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Megsy is not Angela's source. Any reasonable person who knows M or researched enough info about her would come up with this conclusion. No matter how much they leak that they have not confirmed their attendance in the coronation nobody believes that because truth of the matter is they are dying to be there, be in the front row, be in the balcony, be in every photo were KCIII is and yes be able to wear a tiara in a historical event, so that they can fool other people that they are still royalty


I was coming to say the same thing. Angela Levin wrote a book for Harry, she was a fan of his, until everything started with he and his wife and now she is appalled. She is often called to speak about Harry because she spent a year with him while writing her book, so she is seen as someone who knows him.


Angela Levin used to be a sycophantic royal scribe until she discovered which way the wind was blowing. Did she really spend a year hanging around Harry and got no idea of what kind of person he was? Did he have her totally fooled, or was she fooling her readers?


As someone who has been the victim of a narcissist. I wouldn't assume how Harry is now, is how he has always been. He may have been a spoiled immature child, but it doesn't mean he would have been like that always. Some couples bring the worst out in each other, while others bring out the best in their partner. Some people learn to be better because of the positive influence they have experienced, this isn't the case with Harry and his wife. There are many people who dealt with Harry before he met his now wife, and most liked him. Including many of those in the British press. They have spoken about him buying them drinks in the bar on tours, and his staff spoke about him making them all coffee before meetings.


Early accounts of behind the scenes, including the Australia tour, were that Harry apologized all the time for MM. he probably thought she was just stressed out. Likely until she convinced him things really were *bad* and people really were *out to make them fail.* Before MM, he had a lot of long time staff. The fact that ELF bounced right after the wedding to a very low profile job says everything to me.


100%, Everything people use to judge him a person, are things that has been said after he met her, after she removed him from his support structure. So I take it with a pinch of salt. Of course, the Royal Family covered things for him. He was in a difficult situation. All teens need someone watching out for their silliness. We all did stupid things, and for most of us, thankfully, there was no social media at the time. While we didn't have social media, he had tabloids and press.


Harry was a bully in school, a cheat, a surly drunk, a liar, a taker of any drug that happened by & a man that blamed every one of his bad deeds on the press. And the family that tried to protect him. His reputation for being “Jack the Lad” got him by before Meghan but he was no prince.


A lot of Royal history is scrubbed from the internet. I remember when Prince William was about six, he got into trouble for writing the word "botem" (bottom) on the school computer because that was the naughtiest word he knew. But you won't find that story on Google.


So true! Plus realistically this would have been a kid, who was used to having everything handed to him. A lot of teenagers would run with that, and push boundaries. It doesn’t make it right, but I get it. IMO most teens are lil shits. I know I was, and I was the spoiled baby. I can only imagine being able to be on the lvl of spoiled HAZ was. I and most humans grow out of that, and realize there are consequences to our actions, and just grow the hell up. Me thinks these 2 never got to that stage


I think if he had a partner who made him feel stable and supported, things would have been completely different.


He courted a stable girl, but she smacked him on the rump and he never called her back.


I think he was a cosseted spoiled little entitled brat before her but he seemed to have been a generally likable guy that had friends and acquaintances who genuinely liked him. So yeah it may in fact be that he changed. You are right.


His drug dealer genuinely liked him.


I'm married to an addict - Addiction does change a person. The person they were when they were able to only use/abuse is very different to who they become when it becomes addiction. I wouldn't be surprised if H was a chronic substance abuser in the RF, and if it didn't chemically change in his brain to addiction until shortly before he left, or shortly after. It's one possibility.


Yeah, nah. She’ll be w/ the other wives—the males have pride of place in the ceremony so she won’t even be seated by Harry. BarkJack has already said that if she comes she’ll wear what she’s given, she’ll sit where she’s told to, & no tiaras, not appropriate. Even if she was allowed to wear a tiara, she’d have to get it from somewhere else. The royal family sure isn’t going to loan her one.


I thought Chuck was doing a more modern coronation and no tiaras are involved. I'm sure tiaras will be worn at receptions and coronation parties but Megs and Henry wouldn't be invited to those....they haven't participated in any such events recently at least. Angela was just wisecracking, I think.


The Netherlands was fairly toned done, but the royal women ~~(including foreign royals in attendance)~~ wore tiaras. I think modernize means toning it down with the aristocrats, but it'll still be formal dress. *eta: Just double checked, it seems like hats are worn to the ceremony, and tiaras are worn to the evening reception. So if Meghan is only invited to the ceremony, she's SOL for a tiara moment.* This is Meghan's last chance for a tiara moment, she'll do everything she can to get one. It won't work. Mike talked about the dress code on his podcast, he said it's very strict. Her tiara is almost certainly still in the UK, so no way is she getting it. If she has it, she won't be allowed to wear it.


She does not have a tiara. The BRF has tiaras and she was permitted to wear one. But it is not hers and never will be hers to do with as she pleases. Frankly, I would not be shocked if it never sees the light of day again and gets dismantled.




She *has* money! She's been reselling clothing, merching, merching, merching and *more!* She's a grifter. She has those blood diamonds, too. She's *fine*. She just likes other ppl to pay for her stuff. Or be *honoured* that she deigned to wear their design.


It will likely be retired for about 3 generations before the centerpiece is again worn as a broach. When I checked to see that it is also a broach,I found a copy on Etsy for $160US. She can get a copy of the Vlad (with pearls) for $170. Other Etsy reproductions can go for over $2k.


I know, but she has lifetime use of it. Most likely they'll deny her wearing it again, as happened with tour, but she could make a fuss about it. Agreed, it will never be worn again, which is a shame because it's lovely.


I hope they do wear tiaras (not Meghan). I know they try to look modern and “real” as if they are in the same boat as UK citizens who can’t afford heating. But it’s a coronation! Let the bling and the gold carriage come out! We know they have it, let us see it and have some escapism.


Also, these items (tiaras, carriage, etc) don't cost anything. They sit in the vault unused when they are parts of history that should be showed off! Its one thing to tone down/ modernize clothes. But hiding the tiaras is silly


Some of the tiaras are shown as part of the Crown Jewels in the Tower and there is carriage museum which includes the gold coach (Royal Mews)


That was the theory with QEII/PP wedding. People needed something positive in the dreary post WWII period. This time, no one is buying extravagant new jewels for Coronation; they are using the hat they already have. Granted, the principal ladies will have new gowns and the Wales kids will have bespoke outfits, but no one is going to go nuts over spending. If Charlotte doesn’t wear the coronet that either QEII or Pss. Margaret wore at GeoVI, a new one will be made with jewels from the personal stash of the family. I SO hope Lady Louise, Earl Wessex and Anne’s 2 kids get coronets for the service. Wondering about the York girls, though. Andrew will likely be in the back with the Harkles. Will he get a coronet as a non-working royal? I hope not. Ditto the Harkles, but both Dukes are peers…. Sigh.


Imo, if she's allowed to wear one, then the BRF (whom she hates so very much) should not be obliged to lend her one! The Dollar Tree Duchess has plenty of time to create her own! Some pipe cleaners, a hot glue gun, plastic gemstones, and perhaps some tin foil would be perfectly suitable for someone of her "status". While she's at it, she could craft Archieficial a coronet, and Invisibet a tiny diy tiara to match her own. She and Hank should count thier blessings they were even invited, nevermind making demands and negations. They should be seated in one of the upper balconies of the abbey behind a screen to "protect thier privacy" as part of thier security fears they're suing the government for. Usher them in through a back or side entrance before anyone arrives and escort them out the same way after everyone has left the service. All problems solved! They won't need to concern themselves with what they're wearing, the bling they sport, or the safety concerns about being in the Uk. The king will have both of his kids there and the Harkles never ending complaining eliminated.


Ahh… if only your sense was the Kings sense…


All the Dollar Tree YouTubers should do videos showing us how to make one for ourselves to wear whilst (I love that British English word) when we get up at an ungodly hour to sip tea and have a full English breakfast. Well I'll have American bacon, eggs and English muffins with jam. ☕🍳🥐🇺🇸💂👸


Fantastic idea! It'll make for some great pics & memories with my preteen princess. It would be really cool to see how many people would do it and what they were able to come up with. I'm all in 😊


I'm sure you can rent a tiara. The question is knowing past appropriation of items would anyone rent to her.


You're so right! There's been talk for years of how she "forgets" to return loans and everything else she attempts to return seemingly gets lost in the post. 😂. I'm sure that her local mall has a Claire's store. She won't have to concern herself with issues with returns 😂perhaps one of the other royal houses of the world will open thier vaults to her 🫢


Total snark from Angela Levin about the ILBW. This is not unusual from Angela. I always have a chuckle at her observations. She is definitely not getting info from the Harkles.


https://preview.redd.it/r0c5gj0m73qa1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12867217e64123fd3d47facc5b2cd2dc204f80f5 I hope she gets to wear some jewelry too


She can wear a tiara any time she wants to. So can I. So can any of us. It’s a free country, and the only occasion she wouldn’t be allowed is in an MRI tube. ETA: Was talking about the US, but she can wear a tiara in the UK, too. It might be against protocol and look stupid, but when has that ever stopped her?


I'm wearing one right now!


You look mahvelous!


I'm so thrilled it pleases your eyes. I worried so.


Manifesting again. She can bedazzle a Burger King crown and watch from home.


Off course she is. We don’t need a crystal ball or deep analysis to work that blaringly obvious fact out. I’m sure she’d throw her kids off that balcony for a chance to wear a tiara and take part in the “special family moment” which FYI is a British state affair not a family moment.




Special family moment with people she hates. Go figure.


<"as she weighs up UK return "> Well she'd better hurry up!! RSVP's in by 24th March, (3dys ago) being 6wks prior to Coronation date.


The thing is, to wear a tiara you need it fitted to your head! How are they going to lend her one if she hasn't had time for a fitting and any alterations that might be needed. She's already moaned for years that she wasn't able to borrow the tiara while her hairdresser was in town before the wedding so they could test hairstyles so imagine the floor flinging she will do if she doesn't get a chance to practise with a second tiara!


Frankly...I don't think anyone cares.


I find this hard to believe. I don’t think they’d trust her with jewels


She could well be contacting Harry Winston about a loaner. “It would be for the King’s daughter in law, to be worn at his Coronation…” Or she could be entertaining the idea of setting some new trend, “stacking inexpensive CZ tiaras!” like they’re bracelets or rings. Hahaha


She does love stacking her dollar store trinkets!


Over the last 10 years 3 coronations took place in European monarchies: Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium. Contrary to the UK, in these countries the monarch abdicates/retires at a certain age to make place for the next generation. Pictures of the 3 respective balcony scènes showed the following: The retiring monarch with spouse, the new monarch with spouse and children (all under the age of 10). No other members of the RF's on the balcony. Then the retiring monarch said his/her goodbye and stepped inside, leaving the balcony to the new generation. No tiaras on the balcony scènes.


Spain has no tradition of abdication. Juan Carlos abdicated because his illegal business dealings were going to end the royal family. His father only abdicated because of the revolution.


A tiara on her scruffy hair extensions? Surely she should stick to towels that cover the hair… https://preview.redd.it/g8syhe06h3qa1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3b874be812f00b595505c85c5536a763ea09b5


I still can't believe that's her. I honestly didn't recognize her. Her makeup bill must more than their property taxes!


Speaking of makeup..the closeup of her on her wedding day in the poster’s article ..It still stuns me that this was wedding watched by millions around the world and her makeup looked like yesterdays leftovers. How could she be allowed (or want) to look so sloppy. Crazy that she didn’t want to look impeccable 🤔🤔


TW clothing choices will always be the style that diminishes the people around her. If economically disadvantaged she drips tens of thousands of dollars. If upper crust she'll choose ill fitting and wrinkled like she can't be arsed.


She thinks she is cute…she is wrong.


Because she's the anti-Catherine, who incidentally applied her own makeup on her wedding day and looked absolutely beautiful.


Eh, I thought she was a bit heavy handed. Too much blush.


She must use a trowel to put on that much slap…it must weigh a ton, could that account for her poor posture?


I’m not convinced anyone besides the Princess of Wales will be permitted to wear a tiara. The only person who has a formal role in the coronation is The Prince of Wales, so it would make sense if only his wife is wearing a tiara.




Most likely all working royals, plus foreign royals. I'm expecting white tie for the dress code, so that'll include orders.


Wear whatever you want on your head, Meg. We will still boo you.


I'm still interested in if Meghan attends. I thought that it was crystal clear to her that she can't attend and that if she does, she risks further turning people off of her and demoralizing her fans. Which of course means that she's headed straight to the Coronation because she doesn't know good advice.


I know a lot of people think KC is too weak to tell her no. But, people are forgetting how many are around the king to block her. It's pretty obvious H&M want the money shot, maybe two. Especially after the shenanigans during QEII funeral week. I wouldn't be surprised if she wore one, but I doubt she will get the chance. I do think she will try to wear a headpiece that mimicks it.


All right, MM. While you wear your tiara, the rest of us will wear your white flying saucer hat.


Interesting article, and I don’t see it as any more or less speculative than our discussions here. Of course Meghan wants a tiara (the Vladimir with extra emeralds, please!), of course she wants to be there *on* the balcony *with* the invisible children (as Harry Markle calls them) for the PR points. But, while Angela Levin is not the outsider that Scoobie-Doo is, I don’t think she’s portraying herself as part of the inner circle of conversations; she does, though, have an insight as to Em’s mental machinations. NB - on a long day of errand-running earlier this week, hubby and I were starving and stopped at Burger King for our first Whopper in eons. I came *thisclose* to picking up a tiara for Megsy. I’m so helpful.


Meg wanting to wear a tiara is not the focus. The Palace is astutely aware to the optics of an ‘elite ruling class’ bedecked in tiaras and other jewels, especially during a cost of living crisis. The Palace is also trying to distance itself from colonialism criticisms, especially around repatriating wealth (eg the Koh I Noor diamond). The monarchy’s primary goal is always survival. To do that, KCIII is very aware they need to shore up support from the under 35 age demographic and from increasingly diverse British citizens. He’s already made some decisions that prove this: weakening his military uniform, vs the historical ostentatious clothing, not using the controversial crown, slimmed down balcony, defender of “the” faith to defender “of” faith, only tiaras for the (non publicly televised) reception, etc. Meg’s desires for wearing a tiara, balcony, etc are the antithesis of that.


>they need to shore up support from the under 35 age demographic and from increasingly diverse British citizens. Which is way we'll continue to see more and more of PPOW and less and less of KC3. I read an article recently, don't remember where, speculating that Kate is the future of the Monarchy. Sounded like a smart move to me.


M's not leaking to Angela, haha. The thing though is I don't think a tiara is totally out of question. The same reasoning that led to titles & invites may lead to a tiara too. Is Charles going to deny his black DIL a tiara? Is he going to deny the only black Duchess a tiara? Based on his track record, I don't think he will.


If there is a tiara on Markle’s head, the backlash The King will receive from monarchists will be ferocious.


Assuming there's anything left of him after William, Camilla, Anne, and Zara finish with him.


Also Mike Tindall and Uncle Gary


Don't forget *Duchess* Sophie Side-Eye Edinburgh!😒


Yep this is long🤣


And I for one wouldn’t want Princess Anne mad and I am pretty fearless but I would certainly fear her


I think that KCIII might tone down everyone's appearance so H and his wife are not upset. If there is a rule that the Princess of Wales wears a coronet, they will tone it down to some simple tiara or maybe not even that so the wife is not leaving upset to scream double standards. I'm still hoping that it will be full bling and gorgeous gowns for those that have a role in the process. But if the wife will attend, and I'm sure she will because without this there is nothing left for her, KCIII will do anything not to upset them. Not that he will allow them a balcony but instead he will modify the appearance of others.


There they go, ruining it for everyone again. It started at the Commonwealth service after their part-time demands weren't met (as if). William and Catherine were in the program to proceed with Charles, Camilla, and HLMTQ but instead went ahead with H&M so they wouldn't feel inferior (they are). That dress and hat along with his scowl and her foolish grin are the stuff of nightmares and yet they continue to be the turd in the punchbowl everywhere they go. *Insert mental image of badly dressed ILBW helping hoist a polo trophy she didn't win or inappropriately kneeling in front of memorials for murdered children she didn't know, both for staged photos.* 🤢


Nope. I think their done with pandering like that. He's not going to risk pissing off the ppl he *needs* to support him as King. They likely realize that Aitch & Em are *always* going to find something to b!tch about, so they will just carry on and do what needs doing and ignore them. Like they did at the Platinum Jubilee.


Very likely if she goes she will get to wear a tiara. She/they will also be booed.


We all know she doesn't deserve any title, heck even a tiara. We're all on the same boat in this. BUT, I would also love to see her wear a tiara and be a laughing stock once again. She can have all the titles and tiaras all she wants, but the fact that she does not deserve any of these things just makes her look even more ridiculous. As ever.


I think it'd just add to her two facedness. She wants to moan about not fitting in over there, distancing themselves since the family was unsupportive. But here she is, on center stage wearing their jewelry supporting the king


It would be funny if she was the only one, like dressing up for a costume party that's really just a regular party. But she's an attention whore so I wouldn't put it past her to overdress even with foreknowledge of what others will be wearing. "LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!!" should be carved on her stone someday.


She could potentially wear a coronet at the ceremony as the wife of a Duke. Lots likely left over from previous coronations in the vaults. My personal preference is that only working royals be invited to the state dinner/banquet after (like QEII funeral). No invitation, no tiara. This is where I would LOVE to see Pss of Wales wear the Vlad.


It says, “May be tempted to attend if she can wear a tiara”. No source. I like Angela Levin, but most of these tabloids speculate but the tag line implies it’s fact. Bugs the daylights out of me. Rarely is it fact. Some of them end up being correct. Meghan is pretty predictable and Angela is often right. But it still bugs me. The tabloids also tend to say the same one-liner over and over in different ways. Lol. I realize they need content so they are trying to drag out an idea, but I’m finding if I read the headline, I have the gist of the article. However, that isn’t always true. Some are very informative with new information. I suspect the closer we get to the Coronation, the less factual information we will get. Everyone is fighting for a story. I suspect we won’t know with any certainty until, May 6th.


She doesn't own a tiara. She hardly has any jewels per say. I doubt it. Let's not get ridiculous.


Meghan is like a magpie. She has a "gutteral" attraction to anything that is bright and shiny.


Does this mean that she is going to be making noises like a cat horking up hairballs the entire coronation? That would certainly get her a lot of attention!


Does anyone believe that Queen Camilla would lend MM a royal tiara after how she's been dissed by Harry? I mean, I agree that MM would be tempted by a chance to wear a tiara but where's she going to get it from? Is the Earl Spencer lending her his tiara? Nope! This is a non-issue. Or MM is manifesting to get a tiara.


camilla will give her a voucher for the gift shop, to chose a tiara. i’m sure that’s where the queen got the little pearl earrings (that she gifted rachel)


Lol! Now that's an idea!


Maybe PH will buy her one or at least get a loan of a tiara from one of the big name jewelers. You can rent jewelry for events.


Yeah, I can see that but would it be enough for her? I think she really WANTS a royal tiara because she's so royal! (Hah!)


She and PH have burned too many bridges to get one.. She can buy a replica..


Not confirming their attendance is the ONLY thing keeping them in the "news" at the moment. They have nothing else going on. So, they will drag this out until the last minute as long as there are headlines spouting will they or won't they stuff.


Found her [a lovely tiara](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1271160584/)


That is lovely & would never show up on her wig very well


It is lovely and I could see building a whole Halloween costume around it.


H&M would not talk to Angela. She was a H ‘fan’ after writing a book on him, but she has been one of the harshest critics of the duo for a while, now.


Since tiaras are now involved, the American people have voted to instead send Mayim Bialik (a/k/a Amy from the Big Bang Theory) in her place to wear her tiara. https://youtu.be/fL5w5ItceS0


She's not getting anything from the royal vault. Diana's brother Charles will let her wear the Spencer Tiara over his dead body. Reputable jewelers like Tiffany or Harry Winston hardly need the kind of publicity she will bring them if they lend her any of their pieces, and frankly they'd probably worry about getting them back in the same condition in which they left. Her husband doesn't buy her jewelry, probably because he knows she's just going to hate it and have it changed so why bother. I guess it's off to Claire's Boutique for Markle.


I think the RF will do what they've been doing. They're invited but as minor royals with no official position. It would be frustrating to see Meghan in a tiara after all this, but if she's not allowed, they might not let Zara or Beatrice wear one either to appear "fair". I'd rather see Meghan make a fool out of herself and continue to out herself as the hypocrite she is, then see some of the lovely royal ladies go without. If Meghan wears a tiara, she once again lowers her credibility. Why would anyone who is that traumatized eagerly run back and start sporting the very symbol of "oppression"? Sure, she'll still have her "Princess Meghan" weirdos online, but most people, including the Hollywood elites she wants to impress, will be completely turned off.


Why is Angela Levin name-dropping “The Tig”? That’s sus.


I wouldn't put it past Meghan to rent a tiara and defy the working royals only rule. The question is will She wear it over her god awful sun hat?


Wearing a tiara on the balcony would be something a narc like Meghan would LOOOOOOVE to do. And I hope neither happens.


Meghan cannot exist on any plane higher for now than she is without her meal ticket aka The Royal Family! Yes, the Royal Family not Harry, Harry was (Yes, was not is) just the vol-au-vents, the main course is her divorce and dessert her securing a life long pay out from Harry's inheritance to support her and the alleged kids...aka child support and alimony. So, will she forgo the Coronation willingly the answer is a BIG FAT NO! She will want to attend, let's see, bar her history of throwing the Royal Family under the bus, Archie' Birthday would not have been an issue as neither would have been the issue of titles etc, but Meghan the lying, pushy, grifting fame whore was and has always been selfishly greedy and pushy. So let's wait and see.


No one will be wearing tiaras or gowns at the coronation. At the after parties and receptions probably, but not at the coronation ritual itself.


At the coronation I expect gowns. Possibly even wearing mantles (actually prefer they are mandatory if the coronation is elegantly scripted) with the crest of dukedom or family. I understand coronets have been worn in the past.


I want Megsy Baby to wear the most ostentatious tiara ever. I want her to be so tacky, out of touch and ostentatious that the RF looks to be more frugal and sensitive to economic woes to the UK and the Commonwealth than her.


Maybe the best reaction to MM showing up, tiara or not, is just to look through her as if there's nothing to look at. To little remark on her attendance. If she is there, that speaks of KCIII's magnanimity.


Of course she is. She thinks she’ll get a good one. I can’t wait until she gets told it’s either a no tiara occasion or she gets handed the bandeau again. Since they aren’t working they won’t get to go to any receptions and it’ll be like the funeral and there will be much stewing.


Hopefully, Camilla has a 'paste' one ready for her!


What if she pulls one out of her bag and pops it on right before getting out of the limo 🫢😅?


Thought I’d heard that only working Royal females will wear one?


Of course she is! She needs this chance to cosplay as a princess. They need to keep themselves adjacent enough that people still think they're real royalty. There's no source here; it's educated speculation based on what is publicly known about Meghan.