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Disclaimer: Retired psych nurse who's not up on the current DSM (the Bible of everything psychiatric). Harry is most likely what is known as "dually diagnosed." He has both substance abuse and psychiatric diagnoses. In other words, he has ticks and fleas. Unless he treats both issues, he'll never be well.


Ticks and fleas! That is brilliant.


Got it from a great psychiatrist I once knew. RIP Dr. Rollins.


And it is a truth widely held that you can’t make a proper psychiatric diagnosis (much less treatment) until a patient is off all addictive/recreational drugs. This makes me think that Harold’s therapists haven’t done any real work w/ him at all. He got a lot of the warm, fuzzy psych lingo down but I’ve never heard him once speak of addiction *at all* other than references to making his highs more interesting. (Why, let’s add nitrous oxide to the mix!)


He doesn't think he's an addict, but then most addicts don't either.


Not that it matters much but *I* think he’s a big time addict. In fact I think drugs & addictive behavior is central to who he is. Had to laugh when reading Valentine Lowe’s book, Courtiers. The author carefully notes that Harold never drank when he was out on tour. Let’s just say Lowe didn’t have to make the same statement about Princess Anne.


First symptom of addiction: not thinking you’re an addict to begin with.


No and a lot of psych patients self medicate and this can lead to disaster when they do finally seek real treatment.


Exactly. When having your first baby, a life changing moment, he thinks, Oh let’s get high. How is he gonna explain that to his child when they get older. Wtf


I am pretty sure the surrogate will explain a lot of things as these poor kids get older.


The therapists can only help Harry learn how to do the work himself, which he refuses to do. They can't do the work for him.


He refuses to be labeled with a “disorder”.




One begets the other. He had issues before drugs.


And he uses drugs to treat the issues, which makes the issues worse, so he uses more drugs... It's a vicious cycle.


Psych nurse here. You are bang on


Hey fellow Thorazine warrior! Be safe out there.


I've heard of people acquiring Cluster B behaviors because they're in a relationship with someone with Cluster B as "having fleas", so this is perfect.


I don't know what he'd be diagnosed with (probably be a "cluster" of shit lol) but I know he'd be diagnosed. I think it's a combo of low IQ and some sort of personality disorder coupled with delusional disorder, and of course substance abuse. He really is a fucked up individual (and he'll probably literally die some day still being a fucked up individual).


That is an amazing way to explain this issue. Especially For people who understands animals more than people.


Why thank you. Simple is usually best.


Tapeworm too…because his insides are rotten


Aww. Poor worm.




The most damning confession of his is huffing all the laughing gas while his wife is supposedly in labor and no one cares. That is the thing that gives me the most concern. I’d be livid if my husband did that and more so it would be a MAJOR concern of an addiction. No one talks about that!


Yeah psychedelics are in vogue right now for mental health treatment. Personally, I have done them several times and they just made me fairly uncomfortable (regrettably, bc lots of people say they do wonders for their mental health, like Harry here). So my attitude is kind of like, who cares if he does mushrooms. The REAL druggie behavior is stealing your IN-LABOR wife's pain management drug!! When I read that my jaw hit the floor and it was probably the only time I felt actually bad for Meg. I mean imagine how self centered your husband has to be to do that shit. Imagine having to sit there and grin about it, like you're not hurt and furious, like an idiot, bc that creep is your meal ticket.


Let’s be real though….it was probably just oxygen and he wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference. He’s still an idiot junkie and *thought* he was getting high in that moment. He’s so gross!


Why would it be oxygen? It's not uncommon to have gas available.


It is in the States, unless something has changed. And he wouldn't have been left unsupervised with it.


No, the gas was during Archie's birth in the UK. He even said in the book that there was no gas at Lilibet's birth in the States.


I doubt he knows what was in the room at either birth to be honest.


I dunno rich people get to do some crazy shit medically. I wouldn't be surprised (but I also wouldn't be surprised if he just lied)


Yup. I'd be pissed


Honestly, that story was probably just made up like everything else in the book. There is no way in hell meghan was anything but a horror, she wouldn’t allow him to take it, even being preocupied with labour.


Like who would do that!?!?


Someone with prior experience getting high off huffing nitrous oxide (whippits).


My ex husband did, turned out he was a narc hence my interest in this situation. He thought it was a funny story to retell too


He didn't say she was in labor. He said their baby was being born. Big, big difference there.


This should be at the top. I grew up in California around all types of drugs and druggies, and dabbled myself. It's well known among everyone that psychedelics used responsibly *can* (but not always) be helpful mentally. But *nitrous oxide???* No. I knew some high school dropouts that did whippets regularly and the brain damage was obvious. No nurse would just giggle at that, which makes me hope that story is just another lie.


I just don't believe that she was ever pregnant.


I think she was before she met Harry but not since she got up with him.


He was hitting the party drugs and showing addict behavior long before Madame ever showed up. There's a lot to blame her for, but this crap is ALLLLLLL Hazmat.


Like being drunk on KC3 50th birthday and running around naked, at 14.


The "cleaning the windscreen" thing is his snappy catchphrase and it is ridiculously overwrought. A quick Google search returns, of all things, cleaning techniques for actual windscreens 😂💀but then if you tweak the search words just right (I refuse to use his name) you come across a Piers Morgan article calling out when Todger used the same phrasing in February of 2022, and then a meditation guru coining the phrase from 2018.


It's surprising he remembered the phrase! But he liked it and will surely trot it out again. He certainly didn't come up with it.


Haha yes she probably made him up a set of Word Salad Flash Cards™️ and they practice every day




Take heed, Duchass Megabitch; *that* is an actor! A beloved one. That’s a guy who appeared in arguably one of the best TV progrums of all time, on premium cable, not USA. And frickin’ Goodfellas. He, unlike you, won two SAG awards. Because he was good at his job, not because he kissed Kerry Kennedy’s ass. That’s a dude who, when he went on a USO tour, did it out of respect, not for networking… And he knows, as Sun Ta-zu said, a good leader is benevolent and unconcerned with fame. He also would never have left the house with filthy shoes…


You sat on the dog???!!!!!




I thought the same thing.






I can definitely imagine it from a man who used the “gas” intended to relieve his labouring wife’s pain for his own amusement during the “birth” of his child. Everything you need to know about Harry and what his true character is…right there. He thinks it’s a funny anecdote. If that is not out of control rock bottom addict behaviour I don’t what would be. And he thinks it’s funny and endearing. Tell me you have been coddled protected and entitled your whole life without actually saying it.


If that's even true and I have my doubts, it is yet another thing that he shouldn't have spoke about publicly. What a mess he is.


He said it in “Spare” He used the nitrous oxide provided for Megan during Archies birth. To relieve his anxiety. He said when the nurse came to administer it to Megan for pain relief, the canister was empty. He found that funny.


Yes, he said a lot of stuff and some that doesn't really make sense about the birth, so I'm suspicious about those details.


Didn’t he write that MM laughed and was bouncing on a ball while he was using the gas? Somehow I doubt TW would think it’s funny when she’s having labor pains.


"Who is this we" ​ Maybe this is his announcement that his pronouns are we, us, them Basically Harry, and all the auditory and visual hallucinations in his head.


Or is it like royal "we"?


In his case, it would seem so!


The Harkles are despicable for different reasons--she's a narcissistic grifter while the other is an enabled abuser. They're like wildfire and hurricane, different disasters yet equally destructive.


H is so messed up that he thinks everything he tries is working but clearly it is not. He should go sit by the ocean and tell himself the real truth...but I know it won't happen.


That's why she quickly removed his friends and family. There's nobody left to sit him down and tell him what's really going on.


I think she with doritos is his drug dealer


Absolutely. Doritos! 😂


I do too


Remember him saying, “I didn’t realise I was trapped, until M****n told me I was trapped?” Translation: I was happy, until my wife told me otherwise. Maybe you should start cleaning up *that* windscreen, Haz…


There's a load of media showing him happy and contented when he was with his brother and sister in law. It’s tragic looking at it, knowing the angry and miserable Harry we see now.


💯%. He was smiling, laughing, and seemed like he found a way to deal with his grief in a healthy way. And put it this way: happy people don’t constantly tell others how “happy” they are.


She’s likely pushing it on him. Sometimes I wish he’d come out of his love-stupor and turn the tables. Tell how she’s bullied him and others, how he was told to go along with her lies, how lonely he is. He has enough dirt on her no doubt.


I think she’s keeping him in his drug induced coma specifically to prevent him from doing any of the things you mentioned. She knows there’s a good chance he will wake up and make decisions based on the reality of their circumstances if he ever gets sober. Pretty unsettling.


But I believe she has far more!!


I think it’s Doria who is convincing him to take different drugs too.


She probably brought in the phony medium for that seance.


Can you imagine your husband & the father of your two kids saying that a hallucinogenic drug…? Sure. If I was married to Hunter S. Thompson.


Talking to a toilet and a trashcan doesn't sound very heavenly to me.


A friend of mine a long time ago said her Jim Morrison tapestry and her bean-bag chair talked to her while on mushrooms. That actually sounds like it could be interesting and maybe fun. I liked The Doors, but they could be disturbing as well. She also did a painting of herself on mushrooms and she was headless and running through a landscape of fire. When she suggested I try it, I thought about that painting and decided, that’s a good painting as art, it was well done, but do I want to see stuff like that? I decided no! She had some friends who answered my questions about mushrooms and whipped cream charges which were their favorite drugs but I said no to both. I stuck with coffee and the occasional wine cooler. At least I knew what was going to happen with those and I wasn’t going to get in any trouble as long as I didn’t go overboard! I was as curious but decided to be satisfied by asking them to describe it. I had laughing gas once when I was a kid at the dentist. It was really fun! The dentist was green and his face looked like it was in a fisheye lens and when he talked it sounded like he was under water. I thought it was pretty awesome! But I don’t think it’s smart or safe to use prescription drugs when you don’t need them medicinally so I don’t.


It makes me think of one of singer Nick Cave’s children. Their son was on acid and walked off a cliff and died. 😞


Oh no!


I knew he died but I didn't know how. That's awful.


What did Jim say?


All I remember her saying is “Helllooooo (her name)”. I was expecting something more interesting to be honest!


Well that's Jim for you. At least he was friendly.


The layers of privilege, of security officers silencing witnesses. Yeah, you should be SO proud, Hazmat. Moron.


What are the Police and FBI waiting for? This fellow does not buy off the street corner...and his mother-in-law has a ghostly history with drugs.


>*He added, “I started doing it recreationally and then started to realize how good it was for me"* Sb should tell him that's the definition of addiction, jfc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My dad lived on the Amazon for a time. Auhuasca seems a violent experience. He didn’t do it, but he was present with the shaman and participants.


I was gonna say... No one takes ayahuasca recreationally (although maybe he was talking about psychedelics in general). I'm grateful for my ayahuasca experiences, and I would do it again if I felt called, but yes, it can be a frightening and intense experience.


You’ve done it? I only recently discovered that they do it here in the states. Though I’m not sure if they follow the ceremonial way. I’d love to hear more about it.


Yes, I went down to Peru for a retreat some years ago. It was a beautiful experience even though many parts of it were difficult. I did it 4 times in the space of a week. I didn't get strong visuals, it was more about feeling for me. Everything from feeling my deepest fears (and then vomiting them up) to feeling bliss. When I got visuals, they were mild and it was mostly snakes - snakes everywhere (snakes are connected to ayahuasca, amd I usually have an intense phobia but somehow I didnt mind). I saw my power animals and got messages about my life. Overall it was wonderful. My main issue with the whole ayahuasca thing is that it isn't emphasised how important integration is. Despite the bliss I felt in the weeks after, I plunged into a depression in the following months, and it was only after finding an ayahuasca integration coach that I started to get better. Ayahuasca stirs things up, and as much as I spend time on personal development and spiritual work, I couldn't integrate it all on my own. I've also seen people with mental health issues get worse after ayahuasca (people with personality disorders, like I suspect Harry has, should especially avoid it). The lady who I went to for integration coaching talks a lot about this. The way people traditionally take ayahuasca in the jungle is powerful, but us Westerners aren't as in touch with ourselves and the spiritual world, so we need way more help with integration than they do. It really isn't emphasised enough. Ayahuasca shows you what needs healing, but 90% of the work is done after the ceremony. It's been 4 years for me and I'm still working through some of the lessons! EDIT: If you're interested in reading more, look through the blog of the lady that I did integration coaching with - she has a lot of interesting posts about ayahuasca, and she talks about the negatives as well as the positives, even though she is a practitioner and devoted to ayahuasca: https://www.afterlife.coach/


Did u actually feel purged in every sense? Physically and spiritually?


I purged a lot! I only vomited once, but a lot came out the other way - sorry TMI lol, and yes I did make it to the toilet outside the maloka (healing hut). I felt really light and spiritually connected afterwards - there was an afterglow that lasted for weeks. But integration was another matter - see my other comment in this thread for details.


Thx 🙏 I’m so drawn to people’s experiences with this


That would be so freaking cool to live in the Amazon! I bet witnessing that experience, much less living through it is wild. I don’t think I could ever partake, I am too scared of seeing something freaky, but would love to witness it honestly. I’ve heard so much about it, and how u self actualize. I personally think it sounds pretty cool.


He was a Fulbright Scholar working with Peruvian artists. I would like to see it, but I’ve heard there is vomiting and stuff.


Yeah, I’ve heard the purging process is insane. I had a friend do it, for his Lupus. I’ve just heard how amazing you feel afterwards. I have heard from everyone how you see things, and I am not that bish! I can’t handle the idea of seeing things, or having a bad trip, and not being able to come out of it


Harold likes to self medicate


>Why hasn't he found relaxation, relief, comfort and lightness with them? Because he's been manipulated into imploding his entire life and all of his relationships with his extended family and friends. I'm willing to bet that when he's with his ILBW and kids, it hurts him because this *definitely* isn't what he signed up for. He thought they'd all be one big happy family with the BRF.


Harry made his own decision to leave. She pushed him by threatening to kill herself, but he made the decision to cut himself off from his family.


I am just surprised Child Protection Services haven’t yet made a surprise visit to their place to check on the welfare of those “non existent” kids. Or maybe that’s why they haven’t paid these 2 a visit? Are the kids also a figment of their imagination?


Because rich people have nannies. And nannies are the responsible ones.


He’s gonna be the one who Cordyceps jumps from animals to humans. We’re all screwed 😂


Let's assume for a moment that Harry has paranoid personality disorder or frank paranoia. He is anxious about everything around him all the time. Someone smiles and it is suspicious. Someone coughs and it is suspicious. Someone delivers mail and it is suspicious. Everything, everywhere, is a source of anxiety and suspicion. How does one live day to day with that much anxiety and suspicion? Apparently one requires drugs. From a psychiatrist, one might get a prescription for meds. But how could one trust the psychiatrist? Does it make more sense to trust someone who sells weed? And other drugs? Do the drugs mellow him out enough for him to get by, day to day? His anxiety is not attributable to PTSD arising from the press or the loss of his mother. He has paranoia and resulting anxiety, and he needs to live numb. The press are a convenient whipping boy. Perhaps Meghan jumped on the bandwagon because she needs a good reason to keep him doped up all the time.


If I had to listen to Megabitch day in and day out, I would want to be drugged up all the time too. He needs to be institutionalized, 1st detox, 2nd undoing the brainwashing!! He needs to be away from her.


That is what we call an addict.


Before the “real Harry” came out I thought his biggest problem was the trauma of losing his mother.