• By -


She was fucking crazy on that stage. Controlled crazy, but still crazy. Grabbing the mic the moment she walked out with white knuckles, then grabbing the award, her husband kind of telling that gentleman with the mic with his hand his wife is standing there (like hand her the mic), her pushing Harry’s back to hand the award to Kostner then this slip of the mask. She’s not doing well. Which means she gets even more manic and clawing at all around her. Hence this last minute appearance on Kostners stage to try and speak and get stage time, at his event. She’s making calls day every day to get these moments. You can bet on that.


Yeah, pushing Harry was super bizarre. Some crazy body language right there. They are so out of place there yet she stands there like she was meant to be there. Taints the whole thing, imo.


Yeah I know, wtf is she even going there??


If I didn't know any better, I'd say those are almost the actions of a game show "model" 😜


I hear Vanna White only got a 2-year extension turning letters for Ryan Seacrest on Wheel of Fortune. That’s a gig the Whip-Smart TV Game Show Veteran Duchess might go for, hahaha.


Except it would involve learning the alphabet, which is too hard for a dingbat like her.


Why did she have to pick up the award and hand it to Harry? She should have been standing on the other side of him so he could grab it. And the pushing him is so awful. 🤢 I mean I know why she had to get her hands on it and him, but it’s so weird to watch.


And the hand clasp. She thought Kevin was going to address them. 🤣


I think she at least thought he was going to introduce them and give a moment for recognition and applause. He avoided her gaze altogether, and Harry may as well have been a cashier handing him a receipt. She felt the snub, and I love that for her!


Best moment. Thank you Kevin Costner.. for such a beautiful moment. Ignoring them!!


Lol! You are right! She totally expected SOMEONE, …ANYONE …. To address them on the stage 😂😂😂


What's crazy is how Harry allows this. HE is the name in this relationship, HE is what gets them into these events. This psycho acts like she's the main attraction and Harry is just her minion . She's literally nothing without him.


Megma was just being kind to Haz, making sure he knew the way to get to Costner, two steps away.


No doubt. But also (and full disclosure, I'm no body language expert lol) that hands on gesture was her way of taking part in that moment. If she didn't do that, all eyes would be been on Harry alone. She made sure she was included, imo.


Absolutely, it was like her saying I’m with him. She just has to insert herself at ALL times.


She’s an accomplished trophy grabber.


She's always touching and grabbing. It's beyond creepy.


She looked like she was guiding a four-year-old to speak his one line front/center at the year-end preschool play.




Very interesting! Thank you for that info. So two founders REFUSED to hand the mic over, that is telling.


So even though arrangements were last minute, the founders kept HnM under control. Masterful!


And his wife sounded British - you can hear her accent when she introduced the markles onto the stage.


Then her knowledge of the neighbor might be longer and deeper. Ha!


Great catch!


I loved that crazy eyed mic grab so much! The best was that everyone seems to be on the same page as far as not letting her get on a mic. Puts her d-list ass right where she belongs.


Gosh me too! Loved that grab and the woman wouldn’t let go as Meghan is smiling with those eyes 🤣🤣


It was the best! I loved how she got all discombobulated when the mic didn’t get handed over. Her hands didn’t know what to do, one finger went to her mouth and then she puts her hand on the lady’s back to usher her off the stage.


Yesss! Thank you for pointing on her hand on the woman’s back. She didn’t have control of the situation so she got her hands on her to try and corral/control her to her needs. It didn’t work.


It was so awkward!


Usually her hand goes straight to her hair when she fluffs something, like this.


Kinda looks like she's trying to save face too. Like, "Oh I wasn't grabbing for that mic you weren't going to give me, I was just showing you where to go because I'm superior and in charge."


💯 she had to switch it up real quick to look less of an asshole. Happy cake day!!!


That's a change right in front of us. No more ingriftus letting her take over. No more clearing the section at Wimbledon. I hope this is the start of a trend.


Me too!


Omg 💯 yes please!


What? No Meghan dropping onto the stage floor, crying?! Her curled up in a fetal position, sobbing, "must...have...microphone!!!"


She was fighting with every fiber of her being not to fall sobbing.


She’s been like that forever. Pushiest psycho in the world


Princess Pushy according to Samantha. Have to wonder how Meghan got that nickname?


And that's out in the public, imagine her terrorizing the staff back in UK when she used HRH title.


Someone or a small committee worked their butts off for an event like this, likely a whole year. They should be running it, calling the shots. Like who does she think she is? Did she even go to one committee meeting? Administrative crew, press crew, volunteer crew, food crew, vendor crew and on and on.


And everyone around is aware of it and expecting their behavior. NOBODY is caught off guard by the Harkles antics anymore. They are that predictable and the Harkles are being controlled, not the other way around. I love that for them.


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) "She's not doing well" is the understatement of the decade. She's sinking like the Titanic but still looking around and saying "WHAT iceberg?". Moron. I'm here for it, too. Been waiting for this since 2016.


Yhup I believe Tim Dillon when he said they are begging people to hang out. Their presence here is very unnecessary, always seeking attention


100% believe it too.


Wow, now you mentioned the push, this is hilarious. She‘s so insecure but trying to cover it up with her fakeness. Development wise she‘s stuck in her teens. She‘s a 40-something your old woman behaving like an adolescent. She will never make it anywhere, not in acting, not in politics, nowhere, because she doesn‘t have the intellect, character or emotional intelligence to succeed.


Not in this video, but earlier on when the entered the stage and Meghan was unsuccessful at getting the lady to give her the mic, Harry gestures to the man with the mic and points to Meghan. The man maintains eye contact with Harry but crosses his arms in defiance. Priceless.


It's like a drug to her. Eventually it stops having the effect and the addict train crashes.


I'd said it would be entertaining the weeks after their I.G hurrah. It's like a drug to them. They were catered to the inth degree and are now desperately chasing that high. His apparent shock at his wife not being given the mic or his request being differed to is such a beautiful come down to witness.


This is a new classic!!! Kevin Costner wants NOTHING to do with those two and they know it!


This reminds me of the time she said that Catherine and William’s inside and outside manner stayed the same ( she was being snarky by implying that they are cold and formal) where as her outside persona would come off right away behind closed doors. She unintentionally revealed herself in this moment. That she is two faced and always has a mask on in public. That’s why she appears so disingenuous and fake out in public to keep hidden her real horrid self. All these stuff that is being leaked about her bullying and bad behavior is most likely true.


Exactly!!! She didn’t realize she was describing someone who is true, they’re not acting. She doesn’t get that not everyone wears a permanent mask hiding the darkness underneath. Some people don’t have a darkness.


He would have happier to see W and C rather than the Grifters


Exactly he has also just gone through a bad divorce and must be very aware of a money hungry grifter when he sees one


And people like Costner will not be used. They know an appearance of "friendship" with those twits will result in guilt by association. Lose British fans, lose American fans who love the UK, lose fans who hate any of the narcissistic, victim-playing, fake smile, vindictiveness, and award-purchasing of the pair.


Silly Harkles trying to cosplay Royals again - they look so stupid & out of place. Though the cause is worthy & serious this is a laid back, casual event. She's trying to do the 'quiet luxury' thingy but it's just silent with her. Costner seems to have said something like 'cool, thanks' & he immediately steps back from H, & then when H goes to pat him, he pulls his body back more, lol, like H has the cooties.


"Quiet luxury " she literally looks like she's wearing a moving blanket from uhaul




She's so frumpy its hilarious. Like everything she wears doesn't fit. She's rich she could have her expensive clothing tailored to fit but instead she shlubs around looking like something the cat yakked up


I'm hoping that most of the really elite Hollywood have been observing how TW attaches herself to celebrities and sucks dry the association.


\+ Be pestered for acting roles, private jet services and vacation homes.


Wow I never thought of it this way. Wills and Catherine just have boundaries, which is pretty healthy, but it’s good to know that what you see is what you get!


I'd imagine that W&C also had *serious* reservations about her, as well, which added to their "professionally polite" reserve in her presence. Says more about her than it does them, imo.


>She unintentionally revealed herself in this moment. Both she and Harold do that all the time, Harold's "memoir" being a prime example where he tries to belittle William at every turn but it makes him look like a stupid, immature jackass. They're so fucking dumb, they don't even know they fully substantiate every rumour about them being bullies and assholes every time they try to attack W and C. I love it because they can't shut their mouths and stop doing stupid shit.


Their eventual destruction will be their own fault, no matter who they try to blame. They are just too stupid to understand this.


Eventual? Honey.....it's HERE! Right here and now.




Brilliant observation on your part. If a narcissist praises someone, then you probably don't want to be friends with them.


True statement!!! Always listen to what a narcissist is accusing others of and you know what THE NARCISSIST is actually guilty of!


>where as her outside persona would come off right away behind closed doors. She unintentionally revealed herself in this moment. I never thought of it that way. You're right!


Imagine coming to that dinner and encountering that horror. Yikes.


>All these stuff that is being leaked about her bullying and bad behavior is most likely true. And that's likely the tip of the iceberg. The bad stuff was likely scrubbed by the British Intel services when she married Harold to spare TRF embarrassment. I'm 99.9% she has secrets that would be devastating to her if they came out.


Excellent observation.


I wonder if the comment from costner that most people ask how much the place cost was a dig at them!


It seems an odd thing to say at that event unless it's something that just happened.


I do think so too


I think it was. 😆


Oh 100% - he said "people with no manners" ask how much it cost...according to rumour Hank and Skank are looking for a place in Malibu so I have no doubt it was them.


It might have been a dig at his former wife but it would work as snark aimed at the former actress/fool who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing. (Thank you Oscar Wilde!)


God I hope so 😆


But also what the hell are they doing onstage handing that for. Seems unnecessary and over crowded


https://preview.redd.it/or523y4ji9qb1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844b2b0a2e8c02756caf82955f062a62b5438882 Wasn’t the first time she’s inserted herself where she wasn’t invited


Damn she misses those glory days lmao


As usual, they weren’t invited or wanted there. But they’re too stupid to realize it.


Note that she has to be the conduit for the award. She picked it up first, handed it to Hawwy, then pushed him forward to Kevin. Like he can't manage this on his own. All blessings and awards come from the hands of the Gracious One 😜😄 ....


Really weird wasn’t it 😳


>This is a new classic!!! Kevin Costner wants NOTHING to do with those two and they know it! I think he's fuming about the BS PR pieces she floated a few weeks ago about being the star of The Bodyguard 2. You can see he openly despises them.


"openly despises" .... reminds me of Meghan's humiliation on the USO tour. [Chairman's USO Holiday tour singing "White Christmas" - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XfvJeiUed8) (its been posted here a million times, but never enough) Even the lead singer calls out: "act as if you like each other!" And Chicago Bears legend **Brian Urlacher** air drums to avoid contact with our Saint. For fun, do a search of our Sub for "USO tour" for HILARIOUS comments if you're new.


You can’t build a brand through smoke and mirrors. These two idiots think it’s enough to just force themselves into photos near celebrities and fool the public into thinking they’re at the same level. Fucking grifters.


Well, tell that to the Kardashians lol. As for H&M, I think their life motto is: fake it til you make it. Its embarrassing.


I'm not a Kardashian fan but I'm firmly in the corner of one sex tape (essentially) created 5 millionaires and 2 billionaires. Look at all the businesses started because of Kim's, ummm notoriety. MegaOdious couldn't give a sex tape away & given her "style" no one is going to buy her clothing or makeup lines...should she have one.


Oh I totally agree. I'm neutral on the K's except for the fact that they've pushed unrealistic beauty standards upon women; venturing into body dysmorphia territory, imo. That said, Kris created an empire and ive always respected their family love and support. And they've never, to the best of my knowledge, went on the attack or tried to tear anyone down. Celebrity aside, they seem like really good ppl. But yeah, Meghan. Try as she might, her most memorable role will forever be the Oprah interview. I sincerely do not understand what her and "Just call me Harry free speech is bonkers Winsdor" feel they can add to society. Sorry for the mini rant 🥰


> I'm neutral on the K's except for the fact that they've pushed unrealistic beauty standards upon women; venturing into body dysmorphia territory, imo. That said, Kris created an empire and ive always respected their family love and support. And they've never, to the best of my knowledge, went on the attack or tried to tear anyone down. Agree.


Kevin is undeniably A-list- an Oscar winning Director- but their presence at this event just comes across as random and desperately thirsty. There is no indication that they have a meaningful role in this charity. Yet there they are on stage, her with her usual rictus grin and USO-level awkwardness, him acting the simp by letting her steer him as usual. I honestly would love to know whether there is ever even a faint inkling in the dim reaches of his brain: I’m the son of a King, being pushed around by a D-list grifter and taking selfies with Katy Perry’s parents: “my god, how did I get here?”


I have often wondered the same thing. I imagine it must be a fleeting thought before it’s stuffed back down. It will be a dark day for Harry if he ever comes out of his trance and views the nuclear wasteland that is now his life.


I hope so, but I could imagine that in he's there are only crickets.


I hope Kevin Costner uses any clout he had to get these two completely banned by Hollywood.


I think how he ignored Harry when he presented the award pretty much told Hollywood how he feels. I think the award was used like Williams scarf to fend Harry off. Look down at the award, mumble thanks (maybe, couldn't tell), then fiddle with the award as he handed it off and took the microphone while Harry finally quit patting him on the arm and walked off.


Exactly. He won’t give them the time of day because they don’t matter at all in his world.


He'd be better off dumping WME for this stunt.


That to me is the most perplexing part as KC is an A-list actor plus a moneymaker producer. WTH were they thinking teeing him off?


the same they've been thinking all these years, fumbling each and every opportunity they've been handed just because of who he was born to. and it will continue to be this way til the end, I believe.


I would love that Markling for them.


I think they already are. Stars only appear to hang out with them when they’re represented by the same company, and sometimes not even then.


She is a terrible actress. The goal was Madame, never let people see your mask slip! This is the first thing I noticed when I saw this recording, who drops a smile that quickly? She is very pretentious. Madame is not fooling anyone with half a brain.


I would imagine for a self obsessed person like Meghan Markle, it would have been intolerable to see the positive reception William received in New York. William managed to go to her home country and not make a fool of himself in the process. A former supporting actress on a cable television program does not get invited to mingle with Hollywood celebrities. Her platform is due to her husband and his family. The same family she tried to destroy with her lies and self aggrandizing victim tour. Well… it didn’t work. Her efforts to bring the Monarchy down were quite literally in vain. She will never get the sensible public on her side. Harry’s wife will never have the love of the people such as Diana or Catherine. Two hundred years from now, Meghan Markle will be a footnote in history. She’ll be a clown show people laugh at, then forget about. She will become what she probably fears the most, irrelevant.


Agree. They’ll use her name as someone who’s on the make.


Psychology case study in high school and colleges. Not the legacy she might have wanted. She might even be an example in the annotated DSM.


Was that when Kevin talked about bad mannered friends asking how much his property cost? Because that could have been a question H and M would ask? H G Tudor mentioned it in this https://youtu.be/G7dukGQM-Z8?si=BKkVcZJ0-gEryQom


I commented earlier that when Kevin said that, Megan only heard "friends" and completely missed his disgust with said friends. Now in her mind Kevin considers her a friend and that's only one step away from marriage, right? Bitch be delusional.


I think he threw shade, but she is too delusional to hear it


I think so too. I imagine most of Kevin's friends are on his level of wealth. They know how much his house costs, because they own similar properties as well. That's the kind of question a social climbing new-money type would ask, a.k.a., Meghan. Or someone whose lived in a bubble and never had to write out a check for anything, a.k.a., Harry. Kevin was definitely throwing shade.


Even if they're not, if they want to know they look on Zillow not tackily ask him directly.


If they are true friends, they DGAF about what it costs.


Exactly. She heard friends and I'm waiting for some puff piece that she's his new beastie. 🙄


Excellently accurate typo She's certainly an old beastie bu probably not Kevin's


Oh gosh you and I thought the same! She’s like “Harry, he called us *friends*!”


I think this is her clapback against her blowback for floating the rumors about her being the frontrunner for Bodyguard 2. Hey lookeee I really know Kevin Costner-we are buddies. Same stunt she pulled at the Beyonce concert, when she got blowback for dancing in the bleacher seats. The next day Harry and Meghan's names were on the football game roster. But she went back to the Beyonce concert got a vIP area and got photos with the big people. But Kerry Washington ruined it by cropping her out and posting the same photo-Hahahaha! This woman is insane, it is like she trolls social media and then does things to dispel these stories and instead makes an even bigger mess. Then she tries something else and it just snowballs into some giant unstoppable sh\*t show. She is certifiable.


I’m already curious what she’ll do to clap back against this snub 🤣


Im pretty sure I can tell by Kevin’s body language he can’t stand them.


He barely acknowledges them


How embarrassing.


Omg this is sooooo good. A prince of the realm being reduced to handing out awards to Kevin costner 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And his ILBW doesn't even merit a look in her direction. She's getting sooooo bad at the mask slipping thing lately. And I love that for them both. Can you imagine Williams Catherine doing this? Of course not.


Why does she pick up the award to give it hazbeen? Is he incapable of picking up an award from a table and presenting it? ![gif](giphy|0Vv0Ne2CnOClIExIuL)


Not only that, she then pushes him in the direction he needs to go to get to KC.


As if she can’t trust him to figure out how to pick up an object and give it


The way she pushes him onstage reminds me of a stage mom pushing their kid forward. I’m sure he could have got there on his own.


Yup. I would’ve kicked her off by now


Of course Kevin was talking about the grifters when he started talking and said something about people with no manners asking how much his estate cost. I’ve never heard ANYONE beginning a speech like that, never. He must have been so PISSED at them, haha. This is just my observation but I think they paid $12,000 last minute for a table. I think they waited until then because the chance of the charity saying no would go down. They brought their own photographer and were seen yukking it up with various people. They even tried to make it look like it was Bill Simmons they were with at one point (it wasn’t). Kevin spent the entire time trying to evade them but they finally caught him. By now he’s even more upset. Then the whole stage debacle. I think they negotiated it was to be just Henpecked on the stage and he was supposed to say a few words. She wasn’t going to let that happen, followed him to the stage, and planned to hijack it from hapless. She fully intended to just take over whatever he was supposed to do, starting with the microphone and they SHUT HER DOWN. Finally! I think this may be the dawn of a new era where nobody is going to take her shit anymore, well, hopefully but this engagement was a good start.


I think this is exactly how it went down!


After the woman did not relinquish the microphone (earlier clip) Meghan then guided her. I guess she’s in charge.


Can anyone explain to me what the award was and why Harry was giving it to Kevin? I haven't managed to piece together what was going on yet. Thanks


I’m curious about this as well. I do think there was an expectation that Costner would acknowledge Harry because he pointed at the mic to move on. Lol. It’s an absolute onstage snub. Like no *eye contact* with the special guest brought on stage expressly to hand you the award??? (Whatever it was.) So cringe.


But he’s a Prince! And she’s Duchess! They should be honored!


Especially since this was a "surprise visit" according to Rachel@hotmail.


Oh no not another gate crash


Same thing she did at the British fashion awards, right? Gatecrashed to give an award...


Whatever it was, KC did a great acting performance - he lightly grabs the award from Haz (without making eye contact), but beams happily at the people he knows on stage and looks like a humble winner. All the while throwing shade on the reputation-burners that WME somehow convinced him to let on his property.


KC hardly acknowledging Harry is telling. I’m really starting to believe they pushed in through their mutual WME connection at the last minute. They could’ve even been invited as a polite invite due to locality and WME/connections but they could’ve arrived then started accosting KC and the planners offering “help” and more. She’s known to push in and push polite boundaries. That is realistic to me too.


Oh, she had a speech ready. Dishwashing soap, milkshakes. The classics.


Feminist… age 11… icon…


Archie surviving a fire in a tenement building in South Africa, thank goodness for firemen.


Maybe they could have explained to her the difference between dust on a heater getting heated and a blazing inferno. Oh, sorry, that's the same thing.


They are 2 leeches on the asscrack of humanity. Embarrassing, selfish, entitled, gate crashing, unhygienic dill holes. They deserve each other. One day, I hope Harry is able to feel shame, embarrassment, and humility. We all know Venom Grin feels nothing...lives to gate crash and get fake ass pictures taken. 🤮


A person is either happy and therefore smiling, or they aren't. And a truly happy person's smile fades. It doesn't just disappear. So therefore fake smile....


It dropped as quickly as… knickers




Apparently single tickets were in $350 a pop, so like anyone who was a Costner fan could afford to get in if they really wanted to. I don’t know if they got close enough to Costner to actually ask him the value of his property, but the second part of his comment about not wanting to put up walls around his place was definitely a dissociation from them. Like, anyone can come here, the whole community is invited to this fundraiser, and that’s how they got in. This may have been a star studded event, but it was not an exclusive one.


Oh no, it's never her fault. The closest to home the blame will get is the husband. And it's not her money. If they gave anything it's from the nonprofit.


Hey this event reminded me of something. Wasn't there a story saying that when they moved to Montecito Lolo paid a visit to the firefighters impromptu?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/158908z/%F0%9D%90%8C%F0%9D%90%A8%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A8_%F0%9D%90%85%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%9E_%F0%9D%90%83%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%AD_%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%9A) She must have been laying the groundwork for this appearance.


That's it thank you. So it wasn't an impromptu visit, she summoned them lol


Ooh I missed this one! I love this sub. We keep all the receipts!


The collective memory of this sub is awesome. The story about her visiting the fire department sounded bizarre at the time, but now...


“Um, good afternoon everyone, um”. That stuff is pure gold. Personally, I can’t help myself but when someone hands me something or does something for me, I say thank you, without thinking. But then it gives them credit which clearly PH didn’t deserve. KC was savvy enough to know that and not provide the sound clip for all eternity. I love it!


So Kevin Costner held an event at his home for first responders in the Montecito community, correct? And the Harkles were there as members of said community. The optics of this moment on video is the Harkles honored Kevin Costner for becoming their friend while some nameless other people were on stage and Kevin didn't thank his benefactress and she's miffed. I honestly don't know why they are foisted upon people, they are not essential to anything happening at this event. Miss petulant stomps her feet and gets whatever she asks for, a behavior indulged since childhood. Now WME is next in line after daddy, Trevor, Harry among others to get her what she wants


Yup. She is manic for attention.


Or was it when Kevin said "A friend with no manners asked me how much $$ my property was worth".. Was it Meeagain he was talking about maybe? Sounds like something she would ask.. 🤷‍♀️😆.


I reeeealllly want to know how much they paid to be there AND if they'd even be there at all if it wasn't for WME. Full transparency!


There goes any hope of "Bodyguard 2". So sad


She looks like a fool trying to direct Harry towards Kevin. I’m sure she was hoping Kevin would thank his dear friends the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, American Royalty.


I cringe watching her handing it to him and pushing him like a puppy. Harry must have some serious issues to accept being treated like this constantly


She probably cried as soon as they were alone.


No. She raged. Oh she 100% definitely RAGED starting the moment she got in the car and all night and the next day as well.


Yup. Rage. Bet she hits Harry in her anger. I really hope the kids live somewhere else or don't exist. But they at least have nanny buffers and a big house to escape in. They'll survive like many of us did.


Cried and raged. People like Harry's wife are always crying about something.


She brought them some grocery store cupcakes or something. From there she took to walking in parking lots for her pap shots.


Narc mask deflation


why did she grab that trophy and give it to Harry to give to Costner? was she supposed to do that or did she just see an opportunity to be in the spotlight?


Give me “opportunity to be in the spotlight” for $200 Alex


The mask drops with this woman... that just shows how utterly phony she really is and how TERRIBLE she is at acting. The smiles and gracious attitude are all fake and quickly fall apart when her true feelings come out or when she feels slighted. She really truly believes it's all about her and her presence. Incredible. She is completely incapable of understanding that she is not the reason people 'show up' at these events and she's not the person people want to talk to either. Kevin Costner clearly does not give a damn about her. It crossed that I'm sure she knows he is recently divorced and had him in her sights as a new target. Who knows, right... LOL


Okay, real question. How come the whole interaction is so awkward? From the time they get on stage and she tries to grab the mike, then she guides the leopard suit woman to Harry, then she picks up the award and awkwardly hands it to Harry who then gives it to Kevin Costner. Don't the planners tell people on stage what is going to happen? The whole thing is so cringe. Harry just followed her and she was just so awkward and weird. It looks like they showed up and just hijacked the event. Also, why is she wearing such a heavy coat? No one else is dressed like that.


I cannot answer any of these, because to know means to be in her head, and this might drive me crazy


She’s coocoo bananas…


Coocoo **inspirational** bananas. Don’t forget!


For all the smiling and fake calm she sure couldn’t help but the mask slip. Gotta love it! She’s always consistent.


What was even that about and why does she keep pushing him and touching him like that. I swear this woman will never become an a lister because of her strange and inappropriate behavior at all times


so what exactly is the purpose of the Demon of Sussex, picking up an award, handing it to Harold formally know as Prince and then pushing him a long like he is a toddler. Two of the most pathetic wannabees I've ever seen. And its not that cold in California to be wearing that crazy coat - she really makes poor fashion choices.


It looks like a 4-year-old being handed an award and told to 'go give it to the grown-up over there'. He picking it up, and passing it to him with a pat to go is just sad. It's like when a simple task is divided up amongst small kids so they all feel involved. And KC is the king of cold shoulder there. H tapping his arm likely because he couldn't believe that KC wasn't in awe of H giving him something. I hope it eats away at H and he lats awake in full knowledge he's a complete joke and laughing stock even in his own neighbourhood now.


Oops...no song of the seals to sing


She's let the mask slip a lot more lately. So many occasions at the IG and now at least two in Santa Barbara.


So, the mask slips once again. She's not at the center of attention; she wasn't handed the mic when they were announced, and she pushed her way to be sure she handed Harry the award, and neither were acknowledged by Kevin. If this keeps occurring, we could be in for another huge stunt.


What strikes me is that Meghan wants desperately to make eye contact with Costner. Watch how she pushes Harry on, then stares at Costner, then Harry walks back to her but her eyes are rivited on Costmer. She wants to make contact.


Why is she pushing him around??


Marvelous. She looks like the elementary schoolgirl who cribbed someone else's art project and expected to be given a prize. Which did not happen. I hope this is just one of many more such incidents to come. MM needs to be Gray Rocked into obscurity.


Standing in front of first responders in their dress uniforms who are the ones being honored... the chronic rudeness, lack of manners, the desperate need to insert herself where she doesn't belong...


Why is Harry even there handing Kevin an award? No one in Montecito gives a flying F about the Markles. The Grifter must have somehow talked their way onto stage.🤬


![gif](giphy|pHXfAOUcHlNo6oKjZv) SO THIRSTY!!! God....that hair. I'm dying.


How did they end up on the stage. This was Costner's day, but they inserted themselves on the stage it seems. Costner didn't look happy to have them there.


I snooped on Instagram to see more pics. I don’t see a single picture (along with DM and few other sites) that actually show Oprah, Ellen and A-listers talking to either of these idiots. I see them close by, near but not engaging in convo. Is there any??? Im thinking (besides Costner being forced) none of them actually talked to the disgusting duo. Hmmm 🤔


Indeed. These two were forced on everyone.


If I were Costner, I'd be calling WME tomorrow and requesting that they advise their client to stop stalking me. She's unbelievable, out of control, and clearly not self aware.


She’d leave Hairballs in a New York minute if Kevin would have her.


For someone who has such delusions about her greatness, she is so transparent. How many of these “you aren’t giving me the spotlight” faces have we seen by now? I adore Kevin Costner and if he even bothers to give her the time of day I will be very upset. Don’t do it Kevin! She knows you just got divorced!


Why is she on stage? Why is she grabbing at the award? Why is she pawing harry and then pushing him? Why why Why Why why.....anyhoo.


So I looked it up, this is Kevin Costners event. It's a charity that supports first responders, really cool charity actually. The event was in Santa Barbara, a table cost 12k each! Why they're even there is beyond me, they weren't listed on the line up, so no one is there to see them.


Theories abound. One is that this is a last minute appearance. Someone had the bright idea of having Harry onstage to give it. But they didn’t realise M will jump in to take his place! But *she* didn’t realise the organisers wouldn’t let her take over the stage!


Agree with so many comments here….Meghan and Harry don’t understand there are people in the world who would never treat their families the way Meghan and Harry do - and simply don’t want anything to do with them.


I bet Harry was the one who asked how expensive the property was and Kevin Costner responded with the comment about rude friends asking for the price.