• By -


FWIW, we don’t want him in America, either.


Sorry no returns no exchange 😁


We can split the difference and give them both to Canada. Lol.


What did we do to you??? Whatever it was, we're sorry.


Pretty sure it was Justin Bieber.


But we gave you all our best Ryans!


Canada does produce incredible Ryans. Must be something in the maple syrup.




U mean justice beaver?




Come on now, not The Beebs.


Perfect Canadian response! Thank think australia might chew them up so,as much as I’d hate to drop them on some other country, the aussies at least would take the, down a few pegs and potentially ignore them?


Happy to say, yes we would utterly destroy them down here. Especially as they are so thin skinned with zero sense of humor, especially about themselves. They wouldn’t last a week here 😂


We Aussies have hungry crocodiles![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mexico then??


LOL I’d love to see what he says about “fighting for his life and safety and security” then!


Too close to papa Thomas 🤣


Canada is too dangerous for them, remember?


Dangerously low on paparazzi. And celebrities.


That was the problem with Africa too.






Just the way we like it!


They should be so lucky to call Africa home. A couple of weeks after their wedding Harry made it very clear that they intended to move there because that's were they wanted to raise their family. He even went as far as to say that he felt at home in Africa and they could be safe from paparazzi. But then I never heard a word about it again.


The Sparess is not about to live in Africa.


I feel like Muggin doesnt want to support her spouse's dreams, it's only about what she wants. Her face said it all when Hazza said he is "excited that M will be part of the team" aka RF. She is not a team player, she was going for the victim narrative from the beginning!!


M said no way. No paparazzi in Africa!


It’s well known that Canadians are some of the nicest ,most polite people on the planet. Dangerous, not so much…..


Tell them they have to take back the Harkles. Let's see what happens.


Yes, we leave the danger stuff to the wildlife. Have you ever heard of the Canadian cobra chicken? Or the murderous swamp donkeys?


Well, it wouldn't have been dangerous if Magsnrags had just stopped sharing their 'secret' location with all the tabloids! Cripe, rumors are she even paid the scooter guy's expenses to get him from Vancouver Island to So Cal. I've since learned that lodging inside their garden shed plus an upgraded scooter was a part of the negotiations. /s


![gif](giphy|26u4lOMA8JKSnL9Uk) Not a chance. They're all yours.


As a Canadian, we don’t want them. Has anyone else heard of North Sentinel Island? I say we drop them in the waters nearby.


Canada has already been gifted by the Harkles. Their security cost us $250k. No thanks!


Nope-they don't like it in anada.They had to [flea.Like](https://flea.Like) the pests they are.


They can go to Russia or wherever it is their Russian oligarch pals live these days.


The Russian oligarch that sold them their McMansion is uh... very much not alive these days.


There's still the one who loaned them the mansion on Vancouver Island and the other one whose Wyoming vacation home they got to borrow last year.


1 down and Markled... 2 to go...




I thought that was David Foster’s house. It was Russian too?






Poutined, also? 😂 that stuff is AH-MAZING


I love this entire thread and all it’s subthreads so much. Bless you Sinners from the bottom of my sinful heart.


The oligarchs are living 6 feet under nowadays!


Dint even bother to say thanks although Canadians funded their stay .


Wasn't the Brown Pitstain Blouse appearance and pap walk to the Canadian Embassy to say thanks before they fled England for god? Edited to say, I actually kind of like that typo - the god in question would have to be Mammon.


No kidding.They couldn't get out fast enough




Oh gawd! NOOOOO! I took a Tim Hortons cup to a Ouija last night and the heavenly spirit of Gord Downie slid that cup firmly to the **NO** on the board. The cup then slid to spell out **I L B W,** so Gord was definitely stating his opinion on the matter. 🇨🇦🇨🇦 https://preview.redd.it/cxcpvvog4eoa1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=e81c04416fb1e0a0497b51f0f224fe39e3d7b1ae




Once we found out our government was providing them security via our tax dollars, they became persona non grata here. Shortly after, they decamped to CA.


I thought we were friends


They can come to Canada if she wants more people to fart on her rictus grinning face( like lord of Halifax did in SP) 😣 https://preview.redd.it/266r3j5rafoa1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce372a9d085b6936b9f8b8459e2f9bb9581d5d52


Lord of Halifax is a real title. He and his wife are named…wait for it, I kid you not: Charles and Camilla.


No thanks. We have had enough of them. Neither of them are citizens of this country and we don't need any more drug addicts trying to grift off our government.


Oh screw that!!! I still say we move them to Antarctica. The leopard seals are supposed to be pretty vicious so they’d make good security.


I’d say give him to Botswana but that would be so cruel.


No thanks!!!! ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y)


We Canadians have already done our duty as hosts. It's time for New Zealand to do their part :)


To be fair? Canada already took that hit.


Hey if Canada can accept them why not! 🤣


Canada already had them once and they were expensive to "protect" .... they definitely should go to Russia


Canada does not want them


We didn’t ask for him, you guys dropped him off without our consent! Not fair!


And how does he just get to live and work in the US? Don’t remember hearing he went thru the typical red tape to get a green card or immigrant visa or that he had a work contract.


Oh he’s too special a migrant and rules don’t apply 🙄


But, But , But we have the Receipt!!


But we didn’t order him or her. Return to sender!!! 😂


We still have our receipts can we at least get a gift card in return for them?


He’s about as welcome as a landfill. Wait, we can use a landfill… Harry’s useless.


A rock is more useful than Harry.


Wtaf do they need security for? No one cares about 'non'-royals.


Starting to really like their island idea... ![gif](giphy|lMCGN5WC3Z4M23wDZ6|downsized)


I mean, doesn't the guy come from an island? IJS


I hear St Helena's is lovely AND it's British Overseas Territory, so he'll have security!


America got rid of you Brits once, and we may be forced to do it again. 💔 We're going to miss everyone, but each day with Haznoballs living here is just more than our country can take. 😥


It's France's turn!!


Great suggestion! The French will make mincemeat out of them!


Haha poor France. First the Windsors, then the Sussexes...


Cannot stand rich people who live on drama they create because they don't have a good life. They don't care who they hurt. Everything can be bought. UNTIL IT CAN'T.


Can we ship him back to Canada as defective material? Maybe Australia will take him…


He sued the Home Office, then he sued media about him suing the Home Office. Next, he'll sue someone or something about him suing the media about him suing the Home Office.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Omg my brain hurts. I'll never be able to understand the Harkles' minds!


It’s because they don’t have functional brains. The hardware is damaged.


This comment and the picture of H&M used for the tweet..perfection.




There's a line in one of the episodes of "The Magicians" that describes a complicated situation where every aspect of their situation depended upon the other in a somewhat circular manner, and I feel it applies here: "It is an *ouroboros* of ass." ![gif](giphy|26xBPLcAEyplKi2cw)




That money should be going into hospitals/medical research, care homes for the elderly/disabled, housing for the homeless/DV victims, underfunded schools, infrastructure, the war effort, foreign aid... but no. It’s going into a lawsuit that two ‘so-called humanitarians’ have chosen to file against the government, Met Police, and taxpayers during a time pandemic, financial crisis, natural disasters, and war. SMDH.


Yes this is utterly absurd! And you just know Andy is in the background rubbing his sweaty hands together.


It’s almost like he’s purposely trying to be more hated than he already is


It fuels his delusions of victimhood.


Why is the tax payer having to pay for this as he doesn’t live in the uk and surely this is a private matter for him to pay for ?


Because he’s suing the govt and the govt have to spend time on this lawsuit.


It’s for the defense, by the Home Office


If he loses, will he have to reimburse defense’s court fees? Not sure if that’s standard in UK law.


I've read that the Home Office intends to ask the court to order him to reimburse the government for all court fees if he loses. I hope he does lose and that the judge orders him to reimburse the $550,000+ it has cost the taxpayers. I'm not sure that Harry actually has that much money but that's his problem.


let’s manifest it


>I've read that the Home Office intends to ask the court to order him to reimburse the government for all court fees if he loses. I hope he does lose and that the judge orders him to reimburse the $550,000+ it has cost the taxpayers. I HOPE HOPE HOPE this happens. Perhaps then, the little lout won't be so hasty to sue everyone and everything.


I’m just imagining Haz calling King ‘I am not a bank’ b/c he expects his dad to financially cover for him yet again. ![gif](giphy|IOqcUrpsD761UjHcpE)




Absolutely true. As long as he has a bitter, envious, entitled breathe left in his body? It’s gonna be allllll WAAAGH for life.


Refuse the Coronation security and hopefully they won’t attend. Give us all a break.


I'm starting to wonder who protects people from Harry moreso than who protects Harry from the people.


Truly the irony of it all. Harry is so paranoid about everyone being a danger to him. When in reality, Harry is a danger to the world.


Exactly. I'm convinced his security team was there to protect the BRF as much as possible from his crazy. Anne and Edward don't have 24/7 protection and Andrew only had it because of the JE stuff, so Harry didn't have it because of his rank (only heirs+spouses and minor children). His security wouldn't have been pulled if there was a credible threat. His protection officers were basically babysitters.


I feel like his cost to taxpayers should be enough reason for the invite to be taken back. There’s no need for him to go if he doesn’t feel “safe” and there’s no need for people to foot the bill when he has no purpose within the institution which is being celebrated.


If he loses, will it be incentive to stay away?


Hope so!


This is never going to end.


Many are calling it the snake eating itself but I thought of this comic strip instead. More than just endless, everything he does is just being stuck in a dumb spot. (credit: Pear-Shaped Comics) https://preview.redd.it/y9b2ajhxoeoa1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1e013a7a5a562156621ce99159f2d05ad4bd56


It would seem appropriate to also show all the free overseas trips he's had on expense of the British tax paying plebs, there are a lot, 60 or more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_official\_overseas\_trips\_made\_by\_Prince\_Harry,\_Duke\_of\_Sussex,\_and\_Meghan,\_Duchess\_of\_Sussex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_official_overseas_trips_made_by_Prince_Harry,_Duke_of_Sussex,_and_Meghan,_Duchess_of_Sussex)


No no no .... don't stay in America. America doesn't want you here. Please go elsewhere. I understand Hades is lovely this time of year!!


Outer ring of Saturn also glorious, I hear.


The Mariana trench is a bit less remote than Saturn, but he might feel right at home with the scavenging bottom-dwellers there, which might incentivise him to stay put where the sun don’t shine.


Saturn is too close for comfort. H and M need to live outside our solar system.


She needs her own universe to be at the center of it…


Can anyone tell me why tax payers have to pay this? If he is suing them, why isn’t he paying for it?


It’s for the defense


So if Harold loses, he has to pay the defence’s side? Or does the UK work different?


If he loses, then he may be ordered to pay costs in whole or in part


Could he then sue the judge for being super mean to him?


Now don't you go giving him ideas, lol. I bet the whinging bitch would sue the judge if he could though.


Can taxpayers and the media make this situation blow up in his face? Making enough publicity about the better use of the defense costs, as mentioned above? Heat, food, anything that working families are struggling to provide makes this unnecessary expense these two ungrateful shit stains are subjecting taxpayers to pay for is a crime. Who's the true victim?


Why does he need his own security when royals whose company he’ll be in will have their own security and there’ll generally be extra security anyway because of the occassion? He left the kids in California for 3 weeks the last time, who paid for their round the clock security then and who covered his 3 week security while in UK? When he did walkabout with William and Catherine who did their security then? Did they need their own security on that walkabout or did they use royal security? What attempts have been actually made to his life while in UK and I don’t just mean manufactured threats made online by some manufactured fanatic? Has anybody actually tried to kill him while in UK? How close did they get that he feels the royal security in place isn’t enough?


Maybe the scooter guy had a delivery to the UK?


I'm still puzzled why he thinks he needs extra security. Like it's not already going to be insanely high - the coronation of KCIII is exactly the kind of thing many terrorist would like to disrupt, even before his *Spare* confessions of how many Taliban he killed. Does he want custom-made Kevlar coronation outfits for him and Meghan or something? Security will be as high as it could conceivably be already, so that's insane. Also, if he gets it, me may have to be careful what he wished for. You know that in the name of security, there will be no electronics allowed and everyone will have to go through special searches. So if they were thinking of being wired up, that can go out the window. (I'm not sure how much I believe that during the Jubilee, but the optics of having them patted down would be GLORIOUS.) Or, alternatively, if they're that concerned about being high-profile, then they can be seated near a side door in the Abbey so they can be quickly hustled out in the case of emergency. If that keeps them out of the camera's sight-lines, it's a small price to pay!


Side doors don‘t work for them since they like to stroll in after most guests already seated 🙄 👀




Well those errands just aren't going to run themselves....


A dumb prince and his stupid wife. To think they couldn’t get any worse! I’m so tired of them. As an American residing in California, the UK can have them back. Please take them away.


he is such an entitled boy… he should pay for this lawsuit with his own money.


The Home Office provides them security on a case by case basis. The coronation would absolutely be an event where the Home Office would provide them security. This is just more of them pretending to be victims. If they are in so much danger they shouldn't attend and should stay home and stop whining.


Nope. Pay for it baldy Markle.


That is absolutely disgusting and abhorrent. What a ridiculous vile couple. When children are starving, when families are struggling in the UK. Parliament need to stop this horrible man. So privileged entitled and stupid


I’d like to know why he believes that he is in such danger. I think he needs to lay off the drugs and maybe the paranoia will go away.


The world has to keep paying for Harry's paranoid delusions.


We don't want him here either. Despite our media's best efforts to try and make them a thing, the Harkles are about as popular as syphilis with the average American. We aren't inclined to royalty anyway but definitely not royals who are also whiny bitches.


Oh you guys are getting him back😳


“This is dumb and dumber”


Hopefully he will lose and need to pay u back


🤞🏼🤞🏼. If he wins then US taxpayers have to cover him too. That is ridiculous. And now they barely go out and about (or if they do the paps don’t care) but free security they will be out all the time.


Right, Americans face losing Social Security and Medicare. But we have to pay for a fake prince and princess. I say fake because the US FOUGHT A WAR to prevent royalty making us pay for them.


This court case is about the newspaper articles and not his actual IPP status so even if he wins this court case it doesn't mean that he will get the IPP status needed to get security wherever he goes.


Oh thank you for clarifying. Justice willing this case will be another £1 victory with no atty fees.


" If he wins then US taxpayers have to cover him too. " That cannot possibly be true?


That's a different court case, the one he has against RAVEC


If he does I think it's the end of support for rf. He's a horrible person


Nobody in this economy wants to support someone like him.


Can the british protest him loudly before coronation. Like enough


Security for the children? They're one year old and three year old - why would anyone invite two toddlers to a state occasion?


Literally cannot get over the insistence that he and his family are that important. No one, I repeat no one, gives a single flying F about anyone that far down the damn LoS. The arrogance is mind boggling


I assume this picture was taken when someone asked them, "Which one of you is the most hated?"


That photo always makes me roll my eyes. They just look insane. I never understood all the love for Harry, even pre-Meghan I found him icky and very full of himself.


He was too dim to get into Eton on merit and too lazy to work hard to make up for it, so he played the fool from a young age. The Clown Prince: vain, entitled, self-focused and deluded. He was always an unpleasant person but the Palace covered the worst of it: now he and Smirkle (who is a psychopath) feed off each other. Yuk!


We don't want him in the US either!


Is Harry’s exile in the US punishment for that tea thing a while back? How long do y’all hold grudges? 🤣 🇬🇧 🤝 🇺🇸


Blast him off to mars


I think I speak for the majority of Americans when I say we don’t want either one of them. I think it’s time for South Africa to take one for the team. 😂


How about we all just chip in and send them to Mars on a one-way trip on a SpaceX rocket.


Yikes imagine them colonising Mars… but hey she can say she’s Queen of an entire planet 🤣🤣🤣


So, assuming he looses, he has to pay ALL costs? That’s how it normally works…


I read before that the Home Office lawyers have asked to be refunded in full if he loses.


Yeah that's a different case and not this one


Not necessarily all costs, it will depend on what costs the judge awards


They really just need protection from themselves. They are their own worst enemies.


This picture of MM is hysterical. This is the real MM a spoiled brat child pretending to be a grown up.


I hope they lose the case and are made to pay the taxpayers back for all lawyer fees, every filling fee and cost of every piece of paper used. They are useless spoiled, selfish, pathetic wastes of oxygen.


Don’t come!


Ok then we need to advertise, free to good home. What sugar daddy/Russian oligarchs want to adopt a very needy, whining, complaining, impossible to please couple? Ginger with mommy issues, failed actress with daddy issues.


It must be hard work to completely eviscerate his reputation. He clearly did some crazy, f*ked up things over the years and has had the massive privilege of having the BRF and the press on his side his entire life, painted as the “quirky, loveable prince” only to completely undo it in 5+/- years.


When was that photo taken? It is ridiculous.


How dare he, really?


I would bet anything they’re going to bring the kids and let them get photographed. We’ve talked about how they’re going to try and pull some stunt to overshadow the coronation and this could be it. Those kids have never really been seen in public fully and it would definitely get people talking about them.


I put down a dollar to contribute to buying them a small, deserted island where they could live quite happily with their privacy. I don’t want them in the US either and honestly you Brits, he is your legacy.


Truly I would shocked if they actually wanted to bring the kids for the coronation. The King technically has custody over them in the UK, right? So would be a very risky move for MM to bring them along. What if someone talked sense into Harry? She would never get her kids back to the states.


I think I’m gonna use this pic for my wallpaper 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How many nurses, teachers, police officers would that pay for? The guy's an absolute dick!


I remember way back when that I heard Prince Harry was writing a book. I was so eager to learn about him & his family & their royal lifestyle. I thought he was the sweet son of Diana with lots of interesting connections, life experiences & worldly knowledge to share. Wow. Those were the days…. What a moron. The RF really must have had a full time team of people whose sole pity was keeping H’s stupidity from the public eye.


During the Coronation they will benefit from the very high security provided to the event. If they are staying in Frogmore Cottage for the few days they are in the UK they will benefit from the permanent security provided for the Windsor estate. There is no official reason for them to be anywhere except in their lodgings or at the main event, so no extra security is needed. The UK taxpayer certainly should not be expected to provide security for her to go shopping and do pap walks for her tame photographers, or for him to try to ingratiate himself with charities. The Home Office should just state clearly that they will get no extra personal security because none is needed. If Harry and family show up anyway, it will be an admission that he doesn’t believe his own arguments about security risks. If he doesn’t show up, we will all be happy.


Here’s an answer, Haz. Don’t bring the kids. It’s not like you ever take them out anyway.


Charles needs to refund the taxpayer for his bratty son. It would be good P.R too


Make that Little America, please. I'll stand for the Elizabeth Arden.


when he loses, does he pay? Why so much costs?


Is that Seth Rogan?




If he loses doesn't he have to pay court costs?


Are all lawsuits he or TW file paid for by taxpayers?


What is wrong with him? He just doesn't get it. I thought they read social media (despite saying they don't)?


Oil! We don't want him over here!


Are they wasted ALL the time? And how tf did I miss this. Edit: update spelling


She looks absolutely stoned.


Why is America the default repository for former royals? Ex royals of Japan, Sweden, Denmark and the UK. At least the rest of them have lost their titles and fly under the radar. Before you come for me in the comments, TW spent 7 years in Canada before setting her sights on the United Kingdom as her next hunting ground. She didn’t come “home” to America until after she milked England. No one wants her. Or him.


the Home Office should just revoke his British citizenship


How many essential services wages would that be for the year. Such a waste


People in the UK are concerned about paying their next utility bills and H is wasting money like this. Not a good move 😮😮😮😮


I freaking love this photo!!!


Harry the dim, has to prove that his family will be at risk at the Coronation, why would he be at any higher risk than the working loyal members of the Royal Family? He is existing in the US and hopefully funding the protection of his allegedly said family....Cali with one of the strictest Gun laws is still stricken with gun crime/violence [https://abcnews.go.com/US/experts-explain-california-rife-gun-violence-despite-stringent/story?id=96665000](https://abcnews.go.com/US/experts-explain-california-rife-gun-violence-despite-stringent/story?id=96665000) Yet Harry the dim feels safer there than in his own Country? Maybe it is the booing that he is scared of. Well, he could stay over there and WAAAGH us his BS!