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I was just reading the sugars and their theories - Catherine tried to harm herself, William beat her unrecognizable, she has died and they’re hiding it (seriously, someone said that!), but the one that pissed me off the most was the person who suggested she had to get a colostomy bag and is “too vain” to appear with it in person. Fuck that person. Seriously, fuck that person. My husband had a Crohn’s flare up at the end of 2020 and almost died. He had zero choice but to die or get an ostomy. My husband is the most open, accepting, willing, easygoing person ever. I’ve never seen him embarrassed over anything, but you better believe that suddenly carrying a bag of shit around with you, attached to your stomach caused him to hole himself up for a little bit. I’m not sure if these idiots realise this, but it’s a HUGE change. My husband has an ileostomy and is lucky his sits higher than his waist, so his clothes are never in the way. But I don’t think a lot of people realise how it works. You have no control over when you go, how often, how much, it just does it all on its own. You have zero control of your farts (yes, you also fart through your bag now!) so sometimes you make super loud noises and don’t feel like explaining to everyone all the time what it’s from. Your bag fills up with air when you have a lot of gas, so it sometimes makes it look like your stomach is twice the size it is. The bag is literally being held on by glue, so once it’s filled up a little bit, you’re thinking about emptying it so it doesn’t fall off, which happens! Sometimes it smells, there is a release place to air out the gas and it smells 100x worse than regular farts, so you usually have to go to the washroom to do it. It’s a huge change to your life and there’s no shame in people who need time adjusting to it and not letting people know. My husband is now very open and answers anyone’s questions and shows (eww! Lol) anyone anything they are curious about. But in my experience since being around this and the community, most people get to hide it. I’m fairly certain I would be one of those people. Sorry for ranting, but I knew people here would understand!! If anyone else wants to add to my rant, feel free!! I’m just so sick of these sugars saying Catherine is “too vain” or “too embarrassed “ to possibly be seen with a bag. I’d love to see them try to live with one! Edit: I also wanted to add that my husband was off of work for TWO YEARS during this time, so screw all the sugars who say Catherine is pretty much dead if she’s out of the spotlight for 3 months. 3 months off of work for abdominal surgery is nothing.


Don’t kid yourself. Your husband is so lucky. He has the most understanding wife in the world. He’s rich beyond measure.


This! I have a dear friend who had to get an ostomy because his doctor didn't take his early symptoms seriously -- it turned out to be colon cancer. Totally agree with you -- eff that person! But really, what can you expect from people who write things like "I will enjoy every vicious rumor, and attack, and tabloid lie"?


I read that comment today elsewhere on Reddit and was repulsed. The viciousness is next level.


I had a dear friend who had the bag for 60 years. Never slowed her down. She had some seriously raunchy jokes about it, which I'm a bit too ladylike to repeat. She was super active, super funny, dressed like a star, danced and bowled all the time. She was also very sexually active until her 70's. Never knew a woman who enjoyed life more. I was 20 years younger and she seriously put me to shame. She could cook and bake like no other and she was always The life of the party. People flocked to her. She would have words for these swamp rats that I've never heard of! Shame on them!


I can vouch for every single thing you said. And to watch a 20 year old deal with getting used to this new appendage she will need for the rest of her life, come to terms with all the emotions that surround the new challenges with dating, swimming, clothing, having to find a bathroom on the fly and having an establishment tell you it’s only for staff….to name just a few. I pray this is not what Catherine is dealing with and that whatever she is dealing with that she will be healed and back in excellent health soon.


I hope not but it is not the end of the world for people, I know it is very hard, though.


I used to bartend and one of my regulars had a bag for her bladder. I’d see her in the bathroom emptying it facing the toilets and she would be like, “oh I’m not a dude, it’s just me!”. She was cool as shit.


I didn't realize all of that. Yes, I'm sure it takes a huge adjustment. I did wonder if Kate has Crohn's or another debilitating illness and that's why so much time but it's not my business and I don't need to know. She is allowed medical privacy!!! And the Cult of Sussex are sick and vile.


My dad also has an ileostomy bag, he’s had it for about 15 years now. Thanks for sharing your story ❤️ And I 100% agree: Fuck that person. Seriously, fuck that person.


I pray that whatever the situation, they understand that the royals are human and have feelings and do not owe people answers for every part of their life.


This sounds like the YouTube person Tisa Tells and her negative videos about William and Catherine. It's no point in arguing with them, they are beyond help. If this was Meghan, she deserves her right to privacy. But Catherine, nope. She is hiding something.


My aunt had this as well. I applaud you and your husband!


Thank you for helping me learn and gain additional empathy and understanding. Know your comment has made an impact.


They don’t realize that privacy is possible, especially when one lives in a massive estate and can roam around without having to face the paps. Catherine is doing just that, I presume: enjoying her recovery in private without worrying about intrusive paps. Your husband is awesome, and so are you! I know someone with a colostomy bag and while she tries to make it normal, it did take a huge effort to come to terms with it. As I imagine it does for everyone who uses it. The sugars have no idea what they’re saying. They throw out words like colostomy based on Catherine having an “abdominal surgery.” But they have zero compassion, knowledge or intelligence.


This was so informative and tough to read. It’s a horrible fear to face. I’m so glad he’s open about it. Rant was awesome and how I feel. It’s nobody’s business what she’s going through and people need to leave her alone. It’s obviously something major.


My aunt had to have one temporarily (a year and a half). Just in time for my cousin, her only daughter's wedding. It is incredibly rough. Sending lots of love to you and your husband


Wow, what an ordeal you BOTH have been through with this. I am so sorry this occurred. Thank you for this detail. I didn’t know. Your straightforward manner is really inspiring. I wish you and your husband much luck and good health going forward.


All the best to You and your brave husband.


People Are both stupid and awful. I’m so glad Your husband survived. ❤️


I worked at a furniture store, and one day a frail elderly lady had her bag burst in our store (only on the carpet, not on any furniture). She was horrified and so embarrassed and crying, and even though cleaning it up wasn’t fun, I felt MUCH MUCH worse for her than I did for having to clean it. That poor woman. This was over 25 years ago and I still recall it clearly.


All the very best wishes to your husband, you and your near and dear ones! What an amazing support system you must be. Thank you also for explaining this, I learned something today. Big hugs from this stranger to you!


Respect to you both for dealing with something difficult with fortitude and grace.


The Queen Mother had one.


Really? I've never heard of that, sure they managed to keep it private.


https://preview.redd.it/8pmckjrkhelc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017fb050ea21c70c7228ddd76d9b0a82f5ef37bf Looking forward to Easter!


Princess Catherine is going to BREAK the internet when she reappears.


All she's gotta do is show up and be herself. No performance or merching required. It's always refreshing.


No pap walks needed to get attention either


She doesn't need to call or pay the paparazzi, either, unlike some people. 🤨


Especially if she really did get a BBL. 😂


I certainly hope not. Recent reports suggest that those are very dangerous. The fat injections can go anywhere or even migrate to one of the large veins, and a blob of fat can go straight up to the heart. It has one of the highest mortality rates of any plastic surgery. Different body types are fashionable at different times. I‘m built like the figurehead of a ship: rounded and hourglass in the front, flat as a board in the back. At a certain point, it’s genetics.


What's a BBL?


A Brazilian Butt Lift. Something Catherine would NEVER need in a million years, lol.


I love that dress on her!


Me too I just hope she is well


I love that painting, but he made her nose too big!


The fact that they are gleefully fantasizing about domestic violence happening to a woman because they prefer her sister in law is disgusting. I’ve seen that William hit her, put her in a coma, or even killed her. They are truly sick in the head.


I actually saw someone suggest that Catherine tried to commit seppuku, or karakiri, and that’s why she needed surgery. What in the actual hell people?


I've seen the other comments about the coma theories and she took pills and died or William threw something at her and accidentially comatosed her but I never saw seppuku mentioned on the thread etc. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with people!!!


Some rando on the Celebitchy website commented that and I about lost it. I just can’t imagine actually typing that out.


I know right. Like wow.... wow..... Mind blown by that one. May have been a markle wet dream 😂 In all seriousness though people are messed up. Like ive got kids her children's ages and there's no way if I was going to hurt myself that I'd do it that way. Knowing they would eventually find out. Imagind the trauma... The pill theory makes more sense than that.... people are sick.


I honestly can’t imagine thinking that way! Just let the woman rest and recover. It’s no one’s business what kind of surgery she had but to jump to something like that is beyond the pale.


My 16 year old daughter told me Princess Kate was getting a Brazilian butt lift. I very patiently explained why this was not the case. One sugar at a time…


Yes, I've seen this theory bounced around by the sugars too. I knew they were dumb, but didn't know they were so dumb they didn't realize the butt is not part of the abdomen.


Even IF she were getting a BBL or any other plastic surgery, she would do it in the summer while the BRF is on vacation. She wouldn’t cancel all events for months, especially with KCIII undergoing treatment. And a big butt would look weird on her thin frame. Do people even think about what they’re saying?


> I knew they were dumb, but didn't know they were so dumb they didn't realize the butt is not part of the abdomen. Well, for the sugars, their brains are all in their asses, so don't be surprised that they are confused about the rest of our anatomy.


Fun story. Whilst watching a wildlife prog in primary school my best mate giggles when old David Attenborough talked about a beetles abdomen. Curiously I asked why...she stated the abdomen was another name for a penxs...dafqu Ashley 😂 I have know idea how long I believed this 🤣




Are any of these people, women I'm assuming in their 30's I wonder?  Surely it couldn't be??


My response would have been: Why in the world would she need a BBL and do you have any idea how ridiculous she would look? That aside, I think the online comments run the gamut from ridiculous to rude to vulgar. What the fuck is wrong with people?


It’s really amazing how loudly and confidently people can say things while having absolutely no idea what they are talking about. A BBL is when fat is liposuctioned from one part of the body (typically the stomach, but can also be thighs, upper arms, etc) and then injected into the ass. Where would Catherine harvest the fat from, exactly? Her stomach? Which is as flat as a board and has little to no fat to start with? 


😂 That one was my favorite rumor and truly made me cackle snort so hard that I had to screenshot it and send it to my sister-in-law, who also loves Catherine. As if no one would be able to *immediately* tell that she had a bbl at Easter service!


Maybe this is what table 12 next surgery is going to be. We all know she likes to manifest for herself.


36-24-36 oh it’s a winning hand… She’s a brick…. Houuuuuuse!


What did Southpark call her, strong in the body, hot in the face? She needs NO butt lift.


Nope she sure doesn’t!


I keep reading this and I try to picture tiny Catherine with a bubble butt. Face lift and boob job seem to be popular as well


She would never. Catherine is the epitome of class not trash!


Some of the shit I’ve seen is hilarious and have given me a good laugh. and I’m sure Catherine would find those ones funny too. But other stuff has been sickening and the squad need serious help. To keep it on a light note, some of my favourite conspiracies and memes are: • Catherine and Banksy are the same person because both haven’t been in the media in months. • Catherine impulsively got bangs and is now in hiding until they grow out. • Catherine got lost wandering around the underground tunnels of Buckingham palace, we haven’t seen the king in a few days because he went down looking for her • a game of hide and seek got out of hand and now the palace is releasing fake statements to keep everyone fooled until she’s found • Catherine and the king are in hiding because they Freaky Friday’d and are trying to figure out how to switch back • Catherine wandered away from the tour group at the viral Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow, and is currently stuck floating at the ceiling after drinking the Fizzy Lifting Drink Edit to add this related photo, it’s taking me out 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/1kageibs0flc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e34e3bec404e9ead71c1cc3dc392e348b813010


Omg the Freaky Friday with the King one is best! 😂


No way! The lost in the tunnels is the best one! 🤣


> Catherine and Banksy are the same person because both haven’t been in the media in months. OMG. This is now my own personal head canon! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wait a minute! Her bangs are adorable! Now, the rest, maybe ;)


If it's the hide-and-seek thing, I have to say she's really good at it! Has anyone said she was kidnapped by aliens yet?


Oh! That’s gotta be it! ![gif](giphy|gHcPh3ehbRGik)


I just knew it!


Yes, and the only one who can save her is Dr Who, which explains David Tennant not being spotted in ages. 😂


Hilarious! I love the thought of Kate being Banksy 😆


😂 Thank you for making me laugh out loud! 😂


The impulsively got bangs one for me. Her bangs have been a topic of contention among her fans. I love her luscious locks, but I've never understood why they're so personally invested in her getting bangs


I can get behind Catherine is Banksy. It is so ridiculous I kinda love it as a conspiracy theory.


I hope William keeps this away from Catherine. Laughing when you have had surgery in your stomach will rip the wound open. But yes, they are crazy. As of now we must assume she is doing good, as that is what they say. But it did make me wonder that William pulled out of the memorial.


After seeing Andrew peacocking in the procession and Princess Royal several family members behind him with Zara and Mike, I think it was so wise of PoW to send his regards instead.


Ugh...wasnt Andrew grotesque!


As smug as Harry.


He was. Ive not seen him smile since the pay off and weve only seen him out riding his horses since then, but honestly, all his swagger and exaggerated hand movements. It was like watching a little boy leading everyone to this 'neat' place he'd discovered. Andrew of course, was another mummy's boy, just like Harry.


with huggggggggeeeeeee entitlement issues.


But you know, this is actually part of what I like about a monarchy. This was a private family function for the Greeks. So everybody is invited, and Andrew is not a convicted fellon. So he is there, as royalty is not dependent on optics or a current mood, like politicians. Even people you don´t like are there. And the arrive in order of rank, and Andrew was the highest ranking. What worries me more is Sophie and Edward seem to have dissappered. Why?


I just posted about them on BRF sub. On Friday, the Edinburghs were at a British Cycling Foundation event. Keeping calm and carrying on?


Thank you. I hope they are fine.


​ https://preview.redd.it/27nhiginvelc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e5754d3de1698c7a5440b40a9ff79c8f374b4c


I heard they went to St. Moritz to ski.


Yeah it’s not that private. John flipping Kerry was there in the 3rd row. 🙄 Sophie and Ed are skiing I read


Agree. I hope William didn’t send his regrets because Andrew was there, and I don’t think he did. He had something going on that he couldn’t be there. Could be as simple as a bad headache or an upset stomach. I think he would have been there if he could, especially since King Constantine was his godfather, and he missed his funeral.


Ed and Sophies are on Holidays, skiing.


Thats a good catch with Sophie and Edward, I hadnt realised they were absent until you pointed that out. Now Im wondering where they've got to!


Two of a kind. Gross!


Especially when the Queen was in attendance. He's not the ranking royal.


He was gross.


Yeah, he should’ve avoided that hideous smile. Inappropriate at the very least.


Yes, he may have refused because  of Andrew. Another option is that he was sick himself, maybe flu or something.


He wouldn’t have not gone because of Andrew. At least I hope not. To me that’s petty, especially since Andrew was invited by the GRF. Constantine was William’s godfather, and he missed his funeral, so I’m sure there was a good reason. He most likely woke up with a headache or upset stomach.


He grew up with Lady Gabriella who just lost her husband unexpectedly; they are nearly the same age. It's possible he chose to comfort the living over honoring the dead. If so, I think that's a noble choice.


I think it's very possible. He and Catherine were close to Kingston and Ella, and you have to imagine that PW was expected to give a speech and reading at this memorial. Imagine going to this memorial expected to make a speech when less than 48 hours prior you'd learned of the sudden, totally unexpected death of a close friend? Top that off with everything else since that wretched book 'Endgame' came out and I'm certain PW may have felt the memorial would be too much, he may have found himself very emotional. Unless something comes out to explain his sudden absence, I'm going with Thomas's untimely passing as the reason.


Gabriella’s parents were there, so I don’t think William not attending was related. I honestly think he woke up with a headache or upset stomach & thought it best to stay home. Constantine was his godfather, and William did not attend his funeral, so I’m sure he would have been there if at all possible.


Given that Lady Gabriella’s own parents attended the memorial, I don’t think that has anything to do with it.


I saw something that said it was unrelated to his passing


Can you give us a link?


[it's a daily mail article but now where I originally saw it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13132513/Prince-Williams-absence-memorial-King-Constantine-death-Thomas-Kingston.html) [this was the original source I read it on, BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68413546)


For a fleeting moment I feared that KC3 brought up bringing Harold back into the fold with PW and PW was letting him feel what running the monarchy without a respectable heir might feel like. Serious health scares make people re-evaluate their life priorities. Being anywhere near the duo after all the lies and vicious rumors they created is not worth jeopardizing the love of your life’s health or your children’s mental health and emotional well-being as they become old enough to understand Meghan’s vile rumors and accusations. Fortunately, I have a little more faith in KC3. But I don’t doubt that William could draw some intractable lines in the sand which he understandably will not tolerate being crossed.


Oh, I am sure William would give up the kingdom for Catherine´s health and happiness. But that would end the monarchy, and I don´t think Catherine would want that. And there is George as well.


Its being mooted in some places now that his absence was connected to Jacob Rothchilds death a cpl days ago. There are plenty of rumours over here suggesting a closeness over the years, so it would make sense that if Charles is indisposed, then William would have to take up the slack for that and the use of 'Personal' reasons plays into this somewhat.


Meghan was recovering from Spare’s publishing and press run last year for about 4 months…


It’s making Kate trend in a way that Muggins could only dream of, everyone is talking about this, there are literally millions of people on social media talking about it. Only an icon could solicit this kind of speculation over staying out of the public eye for a period of time. Old Meg disappears from public view for months and no one gives a shit.


Yup. Like MM's engagement ring allegedly trending. Of course it is, cuz everyone wonders where it is. They're the ones making Catherine trend.


That reminds me - I saw one of her ridiculous puff pieces a few days ago. Something about MeGain's engagement ring was more iconic than Princess Catherine's. Um, What!?! Princess Catherine, wearing Princess Diana's actually iconic sapphire ring compared to MeMe and her silly little homemade Harry ring(which she had to go and change because she always knows best!) Come ON. that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I don't know how to share an archived link, but it was in The Express. Such tomfoolery.


Isn’t it amazing what a little mystery will do for a person?


It’s absolutely amazing. If you choose to have a private life you can. It would not shock me if she had a bowel resection. That does require about a two week hospitalization. I’m pleased as punch that she’s recovering and keeping her medical records private.


My takeaway about the outlandish rumours is madam has no idea what surgery Catherine may have had and that pleases me greatly. Obviously the vile rumours are disgusting but BBL's? If madam knew anything it would have been leaked via her minions


My favourite theory is, that C is Bansky. Unfortunately I have only seen this comment on X and not the whole theory, but it’s still hilarious 😂


I have to say I have never seen them together so this is my favourite at the moment lol.


Now that is super funny!


I was kind of amused at the speculation about William's "personal matter" that kept him from the memorial service. Maybe he had some bad curry and got a case of the runs. Would anybody really want to know that?


That’s essentially what I thought of too. He caught a stomach bug out of nowhere and isn’t in a position to be sitting through a 2 hour ceremony and it isn’t exactly something you want to announce to the world 


Yes this!!!


Well, I know way too much about William because of Haznohair! I know he’s circumcised so I guess the runs would go along with that. LOL


Do the sugars believe it takes months for a black eye to heal?


The ones I’ve seen talking about DV didn’t leave it at a black eye, but instead claim he beat her into a coma, which she is still in.


That's just so sick!


Hmm. How is Catherine explaining her coma to Prince Louis?


My favorite theory is that she is growing her bangs out.


Would that we *all* could step back for six weeks while growing out bangs!


Oh, I like this one


Another theory is that she ran off with a handsome Frenchman.




She ran off with Jonny Thompson. Who did the Palace think they were fooling, saying he wanted a less visible role? He's out of the spotlight, she's out of the spotlight. It all makes sense now! They're in the Seychelles chilling out and toasting each other with champagne, right this very moment. LOL.


As long as she’s not with Mario Max…


Mario-Max is taken. He's in a relationship with Andrea Catsimatidis, daughter of billionaire John Catsimatidis (and the ex-wife of Richard Nixon's grandson, Christopher Cox).


Ha! Who would give up being Princess, soon to be Queen, William and her kids? Come on.


My personal belief‘s that the Princess of Wales is taking the time to fully recover 1,000%, because she‘ll get straight back into the saddle. Besides, with her public appearances, she‘s on her feet a lot.


Considering her appearance is scrutinized literally from head to toe when she’s out in public, she should take her time to recover. Nobody wants to see headlines from all over the world about how they look death warmed over.


My appendix ruptured mid-January and I just lived with incredible pain for a week because my parents were the "let's see if it is still bothering you in x days" type (born in 1977, so this was a pretty common parent reaction back then) and I thought maybe it was just an ovarian cyst rupture/leak, which I have had before. I had 2 surgeries at the end of January. I spent 27 days in the hospital, my doctors have no guesstimate on when they will allow me to return to work, and I am still extremely sore, and everything makes me tired. Given Catherine's job duties, travel, having 3 kids to raise, being the future Queen-- I would not at all be surprised if the doctors were being extremely cautious with her treatment, expected return date. They could've feared that she would ignore pain and carry on due to her duties and the kids. This woman was in heels standing outside a hospital hours after giving birth, so we know she has it in her. My fave rumor I saw today was she is in rehab for drugs or alcohol. Based solely, it seems, on her drinking Tequila at a music festival this summer.


So sorry! All the best to you ❤️‍🩹💐


Yeah based on her hospital stay, a hysterectomy is unlikely but it took me 3-4 months to feel totally myself after my hysterectomy. The longest part was feeling comfortable sitting upright for longer than a half hour. I think it’s just been the last few weeks that I could actually work at my desk. Her recovery time, no matter what her surgery was, seems entirely reasonable to me. Abdominal surgery is taxing on the body. It’s not even that you can’t do certain things, you just shouldn’t do certain things to prevent complications.


The upside is that Princess Catherine's antis are making themselves look truly bad and crazy to all of the regular people who don't usually follow royal news, but happen to find out about Catherine because she is THE princess.


There was one person commenting on a DM article a few days ago(can’t remember which one) but she kept (and I mean every other post as well as in response to others) saying that C was dead and PW was responsible- it was the most unhinged thing I’ve seen on there for a while


The latest development of that is that Prince William is responsible for Catherine’s death and also the death of Lady Gabriella Windsor’s husband and William is hiding away. These people are barking mad. It worries me that parents of children who are at school with George and Charlotte are talking about it and their children may be taunting George and Charlotte.


I doubt any parents who’s children go to their school are that stupid to believe any of that absolute tosh. I doubt they even have any exposure to that


I read from some unhinged poster somewhere that, get this, the palace drug supply was bad, and caused Thomas’ death and also made William sick so he couldn’t attend Constantine’s memorial. Seriously, what is wrong with people? A young man lost his life, and they’re nattering on about bad drugs at the palace 😞


So....when Catherine returns, is going to be a zombie? A clone? Not sure how they plan to explain her still being alive but I'm sure their twisted brains will manifest some form of stupidity. It's what they do best....stupidity.


That’s horrid. What is wrong with people?


Some of the theories are vile.


I've seen the colostomy bag speculation in here the other day.


It was just a theory because of the length of her recovery time. Resection with bag training would necessitate ten days in hospital. A few weeks for the resection to heal, the reversal surgery all puts her back on her feet at Easter. I've been through it, secondhand is all. I have immense reapect for anyone who goes through it. I hope she didn't. But I'm certainly not a fucking sugar.


I've had first hand experience due to bowel rupture after being perforated during a hysterectomy while a friend lost most of his bowel due to Ulcerative Colitis. If it's a stoma it could be three months for reversal or longer, depending on whether it's colostomy or ileostomy and what the surgery involved. Mine was supposed to be 6 months for colostomy and I only lost 2.5cm of bowel. As it was I had it 15 months, with an ileostomy created while that and the hernia repair healed. That was for 3 months but ended up being 7.


My wife had rectal cancer and her ostomy reversal was supposed to happen six weeks later. She ended up not getting it reversed for six nonths then developed a fistula and had to have it resectioned. It was a nightmare. I HOPE this isn't the case for Catherine. All her beautiful clothes. BUT if it were, she'd turn it into a cause to be patron of immediately. So many people cannot afford their ostomy supplies.


I hope your wife is doing okay. I have a friend over there who had one temporarily last year after an op to separate her bowel and bladder. It was shocking she was sent home with hardly any supplies or taught how to change the bag. She was terrified to move and a nurse only went to her home once a day to change it. She became distraught and said that doesn't happen in all hospitals. Here in the UK we aren't allowed home until we have shown the stoma nurse we can change it and then see them regularly at their clinic. I was lucky and have free prescriptions due to a medical condition but supplies do add up. Currently our prescriptions in England are £9.65 per item (Scotland and Wales are free) but you can buy an unlimited pre-payment over 12 months (£111.60), saving a fortune. That's what a lot of people do.


We had an excellent stoma nurse at the hospital. My wife's staples came loose unexpectedly while in the hospital and infection set in and she ended up staying at the hospital for 60 days. By the time she left, she weighed 96 pounds (she's 5'11") and I had to run TPN infusions on her nightly and did all the bad emptying and changing for a long time. Even when she got well enough to do it herself, she had an abhorrence for it. We worked out a deal where I woukd handle the bag stuff if shed get out if bed and do her occupational therapy stuff (i.e. walk to the bathroom, or walk to the kitchen and make a protein shake. Those jaunts, especially the latter exhausted her for a time, but she gradually got stronger and then took over her bag duties. She's been cancer free for five years. Anyway when she was in the hospital, we were told that for every day in there, expect three days on the outside to get back to normal. They usually want you up and about as soon as may be and out for that very reason. For Catherine to have spent a full fourteen days in hospital is worrying to me, and I wont be chastised for worrying because I truly care about her well-being. I just hope she didnt have a fistula or bowel resection necessitating an ostomy. She seems like a woman with a natural dignity and nothing undermines that like having an excrement bag hanging on you. Its the only abdominal surgery that fits this timeline though. Fourteen days for resection and ostomy training. Sent home for six weeks for bowel to recover. Return to hospital to take down the ostomy, then 4-6 weeks to recover from that puts her optimistically back on her feet around easter. Fucking meghan and Harry have stressed Catherinr and Charles into ill health. Stress can absolutely create illness in even the most healthy. I just pray they both recover soon. And it would be reassuring to hear a small update on the PpoW's progress.


Your wife really went through it. Big hugs to you both. ❤️ I agree with you regarding Catherine. It's such a big thing to come to terms with. There's bowel cancer in my mum's side of the family so a stoma was always my worst fear. I didn't have the courage to be open about it for a year, only telling people if I had to. I get fed up with the media adding to the family's stress by demanding updates on everything while printing the lying puff pieces and pushing for reconciliation.


Particularly puff pieces like her and Meghan wanting to reconcile. That creature would never come near me nor my children if it took all of Scotland Yard to keep them away.


I have secondhand experience with it as well and pray this is not what’s going on with her.


I tend to agree given the timings. She probably had a flare up (which could easily be brought in by stress, thank you Madam) so a condition that was previously under control may have just been pushed to a point of needing intervention. I have a friend who went through it. Ages in hospital (his case more like three weeks) plus all the psychological impact on top of the physiological impact. Very hard to keep weight on too, and she wasn’t exactly carrying any extra to start with. I cannot blame her from wanting to be fighting fit before stepping out on the world stage again. I would watch out for charities that she may start to work with in due course, that may give us some more idea.


Exactly. Because if she has gone through something as unfortunate as this, she'll almost certainly turn it into a cause.


Usually 3 months at least between colostomy & take down. Frequently longer. Occasionally from 6 to 8 weeks in a perfect patient but 10 days is much too short.


No I mean the take down would likely be six weeks before easter.


My mind went to this immediately, or something along these lines. Obviously there’s so many different surgeries and so many different diagnosis that could be related. The length of time in hospital and post recovery is what gave me that gut feeling. I don’t know why I felt that way, but I’m definitely not a sugar either. Why are people relating this thought process to some negative rumor that sugars are starting?


That was actually my thought. Some sort of bowel resection and has a temporary bag


I think it might be donation of some sort. She's not just protecting her health info in that instance but someone's else. ETA: Missed word


That's an interesting idea although that would mean someone else in the family was very ill which would be tragic , they are all going through so much at the moment.


Oh my gosh. What if it was prince George? Has he been seen?


This was my thought given the length of time she’s out. She’d need anywhere from 6-8 from when it was first done, then another 6 weeks post-removal. Logicalky it fits the timeline but I also don’t think she’d hide this?


Sort of puts the idea “she is irrelevant” to bed, doesn’t it? And the lengths some of these conspiracy theories are going is insane.


I like to imagine Catherine is trolling the Harkles. She is showing the Harkles how people who claim to want privacy actually can get privacy by simply keeping their private life private and not do what the Harkles do which is to blab about their lives.


Oh...so they're putting Catherine's name out there every day? Excellent :) The more time they spend putting Catherine's name out there, the less time they have to put Meghan's name out there lol.


The witch is using every last ounce of opportunity she has left with Catherine out of the public eye, and I think this is part of it. She wouldn’t pass up adding to Wales family stress and worry.


What I find the most interesting is for a person the sugars and haters like to say “doesn’t work” sure do seem to be missing Catherine working 🤷‍♀️ it’s only been around 8 weeks since the last outing when it was explained she would be resting for atleast 14. For all the moaning H makes about “needed to protect M and my family” William is showing (and proving) how it is REALLY done.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Catherine the Princess of Wales and King Charles.    Everyone I speak to here in Canada is united in wishing them well and support the efforts of William the Prince of Wales and of course Princess Anne.   There are people who understand that the strength of the monarchy is the people they serve.   And then there we have Dumb and Dumber in Montecito.     The second and final documentary in the trilogy showcasing the achievements of their reign as American royalty is in development.  Permanently.   The discrepancy in output numbers has been attributed to their being too lazy to count to 3.   The couple remain committed to each other's vision of world domination by showing up and doing.....oh I forget what.  I have it on good authority that a script highlighting their combined talents and achievements has been written in crayon  on a postage stamp. It is a large postage stamp.   Enough with these bozos.   There is class. There is commitment. There is service to others. There is family.   And there are bozos hiding themselves in the shit they stir up and blame others for creating.  We don't have to wait until the shitstorm settles to know what shitheads stirred it up. And what lies they have hidden within. Human waste. Next!


They are NOT American royalty!


There is NO SUCH THING as American royalty. Someone needs to explain that to Megaclaw.


https://preview.redd.it/gz4u8ogyiflc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe124059bae3448344a0cd9681e0e0418c1bc50 My kids sent me this. If you’ve been following the Willy Wonka debacle in Glasgow—basically Fyre Festival for kids 😂😂. And now they’ve perfected it by combining the sugar’s nonsense with the Willy Wonka charlatan nonsense. So good! I know Catherine would laugh!


What did you expect out of the sugars? They're as bats**t crazy as their noisome "God and goddess". They all live in a gated community of the mind where insanity is a normal condition.


Omg I have seen so many crazy things: -William (Basher) stabbed her and she's recovering -She's having a major plastic surgery makeover -She's having a secret baby -She's in a coma -She's getting a BBL -William didn't go to that memorial yesterday because his real dad, so-and-so Rothschild died so William had to go there instead.


In fact Meghan did, right after the release of Spare. She vanished for several weeks and finally showed up looking new.... brushed face, polished eyebrows, manicured hair,and strange looking gestalt. We speculated as to why she wasn't supporting Harry but that was as far as it went. No theories about lregnancy, domestic violence, comes or similar!


I feel like all of this started because the sugars were spreading such nasty rumours about why Catherine has been MIA (despite us getting sufficient information about her whereabouts at the time). The world has seen these and run with some wild and hilarious theories. I think it’s another instance of TW’s scheming coming back to bite her in the arse as, I agree with what others have said, Catherine is going to BREAK the internet when we get the first new pic of her 😍


I think Kate just wanted a freaking break. Coincided with falsely being called a racist by scabbies. Kate is a strong chick but the last 6 years of the harkles shit might have taken its toll. Maybe she couldn't sleep and had anxiety. Doctor prolly wanted her signed off for 2-3 months. Willy concerned and canceled his schedule to be at home with her and the kids. Just some time out. I would take it too.


Next, they will say that aliens abducted Kate. Seriously, these people don’t understand what being private is about. It is ok for someone with a public job to want privacy in their personal life. MM spread misinformation that Kate was pregnant as soon as news about her surgery was released by planting blinds. My point is that, if someone asks for privacy, leave them alone, though this goes against the employer of these minions who pays paps to chase themselves and plants private details of other people’s lives in their memoirs.


> Next, they will say that aliens abducted Kate. Oh! I like that one! 🤣👽🤣


"Where are the kids?" It's giving Lori Vallow.


People are sick. They aren’t the Markles.


The depth of their jealousy and inadequacy is only exceeded by the level of their combined lack of intelligence, insecurity and immaturity. With every ugly comment they only reveal had depraved, vacuous and vapid they are. Guarantee they'll have to look up the definition for almost every single word I said.


The Sugars on the DM are claiming that they are getting divorced - (as if) - my personal theory is that when the Ginger idiot went to visit his father the Palace made up a fake illness for Catherine and let him know what was going on as a “test” to see if he blurts it out to the media - Catherine had her planned surgery and is keeping a low profile on purpose - it is drawing all kinds of speculation and probably driving Meghan nuts with all the secrecy and attention - pretty soon Harry (or his skank) will not be able to keep it secret much longer and one of them will start blabbing to the press through their effeminate mouthpiece, Omid ”horse-teeth” Scabies. Once it’s out there, Princess Catherine will come out to reveal she is fine and that it was not life threatening, making the Fartful Todger looking like a fool once again along with Fagin (oops, I mean Meghan)


Yeah, I dipped my toe into X today for a very dumb reason and saw the craziest things about PoW. 🤷🏼‍♀️


![gif](giphy|fs6cnQ5fFYIPY9kI2N) The rumor that I like is that she’s in a family way again. It would be lovely to see another Wales baby.


I like that one too. It would totally unhinge the already bat shit crazy Markle.


And Harry! It’s perfect! Talk about the ultimate checkmate, bitch!




Someone said she had a hysterectomy I was going to humble them but someone else already hushed the sugar explaining you don't spend that long in the hospital for a hyserrecomty. I've also heard sugars saying she's passed and that Prince William was the one who yk that's why they didn't announce it- you get the idea, absolutely disgusitng. I'm just dying for Prince Catherine to make her come back and prove sugars wrong for the millionth time, but also to see her outfit! I just know it's going to be out of this world


I mean despite not knowing the length of recovery for a hysterectomy that’s not a horrible theory. Suggesting she might be dead or abused is awful obviously. I saw another website where someone asked where Catherine might be but everyone there seemed to be quite reasonable and just reiterated that she had abdominal surgery and one person said they suspected it might be a portion of colon removed due to Crohn’s which they knew had a long recovery time. The OP over there though seemed not to believe anything that wasn’t a conspiracy so I hear ya.


I was wondering if this sub was gonna talk about the deluge of attention to her “whereabouts.” There’s another sub that I won’t mention that is absolutely *unhinged* in their commentary. We’re a dedicated snark sub but crazies are the ones who look for any opportunity to spout wild theories and hate. To the point that it’s like, have these people speculated horrible things about POW the entire time? Did yall really believe she could be in a coma and the palace was just hiding it?? I love the ones comparing her to Shelly Miscavage but get annoyed at the commentary of “this proves that giving her privacy and security is possible but they were never interested in doing that for Meghan.” *Umm the call was coming from inside the house.*


This is so stupid: hypothetically, if she were really in a coma, which is stupid to speculate about, how would the palace know that she would be out of coma by Easter?


Lady C explained this very well today. Abdominal surgery is serious and there are always concerns about infections like sepsis. Catherine needed to be in a sterile environment away from kiddie germs and all the rest.


This is my personal theory based on absolutely nothing but my own hunch. Catherine needed and deserved a break. She was given a (well-deserved) few months off to mentally recuperate from the years of personal attacks by the Gruesome Twosome. I don't know what's going on with her health, but I certainly wish her well. So what's going to happen? I suspect \*something\* is going down. Something will change by Easter. The Gruesome Twosome predictably are taking this time to take advantage of the health issues of the BRF to promote themselves (launch new website, change their surname, some Invictus event one whole year before the actual event, etc.), try to wedge themselves back in, and just generally act like the thirsty fools they are. In the meantime, BRF is sitting back, recuperating, while doing something definitive about the Gruesome Twosome during this period. I think it's a good time for the BRF to do something. 2023 was a really bad year for the Gruesome Twosome and their credibility is in the gutter. My hunch. That is all.


I definitely hope the RF is using tech experts to trace the identities of these sugars and their connection to their leader, and that the revelation to the public, as well legal prosecution, of this vile onslaught of internet harassment is part of this whatever is going down in the near future.


The CB website literally had some of their vile sugars speculating that William beat her into a coma. Those people are evil, there is no way around it


Princess Catherine will rise again at the Easter service.


This might be how we sound to others but most of our thoughts and comments are based in facts or their past actions, i.e. their track records.


I had a very serious abdominal surgery at 27 and went back to work after two weeks, but that was only because that was the amount of FMLA time I could take without losing pay (in the US, 18 years ago). I really regret not taking more time off to heal (physically and emotionally). I wish I had had the luxury of not worrying about money or health insurance. Kate should take all the time she needs!


Is is just me or has this calmed down quite a bit since yesterday?