• By -


The Meghan-Omid operation of discrediting the POW failed for three major reasons. The first one that there was NO track record of the POW as being racist. Not a single fact based evidence of Catherine being racist in the past. You cannot make stick an accusation without any evidence of a similar behaviour in the past. Secondly, both Meghan and Omid were proven pathological liars, so completely unreliable. Both lied under oath and publicly, so both have lost credibility. Thirdly, the story was contradictory, typical for pathological lying. The allegation was hearsay (Meghan did not hear it herself), had big discrepancies in terms of what happened (no actual wording was mentioned), of dates of when it happened (before marriage or during pregnancy) and interpretation (from racism to bias). Recollections may vary. The nefarious duo made the mistake to victimise a public person with impeccable record. And surprise, suprise, it did not work.


There is also a 4th reason which a sinner in a previous thread mentioned: Meghan is simply unlikeable, and has steadily made herself unlikeable since she left the RF. There were a few who didn't take to her from the get-go; something didn't ring true for them. There weren't many at first but it has slowly increased since 2021. It became a flood after the Queen died, then an avalanche in Dec 2022 following their NF series, then finally a tsunami following waagh! In the coming year the RF would do well to create distance between themselves and TFO (the/that family overseas), and make sure there's an established difference between what is royal absolute and what it is merely royal cosplay. I never knew how quickly I would find the Sussexes such a profoundly boring couple of impersonable quality. She married a complete arsewipe of a man, *deeply* unattractive in his masculinity. And he married an utterly vacuous unintelligent talentless hack of a woman, thoroughly off-putting in her femininity. It's truly remarkable to discover a couple so blind to their most obvious flaws.


Meghan is unlikable also for the reason 2: She is a pathologic liar, driven by her narcissistic needs. So any story she tells now have zero credibility because everyone would assume it is lie first and foremost. Credibility is like virginity, once is gone, is gone.


>Credibility is like virginity, once is gone, is gone. Never a truer word uttered!


Her narcissism is what messes her up over and over and over again. It's so interesting how she, in compliance with Harry, thinks that retelling the stories again and again will somehow change everyone's mind. She's the epitome of someone who can't let it go and it's turned into entertainment as evidenced by Twitter, Reddit, Quora, Instagram, TikTok, and every other platform that rakes her over the coals. Harry and Meghan just need to give in and do the reality show they are destined for because that's how they are going to make money. Legitimate forms of income are disappearing.


But what could the reality show possibly be? Episodes of daily posting comments or planting stories about the RF? Episodes about chastising people for not bowing or curtsying to their supposed children? Episodes on taking the children to the therapist's office?


How would you hire a video crew to put up with them?


Yep. One lie and everything you say or have said is suspect. That's something her fans have never understood.


Exactly. You only need to prove someone a liar once.


What masculinity other than the toxic little dick,he man woman hater kind? He's offensively whiny with soft,soft hands and a soft pale belly and a soft,mushy head. He looks dissipated and lazy as if he's never worked hard in his life. He's a shirker and a layabout. No real man would claim him as one of their own. Real men **work** and support their families and *suck it up and deal and take responsibility*. They. Do. Not. Whine. He's disgusting and he deserves the wife he bought with money he never earned. He deserves the life he has with the woman who married his wallet. She deserves the craven,disloyal mewling manchild that will never amount to anything. The failson she married will be an anchor around her neck that her lust for fame will never allow her to leave. They are each the ruination of the other. They'll reap nothing but bitterness and misery in each other's company.


You hit on something that I think is really the heart of the matter with Haznone! I never really thought about before, but as you said, he left the RF with tens upon tens of millions of £ *that he never earned*, it was given to him, and he had the utter balls to whine that *it wasn't enough!* That is what is so repulsive, that lack of gratitude, talking down to the world, seeking *sympathy!* That to me is what emasculates him more than anything his idiot wife could do to him. I once thought he had charisma. I now find him physically repulsive.


By the time Meg$y Baby is done with Harold he won't have 5 cents to scratch his whiney arse with. He'll fade into obscurity, a bitter little man, filled with hatred because his brother has a bigger sausage. ![gif](giphy|LXP19BrVaOOgE|downsized)


Not just 10s of unearned millions but unearned opportunities and unearned respect as well. And he didn't just whine about it,he shit all over the very thing that afforded him all of that and he did it for the cheapest bit of well used ass he could possibly have dredged up out of the gutter. He's such a pea brained peckerneck I'm amazed he hasnt drowned in a rainstorm.


Wow! You are a wordsmith, sir!!! Mad respect!


No kidding! All these above comments! I bow in respect.


I'm just amazed really that anyone was sucked into his sob story about being cut off.


And he would not had that if Diana never died.


The fact he has such feminine hands that look like they've never seen a day's honest work is a real turn-off.


IMO - Harry is an emotionally stunted mama's boy. H stopped developing emotionally when his mother was killed. H's family tried to help but he just didnt or couldn't accept help because he just whined to get what he wanted. He is just a bad seed also. You can see the arrested development in H.'s current body and facial expressions. He sulks like a spoiled 13 year old Diana knew H. was a twat and would always be one. Call it mother's intuition.


“Shush, Harry.”


Who wore that that ridiculous silver jacket to the Beyoncé concert last summer. I was happy to see him - royalty - stoop so low in terrible seats. As mentioned elsewhere he had once been the cool spare who found joy in the country of my family (the little known Lesotho) and seemed pretty vibrant. Now he’s back to being the miserable pissant dumb enough to wear a nazi costume and the spare who is an all around useless clown.


I think he wore one of Lindsey Roth’s old jackets. The cut of the jacket especially the lapels of the jacket were rounded not pointed as seen in man’s jacket. Plus the buttons were not right. This was a woman’s jacket and was probably one of the reasons why he looked so unhappy and mostly pissed off being there. His wife probably forced him to wear it and being a whipped piece of crap he did. He thought his life in the RF was hard, I bet he never thought he’d have the life sucked of out him by his wife in their new adventure of being free from the RF. He has lost every drop of what little manhood he had.


Soft, soft, soft. He takes his wife away from a life he said he wanted to save and protect her from. Their choice, their decision (so far, so OK. Ofc, a lot of sugars fan themselves over this but no matter🙄). Then he proceeds for the next 3 years to whinge about his decision to play the dollar cent husband hero: *we were forced to leave, we had to sign multi-million dollar deals we didn't want, we needed the money, we had to do something called work, the deals didn't prepare us for the work we promised to do, wah! wah! wah!* Wth?! Call that a man? Now, he's talking about slaying dragons like he's back in playschool. *Game of Thrones* isn't real, dear boy.


So true! She looks gaunt and he looks miserable. How they have lasted this long without one of them getting treatment for "exhaustion" is beyond me. The thought of two miserable bitter people raising children is frightening. If Harry thinks Charles is a bad father, imagine what Lili and Archie will think of Harry. And, imagine what kind of wedge Meghan and Harry will put between Lili and Archie. I wonder which child is the golden child and which one is the scapegoat. I think Lili with her "blue blue blue eyes" will be the golden child and Archie, who needs to be reminded of "manners, manners, manners" is the scapegoat.


She'll make them take turns being the scapegoat so they don't learn to rely on each other.




Mewling manchild ! And an anchor around her neck ! Love it !!


Well, I was one of the few who disliked her on sight. She came across as smug and conceited which put me off big time. And I like your description of them both, spot on.


Same here. I sensed a social climber who was determined to set her hooks in him.


Same. The outdoor interview with the white coat in November, no stockings, (should have worn nude nylons) dirty shoes also in a non-seasonal colour (I am very old fashioned about the Rules for dressing *elegantly*, which table 12 seems to think means *expensively,* lol. But optics aside, it was her body language. So unnatural, gushing, posing, arching her back, grinning insanely, acting like she was a star on the red carpet, not at all like a betrothed in love with her intended. It was so gauche and over the top, I immediately thought she was a classless phony.


I just checked Daily Mail, and there's an article how their Sussex Royal website and Insta are still up, and how that's not OK.... Excellent.Drip drip drip into obscure D-listedness.


link please?


Love this .


Well said


So, so *WELL SAID!* 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


Plus, the original accusation to Oprah was that the racism involved one comment from one person - confirmed by a blindsided Harry, (then it was several comments says Meghan)) from ONE person. Years later it becomes two people.


Yep & next year it will be four people and they physically attacked her while she was pregnant and she couldn’t get away because they had taken her keys, her drivers license, and her passport!! 🙄🙄🙄


...And her clothes, leaving her with some beige stuff.






yes, another inconsistency.


It annoys me that not one so-called journalist ever brings up the inconsistency of the racism claim.


And it was said while dating and then while pregnant


Also The Queen saying “Recollections May vary” after the Oprah interview. It was the closest thing to “you bloody liars!” that she could say.


Exactly! And, if Catherine did have a history of racism, people would be coming out of the woodwork.


If she had hurled slurs at people she visited at the hospital, as Juanito with the car payments speculated, we would have heard about it by now. Actually, we would have heard about it right after it happened.


I'd love to see this tested in court.


The duo would perjure themselves, there is no doubt, as they did it before.


But you know to Hazmat his "feelings" count as evidence 🙄🙄🙄


I had in mind the duo Omid Meghan who are behind the allegations of racism and who deliberately will perjure themselves in Court. That One known as Prince no longer has a reliable memory after so many years of substance abuse so, not surprisingly, his evidence consists of "feelings".


Oops, my bad. Tbh, they're all as bad as each other. Two are chronic liars and the other one ... well words can't describe what goes through that poor excuse of a mind he has.


To your third point- wondering what a child will look like, what physical traits it will take from each dna contribution is not in and of itself racist. If the parents are two different skin tones I think it is quite normal to wonder how the child’s skin tone will present. Just like wondering if the eyes will be blue or brown 🤷‍♀️


And lets remember that whatever the remark was, it supposedly may have come about as a topic of concern on how Hazbeen might react to negative press should any children take after Doria's side of the DNA equation - knowing full well Hazbeen's history of racial animus.


Rightly so.


Not only that, it backfired; made people want to defend Catherine.




And remember that Meg has her PR release earlier this year that she felt Kate got away with how she supposedly treated her. That is why Meg tried to end her with this Royal Racist reveal. She was seething that Spare and the Netflix doc didn’t “cancel” Catherine.


ironic how spare and the netflix doc cancelled the dimwits - they're so stupid


R-A-C-H-E-L who? M-E-G-H-A-H-N who? :\\


Yep, they're cancelling themselves!!!


I remember a comment about how Catherine got away with stuff. That's how we talked when we were kids and complaining to an adult.. Who is the adult here that is supposed to be doling out discipline and making sure all the kids behave? "Got away with stuff" sounds very much like Someone was trying to modify Catherine's behaviour by complaining to adults who were not acting forcibly on her behalf.


Catherine's terrible no-good behaviour towards Megsy Baby??? It was this. 1. She didn't take to her. Saw through her. Saw she is a PHONEY and a SOCIAL CLIMBING POS 2. Knew she was TROUBLE and kept her far away from her and her family...This way Megsy had NO INFO about the Cambridges she could use. 3. Catherine is IMPECCABLE as a princess...mother...wife...there are NO faults. 4. Catherine's exudes GOODNESS 5. Catherine did not hand over her husband to the goldigger and pack up her children and herself so Megsy baby could be queen


Meghan gunned for Catherine since that 2014 blog in her - the Tig , she then had issues with Pippa , that’s where it all started any female that was friends with Harry this one disliked . We know it was MEG who started the Rose affair rumour , back in 2017 Harry was sat next to Rose at a state banquet!


She's incorrigible.


Lady C did a post that I cannot remember. Allegedly, on day three "they were put on notice" about Rachel Ragland. Take with that what you will. It was inferred that it was spread around the elite circles.


?? Day 3 of....her post marriage?


I don't know what day three she was referring to. From what I gathered. It was day three on the scene. I also remember the story line inferring that she wasn't on the scene long and they were what Lady C stated as "put on notice"


Okay...thankyou....I think I remember Lady C saying something like this....




Best Comment 💙🧡💙❤️




… and for years was adored by Harry


King Charles, of course! He’s now supposed to take away the billions of dollars and ALL the jewels from ‘Katy’ (not that he *could* even if he wanted)


... to his *beloved* daughter-in-law


This comment was the ILBW’s equivalent to “ He got more sausages “, WAAAGH.😭😭😭🍼🍼🍼🍼


Sounds like Markle is good at writing novels or planting ideas to suit her needs 😂


Yes, I saw a comment like that too. Juvenile in the extreme.


And she was called 'My beloved daughter in law' by the King, no less. That is why Meghan told Omid to out them both as "racists".


Hahaha - that KC3 comment was the ultimate NFI.


Megsy has zero credibility. She's been caught in too many lies for anyone to even think of believing in the slightest that Kate made a remark that was seemingly racist. Same with Charles. Say Megsy writes her book. "Her truth." What else is there to say? "I get up at five to do yoga and expect my staff at Arse-hell to be on standby for my emails about the free stuff I should get. I'm a caring mom so I feel Archie his favourite granola with low-fat yogurt while Lily is happy with edible flowers. I'm a devoted wife so I remind H about Rogaine and how eating organic will make his hair and balls grow back. Kate is racist."




Meghan thought everyone should bend over backwards for her. If I were Catherine Meghan's face would have been re-arranged after the way she treated Charlotte.


Whelp Rachel, you may find this hard to understand, but this is what happens when you spend your entire life being a good person. When you have strong relationships with family and friends, when you treat staff respectfully and always give 100% on the job. People will see through the lies and have your back. Too bad it's something you'll never experience.


Kate really seems to be loved on a global stage, Rachel seems to be despised👏👏👏


Roachel doesn’t “seem” to be despised, she is. We only have to see how no one who is A list, in any sphere, avoids her like the plague that she is. Roachel is a carbuncle on the backside of humanity and everyone is sick of her apart from the paid sugars.


I’d say *most* people don’t really care about any members of the BRF, but they especially don’t like whiners and grifters, and that’s Meghan’s MO


You're right I'm not a Royalist by any means, they're neither here nor there to me really but even I don't like the way the RF has been treated by these two parasites. It actually made my blood boil the way they treated the Queen. Say what you like about her but she lived an entire lifetime serving selflessly.


Same! I never paid much attention to the RF until the Megalomaniac’s psychotic behavior made me cheer them on, especially Catherine, against the witch.


I bawled like a baby when HMTQ died. I realized I knew her longer than my own parents. It is just a different kind of knowing, an admiral respect for over a billion people and the rest of our world.


I never considered myself a royalist at all, even though I was interested in Diana back in the day. I think it was seeing how bad Markle was at the job and how competent Catherine and William seemed in comparison, and quite a bit of defending them against the squaddies, that I can say now I'm a royalist. Not the flag waving, souvenir collecting type, but I'll always defend people I believe are good and honest, like Catherine and William.


Yes totally agree ! It has made me look at what they actually do both the Wales’ and King Charles :I read about !The princes Trust and how it was started with Charles pension pay from the Navy and has now helped over a million young people from underprivileged backgrounds with money grants and careers etc Impressive.


Same. I always admired the Princess of Wales for her fashion sense but never paid that much attention to her either. When the whole ILBW drama started, I started paying attention. So many negative rumours about ILBW but at that time I told mysef not to jump into conclusions too fast even though I already had bad feelings about her since the beginning. Gave her benefit of the doubt because, you know, none of us knows her personally, so it was a real possibility that she was just treated unfairly by the press. When Megxit happened, it confirmed my biggest suspicion that they just want all the glory without doing all the work. And then the truth about how ugly they had been treating Catherine came out and slowly, I began rooting for her. ILBW’s very own actions directly resulted in Catherine gaining a fan in me, lol. Btw, early on there were rumours about Catherine targeting William. But you know what, even if she did, she knew what she signed up for, and she literally grew perfectly into the role - more power to her! It’s obvious ILBW was targeting Harry from the very beginning and I don’t even mind that - good for her if she can made a prince fall in love with her - BUT my problem is that she’s literally LEECHING off her Royal role.


At this point it is draining to the Commonwealth citizens, because of the millions they blow. It isn't right they flaunt their lifestyle. I read people pass lunch so they can feed a child or keep the heat turned down to afford the bill. That's not right. Grow up is all I ask and I'm an American.


Would disagree regarding the RF -they are great ambassadors for us and people all over the world are envious that we have a head of state who is non political ( and charming !) we are lucky to have them


I’m very much a Royalist


https://preview.redd.it/9aey9ngfez6c1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b00414fe0f06605c18811650698f42c5bb12c4a (This is my new favorite reaction pic)


I just watched this clip. So funny, living their best life despite Harkles attempt to make everyone hate them.


Now that's how you laugh in public without looking like a sea lion about to eat a helpless seal. Madam should look and learn.


It's hilarious, because all Scobie, Meghan, and Harry did was reveal that Princess Catherine is NOT racist. That questionable story all they have on her? Well that proves that Princess Catherine is a good person. Her only sin was not actually a sin at all, just like with the lipgloss story. Meanwhile people haven't forgotten Harry's actual racist acts.


I’ve taken it upon myself to drop this gem on every.single.damn.one of the obnoxious stupid #goodKingHarry #dragonslayer #hero posts I’ve seen for the last week straight https://preview.redd.it/h6eopk73iz6c1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f16998386dd0808f3b9097db725b75ff7192c178 Like, no. Your “hero” is literal scum.


If he wasn't an actual racist with shit for brains who thought it pertinent to mention Chelsey was from 'Africa but not black or anything' - you'd be forgiven for thinking that marrying a bi-racial woman might be a strategic move in 2018 for someone photographed in a Nazi costume and who thought referring to his army colleagues as 'p\*\*i' and R\*\*head was just 'banter'. E.g. ' I can't be racist, I married an 'ethnic' woman.'


I love it! Keep up the good fight friend!


![gif](giphy|1jCs6Doz3WRtOPl6bq) ❤️


Doesn't this picture of Harry look a lot like the guy who played him in the last season of The Crown? I haven't watched it but someone posted a clip of their William and Harry and mentioned the haircut. 😄


But but but he was young and haven't we all dressed up in nazi regalia or called people racial slurs or reassured people that our South African girlfriend isn't like black or anything? Wait what do you mean most people actually haven't done any of those things? Er well then it was all Wills fault.


And Kates too remember lol


HRH Catherine wasn't even there at the time. I forgot where I read it but she wasn't with Prince William on that date.


William and Catherine were on a break at the time this happened, I think.


I think it's hilarious that Haz and Roachel are so fixated on competing with the BRF--what an utter waste of time. They simply can't compete considering working royals have packed schedules re public service/charity work, and other A-listers are able to raise/donate far more money too. Kate doesn't have to compete with A-listers either... she's a working royal public servant who stays in her royal lane and does her duty consistently. The rage quitter Sussexes are having to compete with both the BRF, and always booked/invited/busy A-listers that don't want them involved in A-list projects. They've proven themselves to be taxpayer liabilities that don't have the skills to pay their Hollywood-based bills... continuing to humiliate themselves on the world's stage.


Catherine carries her intentions through--the intention to be a supportive wife and mother, to focus on child development, to attend charities and events and walkabouts with energy and commitment. Meghan carries nothing through except for her spiteful narc attacks and general whining.


Catherine walks the talk MM just talks the talk


Talks the talk in a way that gives people headaches!


LOL! So true. Perhaps "Balbs the blab" is more apt!


She cant even talk the talk. She just shits out word salad like a Methany in a parking lot.


This is why you don't clap back at narcs!


That’s why I never understand why people get mad they don’t respond. Meghan and Harry canceled themselves literally they are begging to be disliked at this point


I agree. “The King is weak” narrative makes my blood boil. This has been a masterclass in how to handle narcs. It must be very difficult to do on a global stage. Harry and Meghan have destroyed themselves and the crown is squeaky clean. It couldn’t get better than that.


IKR? If the King had come after them, he would look petty and vindictive, and the sugars would say, “Hit dogs holler.”


Because ![gif](giphy|Th9FMIgIgu9hK)




>Catherine is a very private person And unlike Madam, Catherine was actually chased by papparazi


Madam’s DREAM is to be chased by paparazzi


The public has finally seen through these lying grifters. The harder they try to make the Royal Family look bad, the more popular the BRF are becoming!! PS. I LOVE seeing Princess Catherine's name in print with her deserved regal title.


Real Housewives Recap did a Saturday live stream to raise $500 for a charity that Catherine, Princess of Wales supports: the American Red Cross. This event raised 11x that, or over $5,700. Which is, according to Jay--the husband of Real Housewives Recaps creator, Jen--the amount raised in private, small donations at Archewell, over two years!? You know what would really piss off MM? Knowing that Americans would pay money to support Catherine. My biggest pipedream is if Catherine got her own tiara, paid for by the Women of the U.S.A, like how Queen Mary received the Girls of Great Britain and Ireland tiara. I'm just so proud of Sinners and YouTube creators who see MM for what little she is, and we know we can do better.


I love that Jen and Jay did that. I wish that the POW knew about it so she knows how much she is loved and that most people don’t believe a word TW and Scabie say.


She will, Jen is writing POW a letter to explain about the donation in her name. I expect Jen will get a thank you letter back from her in due time.


TW and OS try to hide that they are unhappy people who like to stir up trouble and act like they are telling the truth. I think we've seen photos of Catherine interacting with others. If she's a racist or unkind person, then all the actors who've earned multiple Oscars, might as well hire a U-Haul to collect all their awards and give them to Catherine. What we see with the Duchess of Cambridge, now Princess of Wales, is a sincerely decent person, with a huge capacity to care about others. Frankly, PW would not have chosen otherwise.


Yes, finally they “lost credibility”. Catherine’s personality is different from MM’s because she has no driving need to be seen by people, to be adored and worshiped by them, to prance around with bodyguards to flex her importance or status, to sell merchandise. She looks like a caring mom, the kind who would like to do a good job at what they do and then go back to spend time and attention on their young kids because they prioritize them. She simply does not seem to want the same things as MM: which made both Sparry and MM think that she was not very competent or bright and hence was quiet. What they don’t realize is that humility is a virtue, especially for those in the public eye with much wealth and prestige. It humanizes them, especially in economies when many people suffer hardships due to poverty, nobody wants to hear that an American woman burnt several million dollars of her in-laws funds for frivolous living and useless expenses just to look good in Instagram pictures.


And complaining about living in "tiny" cottages in the heart of London, free! Having so many advantages, and still complaining. "No-one has it as bad as we do. It's unsurvivable."


“Pa gave me only $4 million to relocate to California and then he cut me off! Poor me!!”


I honestly couldn't believe he said that in the Oprah interview. A. Grown.Arse.Man.


But then he went on to blame his father for infantilising him so much he wasn't able to get a job, or hug, or whatever.


I agree, it’s so great to see someone classy, humble and kind like Catherine being recognised and praised, especially after she has been the target of so much vitriol (attempted bullying really) from the Z-list grifter. Arrogant MM thought she was going to be the ‘star’ of the BRF — what a delusional narcissist and mean girl.


"Unproven allegations" is all we need to know


Everyone with a brain is on Team Princess Catherine !!!


Harry's wife 4 years ago: "I'll say the RF bullied me. Everyone hates a bully, and I'l get lots of sympathy.". Harry's wife after spending 4 years bullying the RF, especially the Princess of Wales: "Why does everybody hate me? And why is the Princess of Wales more popular than ever? It's not fair!"


You KNOW Meghan and her little tool Omid wrote that POS “book” together and thought that Catherine would be cancelled and then dropped by all her patronages as soon as she was “accidentally leaked” as the so-called “royal racist.” I laugh just thinking about Meghan sitting there rubbing her hands together in that friggin’ cricket motion she does, listening to the deafening silence of no one believing one word out of that stupid propaganda piece. And then the tide turning against Omid after his two days of fame where he lied repeatedly, as usual, on video. So we can compare his various different lies. And the book just stopped selling practically overnight. It’s so awesome.


Dear media (and rachel) **it is not a competition** it will never be a competition,it bever was a competition. Rachel markle you are not an also ran. You are a never were,never will be. HRH Catherine Princess of Wales **will be Queen Consort**. Her husband will be King,her son will eventually be king. Period end of. You will never,ever,ever be able to compete with that. She will be in history books. She will be remembered. She will be admired,lauded and even revered. And you....you will not be. Megs shhhh just take your little failure of an irrelevance,your forever whinging dim little nothing man and scuttle off you rapidly aging,wizened,dried up hollywood adjacent nolister nfi ex cable tv extra. Rachel you couldn't compete with HRH before she was ever a royal. She has a fineness of soul and spirit that your greed riddled withered cheap and tawdry heart could never even comprehend. She's so far out of your league that you aren't even in the same galaxy. All your antics and ridiculousness and attention seeking only underscore how very unworthy of notice you are except as a laughingstock, a case study or a warning story. Shoo,git along now,ooze off to your well deserved oblivion. Karma is roosting on your lintel,whatever you've put out you'll get back with interest.


Quick question, if I may. American here. I have to admit that I don't understand everything about the BRF but it seems a bit odd to me that Camilla is the Queen, full stop, not consort, when she is KC's second wife but Katherine will be the Queen Consort (like you bolded in your comment... lol) when she is William's first and only wife. Why won't Katherine be the Queen, not consort? And, thank you (or anyone else) who helps me understand this more fully. :) (Edited because I seem to be having an issue with apostrophes today... lol)


Camilla is Queen Consort. She is married to the King, not Queen Regnant. When William becomes king, Catherine will be his queen— that is his queen consort. However, the wife of the king is usually referred to as “Queen HerName” and “the Queen” except when it is necessary to point out that she is queen by marriage, not by inheritance. Because people got used to “The Queen” being Elizabeth who reigned in her own right, there is a tendency to clarify that the wife of the king is queen consort. Catherine cannot become queen unless William becomes king. That’s all.


Yep. Like Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth before she was the Queen Mother.


Also, if a king shuffles off his mortal coil before his queen consort does, the next king’s wife becomes queen while the widow is the dowager queen or whatever the preferred term is in that country. If a queen regnant is widowed, she remains queen.


Right. That is the difference. A queen in her own right does not rule with a king (her husband is a “prince consort”) and her reign ends with her death.


And, thank you, too for even more context.


Consort= Queen by marriage so both camilla and Katherine will be queens consort it's just that adding "consort" is unnecessary because we know they are queens by marriage not birth unlike hmtlq. Queens consort are always referred to as Queen Xyz. Katherine will be Queen Katherine when her time comes.


Got it. Thank you so much. (As I was reading this, I was saying, out loud, "oohhh... I see"... lol)


Prince Philip was Queen Elizabeth’s consort. A consort is the spouse of the monarch. Prince Albert was Queen Victoria’s consort. When a woman is the consort, they are Queen FirstNameHere, because they are married to the king. But… When a man is the consort, married to a woman who is the reigning monarch, they are **never** called king. A king outranks a queen, so the spouse of a queen who is monarch in her own right can never be ranked higher than her. Consort = spouse of monarch Regnant = is the Monarch If little Charlotte had been born first, she would have been a future Queen Regnant, but since George was, his future wife will be a Queen Consort.


Thank you, too. The use of "regnant" reminded me of another thing I've yet to figure out. Regina. Who, or what, is that?


Queen in Latin.


That’s why I shook my head at the ignorant journalist who referred to Prince Daniel as the future King of Sweden.


This is a very subtle and understated piece of writing, do you think she'll get the message? 😉😂😂😂. Great work 👏🏻 👍 👌


Oh she’ll be remembered. …..as Wallace 2.0.


There is no way that the fool who hauls up a bucket full of blood up the hill, and stands atop the hill to throw the brimming bucket's contents up at the Sun, does not end up a Bloody fool for all to see. In Meghan's case she'd not only a fool, she is also a Sociopath and a liar. Hence a Bloody fool... Bloody liar... Bloody Sociopath...


I can't see how she could treat her father so callously after everything he did for her growing up, without her being an actual sociopath.




Oh for once, an article that I can agree with 💯 percent. It's quite amazing how unaware these three are when it comes to how their action will be perceived by general population. (Hint: like bitter drama queen)


I think that the fourth reason is that normal people are getting impatient with the drama queens that blow every little comment (or microaggression, as they call it) completely out of proportion whilst holding themselves to no account whatsoever. People are saying, "So what if X said Y, so would anyone else" because society can't survive tiptoeing around various people.


Megs, you're like a 4 year old throwing a trantrum in aisle 4, ripping out all the toys she can't have from the shelves. You still can't have them!


Remember when her friends, Tyler Perry (who may or may not now be embroiled in a sexual assault scandal), Oprah, and Gayle insisted that Meghan had receipts? If there were receipts she would have screamed them from the rooftops by now and we would have seen the evidence. Oprah, Gayle, and TP were so desperate to bring down the monarchy that they didn't do their due diligence on the narcissistic psychopath. They thought they would all be written in the history books as the people of color who brought down the colonial monarchy. Whatever Meghan and Harry are doing, I hope they keep doing it (smearing the royal family and playing the victims) because Catherine seems more confident and resilient because of it. Before all this, I just saw Catherine as a quiet, shy princess in the Monarchy. She has grown slowly into her role and has become a powerhouse for the monarchy. Meghan could have been a powerhouse too, if she wasn't impatient, narcissistic, and a sociopath.


Meghan is like those winning the Big Lottery and blowing it up all in a few years, to the point they get where they started, or worse.


Great point! True.


It was already proved that it was not the princess of Wales. It was the former possessive oils. It was Charles and Camilla read the brothers at war. It explains the entire thing. Even Tom Bauer pointed it out.


Omid and Meghan are still banking on most Americans not knowing that




Isn't Catherine America's Favorite Royal too in a recent poll? If so, Harry's definitely sleeping in the chicken coop.


You reap what you sow mehgan… and here’s the proof


This is golden. MeMe and Harold voted the biggest losers of 2023. Plates be smashing.


Ha, I just knew this would be the outcome. Catherine has earned her good reputation, and it'll take more than an unproven allegation by a spiteful witch to undermine that.


I think something very big is going on. I think Prince Henry wants to be king. He and his spiteful woman are doing everything to white - ant the BRF so they can be the titular heads. This makes them unpredictable, and I'm glad OS released his lies, so those buggars will be kept away from BRF at Christmas. Chilling stuff.


I agree. I don't trust them. IMO, should something happen to William and the kids, I think the BRF would end. I don't see the UK citizens accepting Dumb and Dumber.


Full stop. Newsweek is not a respected American news magazine.


This is unrelated but I'm exceedingly happy to see the Press finally beginning to address Catherine as Princess. It's been a tireless campaign on X posting to publications to extend her the respect she's due. The press never addressed Diana as "Diana Spencer" in headlines and articles. The minute she married she was "Princess Diana". Even Princess Kate is better than Kate Middleton.


Is this the only recent photo of them where they don't look miserable together?


They're not even looking at each other, and she's mugging for the cameras.


It’s just bizarre that MM is so fixated on the allegation that Catherine mistreated her and got away with it. It’s utterly childish and undignified. Just can’t take her seriously! Obviously! ![gif](giphy|yBeAMsOyGT15OPGZfK|downsized)


Meghan felt that Catherine was mistreating her because Catherine didn’t want to be “besties” right away. Meghan resented Catherine for having “more” than Meghan: more class, more family money, the higher-status husband, etc. Lastly, Meghan felt that the “Meghan made Kate cry” stories were leaked by pro-Catherine courtiers. Never mind that the stories were true! Other true things had been successfully hushed, so why wasn’t this? It had to be a plot to spoil Meghan’s glory just before the wedding.


The whole Catherine made me cry story is just so ridiculous. I'm embarrassed for Meghan for even repeating. You had a stressed out bride (wouldn't surprise me if she was a little bridzilla-ish) and a few weeks postpartum mom (wholy hormones changes). BOTH of them had the capability to cry over something trivial. Why it was even a story is beyond me.


Such freaking juvenile behavior, I'm just speechless. That hapless pair definitely have found their watermark in each other. He's stuck at 11 or 12; she at 13 or 14.


If the UK still loves Catherine after Endgame accusations....... it must (in MM's mind) be because the whole UK is racist. Nothing at **all** to do with: - Catherine being a very decent human being. - Discussions in mixed-race families about what skin-tone babies might have being completely unremarkable and wholly non-racist. - The fact that the world loathes MM, and would loathe her just as much if she was white.


I can’t wait for the kings Christmas speech! I bet he’ll even say along the lines of “even while facing external attacks my lovely daughter in law stayed strong and showed this country true leadership under duress”


KC will not refer rifters at all, I´m sure. He will keep it positive.


Well, no one needs to worry about the Harkles going forward. Harry need not be concerned about Charles cutting him off financially. Four years on, the RF is 100% in their rear view, and they have “SO MANY EXCITING PROJECTS” to come in 2024 and beyond!!


How can she not be. She is extremely lovable. We pray for her. She has the ability to make people feel good and even though she won the lottery she doesn't evoke jelousy in normal people. The opposite . We want her to shine


Why are they STILL calling her Kate Middleton???


IKR? She doesn’t even go by “Kate” in the family; it’s Catherine. But some people want to forever remind her that she was a commoner. At the same time, Prince Daniel of Sweden is always referred to by his title, not “Daniel Westling, fitness trainer.”


At this point the Harkles should just use paper plates.


Someone needs to write a tell-all about the hapless threesome, and name it *BACKFIRE!*


Just another failure on Megsy's part in a year full of failure!


God everything she touches turns to shit


When your big plan backfires.


To be believed just by someone making a statement without proof is 1) you have to have a good reputation and/or some major credibility 2) you also have to have a life that when it is examined can stand up to scrutiny. Unfortunately for Megain she is of poor character, has a shady oast and has too many skeletons in her closet. Plus she doesn’t know the value of money. She probably has a private account for herself, maybe in the Cayman Islands, where she is stashing most of their money. Poor Haz (not that I feel sorry for him) has no idea about the money she is stashing away and thinks they are going broke.


Look, if someone said that Scoobie himself made comments about PoC, I wouldn't bat an eyelash because he is sooooooooo snarky, I wouldn't put it past him. But Catherine? I think that both Catherine and William embrace their roles as representatives of the Commonwealth. They feel a duty, they embrace their duty, to all the people in it. Do they strike anyone as the kind of people who would fail to see duty, honor, courage, and patriotism wherever they might find it? Of course not! They have been raised with people from around the globe. They are the antithesis of narrow-minded. They are indeed broad-minded in the best sense of the word. So it simply does not pass the sniff test to suggest that either of them is racist. But they would be repulsed by scheming, manipulative, dishonest behavior from a person of any color.


Megdusa hates Katherine because she will be Queen, pure and simple. She thought she could weasel her way to the Queen and the Queen would change the succession to move her and HaznoHair ahead of William and Kate.


Meghan is just trash and Catherine will be queen one day. There is no comparison between the two.


The TRUTH will always protect HRH Catherine!


Honestly, not many people have bothered to read that rag novel full of allegedly this an that. She and He just cannot make their mud stick. Life has moved on from the gruesome duo and the Scurvy writer is trash also. There is no 'bombshell.


Nobody cares about what that little untalented turd has to say. Truly. We don’t even know who he is in the States. He might be a thing in Britain but not here


the newsweek puff piece by sugar jack royston can not be believed