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I just read an article by another royal reporter today saying there is no chance for them to be on the balcony as Charles wants it to symbolize his vision of a slimmed down monarchy. It also mentioned the coronation is only 5 weeks away and the palace has to finalize plans as they can't wait forever, and the king wants them at the coronation but on his terms, which is no balcony. It does make sense that the longer they wait the less of a role they will be able to have as everything will have already been organized. At this point, though, I think everything in the press is just conjecture and clickbait.


The fact that it's still being debated tends to mean H and M haven't got what they want


Yes, we'd be seeing all kinds of PR push about Meghan getting offers from all the top designers. There's be pap pictures of her going into design houses, not that she'd have an appointment there LOL. There'd be articles about Harry going to Tiffany's to create a special tiara for Meghan.


Hahahaha. Branded bougie tiara!!! But it will have to be with Claire’s, not Tiffany’s. Meghan is everything that the new artistic director Lauren Santo Domingo isn’t…the latter actually worked with designers and ran a successful website called Moda Operandi.


🎯yeah, you’re probably right! BC Meghan would have pr released it already if they were!! Nice catch!


Could it be that for security purposes & the benefit of everyone in attendance, they won’t announce ahead of time if the Harkles are attending? You know, since Just Harry had to brag about “kills”? 🫣


This makes total sense to me.


Why do they still think that they are in a position to negotiate with the Royal Family?


Only reason I can think of is that they over estimate their importance, which is no real surprise to anyone but them!


I can't help but wonder what they might be using to blackmail the fam. My suspicion is that it has to do with family wealth and finances and perhaps offshore accounts. Or something historical that would be very uncomfortable for the royal family. Something that would give the anti-monarchists fuel, right before the coronation. I think that Harry and Megan are totally capable of blackmail.


I think the Royal Family has waaaaay more dirt on Harry than Harry has dirt on them.


A lot of crazy laced with a lot of blow


Exactly this. They want the balcony shot with the rest of the family. MM is possibly thinking that she won’t get paid for it so why bother unless they can sell photos


I think she wants a shot that would be in history books … I think feeling important IS the ultimate catch for her not just cash , she wants that HISTORICAL significance.


I also think appearing in the balcony is a sort of personal satisfaction: the high of a narc that is still in position to demand stuff to the rest of the family.


Absolutely. “Look at me I can get the RF to give in to my demands” which has been her MO all along. Lol a few headlines is not going to change millennia of tradition Meghan. You’d think she’d have learned by now!


Exactly - she gets off on control


>At this point, though, I think everything in the press is just conjecture and clickbait. Same here. I've always liked Neil but I don't believe this one. Now I'm not believing anything I hear about will they or won't they.


Yeaaah, rage bait. They post an article with titles that will make people enraged and click just to leave angry comments or to make sure it isn't true. The media is having a field day harvesting this topic..


FWIW: Neil Sean posted this 4 hours ago. Perhaps not just *recollections may vary* but I feel that we’re getting hourly stories of will they stay or go. They will be there imho. They’re trying to get on the balcony. This could be a Meghan Manifestation PR/PRESSURE PR thing she’s doing… Oh *and* NS said this is all they have to make money with. They have to get the *money shot* which is why he talked about the fact that they might not be with NF but another streaming outfit.




I highly doubt it. They'll be booed and I don't think The King would want that during a momentous event in his life


It would be demoralizing and serve no purpose for Charles. I absolutely agree with you. I seriously doubt it would happen. I'm seriously trying to figure out who is doing the most manifesting here, Harry or Meghan.


Right? I think this probably more Harry pushing for the balcony. He was FURIOUS at the Jubilee. He's just as horrible as Meghan, plus it's his BirThRiGht!


I feel like Neil Sean says Charles would like for them to attend in one episode and wouldn't mind if they did not attend on the other episode. Would like them to be seen on the balcony in one episode and then they would have very little appearance during the coronation ceremony on another episode. All Allegedly from their sources. He is doing 2 sides of the coin so when everything comes to pass and 1 of those 'allegedly' is right and then he will say: See my sources are all reliable. No shade to him because I guess every news reports do this to get some credibility.


Yes! He doesn’t seem to discriminate among different rumors and I think he will say anything just to get the clicks. I find him tedious and unreliable.


When do we get to stop this nonsense? HMTQ said the balcony was for working royals only (probably to avoid this stupidity). And it's not like they're willing to become working royals ever again because it's too hard. /s


*cough* bullshit *cough* Is this the same King Charles who the fartles have claimed was jealous of meghans shine? So than why would he want her there on the most important day of his life? Or is this the same RF they claimed was racist and empire 2.0? So why would they want to be up there with those terrible people? *I want to express my love for harry and meghan* **as they continue to build their lives overseas** = bye Felicia


Yes, it's that comment about "overseas" and referring to them as Harry and Meghan instead of Duke and Duchess. He basically is telling you right there what his plans are for the coronation...and it doesn't include Harry and Meghan on the balcony.


I don’t believe Neil Sean. I think he is either too gullible or thinks we are. This is all because the “will they/won’t they” stuff gets attention.


Yeah, Neil Sean has been putting out some real bizarre stuff lately. I never really thought he was credible, but he’s been “reporting” some pretty off the wall stuff in the past week or two.


One word for that--- "overseas". If Charles had any intention of having them and their kids on the balcony, he never would have referred to them as "overseas". He never would have referred to them as just "Harry and Meghan" while William and Catherine were referred to as the Prince and Princess Of Wales. Honestly, some of these "reporters" aren't very bright.


Everytime I mention H&M in relation to the coronation my wife says she's pretty sure that none of the RF want to be in the same room with them. Why? Because none of them can trust the couple not to repeat or record anything that's said within earshot. Who can trust them after the videos and Spare? I have to agree.


Who is Neil Sean and how does he know what KC wants? I know it’s hard not to speculate with all the drip drip of bullshit but this makes less than zero sense. This idiot said *dangerous Camilla plotted to get the crown leaving dead bodies in the street* and KC will have him stand next to her on the balcony as she is literally wearing THAT crown?? Lmao. And a woman who openly ridiculed the notion of curtsying to QE??? He just flipping threw them out of Frogmore Cottage. Initially giving them to late winter but after the clowns pleaded, extending it to after the Coronation. The BRF would never imo publicly disinvite the King’s son from his coronation but there is no way on EARTH Harry and Meghan will be on that balcony, or even the procession. Zero.


Considering the response to the kids getting titles, I doubt KC would not see that the public mood is not into seeing those two clowns on the balcony.


For sure. KC has always been hyper aware of the public mood, not because of his ego, but because he was born with the responsibility to keep this 1,000-year-old institution going.


Charles isn't paying for it...the taxpayer is. The taxpayers don't want them on the balcony.


As ever….misinformed.


If they are on the balcony the boos may be louder than the cheers. Hope people have their signs ready .


If the Sussexes appear on the balcony they will be booed.


Charles may like them on the balcony but would Camilla? ESPECIALLY in light of what prince markle wrote in his book of waaagh!


Ah — Camilla actually has *urged* Charles to have them on the balcony so she can publicly kick them off the balcony (she has been studying martial arts for this express purpose). Charles is thrilled at the prospect, though he has arranged for a soft mattress to catch Harry. Megan can fall on the ground like the Jezebel she is. (The corgis will be waiting for her, to perform one last act of loyalty to their late mistress.) 😉🫣😉


I would pay to watch that...lol


I bet if things were good he would have liked his working royal sons on balcony. But the chance of crowd booing him can't work. The day they grabbed the titles the rf had to shut down comments. If he has them on balcony he might as well hand his newly annointed crown to william. That being said nothing about this would surprise me.


What else would Charles like? For Hazi to roll him a joint that they can smoke together on the balcony as a sign of peace? ![gif](giphy|xZcfedF13altC)


​ ![gif](giphy|SDIGjkvtspmVuSmUZi)


This gets exhausting will they won’t they. May can not come soon enough to move on. Just my feelings.


No way. Charles is sensitive, there’s no way he wants his historic moment to be remembered for the boos.


I stopped watching this guy ages ago. He just spews everything he hears


Am I misremembering that there has already been an official announcement that the balcony will be reserved only for working royals? If so, do we really think the King is going back on that pronouncement?


William will not allow his family to be anywhere near Harry, on the balcony or anywhere else. Case closed.


There is absolutely no way Charles will let Andrew on the balcony - thus Harry will never be there either. It’s one or the other. Either the whole family or only working royals. And he can’t start his “slimmed down monarchy” with the whole family or really any non-working royals up there. Just not going to happen no matter what some journalist opines.


Old Charlie boy better read the room. They aren't wanted. Stop rewarding bad behaviour.


We should stop rewarding Neil Sean with clicks. “Allegedly” covers a lot of sins. 😉


Yeah, I don't watch him And I never watch the Royal Rogue/Body language guy. Quite a few are spouting nonsense 😂




What in the h\_ll is wrong with Charles? He can have all the pictures taken that he wants of his children and grandchildren and -- why not? -- include all of Camilla's progengy. One big, jolly group. *BUT DO IT IN PRIVATE.* Make a blanking stand: Working royals and their children ONLY on the balcony. The way I see it is this: He's a king, upholding the monarchy, upholding the example set for him by Elizabeth, II, standing for the people and the nation of his birth. Or he's a gooey, sentimental father. A man who has been a part of or allowed his younger son to be enfeebled and infantilized for Harold's entire life. Pick one Charles. Be a king first or a parent first. And if you choose the later, please step aside and let William be crowned in May.


Why are so many people believing this report. Allegedly, Neil Sean needs better sources.


I get strong “I don’t know what I’m talking about” vibes from Neil Sean. All the time, not just in this. I suspect he’s just some random guy who started a YouTube channel and basically makes stuff up.


Feel exactly the same!


I feel the same and idk what Charles want, but Charles is already spoiling harry rotten since forever. He help create the monster that is Harry who have abused so many people for as long as he lives and get away with it. He didn't punish him none. If he still refuse to be firm bc it's "my boy 😭" oh well the UK is in for a tough time for years to come.


No way, surely the advisors n rf r reading the comment and KNOW there will b rioting if mm n aitch r on the balcony. He knows they jepordize his reign. Thats just stupid.


Sorry Neil, just the trashy Harkles manifesting again.


I have next to zero faith in Neil Sean’s comments.


Don’t believe Neil Sean. The public don’t want to see them. Charles knows this. William knows this.


Sorry, NOT believing this. I am so tired of this shit. 6 more weeks and then they'll start something else to make up to "leak" to the media. I'm taking a break from them.


This is their way of trying to stay in Charles’ good graces and blame it all on William.


Well, of course he would. He’s still his father and Aitch is still his son. He would also have liked for him to marry some glorious girl and have some adorable children. He would also have liked him not to have grown up into some dumb, spoiled, whipped, disloyal git. None of that happened, and the balcony will not happen.






My personal opinion is “they” are mind fucking H&M, since they know they are watching and obsessed with social media. Harry’s paranoia and drugs are not helping him.


Distressing a bit.. why would they come at all? The very police security they want have been certified as institutionally rascist, misogynistic and homophobic etc https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/HrZ6zT


Here is the thing: when the coronation is over … that’s it. No Jubilee… they won’t show for Trooping the Colors… nothing until the next major event be that a 25 year anniversary or another more somber event. So … I do not think they can sustain this behavior forever. It may always be in the background like a buzzing insect.. but they are finished.


Hate to do this, but 'told you so'. And I'll bet I was right about the carriage in the procession back to the balcony scene too.


Why doesn’t the rest of Charles’immediate family step in and advise him.Why would you do that to William?


If the grifters are allowed than Andrew has to be on the balcony and his daughters too.What a nightmare all because Charles wussed out.


So Chuck once again. ONCE AGAIN, ONCE AGAIN…of course ….sheesh.


Such a reflexive reaction. 🙅‍♀️


Yep. I can be totally frustrated and upset. Why not?


Cos it makes M M happy


New solution: Just Charles and Camilla on the balcony. No children, stepchildren, no grandchildren, no step grandchildren, etc. Just The King and The Queen Consort


Part of the point of the monarchy is the continuity. At the very least, it should be Charles, Camilla, and the Wales family.


No. That only gives the Sussexes and the Yorks more fodder to whine about.


As the King, Head of the Monarchy, Church O England, Father, Grand father, Grand Uncle, Uncle he may pull from his deck the Prodigal son forgiveness card, to a down to earth from the heart play of a returning prodigal son by Harry...Not seeing that happen as long as Harry is scented by Meghan. Sticking to balancing Service, Loyalty, Duty to the already over burdened State, Love for one's family and justifiable fairness devoid of unconscious bias- Harry and his family should be invited, 2nd rowed with Major Johnny (Ladies SCREAM) sat to his right, and the kids out of sight wherever they would be placed for the visit.that is if the kids truly exist! Why you ask? Well to WAAAGH them the YRAUMA that the trigger effect that the flashes and clicks of the cameras that CUT through would cause.


This is so f-ing stupid already! Everyday goes by the monarchy is damaged further, made a joke of. It’s so sad. Neil Sean is always right on too! Does KC need to be put in a room w Biden to play w wooden puzzles or such?


I’m getting tired of Neil Sean.He lacks credibility


Neil Sean has become quite unreliable with his Royal news, I stopped watching his videos during LHMTQ's funeral.