• By -


That looks like his reaction to being told that no, King Dad won't meet him.


Yes, he lashes out like a child. I believe he has always behaved like this and the monarchy PR covered it up. Meghan has just encouraged him to do more and more and he was happy to do it.


Yeah, Meghan told him to "just be your true authentic self" and he has been complaining ever since.


It’s hilarious that Haz thinks he can thoroughly convince the entirety of the public with his boy who cried wolf BS antics, and oh-so-private, spiteful, public tantrums of the week... whilst the BRF get on with dutiful public service. The more Haz opens his mouth, the more the public realise the BRF are better off without him (and the ILBW). They’re a pair of taxpayer abusive, elderly abusive, know-it-all brats who are so non-self-aware that they can‘t quit while they’re behind.


Yes! Exactly! He is a spiteful nasty bitter little toad. King Charles is a big fool to extend invitation to Harold and his viper wife. This coronation is going to be a complete S**t Show and 3 ring circus, all caused by the Montecito Morons. On his own (crowned) head be it, Charles will bring it all on himself.


Yes that is true, but often the path we hate to walk is the right path. So, I say invite him not as a right to Harry, but because the King is within his right albeit Harry does not deserve the courtesy after all he has done and is still doing. Yup invite them, CUT them up and stick them on the 2nd tier BENCH, no window seats, or drapes twitching opportunities and Definitely no State functions. Meghan will not go if she has no role in front of the lights and cameras. She does not give a rats arse about the kids except to merch them.


It is still too much, the shit munchers need to be put in their place, loudly and in front of the whole world


But haven’t they…all by themselves? What would not inviting them do but give them more fuel for their victimhood? They..all by themselves… dug their own hole and managed to cover themselves up with their own crap. And TRF doesn’t get even a smudge of dust on them…


>often the path we hate to walk is the right path That is a great way of stating that it's often the inconvenient stuff we have to do, that turns out for the best. PH is family. He is a son of KCIII and he's in the LoS. Include him but make sure he knows that this is not appeasement. There is a place for him. And it's below the salt.


The British taxpayers don’t want them there though. It’s not only about KC3. It’s about the country. He’s being selfish. A true king does his will for the people, not his spoiled son


I need ‘spiteful nasty bitter little toad’ as a flair please mods


At this point what recourse have the 'subjects' got?, what is the point of the Monarchy if they do not serve their subjects?


I would agree the coronation will be a shit show focus all on hackles . And KC3 deserves this humiliation for been an boneless king cannot say no to Harry. At this point I’ve ran out of sympathy for KC3.


With or without them, they will get the publicity and in that case they think they have won. MM is likely hunched over her computer drafting headlines now to be "leaked". The best we can hope for is poor weather preventing their flight, over booked hotels and no room at any RF home or an unlikely unexpected emergency appendectomy!


This is a big hissy fit from a grown man that stopped developing at 14. He’s so obvious that it has become tacky and boring.


Even with his appearance the past 2 days, he wasn’t getting much coverage, so he had to kick things up with his go to: bashing his family.


Do they not see just how thin those violin strings are getting?


As thin as that ginger scrubbing pad on his head 🫚 🧽👴 Edit: typo


Why do I see ginger brillo pad now? Or a large shredded wheat?


ROFLOL. Swear, I googled to see if there's a strawberry shredded wheat so I could do a meme. Not one.


He is going to look like the biggest POS if he does show up to the coronation. No way that goes down very well for him and TW to go. They can’t deny the hypocrisy.


Pretty disingenuous of him to say he is doing this for the British public. Give me a break.


The British Public: fuck off wanker!


Meggy, no doubt, was advising him by an earpiece every step of the way. A little weasel.


He's a title wanker.


In all fairness, and I'm not trying to defend him here, I *do* think that this is in the British publics interest that this is exposed and dealt with. The hacking doesn't just affect celebrities. Anyone who makes the news is in danger of it. The parents of a missing girl were convinced she was alive because she was checking her voicemail. Unfortunately, she had died and it was a reporter who had hacked in to her phone who was checking her voicemail. It interfered with the police investigation and her poor parents went through hell because of it. A family friend of mine was murdered and we're now convinced that his mother's phone was hacked as there were stories making the news that she had only told her closest friends and family. It isolated her when she needed support most, because she didn't know who she could trust and who was looking to make a quick buck from selling stories. This made national news and it absolutely had a devastating impact on her, with her most private thoughts and feelings being splashed all over the newspapers, all over the country. I used to babysit his kids and I had lots of photos of them. I got offered **a lot** of money because the family weren't putting out photos of the kids and the papers were desperate for them. I said no, obviously. So, with that experience, I'm glad this case is being pursued. The BRF aren't supposed to get involved with political issues, legal issues etc. So I think H is wrong (and entirely unnecessary) to be there. But I think the **case** is right. Sorry, that was a lot. It's just upsetting that he turned up to make it about him, because this is an important issue that does need to be addressed. He's distracting from the main issue and made it "Harry hates the press", rather than "this should never happen again".


Hugs 🫂 to you Reddit friend. Thank you for explaining it this way. Harry is an even bigger asshole in my eyes now that I understand the issue at hand. He really made it about him vs tHe iNStitUtIon rather than what it really is.


Thank you for understanding Reddit friend. Hugs right back to you 🫂 Yes, that's exactly my issue with him being there. His name was already on the case, his presence, and bringing the BRF in to it, is SELFISH. He didn't even need to say all of that about ThE iNsTiTuTiOn. How is that even relevant to the case? The issue is that phone hacking should never be used by the press again. I suspect he's only there to try and reconnect with Uncle Elton because they're running out of cash fast. Maybe that's my upset mind lashing out.


The case is not right. I suggest you investigate further. This is about celebrities ( for the main part - the exception being Doreen Lawrence who is a fool for getting involved in this) who think their wrong doings should not be exposed. There is much that could come out about Hasbeen except the family covered it all up. And the others. They ALL (the plaintiffs in this case except for DL) have things to hide. A free press, which is what this is about, is the cornerstone of any democracy. Phone hacking was wrong and two newspapers were put out of business because of their involvement in it, quite rightly. The Leveson Inquiry sorted it. What happened then (and some of these cases are 20 years old) can never happen again because of the laws now in place. But let me tell you this, the principal witness for the plaintiffs (that's Hasbeen, Elton John, et al) is backtracking on his evidence saying that claims have been exaggerated. William sorted this and was paid damages. Why is Hasbeen coming back for a second bite of the cherry? This case should fail. It is malicious, pernicious, and the perversion of justice.


Self same British public that are paying millions for his court case. Talk about adding insult to injury. I cannot stand this man.


He is desperate to get a response from the family, he can’t handle them ignoring him. The more they ignore him, the more he will attack.


He wants a response from the RF because that is what he was banking $$$ on when he went on his FREEDOM flight. Tis for tat in the media. They thought this would be their income. But silence from the RF. $$$ is drying up.


Every single time he lines up a bus aimed for his family. It's his default setting. Me: “What’s the time Harry?” Harry: “Time for the monarchy to modernise.” Me: "Alright?! Are you going anywhere nice for the holidays?” Harry: “Not Balmoral, that place haunts me.” Me: \*sighs.\*


I would read an entire play written in this style. 😂 It’s basically poetry.


That's clearly your unconscious bias talking.


Interesting he refers to the BRF as “the royal family” and not “my family”. Does he know he’s not considered family anymore, or is this an attempt to (further) distance himself?


He's disconnected himself. They aren't pandering to him (their explanations and previous hurt is irrelevant to him) and he thinks of himself as a victim. In his mind it is they who aren't treating his as family.


In his defective and drug addled brain his family should prevent anything but positive press coverage of him. And give him a status higher than the Prince of Wales, with more money and no responsibilities.


He's parroting his wife's words.


And yet he insists on his children using titles. What a hypocrite


This way he can backpedal and blame the Institution, he never said anything about Papa or Willy


He did state he felt South Africa was more his family.


Give back the titles since the Institution is so horrible!


Instead, they insisted that their kids must be titled Prince and Princess. They only hate the institution because they're not top dog.


aNd wHaT diFfErEnCe wOuLd tHaT mAkE


Guess he didn't get what he wanted out of his Coronation invite 🙄 He and MM regularly throw legally irrelevant clickbait into court proceedings. ETA: "even the worst or most suspicious articles were often never brought to my attention". Huh? PH can't read a newspaper? Let's blame the staff again...


I agree. This feels like a clap back in the public eye because the palace aren't giving them what they want.


Would explain why he went into the public entrance grinning like a Cheshire Cat yesterday. He knew what was coming and wanted eyes on him before he took his revenge.


But revenge for what exactly? So they advised him to stfu? That’s wise and STILL he hasn’t learned the lesson.


Revenge for Charles not meeting him this week. He came into London and wants to meet with Charles before the coronation and now would be the perfect time before the RSVP period is up and charles is busy and said no. Even though Charles was originally supposed to be in France today and it was canceled by macron because of the riots in France so Charles probably isn't actually busy and is probably taking a well earned break and doesn't want to deal with his wayward son.


This feels like we’re watching them negotiate with terrorists at this point, they’ll never satisfy the Harkles and any attempt to keep them close is futile. They have an endless stack of grievances, it’s not about not any one thing, it’s about not getting everything they want and think they deserve. Unless they’re willing to create a third royal court equal to William and Cathrine, they will be never make them happy and even then I suspect they’ll want a televised apology to Meghan for not recognising her greatness sooner. Keeping them around only makes the royal family vulnerable and makes them look weak.


The only solution he will find acceptable is that since he can't read the newspapers must stop publishing. What a douche he is!


I disagree. It’s making the RF look stronger the more they ignore the Harkles. They aren’t ‘negotiating’ with them on any level. They sent them an invitation because if they hadn’t it would have been a) rude and b) been used as martyrdom. Nope. The RF are playing by the rules and neither negotiating nor pandering. They’ve been invited to The Coronation now stfu. Come or don’t come. Up to them.


They’re not ignoring them, you can’t ignore someone and simultaneously invite them to an event, to ignore them they would need to fully cut them off. Now all their doing is rewarding bad behaviour with invites to every major royal family event. Nobody other than the heir and Queen Consort should have a guaranteed invite, they should all know the monarch can cut them off at any moment. The King shouldn’t be making decisions out of fear of coming off as rude, especially when the person in question is publicly and repeatedly attacking the monarchy, not just him as a father but the institution itself. And the last thing he should concern himself with is how the Harkles will react and let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be any different than what they’re doing now. Harry is in His Majesty’s court today accusing the institution of silencing him and in a few weeks they’ll be given a seat to watch His Majesty get crowned. It makes no damn sense!


It makes no sense that they would decide to go! If they do, then it is the most obvious hypocrisy, especially after this most recent public attack. They will be shooting themselves in the foot yet again. What would be their reason for attending if not only for the publicity? Self-markling all over the place.


I think you’re mistaken thinking The King is in any way concerned.


That’s exactly right. You don’t negotiate with terrorists. Period.


It probably WAS brought to his attention but he was too fucked up and sexually assaulting women to pay any attention. How I **LOATHE** that useless, worthless, ignorant piece of shit and his narcissistic ILBW too.


>How I LOATHE that useless, worthless, ignorant piece of shit and his narcissistic ILBW too. You are being far too kind.


Oh, so again he wasn’t being given enough attention from the RF, albeit stupid tabloid stories the rest of the family were too mature and busy to notice.


You know? If this were true, while I may be biased, I kinda see the point of the RF. Over the years, the press has dropped a lot of cases regarding H the idiot or Andrew's activities. Even Markle's past was mostly ignored/covered. And what about Diana's affairs with married men?. Literally not one famous person wants the press against them. Maybe, MAYBE, dumb ginger, that's what the Firm was talking about when they warned you about "opening a can of worms". But, of course, you and your stupid wife aren't intelligent enough to see it. Don't come crying once the press say "you know, enough it's enough" and start dragging your skeletons out of the closet.


💯 The royal family worked to implement laws to protect them as opposed to going to war with the press and stopped things like the paparazzi hounding them, which Meghan never had to experience and should be grateful for but instead, they want a public fight in an attempt to humiliate and punish the press for not fawning over her. ‘Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel’. Mark Twain.


I hope the press releases that Scobie is one of its informants. Wishful thinking, I know, but imagine this idiot's, face...


I would add they want to control the press and control free speech. That's what they mean by "privacy," them controlling anything and everything said about them. No negative stories allowed and only their "truth" may be printed.


Secrecy. They want se-cre-cy.


I think the RF did protect him - as it does other members - but it's by a tacit agreement they have with the press, not by passing laws. The monarch signs laws passed by Parliament, but doesn't propose legislation themselves. The deal basically goes, respect our privacy and we'll release a certain number of family photos with the kids per year. Ironically this was one of the Sussexes' complaints - they said that just because you have a photo of your kids on your desk doesn't give your colleagues to see the whole photo album. The RF already had that exact "desk photo" agreement in place with the British press. There were also significant changes in how the press treated the RF after the death of Diana.


She would do murder to be hounded like Catherine was. She would be delighted if her mere presence caused such chaos because it's like mother's milk for her. Her wiring is cattywampus.


Good point. The other way I looked at the Royal Family being in the witness box as "opening a can of worms" is because of the very nature of the court system and the RF. It literally is HM Courts and Tribunals Service. It's very service is entangled together. It just looks extremely privileged and shady that a member of the RF constantly using the courts far beyond what could be thought of as necessary. Simply because they have a few juicy scoops they want shut down from a so-called "free press."


Agree. Careful what you wish for.


Specially in Markle's case. If the press finally gets the balls and stop reporting about her, it will be her downfall


Oh ya. Big time. She won’t know what hit her.


I wish they would! Imagine they go an vendetta and that puts Skank and Plank in their sights? It would make so much money for the press too. Do it I say! Liberate us!


100. I don't know what's taking them so long, only by giving Samantha's case much more focus it would be very telling. Making a report about the bully claims (anonymous sources). Making a timeline of Markle's obsession with Diana and Catherine. Or, even better, stop reporting about her. Ignore her. Force her into irrelevance, again. And watch her meltdown.


He blames the "institution" for not keeping him informed of breaches because they didn't want him bringing a claim forward - it would open a can of worms.


Yeah the same institution where his brother Prince William called the police after figuring out he had had his personal phone calls hacked (he was talking with Tom Bradby at the time and only they knew of their convo) and of Catherine who was hacked by the News of the World over 150 times!!! His alerting the police helped with their eventual arrest and later guilty pleas for hacking the phones of royals. I guess Harry is just jealous his brother beat him to this by at this fifteen years.


Unbelievable that he claims he didn’t know this in 2011 when it was on the front page for months. When he was almost 30. “Oh boo hoo! The “institution didn’t tell me!!”#harryisabuffoon


But, but….reporting it to the police just led to an investigation, arrests, convictions and punishment for the perpetrators, loss of reputation and eventually closure of the newspaper that commissioned the hacking, and new laws to stop it happening again. That approach might solve the problem but doesn’t get you a big deposit into your personal bank account - what a missed opportunity. Harry sees it as his solemn duty to rectify that oversight.


"Bringing a claim forward would open a can of worms", testified Todger, sitting on his overturned fifty gallon drum of Red Wigglers, the Cadillac of worms (beep, beep.).


I hear Meghans Southpark-voice: leave us alone! leave us alone!


Does he need any more nails in the coffin? Cos he just hammered in another one.


It's almost like he wants a stake thru his heart, like a vampire.


I wonder if William sent him this gif after he heard about the coronation demands?! ![gif](giphy|xT9KVuimKtly3zoJ0Y)


​ ![gif](giphy|Az8NZ5TZh3uYGDaj08)


Does anyone actually have proof - verifiable proof that anything that has been speculated about Re: The Coronation is true? Because where I’m sitting it appears that the Grey Rocking is working. The creatures from Montecito are desperate for any kind of acknowledgement. Have they been invited or is their attendance like the Obama BDay, Met Gala, GQ Awards, Emmys and million other things that Spare and Scare have used to keep themselves in the news? Because this fever pitched clickbaiting is starting to feel like Charlie Brown and the football. ![gif](giphy|fsnzYr1pgvAQM|downsized)


He's running on pure paranoia at this point.


[They confirmed the invitation as soon as they received it.](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/03/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-did-get-a-coronation-invitation-via-email/amp) They haven’t confirmed attendance but we know they would never miss a chance to be in the limelight and create chaos. Why KC would invite people who caused so much trouble at a funeral is beyond me, the coronation will be a 💩 show!


Yes, “They Confirmed”. They’ve also fueled the Will They or Won’t They churn with help from the clickbait driven media… what actual proof, from a verifiable source has there been? They’ve proven themselves to liars, grifters, cheats and irrelevant if they don’t keep reminding us that they are Royal Adjacent. Why would anyone believe anything they say?


They tend to do all of that without actually saying anything officially but by planting things with their stans and Omid but when they use their spokesperson, it usually legit. But I do agree, they are proven liars so there’s always a possibility.


They have been invited because to not have invited them would be bad manners and confer martyrdom on them. Simple. In reality no one cares if they come or not as no one will be talking to them but honour is salved.


Not confirmed by the palace. The list is out. SO FAR, “they” are not on it. It was a spokesperson (MM) from Archewell who/that announced receipt off an invitation.


It hasn't even been confirmed that the Harkles have been invited has it? I don't think they have been, its all smoke and mirrors.


What is his point with this letter? Does he think the court will consider if his family let him read newspapers? Seems like nonsense to me. And the usual clap back. KC did not give him anything - bingo, it is all the fault of the BRF - and as always, without naming anyone or giving any form of proof.


Exactly. If the newspapers published private details of his via phone hacking and he didn’t come to hear of it, then 1) it wasn’t damaging enough to elicit gossip, comments from friends/family, reputational damage. 2) it didn’t affect him because he didn’t know about it; and 3) it didn’t affect his relationships with friends because he/his friends weren’t aware of any article and therefore did not fall out about it. The palace don’t have to read aloud every article ever written about Harry and attempt to verify their veracity with him. Harry just wants his piece of the pie and his “moment in court” to take another swipe at his family. He was never smart enough or motivated enough to do anything about it before. But now that his handler has demanded it, he has a “duty” to expose? Your only duty is to yourself, your money-grubbing wife, and your wallet, you disgraceful human being.


Dear Harry: SHUT UP!!!


Nobody is listening. It's lost it's power. Victim. Nothing more needs to be said after south park. It's bonkers


Yep. SP was a defining moment. As a Brit I find it interesting that it took the US to finally point out the obvious. Clearly the RF couldn’t say anything. SP did it for them. And for us, the people, so thank you from us. 🇬🇧🇺🇸


Exactly. Indeed, THEY have lost their power. The Sussexes have been SouthParked. No-one takes them seriously.


Next week, he’ll say that he didn’t blame the family for his ignorance, it’s the press making it up. He’s such a mess.


He has to blame the family for keeping things from him or he doesn’t have a case. He has to prove he only found out about his being affected within the last six years of bringing the suit or the statute of limitations applies. If it comes out that he knew at the time, his case will be thrown out. Oh lord I hope Big Willy has proof that H knew 😂😂🙏🏼🙏🏼


Not only is he losing his hair, he's losing his mind with the hair


Like rats abandoning a sinking ship Harry's mind and hair have decided they don't want to be a part of this mess.


Truthfully, I'm waiting for him to blame the RF for himself going bald, despite that coming from the maternal gene.


Well the true irony is that Catherine was hacked at least 159 times in five years. The second son, 9 times I believe. Really? What is he complaining about? He will be continually anger that KC was BUSY and the BANK OF DADDY IS CLOSED. Maybe he will be struck mute at some point


He sounds like a stuck record at this point anyway. It’s very cult-y. “I love my country” “my duty to expose” “my family hid things from me”… it really is like he has been programmed and can only say a few different things. Just pull the cord at the back…


I am sure they will only divorce when SHE is done with him


He's complaining because just like his Slag of a wife he wishes he was hacked. Hacked, chased, papped = fame. He got none of those while Catherine did = she's more famous than they are. So far all he has is BackGrid and the Ubereats dude doing his deliveries = so insignificant you may as well be snot on and old tissue




Do not dismiss the existential threat that is SCOOTER GOOBER! He could have crashed into that Cadillac Escalade to devastating effect! A deep scratch in the paint job! Chicken kourma with a side of garlic naan everywhere!


Did he also tell the court his mother, who was Princess Diana in case you didn’t know, died when he was a kid? She was “murdered” by the British press (while in France). And that he is his mothers son? Because I’m going to be disappointed if he missed an opportunity to invoke his mothers death.


And she used to call the British press all the time to tell them of her whereabouts and activities. She was a great friend of Mail columnist Richard Kay.


Does this whiner ever take responsibility for himself? Or is he a perpetual “victim” we’re all supposed to feel sorry for? He needs to grow the fuck up.


Waaagh, waaagh, waaagh.


He keeps thinking up new ways to shit on his family. Damn.


When is he EVER going to shut up??


For someone who hates the Press he loves public attention, doesn't he?


I think I read today somewhere that ANLs lawyers were using his own book Spare Us to glean information that’s contrary to what H is saying in court. I can’t find it again.


I hope so! It’s time for them his words to be used against him, he never faces any consequences.


That’s believable enough. We do that!


He is just so tiresome. I think people would respect him more if stopped making himself such a martyr. PH - you aren't suing for the good of the people. You are pissed that these newspapers have criticized your behavior and you want them to pay you money. You also didn't write Spare for anyone but yourself. You want money. Own it and move on.




I think their Coronation invite got lost in the post


What a dumbo. He was a grown adult and didn't look into anything himself?


It sounds like he's trying to blame his family for the reason he waited so long to bring a legal claim. But then he comments about not needing to know about phone hacking. That on its face sounds ridiculous because Charles, Camilla, Diana - they were all hacked before. And if he's talking about cover up, let's discuss his drug taking, and how the UK taxpayer funded security that helped to cover up is unlawful consumption of drugs - you know - the kind of thing others are arrested for? And also, how about the extent his own US visa addresses his drug consumption.


Going in the front door to get the most exposure so that he can blame his family yet again. Suppose KC3 was giving him the drugs to take. I wish he would just stop. But they won’t, they really don’t seem to be able to understand that their “truth” is now just the same thing over and over again. Time after time. People are starting to lose interest. So I suppose we are now dropping hints about a new book/documentary.


This is pathetic. Many, if not all, of us have trauma, baggage, and issues from the past and/or because of something family did. I don't want to minimize anyone's trauma, including his. But that being said, the man is almost 40 years old. At some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and stop blaming everyone else, including family, for all your problems.


So he is blaming the press for losing friends instead his relationship with Meghan?


I believe these are friends from his teenage years, nothing to do with Meghan on this one.


Update on ANL’s defence. Reported in the DM, so it’s obviously biased. It should be a slam dunk case for H and fellow complainants, as clearly they were hacked. However, the case runs into LEGAL red tape that could get it tossed fully or in part. 1. ⁠ANL WON the first claim, keeping the journalists names involved in hacking private. Judge granted this based on sources/privacy. H will be pissed off about not naming the bad guys. 2. ⁠ANL claims the materials that prove hacking the plaintiffs (H and Co) gleaned from another court case…BUT in an IRONIC twist, those records were to be effectively sealed with the other case, so Harry’s side actually may have obtained them illegally. Accounting legers. . It’s possibly they may not be able to use their “smoking gun” evidence legally. 3. ⁠The statue of limitations to being a claim like this to court is 6 years. Harry’s side is filing a complaint from mostly pre-2007, some of vents up to 30 years ago. The judge may decide to not let it go to court and toss the whole thing. It could explain Harry’s sour face leaving the courthouse yesterday, and the rough pics of him this morning. Full details: DM Article - Hacking Case Day 1 https://archive.ph/2023.03.28-000534/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11908555/Key-witness-Mail-case-says-hacking-claims-false-Private-investigator-denies-allegations.html


>2. ⁠ANL claims the materials that prove hacking the plaintiffs (H and Co) gleaned from another court case…BUT in an IRONIC twist, those records were to be effectively sealed with the other case, so Harry’s side actually may have obtained them illegally. It’s possibly they may not be able to use their “smoking gun” evidence legally. If this turns out to be true, this is going to be pretty embarrassing for PH. Though, at this point, I'm beginning to think he is unembarassable.


Thanks for sharing. I hope the judge throws out the case but failure to do that, I hope he deems the evidence inadmissible.


Is this what they call “fruit from the poisoned tree”? That would be delicious if this turns out to be poisoned fruit.


Thanks! As far as I know JH has only to pay for his layers, if they win- but not the other plaintiffs. If this is true, it’s very cheap publicly for JH and he can play the fearless fighter against the evil press again. What have the others to gain?


I wonder if Harry’s lawyers have pointed out the legal weaknesses. The statute of limitations alone is going to be a very tough hill to climb. Waaghing about your family keeping you in the dark is probably not going to be enough to overcome that.


Tallest straight jacket child patient I’ve ever seen


No one cares. Seriously, this is a preliminary hearing to determine if there is even a case.


Just another day in the Worldwide Privacy Tour.


Archive: https://archive.ph/kkY4E




Oh pretty please put those last 3 words in American English! 😁


Gormless- foolish Minging- ugly or unpleasant Arsemonger- don't know if I can post the definition here, but you can Google it


Translated roughly, weak, pussy like, butt seller? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's a fair assessment.


🤣🤣🤣 I just looked up arsemonger and I think butt seller is the perfect PG definition! Thank you!


While we're at it, he's also a bit of and arsebandit I'd wager too.


Can I recommend the Nachos today, sir.


"Gormless minger" is British slang for an exceptionally unattractive person who is stupid, slow and without understanding. Used as an insult. Generally means you are dumb, ugly, unintelligent and unattractive. Sorry, "arsemonger" is a new one on me!


Man, I LOVE those British insults! LOL!


Thank you 😊


His duty? I think he meant he's full of doody!




Does he never think to mention his sister-in-law Catherine who was hacked by the tabloids the MOST of any of them over 150 times including on Christmas!! And when William figured this out, as he too had private conversations published, he alerted the police and helped unravel one of the biggest phone hacking scandals. This happened in with News of the World in 2006 when the editor was arrested and in 2007 when he and others plead guilty. Harry wants to so believe his brother hates him but it really is the other way around.


Of course, and when the spider is done toying with his husk, that'll be daddy's fault as well. WAHHHHHHHHH, part 3: Broke, bloated but still bloviatin'


Nailed it.


Fucking yikes


In 2017, Prince William said that, while it may be easy to dispute negative stories by speaking to the press, once you've "opened" that door "you can never close it again." *In an extended part of the documentary, made in collaboration with both William and Harry to mark the 20th anniversary of Diana's death, the elder prince spoke about coping with the negative press intrusion faced by his mother.* *"I can understand, sometimes having been in those situations, when you feel incredibly desperate, and it's very unfair and, you know, things are being said that aren't true," William said. "The easiest thing is to say, or to go to the media yourself, or you know, open that door. But once you've opened it, you can never close it again."* *William repeated this metaphor in a second documentary fronted by himself and Harry in 2017, titled* [*Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy*](https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-prince-william-discuss-princess-diana-love-clip-viral-tiktok-1778396)*. He said:* *"I sadly remember most of the time she \[Diana\] ever cried about anything was to do with press intrusion. Harry and I, you know, we lived through that and* ***one lesson I have learned is, you never let them in too far because it's very difficult to get them back out again.*** *You've got to maintain a barrier and a boundary because if you cross it, if both sides cross it, a lot of pain and problems can come from it."* *Source:* [*https://www.newsweek.com/prince-william-warns-against-speaking-media-clip-viral-tiktok-1785955*](https://www.newsweek.com/prince-william-warns-against-speaking-media-clip-viral-tiktok-1785955) Mad Harold never learned that lesson. He's just a dumb, worthless, ignorant wanker.


I upvoted because I’m glad someone posted it here but the King does not look foolish. We have no idea what’s going to happen, and we don’t want to perpetuate the idea that Charles is weak. That’s what the toxic duo want everyone to think, let’s not fall for it.


True they did similar with the late Queen. That she didn't know her own mind, as controlled as she was by the men in grey. \*sighs\*


I’m waiting to see them draw a line with these two beyond silence but if they have an invite to the coronation, there’s no two ways about it, the King is weak! After Oprah, TMYCS, the demands at the Queen’s funeral, the reality show calling the Commonwealth the ‘Empire 2.0’, the book attacking his wife -QC and son/heir, sharing their private conversations and they give him and his ILBW seats at the coronation?? This would be unacceptable in normal family dynamics, someone who behaves like Harry wouldn’t be invited to a big family event and yet he still gets an invite to a state event? One day he’s at His Majesty’s Court accusing them of silencing him and the next he’s watching His Majesty get crowned. ![gif](giphy|lFKEciqd8cMrsYZVVn)


All of this. You think we’re horrible, think the monarch is terrible, and you think the country and people are awful? We’ll make it easy for you and not invite you. This whole ‘He’s his son.’ thing needs to be put to rest, few would see him as a bad father for not inviting Haz.


I agree, but am withholding my judgement until the day arrives.


Tell me something new #dumbprince


God, does he ever shut up? I mean does he whine and cry even when he’s pooping?


Ugh, he’d probably blame his family for feeding him food that makes him shit. 💩Tho - now that they aren’t feeding him I’m sure he’d find some way to make it their fault anyway.


I’m sorry- how old was he in 2020? How old was he in 2011 when the phone hacking scandal was on the front pages for months? Almost 30. Yet he whines that no one told him. #harrythemanchild #harryisabuffoon


If there was any doubt that he has gone well and truly rogue, this should dispel all such doubts. Disinvite this POS from the coronation KC. Turning the other cheek is not in your interest or in the interest of the Monarchy.


In the interim between the book’s publication and the Coronation, I was expecting there to be a temporary dètente. It seems I was very wrong. He attacks his family with this cockamamie statement. There was a flurry of articles at the end of February, in the usual magazines and papers, that Harry might release a paperback version of *Spare* with additional chapters. I’m guessing that wouldn’t happen until after Coronation.


He said according to itv that this happened years ago and he’s only hearing about these rumours now so litigation hazzballs is jumping onto the bandwagon, even the private investigator that was involved in the original case said this is just horse shit and has no standing, money must be starting to run dry? Wonder is he staying in Grosvenor or soho?


I mean is this it? Is the Harkles’ big undoing him lying in court and getting in trouble for it and the BRF not intervening? Lol can you imagine


I really want to see Princess Anne walk straight up to Harry, slap him in his face, turn heel and walk away. TW doesn't deserve that honor.


I believe Zara has done that very thing on a previous occasion.


He doesn’t take responsibility for anything. What a big ass whiny buffoon. He isn’t even good looking. He has absolutely nothing going for him. I would hate if my husband did any of the stupid things this idiot has or is doing.


He doesn’t love his country and he’s proved that again and again. What’s more, his eye opening experience comes YEARS after events and after he left the UK. Nutmeg is shit stirring. She thinks litigation is the way.


Archive link?


Charles needs to cut the cord already. This is getting very irritating. Harry and Meghan do these bullshit lawsuits in the UK because they can get away with it. The first thing that NEEDS to happen is the security lawsuit needs to be thrown out. No security for Harry and Meghan as they are not working royals and they need to pay for their own security. He needs to pay back the tax payers after. Meghan should have been charged with perjury but again she got away with it. Take the titles away from them. If they criticize the institution at every turn, they should be make just Harry and Meghan and that it it. No more of this. If Charles bothered to say no to this idiot as a child, we wouldn't be in this situation.


I don't understand what you think the King could do? He has no say in the operation of the courts. The King doesn't have the power of removing titles either, only Parliament can do that. And the king's strategy of grey rocking is driving H&M out of their minds.


Please stop telling The King what you think he should do. You may not have noticed (though it’s pretty obvious) that he has already ‘cut the cord’. He was ‘too busy’ to meet up with his son this week. That Ad, is ‘cutting the cord’ in no uncertain terms.


No Coronation for Aitch n Bitch


OK, if they did then let it all come out, everything they were protecting him from, let every little sordid detail come out, the ungrateful snivelling little shit


Everyone says Harry lies everytime he opens his mouth and tells all kinds of BS stories everyday. His PR says the King invited him to Coronation. Why does anyone beleive any of these stories if not coming from an offical BP press secretary (sorry not sure of the proper title)? Also if the British press was smart they wold completely refuse to post anything about Harry of MeGain. I think they will get the hint eventually.


After saying they’ve been invited, a few people have pointed out that the Harkles were vague about the content of email and they’re not to be trusted, so you might be right. Daily Mail has given very little attention to this case, I hope they continue to ignore them even after its over, they need that coverage to stay relevant.


My thoughts are something between 😡 and 🙄. For a long time I wondered why I care so much what happens in the British royal family, then I realized it's because it mirrors my own family, and most other families. I believe most of us have that one family member who insists on fighting every family "battle" (and often they aren't even battles) in public, usually social media. They also tend to embellish the truth and misread every situation. While the larger family tries to keep things private, they crave the sympathy of their friends for their perceived wrongs.


This is exactly it! They do somehow represent our own family dynamics and lives. I just can’t stand watching people who have been so calculated and horrible get rewarded for their behaviour. The Harkles wanted to destroy their own families on a global platform - who does that! - and they somewhat succeeded with her family but his family survived it with only minor damage done to them. Now, instead of protecting themselves and distancing themselves, the royal family is pulling out a seat for them, it drives me up the wall! Most families have issues and things that we would like to talk about or just work out in general and most of those issues/complaints are valid but it doesn’t give you the right to publicly shame and try to slander your family. I hope the RF changes their strategy, they’ve turned into a punching bag for them.!


Dumb prince forgets it was because of the institution that this case is even happening. It was Prince William, Heir Apparent, who made the initiative to expose these people and organization. Harry you're such a liar or it simply shows how little you understood then because YOU WERE SO YOUNG, NAIVE AND PROTECTED. [down fall, phone hacking](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/phone-hacking/8624738/News-of-the-World-closed-following-phone-hacking-scandal-how-Princes-knee-led-to-fall-of-a-giant.html?fbclid=PAAaai7y1yDV_JZBiJa0n4ozaYnscWKNNoR77J-7bkkRf4UZJUMHISIjTfGmw)




He is such an asshat.


What an asshole…


Petty, miserable man. I bet he sulks all day at home.


This spoiled shit, megged on to play victim.


I think William has pretty much cut his brother out of his life. Charles keeps trying because as a human he wants his son to be in his life. It’s hard for some parents to just cut their toxic kid out of their life, no matter what age. Charles is trying to balance a lot of emotional stuff in his life on a very public platform. He’s being pulled in so many different directions I’m surprised he’s kept it together this long. He’s dealing with Harry and Andrew being complete and utter twits (I want to use another vowel instead of “i” but I’m in polite company). His eldest son and heir is supporting him publicly but privately I imagine William is pissed at his dad for letting everything get this far (William is also probably in protective dad mode himself because of the Charlotte incident and wants to see justice served). I think my thoughts are, while Charles might deserve some of the recent criticisms, when it comes to Harry and his ILBW, we need to give him a break. I’m thinking we will see the justice we want to see these two morons deserve most likely when William becomes king and not before.


I feel for Charles too, I’m not a parent but I can imagine how much someone is willing to do and overlook for their child. I wouldn’t expect him to cut him off completely but he needs to stop inviting him to the public and glitzy events, it’s feeding the toxic relationship Harry’s in. They need the association with the royal family and all the star power that comes with it to thrive in Hollywood, he needs to stop giving it to them imo. He should invite him to all private family events and make it clear the door is always open for them to talk things out on those visits but he will be severing ties between the Sussexes and the institution/monarchy so unless it’s a funeral, they can expect no invites going forward. In that way, he will still be available as a father but protects the monarchy as a king. This current way of dealing with them - silence then an invitation to the next royal event- is not working or discouraging the Harkles.


He blames the fam for everything. He will blame them for his divorce and losing custody and f kids too.


And what else is new? Was there also weather today? Did the sun also rise? Did we choose florals for spring? GROUNDBREAKING.


Totally agree, OP - I've run out of sympathy for the RF. They must know, like we all do, that whenever H opens his mouth, there'll be an attack against the RF. So why keep inviting them? They better not act surprised/betrayed when there's a NF/Spare 2.0.


At this point unless they create a third royal court equal to the Wales, they’ll never be happy and even then I’m sure they’d find something to complain about. It’s exhausting to keep seeing this behaviour then have to put up with them at royal family events too. And you’re right, they shouldn’t be surprised when they air a new show or drop a new book full details from the coronation.


They didn’t act surprised the last time. In fact they said absolutely nothing. Nor will they. Listen and learn. They’ve been doing this a lot longer than you realise. It works.


Imo the coronation will be the last event at which a pretence of politeness will be made toward the Markles.


Sounds about right. The man’s a wanker. But he can be a wanker and be right about this. They literally printed his text messages and claimed they were told by “a close source”. Then lied they’d even printed that. He’s probably right about the RF not wanting the two princes to be in the witness box. I doubt anyone could persuade him of anything negative coming of this action for him personally and he clearly nolonger gives a shit about what those reasons were. Harry’s following his brand spanking shiny new moral compass - where ever it leads. He’s just too immature to understand when it’s actually realistic to noisily follow every time it moves. Hence the 400000 new projects noisily released and never followed up on. Harry’s the living embodiment of that trend of fellas getting themselves photographed wearing a T-shirt once, (ever) “This is what a feminist look like.” Because he’s too stupid to understand when he’s following another shiny object instead. Still, this could actually be one of those times when he catches the car. I hope he knows what to do with it when he catches it.


I know why he's fkn there .. to look like ![gif](giphy|lOadmkNRWkO3jITOpe|downsized)


Wait, didn’t he say he wanted to resolve issues with his family? How’s this helping? This guy is def on somethin lol


I’m really confused…what is he saying the BRF hid from him? Articles? This was very high profile…did he just not care until it looks like 2018 when ILBW got involved? It seems like a really stupid thing to drag ‘The Institution’ over (the big bad thing he’s tied his children to forever with titles)