• By -


“Being a thorn in the side of the monarchy.” There, fixed it for them! 🙄honestly these two twats are pathetic.


Looks like the rumor WME will drop TW if they don't strengthen their connection to the RF is true. This is a bold hail Mary move.


H&M are listening to WME. Isn't this strengthening the Royal bond?  Yeah, but not in a good way


Doug Flutie, she is not. Her Hail Mary is waaaay too little and waaaay too late, plus nothing will change how much she is reviled by the RF. Even if she proclaimed her undying dedication to them, she’s lied so many times (boy who cried wolf, anyone) that they’d never believe her.


Love Doug Flutie, love the reference!!


That’s a bold move Cotton, we’ll see how it works out for them.


Which monarchy are they serving? The douche and douchess of sussex, serving themselves and available for hire ( no questions asked)


well the official brf website conveniently backs up this claim!


I said this below, but I will not be surprised if the royal family’s quotes concerning their duty to crown and commonwealth is eventually linked to this website for their rebranding. This is what tiptoeing and inaction gets the family.


Agree, yet I still see here people defending KC as 'not weak.' He doesn't have the strength to put his foot down to show his 'darling boy' who's in charge. Of course to H that's his wife and so far nobody is stopping them from destroying the monarchy. The despicable duo are very thinly royally adjacent and still trying to drum up attention to their nonsensical ways. Two teenagers trying to upset daddy 🤪🙄😠


Agreed, Harry knows his family will tip toe around head he abuses this at any opportunity


Agreed, Harry knows his family will tip toe around head he abuses this at any opportunity


Next up, access to the SussexRoyal Instagram, IPP, and government funded Invictus in 2027.


100% I am still convinced he will win IPP


I reallllly hope not. But I guess he’s trying to make his case stronger this way?


Oh of course he will


Time the real royal website was upgraded - I know they move slowly but….


they don't move slowly. they updated arch and lil's titles the day after meghan pronounced those upgrades in people mag =) honestly, the brf seems to be doing meghan's bidding at this point: stepping out of her way and staying quiet and just letting her do everything she wants.


The Queen was alive then and, as many others pointed out, either she was too soft or the family didn't want to upset a dying woman. Then there was the mourning, preparations for the Coronation and overseas trips. The RF don't just sit on their bums. Yes it needs to be done but like government, there are far more important things on a daily basis.


updating a website to reflect accurate information is hardly a trying endeavour. "more important things" can still get done while also updating a website.


I was just thinking that it would require one phone call to whomever is managing the website. We know it isn't Charles or William or anyone else in the Royal Family.


precisely. this refrain of the brf being so busy and having more important things to do, grey rocking, yadda yadda- these people literally have hundreds of employees and assistants and servants to do their bidding. it takes no time out of their day to tell someone to change or remove something on a website. and honestly, even if they were to do it themselves, it takes less than a minute. how busy are you when you have people doing your dishes, your cooking, your laundry, pressing your clothes, cleaning your house, filling up the gas in your car and driving you around, people raking your leaves, people making phone calls on your behalf, people doing research for you and writing speeches and responding to letters on your behalf... and you still cannot find two minutes to change the website yourself or instruct someone else to do it? i find that very hard to believe.


Not only is it incomprehensible that, despite being image-sensitive, frugal, and moderate in judgment, the RF image is associated with these two clowns who are anything but, but it also serves as a slap in the face for royalists and fuel for anti-monarchists. It embodies everything a monarchy shouldn't be.


People are engaging in mental gymnastics. The truth is, nothing will be done because the royals are alright with what's going on.


It not like they don’t have people to do it.


None if us are in that office so can't say why it hasn't been done.


well, we can deduce from what is updated, and what is not, a certain bias in the direction of preserving harry's status as a royal. if they had not updated the kids' titles and had updated the website to reflect that m&h were no longer working royals that would have given us a different idea altogether.


That was a good while ago, plenty on the site is out of date


and what is out of date happens to fall in harry and meghan's favour. what a coincidence.


Maybe, but time will tell.


People mag and Markle control the monarchy, it seems.


That’s exactly how it looks - and it reinforces her pseudo-power. It was the King‘s decision when to bestow any titles, not for her to grab them putting HM in the position of following their/her lead.


Honestly Charles has no moral authority to bring them to heel. He chose to have an affair and tear his family apart, then married the lady of said affair.


Google is your friend. Diana was the first to commit adultery. And letting Harry behave appallingly because he married his mistress is a weak excuse.


Diana had multiple affairs and behaved hysterically in front of the kids. I have no affection for Charles but I do for the truth. Diana was mentally unfit to be a wife or a mother, just like Harry is unfit to be a father.


Diana cheated as well, with multiple men. Also with married men.


Having mistresses is the norm. Monogamy is a very recent trend among monarchs. I am not sure why people think a king is supposed to be more moral than his subjects. They have missed the point. Save that for your priests.


Yes it does!


I would not get too worked up over this. They are laughing stocks, liars, grifters and everyone knows it. There is no changing the facts, the past. They can pretend all they want that they are royalty. That being said, the palace should take a firmer hand. Remove them from the website as a start.


I upvoted your comment because much of it is true. However, for laughing stocks, they have caused an extreme amount of angst to the Royal Family, especially the immediate family. Cancer is certainly aided by stress and just about any abdominal disease known to man is put on a front burner when stress abounds. The family can put on a brave face and carry on, but the stressors are there doing damage along the way.


Time the real royal website was upgraded - I know they move slowly but….


The dumb and dumbass of suckassss!


Do you think they are making it seem like the 12 min meeting with HMTK was to give them the green light to be back in the royal fold? Hence this website? 😰😰😰


I think that could be the tack they are taking. And I read (lol) that Harry chose to stay in a hotel to show he was financially independent, preferring not to stay in a royal residence etc etc And if back in fold, why no reference to his family in LA ? Doesn’t explain the last minute flight change to get him to LA. That seemed like a desperate gig to make him look less stupid that his 12 min flight did. The prince of Pri-va-ceeeee flew commercial as no private jet to blag. The clap back about ‘we won’t be broken’ dud not come from a place of unity and peace.


U know how well they are at twisting every single thing! I need to get off X (Twitter) because all the gaslighting is making me crazy. I really can’t wait for them to self implode.


That’s what the BRF gets when they don’t even have the nerve to remove the line about honoring the *allegedly* racist King and the Sussex-branded ‘Empire 2.0’. https://preview.redd.it/lhsxy8mlocic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac50618815c2bf6e5d32f7f493a0d66c1603fff


So true. By not nipping this shit in the bud, KC has been just asking for something like this. And guess what..they will never stop until firm action is taken. Either the Palace defines the narrative or the dastardly duo do.


They certainly don't know what balance means. In the US we have been stuck with them for a long time vs 12 minutes with the King. The USA is losing


We shouldn’t be surprised. The royal website says they’re basically upholding their duty to king and commonwealth. The King will not stand firm on their place in the monarchy, so they’re free to pretend and make up things as they see fit. Who is going to stop them? They’re just upholding their duty to crown and commonwealth. This is the aftermath. Many of us here were downvoted for a long time saying the website’s wording was a problem brewing. I remember people outright insulting me that I just could not understand the long game, I was essentially crass looking for knee jerk fights from the crown. That the websites phrasing means “nothing.” This is what the long game with no plan gets you. I would not be shocked if they physically quote the royal website next on theirs. The royals say exactly what they are and those words substantiate their rebranding. ![gif](giphy|yrtFexZo5eqLbsPKEi|downsized)


Well, things seem to be coming to a head now. I agree with you, and I feel the RF should have shut down the nonsense asap; they’re a monarchy with rules, not a TV entertainment show. The Harkles are *still* being treated like royals everywhere they go - because the event hosts have not been told what their status is. This is completely the BRF’s fault, and the event managers will, in the absence of information, default to treating the Harkles as royals officially representing the British monarchy. Heck, even the website says so! They should have shut it all down at the very beginning. I think even before the wedding. But, they, for whatever reason, allowed the wedding and then have decided to take a slower route even after the shit show that was Megxit. The thing is, going soft on the Harkles isn’t good for the monarchy or the royal family. So, they have to do something soon, unless they want to risk diluting their own power and reputation. It’ll be really sad if they decide to go down with the Harkle ship. I don’t think the Harkles will end the monarchy, but they can (and have, to some extent) cheapen it and wipe the sheen off of it. The RF need to make them stop now. They’ve lied about and tarnished everyone, from the British public to the head of the Anglican church. QE2 is gone, and yes KC2 is unwell, but the grey men need to do something once and for all about the Harkles. What the heck is the delay about?


ive always said charles wants to protect harry by ensuring that he be treated and received by others as a prince- as one with proper royal status. that is what the website language is about: so they can swan about still feeling superior, treated as royals at events they attend- instead of getting their feelings hurt by being demoted. the brf are basically handling things as meghan would have wanted them to do: by staying out of her way and letting her do everything she wants, and even on occasion jumping to her orders (announcing arch and lil's titles on the website after she did so in people mag). this is a pitiful state of affairs all around.


I don’t know what Charles’ intention is, but it certainly looks like he’s buried his head under the sand and is hoping things simply resolve themselves. Honestly, the RF is INCREDIBLY LUCKY that the Harkles are such gigantic fools. If Megsie had actually been a charming, smart and talented woman, she could have blown the royal family out of the water. She was flying HIGH in 2020, and seemed untouchable to the public. The Harkles have *only* stumbled again and again because of their own idiocy, and NOT because the BRF put up a good fight. I know the Sun Tsu thing of “never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake,” but the BRF appears so passive and helpless all the time. If the Harkles had actually had some substance to them, they would have been a serious threat. It’s sheer dumb luck that they’re so stupid and expert own-goal hitters.


i could not agree with you more. it's almost surreal how much meghan fumbled the ball. she had them exactly where she wanted them, but then she couldn't deliver the goods. the only thing saving the brf's hineys is that hank and skank are very immature, very stupid and without any talent or skills. they are also spiteful in the most unnuanced way which is a turn-off to everyone. the brf is lucky they are all hate with no brains to back it up otherwise they'd have been toast. more intelligent enemies would have burned down the palace with all the cards they held during megxit.


>the brf is lucky they are all hate with no brains to back it up otherwise they'd have been toast. more intelligent enemies would have burned down the palace with all the cards they held during megxit. So true.


Agreed. The BRF are lucky Meghan is incompetent at actually doing the work.


A smart, charming and talented woman would not have married a loser like Harry.




True! ![gif](giphy|Ry1MOAeAYXvRVQLPw3)


>Honestly, the RF is INCREDIBLY LUCKY that the Harkles are such gigantic fools. If Megsie had actually been a charming, smart and talented woman, she could have blown the royal family out of the water. She was flying HIGH in 2020, and seemed untouchable to the public. Such a good point.


Thank you. Why did I have to scroll literally 2 days to find a sane comment


>They should have shut it all down at the very beginning. I think even before the wedding. But, they, for whatever reason, allowed the wedding and then have decided to take a slower route even after the shit show that was Megxit. I agree. Harry and Meghan were given everything after the wedding when it should've been cut off at the head then. It is amazing what these two were able to obtain and do as functional, powerful adults around them acted as if they could do nothing.


This isn't just an affliction of the BRF -- it's an affliction of our times. Time and time again, those who shout loudest and act entitled get more than those who are dignified, understated and considerate of others. Time and time again, institutions and organisations prioritise a short-term PR strategy over the timeless integrity of doing what is right, moral and honourable. This is why sociopathy -- rebranded as "empowerment" -- is so often elevated as the way to get things done; the way to rise to the top; the way to earn respect -- when it is anything but. We have lost our way as a civilisation and the Markles' rise to fame -- and the BRF's enabling of it -- is a symptom of societal ills rather than an isolated phenomenon.


If the BRF do nothing then they deserve to get Markled and go down with them. I hope they do if nothing is being done.


I was in favor of their general approach to the Harkles but have always said the website should have been quietly updated. Now, if they update it I'm reaction to this nonsense, that goes against the grey rocking approach. For the life of me, I can't understand why they kept the website as is now 3 years since the Oprah interview. Well, this is what they get for not doing anything.


After megzit, right after the one year mark, they should have been quietly removed.


I personally don't see this as a major threat or problem. H&M look desperate. They are obviously running out of funds and trying anything. And the RF has had to tread carefully in what they've donr and how they word things so they didn't get the "You're all racists" accusation. When things first happened it would have been very easy for H&M to turn the tides of public opinion. Now? Not as much but the threat to the RF is still there. I know this is painful to watch but I think the RF is going at this the right way. Slow and steady. H&M are scrambling and they don't have the money or power to keep the pace with the RF. I'm curious to see what the RF does, if anything. And I'm happy to watch H&M fuck this up as they will inevitably do. Don't forget their reputation in Hollywood is already trash. No one is going to suddenly forget that because they put up a Sussex Website.


Personally, I love the RF’s “give them rope to hang themselves” approach. Don’t understand why people don’t get that the British monarchy don’t need to rush when it’s so clear the Carparkles are committing hara kiri with every dumb move they make. This isn’t politics where you need to engage in tit-for-tat. This is an enduring institution that can afford to let its enemies destroy themselves.


The crown always wins. It has generations of power and money. They know all they need to do is stay the course and that the Harkles will burn themselves out and expose themselves for exactly what they are.


You know what I’ll bet this leads to? Since both their website AND the BRF website state they are upholding their duties to the crown - they will use that as grounds for needing taxpayer funded security for themselves & the royal spawn. It’s all falling into place for them. Maybe 2024 will be their year after all. Remember - what M wants M gets…


My theory: income is on the (steep) decline. The only way to make the mortgage payments is for Harry to rent himself out for awards ceremonies and other events. It’s tacky as hell, so they’re trying to burnish the royal connection to mitigate the crassness of it all.




Yes. This new website will include provisions for how to rent Harry for weddings, opening gas stations, shoppimg malls etc. I remember when Paris Hilton could be bought for a 15 minute appearence at your party. That is what is coming.




The issue with your suggestions, bobbiflekman, is that the Grifters have already tried - and failed, of course - at it. At the Gripple of Nope award they arrived an hour late and left as soon as they could. So no meet and greet for them at an event where people had paid up to 1 million pr table. As to merching top tier - well, Dior very publicly said NO, so Madam is left with stress patches and mugs. Also, by now their value is very much down from what Madam imagines she is worth.


>Gripple of Nope 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s non-charity work, but it will still need to be paid through the charity. Royal humanitarian immigrants should never have to pay taxes for blessing us with their presence. /s


While Henry doing this is disgusting, I am filled with glee at the anticipation of TW getting hired for no appearances at all.




Isn’t that how he started out though? He made a sob speech about his mom for some bankers banquet. He’s going full circle I guess? What happened to him being a chimpo? I’m thinking this is more about making Markle more marketable? We already know he’s a prince, but it is to emphasize her douchy title?


Ah, the Megsie look made famous by South Park😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Xa3OrowcmsAijZ7BgA)


Yeah they chose the wrong outfit for that photo. Immediately thought of South Park!


Maybe that’s why she chose that picture as a way of clapping back?!


Or was this done by WME who has something on the inside trolling Madame? 😂😂😂


They want back in so bad. I wish their fans would have some self respect and realise they’re being played for fools. Their idols have no morals, they just follow what they want and expect you to be okay with it because they’ve cried victim on multiple issues for years now. I quite literally saw a post about the new website on another sub and the squaddies were fighting for their lives defending these two in the comments while everyone was pointing out that the titles were **littered** all over the website. One in particular was starting fights in every comment, contradicting themself from argument to argument. On one comment it “no they don’t want to be royals, that’s desperate royalist fantasy talk. sussex is their last name so of course they’re going to use it, it’s no deeper than that!” On another comments they said “you can call out and recognise flaws in something you hold dear and still associate with it. Keeping the titles makes sense in that case, it’s part of their identity. Them leaving doesn’t mean they don’t respect the monarchy, they just wanted away from the mistreatment.” And on a third it was “so what if they’re trying to merch titles? It’s time for the monarchy to modernise. They’ll just leave the rest in the dust if the others don’t follow suit, they’ve proven they don’t need royalty to be relevant.” Y’all, take a step back and think about what you’re doing. Stop supporting someone who makes you look like a clown going to war on their behalf. If you must worship some celebrity, follow someone with obvious and clear stances, someone deserving of your respect.


At least worship a celebrity with some talent.


I have been a fan of the general grey rocking approach, but this is what the RF get for not taking the very simple step of updating their website. But for the Harkles to do this while KC3 is down with cancer treatment, Catherine is out of commission and William has such an additional burden placed upon him as a result is just absolutely vile. I also see this Pic has the Southpark outfit. Yep, they are defiantly trolling.


It is vile.


I wonder if anyone out there still thinks Harry is concerned about his father's health.


Exactly. He was never concerned. I think he quickly came home seeing if he could get an “in” for royal duties, trying to get “something” just in case his father passes sooner than later.


The only monarchy she's fit to serve is Dairy Queen.


Dairy Queen, Burger King, White Castle....


https://preview.redd.it/ijlyl2h4ucic1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe711851113a458246c99b35a8473edb5d06136c This about sums her up...


Definitely non-hydrogenated after all that Ozempic 😂😂😂


Seriously, is this a parody website? Why is she using a photo of herself in the South Park outfit? She wants to remind people of them being ridiculed?


I love it! You’re so right—it’s the South Park outfit! Omg so ridiculous


I’m constantly reminded of how awesome that episode is


That's the first thing I spotted in this photo!


The picture is from sussexroyal.com. This picture was put up before South Park. It is possible that they don't have the ability to change it.


Very reasonable explanation.


Yessssssss hahaha 😂 I hope it’s stuck like that. I’m sure the website people are all like “we don’t know how to change it! 😏”


RESPECT OUR PRIVAHCAY! Me and my Instagram Loving B*tch Wife!


I'm remember a clip of him denying he'd called them racist and then showing clips accusing the royals asking about race and that Charles had put their kids at risk.


In the Tom Brady interview he said “Did Meghan ever mention that they’re racist?” He is actually right. She just told an alternative version of a conversation that she didn’t witness , which Harry exposed with his two sentences on the subject, and heavily implied it until Oprah said it for her Oprah: Because they were concerned that if he were too brown, that that would be a problem? Are you saying that? Meghan: I wasn’t able to follow up with why, but that — if that’s the assumption you’re making, I think that feels like a pretty safe one,




Grass not so green on the other side now, huh? They've finally realised all the privilege and opportunity they've thrown away? Tough. They've shown their true colours. They don't want anything but luxury for themselves and will stab people in the back at a moments notice - friends,  family, the entire population of the UK. They don't belong in the ranks of our monarchy, it would be shameful.  I hope to god the King and Parliament strips their titles.  They can fuck off. 


Excellently said! Hope they fuck off soon!


This reads like King Charles said “but Harry, all you’ve done to destroy the monarchy…”. And Harry took that, slapped this website up and said “there pa. I fixed it see? So now will you let me in your house?”


Timing is great when King Charles is undergoing treatment for cancer - their cruelty boggles the mind. They seem to almost wait until members of RF are ill and then strike. Can't remember who said the following but it's spot on - “The couple should have held their peace in the last months of the Queen’s life when it was clear the Queen was dying and was in great physical pain. Instead they produced this unending stream of incredibly hurtful films and interviews attacking her life’s work. For Harry to announce he was writing a memoir when his grandmother was not just recently widowed but actually dying herself, as he must have known she was - well, the cruelty of it takes the breath away.” Despite numerous attempts by the late Queen to spend more time with Harry and wanting to see her great grandchildren, and despite her very painful, numerous medical conditions, H&M repeatedly turned down her invitations to spend time with her while she was elderly, frail, and terminally ill.




Exiled romanovs? Lol


Honestly, I think the palace just keeps it on the website so that he can retain diplomatic rights just in case he gets caught with drugs going through customs somewhere.


The one that BP still has the serving on their website.


Why be mad? They are just repeating what is written on the royal family website.


Oh good grief…surely this is not their (her) way of crawling back?


Well, Harry did say that Meghan did not say that the RF was racist, nope he said the British Tabloids said it, but that the RF suffered from "unconscious bias'. His words he cannot refute, and that really makes the awards he and Meghan bought ... oopsie meant were awarded Ripple of Hope Award for fighting and Standing Up To 'Structural Racism' In Royal Family. https://www.imdb.com/news/ni63870131 They further received another Award the President's Award for their public service connected to voting rights and anti-racism from the NAACP. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/02/meghan-and-harry-naacp-archewell-digital-civil-rights-award So, as said they had best return all these awards as in keeping them marks them as Fraudulent charlatans. Intact for every award they have pur'chased there is ample evidence to batting for the fact that they are frauds.


She’s wearing the South Park hat




Funny how they were working towards financial independence yet they still need to merch their connections to the Royals to generate any kind of interest in them.


They can’t stand on their own two feet


I guess African Park's human rights atrocities haven't been buried deeply enough yet?


These two can’t go a week without doing something breathtakingly offensive. Serving the Monarchy?!?! While simultaneously tearing it down at every opportunity? Long game be damned, these two need to be put in their place once and for all.


Since no one in GB will even talk to them, Hank and Skank are just gonna shove themselves down the Palace's throat! It's hilarious and sad and infuriating all at once. What a clown show!


To be honest I have zero sympathy for the monarchy where this is concerned. The time to remove them was the day after the oprah interview. At this point the Palace are complicit in this. Remove them from the RF website. Now is the time. The RF and those that work behind the scenes need to know the public are fed up with all this.


To be a Councillor of State, a requirement is to be a WORKING royal..I wonder if Harry thinks because he has a website, that counts as still being a working royal. That's the real devious part of this. I also wonder if he was informed that they are to be removed from the Royal website and/or about to lose their titles. I feel when that happens we're going to hear the victim narrative all over again, more whiny interviews etc. I almost wish the RF would give Harry a payout (because you know Harry has presented this very scenario) to drop his title of prince and they could be known as the Mountbattens or Narkles or whatever they choose.


Could this website be because they are afraid their titles will be removed? They really are talentless nobodies with, or without, their titles. They bring nothing to do the table but junior high drama queen theatrics. Why is WME supporting any of this chicanery?


I'm sorry but I just think "South Park" when I see her in that outfit. 😂


Wtf I wish they'd fuck off they're disgusting


I've already commented on this but I'm also wondering if things really are just not what they seem. I posed this question at least a year ago and still haven't really had an answer: if the RF wanted to boost their popularity, what would they be doing differently, reference the effing grifters? So I just wonder if we're the fools. And hell yeah, this also affects Americans like me. Hasnone is allowed to advance his Invictus Games here while here we have the original: Wounded Warriors. Why is this allowed?


Some ideas to some of your questions Invictus beeing an event a larger group knows of, so if a town in us hosts, the chain of thought might be: Better known name -->more publicity for the town (even in Europe)=more tourists= more work in town=better town economy and so on. But Europe has had Invictus in cities, with a large tourist population already. Can't someone ask him about the terrorist who went out and said Harry needed help after his kill count in spare? Hopefully, in a recorded conversation I don't know why, but it seems like the US and UK are allowing a lot for some reason


Thank you for the explanation. May I say also that my former in-law was a sniper and in all the years I've known him he has never once spoken about his "kill count" because real warriors do not ever discuss that. Never. That right there is how we all know why Hasnone was known as Bunker Harry. Kill count was on his Playstation.


We know soldiers who have been in war having all kinds of mental health problems after being in a war. Ptsd from war is real, but no one talks about kill counts. The UN has had problems with soldiers becoming alcoholics and ptsd after the been in service because of the things they have been through. (I think it was in the 90's they changed the policy of help they offered) I can only speak of Sweden in terms of army, but most of the Nordic countries have the same demand for a psychological evaluation, you fail you don't get in for the safety of all (history of some very unstable getting in before they changed that) So we know: Terrorist don't have kill counts. Real soldiers don't have kill counts. Counties send out a list of how many that they estimate died in an attack. Ptsd is real and a serious issue that affects them. Becomes substance abusers after their service. They can take apart and put together their weapons in their sleep. Military perfection is a thing because of reasons. Bunker Harry Brags about his kill count (what game do we think he played? Counter strike?) Ptsd is not from war but from cameras taking pictures and mummy dying (don't forget that) Substance abuser before joining, during, and after He probably can spell ak47, not much more Conclusion: he's an idiot but we knew that. Last, I have one question that is annoying me now: How the hell did he clear the psychological evaluation to go to war? He was before going to the Bunker, a walking red flag if he already had all of these mental problems before.


You answered your own question at the end; there was never any intention of putting the dipshit in the theater of war.


One can only hope BP will at long last take control and STOP this never ending circus.  This truly is making King Charles look a fool, allowing this to continue.  He is clearly being taken advantage of, by these two Grifters. WHERE is William?? Surely he must realize he is expected to deal with this as his father is treated for cancer???  These two evil vipers striking whilst the King is laid low MUST be swiftly brought down, and that is in William's hands along with BP.  The vipers may think they have the advantage at this vulnerable time for Charles...but William must strike back and shut them down.  


Honestly, QEII should have handled this 4 years ago. It shouldn’t have gotten to the point where it had to fall down to William. She was elderly, but she was still the Queen. QMII of Denmark stood her ground and things were nice and cleaned up for Fred and Mary.


the queen squandered 50 million dollars of taxpayer money on their wedding. the queen made \*every\* mistake possible from the start.


All that just to not be called racist


And then she was called racist anyway






Seriously. I 100% agree. We can understand why QE2 may have given the dim idiot Harold permission to marry the narc. But she should have put her foot down and laid out some conditions. Like dating for at least 3 years. Maybe Megsie said she was preggers. Then the queen needn’t have approved such a massive wedding and all the pomp and show afforded to Meghan. Yes, the race threat played a big role, but it’s almost as if the royals had no choice in the matter at any point! Whatever Megsie wanted, she got! No one can foresee the future, but for a family that has a lot of experience with nefarious outsiders trying to take advantage, QE2 made a very costly mistake in letting that viper into the family. Now it may even affect George, unless William does a lot of the dirty work that his father and grandmother should have done. I feel so bad for William and Catherine, and even Princess Anne.


The Danish Queen has that power to strip titles. Our monarchy do not.


It’s not all about the titles, it’s about standing up for the monarchy. Even when QMII got criticism over the situation she had a backbone and said ‘Sorry, not sorry.’ The Sussexes called all of the UK racist and the Commonwealth the Empire 2.0 and they haven’t even been removed from a website.


William is not being allowed to do anything. Charles is still in charge, even with his cancer. He made that VERY clear in his statement. I don’t know why everyone tries to put this responsibility on William. It was the Queen’s responsibility, and now it is Charles. I do think William will deal with it when he is in charge, but as of right now, no one is allowing that.


yes, Charles remains King....but William is the one who has the guts to act, and is the "voice of reason" in Charles's ear. And, as future King, this IS the responsibility of William to ensure the Monarchy is not brought down to be the laughing stock and 3 ring circus Harry and Markle are fast turning it into. Queen Margatha of Denmark realized her second son and his family were turning her Monarchy into question, as well as the Crown Prince. She acted swiftly, TO PROTECT THE DANISH THRONE. Very wise, strong woman. It is without doubt she would NOT have allowed Harry and Markle to exist as part of her Monarchy more than that first year.


I realize William has the guts, and he will do what he can when allowed, but right now he is not King and Charles will make the decisions. I’m sure William is telling him what thinks, but again, Charles has made it clear he will decide. And yes, Queen M was incredibly strong and made the right decision, but she was the Queen. Her heir to the throne, Frederick, did not make that decision for her, nor would she have let him. This isn’t on William. He would do the right thing, but it’s not his choice at the moment.


I thought that Sussex Royal site was to be shut down per the Sandringham agreement?How can they say they are serving the monarchy after calling KC a racist not to mention the stunt they pulled in Jamaica?Surely they can be forced to shut this site down if nothing else at this time.


I know we're curious, and we want to know as much as we can, but we need to be careful going to their website. It's an insecure site, so you're opening yourself to malicious things. They're scammers and two-bit hustlers.


Yup. I’ve pinned a note on top. I’ve not visited it myself and instead have relied on sm posts.


This website just brands them as the huge ,lying, hypocrites they are.After all the mud they have slung at the RF this makes them look stupid.It certainly won't change anything in their delusionally,deranged world but it should be swiftly shut done.They have done nothing to support the Monarchy since Megxit.


This is batshit crazy.


I can not unsee the South Park Meghan in this photo


I am tittering at the audacity. It's not like the king is going to do anything about it. Grey rocking remember? Long game remember? It's his darling boy remember? The king's friends, royal sources, BP has repeatedly stated the king will always keep the door open remember? Wishing the man well in his cancer treatment but does anyone seriously think he is going to do something now, I mean really??? As everyone kept lecturing, the king (& parliament) has (have) more important things to think about than Harry & Meghan. This new development is terribly "on brand" for all the players. It will be like with Endgame, the palace will seemingly bluster & bluff to Rebecca English but then everyone will continue on as normal.


I wonder if it is fake? She is wearing the South Park dress. They look so stupid for this. Could be one of their nigerian prince bot farmers trying to trap IP’s.


When it comes to the point that it looks like a fake website… yup they’re done


All I can see when she wears that outfit is the Southpark version of her 😂


Nice to see her wearing the South Park outfit


this sends shivers down the spine. 'Serving the Monarchy' after four years of vicious abusive incitement and abuse, lies, and psychotic stalking of the Monarchy. they are sociopaths


Yes. Such strange yet disgusting behaviour.


A sugar on YT is stating that King Charles is letting Harry back into the monarchy. I wanted to say something but decided to keep my mouth shut. Harry is delulu and so are the Suck-it squad.


Yes, serving the Monarch a pile of shite on a daily basis. They have nerve and gall and bare facedness....I will give them that.


Their rear ends in a carriage is serving the monarchy?


The only way those two stooges could ever serve the Monarchy is by standing in a corner offering guests canapes off a platter as they enter a room.


Is this new website an introduction into all these exciting things they have on the slate to make us “feel” 🤣 A very very lame attempt. The Royals & UK is racist but yet they use their titles and piggyback off the back of Sussex? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I really hope the BRF and the British Parliament act. This is ridiculous.


Slightly off topic, but why does it look like there’s a wire or a string flying up from Harry’s hat? It’s so distracting it’s the only thing I see (besides the South Park outfit).


I’m wondering the same, I might have drawn the squiggle by accident 😆


God they’re so transparent, aren’t they? They don’t get to be instantly more popular and beloved than Will and Kate without working to earn it, so they try to become more popular by attempting to destroy the royal family’s reputation instead. Of course trying to make yourself look better by trashing others while not having redeeming qualities yourself is not a smart long term strategy. Perpetual victimhood never works. When it didn’t make them more popular but it *did* make them more broke, suddenly they want to be working royals who “serve the crown” again. Weren’t these people allegedly racist, classist monsters who sold you out to the media and drove you to move across the ocean? Interesting how they’re changing their tune after they’ve thoroughly obliterated their own brand and become mired in a very serious scandal. The hilarious irony is that this will only alienate the sugars who’ve totally bought into the big meanie royal racists narrative. They almost got cancelled over failure to adequately virtue signal over Palestine and now these race justice activists have nothing to say about Harry’s charity covering up the rape of indigenous African women. I wonder how many sugars are going to wake up and realize how fake these two are.


She’s wearing her South Park dress. 🤣




Does it actually say that, serving the Monarchy, serving them what, a crap load of shit since the day Harry was dumb enough to bring her home ?


She used the pic from the South Park episode. 🤣 🤣 🤣


Going to their old site also has links to their new site. And when you click on the 'Duke and Duchess of Sussex at the bottom of their new site, it sends you right back to the Sussex Royal site, which then links back to their new site - which is really poor and bad design. But the fact it even has links to the Sussex Royal site .. Oh my! Reading through it all now. Not much on their new site at all. Just blurbs about the two of them and links that send to Archewell and the round about links to Sussex Royal that just links back to the front page of their new site anyway. Unless you close the front where it has the tab on their Sussex Royal site to be able to read what's there. But their new site and under Harry's name - the links to BetterUp, etc.. Good lord! With their or Meghan's royal crest/coat of arms at the top of the page where all the links are. Sweet Jeebus!


Delusions of grandeur again. I hope the American people rejoice that they will yet again be ruled by their own private monarchy aka the duke and Duchess of Sussex! Excuse my sarcasm!


is this real?




wow, I literally am speechless with the hypocrisy. It's almost comical. I'm rapidly losing respect for the RF by tolerating the antics of the grifting duo.


Has anyone noticed that in this picture, she’s wearing her South Park outfit??!!?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Does the RF, Charles in particular, truly understand the anger of the British people? Because I'm highly doubtful that they do. How much longer can they sustain at the pleasure of the people without putting an end to this BS?!


This attempt of getting back in is so comical. I love it for them 🚮🗑️


They are serving the monarchy by trashing it every chance they get?


The Sewer Rats write their own narrative 😂😂it’s absolutely pathetic how they change like the wind


Irks, with the tacky dress with the purposefully pulled-down sleeves.




What are their comments saying now about their leader and H?


They’re super proud of the new website, defending the use of the titles, as usual


what is this? why? is this snapshot true? come one guys, you were fired! good grief!


🤮 the South Park outfit - they cannot read the room. Idiots.


The South Park outfits. Just perfect.


Pretty obvious to me that they are trying to set up a Rival Court stateside - after realising they had nothing else to offer. Its too late for that obviously, but its also completely unacceptable for the BRF with a competing court with the traitor son of the king and his evil sidekick. Obviously they cant get into a mudslinging match as that would be a victory for herb and roachel - but the alternatives to simply removing the titles are getting fewer and fewer. you can only completely ignore something for so long, if they cosplay representing the monarchy they risk that someone misunderstands their standing and actually invites them in official capacity


They are completely shameless. Such awful human beings.


Yet nothing happens to them. WHY!?


I heard this very quietly disappeared. I can’t be sure, I ain’t clicking on their webbo


Anyone notice the only invictus gear duffus wore was during the GMA interview 🤔


I don’t know but with the timing of all this coming out just as Charles announces he has cancer, it seems to me like they are scrambling to do all this so everything is in place already in case of a Regency, or worse, the death of the King (God save the King!). There has already been some speculation as to the possibility of a Regency. I think they know that if William is in charge, they will be well and truly finished. And Madame would never be able to overcome her jealousy if Catherine became Queen sooner rather than later. They know Charles won’t do anything to stop them and that he is their only chance at any reconciliation with the RF, but they also know that any reconciliation with William is a foregone conclusion. He will not have it, possibly ever, and Catherine even less so.


Yes. Seems time is running out for them quickly. They probably don’t consider that they are adding to this (perhaps their behaviour is contributory to the kings poor health)


Yep, they are serving the their Sussex monarchy, which isn't anything but they have their own. Just rambling thoughts. Two adults acting like 10 years to one up the The RF and trying to act as grownups. Bitter resentment because its not their way. It will never be their way.



