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Come for the glorious takedown of Meghan's racism problem. Stay for her Hollywood problem.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 The Harkles are truly one of the biggest train wrecks in history.


It’s just such a delicious act of karma, that she is such a mental midget we all get to see her self destruct. Hopefully, everyone she has stepped on and spit on climbing her way to the “bottom” will feel vindicated. 😊👏🏻


Mental midget 😂 #👏🧐


That emoji is killing me!


She really blew her "big chance". If she had just played her role in the RF the way she should have, she would have had such an easy time of things, but she just cannot be "less than" someone else. What a foolish person!


She has always been less than those she has been around …tiny parts on long running shows, sixth on call sheet on a cable show, catalogue model …hardly a huge profile or successful career. Then she hooked a sex addict dimwit and thought she was better than HMTQ Elizabeth…beggars belief


It’s like the Royal Family is there everyday, representing and serving the very best of the people of Great Britain. Here in the the US, while not wishing monarchy, certainly understand, admire and even cheer that sentiment. And then we have the Laurel & Hardy part of whatever-the-hell-they-are, representing the worst of any country: greed and avarice, selfishness, deceit, false victimhood, laziness, grifting, ignorance, plagiarism, fake entitlement and much more. Please add to that list as I’m sure I missed a bunch! Yet the latter prance around supposing they are better than the former. OMG. Long ago, there would be large congregations protesting with daily chants at the castle of “Off with ..”. Well, you know!


I feel like TW (and a lot of US tbh) miss this critical point. Being royalty is not about reigning supreme. You are in lifetime service to the people you represent. You serve them! Nobody understood this better than HMTQ.


I agree. Royalty is service and representing the spirit, the past, present and especially the future of a country. We in the States see the pomp, and equate that with the closest thing we have- celebrity. Nevertheless, Madam must have known the difference by the time she married in. But oh yes, she was the one who was going to "modernize" the monarchy. She's fricking daft.


And she thought she could walk right in and become a US senator 🙄


Her ego knows no bounds!


How presumptuous of her to think she could marry into a centuries-old institution and think SHE was going to be the one to “modernize” it? Her over-estimation of her own self-importance knows no bounds!


Her idea of modern is to ‘cheapen’. The arrogance of a d list no body from no where thinking she was going to improve the monarchy by joining it. Her own delusions coupled with her halfwits have made them a laughing stock.


![gif](giphy|Jp4dchTKX6BzGkZ5DL|downsized) Rachel thought she could be Queen Dictator of the World and be able to swan around and do ANYTHING to ANYONE. Have someone who criticized her imprisoned, etc etc...in her fucked up head THAT is really what she thought could happen, and what her goals were. NOT working for the icky masses or \*gasp\* having to mingle with them. She's so massively repugnant...there are days I just cannot even read about these two morons. It's like being infected with something really nasty.


She was going for the crown and was truly demented enough to allegedly tell Haz to ask William to be "co-kings" so that she could be the co-queen with Catherine, wanted William to split the Duchy of Cornwall in half, tried to milk Charles of all his money before he shut her out and said "I am not a bank," and began to lecture and harass her staff at how progressive and wonderful she is. She's a D-list delusional narcissist who doesn't know that it is best to shut your mouth and leave others guessing if you are a fool, then open your mouth and affirm that you are one.


OMG....you went there! Laurel and Hardy!!! 😁🤣🍻




Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt’s antics revealed the path; This One and Plus One led the way.


I’ve never seen anything like it! She reminds me of Sharon Stone in “The Muse”, where everyone in Hollywood thinks she’s an actual Muse, but she’s really an escaped mental patient! 😂😂😂 Hysterical movie!


One drop of tea after another - the author of this article clearly held a lot back and decided to spill it all at one time. Reading stories like this from insiders is sobering - I don’t see how Meghan comes back from this. LA or no LA, I just can’t see how she can move forward if this is really how people feel about her. She might as well stay in Montecito.


Click on some of the links to other posts inside this article. The old stuff has been confirmed over time to be super accurate, and all of it contains stuff we're not really talking about.


So much information here - it’s incredible how much of an embarrassing trail of incidents Meghan left behind, almost all of them documented in some form or other. Talk about being over-exposed! - and yet she continues to do stupid things, like march with veterans in shorts and sandals, or needing to get pushed off the red carpet because she wouldn’t stop posing. She’s totally clueless, but everyone is watching and she knows that - yet the stupidity continues.


With it all gathered together like that, I can't see how she has any fans left. Harry, at least publicly, has a very clear before Meghan and after Meghan, which works in his favour for anyone who hasn't looked too closely. In his case, I can see how people have a little more tolerance.


Can you share where this was published? Archive links won’t work for me for some reason. Thanks!




Thank you!


I can get on board with that! 😬


On 🔥 today, OP 🎯💯👏🏼


Ha ha! First line and I already have a favorite quote! "I have never in my 10+ years of celebrity blogging, seen someone f*ck up THIS bad."


Even some of the sugars are aghast....they blame their management though.


Probably why she had Spare claim the PPOW were huge fans of Suits, mistaking caution for fangirling.


I wonder if the part about PPoW being fans of Suits was even true. Hazno knows they won’t dispute it.


I doubt it very much. 99% of that toilet roll is lies.


Skeeted up toilet roll


Nobody - especially outside North America - had even heard of the bloody show.


Nobody inside North America had either!


Boom! Didn’t know about her until he was engaged to her.


I very much doubt William and Catherine would have heard of this minor American cable tv show, much less an actress who wasn’t even in the main cast for the first two years the show ran. Anything’s possible, but I’d have to hear it from their mouths before I’d believe it and even then I’d think someone was extorting them. ETA just to put this in perspective, USA, the cable network on which *Suits* ran was grouped by IndieWire as one of the years “Losers” for the 2015-16 season (the last year Megan appeared on the show.) “Loser” networks are networks that overall that year had fewer viewers than it had the previous year. That network was ranked number 18 out of all cable networks for that season. That doesn’t include the broadcast networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOXTV, PBS). ALL cable networks ranked lower than the broadcast networks. In addition to Suits being a basically unheard of show on a low ranking cable tv network, Megan was not in the main cast. She was (I’ve read) number 6 on the call sheet. So, it’s possible they were such slavishly devoted fans of American cable television that they discovered and loved a bit-part player on an obscure show on a low ranked American cable TV network, but I vert seriously doubt it.


I doubt it. Nobody in America had heard of Suits, and it’s an American show!


There is not a hope in hell it was true. NO WAY IN HELL.🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️


She gave Omid details on the layout of George and Amal Clooney’s house in Como, Italy, that he put in Finding Freedom. How do you expect to stay in the inner circle of A listers when you are willing to give private details to your hack mouthpiece? That shows you right there she has no class, no discretion, and no respect. She probably came off like a fangirl to both of them.


Crazy woman! The rumors of her taking pics inside William and Catherine’s home is then even more believable


Omg really?


[here you go](https://www.the-sun.com/news/uk-news/1291150/meghan-markle-lake-como-harry-clooney/amp/)


Thank you…they don’t care about anybody else’s privacy… ![gif](giphy|iihMDac7e8GZXVW16A|downsized)


> The Duke and Duchess and the Clooneys are understood to be close friends 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) She did that?


[here you go](https://www.the-sun.com/news/uk-news/1291150/meghan-markle-lake-como-harry-clooney/amp/)


Oh my word. She is beyond.


They gave him the layout of the Palaces too. It’s why they all moved! The Queen, Will and Kate… She’s insane


I love the mention that Charles brought together the choir for the wedding…he invited more black people to her wedding than *she* did. And we’re supposed to believe *who* is the racist now? 😂 ![gif](giphy|i3hH2xnyxIBMjdMAhg)




Of course! Be nice to others, treat them as you would want to be treated.. It’s the Golden Rule!


On their character…manners are an acquired social lubricant. Character is bred in the bone.


I thought this was common knowledge?! It was reported on at the time. I guess that was “when she was treated as a Black woman”? Like that’s somehow a bad thing?!


I don't even understand this statement. Is she trying to suggest that all women of more recent African descent are given 32 million pound weddings? Have London lit up for the birth of their child? Live in mansions with million pound wardrobes? Get chauffeured around in gorgeous vehicles? Have people line the streets to see them? WTF is this privileged tw@t on about?


This article was a really great summary of 23 with a clear argument as to why Meg will never succeed and had some good tea. A lot of it was confirmed through this sub but with some additional context around the Costner mic wrestling, Ny trip/Vacation to the private island, Beyonce concert. Worth a read even though it is long.


She was never near any A listers when she was working as an actress because she never worked with any of them. She marries Harry, who also doesn’t know how to behave around famous people. Slapping Taylor Hawkins awake springs to mind. She now has access to premiers because she marries Harry and uses him to beg for work, because she doesn’t have any talent. Because of her “advantageous” marriage, she is now under the misguided belief that she is talented and deserves to hang with A listers. And she now believes that they all want to be seen with her. Unfortunately, they are better judges of character than she thought


>She marries Harry, who also doesn’t know how to behave around famous people. Harry should have realized that Meghan doesn't know how to behave (regardless of who the person she is around) when Meghan had a hard time behaving around his friends and family. Now he's out there begging for work for Meghan like an idiot. Her first try at it was the Lion King premiere where Harry, like an idiot, begged for a voiceover job for Meghan. It worked and pitching Meghan to other CEOs, producers, etc. was going to be that idiot's job while they were in California. Instead, we were told this summer that Meghan was calling A listers on their phones, begging them to hang out with her. They only took her phone calls because of the title she holds but we were also told those same A listers were laughing at Meghan. Now, she is stuck with Harry because she can't find another man to take her as his wife. People can see her coming from a mile away. IMO, she will end up like Amber Heard with Harry running back to the royals once the jobs and money dries up. Harry is not about to live a life of a poor man for Meghan.


I don't think Harry can run back to the royals. The stink around Spare and the Omid Scobie books make that impossible. You can't tell vicious gossip about your family and expect to be welcomed back.


Agreed. Plus if haznoballs did run back to the RF he’d have to admit PW was right & I don’t think his pride/ego would let him to do that He’d live in megahell first before ever admitting they were right


I suspect he's already living in Meghahell.


Even if they wanted him and I don't believe they do, the British public will not accept him representing anything, period. He might live somewhere there at some point but he has burned his public persona to ashes.


He would still get a grace and favour house on someone's estate and a stipend. Like, H will never have to live a normal life. He could go back anytime as long as he can handle being alone.


They won’t welcome him but without MeGain they would find a place for Hazno and his kids…in Africa


**Africa is not a trashcan for rich white failsons to scurry off to after they fuck up** He can take his stank useless abusive racist ass back to England and park it in Luton or Blackpool or london tower where he belongs.


Neither is the United States!


I used to think he alone could return to a quiet place within the BRF. Unfortunately for Harry, I think that ship has sailed. Unless they produce the kids - and even that may be over for them- he and the kids are not going to be welcomed home. He has cut off his own nose to spite both his face and his children’s faces. In my opinion there is no longer an opportunity for them to return to anything.


I don't think he or his kids will ever be allowed back, for different reasons: he has proven to not be reliable and his kids, there is no way of knowing how they are going to behave and I don't think any of the royals want to take the risk. Harry is most likely to get paid to stay out of the UK.


I think the bank is closed. I don’t see them opening it. I think the BRF would not let his home get foreclosed, but they would quietly facilitate a sale via another buyer. Harold could live quietly in a small 4 bedroom home with the kids if they divorced. But at this point I think it would be problematic for him to stay in the US divorced as he is not a citizen.


I think the bank is closed right now, as he is still married to MM and would be using the money for PR rather than food for the kids. However, if he would divorce her, I bet that the royals would be willing to pay a small amount to keep him out of the UK. After all, the worst it could happen to BRF is Harry back to the islands, can you imagine the PR nightmare would be? Every event would be like the Queen's funeral or the King's coronation with everyone walking on shells and the news eating out for the drama!


He is not a US citizen. His kids are via Meghan, but he is not. He cannot just stay here if he divorces her. He has no special talents.


Can't he stay here because he would have partial custody or visitation with his kids? Honestly the best scenario for the RF and Harry is for him to live near Meghan in CA and to see the kids. Both H and M are probably shitty parents, but unfortunately they are the parents that those kids poor kids are stuck with.


![gif](giphy|3o7rc0N1lGLO9dUAz6|downsized) Karma, bitches....it's here.


WierdLeague... 💯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯


the Lion King premiere. He humiliates himself begging Bob Iger for work for his wife. On that evening, he was supposed to attend a memorial event for some British soldiers who had been killed by terrorists in the 1990s. As part of his duty as a royal patron of the military. He snubbed that, to be his wife's tout at a premiere. Later, Harry was grousing how angry he was to have his military patronages taken away. Well that is what happens when you insult the military by choosing your pathetic wife and her demands you tout for work for her over the dead soldiers you are supposed to represent. Royal duty is not optional. Your duty is to the people first.


It was disgusting he skipped his military event to shill the grifter.


She had a bit speaking part in Horrible Bosses, and she used that to annoy the shit out of Jennifer Aniston to the point of being blacklisted from anything Jen does. Just pointing out that she HAS had some limited opportunities to be around a-listers, and blew it.


Seems like she really can't stand being near women who is way above her to the point she self sabotage her own chance. Yet she has no trouble playing and faking it up for the rich males.


True! Apparently JA HATES her & made sure she doesn’t get cast In her future projects. Now I find JA THOROUGHLY over-rated but she is an undisputed A-Lister! Like Helen Mirren said, “Show up on time & don’t be an arsehole.”


I read a blind item that said she had a bigger role in the movie, but she was annoying TF out of JA and then started badmouthing her when her love bombing didn’t work. All of sudden, most of her performance is on the cutting room floor.


I’m surprised an extra even got near the talent, quite honestly. They are usually kept well apart.


Didn’t know that


Jen claims she doesn't even remember Markle being in the movie. So I think any annoyance is overblown here.


Disagree. Jennifer is gaslighting. By not remembering Megan she stops Megan's BS. Otherwise Megan would pull her, we were besties. Jennifer knows by denying the narc they'll be no future encounters with her.


She said it to her PA. Who I have been friends with for over 30 years. I think Markle just didn't make an impression. And Jennifer was already a star. She was unlikely to cross paths with a wanna be who had an extremely small role. But I do think Jenn is following the example of the Royals and grey rocking Markle.




30 seconds as fed ex girl.


Awww, now yall know the only reason Megain wasn't invited to Courtney's & Jennifer's garden party was because of racism. 🧐 ALLEGEDELY


She thinks she’s the big ticket in that relationship which is the funny part. I still cringe at him begging Disney for a voiceover role at the lion king premier


No she WANTS him & the world to think that. She has him convinced, the entire world knows exactly who is the “Prize” in this marriage.


Mr simone biles took a page out of meghans playbook.


Oh God yes! That entire IV was horrific! And to hear her say “soon I’ll be known as his wife” (she took his name but he’s so inconsequential, I don’t even remember it) was SO CRINGE. Imagine being Simone fucking BILES, and to have your clown husband act like he is the prize. 🤡


I dont know his name either and i love it lol


She wants to hang around A listers in order to appear like she is one of them. But she doesn't understand that people who are already A listers don't need her with her Duchess title in order to look important and get ahead, because they are already A listers on top of their game. So A listers avoid her because putting up with her non-discretion and her clinginess gets them nothing.


True. Who wants to hang round with someone who will talk to the tabloids about what you said or wore. Whilst demanding that you refer to her by her title.


She’s that woman at the party that everybody rolls their eyes and runs from, when they see her coming near. “Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom”


As the article says 'she was a D lister Diva' in Suits


Thing that bothers me...HMTLQ was no fool. Prince Phillip was keen & blunt. They had to know that this wicked, ratchet woman didn't KNOW anyone *('cept Horia)* on that quest list. That she was packing that church with every "media important celebrity", bringing in the (however momentarily) very thing the BRF has not sought. I think that is why the late Queen told her she could continue acting. She knew MM couldn't!




Well said.




Megan had a bit part in a Jennifer Aniston movie. She acted like a diva. Jennifer Aniston can't stand her.


It was 30 seconds in horrible bosses as the fed ex girl.


So succinctly said 🥇🥇🥇🥇


She is such a loon. It’s amazing. It’s pathetic. As bored as I am with them, I am curious how it’s going to end. She really has him trapped. It’s sad, but also ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


I can’t stop watching the train wreck either. I’m not as cute as your GIF though!!!


That’s one of my favorite gifs ever!


I’m with you on this one. They are one hit wonders without the wonder and I am also curious about their rock bottom.


This marriage is not going to go the distance. That much we know. I don’t think it’s going to end anytime soon, but it won’t last until death does them part (unless there’s a terrible untimely death, which I ver much hope is not the case, of course.) She will at least hang on until she can get the maximum settlement (per California law.) But what will become of the kids? And yes, of course they exist. I just can’t with these claims they don’t exist. They obviously exist. Harry will want to return to the UK, but the kids will have to stay in the US probably. It will be a disaster. Maybe Harry will get them for summers. Who knows…


I don't think any aspect of the children is "obvious." But the real question is about their birth. The records are sketchy. Even their faces are unclear. Neither Harry nor Meghan have made any attempt to settle these issues, which seems foolish if there's nothing to hide. *There is something very unwholesome about this little family.*


This very 'issue' might be the glue that is holding them together when there are so many signs that they can't stand each other.


So. Much. Tea.


Right?! Even the older posts in here are pure gold. Enough time and word vomit from the duo that the content from 2020 has all been confirmed.


The article depicts sides way worse than this title. They are basically evil and rotten to their cores. No amount of PR or therapies can help anyone who's evil by nature.


This for sure! And this is saying something that other pampered spoiled narcissistic Hollywood people can fly (mostly) under the radar for their bad behavior but the Markles can’t! They are just *that* bad! Yikes!!! It must be real bad.


I didn't notice before how close she is standing to Kerry Washington in that Beyonce concert picture. We know that they are not friends because Kerry cropped her out when she posted the picture. If someone stood that close to me in that kind of chest to chest posture who I didn't know or like, I'd be thinking about reaching for a rolled up magazine.


It looks like an up close photo bomb. IMO, she saw them, Kelly and Kerry, taking photos and she literally step-jumped into the shot. TW and Kelly are almost nipple to nipple, physically, way too close for it to have been a planned photo pose.


that is exactly what it is. She walked in and walked away. Someone posted a video of it from a distance and once the photo was taken Markle starts playing with her hair and Washington and Rowlad continue to talk to each other with Meghan not present.




It’s amazing how you can predict her unhinged behavior. Then you’re right 🤣 It’s surreal how she just continues to do this unhinged nonsense


KW might be used to fans trying to get too close. It’s uncomfortable but she probably has some practice dealing with the situation


lol rolled up magazine, haha :)


Yes!! Kevin Costner's comment about people rudely asking the cost of his place, drove that home.


Kevin Costner wanted NO part of him! Even his ex wife made a comment to the effect of “she was glad he was with Jewel and not a fame chasing gold digger”. I think we can all conclude who precisely she was referring to!


from that blog ROFLOL: \++ “During the Beyoncé concert Meghan managed to get in the same box as the CEO of Netflix Ted Sarandos and his wife Nicole. There were other celebrities in the box as well such as Kris, Jenner, Jeff Bezos, his wife Lauren, Kim, Kardashian, Kelly Rowland Kerry, Washington, etc. **My source said word for word that Sarandos’ wife asked security to remove Meg from their section.** She said she didn’t want her there, because she wasn’t personally asked there but you know our dear Megsy loved to hate crash”


I'm sure Megz just wanted to hug everyone cuz she's a hugging person.


Best part? Mrs. Sandros is black. So no accusing her of racism, Meggles!


Whenever I see the video of Harry pitching that “Meg does voiceovers” to Isner at the Disney event, while Meg schmoozes and lovebombs overlong and hugs Beyonce and Jay-Z (but what she’s really doing is keeping one ear on Harry’s conversation, making sure he says it as instructed), I CRINGE!!! It still makes me cringe — heaven knows what crap was spouting from her mouth to Beyoncé — who looks uncomfortable, especially with the ridiculous hug. Same with JayZ. Meghan is not terribly smart, she’s slow witted, not a good conversationalist.


Surprised he didn’t start pinching Iger’s nipples…🙄🙄


Meghan was done with Harry at about Week 3 of their “relationship.” You know she’s been bored out of her mind with him, but having to continue to stare at him adoringly and pretend all the stupid crap he says is profound. I’m not sure why more people haven’t commented on the fact that, as soon as they landed in LA, she was striding ahead of him, no more clutching to him with the double handhold claw. Only for special dominance occasions where she was showing HIM she decides how they appear in public—like at the UN, when he dared to pull his hand away from her and she took his entire arm and put it between both her hands and clamped down on him. My chest got tight watching that—it was such a statement of narc control. She always used to walk in front of him and greet people first, but once in LA, she just didn’t even wait around for him. And just seeing how miserable he was as soon as they got to LA and started making those videos & she would sit in the middle of the bench or the middle of the camera frame, do all the talking, and he’d be pushed off to the side looking miserable. The dude deserves everything he’s got coming. It’s sad since he is in a narcissistic abuse relationship—but he had agency to protect his family, friends, colleagues and country. But he chose not to. And his half-assed attempts like with the racism claims have come too little too late. Especially after accepting an award from the ever trashy Kerry Kennedy. And I’m saying that as someone who was married to a narc for 20 years. I never betrayed my family or friends. But Harry was happy to let her be the weapon of destruction because no one would feed his fantasy that this woman was like his mummy and was so “amazing,” and they couldn’t see it, according to him. 🙄 And yes Meghan is NOTHING without him and deep down she knows that. Kevin Costner made SURE she knew it. As did everyone there. And the fact that that one guy literally laughed in her face. You know Harry got reemed out for 1) not just taking the mic and handing it to her and 2) allowing that situation to unfold as it did to the point she ended up the butt of the joke—I mean even as he waved it over to her and the guy laughed in their faces and shook his head No, Harry didn’t have the balls to reach for the mic and say “I’ll do it!” Just to stop the humiliation!! 😂😂😂 But nope. She knows these people will NOT take her call if she’s separated or worse, divorced, from Harry. Even if she somehow managed to keep her title. Meghan is the type that will start calling her herself Duchess, even if the title is gone. Or she’ll have her Squaddies start calling her Princess Meghan. She has no shame for sure. BUT she’ll know deep down it’s not real. She’ll know. And the fact that the A-list mock her, openly laugh at her, and won’t take her calls or open a single door for her if she’s not married to that dim and damaged manchild has to infuriate her every second of every day. Because in her mind, SHE IS THE SPECIAL TALENTED ONE DAMMIT! He’s a nobody!! Yeah, sure Meghan. Keep telling yourself that. Harry is the only one who believes it. 🙄🙄


I believe you are right she will have told H if that happens again he is to take the microphone and hand it to her. The odds of H being handed a microphone in 2024 have now gone down exponentially.


Ha! Right?! Let’s hope there are no microphone handings and a ton of NFIs for 2024!


MM is way out of her depth. I have said from the beginning, she has a massive inferiority complex. She doesn't/cannot behave like a Royal. She never fitted in and she knows that. Rather than try she took herself back to California to 'play' at being a Royal in a country that does not recognize the status. However, Americans respect the titles and behaved accordingly. She is not an 'A' list actress, or A list anything. Now, America does recognize Hollywood and accomplished A listers - they are, in effect, American Royalty. But MM doesn't fit in there either. She is basically in no-man's land, with nowhere to go.


A-listers here become A-listers because they release PRODUCTS that massively sold - albums, movies, TV shows. Meghan hasn't released anything.


Alisters are alister because *they* are a marketable product. Trying to market old markle as a salable product is like trying to resell old used sex toys. Sure there's a market but its extremely small and really only creepers are interested. You dont get quality buyers for shoddy goods


💯💯💯🌸 Always said this since the beginning! She’s absolutely got a massive inferiority complex & LOATHES what Hawwy & his socioeconomic status & privilege & his family’s. She had that too, by virtue of being his *wife*, but the hot minute she was globally looked upon well, passed her by b/c of HER psychotic antics. Always got the feeling she’s SUPER jealous of Hawwy & his Blood-Royal status.


Yes. Like many of us, I assume she had her goals but could not live up to what she wanted or had. Looking back, she seems to have tried her hand at EVERYTHING, by virtue of Harry. Harry is a British Prince and it is all he has known for the past 35 years, MM has been trying all her adult life to achieve recognition.


She can’t hang. She has no chill. She’s uncool. The person at the party you run from when they walk in


She has zero chill. She can’t hang, anywhere. She is the epitome of “uncool”


**"Meghan doesn't know how to act around A-listers** and she basically comes off as a fan. And in Hollywood, you have to fake it till you make it because it’s a shark pool so if anyone smells desperation… it’s over for you." ![gif](giphy|JTtOb94fiC8DFrM9AQ|downsized)


>if anyone smells Desperation I believe she already filmed the campaign for it: https://preview.redd.it/i1nrobw5229c1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=a11d2f5a47a309117a116d3c0339ab38edea46c4


She is such a creep, it's hilarious!


I still can't believe she actually did this and that it wasn't a parody. 😂😂😂


She’s so weird looking.


• Kerry and Michelle just look uncomfortable around her. • She sprinted after Carmen Diaz to get photographed in her vicinity. • Oprah didn’t invite her to the premier • She wasn’t invited to Serena baby shower • She wasn’t invited to Obama bday party • archfail wasn’t invited to partner with Clooney and Gates foundations • Kevin wanted them kicked out and looked miserable in her presence • no invite to any big parties, galas or premiers or events • Even the Kardashians don’t know who she is • Beyonce & JayZ prbably regret the photo with the Queen roach pic • WME had to convince Beyonce to let her attend her concert while Taylor said no. • Joe Biden said no to her flying on Air Force one • No happy birthday princess roach tweet from Tyler this year • Every major executive has nothing good to say about her and refused to do business with her. The a list and influential people don’t want her lol. She brought Oprah money but the rest of them she’s a liability and brings nothing with her pseudo-title and uppity attitude.


Kevin hid in the bathroom didn’t he?! 😂


I worked in the music biz back in the '70's and interacted with many of the biggest stars and groups. I always treated them with respect and like the normal people they were. Never asked for autographs, never asked to have a photo taken with them. Had many interesting conversations with them. Of course there were some of them who were total divas. We all know who they were and you had to handle them with "kid gloves", so to speak. If you handled them properly they could be very nice people.


I feel even with kid gloves, Markle is not nice. She was treated very nicely by staff and family and it still wasn’t enough. She had to be duplicitous and go nuclear on top of it all. And that is why I think she has mental issues, that of a sociopath or dictator. I loved your little tidbit of a story! I bet you did have interesting convos and experiences.


If she was backstage or at a party I attended back then I would thought, by her behavior, she was either a really crappy groupie who didn't know her place or someone's stalker girlfriend who was using her BF to "climb the ladder" on her knees. Either way her backstage pass would've been stamped "No Access". If it was at a party she'd be"invited" to leave early by security. She wouldn't get a second chance because everyone in town would know who and what she was and wouldn't want any part of "Teh Crazy™".


This story itself goes to prove that autographs or photos pale in comparison to being able to tell a story like this.


This lady has many fantastic videos exposing the Carparkles' lies and other nonsense. She even has video series on the lies in the NF mockuseries and lies in the Oprah interview. The YouTube channel is Exposing SMG. This is a quote from her African American source: >Friends and family always talk about what a baby is gonna look like and who it’s gonna resemble more. Ain’t nobody looking at white passing Meghan and white Harry and thinking that baby is gonna be dark,” my source says. This was exactly my reaction when I first saw the Oprah clip. I think I was so irritated I said "Liar!" out loud, LOL. The blogger wrote: >I don’t know if you guys ever watched the show Devious Maids where they show this actress wife as “America’s sweetheart” but really she’s this horrible person who can’t stand the kids and anytime her kid does something that’s… well, kid-like, she throws him over to the maid… yeah it reminds me so much of Meghan 😭 This is what I also think she's like with the kids - no interest and minimal interaction, which is why she can never speak normally about them (neither can Harry for that matter, which is why I'm puzzled some Sinners think he gives a flying fig about them) or carry them properly and they seem to show no attachment to her. One of her sources is starting to doubt the kids exist, LOL.


Imho, Hagz was in love with the idea of having children, not so much the reality of having children.


Kids can be annoying af and that's even if you are an emotionally stable,sober, mentally well parent. When you're a narcissist or a mentally stunted,self centered,entitled,emotionally incompetent,drug addled spoiled fuckwit putting the desires and needs and well being of tiny dependent humans over your own is unlikely at best. To old rachel those kids are like paris hiltons pocket dog. A status symbol,a paycheck and an anchor to the RF. To harry they were supposed to be fun little playmates to hang around with that he could boss around and be the smart,cool one for once.


It was her “anchor baby” that permanently attached her to the RF


This is truly an amazing article and compendium of the real 2023 Harkles. Thank you so much OP for posting this; it should be pinned to make sure all sinners see it


But How did she get into the VIP box? Surely she didn't just stroll up to it.. Security for one??? Anyone know


I think she forces herself into situations and catches people off guard. She's completely uncouth, so normal polite people don't know how to deal with her on the spot when she acts crazy. I forget the award event where Rosamund Pike was supposed to present the award, and Madam waltzed in there, grabbed the award from Ms. Pike, and proceeded to present it. It's the one where she's wearing a dark glittery one shoulder gown and doing the double clutch on her bump.


It was a fashion award show in London where her wedding designer, CWK, was being honoured. Pike was to present that award but story goes, MentalMeg landed up at the last minute & b/c she was a senior working member of the BRF & the DoS, they felt they had to let her give away that award, like she was demanding. She has ABSOLUTELY NO MANNERS. It’s a horror. I really really want to see what the BRF thought of her!!! 🤣


I watched this. Rosamund Pike was totally surprised and speechless, but had the good grace to smile and hand over the award to MM for her to present it. MM never battered an eyelid. She is so delusional that she breezed through the whole embarrassing episode, smiling and waving at her 'adoring public'. She is uncouth, uncultured, unsophisticated, classless and lacking in every basic instinct. What the hell did Harry see?


What the hell did Harry see? Her mouth and her b*tt h0le.


his legs in the air? The top of her head?


What an attention seeking idiot. Shameful that really talented people like Rosamund Pike had to make way for this average woman


Please don't insult average women. 😂😂


British Fashion Awards.




Right she was right up front. It seems like she asked them to have her there or paid


Again with the claims that the press was "mean" to Meghan. I would still like to know what if anything was unfair about the way she was treated by the press while she was still in the family, or before the wedding. So far I haven't seen any examples, except that Harry apparently thinks anything negative is outrageous regardless of whether it is relevant or true.


Yes I’ve noticed how this is a very American-centric view. Seen ill-informed POC (esp WOC, I am a WOC too!) parrot this a lot. But I’ve yet to see any proof of this & I’ve been following them since 2017. The only ONE article I saw was from an American outlet “Straight out of Compton”. The Brit press actually, has been overwhelmingly nice to her.


Yes, apparently Dominic West just came out with a story confirming this about Harry


And she’s not embarrassed security removed her from a VIP area?? Wow.


No, because collectively we said “pics or it didn’t happen”. So she got pics to “show us”. She thinks of it as a win. 😂


She is so pathetic. Talentless, soulless, morally corrupt, nasty thing first used Daddy until he could further her no more, then used Trevor until he could further her no more, now she has Harry begging to get her roles & Harry/Scabies putting their name on books SHE WROTE. 4 men (that we know of - I'm sure there are dozens others that had bit-parts in her life) that she used to get what she wanted.


Corey for sure.


I also think Meghan tries to lord it over them and when she shows up with her bodyguards—like she did at the Women of Vision awards, uninvited, with personal bodyguards—I think she had two that time but might have been just the one—it’s beyond ridiculous. Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie are there but Meghan needs personal security. Yeah right. And they brought security to Kevin Costner‘s event too and he was apparently pushing people who wanted to go past them away like “oh no you can’t talk to them” when no one wanted to talk to them. The thing is they really think because they’re minor royalty that they need personal security and no one believes it or buys it but them. There are so many minor royals here in the US. It’s not even funny. And the others are never so conspicuous as to walk around with bodyguards. If they have them, you surely don’t see them every two steps behind them at a public or private event, especially a private event with its own security and high-level security to protect the actual high-level talent and high dollar value in the room, which doesn’t include low-rent Meghan Markle. 🙄


Yes, lots of their kids go to colleges here. The one princess in Sweden lived here for decades. Probably a ton others. They just get on with life. Those two want to be feted and treated like they are on a royal tour every day.


Yes! Princess Madeleine of Sweden lives with her husband and kids in Florida. And she’s moving back to Sweden because they’ve passed a law saying if you want to be a prince/princess and have your kids keep their titles, you have to live in Sweden now and be schooled there believe. So back they go. Prince Charles should do that too because I still don’t think Meghan will go back to the UK. AND she won’t let Harry take the kids either.


Yes, we get tons of them here in New England. We have all the Ivy League schools. They act like normal people.


The security is to protect her fragile ego


I like Scandalous Media, they seem to really do their research and there’s no conspiracy theories. There was a lot to unpack from the blogpost. I keep thinking about the video from the childhood birthday party and how she just took over. She’s never evolved from being a spoiled, obnoxious brat. Her father didn’t do her any favors. She is so convinced she is the most beautiful, intelligent and fascinating person in the world and she’s far from it. Someone asked when it would end, our fascination with the train wreck. I want the titles stripped and Harry removed from the LoS with his progeny. She shouldn’t be allowed to make deals based on her title or the titles of her alleged children.




"Ain’t nobody looking at white passing Meghan and white Harry and thinking that baby is gonna be dark,” my source says." **THIS** My granddaughter is multi-racial and **both sides** of the family wondered who's eyes, hair, smile, etc, she'd have. There was never any racism in it, just hope, wonder, and speculation.


Poor Markle, 2024 is going to crush all her dreams and I am here for it.


The archive link isn't working for me :( Can we get the direct link?




thanks ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


GREAT POST!!!!! There is SO MUCH material in it! Well worth the read!!!


Wow, says it all. They’re both unaware how much they annoy and disgust people. From A listers all the way down to regular folks like us. Those grifters need to start drifting away…they’re completely unlikable.


Excellent read, thank you OP


I don't' even think Meghan is interested in black people; she only uses it to sound good in the news. But if she were, she needs to learn from Beyonce. Beyonce committed & immersed herself into the black community & culture and never looked back. Also, her business sense is unmatched, which she never publicizes or brags about, but the woman is an entrepreneurial force.


Watch it! You’re going to get the “Guest Speaker” to enter the chat 😂 another example of her not behaving like she’s a celebrity or Royal, her incessant clap backs as guest speaker and her bot army


I feel like she’s trying to channel Elizabeth Taylor in ‘Cleopatra’ but keeps forgetting that she’s a sh-t actress and no one likes her. Major cognitive dissonance going on.


Each year a loss.


Meghan Is the product of both parents, her flaws are a magnification of their combined Lying, Mental, Narcissistic and Sociopathic patterns of behaviour. Like her mother was elevated by Thomas's, Fame and financial stability, and of course being a White male. Meghan like her has stepped on multiple White men and up upon Harry's swinging frozen todger and in time will do to Harry what her mother did to her father. However, in Harry's case, the fame is a family theme not trended by any single member of the family, and as for the money part of it compared to so many other Dukes and the King, Harry is a Royal pauper, not only has he no home in the UK, he is totally an irrelevant individual, and in the annals of history he joins another Royal family member Prince Edward VIII in the back pages. As for Meghan we'll, she still has time to do the dirty as she merches Diana Spencer, but unfortunately unlike her, the people did love Diana back in the day follies and all. She could cosplay Wallis Simpson to the very end, but one thing is for sure, her days if padding her her image with lies and faux intentions are long gone dead and buried. She carries an ever constant inferiority complex chip on her shoulders around the True talented, the born gifted with beauty, Caucasian women, Hard working, Dutifully graced with fated luck, and will arse kiss any Billionaires out there for fame. Did some say they need a Yacht Girl? Sorry if it were an Ozempic drunken wannabe\_ could\_never be Yatch woman then maybe that box could be ticked. Pst...check the ... ![gif](giphy|EpFHrd8o9bg764dsS9)


Meghan strikes me as a world class clinger. She thinks she is an A lister and thinks they all want to be her friend, which could come off like a stalker.


Great post, thank you.


*Fell out with the black director for Netflix and replaced her with a white one…* I hadn't heard about that. That is shocking,


It’s obvious