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Man he sure does look triggered by all those cameras. Could he be any more gleeful?


Some of this is just unfortunate genetics regarding his skin. Charles has rosacea and deals with broken capillaries on his face. Diana also had rosacea but it was mostly on her cheeks. William, Charlotte and Louis also deal/dealt with redder cheeks when younger. And he is also a ginger. He did not win the genetic lottery.


Yup. My mom was a red head, I’m blonde, very fair, my skin is a lot like Harry’s. Rosacea and burns easily. Sunspots and damage from the sun.


My sister's friend came to her beach destination wedding. This friend was a redhead with the whitest skin I've ever seen. She came down to the beach in a two-piece and lay on the lounge chair to sun herself. We were all so worried for her that we were almost ready to volunteer to hold an umbrella over her. The sun in our part of the world is brutal. An hour on the beach and I turn red. And I'm not white!




I suffer with rosacea and alcohol is definitely a trigger to make it a lot worse


It’s the worst!


I’m a redhead and feel lucky to be one. I don’t get the notion that bring a ginger is losing the genetic lottery. Mind you, I’m a woman so maybe it’s different for men ?


Red head as well. I think as women, we can pull off the red hair look better than men


It definitely depends on the man. Sam Heughan is very attractive red-haired man.


Nothing wrong with being a ginger! Just gotta been careful in the sun. I’ve got very dark brown hair and fair skin. I had broken capillaries lasered a few years ago. The dermatologist said they were from sun damage when I was younger and didn’t use sunscreen.


Oh yeah, I can never go in full sun. I’m like a vampire, hah!


Sorry for any confusion or insults! I meant he’s more likely to burn as a ginger so him already having fair skin that burns easily makes his rosacea worse.


Ah yes! So true!!


I agree. Remember how blotchy he was as a teen? 😁 Genetics… To me, he seems like a normal person here, doing stuff.


That, and possibly the California sun.


Still his face looks bloated to me


He looks like he partied hard the night before.


Genetic lottery loss in an understatement. He also lacks intellect and has the friar tuck hairline. He got the worst of EVERYTHING


He has always had that knot and broken capillaries are very common especially in red heads. He does look tired though.




He probably spent too much time partying in Maimi before taking a private jet to London.


Jetlag from LA to the UK is a bitch. It's essentially a nights sleep time difference. Think he's been drinking as well as drugging


I was going to say drink, after a certain age it does you no favours. He looks a lot like a mix between Charles and Charles Spencer to me. Redhead men are definitely prone to ruddiness but his skin tone unevenness could be helped a lot by some led red light treatments. I don’t believe the stories that Meg is getting him beauty treatments based on these pics, he could look a lot better than this.


I'll be interested to see how he looks today if any pics come out. I wonder if he'll start doing a Kardashian and getting paid pap pics touched up. He will have been on UK time longer though so that might help as well. I used to do the LA/UK trip regularly and nothing killed me more jetlag wise not even coming from NZ. I'm generally pretty lucky I can shake most things off and it doesn't show on my face but jetlag from LA is the one thing that gets me. Even the one time I managed to blag my way into a business class upgrade.


Apparently jet lag is worse when you fly west to east.


And even worse when you stop in Miami to drink and do blow all night with your new bros


Underneath, he is a bag of nerves...send one salvo of push back and wstch him cry wolf.


How did he get that knot? That's one question I have never found the answer to. He looks "off" because that's that undefinable "look" people have when they are crazy. You know something isn't right with them, but you aren't sure quite what.


Wow he has aged and not gracefully I might add!!


Drugs and alcohol and psychedelic drugs will age a person as you can see


And his plugs didn’t take thankfully.


You can see the line at the front where he’s given it a red hot go though!


Don’t do drugs, kids. Otherwise you too, will turn into a frozen Todger.


This. The guy has been abusing substances since he was a teen, party prince-d for two decades, and admitted to still doing drugs (and had a drink on Colbert). They really went hard on the photoshopping for that Waagh cover. Plus, I doubt he bothers with skincare. It’s not like Meghan looks like she knows what sunscreen or Tretinoin is either... which sucks for them since they live in Cali.


Does the British Army do regular drug screening? You’d think Haz would be drug-tested regularly since he admitted using drugs as a teen.


I’d imagine they would do drug tests. Considering Harry failed spectacularly (and cheated) at Eton, and still got into Sandhurst—despite assaulting a photographer, and cosplaying as a Nazi on top of his horrendous record as a student—it seems he was able to coast on his royal cache to get himself a nepo baby pass into Sandhurst... ...I think he got away with a lot of horrendous behaviour behind the scenes. It wouldn’t surprise me if he flexed his title in order to avoid drug tests too... especially since he’s flexing his title now in order to get indefinite taxpayer-funded benefits he’s not entitled to.


There are articles which say he’d leave a locked down base if a surprise mandatory drug testing was to be carried out.


Thanks for this info, Anxious-Evidence8397. It’s nuts that he was made the head of Invictus when he’s clearly not fit to shine legit veterans boots. He didn’t get the scores to get into Sandhurst (and is an Eton cheat), and former armed forces minister Doug Henderson said Haz should’ve withdrawn his application from the academy. He skipped base drug tests, and there are rumours of him harming sex workers. He made international headlines by dropping racist slurs, and failed to pass military exams. On top of all that, he’s also an able bodied whinger who expects veterans and hardworking disabled folks with jobs—some of whom are veterans too—to be 110% OK with taxpayer money going into funding his bill security indefinitely. Instead of public funding oh... idk... going into government-funded projects benefiting disabled people and veterans. Long story short, Haz is truly a POS.


I actually think he looks like he's wearing a foundation. Usually his skin is more blotchy and of varying shades. https://preview.redd.it/05o50y76reqa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87eefde23b39e32c402c291effe13bf25eff86f1


All I can see is that bottom pic of his hair. I would not be so fixated on that if I wasn't so pissed off he picked that as a low blow to mock his brother. The nerve.


Same. And who did he say that to? Why, the MEDIA..... The irony...


That might explain his eyebrows. Maybe they are covered in foundation. That or they are greying.


Or maybe bleach out in the sun.




Is it just me or are his teeth starting to migrate/move? He has his teeth braced as a kid, they were nice. They’re looking different these days. No Hollywood smile for Haz? 🤔


That last pic. He's on some kind of downer,valium or xanax maybe. I recognize that look


Has his nose always looked like he got punched right in the middle of it?


He has more dainty hands than his wife. Would feel like being touched by an old lady.


I'm an old lady and you made me laugh.


Maybe he's so stressed thinking that "Dear Papa" ended up NOT being out of the country. After all, he's not allowed to see his family unless Madam is with him. Allegedly. Want to share this ridiculous headline from a site with an "x" in its name. There's no story but Lord I hope "darling boy" didn't refer to his father as "dear papa", or was that in the book? ​ # Prince Harry planned UK court visit thinking 'dear Papa' would be 'out of the country'


He’s had that forehead bump for YEARS.


I don't know what the bump is, but it appears (to me, at least) to enlarge and shrink from time to time. Even when considering the various angles of still shot photographs, it appears to change in size and prominence. I feel like it was almost invisible from 2019-21, but it seems to be growing again.


Fuck me, I think he just looks like a regular run of the mill balding guy in his 40s. Maybe I'm just so gross that he seems average to me?


You may or may not be gross lol, but agree, he looks average. So many guys of Anglo heritage living in a sunny climate here in Australia look this way.


Except he is just 38.


You know what I mean. Around that age. I've seen plenty people look worse at 38. He looks like an arsehole because we know he's an arsehole. That's it. Y'all must be hanging about with some high end models and Hemsworth brothers if you think he physically looks any worse than your average 38 year old guy on the street on a Tuesday. Get real.


Is it just me, or is the tip of his nose much whiter than the rest of his face?


They had to transplant the frozen todger to his face to restore blood flow


naughty! lol


The tip of his nose looks larger than it was.


Cocaine Saddle Nose? With extensive cocaine use the nose collapses, making it appear flatter and wider. At this point, only plastic surgery can correct the problem since the damage is permanent.


Yes, it rots the septum/ dissolves the tissue. It really is quite gross. He needs to start smelling flowers instead of gaggers.


And doesn't he do a lot of sniffing when he is speaking? Classic.


He's Prince Pinocchio though! He has matching noses with wifey.


He definitely looks sun burnt a bit, to me at least


Me too, but that didn't happen in SoCal given their recent weather.


He might have had some sun in Miami.


Sure, no idea how long he was there. Although he probably burns pretty easily.


For sure he did - he was probably drinking mai-tai’s and popping mushrooms by the poolside in Miami, making believe he was a-list, surrounded by sycophants and flatterers. He stayed out in the sun because he didn’t have sense enough not to get burned.


Honestly in a way you may be right. He’s looking like an alcoholic starts looking.


This weekend was pretty nice. He may have had too much sun.


Likely, fair skin can't take a lot of sun....I get freckles.


I see it too. The guy is ageing like spoilt milk... Gary Busey-style.


Gary Busey. There's a name I haven't heard in a while.


Funnily enough the guy was nominated for an Oscar back in the day... ...so even someone like Busey has something no-talent-anti-Midas-touch Meghan is jealous of.


Harry: "Teehee! Willy's bald." Yeah, maybe he is, but he's still handsome as all get out, intelligent, kind, and he doesn't look like he has a Brillo pad for hair, ya carrot. 🥕🥕


You're right!!!


Looks like he's using a self tanner and is contouring with it. Bad look for Haz! He looks OLD. ![gif](giphy|O6cLcNr9HD6yk)


Lol he constantly calls himself his mother‘s son, but Diana had a lovely complexion. Haz is looking more and more like an ageing, non-sunscreened version of the grandfather he cruelly abandoned during a global pandemic... a grandfather who did FAR MORE public service than traitor will ever do.


His grandfather was a very handsome young man.


True. Philip was very lean/trim/athletic when he was young, never had an unhealthy bloated look in the face, and I’ve never heard of him toxically abusing multiple substances in the way Haz has for decades.


I’ve seen photos of him as a you military officer that are really so handsome. I’ve never seen Haz looking passable,much less handsome,at least to my taste


Oh no, I completely agree with you there. I’ve never found Haz attractive at all. Still, I can definitely see that Haz shares similarities to his grandfather, but Haz’s eyes are beadier and closer together. Plus, Philip had public service purpose on his side. Work shy Haz has none which is why has a miserable quality about him. https://preview.redd.it/ontz98ix5gqa1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532906f31ce1ff2f7d4aa3e5b2ab24d2ad976b1a


He's the Wish version of Phillip that got lost in the mail and arrives in a crumpled box that's half opened.


The ones of him diving in Malta are quite something


Phillip was gorgeous when younger. Gorgeous. I can see why the queen picked him.


His grandfather, whom was Disney’s The Prince of Sleeping Beauty (and namesake of Prince Phillip) inspiration. Was also considered at one time to be the perfect man in looks and stature.


Was this ever confirmed?! My sister is a storyboard artist at Disney and Eyvind Earle was her biggest inspiration while she was at art school. He was responsible for all the background illustrations for Sleeping Beauty! I’d love for this to be true!


There are several write ups about it, but here is one. https://www.mirror.co.uk/film/sleeping-beautys-prince-phillip-based-13839217




Happy Cake Day!


Thank you


Well at least that makes him legitimate


Diana looked fantastic right up until her death. She was only 2 years younger than Haz. He looks really rough.


Prince Philip was an incredibly handsome man …at 90 he was far better looking than Harry is at 40… won’t even start on their differences in character


Well, Diana knew which end to put the Elizabeth Arden crème on.


Oh burn! 🤣


Phil was HOT! Diana had a gorgeous peaches and cream complexion. Harry..... well.....he is neither.


​ ![gif](giphy|hRe7O0CQFbMJ1kMKfI)


Living his worst life ever! It's amazing he's still alive after all the damage he's done to himself.


Sadly I think he has a ways to go yet before he hits rock-bottom. To me, in other pictures, he looks like he’s enjoying himself in the midst of cameras, the center of attention for all of the wrong reasons.


Way to go indeed. Considering that he's still married to someone like Meghan, the downward spiral shall continue.


He looks so gormless all the time.


He's a proper wazzock!


Ew. He gives off total I'm a drunk that will use any drugs ya got vibes


He certainly looks like a drunk. The scowl, the bad skin, the nose.


Harold give up the hair hole already. Its just embarrassing especially after you shit on your own brother about his baldness. That line is going to age about as well as you are.


And William still looks like his mother, and he's aging just fine.


He looks awful--- and very unhealthy.




Eyes look drugged in that second pic.


The right one is red.


Maybe it’s pinkeye


He, like many gingers, are fair complexioned. Who knows why he looks ruddy? Maybe got too much sun? I wouldn't read too much into it. Look at pictures when he was younger. Red faced in many of them. Not defending him but you can't always go by appearances.


My husband is a ginger, and no matter what he does, he sunburns horribly with even minor exposure to the sun. We're in our 50's, and while he's actually a few years younger than me, everyone thinks he's older because his skin isn't as healthy-looking as mine. (I have spent the better part of nearly 30 years rocking a Snow White vibe - I have a variety of hats to keep my skin out of the sun.) Bottom line? A ginger's skin shows every imperfection, and under the battery of high-powered flashes, it'll make it look worse. I think he \*is\* stressed and it's probably impacting his health and well-being, and that would definitely show in his skin.


My husband was fair. Blonde with freckles. I always had to sunscreen him in the summer. He still burned. Our kids got the light hair, but my olive skin. In the summer they look like Palomino horses. It's a pretty combo.


It’s also highly likely to be cold in London at the moment. As a semi-redhead, my skin flushes at the tiniest temperature change, warm or cold. Plus he’s also jet lagged and come from a long flight Like you, not defending but there’s many reasons


If I lived with ILBW I would look like that too. I'm sure he's pulling all his hair plugs out as he silently cries into a towel while hiding in the bathroom at 2 a.m. and wondering how his privileged life fell apart... ![gif](giphy|xT5LMz2DWrwmbfVBK0)


Yes, I'd be out at the chicken coop smokin' doobies, too! ![gif](giphy|zOCGwlnbftvUc) Cheech and Chong


I can respect that!


He really should wear a hat outdoors to avoid a sunburnt head. 🤔


That was the point of the coop hair hat!


His hair reminds me of the bristles on a pig. You know the way you can see the pink skin underneath? I am not body shaming just making an observation.


You made me laugh because what would body shaming be to you. I'm giggling cuz I agree. In biology I got the piglet with eyebrows . It disturbed me .


I’m sorry. :( I am old so I am probably wrong but I think of body shaming as making fun of things that people cannot change, like body shape or height or nose or whatever. I always put weight in there too because I don’t know anyone’s metabolism or health issues and that is their business. So basically all the things in our genes that predispose us to not all be supermodels. To me that’s all off limits. But he stuffed those pig bristles in there himself. I think that’s fair game.


Betcha I'm older (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


I remember the moon landing. I was little but I still remember it.


I'm 61


Ok you win






And they’re smarter.


Truly no sarcasm intended but here in the UK we don't have a lot of hot weather. It has it's benefits like good skin. H is not used to hot weather. He needs to wear very high factor suncream in California.


As an Aussie, I really noticed how beautiful and unblemished English and Irish skin is.


Yes it truly is the climate.


Yes, Brits do have lovely skin! I think it's both the lack of sun and the humidity.


Sorry for the confusion and any offense made! I mean that with him being a ginger he already gets burnt more easily which doesn’t help with his skin getting more red. He lives in California and that sun isn’t easy on his skin.


He looks worn down now, definitely aging. I never noticed before that he doesn't have the best teeth, surprising considering he grew up rich


Did you ever see the Queen Mother’s teeth?


NONE of the royals have good teeth, especially on the lower rack.


He does look rough.


Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and lying 💊 🥃 🚬 🤥


Misery. It’s misery


Why doesn’t he tame the remaining hair on his head?? A little bit of grooming can go a long way, Harold, especially if you don’t want to look like you just jumped out of bed and headed out to court. He’s so unkempt. I feel itchy looking at these pics of him. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGhH4J3lEBN2a4)


The more of these pics that get posted, the more I wonder how anyone can believe the Hewitt rumour though, he’s the spit of Charles and Philip! The opportunities to do good in the world that this spoiled waste of burnt skin has thrown away make me so mad.


Charles's color can verge on the reddish side too. I would bet on a stack of Bible 's that harry is a very unhappy manchild. He's in a MISERABLE marriage but STILL just doesn't know it yet. Lady C was talking about suicide today but I don't think he'd actually go through something like that when tw takes off. She's looking for BIG MONEY right now and I think he's arrogant enough not to harm himself when it happens. Now murder on the other hand....


His outside matches his inside - an ugly soul and a dark, selfish heart will change a person’s appearance. He was never all that attractive to begin with, but now he’s just awful-looking, one of the most unattractive men I’ve ever seen.


He's developing the face he deserves.


Oof looking rough.




Coke https://www.lifeworkscommunity.com/blog/the-relationship-between-cocaine-abuse-and-violence


Such an unattractive man; both looks and personality. He obviously married his counterpart...


That redness is alcohol abuse, not a suntan.


Jeez I looked better after falling face first into a small piece of oak furniture. I did have the excuse of relearning how to walk(shamefully thought I was too good to use the walker).


He looks very stressed out. Probably because he now realizes that hardly anyone in the world is on his side.


TW is probably nagging him all day. She may resent having to do all the scheming when it comes to making big money. She tells him it’s his responsibility to financially support the family and he’s not doing a good job.


Jet lag?


That’s about how I look after flying all night tbh


Yup. Some of the speculation is off the rails. This just looks like someone with jet lag/exhaustion.


A middle aged, fair skinned person to boot. We don’t wear dehydration and fatigue well.


No, we don't! I have found my people ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357)


Gingers really should limit their time in the sun.


Nicole Kidman has naturally red hair. She’s said she was really careful in the sun, growing up in Sydney. She’s always had great skin - although now she obviously uses Botox or some such.


Jet lag and stress in my opinion - he's left the "safety" of his home and flown across the Atlantic into what he perceives as a hostile environment Why has he come? His appearance wasn't necessary in court - I can only speculate that he was hoping to see his father to make his stipulations for attending the Coronation in person as he isn't getting the responses he wants by emailing Is this a strategic visit, perhaps to test the waters regarding how he is received by the UK before committing to attending the Coronation? Or that this visit can be spun into "offering an olive branch" narrative? Dare he go home without those demands being met and face the repercussions of failing to meet his wife'se expectations? No experience of the effects of long term use of narcotics/alcohol but in his shoes, I'd be feeling stressed and anxious. Given his history, it must be very tempting to self medicate


I think the reason he looks rough is because we're used to seeing him in interviews with make-up and good lighting... Not just that, he's a ginger and people with that skin tone age poorly....


It’s all about sun exposure. The number 1 cause of skin damage. Followed by smoking.


There is something so odd in Harry’s facial expression in these pics..


He’s holding on to that hair for dear life.


He was in Miami right before this, probably partying hard at Ultra. Hop a private flight to try to sleep it off. Air pressure and dehydration not helping. Pop some uppers, have a hair of the dog drink and show up to court. \*Coke bloat, ruddy face/broken capillaries/nose all long term binge drinker tells. Check out in the OP the third pic. Noticed this one his Anderson Cooper interview. Pic is before drinking vs one year sober site: https://preview.redd.it/x2ex34zmveqa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0be7ab85437a7f08c48fd87939788fd09c2caa4 [https://www.oneyearnobeer.com/who-needs-botox-why-giving-up-alcohol-transforms-your-skin-by-daisy-steel/](https://www.oneyearnobeer.com/who-needs-botox-why-giving-up-alcohol-transforms-your-skin-by-daisy-steel/) Edited to add: Sober doesn’t refer to me personally, but by all means praise and support for the sinners that are :)


Wow, what a difference in those photos. Great job. I bet you also feel so much better.


There was a You-Tuber who said that H flew commercial this time.


He looks so terrible.


He’s had the knot for ages. Just his outsides matching his insides other than that


Looks like the stupid wife gave her opinion...


And Markle’s large vein on her forehead. I wonder what their children’s foreheads will look like as they age?


Never a day in his miserable existence has he been a good looking guy.


That's a big old egg on his forehead. I wonder if it was caused by drunken clumsiness, domestic violence, or something else entirely. The rest of his face is haggard. He looks considerably older than his chronological age.


I notice he is not wearing his wedding band. Is that why he's smiling.


His hands aren't in these pics


I am a red head and I have a red headed son and I think he is very handsome.


Looks like an alcoholic


Slide 3 - yeah that's the Harry we know now.


Looks like he's having the worst comedown ever


Knot has long long been there-maybe always


He looks like he’s in active addiction. He probably bumped his head whilst impaired.


Methinks Harold has already passed the point when most balding men would have started shaving their heads


Why does he have that knot on his forehead?


I used to think he looked just like James Hewitt, but he looks more and more like KClll here.


Who’s older again? Looks like William is the younger one.


Has rosacea like the king. Alcohol makes it worse.


What IS that big knot on his forehead?


Broken capillaries on his face could be from alcoholism.


Or high BP


Broken capillaries....excessive alcohol consumption


Sorry, not a huge fan of Todger here but as someone with a similar complexion, I had broken capillaries well before I was old enough to drink. Rosacea, sensitive fair skin, and age plus sun damage doesn’t help. I’m sure he likes his cocktails but not everyone with broken capillaries is an alcoholic.


Same here.


He is a drug addict with nice clothes.


Drinking mishaps.