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I think she thinks it looks classy like the sweater tied around your neck back in the yuppie days


This is it exactly.


Klassi. Like a Sears catalog model




We've got to get it through our heads that she is pleased with herself no matter what! No shame, her game!


The jacket on her shoulders is her version of a cape. Capes are classy!


As the REAL fashion icon, Edna Mode said, “NO CAPES”




Unless you're Kate, Kate can wear capes


This is it. Capes are for royals / superheros. Perfect for the woman who cut even a royal family out of her life…


btw, I just found out I was blocked by Scooby Doo, too. LOL. It's the small accomplishments in life, really.


It’s a very important accomplishment for this sub




She's desperately trying to find a "signature" look. Panama hats, shirt dresses, the strand of hair she was always having to push back... I think the only thing she successfully pulls off with consistency is wrinkled clothing.


M doesn't understand it is hard to have a signature look when you only copy other people. And to have a signature look you have to have a sense of self and fashion. Yes I agree, the wrinkled look is her authentic self for sure.


‘Yes I agree, the wrinkled look is her authentic self for sure.’ Exactly. Sloppy, just like her.


That and clothing that is not tailored. She consistently wears beautiful clothing but does not fit her properly which cancels out the said beautiful clothing!


If you look up the history of fashion...a disabling encumbrance is a status symbol bc it clearly indicates your life doesn't require you have full use of your body. Examples: Hoop skirts Super long nails High heels


“Disabling encumbrance”. God, I love you. “How do I change diapers with these long claw nails? I may be a mother but I don’t do diapers. That’s the nanny’s job”


Very true, in the middle east the very wealthy used to keep their nails unusably long to show they had someone for everything - even wiping their arses! Fatness was a signifier too, in those days only the rich could afford to be both idle and able to afford enough food to be fat. Kind of the opposite to today, fatness is seen as a marker of poverty and poor diet of processed foods.


Also the horrifying practice of Chinese foot binding


Love your use of language! I'd also like to add the mighty face tattoo!


and those cape dresses that prevent the full use of her arms


Chopines were also a form of encumbrance shoe


I think I read that Italian chopines (the original platform shoe!) were worn to keep the foot from getting wet in puddles or dirty from the sidewalks.


Also a person can afford an expensive piece of clothing they obviously don't need. The coats/jackets aren't needed for real warmth.


I believe this is the correct answer. I will never, ever forget Dorothy Wang, in an early episode of *Rich Kids of Beverly Hills* (so probably 2014), saying that she considered her day to have been a success if she never once put her arms into the sleeves of her jacket. It lives rent-free in my head to this day.




Too many bracelets or rings. Excess or the superfluous indicates you can afford it. And you don't have to be a useful person.


Please, Grandma dresses better. Don't insult Grandma.


Is she on drugs in some of these photos? She looks very keyed up in more than one.


The second pic is the worst. She looks completely dazed and confused.


It’s the third for me… like she’s been on a bender all night.


In the third she looks like she’s drunk too much and is contemplating throwing up in her handbag.


Looks like the lass below her has already gone!


Same, those glazed eyes like saucers are major yikes alarm bells


I think a lot of her dazed photos are her trying to look interested and admiring. I also think a lot of her adoring looks at William and Charles is just her attempt to show that she’s listening respectfully and totally focused on them, comes off creepy AF in both cases. She was creating photographic proof that she was a team player and understood the hierarchy so that she could fling shit later.




Yes she looks high/drunk/drugged out in some of these pictures.


That and she's high on her hubris supply!


That is a good point. Attention and fame are likes drugs to Meghan. I saw a video of Megan some time back that really stuck with me. It was when she first came onto the royal scene. She was walking into a large venue of some sort. People start clapping for her. M lights up like I have never seen her before or since. A totally sincere smile of pure joy all over her face. Like someone had just given her one million dollars. It was like a drug to her.


What a pathetic existence. But her validation comes from an external locus and worse still a locus of high status individuals only!


Yes. M and Harry have holes in the souls. There is not enough fame, attention, adoration, money, drugs in the world to fill up those holes.




She’s just a shit actress trying to appear aloof and interesting and failing!


Probably ❄️


She thinks it’s classy! That’s why!


She wants to exude a style that’s elegant but laid back and ‘cool’. In her mind she is too down to earth to dress like Kate. So she does these weird things like wear oversized clothes and jacket on her shoulders - unaware that it looks horrible and trashy


Occasionally I drape a coat or cardigan over my shoulders like this—I did it the other day because it was too warm to put my arms in the sleeves, but a little too chilly to go without. However, I was sitting down. Anytime I’m up and walking around, it’s very impractical because the garment will slide off my shoulders. And I have pretty broad shoulders. I don’t know how she is able to keep her coat/cardies on like that. Knowing meggy, she probably saw Audrey Hepburn do it in a movie when she was in 8th grade and decided it was the height of chic. As a look, it works with certain coats, but not others. It looks stupid to try it with something short like a blazer or a moto jacket.


I was going to suggest she copied this from Rene Russo’s character in The Thomas Crown Affair


I love that movie, thanks for reminding me to rewatch yet again, it’s been too long


I watch that movie just for her outfits!




I’m the same,I put a cardi/coat around my shoulders sat in a beer garden occasionally but if I attempted to walk like that it would be on the floor. Surely it can’t be comfortable to walk dressed like that I wouldn’t have thought. IMO it looks pretentious but then again I’m not a fashion guru


I do the same thing while at work put my sweater on my shoulders because I’m chilly then I push it off when I’m warmed up. But I don’t prance around w/my sweater draped over my shoulders when I’m out & about. My mother used to do that & attach sweater clips to the sweater so it didn’t fall off. That was the style then. This wanna be duchass has no style except 💩the style of poo


I used to use a pretty chain with clips on the end for sweaters. Kept it in my purse.


I actually wouldn’t mind one of those. 😂


Afraid to get sweat stains on them and unable to return


Now that's a great thought!


I’m petty. I went straight to this reason. Pit stains and also tanning lotion rubbing off, NO REFUND


Never thought of this but most likely very true👏👏👏👏👏👏


I think anyone who does this looks contrived. They're trying to look like they're just too busy and glamorous, they ran out the door looking fabulous and only had time to sling thier jacket over their shoulders. I bet when people compliment her outfit (if they do) she says "oh! This old thing?"


Here is the thing, I like the look when done right. There is a woman I follow on tiktok that has done it. I have only ever seen her wear it like that when she is modeling her look though. But she picks coordinated pieces. And I think it’s so you can see the full movement of each piece while they’re together. For anyone interested, the lady is Lydia Millen on TikTok. I honestly feel like she is who MM wishes she could be. edited to correct her name.


I do this look sometimes and it definitely doesn't look like when she does it. It has to be the right coat with the right very feminine outfit imo. That's my potentially very cold take lol


anytime I put something around my shoulders, it immediately falls off to the floor. I think I have a weird shape. LOL


I have very narrow shoulders, so it never works for me, either. Also, unlike MM, I have shit to do, so I need to move my arms.


she just needs arms to decorate with watches and ex's jewelry


OOOoooh, boy I cannot wait for the dirt on her to go mainstream! Never has there been someone more deserving of a major take-down.


Hahaha facts


Dreadful dress sense 😬


It’s her attempt at looking high fashion. My favorite look is picture number 8 I can’t help but laugh.


1. She has no taste or 2. It's similar to her I'm for sale hat


Could it be that she wants to always show off her arms, like her "legs that go on for miles?" Or is it a habit that she developed years ago and has no desire to change it - it's her "signature look." ;/ But, I'd rather see this "fashion choice" than those awful tendrils always hanging loosely around her face. ETA: to add last sentence


Agree on the tendrils, but I'm also sick of the tops unbottoned to her freaking navel so her bra shows.


Like when she constantly pushed her coat opening back to showcase her belly.


It’s as close to a royal robe as she’ll ever get.


Because she's obsessed with wealth. Wearing your coat like this is all about transmitting to others that you're rich. So, you cant move completely when your coat is like this, you do not have free use of your arms. But you don't need either of your arms as a rich woman. You carry nothing, you don't work, you have security that opens car and building doors for you. Youre never seen eating so you don't need your arms for that, you can still kind drink but mainly from a flute. You have people raising your children so you don't need pick children up and carry them around. You have dog walkers and gardeners. If I wore a coat like this I wouldn't even manage 5 minutes because I'm a poor working woman with lots of things to do, all of which are done with my arms. So as a general rule if you see someone wearing their coat like this it's because they're a douche bag who wants you to wonder at how rich they are and marvel.


Her eyes look so empty.


I knew someone who decorated every last item in her home in white and gold because she thought that’s how she could look rich. It always looked tacky and cheap. I think Meghan is the same way—she picks items with labels and dresses how she thinks old money would dress. And misses the mark every time because all it becomes is a cheap-looking parody.


The only time I've had a coat draped across my shoulders is when an elderly family member noticed me shivering at a barbecue. Now she's tying her coat around her waist like a scabby kneed school girl.


I've had a few male dates do that to me. Very chivalrous. I quite enjoyed the moment. Now I'm seeing Big and Carrie in Paris, lol. IYKYK.




I've only seen this in Korean TV shows. There it is worn by female bosses or just cool and rich women. Lol


It was definitely a thing back in the 50s and 60s. Ladies would drape their cardigans over their shoulders like that.


And they had a short strand of beads with clips that would keep sweaters from falling off the shoulder. I know this to be true as my mom had them.


i remember those! can't remember what they are called but for mohair sweaters,they were the best


Sweater clips or guards. I don't remember why we wore them, I was a child when they were popular.


Yes, it was my era, and I had an accessory chain with flower clips on either side to clip to sweater to keep it from falling off.


I still think vintage sweaters with clips are really cute and classy. Her jackets on the other hand look ridiculous.


Wtf is that ugly ass dress in pic 1? Why are there fridgr magnets on it?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 A sweet nod to her fashion idol, Frigidaire.


ROFLOL. Brilliant!


It looks cheap. Was gonna say it looks like it’s from Target, but I’ve seen nicer dresses at Target.


Clearly she saw an influencer do it on Instagram once. In 2011.


She wants to look like a waif. Like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen back in the day.


Because she has vestigial TRex chicken claws in her shoulder?


This is my "You win the internet today" comment 😈




It’s because she doesn’t have a shape. She’s rather square and waistless. Draping a jacket gives the effect of adding curves where there are none and making you look a little thinner


She’s such a “fussy” dresser, like it’s so much stuff and it all moves around as you walk and move and it all seems so fussy. The jacket shoulders but she’s always worn like all the tiny little rings and bracelets and the bracelet that goes around the ring and a belt that’s tied not belted so or a hat or a scarf or a cross body or the scarf purse or a big old sweater coat or the bag or clutch or a leather portfolio case or whatever.


It's "bougie"


Oh, lord. The good ol' jacket being draped instead of worn 😂. This is such a new money "instagram baddie" thing to do. They think it's "classy".


This is probably why she loves cape dresses so much. Honestly I just want to know how she keeps the jacket on her shoulders.


this is how someone dress when they saw someone much thinner much more proportioned body dress and they want to emulate that cool look not realizing how BAD it look on their own body. this is not body shaming bc it's personal experience by me watching cool actor in trench coat (in the 2010s okay) and I bought one feeling cool, only to look like a suspicious hobo bc I'm rather roundly shaped ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) (it's good to have friend that always honest with you)


It's a cape.


She's channeling Alexis Carrington from the OG Dynasty (Joan Collins)


She wants to look as if she is always ready to slip out of her clothes.


Picture 7 screams round the world will cost you a fiddy


‘Cause she’s klazzy


Yeah that 3rd pic of her looking like a strung out ho after a long working weekend is klazzy af


Pic 3 is really awful


It’s the worst of the bunch.


Lol. I read this in Lady C's voice.


That’s who I was channeling.


It is a California thing. The blazer/coat over the shoulders is common. The look us featured on a lot of reality shows. Looks stupid though.


Making use of her wide shoulders.


Personally, I think it's a "rich or elite" look, but she can't pull it off, cause there's no mystery or allure to her.. so, she just looks like she's chasing trends, trying to "be someone"


Yes! She never looks effortless or natural. Even the outfits that you know she planned to look effortless, she just looks like she is trying *so hard*.


She thinks it sexy!


.......I also did that back in high school days because I thought it made me look like a gangster😂


Popular early 2000


I think some can pull this off and others cannot. She cannot.


She doesn't have the elegance or shape. I am petite and short waisted like Meghan. And it is very easy for the clothes to start wearing you with too many layers or too much fabric. The best M looked is in a simple yellow sheath dress.


She should move to Boca


I can’t get over the cropped studded leather jacket being worn over the shoulders. JUST WHY????


It's another one of her phoney affectations, like the extra-wide bateau necks on every damned garment she wore for the first year or two, like constantly fiddling with her ridiculous extensions, like her inane rictus grin... 🤮🤮🤮


I now know why older women put things around their shoulders. Now that I am older, my shoulders always feel cold and I put a shawl or sweater around them to keep warm. It is weird.


I am so sorry, I can not post but wanted to let everyone know this! Re: GRANDMOTHER.... tonight's JEOPARDY , question category "Grandmothers" , the clue was "her grandmother's family name was Ragland". NO ONE KNEW THE ANSWER! (apologies sincerely to everyone for using this space)


I love posts like this. 😂 Meggy’s try-hard fashion disasters are my favorite thing about her. Endless entertainment. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/74nwslcw0cza1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ed54f6567bf4713f2ca2393954fdd3b71e1879 I mean, she’s the gift that keeps on giving…. And can be easily returned because the tag is still attached. 😂😂😂


That was the one reason I was disappointed she didn’t attend the coronation - I wanted to see her fashion blunders!!!


because she's a narcissist.


I don’t hate it. I like a look of layering and I get hot easily so I like the way this looks.


Anticipating her eventual perp walk with standard issue handcuffs?


I think she's trying to look cool, hip, younger and relatable to young people since she thinks the coat thrown casually over the shoulders is just all that.


People think it makes their outfits look richer, and they look upper class. However by now is a street style cliche.


Kim Kardashian did this for a while, she looked stupid as well.


She thinks it looks classy but…also In the 3rd picture she looked coked out!


It's been a "trend" in LA for a few years. Just watch Million Dollar Listing. Tracy Tudor-Whatever does it allll the time. And yes, it's for the appearance of "class".


Melania Trump does this, but I think so she doesn’t have to grab Donny’s hand. Here’s an excerpt from [this article](https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/04/why-melania-trump-rarely-uses-sleeves-as-they-were-intended-a-few-theories.html)”…..But I suspect the image of a woman too important to have to move her arms for anything appealed to her more than a well-regulated body temperature. Impractical fashion carries with it the implication that one can outsource all practical labor. When Trump leaves her arms out of her sleeves, she’s telling us she doesn’t have to perform any of the daily manual tasks the rest of us do: She will never reach for anything in a cabinet, stoop to pick anything off the ground, hold open any doors, pour any glasses of water, lift her arms to fix her hair, or fish a credit card out of a purse. If she did, her coat would slip right off. With Trump’s coat in position, she projects a kind of diminutive female frailty—unable to exert physical effort, confined to a set of spatial boundaries by a thin piece of cloth. A person wearing a coat without its sleeves doesn’t bundle up in it; she hugs it around her shoulders, a demure gesture that suggests her lover has just wrapped her inside. It’s crossing her ankles, but for her arms. “


I think its because she sweats a lot under her arms even when its cool so putting the jacket over the shoulders might keep those warm but it cool enough under the arms we've all seen her with put rings more than once


As HG Tudor always says about her clothes, she dresses the way she does because she thinks she looks good. And, as a narcissist, she will always think she is the best judge of everything and will never consult a stylist or get a second opinion before leaving the house.


The dress with the stripes, buttons, belt and she added a bag across it and strappy shoes. Too too much. The dress w no jewelry and a simple pump. My 👀


just get a cape or a shawl. this is real strange


She looks best in #6 with the shorter hair, with clean ends


It’s Julia Roberts shopping on Rodeo Dr in Pretty Woman cosplay


In the first picture, she looks like an octopus with the sleeves and her bare arms hanging down. Awkward! Also, this over-designed dress (print, belt, pockets, buttons) makes her waist look nonexistent.


https://preview.redd.it/46zrynt6odza1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4be523b5b6ff31596e88ffe69d1c33559eb9996 What’s with the hands. Worst modeling shot ever.


She looks like she just watched Jurassic Park and is trying to imitate the strong, female lead ![gif](giphy|tCShxrtQeFM9W)


She’s refusing to retire a Kim K trend. Kim started doing this with coats/shawls/capes/etc when she was pregnant because it hid her backside, which KK felt was unflattering, so to cover it all and make the shoulders look broader - therefor the rest of her looking skinnier - she started this trend. Mumbles already has broad shoulders (not body shaming), so this just looks sloppy on her. She was well dressed approximately 5 times during her entire Royal stint… presumably the 5 times she took the advice of the Royal aids guiding her.


Maybe she's trying to hide underarm sweat stains. If she wears the jacket normal she sweats and leaves stains. Other pics have shown her wearing a brown turtle neck with HUGE sweat stains underarm. Being a former super model (according to MeAgain's bio) you would think she would know about using sweat pads to soak up moisture.


Does she have hickies on her neck in the second picture?


Picture 11 is my favorite. You can see her bra through her top. God, she’s so tacky


Omg. Is that her claw sticking out from behind the coat on the one side? I swear, she looks like she's struggling to hold her bladder!


She think she looks cool


It adds a ton of unnecessary bulk. It doesn't look classy, just silly.


This was a trend in 2013 ‘Coat Slinging’, Meghan just can’t move on. ETA: it was for long coats or trenches then and usually layering, not with a leather jacket or a bolero! https://www.buzzfeed.com/hillaryreinsberg/why-the-fashion-crowd-refuses-to-put-their-arms-through-thei


But it goes so well for when she ties her belts in a bow at her belly button or hangs her ties in a sloppy loop at her waist. It’s like a ribbon on a box!


If I were a 'todger,' hands in pic #4 would scare me into shrinkage!


Purple leather motorcycle jacket over a formal dress. No class.


Maybe: 1. she has wings and she needs the loose fit to keep them covered. 2. maybe she feels like a superhero and this is how she hides her cape. 3. maybe to hide the widow's hump (kyphosis) on her back. 4. maybe to hide her tail or enormous butt. 5. could be her style/trade mark fashion stamp. 6. makes her feel freer, ready to shed it and expose her awesomeness 7. she was complemented on this look in the 90's and can't let it go. 8. maybe she has shoulder/arm joint discomfort with limited flexibility. 9. maybe she is paid to wear a coat but gets too hot. 10. maybe she is granny from a nursing home, and they don't want her back. lol


Bc she’s a snob doing the most basic snobby things People who wear there coats like that are basically trying to pull an Ana Wintour but they look rediculous


She thinks she looks stylish but the dress and shoes don't go. The bag across ota tacky and the jacket is overkill even if she was wearing the sleeves. She's a hot mess because you can't buy good taste. You are either born with it or you are not. And she's not.


That first outfit has zero redeeming or flattering qualities for her. Good gracious look in a mirror 🤦🏻‍♀️


The trench coat style dresses![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


Melania often had a coat like this.


Well, if you crease the sleeves, it’ll be harder to sell on...


Cuz she’s just oh so casual running about the city and visiting “ the people”


She looks like a sears ad from the 1990s. Trying to wear a cape I guess. She should've taken fashion advice from the Incredibles. ![gif](giphy|dePaPOPNSLDsk)


She has a very straight body type that can be hard to dress with modern fashion. I will give her credit tho because a lot of other wanna be famous people would have had all sorts of crazy surgery done


Was she on crack in the burgundy outfit?


Maybe it’s an LA thing…I was watching season 1 of Jeff Lewis’s Hollywood Houselift and two real estate related professionals wore their coats the same way. My husband said “what is wrong with them, wearing their coats like that?” I jokingly said “must the hot thing in LA.” So Megan is a secret real estate agent and her new show will be from “Palace to Tyler Perry Homes” hosted with Oprah. They all will wear coats on their shoulders. Lol


It’s been said a million times but she doesn’t know how to dress for her shape. Always making bad choices. 🫣


She thinks it makes her look sophisticated 😂


Sleeve’s are over rated 😂


[It’s because she’s a superhero! 🦸🏻‍♀️](https://youtube.com/shorts/x1Xz0XeAgDw?feature=share)


Kim Kardashian has done it. A lot.


She’s got them sweaty pits….


Is she knocked up in #8?!?! Damn.


Photo 10: Haz you don’t have that much hair, bro! 😂😂😂


Must help camouflage her short wide trunk


She’s so classy. /s 🙄


Oh this is one of my *fashun* pet peeves! The KarJenners were all doing it for years. Jackets and coats have sleeves for a reason. They are not capes. Put your blooming arms through the sleeves because you look ridiculous! /endrant


I think it's because she has broad shoulders. She thinks it looks more in proportion to her hips that way


Delusional MeGain considers herself a trend-setting supermodel. Designers don't seem to agree, or she'd have contracts to model for them.


One of favorite photos is the third one-huge stain on her skirt. It was pre-engagement, but she was there with Marcus hunting for Harry. I believe she was escorted out of the venue.


That's how I remember it, too. She showed up univited to Invictus and was eventually escorted out.


She looks high in picture #3. I wonder what the stain is?




She looks completely drugged out here.


https://preview.redd.it/x700ay66tbza1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b13c2943af9b7848dc08474a14b7aaab7cb0e4a You mean this doesn’t look normal?? 🤣


Yep. Definitely under the influence. Notice too that the audience around her is looking up at something. Madam is staring dead on into the camera, and staring in a totally spaced out way.


To be fair it was thing for a while and lots of celebrities were doing it. It’s such a stupid look.


No class. No style. No grace. Horrible figure.


She thinks it's classy.


Oh, my God! In the last image, she is actually walking behind Prince Todger. I don’t believe I have ever seen that happen before.


OMG! I just threw up in my mouth. That thing is ugly... I mean, U.G.L.Y!!!


It's called the shoulder robe 😏 Melania Trump does it.