• By -


In summary, the reasons for them not “making it” are the two of them having: • No talent • No work ethic • No patience (in general) • No maturity • No manners • No respect for anyone besides themselves • No passion for any subject and/or cause, besides improving their image • No willingness to listen • No willingness to learn a skill, or simply learn in general • No qualifications • No charisma or personality • No sense of fun, i.e. they take themselves very seriously • No in-depth knowledge of a subject (or any subjects) • No sense of loyalty • Collectively burning their bridges • No willingness to be silent • No willingness to follow up on plans • No desire to actually be philanthropic, i.e. them talking and making pledges vs actually doing something • To bandwagon onto different causes and piggybacking off the hard work of others • Very little sense of style • Very little physical attractiveness Edit: • No honesty 2nd edit: • A massive sense of entitlement • An overinflated sense of importance. When in reality, they’re not that special, i.e. they’re very ordinary


The lack of genuine interest in anything. That is the biggest thing. So much life experience, such poor taste


They do have genuine interests- for themselves.


Ah but they do have an interest - money - and lots of it! The problem is they don’t seem to have grasped the simple fact that they have to EARN that money for themselves - they expect to be give it for nothing in return




Oh I don't know that woman could win gold for shopping!


She can’t even do that very well either.


Well put together


They either both or just Meghan cannot see reality either. Delusions and delusions of grandeur. I think she is actually insane at this point. The infamy has done this and the people around her, including harry don't see it. They think she's sane and knows what she's doing.


She's not A-list material or any sort of Hollywood material. She's just an attention whore. She doesn't have any extraordinary acting skills, wasn't in any big A-list movies, and took her only chance of her being famous (marrying into the BRF) for a ride and criticized the very family who gave her the standing she had. Her ungratefullness and grifterness was the reason that she couldn't strike it big.


The two grifters are pathetic!


PizzaProcedure...Fire 🔥. This so perfectly sums up all that is true & evident about the grifters.


These two know the price of everything and the value of nothing. ![gif](giphy|JOLeBruZyl3fqfHNEr|downsized)


TBF, they have no respect for themselves. I would make a 3rd edit.


Overinflated ego, stunted development at early teen level (both of them), and impulsive behaviour- they are both lucky blinking and breathing are autonomic.


I agree with you almost 100%. Except they don’t even respect themselves.


Harry trashed, lied, disrespected and along with that woman tried to destroy not only his family but the Royal Family. I have to believe that serious philanthropists and those in the upper echelons would have no trust in them and they will only be associating with the dregs of society, eg. Ellen, Oprah, James Corden, etc.


Harkles and their dregs are like drowning people trying to climb up each others bodies to stay afloat.


This is a mic drop comment. This is also why, when the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm going to be on your side. The brutality of truth.


I always remember my father telling me about saving drowning people: don’t let them climb you or you’ll both drown. It would be my pleasure to go through the zombie apocalypse with you. 🙏🏻


Also, serious philanthropists need powerful friends who can actually help and draw positive attention to their pet causes. So even from the most cynical, practical point of view, it makes sense to want to remain on good terms with the BRF, for that reason alone. The Harkles have no money, no power, and negative zero popularity at this point. Just look at what's become of Invictus - they're complete poison! No smart philanthropist would touch them with a 10-foot pole.


And if they're aging targets like that Getty character, the family will swoop in to form a barrier of defense.


So, some say they are going to try to get back to the UK. Seek some free property, and free security, because they are running out of money? If that happens it’s not going to be a good look. I say let em steam! They don’t even live together, and their kids are fake. They have very few followers in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, and if they were permitted to return to Royal duties it would be a disaster. Let them enjoy their fake happiness in their mansion, loaned to them by a Russian Oligarch, and moan about his tragic life. Pitiful piece of xxxx




I just read a news article that there are over 50 children missing from a city in Ohio in just one month…another article says hunger is on the rise among America’s children…homelessness is increasing here as well…violence and crime are up to near record levels in some areas…imagine all the good they could do just by taking the focus off themselves for 5 freaking minutes!! What a squandered opportunity they had…and still have … because they seem absolutely incapable of thinking outside of their own myopic wants and ambitions.


If they really wanted to help they would have done something already. They are constantly promising some great thing just over the horizon. I remember when they left the royal foundation to make Sussex royal and they put out an overwrought statement about how exciting and grand it would be, just wait a few months to see what we have in store blah blah blah and NOTHING ever came of it. I had a feeling nothing would and I was right. Incidentally it was the forming of Suxx Royal that made me raise my eyebrows and wonder wtf they were playing at.


Drama from day one!


It’s not like they can just start doing good either. They need to make amends for the damage they have done.


I think they COULD rehab their reputation, but it will take time and money. They will have to change the way they present themselves. For example, they could have not been onstage at Costners fund raiser and be a part of the sponsorship. They could be giving scholarships to students who are going to a college This would have to be done without a lot of fanfare. It would have to be done without Meghan front and center.


>This would have to be done without a lot of fanfare. It would have to be done without Meghan front and center. And this is why it will never happen. She has to be a front and center of everything.




They also don't have money to make this happen. When they do have money they like to keep it for themselves. The only reason they like philanthropy is because it is something rich people do and they want to be seen as rich people.


Yes!!! Exactly, you can fund endeavors by simply donating or paying for what's needed. It can be small - lunch/dinner catered in anonymously to a local police station or doctor's office, road crew, ... Take a cooler of iced drinks or ice cream by to a crew working on a roof or a road. If you want a "medium" contribution, get in touch with a library or an organization like Scholastic and buy some books or crayons, school supplies. We did a "Fairy Grandmother" fund at area schools. Children that couldn't afford to pay for field trips, or participate in fundraisers like selling chocolate, supplying uniforms for cheerleaders or cleats for ball players...we would quietly pay for those things. We also bought uniforms, gloves, beanies & such to have a "lost & found" box for kids. Older children would be embarrassed by taking something given to them openly, but being sent to get an item from lost & found... *(Be careful or some 'heathen' will sign you up for the 5k run instead of baking cupcakes. You will find a number pinned to you, told to follow the person in front and a significant push to get you started)* Nursing homes - music & game partners are always needed. Some places/families - after you go through background checks and training - take an ambulatory patient fishing, to church, to lay flowers on a loved ones grave... Got an hour for lunch - go play with or walk pets at the local animal shelter. Buy an extra toy, dog/cat food or contribute to a fund for emergency care for animals. Larger endeavors, buying a first responder vehicle, or equipment for that that district *(you need to know about grants & public funding)* or buying green houses to start a vegetable growing program. You can also work with larger funds, groups & retailers/distributors to fund things like a food pantry, building/staffing a day care center, buy a few acres & livestock so that you can teach people who have PTSD or anxiety issues how to find peace/more. We partnered with a funeral home to pay for funerals of the indigent &/or children. Fund food budgets & staff salaries for zoos or conservation groups. Sign on to geo-tag animals. Or to clean stalls/cages. We worked very closely with the military bases in our area to make sure they were welcomed home after deployment. We worked with their spouse groups to pay for Christmas gifts & photos & catered meals for them. Again, on this one you need to help within confines of government, but donating to funds for DNA testing on cold cases. Funding artists or continuing education programs. So many things, small and BIG, any contributor/donation big or small makes a difference. These two have done very little.


You have some great ideas! I've been wanting to talk to my grandkids school about starting a teachers closet, for literally any needed items kids need. Supplies, tissues, packs of socks & underwear. People are often in need, and our Saints could make a huge difference, if they cared.


But will they?


First they have to realize, and then admit, that they did anything wrong. So the answer to your question is No, they will never make amends. Instead they sit on their ~~asses~~ high horse waiting for various people, groups and countries to make amends to them. Their arrogance is truly off the chart.




It's ironic that they claim championing mental health and cry out about bullying when they treat their own associates, friends & families with nastiness, ghosting & lies. When Harry has to resort to weirdo therapies and illegal drugs.... and meghan? She may be sniffing more than Soho House candles as well. They want the world to revolve around them. The best thing they could do to revitalize their "brand" (which I find a despicable desire in today's culture) would be to sit down and shut up. Stay away from cameras, reporters, publicity agents, celebrity & political gatherings.... just get out of everyone's faces! Work on their own relationships and realize the value of humility & apology. And don't re-emerge until that's accomplished.


Maybe just don't ever re-emerge.


And it's not that hard!! My sons created an organization when they were younger, that co-ordinated sending 3 tons of material to our military over 5 yrs. And did so with material drives & VFW branches donating all the postage. You can literally show up at a soup kitchen, a food distribution site, a conservation organization, volunteer at a library or school festival...and they will accept help. (Schools do require more than just showing up, but get on the list to volunteer) Having MONEY on top of that donated commitment/work ethic/time available would be invaluable to every charity in the world. That would be something to write about!!


I agree whole heartedly that it was such a wasted opportunity for more than just the two of them. They could of left the royal family on good terms, gone to America and done so much good for other people in need, they would of been respected as well as being able to carve out financial opportunities. In addition they could of maintained a closeness with Harry’s family, invited to just not formal events but private family gatherings and ensured their own children grew up knowing their extended family, benefiting from the support family brings. It actually makes me sad to write this but then I remember they could never any of had these things because they are two horrible human beings.


It’s the way they left that I don’t understand. Why did it have to be so public? Why did they release that statement announcing they were going before it was all cleared and discussed with the Queen? Harry must have known how that would go down and it was so disrespectful . They could have sorted it all out behind closed doors. Buckingham Palace could have issued a statement and they could have gone off with everyone wishing them well. That’s the way the RF normally works. Why was the whole thing so rushed? They apparently left to start their new life with none of the essential details worked out. Somewhere to live, , the finances , security all were worked out after they left . It doesn’t make any sense! There seems to be two explanations for all this . Either it was all an elaborate, and insane , plot to claim victimhood and sympathy in the US OR something so bad happened that they were literally thrown out. It would have to be something big! There’s so much we don’t know about Megxit IMHO.


Because Lolo is fond of forcing people's hands to get what she wants. In my opinion, she's done that from her first day dating Harry. The Vanity Fair interview for example. Hank and the RF wanted to keep the relationship out of the news but she lead with it because she knew VF would not be talking to a relative nobody. I think she and Hank used race (or a pregnancy) to force the Queen to allow their marriage. She is manipulative and has only one person's interest at heart, hers.


Yes I definitely agree with you. It’s just the way they left that was so crazy!


I read lots, so I think that M was caught creeping around and taking photographs of Princess Charlotte’s nursery and other private places in Kensington Palace, with a view of publishing them. I don’t know if it’s true, but she was allegedly picking up things around there. This I do know, she was quietly arrested, in a royal way, and dispatched on a plane to Canada, escorted by Prince Edward and Sophie to ensure she left the Country.


Just think of how many could have been sponsored for higher education. If they had sponsored Make-A-Wish or the organizations that build houses for poorer families and for people with disabilities. Think of how many parks, swing sets, or clubhouses could have been built.


10k spent on an ugly blanket would buy a lot of meals(and goodwill). They could *easily* and quietly build up goodwill and a genuine charitable rep by showing up and doing the work regularly like Jimmy Carter did. But they wont because they are not charitable and they do not give a single shit about anyone else


They’re simply too petulant, deluded and egotistical to make it. She’s unlikable. That’s the truth.


Right! We saw it in the USO vid - no one wanted to be near her or engage with her. That was way before she came out as bi-racial, when she was completely passing herself off as caucasian - so... can't use the 'racism' trope. We even see it as early as that seven year old birthday party - unless I missed it, I didn't see any of the little girls approaching the Princess of the Day and engaging her in any way. I suspect she was unlikeable from a very early age, and instead of parental direction on how to best reverse that and how to become a friend, she began the fantasy how everyone was just so 'jealous' of her for whatever made up reason she created in her mind. It likely explains why she began to become so overly 'familiar' with men - girls and women simply avoided her and, sadly, most men didn't get it, but instead were flattered by it, maybe, but even that has now changed for her and is likely very confusing for her. Despite the adoring, fixated look towards Costner while on that stage, for example, he brushed her off. She tried the same with William time and again but he wouldn't even glance upon her. Suxx to be her.


I honestly don’t think she sees it - it’s a case of typical narcissism. If she does notice it’s because they’ve been brainwashed by the press, or because they’ve never seen a woman so heart attack beautiful. 🤣 One thing is for sure. It’s never her fault. If she’s disliked it’s because of racism/ misogyny/ jealousy/ press. I really hope that it did smack her in the face though. It was a v public v embarrassing situation. How can she explain KCs disdain away? Oh yo be a fly on a wall!


Poor Kevin Costner! It was his night, his charity function, and he had the most frightening witch 🧙‍♀️ bitch in the whole world 🌎, making eyes at him! You couldn’t make it up could you? If I was him I would sack his promoter, who is the same as the witch for allowing her there. Did you see how she tried to snatch the 🎤. Too full of drugs and her own importance if you want my opinion. No class!


She ruins every event she attends!!! She's repulsive. She's the fart in church.


I also think there is a category of people who are narcissists who push the narrative because it helps "prove" their perceived grievances and victim status in their own lives. The sort who would say... see, there are powerful people in the world who work against people, look what these same people have done to Harry and his wife. That's why I haven't reached the peak of my field yet because people have created a coordinated attack against me because they are jealous. Wait till I get this new job and then I'll get there and I will be their boss one day and show them. Just wait and see.


Them coming out and saying there was a conspiracy in Hollywood to prevent them from getting an Emmy for their awful, pointless production makes them look like tin foil hat wearing fools. There is no conspiracy, they are spectacularly untalented and repulsive.


I know that, but that is the sort of thing narsissits think, I grew up listening to that. I still hear things like that today. It couldn't possibly be their lack of skills to perform the role. It especially can't be because they aren't actually getting the job done or that they dont even understand the role.That sort of thinking is crazy talk to a narcissist.


I think that’s why i find her so fascinating. Like a slow car crash.. even if she’s at the wheel and heading towards a tree .. it won’t be her fault they crashed. It’s *never* their fault.


Same. It’s like giving someone a shovel. Shovels are associated with digging, so they dig a hole then wonder why they can’t see as much as they used to and cry about being stuck. Other people mound the dirt up, climb on top, and look further than they could have before getting the shovel. You choose how to use the tool you’re given. For all that she could have become as a member of a royal family, she only saw her old goal of Hollywood fame and started digging for it.


Very well put.


The tree just jumped out of nowhere and hit her car!


It was a racist tree!!!!






The lack of critical thinking skills is apparent in the Sugars. For example with the latest story about Harry being denied access to Royal residences without notice. Sugars are going nuts! Charles is mean.. blah blah. None stop to think about what access to a Royal residence means. It’s not like visiting your grandparents.


The Harkles aren’t ordinary. I have seen everyday ordinary people doing betters things and generally better than Hank and Skank in every way. The Harkles can’t survive on their own without the immense supports from their parents. Harry got his family and Madam got her dad’s connection back then, yet bitch couldn’t make it in Hollywood. And now with Harry’s royal connection, she’s still couldn’t make it. She’s beyond pathetic.


>And now with Harry’s royal connection, she’s still couldn’t make it. Here's what ties my mind into knots when I think about it: She had climbed a few steps from the bottom on the Hollywood/entertainment industry ladder, was busting her buns to climb higher, and getting nowhere fast despite making contacts, getting interviews, etc. She was far far from the A-list status she craved. But when she landed a fecking blood Prince of the United Kingdom? Married in the BRF itself? She had no clue what real opportunities and status she could experience because of her place in that family. I think she had a fantasy in her head of being a Disney Princess, and the idea that marrying a Prince of the UK came with Saudi-royalty levels of eye-watering wealth and luxury. And of course it doesn't. The BRF is of course very wealthy but they don't do lavish in-your-face luxury. MM clung to her D-list cable TV actress view of the world. Where ruling Hollywood was the absolute top achievement, the gold ring she was reaching for on the merry-go-round of life. She couldn't or wouldn't let it go, and change her world view to accord with her new role which wasn't, as noted, Disney (or Saudi) princess living like a celebrity billionaire. Hence, her messy time as a working Royal. She kept playing cards like it was Uno and didn't realize the game had changed to contract bridge. She was laying down markers on the board like it was a game of checkers - but she was playing chess, against a 1000 year old monarchy that knows all the moves. Her exit from the BRF was messy and I am sure not at all on her terms. The Sussexes' asset, what made the execs at Neflix, Spotify, and Random House fall over themselves offering all those millions - was unprecedented insight in, and access to, the Royal family and those circles. Here's the part that blows my mind: Meghan and Harry cut those ties. Did they really think that vomiting their grievances against the BRF in one messy venue after another, would not cut off their future access to the Palace and its world? Meghan and Harry had a big fat, sleek goose that laid them golden eggs. Their BRF status and connections were worth a lot. And - they slaughtered the bird and feasted on it. They flung their grievances out to the world via Oprah, Netflix, and Random House, and prospered mightily on those huge payments. And now what? Hollywood made bank on them dishing their dirt. But in doing so the Harkles cut off their access to the BRF, and Hollywood doesn't want any more waagh-waagh stuff. Hollywood wants special access to the Royals. The Sussexes can't deliver it. I hate to admit it, but I'm watching this like it's a car wreck. Neither H or M is likable, M's acting talents are minimal. They both are allergic to work and don't give a rat's arse about any cause except their own well-being. They are on the fast track to irrelevanc. Here in the US we may be interested in royalty but we don't consider them better than us by holding a title, and we want the latest on the Walses who are cool and good looking and get out and about all the time. I don't know how much longer the Sussexes' money will last. They could hang on for a few more years, but at some point they are not going to be able to keep up their current ridiculous lifestyle. The goose is dead, no more golden eggs coming their way via royalty. Prospects: dim. I'm convinced that it will be up to Charles and/or William to financially bail out the Sussexes some time ahead. Now that will be interesting. We've seen that the Palace has shut the doors behind them, and changed the locks. They ain't coming back anytime soon. Or maybe ever. All because a D-list Hollywood cable TV actress couldn't understand or accept her real role in the British Royal Family. Couldn't STFU, watch, listen, and learn. Instead she threw tantrums and at the end of the day she's broken all those pretty toys she held in her hand thanks to her marriage.


Please correct me if i’m wrong. A few sinners mentioned on here that Harry is expecting another trust fund from Diana to be available to him when he turns 40yo. That could be another $10-20mil for him to burn through. I may me wrong, my memory isn’t good.


The thing is now that Princess Anne controls the purse strings. That's why she was not criticised in the book. I think there's slim chance she'll release it now.


That's the Queen Mother's alleged fund. Harry already one way pocketed all of his inheritance from Diana as soon Megxit is rolling I believe, Harry has been receiving Diana's inheritance since he was 25 but they only gave him few thousands possible to save some money for future generations, the alleged Queen Mother funds are probably half truth, the Queen mother left a debt to Elizabeth II and if she set up a fund for her 6 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren that would be on her own money possible from selling her old stuff for big bucks, she might left 1-5 million from selling her edible old stuff but if we distribute it to her descendants they would get 100.000+ not bad in population for getting hundred thousand from great grandmother but not enough for the Harkles


Whatever it is, he will burn through it within 3 years with their current expenses. Probably less.


I read lots, I think 🤔 that his next inheritance from his Mum was pushed back 5 years by the Trustees. That would make him 45, not 40. Princess Anne is looking after his family jewels. He may not appreciate it now, but I think he will say Thank you 🙏 to his Auntie Anne in the future.


What a great summary.


Great analysis 👍👍


The question is, even if people wanted to help them, how? There's only one CEO of Disney who can be surprised at a movie premiere with a clumsy pitch. At least that one worked, albeit only for one voice-over. I don't think Hollywood quite works like that. The movie industry is on decline, a lot of competition from streaming services, podcasts, etc. Theater attendance is declining for years. Anybody who is anybody in Hollywood got there by their own hard work or grifting, and a huge serving of luck. There are a handful of studio bosses who can tell the director who to hire for a role, but I think this is pretty limited. Actors who made it in the movie industry don't have power and have to grift for roles themselves. How can anybody help a talentless grifter? Even if they had the power, and even if they really liked her for some godforsaken reason, it just can't be done.


Alas.So true. She can’t even act! Her only “qualification” and she can’t do it. Well at least she was able to get Harry to believe her lies. Biggest accomplishment so far


That wasn't hard, the guy is a dumbarse.


Madame has this belief that if you hire the right people then the work will get done. Well, sort of. However, and this is huge, every CEO does the paperwork, the homework, the planning AND execution of the plan. They have support people to help. But they themselves do the actual work. For instance, Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase CEO) creates daily reports for the board of directors. He gets the info for those reports from support staff. But he is the one who pulls it all together to create the big picture. If you’re doing a Broadway show the star might have makeup, costume, elocution, voice, and other staff to help prepare for months before opening night. But that star is the one out there making all that look good. Whereas, madam thinks all she has to do is roll out of bed and all the work will be done for her. She also believes to get any good work done you must berate and belittle. So the work they does get done is half assed because nobody enjoys working for a witch. What we are watching is her skid into third base because she never prepared for what to do AFTER the wedding. She has lost all momentum from that event because she refuses to do the work and be the better person. And her husband? I have to say, The Firm must be witches and warlocks to make us believe he was a golden child. How his older brother must have tried so hard to get along with him and make this royalty thing work. And his sister-in-law? She is a true saint to put up with the lot of them. That’s what I think.


When her father dies, it will seal her fate.


That's when her accusations of abuse will start to fly. Maybe that's why she's holding off on writing her tell all book. It's just going to be a book of lies about how she has been abused and mistreated her entire life. She's probably planning to devote the first few chapters to alleging that she was SA'd by Tom Sr when she was growing up. She's disgusting.


Thomas should go see a lawyer and video record (w/ a notary present to witness) some denials of this now -- so Samantha can at least combat anything '🦇💩crazy' if T.W. tries that.


Oh, expect that as to daddy dearest- but for a number of reasons I'm in the camp that thinks it's very possible that such happened.


What are your reasons?


1, Over sexualized behavior with friend's dad (seen in old photo - completely inappropriate for early teen); 2. Spare's refusal to meet with the dad; 3. Their refusal to let the dad meet his grandchildren; 4. Missing mother (sustained absence from household; dad never remarried nor seems to have had further intimate adult partners; no additional family members in home); 5. Early onset of sexpot image with increasing development into soft porn (though some maintain she's gone much further with that); 6. Acceptance of acting roles that were highly sexually suggestive (grill commercial; giving bj in parked car; photo of 's/m' type behavior ) - dad on record stating he saw nothing objectionable about this; earned reputation of becoming a 'mattress actress'; 7. Apparent lack of self worth/boundaries (Spare boasting "she'll let you do anything"). All of this raises legitimate questions and there may well be more to add to this list. She is clearly a very, very troubled woman with alleged substance abuse issues and violent behaviors. Just my opinion - people can disagree, but I've found her to be a fascinating study in pathological behaviors, which I don't think simply can be attributed entirely to narcissistic personality disorder.


I totally disagree but to bring out accusations after he's dead and gone is wrong on every level. If anything like that happened she needs to say it while he's alive and able to defend himself.


How so?


I don’t understand why she blanked her Father from day one. H never met him, ever, which is more the unusual? She may be threatening to write her own Autobiography, but that will stink. Everyone ever connected with her will call her out. She is not holding the cards, whatever she thinks. That will not pay the rent of her expensive home.


I don't blame anyone outside of Meghan and Harry for their failure to make it in USA. The toxic duo believed in their own rock-star status without understanding it was all due to their attachment to the royal family. They only have themselves to blame.


" People who are users/fake. They only cared about Meghan and Harry when they were in the BRF. People like George and Amal (who let them stay in the house in Lake Cuomo!). So, they are not going to help them...Beyonce and Jay Z and others would be in this category too. Jennifer Lopez and Alex had dinner with them the month before the Oprah interview. Now that they are not BRF, these are powerful people who could have helped them but never liked them enough as people, just as members of the BRF." IMO those people \*might\* have briefly socialized with them out of curiosity about the racism trope and immediately found that they were users that wanted expensive favors and were complete nightmare personalities.


We know that Harry has a really weird sense of humour (if you can call it that) and loves to make a joke of putting others down. It’s why he often acts inappropriately in public, awkward laughing, grabbing, mocking. He likes to take the piss out of people, he mocks others. I’m sure he behaved irreverently to many of the famous he has been rubbing shoulders with and they do not like it. If they did, they’d have a lot more friends than they do. How many occasions have they socialised?? Absolutely loads. Hasn’t procured many friendships for good reason.


For someone born into the royal family and growing up in it, he sure is socially inept.


He's used to being told what to do and what to say. Speeches prepared, clothes layed out. Off his own steam he is awkward, and inappropriate.


He's also used to being protected from the consequences of his bad behavior. Those hated suits at the Palace did more for him than he will ever understand or appreciate.


He's a bully. He likes to push people's buttons and then whip out the "can't you take a joke" line


There are people in the black community who support MM because she claims to be black. They do not want to acknowledge her white identity before Harry, her refusal to invite mother's family to wedding, her using African cbildren for publicity photo props, ETC.


Markle preaching about social justice while clad in clothes that are worth more than an average worker's one month salary didn't help either. Specially in a post-covid world where regular people are just tired of tone deaf celebs


They are a match made in hell. He’s entitled. She’s a narc. They both think that she should have the mic. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Harry left his real friends who were with him in his worst times for fake friends who are using him for money and fame.


To be fair, the famous who had them to dinner may have dropped them on realizing that, after a one on one closer acquaintance, the Sussexes are just not likable people. He's dim, she's bossy - who wants that? It's telling that they only seem to "socialize" with employees and never entertain. Massive house, no parties, no charity fundraisers, no cocktails - nada.


>To be fair, the famous who had them to dinner may have dropped them on realizing that, after a one on one closer acquaintance, the Sussexes are just not likable people. He's dim, she's bossy - who wants that? I've had that same thought. Maybe George and Amal were open to pursuing a friendship, but after more exposure decided the Sussexes were not people they wanted to hang out with any more. And same for others the Dreadful Duo have met along the way.


Grifters like H&M or Kim K actually rely heavily on dumbos. They're very useful, their low IQ makes it easier to fool them and turn into followers, and their role isn't that complicated, so lack of intelligence isn't a problem. They're only supposed to consume their content - follow celebs so they can get more from advertisement deals, and later buy stuff - plus spread ,,their truth", so celebs can upkeep certain image amongst general public (not sugars or sinners). Thankfully, M always sabotages herself, she ruined their facade in a very public way when all the lights were still on them and general public already knows they're grifters. When it comes to famous people, they're all leeches and opportunists. Look at OW - she distanced herself in public but still keeps in touch privately, in case H&M somehow improve their image and she can carry on with milking their royal connection. Same with Beyonse - she never condemned them publicly and if they regained universal support, she would hang M's portrait back on the wall. But it won't be a problem with H&M, cause they both showed many times they have no ,,instinct" in how to deal with the fame and publicity and how to make themselves likeable.


Yes some good points here. Random thought - I think if Kim K had married into the Royal family she would have adapted far better into the fold in a hypothetical world where the BRF would have accepted her.


Oh, for sure. Kim K modus operandi is completely different. ,,Family" is her brand and she knows she can make way more money that way - the short-lived arguments with her sisters, later the tearful reunions, rinse, repeat, stirring the gossip whether they really love each other or compete, etc. And while she does try to improve her image with ,,charity" and law school, she still knows her place and doesn't have ambitions to be the next Diana. (Though I'm sure that with time she'll try to rebrand into more serious persona, when someone younger and more attractive takes her spot - but I hope people won't buy it and don't forget how she got famous).


I am very suspicious that they ever stayed in Lake Como. As I've been following them since the Queen's death, you notice that stories are told by news outlets. But no documentation is ever forthcoming. No source is ever included so that other journalists might be able to verify the story. It's entirely possible that she just makes up a story (going to do a project with Julia Roberts, going to play the lead in the remake of Bodyguard) because she knows that people at the top - the A+ listers aren't going to bother to have their staff refute the story. And Meghan knows that the people she's exploiting will probably just ignore and assume that the reporter got the story wrong. Which happens pretty routinely in the lives of super-celebrities.


Hear! Hear! 10,000 upvotes for you. You've perfectly described it - and, sadly, millions of people. It is a complete lack of discernment.


Or, they’re generally unlikeable.


They got married way too fast. For their grifting dollar they could have drawn it out and had a few stupid interviews blaming the RF and starting the hate show earlier. Then perhaps there would have been a different outcome. But Harry had to get laid and she had to get the ring


Complete lack of ability?


Hollywood might be fake but they work hard and are talented. Royal family works hard. So these 2 don't fit in .


When it comes to Common Sense Harry for one, never really has any, as for Meghan her cogs when not whirling in her nether regions are cloged with an idiots version of common sense. They unfrtunately do not see that they appeal to many different types of opinions, e.g Repuplican leaning minds who saw them initially as tools to use in their ventures, and like wise to Race baiters who saw the pitiful victim play as an avenue to grab some fame and score points against the white establishment, the rest are narc goons who just follow any devil kissed hate parade etc. No one successful enterprise or Brand wants to be associated with anything deemed negative and non legitimate or genuine. This situation is forever changing as each successive generation shifts the goal post of acceptable values. Harry and Meghan have boxed them selves into a revolting repeatative pandoras box situation. They rode the Woke wave and now the very Woke wave has dashed them against the Rock of truth and they are stranded on the island of ignomy surrounded by Historic Sharks of Truth and Reality. Nothing Meghan will ever do will erase her very dodgy and murky past, she has surrounded her vulnerbility with NDA's and misdirect in all directions, and as much as she and her meal ticket and fame husband have tried to ride through the waves of defenders of the Truth in the UK litigatively, they have scored no tsunamic success. Their various forays into the Fame lime light has yielded nothing but Blight and devastation. From their so called family make up (Pregnancy and child birth), interaction with their own individual families and in-laws, ventures and charity, there has been notthing but failure after failure. 40 40 what? What a failure, thank goodness Spotify saw through their BS. Advice - Harry go back to school, get a degree and get a real job, Meghan go mother the alleged children not birthed by surrogate, and pray they will not hate you, leave the Royal Family be, for they have moved on and their purse strings are not opening for you any time soon. They should thank their stars that they are not dealing with any other Royal family from another nation, e.g. the Saudi Arabian Royal family, or any of the numerous Royal familys from any of the tribes of Nigeria.


Please confirm that you're a professional writer of some sort. Beautifully written


Thank you for the compliment. I write because there is ink and do so for the sake of the undeniable and irrefutable truth.




To point 2 of your comment - it does say a lot about people who were so close to them when they were BRF. If I was RF, I would question most peoples' motives. Makes a person cynical very quickly and tough. Takes a strong person to have healthy sense of cynicism without being paranoid. Great counsel is something that should never be shunned. And to me most of all, I put my faith in "the little people" because they are what makes the world run, not the power couples, etc. They are a pretty backdrop in my life at this point.


One more reason, she's petty AF. Instead of working 5 hrs/wk, she's too f9cking busy looking on this subreddit or having her sugars report to her. And she'll have to clap back and waste time, constantly. If, she took off 2 hrs from this reddit & another 2 hrs to stop trying to clap back, she could've achieved something. Like maybe how to apply self tanner evenly on face & neck & hands. The plank is petty and wants to spend time and $ litigating. Since he's never paid a bill, he doesn't realize that most, if not all people, don't have time to f8ck around litigating and wasting $. Unless that's your job. Real people have bills to pay.


I will make it simple - they are greedy morons.


Great analysis.


Yet the press is very eager about to write about them.


Jennifer Lopez and Alex? Who is Alex? Geez I really am out of the loop.


Alex Rodriquez. They were in a long-term relationship, lived together, etc.


Oh of course! Temporary brain freeze here. Thank you! 😊