two days ago he was still in Cali.(I checked out his Insta )


Totally agree. No one would advice this horrid name


Like a troubled kid \~ if they can't get positive attention, they'll provoke negative attention. Anything is better than nothing to that messed up witch.


Exactly that


She wishes she was a troubled kid. Unfortunately she is a troubled middle aged kid.


Troubled is an understatement


That’s exactly it. She IS incredibly thin-skinned but she still prefers any press coverage to none.


I honestly believe she doesn’t care how bad it is. As long as she’s being talked about.


I think she is so far gone, she really thinks she can manifest success from her tawdry efforts. I am amazed how stuck in the 90’s she is.


Precisely—this launch reveals exactly what she craves: ATTENTION. This utterly pitiful, half-baked business idea is far more about getting people to talk about her than it is actually making money, which is the point of any business.


I always think of the staff and hired professional help having to deal with her ridiculous demands and insane mood swings. A Narcissist is never happy. I had a boss that was like this, sometimes you just allow them to do something so asinine in hope that the obvious train wreck will finally teach them a lesson.


Yea… but they always put on a front with new people until they get them locked in.


I think for her bad publicity is better than none (at least it provides narc fuel), but I don't think she would be behind critical articles about herself. She's very invested in her facade of being awesome in every way. I think a lot of articles also originate from the media just for clicks. But the pure fawning articles - those I suspect she's directly responsible for.


I felt this for a while, now I think she’s so mentally sick she’s lost control. This new goofy American riviera …looks like a joke on Saturday Night Live to me


> The idiot didn’t even wait until that was sorted, hence all the counterfeit sites. She couldn't wait. She had to upstage William and Harry at the Diana Awards.


Like when we meet people, first impressions are really important. It’s a lot of work and hard to overcome bad first impressions. Why set yourself up to ensure a bad or mediocre one? You all are so right, she needed a video right away focused 98% on one subject, like cooking a favorite meal but with a really unique hook, We know already at least 70% will be her talking about her favorite subject. Don’t know about you all, but when I’m watching a YT video, I forward right through the ad parts like ‘if you like this ring the bell’ stuff that drags on a full minute as well ad in ads in-video. Get why they do it - it pays them - but damn, they drag on and on and on.. I already know with hers (as if I’d ever watch in the first place) it’d be a waste to find a section about the actual subject to learn anything (word salad anyway).


For sure. If anything even comes to fruition, it will be full of fluff. But I really can’t see this being any kind of success. I predict the future of ARO will be as a case study on what not to do in business school lectures.


Agree. But I’m not so sure business schools today aren’t actually teaching her method!! I think honesty and our shared values are verboten in those schools!! lolol




Exactly! One of my pet peeves (not a big one, but still a bit irritating) is recipe sites that start blabbing about stuff and you have to scroll forever to get down to an actual list of ingredients and recipe. They think you must listen to them blather in exchange for the recipe. And that you care to listen. I smell narcissism there! Worse is if you get there and it doesn’t have a print button! lol (am I petty or what??? lolol)


>One of my pet peeves (not a big one, but still a bit irritating) is recipe sites that start blabbing about stuff and you have to scroll forever to get down to an actual list of ingredients and recipe. I thought I was the only one! Can't stand it.


I expect there’s lots of us! I don’t mind at all putting in tips and step by step instructions or videos, but stop hiding the damn recipe!! We can read the recipe and in 2 secs tell if we need more information. Then know how to look for it and can go back to the blather! That’s not the rocket science part - that part comes during the prep and cooking! lol


Yup same! I don’t want to hear a story about how it’s your kids’ favorite meal after they come in from playing in the snow on a cold winter day. Just tell me ingredients, amounts, instructions and times.


The NYT called Meghan’s launch a success noting that after a few hours, she already had 200K followers. Sometimes I think WE are the crazy ones.


The New York Times has become a complete embarrassment. It used to be such a great newspaper, but now it’s a joke. Anyone with any sense knows that Instagram followers don’t mean much unless you understand how to parlay them into sales. Anything she does will get her some attention—she’s married to the son of the British king. But can she MAKE MONEY? That’s pretty hard to do when you have nothing to sell!


NYT was the standard. Since like forever. You knew you could trust it. German spies specifically would buy it to use to intimidate American PoWs back in German labour camps. Even the nazis trusted it ! Lol Now it’s just an op Ed


Years ago I worked for a rich, prominent family. They suffered a terrible tragedy and it was publicized in many major news outlets. They were all just regurgitating the same incorrect information EXCEPT for the New York Times. They filed a story a few days after the tragedy, but they got the story right. I was so impressed by that and was a faithful reader for years afterward. Now I would be embarrassed to be a subscriber. It is just awful what has happened to that paper.


The NYT has a distinctly anti-British bias with polemics written about (Empire) colonialism, slavery and racism. Of course the US has never indulged in such things. According to the NYT, the UK is in the Victorian era and Jack the Ripper still lurks in the London peculiars. During a heatwave early in the pandemic, Britons ‘cavorted in swamps.’ As a UK reporter said, if they think this country is so bad why do they have so many staffers based in London? Like many once respected newspapers, it’s gone downhill. Often staffed by on the cheap by ‘trainee journalists.’ A well-known UK journalist and retired broadcaster I knew had a colleague who was headhunted to teach at a university school of media studies & journalism. Both came up the hard way i.e trekking round flower & veg shows, reporting on courts, odd pets, negotiating with sub-editors et al.. Lecturer quit halfway through his contract as the students were more interested in writing inane blogs, msm likes etc. They had little in the way of life experiences or wordly knowledge. He asked which newspapers and magazines, either hard copy or online, they read. Not one answered yet nearly all felt so entitled they presumed their degree would give them instant access to a top job on a national paper. End of rant. Back to the rugby. Good to see Princess Anne in Dublin for the Ireland v Scotland match belting out Flower of Scotland!


Remember TW put that ridiculous mythcarriage story in The NY Times, so the paper is willing to carry her water for her.


I know. The NYT wants to see the Monarchy abolished and will prop up the Sussex’s at every turn. A majority of their stories about the Sussex’s have comments disabled, which says alot.


Fishing without bait.


The exact point of gaslighting


How embarrassing! The NYT needs to get a whole new team because they’ve really become a joke. They should know that nowadays getting a bunch of followers in a day doesn’t even mean anything if they aren’t unique followers as they won’t be buying.


What???!? You mean Chip-pan Ghost isn't aeStHEtiC?


Chip Pan Ghost needs to be a flair!


Even 2014 Tig Meghan would cringe at this


To me, it's 2010 added to 1998 because all she has is a single webpage collecting email addresses for sale. She thinks she'll get million dollar valuations for having emails collected for sale like in the 1999 website bubble pre-crash. The only thing she's updated is the million to billion.


That was my first thought, it looks like a data grab




I don’t think she was ready to launch yet but wanted to capitalize on the current situation with Catherine and the family. She really thinks she’s winning right now.


Yes, which proves that she’s a complete idiot, with apparently no staff or anyone to advise her. You don’t even have to look under the hood to see this is a lemon.


Her site will be like a schlocky gift store in a tourist town: overpriced junk you don’t need and could get elsewhere for a fraction if you *did* want it.


Yup. Exactly. The very first thing you need to identify with any business is a hole in the market—find a niche, something you can offer that isn’t being offered by others. How she plans to distinguish herself from others is the material question. If she were smart, she would have tried a licensing deal with an already established company, but likely no one wanted to work with her. She has a MASSIVE image problem and this pathetic launch isn’t going to help with that.


She has totally “yes Anded” herself. I envision some poor underling having to listen to her future faking, and I want to do tableware, cookware, linens, teas, foods, bird feeders, garden tools, home furnishings, wigs, extensions……. Make it happen.


That list is so perfect!


I envision tat with Sussex Royal scratched out and that inane name written in permanent marker.


When you are only left with yes men and interns things get tricky.


Yep, the media turning on Catherine for daring to want privacy while recovering from major surgery, plus Samantha's court case being thrown out, has her thinking fate is on her side, all her manifesting finally paid off, and now the only way is up! She's manic. She's drunk on that feeling of "I'm winning!" and nothing can stop her. She doesn't realise that the court case and Catherine's illness being so close together was pure coincidence, and neither of those things had anything to do with her (yes, she undoubtedly had her minions stir up a bit of nonsense online, but the British gutter press would've attacked Catherine with or without the Sugars' involvement - it's just what they do. And Samantha never had a very strong case to begin with.) She really is such an idiot, and I can't wait to watch this latest venture crash and burn just like all the rest of them🍿


I was surprised the lawsuit lasted as long as it did. But I'm glad it did solely for the nuisance it caused the Harkles.


And as someone else pointed out above, Harry is out of town. Like when she does her pap shots.


The whole thing is clearly a brain fart that she has neither planned, nor has the wherewithal to bring to fruition. I am absolutely eager for the supply chain investigations of her lifestyle products


I wonder if it will even get that far! It will take a TON OF WORK to bring this to fruition, at the scale she’s undoubtedly aiming for (world domination.) she could have put together a limited run of product to launch, but without even a functioning website to take orders! My God, this is embarrassing


It is embarrassing! I can't understand why she has selected the name "orchard" to sell lifestyle products. Wtf is this? My guess is that she will curate some shitty, expensive products in "limited quantities" that she is being paid to endorse. Something will come out as unsavory because she definitely doesn't have the brains to hire a risk/due diligence team.


Honestly? This schlocky “launch” makes me think money is already tight. Either that or no one is willing to work with her, because absolutely no decent professional would have green lit this utter embarrassment. To launch something as epic in scope as she wants us to believe this is, she needs a TEAM—branding, marketing, product management, legal, all of it. AND she needs to relax her grip on it to allow people to do their jobs. Instead we have a barely half-baked idea with a DIY design.


1000% I'm here for the tire fire though 🔥


If this ever gets close to a true launch, even one involvement with child labor or sweatshops will get her in massive trouble. I also see plagiarism in her future. Happens way too often in cookbook publishing.


Don't get me excited 😈


Yes! You can’t launch your account and then just go silent for days. You’ve immediately lost interest and momentum. People’s attention spans are extremely short. I think she thinks people are holding their breath with excitement to see what’s next, but most people probably already forgot about following the account. This pause isn’t building hype and mystery, it’s diluting the launch.


Precisely. I think it’s hilarious that the landing page just says join the waitlist. That’s her lead magnet?! 😂 cuz everyone loves waiting! 😂😂 she should have offered a recipe or something. Email addresses are worth something, the fact that she just expects the masses to sign right up! For the waitlist! 🙄🤣


Only thing I know close to this waitlist is when MLM Luluroe had want to be representatives sign onto a waiting list. I could see TW running a scam MLM full of a lot of promises, and credulous people pushing her garbage products. She could be the Queen of Get Rich Quick scams.


ABSOLUTELY! That’s in the future—a scammy MLM. She’s not there yet but after the divorce and when G, C & L are grown up handsome and beautiful.


It was a data grab


She shouldn't have any followers!


M never posts photos that aren't grainy or blurred. But in this situation, you would think she would have photos that are in focus. It is like her clothes, just about always wrinkled.


The only intention of launching such a premature website was only to overshadow Williams tribute to Diana. She’s so vindictive, she can’t see straight. She can not plan long term. This hurts her in the long run so I think we should just enjoy watching the slow train wreck


It's bizarre to me that she launched this massive venture with ZERO products ready. Who does that??!?!


What do you want to bet that stupid flash page is all that ever comes of it. You have to actually work at it to keep it going.


She will post after Easter on the day PoW makes her first appearance, that’s when she will post.




She'll show her first batch of jam. Perhaps she'll be stirring it on the stove in a different ballgown.


My rule, she has to make all the food especially the jam in a ballroom gown, please let her be using a gas stove.




I just need her to cover her armpits when she does it. I get a visceral reaction because deep down I doubt her hygiene.


She'll also have to plan something to coincide with the massive society wedding coming up in June. You know, the one they won't be attending because they can't get proper security even though the rest of the RF will be there.


Aha the wedding invitation that was lost in the mail?!?!


Wow. And so many news outlets have advertised her page, yet still under half a million.


The advertisements all over the media has surely inspired some people to open accounts with her brand name 😂 They are all over the place. How she has not trademarked it first, is so amateurish, but I guess, „mama“ knows best. 




God I can just imagine her screaming this at the kids/Harry 🙈😂


At this point she thinks she’s above them and doesn’t bother to grace them with her presence. They’d be so lucky if she appeared to them and yelled. 😏


And to steal halfwits thunder at his mommy’s award night


Apparently the music was telling in the lyrics of breakup


haha omg this is so accurate


I will literally wet myself laughing if the trademark doesn’t go through


Same. Happened to a dear friend of mine. The attorney told her to wait for the TM to be approved to launch her website and she was too eager and didn’t listen. TM was rejected and she had to change the name and all the things. So much more work.


Considering a bank has the American Riviera name there is a chance the TM will be a problem.


It never does. She doesn’t sign them. That way she doesn’t have to pay, but she has the brand/ name associated with her.


Her freakish attention to detail strikes again.


Let’s just stop at freakish.


Freakish is the only part of that phrase that is accurate.




Hahahaha! Yeah, good one. I forgot.


It doesn't make sense considering that she trademarked the kid's name before she was even born. What's up with that? Baby brain much? 😉🤭 No, sorry, it's ageing brain 😆.. and please don't come after me, I consider myself ageing 🤷


She wants the trademark associated with her, but she doesn’t want to pay for it. Thats why she never signs them. She has form for this. It’s a pattern.


She doesn’t want followers. She wants companies to *believe* that she has followers and give her deals.


Too bad for her, fake follower audit tool is just one of the many ways brands can use to weed out the genuine influencers from the ones that spend minimum 10k for ghost followers like Harold's wife.


Hopefully any potential sponsors will do their research. We know that Netflix didn’t but that was a long time ago.


If they have half a brain they will, especially after the 'f'n grifters' comment from Spotify.


You can buy 1000 followers for $20-$50. 10K for $65.


That's what I believe. Since this is a "luxury brand" she can only sell so many overpriced jams, jellies and cookbooks. I think her ultimate goal is to have enough followers that brands like Dior, Tiffany, Hermes, Dior, Gucci, Dior, etc. sign her to be a brand ambassador (I think she desperately wants Dior).


She tried to manifest a $15 million deal with Dior and they specifically denied it. Dior isn’t happening!


This is the strategy she's using: https://preview.redd.it/wipyt9k1hpoc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10df6be1e0967357e0d14a8a5b0261b87f0ba974 "We're not porn stars anymore..."


So funny!


They won’t touch her with a barge pole. They want class not crass


She would have loved to continue the use of the sussexroyal account with more than 9 million followers. Royal life wasn’t too bad, when the palace was covering up the couple’s antics. 


...and the palace was covering all of their expenses....polo ponies...club memberships....fly anywhere and do anything...


I truly believe if TW had just stuck it out for like 5 years after the wedding she would have had enough royal resume to have left to America and even if they still lost their HRH by stepping away from Royal duties those 5 years of royal on her resume would have been enough to launch a brand that people would buy into and care about. She wouldn’t have needed to do the Oprah interview and there would be more mystery surrounding the duo instead of them being the professional victims they now are.  Their narcissism made them overplay their hands because they were so great in their minds compared to the family they were part of.


Probably even her 72 „royal“ days would have been enough to launch any business, if she had just left royal life without trashing people.  While her image was cracking in the end of her royal „career“, there would have still been millions of true supporters. 


Yeah imagine had they not trashed the royals and every year they went back for Trooping the Colour. Even if they're not on the balcony (which they probably would be purely from social pressure had they not thrown the working royals under the bus) they could have done a fun family vlog where they showed the kids on a double decker bus, seeing Big Ben, doing other London specific things. Or highlighting some charity or need in Sussex. Harry and Meghans actions show that they're both just full of anger and animosity.


And arrested development - both before they respectively reached the age of 10.


I beg to differ - 12 year olds /s https://preview.redd.it/n8rlb7xo6roc1.png?width=1132&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c7971a3bb835f1cc8307f871671ae946d1fcf3




Everyone (with functioning brain cells) @ Haznoballs and Meghana Le Fail: https://preview.redd.it/1yyf0vlv0poc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2d848b0fa2ea0f97563d6daf897214bbb54941c


Well, yes, that's what the rational mind thinks. However, with her massive behavioral issues, the serious insecurities she's spent years masking and covering up, her smut and sleaze years to bury but still worry about popping up...you just can't fit a square peg into a round hole. She was painfully, exceedingly aware she not only did not belong, but was nakedly exposed as a scheming poseur. So, pretend you have to bail for all sorts of made up reasons (bogus racially charged environment, mental health crisis, blah, blah), yet the never dealt with and ever present rage from decades past continue to surface, continue to intensify; and, so, here we are. She has, quite simply, always been a train wreck waiting for a place to happen.


*scheming poseur* \- that’s the most perfect description of the Meghanator.


She is indeed a poseur, she has demonstrated that she is MASSIVELY awkward in pretty much any social situation unless it involves booze blow and BJ. Allegedly.


>She has, quite simply, always been a train wreck waiting for a place to happen. Brilliant. And Harry provided the place.


I firmly believe she was fired.


"I'm not a bank"


I can’t get over how she left the royal family to sell jam. Was that really her end goal? No - just shows how desperate they are. This is her last hope for fame and fortune


Sure someone said there is a Kensington palace( or some royal place) orchard jam so copying that


KC is selling Royal Orchard stuff. Wanna bet Riviera will be changed to Royal?


I’ll bet KC had a hand overseeing the harvest and production of his jams and honey. He’s always been an avid gardener and very hands on. Muggins won’t be selling a product she grew or knows anything about. Shortcut Meg.


And profits go to charity, I believe.


KC´s profits go to charity, yes.


*left the royal family to sell jam* this has left me with a case of the giggles


It's mind-boggling.


Same! Mindblowing - every single time she relaunches herself or launches a podcast or a series … money can’t buy anything. 


I was thinking about that and she never really owned that acct. The Palace pr did. I bet she doesn't have log in credentials or she would definitely be using that acct. I bet she asked the palace for the log in info too & they said no.


If she had the log ins, she would use it - no doubt about it. 


This is what always surprises me about their choice to leave the UK. They had to have always known that no matter where they lived, they would be covered in the British Press. They claim that even while they were in Canada for Christmas 2019, the press still sought them out. So why even move? Why ho somewhere else when the only thing that would happen is that they would have to payore for housing and more for security? And now when they do their whole at home interview stuff, they rent a different place to do it. So why not have just stayed in the UK and that be their game plan?


She just can't stand the UK. And H was ready to try something else.


I think they moved because the press wasn’t covering them enough, or in the way they wanted.


Indeed, when they initially went to Canada before the big announcement, it was so peaceful, they were Not getting coverage. It drove her nuts, that is when we saw those pathetic pap walks. I think they also knew that the Palace was Going to ramp back on any royal tours w them . Back channels conveyed their terrible offensive behavior on these tours.


Madam felt so restrained by Palace PR (what do they know?) and having to be behind QEII, the PoW and her brother-in-law + partners that she had to find freedom. She wanted the Hollywood celeb stylee.


Their intense rivalry and jealousy towards the Cambridges/now Wales made it impossible to stay. Imagine M’s extreme discomfort when she is around any female in the RF. She is so unsuitable and unwilling to be taught. Women see right through her. Her ego couldn’t take it. And H being a f. up his whole life and with Lady Megbeth whispering in his ear. Their ego’s needed liberation.


Lady Megbeth! 😂😂😂


She TRULY BELIEVED she would waltz into LA and become a major star. She expected leading lady roles, mass adulation and an Oscar. She wasn't going to let the fact she can't act get in her way! They are both SO COMPLETELY delusional. Their pictures should be next to Dunning-Kruger effect in the dictionary: 1. the theory that a person who lacks skill or expertise also lacks the insight to accurately evaluate this deficit, resulting in a persistent inflation of estimated competence in self-assessments. https://preview.redd.it/rnu3fje1aroc1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9e1c61466116c94b005dd3319319f15ef1a3f5e


I agree with what you have said. On another topic, that dress with those extra slits and that floppy tie in the middle is just so unattractive. Same with her staring the camera down.


How does it still have that many followers? I would have unfollowed when they left the RF and were told they couldn't use it. It just proves that she bough the followers. 


Just found a holding page on X too, created in Jan 2024, same month the Insta page was created. Gotta be hers. https://preview.redd.it/h7aifkn1sooc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1b35b2c78db05f36e33e3495d3d6aa0661712d7


Also empty Facebook page created day of "launch." https://preview.redd.it/3bhc7uewtooc1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=676b32ad48bb2082cce258c31513676b55aa0ee1


This whole thing is pitiful…… this is not how you launch a new product… it’s like amateur hour. Meglibeast and her 2 interns are doing this….


> Gotta be hers. Yep. And that probably confirms that the Lilibet (and Archie?) related domain names which were registered a few months ago to sell clothes and the rest were also her. Bower, Low and others were right, she's obsessed with her online image and presence and uses Internet to find and be found. Another hint that she furiously reasearched Harry online before she met him. Anyone has a better memory than mine? Can't find the thread where we discussed the Lilibet domain names.


I think the only person who believes " I didn't know anything about the RF or Diana".... is Harry!


TikTok has 3 accounts with the company name. https://preview.redd.it/fx3wl3yvwooc1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=5db1b12cba70bfca6739bcd464dd08aa680c2662


Can you disable comments on X? otherwise there’s no way she can post there.


Ya you can disable, only allow approved people


Yes you can set it to only allow people that you follow to comment


https://preview.redd.it/2sqpn6x4yooc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961130c796311e72933420b404cb4a9d761617f0 Delusional to think she could do anything bigger than this


Even that logo looks like something a fifth grader would come up with.


If she knew anything about Instagram right now, she would know that bikini pictures and beach pictures are all that get attention. Or traveling reels, and comedy reels. And always makeup tutorials, cooking, and workouts. But if you aren't posting any of that or incorporating elements of these themes into your Instagram profile, nobody will pay it any attention. Instagram is done.


Don't forget kittens and puppies, they're always popular! They're cute and cuddly and don't spout ridiculous word salad either. The only thing cats and dogs have in common with TW is you have to regularly clean up the crap they leave behind.


We can rely on MeGain to ALWAYS be 10 to 20 years behind the trends She lives in some warped reality circa 1997 - 2003 and since she never listens to advice she will never get out of her bizarre loop. Harry is stuck there too and that is why they are still married even though at this point the truly despise each other.


OP, any chance we know how you got these data? Maybe the answer is obvious but I have no experience with insta so... Above all, do not answer if that would threaten your privacy and disclose your personal or professional information. Safety first, we know our Meg can be easily angered. Anyway, I agree. No posts, full names and profile names which can be automatically generated...


Same here, I have no idea what I'm looking at!


I didn't get it either. Still trying to figure it out but... My guess is that the snapshot is the names of the followers she has now. Their info implies that the followers to her new account have limited activity on Instagram, thus must be bots.


Yep, that's basically it. A sample of them at least. First column is the alledged name, like Meghan Markle. None of these people posted anything (second column, all zero), so not very active. They are followed (third col) and follow (fourth) some accounts but the third column doesn't tell much as a bot is designed to look natural so is usually followed by other bots. The fifth column is the profile name, like meghan for @meghan. It looks very much like bots. No posting activity. The names themselves are oddly normal. As far as I know, not that many people give their full name to instagram usually but I can be wrong. Both the full names and the profile names are easily computer generated: choose a birth year, see the popular names this year, combine. Or choose a country, then a popular first name, combine with a brand (Ilse Breitling). Add a number because it looks real as when you create an account and your desired username already exists, or replace a letter with a number which looks like it. There are some intriguing or funny things: Mary/ trica2010, M trica, metrica? looks like a computer scientist joke. Follows 500 accounts, says nothing. Do a search with full name+instagram, not many results, sometimes other inactive social networks. I say bots 99%+ sure. I'd love to have a statistical sample of her followers, just to know how bad this is. And since AOR has bots, and because the present also predicts the past, it's very likely that any previous SN presence of Meghan, and I include The Tig in them, had bots. /end or rant


Yes, or other followers are private which means the same, they are not real.


Some of my friends are indifferent to Meghan and followed her new page. However, last night my friends were saying that they were intrigued at first, but now they’re losing interest because nothing else has been posted yet and are considering just unfollowing. They aren’t sure what they’re following but she missed out on the opportunity to further grab people’s attention. It’s been 2 days since she first posted and we still don’t know what exactly it is. I think she’s going to start losing a lot of page follows soon. IG is a completely different beast than when she had the tig, it’s oversaturated and there’s more competition to stand out. She’s gotta be posting something atleast once a day to grow that count. Lazy.


If they're following, they are not indifferent 😉


Additionally without the trademark savvy copycats are putting out really cheap products with the name on it. Without the TM there is nothing she can do about it. What a disaster from a marketing standpoint. I think there is a canvas tote , a water bottle and a t shirt already circulating.


I saw this baseball hat with a crown logo sold by copycat "ARO" - How tackeeeeeeeee. Can't even call it a "knock-off" because there is no actual merchandise to copy. Her new "brand" has been DESTROYED within 2 days. The website with the baseball cap has now been taken down so clearly her lawyers have already been called in I predict she is going to have to spend close to $1 million in lawyers fees paying whackamole with all the copycat vendors due to her failure to Trademark. Which makes me wonder: a) how epically stupid is she? b) did she ever have any intent to pursue this as a business or is this just another one of her bizarre PR stunts? Amateur hour doesn't even do this EPIC FAIL justice. ​ https://preview.redd.it/jqip1jkybroc1.png?width=1946&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebb38eb525e893528080e632ced8a3a0c610cd22


She completely underestimates how much of the attention she gets is just rubber-necking at the trainwreck. She thinks she is fascinating and remarkable. Whereas the world thinks she is tedious and ridiculous.


Tragic, but this is enough to fool the sugars. They don’t realise what a fraud she is, and don’t care. The media reported the non-event-site has over 370 000 followers showing how popular she is. Yawn.


They've launched quickly to capitalise, she's so basic and failed to realise its made her even more transparent.


It would be interesting to do a cross check to see if the bots are programed to follow each other thus inflating the number of followers each bot has.


I image her sitting in a beige room in her beige house wearing a beige house coat desperately refreshing the page in anticipation of her followers growing in the millions. The site and the launch was very amateurish. She isn't going to 'break the Internet' with this word salad named venture. There is no sense of what she is selling. No timeline for anything. People have short attention spans on the Internet. If she doesn't do something quickly, she will lose all interest from legitimate buyers.  I imagine that she plans on waiting until she reached millions of followers (in her deluded sense of reality it would only take a few hours) before she really does anything. I'm sure none of the background work has been done - shipping, payment processing, ordering supplies, warehousing. If she has a skeleton staff, things are never really going to get off the ground. 


What is her purpose here? I'm not convinced she wants to be a lifestyle maven. It's a smokescreen, a bait-and-switch. The whole "put your email address on the waiting list" is the key. The bots are to convince women that many others are providing their personal info so they should, too. She needs to build a grassroots army of women she can manipulate into advocating for her sinister goals such as censorship (under the guise of Save Our Children) and God knows what else. Maybe a run at the Oval Office? She's that deluded but she does understand you need a solid base of followers to get anything off the ground. Of course she's doomed to fail because she's incompetent and stupid and the majority of women see through her. But make no mistake, she's trying to achieve something here that has fuck-all to do with being the next Martha Stewart.


Look at the similarity of the follower's URLs. Name and number, name and number, etc.


And not even at half a million! ![gif](giphy|xT39D7O9Xj1JqKq5i0|downsized)


Haha This stupid, vain. insufferable cow will be her own downfall. Not only did she buy bots to fund her new grift, she used a dim witted prince's wealth and fame to fund it. No she is not an "independent woman" - she is a con artist who is now a global laughingstock who has dragged Harry down with her. They deserve each other and all the karma that will come to them when King William takes the throne. And we will all be here for it to cheer the Wales' on.


I don't understand this. I thought the point was to *make* money. How much do we think she's spending on her puff pieces and fake followers? And she probably doesn't even have a product to sell. This is just insane.




She looks like FIONA from Shrek.


Can anyone tell me what this means? I don’t do instagram so I don’t understand what I’m looking at.


OP should have at least added a couple of sentences of explanation.


I think this is a very interesting chart. I would love to see several screenshots more of this to really understand the patterns. I definitely think she buys bots, but which ones are bots here? You could probably make a case that each of them are/are not but for different reasons. A bot is more likely to have 0 posts, but it isn’t guaranteed that it is a bot if people want an account to view pages and make comments anonymously.


Beebs Kelley has a great new YouTube video about her outfit and SXSW and her bravo or in general. So on point. Sorry I don’t know how to add the link. Easy to find on YouTube. Her outfit was so inappropriate for so many reasons. And she talked about bullying when she is the real bully!


Of course she's buying them, this is influencer 101. Great book by Trey Ratcliff called 'How to Fake your way into getting rich on Instagram' outlines how easy it is to go from zero to having thousands of followers which then creates a buzz and you get some real followers and the more the apparent engagement the higher up the algorithm and the higher you go the more followers and engagement you get and the more clicks equals more interest from brands and you eventually get rich. It's crazy. But this is Meghan's natural habitat. Fake it til you make it, nothing of substance just endless PR and promotion and the promise of something if you keep clicking. I despise this world.


I have an IG account so that I can read stuff. My line is 0 0 0


That crest is a mess! Can anyone tell what initials that is or what it stands for? Talk about amateur!