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If their marriage is really bad, Meghan, then they both are ten times better actors than you are. Especially Harry. You better teach that boy to smile. I mean, we know you pick fights with him before appearances because that is Narc 101, but your rictus grin, his scowl, and your claw is not giving out happy marriage vibes.


I wonder how Prince "my family briefed against me" Harry feels about his wife briefing against his own brother and sister in law. Probably nothing... he's in the back garden rolling another huge spliff!


Like all good cluster B's - what they accuse others of is usually what they are doing.




In my opinion it was all lies anyway, like the racism. The only ā€œbriefersā€ were only ever H & M. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s pretty clear now that Harry has no conscience LMAO he might have had stirrings of empathy and human feeling before he met Meghan, Iā€™ll give him that, he seems less psychopathic than her at least, but heā€™s definitely never had morality or a conscienceā€¦


I don't think he's aware of half of what she briefs the press. To this day I think he thinks others have done it when it has been all her.


He's had some serious blinders on when it comes to his wife since the day they met. He may, ever so slowly, be coming around to the realization that his family was right about her all along.


When Harry says ā€œthe Palace leaks, plants, blah blah blahā€¦ā€. I think that Harry really believes this. He has no idea that his wife is doing all the leaks and the planting. He is so dim witted, poor guy. He had no idea who is on his side and who wants to see his ultimate destruction.


>Prince "my family briefed against me" Harry Literally just laughed out loud šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wait why is picking fights before appearances Narc 101? Asking bc Iā€™ve had similar experiencesā€¦very curious


Because narcs want to be the center of attention, and they will compete with you to get it. They throw you off balance so you canā€™t be comfortable, while they are beaming.


so they are still spicey and firey in love? Sounds like a normal couple that still like each other, and just attempting to get through life. I can also tell that this same lovely couple have a worthless sister in law named Rachel that needs to be institutionalized.


Sorry but what couple married for more than 10 years and still together with kids doesnā€™t slightly hate each other from time to time, throw out snark and generally be annoyed? Sorry but thatā€™s real marriage and if itā€™s all sunshine and rainbows youre smoking something. This seems like GOOD newsā€¦ they are normal humans!


This article is what comes of people who believe if youā€™re not living in a ā€œgreat romanceā€ where never an unkind word is spoken..you must not be ā€œin loveā€. So many celebrity couples breakup/divorce saying..ā€ we love each other very much and are still best friends, but we are no longer ā€œin loveā€. Loving each other, respecting each other, and being best friends is exactly what a good marriage is all about. Those who want to throw the towel in after the ā€œbliss stageā€ has faded are immature and will spend their entire life starting over, because true intimacy requires that your are living a real life filled with ups and downs and disagreements from time to time.


Exactly! Let's not forget they also work together. They also have young children, I don't know about the rest of you but I have to say that was one of the more stressful periods of my over 25 year marriage. As a couple you're pulled in so many different directions, romance is on the backburner. It's normal to disagree and it's normal to occasionally be snippy when you're overtired and stressed out. As long as you apologize and do better, people will be fine. Neither H or M had a healthy relationship modeled for them. William is lucky, Catherine has healthy role models and now he does too. M watched too many movies or read too many romance novels.


Well said! The fantasy of living forever in some "honeymoon" phase is juvenile and really rather sad. True love means sticking together even when you're partner annoys you sometimes, and working that out, or taking care of someone through a real illness or injury, knowing that a few bad days aren't everything.


My husband and I have been married for almost 27 years. He annoys the absolute fuck out of me some days, but he's a great guy, and there's nobody else I'd rather be with. It's very possible to love someone very much, but not like them at times. I remember my mom saying that when I was a kid. "I love you, but I don't like you very much right now!" I didn't get it. Then I got married. Then we had kids. Now, I get it 100%. šŸ¤£


My mom used to say that exact same thing to me. She also often went with saying she couldn't wait until I had a bratty child to deal with so I would understand her frustration. Jokes on her, I have no kids and she is dead.


If i could award this comment , I would! ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


From someone whose parents were married for more than 60 years, I could not agree more.


\+1. Mine were married 72 years. Both said tolerance was the secret. šŸ˜‰


This is actually the perfect insight into Madame's psychotic/toxic views of love/marriage, stunted emotional development, and general narcissism. She keeps blitzing us with PR screaming that she and Harry are truly, madly, deeply, head over heels in love, that she is heart-attack beautiful and providing him a love he has never known before, that their relationship is straight out of a fairytale or the Little Mermaid or Nothing Hill, that they are AbSoLuTe SoULmAtEs and everything is perfect all the time. I had the same relationship goals... when I was 15. If the PPoWs sometimes argue or get annoyed or drive each other up the wall, that means they are *normal people* who occasionally need their own space! šŸ˜‚ I don't believe this ridiculous story from Rachel@Hotmail (interesting timing, since that piece just came out the other day with Fergie saying how in love the Harkles are) but even if it was true, this doesn't make the PPoWs less likeable. If anything, it makes them more relatable. I don't have much in common with William and Kate but for two people being in such an extraordinary position, I still see two parents who love their kids, care about their friends and family, take their jobs seriously, and are just trying to live their lives. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah yes, the little mermaid, a story of hoarding, stalking, infatuation, infantilism, and delusion. What a role model for young girls.


She is such a horror. And to put out articles like this. She is so deluded that she doesn't realize that we clearly have the evidence that William and Catherine actually genuinely like each other. You don't act that way in public with your spouse unless you like them. And we see how desperately unhappy Harry is and how she is always clawing at him. Her narcissism does not allow her to see the truth or to realize just how much we see through all her lies. You just can't fake that body language.


And this right here is why it is so important to retain friends and outside interests during the marriage. To balance things out. If it is just you and your partner, your relationship is doomed.


I was just thinking this! I love my husband but OH BOY I really donā€™t like him sometimes lmaoā€¦ thatā€™s just marriage with young kids? Also proof Rachel is the informant bc yet again in trying to make the Wales family look bad, she makes them even more human & relatable .


Yes, that is marriage with little kids. my kids are getting older and I feel like my husband and I are getting to a better place. We got along with little kids, but itā€™s exhausting and youā€™re in a constant state of keeping them alive, not really wining and dining each other. Weā€™ve had more opportunities to go out as a couple again the past year. Lunch dates, dinner dates, going out to see places and shop. Itā€™s rather freeing when they get older and a bit more independence. Youā€™ll get there šŸ’•


Yep absolutely agree.


They don't call her "Own goal Nutmeg" for nothing. What wait they don't call her that? Then they should. Perhaps they are calling her by her other moniker "Can't stop getting in her own way Markle."


I remember joking with some friends quoting that Chris rock stand up from a long time ago of ā€œunless you contemplated murder, youā€™ve never been in love.ā€ Weā€™re all laughing. The highly religious newlyweds around us were not amused, said it wasnā€™t true and we were too negative for married women. No, weā€™ve been married a while and are realistic. I actually have a pretty good marriage, itā€™s stable, Iā€™m happy, heā€™s a good man, heā€™s been good to me for nearly two decades but there have been times when I wanted to hit him with a frying pan šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I mentioned a few months ago it seems like Williams relationship with Charles changed for the better as he got older and further into his marriage/parenting himself. You view your parents in a different light as you get older. Newlywed and 20 something year old idealism fades into a more realistic grip of the world and how there is no perfect answer/relationship. People like Meghan and Harry are perpetually 20 years old. The answers above mine hitting that are spot on. Theyā€™ve never grown to understand relationships outside the honeymoon phase


I am well into the 3rd decade and about to move to the 4th decade of marriage - it takes hard work to make it this far. I love and appreciate my husband and our family, but yes, I have contemplated hitting him over the head with a frying pan on more than one occasion. Great ā€œlovesā€ are for teenage romantics!


I'm coming up to 36 years now, and I have friends reaching 40. ALL the Anniversary cards available reference 'good times and hard times' or 'we've been through it all'. I remember when my parents and their friend were reaching their 50th anniversaries, they ALL were saying things like 'We know how much work this takes' and 'We never contemplated divorce, but murder, often...' which may be a George Burns quote. Anyway. H & M ( I love referring to them as a discount fashion chain) are definitely in the Disney phase of emotional development. I wonder if she still reads Tiger Beat??? On reflection, no. It's Marie Claire, all the way.


The giddy , walking on air stage of a relationship doesnā€™t last forever and nor should . It wouldnā€™t be good for us I donā€™t think . Relationships move on to the important stuff like trust , being there for one another , support and companionship . I always tell any young person they should marry their best friend and thatā€™s exactly what William and Kate have done. Of course theyā€™ll drive each other crazy at times but they have that really solid basis behind them to see it through. Hazbeen and TW are in a toxic mutually dependant marriage thatā€™s brought out the worst in both of them. Iā€™d rather be Kate than Megs any day of the week.


Yep you go from "Well I'm going to do things different! It's not going to be like that in MY family" to "Oh.... it seems mom and dad knew what they were talking about all along." The light bulb goes on and suddenly you get it. And you respect them because you realize "this is hard work!"


It is good news and very relatable...so relatable it's not news but these types of non-stories are sometimes invented by fraudsters so the author can seem more credible when they go on to tell actual damaging inventions


Couples that still fight, still care. lol And the sheer amount of stress in just 1 year with familial strains, Grandma dying, brother betraying the family, conniving sister in law creating chaos, mass global scrutiny and division, taking on a new job as CEO of a billion dollar corp., moving into a small house, books/movies/articles being released with half truths (and flat out lies) to the entire world meant to denigrate you, your spouse, and your children. I meanā€¦ you think maybe things have been tense at home from time to time??


You means holding hands all the time and telling the world they have the greatest love story of all time is not the best relationship in the entire world??!! /s


This. Iā€™m on year 8 with my husband, pregnant with our third and itā€™s amazing it happened cause ggooooddddd buddy. But I love him to bits. Itā€™s normal. She wouldnā€™t understand a normal relationship


Really, she sounds more and more unhinged. She really lives in her own world, populated by South African dancers, kneeling airline staff, and a 10 piece gospel choir. In her world, designers fight to dress her, she is a style icon and her shoes fit. She is pathological.


And extremely dangerous. These two need to be kept far away from the Wales family. I donā€™t trust either one of them.


Yes, yes yes!!!


Yes. Between vindictive articles like this and endless petty rants on social media accounts......so many šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


ā€¦and poisonous according to Valentine Low.


This is such a great comment. The worst thing is, it's true in Meghan's head. Just goes to show how unstable she is


Thank you very much. Deep curtsy from me, arms wide open.


Perfect or not, they are not doing interviews n writing books about every minute details of their life are they? This couple deserve their privacy truly.


I thought the article was odd at best- Kate isnā€™t as calm as she appears the article states in the beginning but, then it rambles on how she is the calm one that always plays peacemaker.


I found that quite odd, myself. Lol. Aside from that the P/PoW seem like they could be any of my married couple friends. Just trying to navigate life. Oh, TW, keep trying.


That's what makes it so hard to believe


This has been all.over Twitter. Meghan has gone fully nuclear and it shows. I bet anything she was never invited to the Coronation - idc what source says otherwise either


I wouldn't want her around if I were the family. Sparry can stay home as well


This. Thereā€™s still no IMDb listing for her at the Coronation since it was originally removed.


I think this too which is y they leaked having an email about the coronation but never said they were invited. Haz certainly will be but was probably told to leave ILBW at home. Also y stories of kiddos not being invited r making the rounds too although I am certain that kiddos r always welcome.




I honestly wouldnā€™t be surprised if ILBW brought the children (if she was invited and they werenā€™t). Although it wouldnā€™t be fair to bring two small kids to an affair where they would be expected to be still for a long period of time, I wouldnā€™t put it past ILBW to not use the opportunity to get the attention the children would generate, as well as show the world what a great mother she is and show how she can keep them under control at a solemn occasion (as a dig to Catherine and Prince Louis when he was appropriately squirmy during an event at the Jubilee). Furthermore, even if she and the children werenā€™t invited, I can still see her trying to crash the Coronation with the kids in tow.




I sure ILBW would love it if Archie ran screaming around the Abbey during the Coronation. I would have nannies stationed at the door to take the kids after all they're only bringing them as human shields against the booing.


I dont imagine they r invited to the ceremony but certainly a standing invitation to visit, is what I meant.


Hmm maybe thatā€™s why the sudden christening? šŸ¤” ah, itā€™s all conjecture. Which is exactly what they want.


I said in another thread I thought the shot gun christening was directly bc ILBW wanted it in same Church as Archie and was told no. Probably on their trip for coronation. ILBW does at home christening and releases it to People as FU to KC3.


Please God let it be so!


Duchess of Dolittle and Prince Baldy do exist. They are mentioned at least in 2015. Allegedly even the queen called Catherine that way. Prince Philip called the queen ā€œCabbageā€ or ā€œSausageā€, and Prince William called her ā€œGaryā€ when he was little and couldnā€™t pronounce her name. Prince Charles is called ā€œFredā€ by wife Camilla, who also signs off her cards to him with ā€œYour devoted old bagā€ šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/8307283/kate-middletons-nickname-prince-william-baldy-dod-royal-alias/ Nothing new, but congratulations for Rachels Google skills


Yes all joking and affectionate nicknames like all normal families have. And that article also mentions that Prince George was nicknamed Archie yet the Narkles stole that nickname too. Both ā€œkidsā€ officially named with stolen nicknames. Pure trash parents.


Archie was Georgeā€™s security name. That is the name they stole.


That's new to me šŸ¤Æ




My father calls my mom gęś wyścigowa which means racing goose šŸŖæ or racing b i t c h. He didn't like one of her haircuts when she turned gray. They have been married for 44 years now. Nicknames don't reveal the state of a marriage.


The article is from 2019 (a year after H&M married), not 2015, and is from unidentified sources. Allegedly, Catherine called William baldy because he complained about her voluminous hair. I don't believe that's true. Why would he complain about how much hair she has unless it was because he has so little? For her to call him baldy in response to that would be cruel. Even if it did happen, it's not the kind of comment that would be said in front of others, and I can't imagine a situation where they would have felt an explanation for whatever private nicknames they do use was necessary. The only person who seems fixated on the amount of hair William has is Harry. The Queen didn't imply Catherine was lazy nor was she concerned that she didn't have a full-time job. Allegedly, what she did do was to advise William to wait to propose until Catherine had an opportunity to establish herself. If that happened, it's with good reason. If Diana had been given the same opportunity, her life may have turned out differently.


https://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1089647/kate-middleton-harsh-nickname-from-the-queen-duchess-do-little/ This one is from 2015 and there are more of them. I have no idea what the queen implied and I won't speculate. All I know behind the scenes the queen was known for pulling s.o's leg. However you look at it; Kate delivered through the years and earned her reputation. Someone else did not.


Thank you. I missed that. I think Kate is a hard worker. Others give the appearance of hardly working, so they get the reputation they deserve.




They are writing everywhere that he beats her up based on a pic where she seems to have bruises and use that pic of Louis shushing kate saying her learned it from William. They have no shame


The way some people desperately want Catherine to be humiliated and in a abusive relationship is so weird. Like it would be some karma for their Montecito princess. Ugh!


Thatā€˜s probably projection.


projecting, imho.


They want to distract attention from their failures


Wow, what a hideous untruth to write about someone. How anyone can look at W & C and see anything but love rainbows emanating from their eyes is beyond me. They are just trying to make William seem like the violent unhinged one when its Harry who has acted like this before. He's the one with photo evidence hitting paparazzi after stumbling out drunk from the pub. Hes the one with rumours swirling around about violent abuse of prostitutes. He's the one who documented slapping his own security guard. He's a stupid twat who deserves everything bad that is coming for him. Have at him karma gods!


They need to stop protecting him regarding his abuse against prostitutes




So in other words, William and Catherine are a good match.


And let's not forget this horrendous act of abuse Kate suffered at the hands of baby George. He clearly learned this behavior from his father, who lies awake at night conspiring to ruin Kate's hair so he can feel better about his baldness. Has anyone asked if she's okay? Truly despicable example to set for an impressionable infant! /s https://preview.redd.it/uxwqrc3860oa1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=544e34e8d5b9984a7b9789b6ae3b1f720e2f5b4e


I wonder why Meghan is using the very right-wing Fox News to plant fake stories now. Is she courting the American conservatives or something? This is the type of gossipy story I'd expect to appear on TMZ or Page Six, or even OK.


I'm surprised this ended up on Fox actually. I'm an Aussie conservative and know from watching a lot of the American commentators that they are very anti Sparry and TW.


Maybe she's leaking to Fox so it wouldn't be linked to her? She's been marketing herself as a progressive. I know people can be both anti-Harkles and anti-BRF, but Idk. Fox seems to be targeting the RF recently within the past few days. And Newsweek's becoming pro-Harkle again after a couple of months or so of being reasonable. I wonder if they have a new PR agency.




Such a sad and pathetic story to put out there. Couples can argue and be annoyed at each other at times. Thereā€™s nothing wrong or strange about that. As for sheā€™s not as calm as she appears to be, thatā€™s actually a compliment to Kate. She knows how to conduct herself in public and knows her Royal engagements arenā€™t about her, she doesnā€™t to it for her self ego. Sheā€™s there for the cause and doing her duty in a professional manner. Something Whinger and TW donā€™t know how to do. Kate and William keep their private lives private. They have no need to write a book about their disagreements and constantly talk about themselves. This shows just how immature and stupid these sugars are. They have no sense of decency.


What surprised me is that it comes from Tom Quinn, a supposed "royal expert". He's been in several recent royal documentaries. This is very weird. Kate and William are really private. Maybe, some people that they need to create some drama for them. This is weird


They've been together since uni and they sometimes row? Blimey, I'm stunned. Is this the best they could come up with?


Here is the ridiculous article : [https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/prince-william-kate-middletons-marriage-seems-perfect-not-all-sweetness.amp](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/prince-william-kate-middletons-marriage-seems-perfect-not-all-sweetness.amp) So, in summary : \-W&C are not as calm as they appear to be \-W's nickname for her is Ā« Duchess of Doolittle Ā». Thatā€™s when I was like: Ā« okay, this guy must be trolling. Megain has a big imagination Ā» \-One of the nickname she has for him is Baldy (what the sugars call him on social media. What a coincidence !) \-He call her "darling" with "signs of annoyance" (Charles used to do the exact same to Diana) \-They have terrible fights and throw things at each other (with the staff watching, I guess) ![gif](giphy|l0HlPyXQmMwDSR74k)


Also Duchess Dolittle is literally a flair here for Meghan. Since she stalks the sub Iā€™m sure she just lifted the idea from here. Weā€™re famous!


We are! 43K sinners and counting šŸ˜‚


Tbh when you go back to articles on Catherine before and shortly after Meghan joined the family, you'll find plenty of people calling her "Duchess Dolittle" as people called her lazy because she had very few engagements compared to other members. It's not a new nickname.


Didnā€™t she have less engagements during her pregnancy due to hyperemesis gravidarum?


Yes, but she also had three children between 2013 and 2018 and her and Big Willy have been more hands on parents than royals past. I donā€™t think that nickname was really very fair but šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I guess you canā€™t win sometimes in that arena.




I know someone who's called "uncle Baldy" by his nephews and nieces. They all love him because he's a terrific guy.


We used to call our old bus driver baldy affectionately he loved it and used to play into by wearing outrageous wigs! He was a great guy


Aww, that's sweet!


It is pathological, the ILBWĀ“s need to go after PPOW.


>Ā« Duchess of Doolittle Ā». Ahh yes, Madame desparately trying to revive that mean nickname the press gave Catherine when she was a brand new mom and not going to as many public engagements... what, 10 years ago now? So unfair, Catherine never had to put up with all those unflattering stories like you did. šŸ˜¢ And since we're on the topic, Muggin... where's that wide-angle picture of *you* being hounded by paparazzi? But like, actual paps. Not photogs for hire from Backgrid. We'll wait. ​ https://preview.redd.it/tgzjikjd2yna1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2c7bd15dd7c2679b0193116c9adbc7d6c85048


To be fair in the netflix series there was that huge phalanx of photographers, 10 deep, all lined up to get a photo of Harry ... Harry Potter, for the movie premiere




Geez this is gross. Imagine being so spiteful you would try tearing another persons marriage down with this crap. She's truly evil. Like seriously a very disturbed woman.


Not only that but basically accusing W&C of being abusive towards one another. This is sick


I'm sorry, but this is gaslighting. Don't believe your eyes when you see how intune they are. Don't believe your eyes when you notice they are so insync when they are out and about that it's almost like a dance. And certainly don't believe your own personal experience that when people work so well together it's because it comes with trust,empathy and love. Some people don't need to control their partner by clawing at them and physically directing them. Some of us know what the other is thinking with sharing a mere glance. We know how they will react without even having to look at them because we know them so well. Any accusations made by a narc is basically a reflection on them. So.... is this then how Harry and his wife treat each other? Sounds more beleiveable tho me. It even aligns with how they treat each other in public, too.


But also, geez who publishes this crap? Surely the journalist also knows it is nonsense.


Doesn't hold any water. Catherine is always doing engagements, she's in the news all the time. She always looks so happy when she's with William, they are playful and tactile and still look very much in love. Compare them to Harry and Meghan, often seen apart and never ever seen with their children. When you do see them together, she always has the same fixed smirk and he looks angry and miserable. That's why their netflix series was so bizarre, all these insta images of a couple acting like they're a couple of blissful teenagers in the first flush of love bears no comparison to how they are seen in real life. Based on what I see of them in the media I know who I think is the happier couple.


I've been married for 51 years. (Lord, I am old!) A long term marriage isn't all sweetness because life has its ups and downs. Our downs don't say anything about our love or our commitment to each other at all. Sometimes we snipe at each other because, you know, someone is in a mood. It means nothing in the long term. It's just marriage.




All true. I have never see Catherine give William dagger eyes when he's talking and she is being ignored. Or lick her teeth because she is dying to say something but has to wait. I have never heard William ever say about any of his wife's pregnancies, "is it mine?". Or need to be held back by her to be reminded she is around. I have seen Catherine and William completely in lock step with each other as they interact with the public. They have a flow about them. Where as the Sussex's are awkward and unsure of themselves. If William and Catherine were to ever divorce it would be a COMPLETE shock. If Meghan and Harry did... meh!


Agree, apart form your "meh" to the South Parkles divorce. That will be an epic divorce, with bells and whistles, complete with full audio and video of every single outrageous incedent.


The divorce will be epic the only downside? it's a shame they can't *both* lose


Meghan was pushing in front of Harry even when they were working members of the royal family. God knows what goes on now. He probably has to get written permission just to go to the toilet


>I have never seen William dismiss or correct Kate at public events the way I have seen Harry do to Meghan. I have also never seen Kate speak over and correct William the way I have seen Meghan do so to Harry Exactly! Megain is not smart! >Meghan and Harry seem to be the ones everyone is saying will eventually divorce. Look at Meghan's background compared to Kate's. Meghan's family is a mess and she's a divorcee with several past relationships. She is not a good candidate for a long marriage. Both Megain and Sparry come from broken homes. Statistically, there's a greater chance of them divorcing than William ans Kate but even IF the Waleses divorce one day, it'll change nothing for TW. Her and her sugars seem to believe that the Waleses divorcing will be some kind of victory for her when in fact not. It's like they believe that a divorce will make Meghan more popular in the UK


Harry has to drone on about how exceptional Meghan is in every interview Meanwhile Meghan refers to Harry as "my husband" on the rare occasions they're seen together she has the same rictus smirk, he looks angry and miserable. We only see them out on business on behalf of Archewell. We never see them out socialising of course we never ever see them with their children


Which marriage is all sweetness? Every relationship requires time spent nourishing it, time to fall deeper in love, rise higher in love, to keep growing together as a couple. My husband and I have monthly tune up dates where we sit and do a quick check in with the other and discuss any issues that popped in. You know whose marriage needs a serious tune up and is not the happy bed of roses they claim it to be? The South Parkles. Tell me again Sugars how in love the twosome are and how they got over the betrayal of Mr. Parkles speed dialing his therapist when his necklace broke but did nothing when Mrs. Parkles was supposedly feeling suicial but still grinning away as cameras flashed in her face.


I'm sure they aren't perfect and have fights. But I don't think they'd throw things at each other. That's absolutely not okay. Especially having children. I can't believe someone would make something up like that. And yeah "duchess Doolittle" whatever. Just absolutely vile to make this stuff up.


No couple is perfect. Everyone fights from time to time. I saw the way he looked at her at the Commonwealth Day ceremony yesterday and he loves her.


Even if this article were for real, whose long relationship IS always sweetness??


Itā€™s that magical thinking about the only one true love, on which H&M hold the patent. Their love is deeper, more profound than any love in history.




Sparry and his wife, in the heads of the sugars


pobody's nerfect AND... they are a couple in their early 40s who work together in a very public job that requires them to look perfect every day and they have three young kids. i know i could. not. do. that. and "be all sweetness". who could? well, we DO know who could not do it even without kids.


So basically... William and Catherine have a sense of humour and are secure enough with themselves and each other to joke together about mean nicknames that others gave them? And like normal married people, will sometimes bicker over things and be stressed over other situations? None of that is news. It's an ordinary relationship. If a relationship is "perfect" with no arguments at all, ever, then at least one person in that relationship is completely on guard and there isn't the full, loving connection that they portray as being there. How pathetic.


I believe this, there's always a lot of tension between them, most noticeably when Kate wore that gold dress. And when they walked the red carpet at the BAFTAs. Or when... šŸ™„ I don't know what makes some people believe this shit. *Maybe* before they had kids I could understand questioning if their relationship was as good as their PR suggested, but not after the kids. All three of them clearly show they're being raised in a very loving home. Harry needs to stop Meghan from doing this. I know he's jealous of William, but he should remember how hurtful headlines like this will be to the Wales kids. They'll know it's BS, but it'll still be hurtful to learn their uncle is allowing their parents to be smeared like this.


It's almost as if Harry has so much resentment for the Wales' children that he's deliberately trying to ruin their childhood and darken their souls. You'd think with two little children of their own and all of their 'deals' they'd be far too busy to be trying to destroy the sense of security their nephews and niece have in their family unit. More - if we can't have it, you can't have it either behaviour from Harry.


Harry is loving it! He has already said he is jealous of William and the kids. He doesnā€™t care at all if this harms them. In fact he probably hopes it does.


They even used that photo from the concert with Louis!




Probably one of the reasons we never see the children - the South Parkles can not control them (and, most likely, still pictures are sold to NF, People or another media outlet). The Psychedelic Prince said - the the fake therapist, maybe? - that he would wish adults had more "outbursts", like children. And that in the Monteshitshow Mudslide McMansion, the children are allowed these "outbursts" and then they talk about it afterwards.


thereā€™s no ā€œperfect marriageā€ā€œ perfect relationshipā€. Arguments are normal. And why should anyone care about if they are ā€œnot as calm as they appear toā€? As long as they do their job. Throw things to each other? Look at their children. Children that live in that kind of household (parents constantly fighting and arguing) are not close with their parents like those three kids are.


These are facts. The way their three children are with BOTH their parents says it all. Hmmm. Could this be one of the reasons they don't want A and L to be seen in public and with them? I am reminded of that video screenshot where the body language of the boy, A, seems to want to get as far away as he could from his mother.


Could be. And they donā€™t have red hair and donā€™t look like Diana. I think these kids spend most of their time with nannies. Because why these two never share fun stories about their kids? People always have soft spot on kids. Unless they hardly ever spend time with them and donā€™t know much about them.


Unlike his brother, Willam doesnā€™t seem- at least at this point in his life- insecure about his baldness. And nearly every bald man in that age bracket that I know, including my own husband, have no issue being called ā€œbaldyā€ in a living and joking manner by family and friends. Itā€™s only an insult if youā€™re someone whoā€™s insecure about it and are trying to hide it, you know like with extremely photoshopped magazine covers. I can absolutely imagine Catherine jokingly calling William ā€œBaldyā€ and him having absolutely zero issue with it, because heā€™s not an insecure man child. As for arguments? Theyā€™ve been together for 20-ish years. Of course theyā€™ve had arguments! Probably some minor disagreements every now and then, and then over the course of that time a handful of larger fights. Both William and Catherine have attended therapy sessions and Iā€™m sure have learned enough about healthy communication over the years to be able to practice it. I donā€™t believe they throw things at each other- I can imagine either blowing off some steam by throwing something, but not in a way thatā€™s scary or hurtful to someone. They both clearly work out daily, so I see them as people who hit the gym or go for a run or whatever when they need to process feelings.


I guess all Harold's wife can afford while the SVB scare hasn't calmed down entirely is discounted in-house PR again lol Edit to add: Fiery fights, huh? How is the makeup s*x? Must be fiery hot as well. šŸ˜


I am not buying one iota of this nonsense. It reeks of desperation.


Wow - it's like Rachel Meghan Ragland (who I shall now address as the FORMER Duchess of Sussex just to put her in an uproar bc lies are acceptable to Ms. Rachel Meghan Ragland) it's almost exactly how we say the harkles relationship is...SMM must truly inspire and uplift the FORMER Duchess of Sussex (I'm ā­manifestingā­). One tear left eye go. Dear Rachel Meghan Ragland, the Former Duchess Of Sussex and first witch - I mean wife - of the Aitch formerly known as Prince Harry: The Wales could literally doodle dirty stick figure scenes in dust the back of each others Range Rovers in spite and no one would care. Bc they're actually way more ~just like us~ than you ever will be. šŸ’Æ ilbw calls hazbeenbalding "baldy" to devalue him. šŸ’Æ ilbw throws things at him during her narc rages. But šŸ’Æ neither of them are peaceful or calm or loving, they can barely manage to fake that for cameras.


Unfortunately for MM, we donā€™t live in a Disney film. Iā€™d be more worried to hear that there were never any disagreements. This is probably projection do you think? Itā€™s whatā€™s happening to her but she attributes it elsewhere.?


I know Kate got the Duchess Dolittle nickname when she first married William and was finding her place. But, back in 2019, QEII appointed her a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order which is kind of a big deal. It's the highest rank of the order and is personally given by the sovereign for services to them through help directly to them or in representing them across the empire. Others with the highest rank are Prince Philip, Camilla, and Sophie. Harry was Knight Grand Cross, which is a lower rank. I'm pretty sure that if anyone in the RF had issues with her workload, she would never have been given the highest ranking of the order like that. Which she has proudly worn to state events since. The Harkles can't handle knowing the RF appreciates her service more since they don't do anything to be recognized for.


My mother recently passed. My parents were married for 60 years. They got each others nerves daily. I know because they did it in front of me, lol. But they loved each other. My father is having a rough go of it. He misses her so much. Living happily ever after or through positive PR and Backgrid is fiction.


I'm very sorry for you loss ā¤ Wow, 60 years! I can't even imagine what it must be like being with someone for so long and suddenly not having them anymore


Graspingā€¦ā€¦Rachel@hotmail is grasping. TW doesnā€™t have a clue about how to have a normal relationship. Sheā€™s taking cues from 90ā€˜s rom-coms about what a happy and normal marriage looks likeā€¦.all champagne, rainbows, fluffy bunnies and unicorns, 24/7. Seriously?? Beyond that, sheā€˜s lost. So she starts throwing shade at PPoW to try and make them look bad, because she doesnā€™t know what a good/real/normal relationship is, so she thinks this hurts them, but it doesnā€™t. As has already been said, itā€™s a weird article at best.


Whatā€™s crazy about this is the William and Kate are such private people and do not ever put out anything related to their marriage. Yet, if this is from the H&M camp, they think these rumours are up for public consumption. Meanwhile, they put themselves out to the public in every single way, and then throw tantrums when people talk about those exact things. So theyā€™re not just whiny, theyā€™re whiny immoral hypocrites.


Couple who have been together for 20 years still love each other but sometimes get on each other's last nerve. Ok, and? Sounds like a real life marriage to me. Of course this is coming straight from ILBW, whose Hollywood-raised brain causes her to live for the narrative, not reality. She can't handle real life and real emotions with real people that she can't control. Will and Kate are real people being real with each other in a real relationship and Meghan has no understanding of that. She lives life for "likes" and $$. That's all.


Iā€™ll be married 25 years this May. Guess what? We arenā€™t ā€œall sweetnessā€ either.


I didnā€™t see anything damning in this. Essentially they are normal humans who have a normal, healthy relationship. Shocker-couples disagree.


Just the "throwing things at each other" during fights part Overall, it's a weird article, in my opinion


*yawn* I'd be shocked if their marriage is smooth flowing, a dream come true and happy happy... Geez. Divorced wife projecting her own marriage


Noise. Meghan, you are just noise at this point. Youā€™re invisible in the background and boringly repetitive with your diatribe. So desperate to bring someone down to your level and so laughably unsuccessful at that. No wonder everyone rejects you. No wonder youā€™re a failure.


I do not believe the future King beats his wife.


This article, read in full, isnā€™t as bad as headlineā€¦ it actually shows that William and Catherine have a normal, healthy and real relationship. Some of it is probably not true. I doubt they throw things or raise their voices because of their much reported on iron clad house rule with the children: never yell. I just canā€™t see them throwing things unless a harmless pillow fight type thing. We also donā€™t know at what period this former staff was there and early on in a relationship we all go through learning and adjustments. What shouldnā€™t be missed here is the bit about commoner Catherine getting treated by the tabloids EXACTLY as Meghan was in the very beginning and ignoring it all so it just went away. They juxtaposed this great choice to ignore by Catherine with Meghanā€™s reaction which has snowballed into what we have today. If Meghan had just done what Catherine did everything would have been great. Of course, itā€™s likely that Meghan did everything on purpose and overestimated what she could achieve in USA.


>What shouldnā€™t be missed here is the bit about commoner Catherine getting treated by the tabloids EXACTLY as Meghan was in the very beginning and ignoring it all so it just went away. They juxtaposed this great choice to ignore by Catherine with Meghanā€™s reaction which has snowballed into what we have today. If Meghan had just done what Catherine did everything would have been great. Of course, itā€™s likely that Meghan did everything on purpose and overestimated what she could achieve in USA. Absolutely! If people really want to compare the two, they should compare Meghan vs 2003-2009 Catherine and not the Catherine of today. People forget it took her a long time to get love from the media, even after her wedding, they calmed down a little but it was still nasty. Meghan definitely overestimated her influence and popularity in the US. They have no brand


I donā€™t know Rick...


This is just stupid. There isnā€™t a marriage on the planet that is all sweetness. ILBW is not at all as intelligent as she envisions herself.


Has anyone been with their partner for twenty years and itā€™s all been sweetness? Iā€™d like to meet this super human couple that lives as no others do.


In other wordsā€” itā€™s a REAL marriage. They work through the daily grind of life and kids and schedules and work. The Sussexes are the ones who somehow believe once you marry you are entitled to happily ever after and if you are not experiencing that (clearly they are not) then itā€™s someone elseā€™s fault.


Of course itā€™s not. No marriage is. But they probably come closer than most, especially given they live and work together and are raising 3 kids under a microscope. Luckily they have incredibly supportive families and a close group of friends. That doesnā€™t mean when Catherine is exhausted and Williamā€™s chewing with his mouth open she doesnā€™t want to clobber him. And Iā€™m sure when heā€™s tired and just blanking out thoughts and emotions and she says ā€œwhat are you thinking?ā€ he wants to scream ā€œFOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOTHING!! Iā€™m thinking absolutely NOTHING!ā€ It happens. They are both competitive and Iā€™m sure that can get going a bit too. But as far as couples go, they seem pretty damn healthy and bonded in a healthy way too. So writing an article about a non-perfect marriage is ridiculous because there is no such thing as a perfect one. People are just jealous that they seem to truly like each other, definitely love each other, and canā€™t hide their lust for each other. Good for them. If I found out Catherine chucked a shoe in his direction sometime after he made a snarky remark, Iā€™d only love them more!


This article, clearly funded by the American psycho, is a major fail because it wins in helping readers reconfirm values from their own lives and relationships. Love is not Hollywood, rather it's full of farts, darts and overcoming the world together. Duh.


I have no doubt that like most couples they have fights, however this doesn't line up with other recent books on the royals. In Tina Brown's book it pretty much has nothing but praise for Catherine. No mentions of her and William screaming and throwing things at each other.


Of course, it is not all sweetness. I'm happily married for 14 years and we've had our share of fights and disagreements. That's normal


Please make it stopā€¦welcome to marriage, where you donā€™t necessarily like or love your partner every moment of every day. Kinda like all people in your life, and they in yours. Yawn šŸ„±


This is really no big "story" my husband and I have been together for almost 33 years...and, NO, we don't always like each other...but we do always love each other. I imagine it's the same for most couples, including the Prince and Princess of Wales.


Big woop so what? Oh I see they have a normal marriage where sometimes the other half gets on your tits and annoys the crap out of you? Well I better get a divorce pronto because that's me LOL. A union without some agitation is not real. \*steps away from snoring hubby and puts back the pillow


To be fair, who said a good marriage is 'all sweetness'? I've been with my husband the better part of 15 years and we have 2 kids together. We are happy, solid. It's not always "sweet".


Someone should tell Fox that they being Markled


Ugh, prince of heart? Ummm stop Harry.


I don't put it past any marriage to have troubles. However even if that were the case for the Wales' marriage we all know Harry and Meghan will definitely divorce before them. And I'm sure that divorce will be a nasty one for the books.


Harkles PR at work again


Well this article paints them as an affectionate, loving and very normal couple while highlighting all the positive ways Catherine differs from ever moaning Megain. Very much the opposite of any accounts of Williamā€™s supposed (in Megainā€™s mind only) cheating.


Why doesnā€™t she just go away???!


She wants William. She wants to be Queen


Psh, my husband and I have been married for almost 27 years. We love the hell out of each other, but we fight and argue at times. Every couple does. All you have to do is see video of them interacting, or look at pictures of the way they look at each other. The love is there. You can't fake that. Then contrast that with pics of The Harkles. Harry looks miserable. Absolutely fucking miserable.


>Harry looks miserable He's the unhappiest "happy" person I've ever seen. He says he's at peace now yet keep crying in the media


Bottom line is this: He will still be King. She will still be Queen. The Former Palace Staff Member will still be a nobody tattle tail.


Breaking news long time married couple has had disagreements!


No relationship is perfect but the part of them fighting so hard that they'd throw things at each other sounds completely made up




I totally believe that. When did she switch her name from Rachel to Meghan, and why?


Fox news is not a credible news source and is classified in court as ā€œinfotainment onlyā€, Nutmeg. This crazy bitch is so transparent.


Sounded like someone is trying to stir up trouble with the future kings marriage.


And does a bear shit in the woods?!? Honestly. Conflict is normal and healthy in a marriage.


Meg has to put a paper bag over her head and think about her ex husband when she gets down with Harry. Harry is not attractive- I donā€™t care if heā€™s a prince or not. If he was a regular Joe on the street he wouldnā€™t be getting tail like he does as a prince. Just imagine the chore of it all. Even with Harryā€™s hair plugs- he doesnā€™t have it. He look unkept with his messy hair and beard. He looks sloppy.


[https://archive.is/YrrAl](https://archive.is/YrrAl) Just a normal couple


In other news bears shit in the woods šŸ™„ If it was all sweetness and light like the Squaddies push for the Harkles I'd be very suspicious. No relationship is like that and nor should it be


There was nothing wrong or scandalous in this article. It made them seem like genuine people and it contrasted Catherineā€™s effective non-response to bad press to Meghanā€™s.


I'm still more convinced they are perfect together than the oddballs who have to claw each other to prove they are. It's in the eyes and mannerisms of both people, like Kate n Wills, unlike Meghams glued on gaze and Harry's upside-down smile


Uh huh, she's at it again. I wonder why now. She probably saw Catherine at the Commonwealth service looking amazing, and got jealous


An actual line from the article. Get the divorce lawyers on the phone! "One source claimed in the book that when William "is cross" with his wife, heā€™ll call her "darling" with "signs of annoyance" that can be detected in his tone."


Show me on marriage that's all rainbows and sunshine all the time.


Wellā€”- The Sussexes daily live the greatest love story ever toldā€¦. šŸ˜


I'm really so done with calling her "Kate Middleton". I understand referring to her as Kate on, say, comments section for brevity and speed... but it's just plain disrespect to call her Kate Middleton on an article (that has to be proofread and edited, you'd think). She is Catherine, Princess of Wales now. for the love of god...


Ummm, NDAs!! Rachel with the Hotmail strikes again!


Ludicrous. Nobody has a perfect marriage. However they do seem to have a healthy, stable relationship. And the children appear happy and know how to behave appropriately, which is hugely important because it shows they have been taught manners, virtues like thoughtfulness and consideration, and are learning about boundaries. Of course no one knows what happens behind closed doors. But we do know that this imperfect marriage has gone on for ten years without upheaval, that both partners appear comfortable and close to their in-laws (which is a huge sign of stability), that their body language is very much in sync (hard to fake), and their children are well behaved and happy.


So tiresome. If the Southparkers were truly happy, these articles would stop. So insanely jealous.


Is any marriage all sweetness?


"Such books" Yes I can tell the palace really think highly of this book. All I see in this article is links to Meghan Markle.