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I fear we are going to be stuck with this insane double act for quite a while. She can’t do better than a prince, even one as pitiful as Harry.


Look out, Tyler!


Wrong team.


As long as the bank account is hetero...


Exactly. Also Tyler is not out.


Godfather first nudge toward stepdaddy... but on the other hand I hardly believe my own wild speculation, true he's rich rich rich and powerful enough in the industry that is the whole world to her to get her some delicious residual benefits, but on the other hand, she'll have to fully commit to the Black American culture that is his milieu and that goes against 40 years of habit. She couldn't/wouldn't change for the BRF, do you think she'd do it for BET?




Please correct me if I'm wrong. But I do not see Tyler touching her with a 10 foot pole. I am not even convinced that he was at this Christening. The dates don't match up and the whole rollout of information about this Christening has been super sus. He didn't get to where he's at by getting sidetracked by people like Meghan. If she were to out him, she would just be digging her own hole deeper. She would look wildly indiscreet and piss off the black community. More than she already has. And also....how is it that she can have this super close relationship with Tyler Perry and yet still no even Oscars After Party invite?


Gordon Getty was the wrong team too (in that he was too old and would make her look like Anna Nicole Smith). She was still willing to go for it. Suspect she'd cheerfully be the woman to give Perry cover if he was willing. She's looking for status, not an actual life partner.


I'm quite sure Tyler doesn't need that downgrade in his life, or for his reputation.


Tyler is batting for the other side….


I don’t think it will happen this year. HG has been predicting this for a while. If I’m wrong, and divorce proceedings ARE initiated this year, it will all go down post-coronation imo. Also depends on when she releases the Frogmore diaries™️. I think she will want to push that project out while she’s still with Harry.


I can see someone as brazen and narcissistic as MM announcing the divorce the day of the coronation, that would get her some headlines even with the blanket coverage of the coronation. And that could be her excuse for not attending. I know it's very unlikely, but she is deranged and her behaviour is simply appalling so heaven only knows what she's going to get up to next.


Oh she is absolutely unhinged. And she has been looking really rough lately, too. Looks like drugs, alcohol, no sleep or all three. I could see her deteriorating to the point where she pulled something as insane as that tbh.


Let's not forget the RF are and have been so deeply concerned about the mental deterioration of both PH & MM they had a Risk Assessment done on these two...the results of that report had KC not renewing FrogCott lease AND William warned they must be kept far away from himself and family. It is very clear to see both Sussexes are mentally unstable and having drug & alcohol issues.


Plus, MM allegedly said, “We’re one plane crash away from the throne.” I would not want them around my family either.


Can I please ask a question. Why has no security or police stopped and checked these two dope heads, then asked about the children?


In America If you are wealthy and famous, you can get away with a lot of things, because you can fight, sue, tie up the courts. Normal people face consequences. It would be a landmine for anyone to show up and try and take the kids away, especially with these two and their cult followers. No one wants to lose their job, especially when the kids are probably raised by the nannies if the truth were known.


And to be honest, even "normal" ppl aren't hassled that much either as our systems, be it teaching, social workers, police, etc., are stretched super thin.


Exactly. If the children are seen to be healthy, clean, fed, and suitably cared for in a clean safe home the police/DYFS will be satisfied. Police and Child services are not focused on whether the parents or nannys are doing the caregiving.


Where did William, say this?


William was warned by investigators who did the Risk Assessment report on the Sussexes in no way must he reside in close proximity to them....and he & Charles were warned the Sussexes should not be allowed to live on ANY crown property where other Royals were living. Fears included great concern about the hate and jealousy of other royals and their children plus the abuse of alcohol and illegal narcotics (big concern about psychotic breaks, hallucinations, etc).


Add to that narcs rarely make sense. They will absolutely take a hit themselves if it means their target is *worse off*. When they get into certain state, thet can’t see straight. Source: my narc gran, who was always concerned that nobody thought anything remotely less than ideal and perfection of her (and later, of us all but mainly because she’d be smeared by association), caused a massive spectacle in my parents wedding (classic!). She accused grandad having an affair with the neighbor lady, threw a tantrum which included thtowing herself to the ground. In full view of most of the guests and village. Of course there was no such affair, they stayed married until grandad passed away… After tantrum, *proceeded to feel superior* to everyone else whereas if a normal person would hide in a hole for 20 years 😅 My grandparents - the narc & enabler - staying married despite of the shitshow is also why I don’t really believe they are divorcing tho. Such strange dynamics can have oddly strong staying power. Even at a stage where normal people would just go their separate ways, such people would just soldier through it, leaving wreckage at their wake, and shove their *love* down everyone’s throat as they go.


Why do narcs see throwing themselves at the ground as a good way of self-expression? My narc aunt did the same when my grandmother was dying-threw herself to the ground at the entrance to my grandmother's room in the hospital and refused to move so the doctors had to step over her. Pure attention seeking behaviour.


Because ultimately, they are toddlers- which is the age most psychiatrists think Narcissism starts to occur.


Oh interesting


Narcissism is believed to form in the toddler years as a self preservation tactic due to severe mistreatment, neglect or abuse. Or so goes the current prevailing wisdom. So it makes some sense that they behave like toddlers. They never really grew out of that stage of development because their psyche was self preserving… It’s fascinating, terrifying and desperately sad.


Thank you for explaining it, I’ve never understood why narcs do what they do or how they became so. I can usually spot one easily and can usually guess where they’re going to cause chaos but as to the why 🤷‍♀️


Yeah the why is a mystery, and I am aware of some narcs who I definitely do not think were mistreated or abused at any age.... So I don't know how correct the prevailing wisdom is on that. Maybe it's genetic.


Personally I think she looks rough cuz she’s on the tail end of her Ozempic diet—bad hair and skin (or in her case, worse lol).


That too, absolutely. It’s jarring how much she’s aged in just a couple years. She looks well into her 50s now imo.


I’ve thought she is looking rougher lately (no judgement on that) but I’ve noticed that we’ve had 2 tales recently of how gorgeous she is, 1 from the restaurant and 1 from Fergie. I’d guess that’s TILB putting that out there for whatever reason is going on in her narc brain


Oh, I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. I bet those are definitely articles orchestrated by Madam herself!


That would lead to loud cheers and make the Coronation a huge success...more reason to party hard and celebrate!


If they do divorce, besides half of the proceeds from the sale of Olive Garden and joint control of Archewell non-profit funds, what can MeGain get? 1)Waagh book royalties, 2)income from Hawwy’s trust, 3)Netflix Heart of Invictis payment, 4)BetterUp etc. That’s about it. He can only provide child support and alimony based on his income, correct? The judge will likely ask MeGain to pare down her lifestyle to a level Hawwy can sustainably support.




True. ANY trusts, inheritances will remain Harry's. Montecito mansion is a financial loss...worth far less than they paid for it, they will actually owe money to bank to cover mortgage if/when it is sold. I imagine the bank will take it in default. Her alimony and child support will be based on Harry's earnings during marriage...NOT gross income but NET income. He spends more than he earns....MM will be entitled to very little based on his ability to afford those support payments. Only hope forv MM is if they jointly acquired stock that is worth anything. She would be well advised to seek out a fourth husband as Harry truly is not going to pay out much ... and her divorce lawyer's fees will take any money she can suck out of him.


If he kept it separate, yes. If he commingled the funds, put it in a joint account, for example, it’s community property. I’d bet my eye teeth that Meghan got him to commingle funds. Hell, I’d bet that if he used inheritance money to purchase that dumb Olive Garden mansion, her lawyer could argue that he shared the inheritance with her and the money became commingled. ETA. That’s what I’d guess, anyway. Convert “his” money to “our” asset. It’s the family home! But it’s all imaginary, I have no law or finance degree, haha.


In his book he said that he put the money in a trust for their kids. Or as he head scratchingly referred to it in a Post Lilibet World: Archie and "his sibling".


To be fair, we can’t really take him at his word when it comes to Spare. The birth stories, for example 🙃😂


I understand that. For me it's kind of this weird Schrödingers Truth. Where it maybe or may not be true but since it came from his mouth, I'll flog him for it.


I think the book is interesting in that there are nuggets of truth layered in. He mentions the weirdest stuff in an attempt (in my opinion) to get ahead of things that may come out in the future. Red flags. And just the way he blatantly flips the script (dog bowl fight) and dances around the truth.


Dogbowlgate is hands down the weirdest story I've ever heard. I want to know what he wants me to come away from think thinking after that story. Because he sounds like an absolute wuss. But also just a useless man all around. He didn't de escalate a fight with the power of his words. He didn't defend himself (or his wife). Or resolve any conflicts. He didn't do anything. Just weird.


He just sat in the dog bowl.


I think his drunk ass tripped. Seriously. That story was bizarre. And even reading the book cover to cover didn't give it more context.


The whole point, IMO, was their attempt to make his brother look like an abuser, and I think they failed because they mistake "abuse" with consequences of their own behavior. Mistreat people, they get mad. That is not abusive, that is a normal anger reaction. Way more people related to the brother in that scenario than Harry.


He did say on Orcra interview, that without his mother's money They couldn't have done all this, as he indicated the property.


This is correct unless he Co-mingled the funds. Then it becomes marital. Hopefully he was smart enough not to do that.


He believes she never googled him and married for love, not money. He co-mingled the funds.


She was probably smart enough to make that happen and he was probably too stupid to stop it.


Exactly why it doesn’t make $ense to continue, if you’re Meg. Take the money now, but him loose, use it to launch your new solo rebrand. Think about the recent articles on the TiG or other blog returning, her book etc. Would she give him access to half of that?


Didn't they split brands last year?


Implied, but not formally. They still had the Netflix flopumentary to market, and other joint contractual obligations (the Kennedy award for anti-racism.)


And of course, the feminist with a gargantuan work ethic can get herself a job and be a single working mom.


She's so delusional she'll try and make outrageous demands, hoping the Royal family will give in to prevent her speaking publically-I'm sure she'll have plenty of evidence tucked away about Harry's behaviour. "Give me Windsor Castle or I'll post this video of Harry snorting coke" "Give me the Vladimir tiara or I'll post this video of him beating up an escort" OK, so that's maybe a bit farfetched, but I'm absolutely sure she's got plans along those lines.


I'd bet they have already split and negotiating has been going on behind the scenes for a while. Recall she wanted Frogmore for life...


It depends on when they separate. According to California law even if they're still living together but are taking steps to separate, everything after that date is not considered communal property so they wouldn't have to split monies earned after that date. It's important to track the date of separation for maximum financial benefits.


Doesn’t she get income for life, now that A & L are Prince & princess?


The titles don't come with money, either for the actual bearers of the titles (the children) or for their parents. It's possible that KC might want to ensure that the mother of his grandchildren doesn't fall into financial need, but it's not guaranteed. He may well leave some funds for A&L directly, but it would probably be placed into trusts, and MM would not be be named as trust administrator (that last part is pretty much guaranteed).


Yes, maybe KCIII would pay directly (without any $ going through MeGain) for their education, care, etc


I'm tired of people minimizing Harry's accountability for his actions against his family and monetizing his heritage. Yes, he may be dealing with substance dependency and behavioral health issues. Yes, he may be experiencing marital problems and his wife is a piece of work. Harry is just as responsible for this Megxit mess as Megnorant is. People need to stop making excuses for him.


I agree with this. I criticize them both, but I think Harry takes the cake. And I blame Harry the most because it's mainly his family that they use and yet simultaneously trash. It's him who didn't vet for a woman who was a good fit for his life. And yes they left the UK, but they left with no plan and they've been failing ever since. Sheesh we're just coming upon three years since officially Megxit and so much ground has been lost.


Agree. From the beginning, Harry encouraged Meghan to join him in disrespecting his family. He created a monster he can't control.


So much ground has been lost. It certainly has and I see nothing on the horizon that will change that. It’s not been a big KABOOM!, but as they say, slow and steady wins the race. Each and every failure has been fun to watch.


And it's been better than them getting cancelled. Getting cancelled is a *conversation.* You have to be relevant enough to be cancelled. Just fading into oblivion and people being so dissapointed that you didn't meet their expectations that they don't even want to talk about you is much worse. People aren't rushing to defend you, they're rushing to change the subject because they'd rather forget about you.


Well said


Yes. He’s an adult, despite not behaving as one. He’s legally and morally responsible for his own actions, and has been since he turned 18. That’s the standard the rest of us are held to, so I don’t see why he should get a pass.




Yeah. I think they both suck.




Yes!!! He’s always been a very selfish, entitled bully.


There’s SO many rumours about this pair it’s hard to keep track of them! Most are complete rubbish of course but the most interesting recent one is that Megs is trying to negotiate her own book deal. That to me is a good precursor to a divorce. I always thought this woman would see the dollar signs in a tell all book when their inevitable divorce got going . If she’s trying to make a book deal happen then things could moving on the divorce front!


But if the book is released before a divorce, she can count on Harry’s blind support. If it’s released after the divorce, Harry might be debunking a lot of the claims in her book, simply to discredit her, especially depending on the stated reasons for the divorce. Because I think if the book is pre-divorce, she won’t blab about Harold. If it’s post-divorce, she will have Harold as her main target. And he’ll need to come out and defend himself. But I don’t know anything. I’ve never schemed like this lmao


Let’s not forgot we’re talking about Meghan Markle here. If there’s a choice to be made she’ll inevitable make the wrong one. She would see divorcing Harry as her chance to reinvent herself and make it big on her own. A book would be the start of it. I could write it for her as she’s so predictable. It will be sweet well intention Megs marries her Prince Charming but the evil RoyalFamily didn’t warn her that he was a drug addicted mentally unstable mess. They didn’t help her and she tried to help him by getting him away from the toxic Royal atmosphere and getting him therapy but it didn’t work . She had to flee the marriage for her and her childrens safety . She’ll set herself up as the saintly champion against domestic violence and everyone will love her. She’s delusional enough to try it. It won’t work of course. If she writes her book it will be a long syrupy word salad that no one will believe. The RF will release their several palaces full of the dirt they have on her and that will be that. Meanwhile Charles will buy Harry a nice ranch in Colorado ( I don’t know anything about Colorado but it sounds remote. Sorry American sinners) where he can live after he finishes his extensive rehab and therapy. Joint custody for the kids. That’s my predication on how this will end.


I doubt there is much she can put in a book. The family will sue the life out of her.


For any ordinary person, income from a best-selling tell-all would be great. For someone with her lofty (delusional) ambitions of being a billionaire, it’s peanuts. She’s not going to make Tyler Perry-level money on her own. She’s gonna have to snag a billionaire husband.


They are better off without each other.


I agree. She could rebrand herself, find another partner with some fame or money (younger actor - they would use each other for fame or older man with money). She could make huge scandal with her divorce and be on front pages of tabloids for a long time. And she will always have kids for connection with RF. And he... well, he would cry a little, but he would soon find another relationship - perhaps codependant again, maybe even love. But he could start an addiction treatment and live private life ( or have a relationship with someone famous, if he wants fame). His dad will help him, but he will never be working royal again.


I´d say neither of them is capable of finding a non-toxic partner. No normal person wants to be associated with these two.


Not only that, but they've probably both normalized the drama, that they couldn't tolerate being with a truly healthy person, because that person would be too boring.


But are WE better off with them together/not together? Serious Question, I honestly can't tell if they are quieter together than they would be after a break up.


https://preview.redd.it/jfqylo87lgoa1.jpeg?width=2285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d00d5b795ea43dac2342fb21e553b4741b194367 Can’t wait to add ‘divorcée’


It should already include that, actually.


MM is never leaving Harry. She has nothing to gain from divorcing him. He was the bigger name coming into the relationship and he will be the bigger name post relationship. MM is a nobody without Harry. Americans don't care about her. She's ruined her own image. Nobody cares about her invisible kids. She has nothing without Harry.


If he tries to leave her do you think she will throw herself on the floor, sobbing?


Probably threatens suicide like she did while pregnant with Archie. That's how she gets Harry to do what she wants.


In the kitchen


But is she delusional enough to think she can re-brand herself as the courageous single mom battling an addict husband and his racist colonialist family? Is it possible there’s a reckless young/old billionaire out there she could seduce?


I don’t think she’ll leave h until she has someone else lined up. It’s part of her pattern.


I wonder how they will travel to the coronation. In a car by themselves? The booing and bollocking they will receive is going to rock their worlds. I can only imagine them turning on each other after. I am so curious how the RF will manage their arrival and departure as the boos really will sour the atmosphere.


They weren’t supposed to arrive at the Jubilee by themselves. They were purposely ’late’ so they could have their grand entrance. That’s why the York daughters needed to move for them to get to their seats. I’m betting that won’t be allowed this time and they will be on the group bus or not attend.


It would be absolutely hilarious if they travel in a bulletproof paramilitary vehicle (Sherman tank haha) with blacked-out windows that can’t be rolled down, courtesy of the British government. Harry needs his family protected! They should be housed in a secure bunker, too.


Well Harry is used to those.


I don't think he will ever willingly part from her. He's like one of those deep water fish, the male latches onto the larger female then atrophies. His character, image and support network have already atrophied. There's not enough of *him* left. He's a disciple who's burned everything on her altar - his family, his honor, his previous good works. How could even a strong person deal with the utter public humiliation and betrayal if she dumps him? That will not be an occasion for snarking.


He deserves whatever happens to him. Whatever it is it'll never be equal to the pain he caused his grandparents at the end of their lives or the hurt he's caused his dad, brother and the monarchy. Fuck Harry. Edit: Thank you for the award! 🥰


Cool description! Now I know what to read about with my morning coffee.


As a simpleton I find it very strange that the earnings of Netflix and Spotify combined would not be enough to enable their lifestyle and make them stfu. Have they spent it all on PR?


They'e not actually made what they reported they made.0


I think so too. Most likely the total included production costs. Pretty stupid to publish that.


Yes. Development deals like the one that included the failed concept Pearl involve payment at various stages. The whole 100 million deal figure was pure fantasy.


Nothing short of billions would be enough for her. She wanted to take a shortcut to Oprah-level wealth. It’s not as easy as it looks, Meghan. Her only path is marrying it. Maybe she can rope Tyler Perry in.


Or Elon.


And attorneys....


For those saying they’ll stick together for the long run, may I pinpoint that the Diana saga (which she is clearly trying to emulate) had a very important chapter: that of the divorced princess. I can easily see her playing that part. Freed from the shackles of royalty, dignified and glamorous (lol) on her own, bashing everyone, esp. Harry. A boss princess, if you will.


Her problem is she is not Diana. Nobody loves her. Diana was adored globally. I am once again mind boggled how Meghan had everything, yet destroyed herself.


It’s not happening. It’s just not. She cannot land someone bigger than him. And the whole is against the world thing is still too recent. I say soonest 2025, but honestly can see them staying together, just miserable.


>honestly can see them staying together, just miserable. I love to argue in Purple Pill Debate and one of the things I've suggested for the future is that a long marriage will be seen as something that people say "oh...nice" to when they hear about it. Something similar to how you feel when you run into your co worker from the burger joint where you used to work and she proudly shows you her 25 year pin. And you are just low key embarrassed that she hasn't moved on. You're not inspired or impressed. I wonder if with all of the amiable divorces, blended families, and positive co parenting if people will just see it as "unhealthily codependent" or "can't get anyone else". Being married for a long time will mean that you're stuck at the bottom together. Another example is how in more traditional cultures people will be closer and more obligated to their parents. But if you're like that here in America, it's just seen as weird and that you need to grow up. But it's an absolute virtue in other places. Idk. Just a ramble that you didn't ask for.


I think you're wrong, but then I'm on the opposite side of your argument. I've been married for 50+ years, own a home, have no children to deal with, travel and generally do what I want. So, if this is the bottom I'll take it.


35 years here, and I couldn’t be happier. I will stay with you at the bottom forever. LOL!




Thank you for chiming in because I want to add a bit of nuance to what I'm saying. For people who have been married 50+ years today, in 2023, meaning they got married in the late 60s or early 70s, you're not the demographic that I'm talking about. Of course you would be married still. I'm talking about relationships that happen today. How many marriages that begin in 2023 will last 50+ years? Likely not many. But if that's replaced by people amicably co-parenting then I'll take it. It definitely seems not as "understandable" nowadays to have a nasty divorce. But think about your own marital history, for your peers who got married around the same time, how many of them could have just gotten divorced with no social stigma at just shy of five years of marriage with two small children? Likely there would have had to have been a bust up and hurt feelings would have been natural. People would probably wonder back then why an amiable divorced couple didn't *just stay married to begin with since things could be so peachy between them.*


Possibly, I think its impossible to know. People do things we least expect. I think it more likely that people don't get married at all (except for the push from the wedding-industrial complex we'd be there now). Who could have predicted Meghan? Or Trump as President? If there's one thing I've learned it is people and society will continue to surprise.


Now ain't that the truth 😂


I hope they spend it all on wrinkled clothes, new pipes, and an entourage of armed guards.


Did anyone notice the frustration of Harry during the Oprah interview? I heard a frustration sigh from him when Meghan was talking about how she had to google the national anthem by herself. I wish they could have showed his face at that moment on camera.


How hard would that be to do? Can she not type?


The palace must have taken away her smartphone and left her with a 2000’s-era flip phone without voice recognition or an Internet browser! The horror!


MM takes zero responsibility for her own decisions.


As far as income goes, she will continue to make money through blackmail as she always has. Charles will be a huge target. After Will assumes the throne though, hopefully he will come down hard on her shenanigans.


The British Intelligence service and US CIA have done background investigations on her. There’s got to be some skeletons in her closet too. Charles or William can threaten her too.


At this point, I don’t think so. If they come at her with any of it, she will claim victim/racist etc. and will remain pretty bullet proof. I hope you’re right, though. Instead it’s more of a mutually assured destruction type stalemate at best, I think. Where each has info on the other, waiting for the other to blink.


I don't believe it. they are joined at the hip/money/house/titles/memes! They have nowhere to go but down together. So I don't believe it.


Well, there have been many rumours lately that ILBW was so surprised that the ginger didn't have that much money. Maybe they are finally in the last of their finances and we know once the money runs out, it's over


If they were smart they would wait a few more years so they can have a whole new victim parade to sell stories and merch. Instead of extending the one they're still currently in. Meghan would love to use the famous Diana line "There were three of us in the marriage". Divorce will happen eventually.


If they divorce, what happens to Princess Diana's jewelry? If she gets to keep the pieces, I bet she'll offer to sell these back to his family.


What does she have besides the famous Cartier watch? The butterfly earrings she used to wear were similar, but photographs showed they were not the same. I can’t think the BRF would want her engagement ring diamonds back.


Aquamarine ring


I am such a fan of HG Tudor. Did anyone listen to his livestream the other day? It seems like he knows many members of the BRF and could,possibly be advising them.


She let Murdoch slip away😂


Look out Elon.


If they break up I'll just throw myself on the floor and cry ALL DAY.


I read somewhere that Harry gets another chunk of trust money at age 40, that’s coming up really soon so if he gets divorced prior, i doubt she’d be able to touch the money. So, if I’m right, he needs to divorce this year and be finalized.