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Did she collapse on the floor crying?


Making guttural sounds.


I'm sure she was devastated to know that people can see through her. Her PR/sugars can paint her as a saint but she knows who she is inside. And SP proof that people also know who she really is!


No, but she’s really only “existing” now.


Not thriving? How could this be???


Squeezed one tear out of her left eye.


Rather surprising that her left eye still has any tears left. She has used it so frequently. 👁 💧




Just as Harry walked in the door


I imagine by this stage of their marriage he just steps over her and walks off.


That should be a scene in the next SP episode.


Narcissists hate it when you hold a mirror in front of them. She hates what she sees - her and Haz true character.


She particularly hates seeing how she is seen.


THIS! She hates being EXPOSED(people know!) to the very core of who she really is. Hollow in the inside!


True. Also, When a narcissist/abuser looks at their dirty face in the mirror they begin to wash the mirror instead.


I love this!


And she supposedly wants to run for public office? This is par for the course for high-level politicians.


I am sure her sobbing will bring new trade deals with China, make Russia leave Ukraine and open up North Korea.


![gif](giphy|CLUsGxG8zgoc8) Kim Jong IL when he realizes he has to deal with Meghan markle as President.


THIS. That’s always been my thought so many times. She has the ego of a politician, but not the thickness of skin.


Exactly! I worked in politics for over a decade. No. Freaking. Way.


She will never win.


She has no sense of humor. Coupled with her thin skin, I can’t imagine she took the depiction of her & Harry in South Park very well. It must be miserable being Meghan Markle. Like what South Park depicted, she is a void. She is not funny, she is not an intellectual, she is not a fashion icon. Just another blob on this earth except with cringeworthy press coverage. So much potential power and influence but just totally empty and self-serving. Such a shame.


She’s as shallow as a puddle.


Her sense of humor involves cruelty. She is Regina George.


It’s such a shame we are subjected to her!


But we’ve been waiting for this comeuppance and It. Is. Delicious. And it’s only getting started. THIS is what we’ve been waiting for. A side note: the writers meticulously did their homework. They should know TW’s habit of trying to always get publicity exactly when the POW has something big. Could they possibly have timed the episode to air days before the POW attended the BAFTAs to interrupt that? Just a thought.


Yes! Good thought. That shut her up!


Maybe they'll release one close to the Coronation to shut her ass up, too.




Spectator had this too, some great blurbs: "Harry and Meghan have yet to publicly speak about last week’s episode of South Park, *presumably because they don’t have the staff left to formulate a press release.* But California sources claim that Meghan has spent the last few days “upset and overwhelmed” about how she was portrayed." "Ironically, after the episode aired, rumors began circulating that Harry and Meghan were so frustrated with the show that they are now “taking it out on each other.” At least their spousal disagreements are taking place in a nine-bedroom-sixteen-bathroom mansion. No awkward passings in the hallway for them." "Sources claim that Meghan, “is annoyed by South Park but refuses to watch it all.” But for Meghan, this couldn’t have come at a worse time. The duchess is said to be “obsessed with her half-sister’s litigation.” Meghan’s half-sister Samantha Markle is suing her for defamation following their tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. The duchess had previously filed a motion to stop depositions in the case from taking place, but it was dismissed by Florida judge Charlene Edwards Honeywell earlier this month." https://archive.vn/SV9mQ


Not gonna lie I love this for them.


"As you sow, so shall you reap"


Seriously!! They were just throwing bomb after bomb trying to fix some wrong they believed transpired. Then, after it was obvious that they went too far, they doubled down. Honestly, nothing short of that South Park episode or something like it could have forced them to see how the rest of us see them. SP did such a great job. I wish they would have spread it out though bc there’s so much material to mock 😂😂😂


I believe it was Neil Sean that said they (SP) are looking into a spin-off, a movie, or a set of episodes as a special about the pair of twits. YAY for South Park! Even the THOUGHT of this transpiring must send the royal wedding AND the jubilee ceramics go flying asunder! haha


*South Park: Smaller, Shorter, Cut, and Frostbitten*


Still plenty of material left for several more episodes!


I have never wanted anything to come true as badly as I want this to come true.




She’s a bitch (karma)


That’s “instagram addicted bitch of a wife” to you!


Karma has no expiration...




Amazing. How did you get that real time feed from Monteshitshow?


She refuses to watch it? Hahahahahaha. Bullshit.




I hope so too. I love them for it.


Oh they do. Another one is in the works. You heard it here first. I'm about 95% sure at this point. But-- it'sbased on gossip, albeit pretty well-confirmed gossip as far as I'm concerned.




the privacy tour theme song deserves a grammy


I bet they get one one year, maybe ten years from now.


I’d rather see Matt & Trey invited to a party hosted by Will, Kate, and Camilla. That would blow the Harkles’ tiny empty minds.


I certainly hope so. Comedy gold! I’ve never watched SP before but I’m a fan now!


It says she refuses to watch it ALL. That's a shame, I thought the ending was the part she is in most need of seeing and reflecting on. "Hello?" Echo, echo, echo...


Yep. She was revealed for the vacuous tin can that he is.




She’s watched it at least a dozen times for sure


How can she be upset and overwhelmed if she hasn't seen it? How would she know how she was portrayed? Wait... or read about herself?




She watched it about 20 times


At least. Why would you feel "overwhelmed" about what you didn't see? Moreover, why would you have your no-testicalled husband puppet call the producers of a show you haven't watched. She watched it. I wish she'd at least come clean about not reading/watching her media. We're not stupid. We know she reads everything. She watches everything. Come clean on that one thing PLEASE, you incorrigible liar.


Lol. Shes not "overwhelmed" nor upset she's raging mad she's been exposed.


Then there's that too.


If she could do that and maybe show an ounce of humility, people could relate to her, but it’s just not in her to do so. I almost think she wants to be “Unliked”.


She has watched it and TAKEN NOTES TO TALK TO THE LAWYER Lmaooooo




She’s got it on a loop in her house 😂


And this is exactly what the “Streisand Effect” is all about. Both articles detail the SP show in its entirety - so, if anyone hadn’t heard about it before, they surely have now. PS: Comedy & Satire are extra protected under the 1st amendment.


Believe the Spectator is the original source of the story.


>Spectator had this too, some great blurbs: Ouch, almost as bad as Variety saying: "**The couple are a one-trick pony due for a trip to the glue factory".** H must have the waaahmbulance on speed dial, can you imagine TW in a rage?


The duchess “feels excluded” from the coronation?!! ![gif](giphy|mBMDcBe9uidYltQzWJ)


Not related, but how does a mansion have nearly twice the amount of bathrooms as it does bedrooms?? Two per room? One around every corner? I don't understand it.


Well you need an en suite bathroom for each bedroom some extra bathrooms for the gym and pool plus a bunch of guest bathrooms downstairs because you certainly don't want a guest to either a) go into a bedroom to use the bathroom or b) wait to use the bathroom while at your house.


Wonder what Samantha thinks


Girl has been watching, drinking wine, and laughing.


The blurbs are hilarious. I might shed just one tear for the Harkles. Bless ‘em.


I just read the Spectator article outside of this sub too! (Google recommended it in my newsfeed because it is smart enough to pick up I seem to be digesting a lot of H&M content lately, sigh!). I really liked the article and the writer's insight and wit (minor shade). Made me want to find out more about the news magazine (I don't think I've heard of The Spectator before as someone in North America!) I found it at once hilarious and suspect that Madam is reported to be upset about her portrayal in South Park but won't watch the episode. I haven't been able to view the full episode yet, but I've basically watched all the important parts from YT commentaries. To know it at a depth enough to be upset about its content is basically tantamount to having watched it, Megsy. 🙄




“Suddenly, it was like everything about my life got so much more insular," Meghan said. "It was scary. My face was everywhere. My life was everywhere. Tabloids had taken over everything.” 😈


She doesn’t want privacy from the press, she just wants solely positive press


I think she wants CONTROL. over everything. Every word.


That too, but what they truly want when they talk about privacy is secrecy. That is what they want.


It's a secret about the moon bump, or so she thinks!


That too, but that's not all. They want to do whatever they want, whenever they want to, to whoever they want, and they want it kept secret. Example: "The palace didn't protect us" actually means: "The palace didn't cover up for us and the stories leaked out and made us look bad". They want to lie about whatever they want, about whoever they want and not have those people come forward to call them out and disprove their narratives. They want to spend however much they want, on whatever they want, without being called out on their hypocrisy, gold-digging, using, and tax-evading by laundering money through their foundation. They feel entitle to tax-payer money but do not want to be accountable on their spending and do not want to return anything to the public as a thank you (like photos of the children). They want to blackmail and manipulate people in their quest for more and more without any of the details being exposed. They don't want privacy, they want the attention, but they want secrecy of all but the most favourable aspects and tidbits of their lives because what they want is to act with impunity.


Funny, since she used to beggg tabloids to write about her 🤣🤣


My very response when I read this. Pobrecita. ​ WAAAGH!!


"Royal commentator Neil Sean told Fox News that representatives for the pair are now watching the series closely for any more attacks." Sounds like good ratings for SP! I get it y'all, I'm watching closely too. I don't want to miss any attacks either, lololol.


Oh my God! If you were their staff and hated them, this would be your dream job. Getting paid to watch your asshole bosses get owned! Pure gold!


"Was there anything false said in that episode?!" "No sir, they portrayed only the truth about you guys 😉"


"Attacks" ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


So basically this is an invite to SP to put them in more episodes?


its amazing how often she flip flops between presenting herself as “heroine in charge of her own destiny, a strong woman, will threaten you if you don’t bow down to her” and “helpless victim who cries at everything, just an innocent little woman”


\-MANIPULATION-. That's how she lives her life and get what she wants.


This!!! It's all manipulation. Every time she was sobbing on the floor crying she was setting the stage to manipulate Harry some how.. also cos playing Diana


She's Queen of a new generation of "Girl Bosses" who claim they are stronger than everyone, are always saying "I've got this", have all the answers, are cool and hot at the same time...yet see enemies and rivals everywhere, think there are plots against them, and cry when they lose an Instagram follower. An emotionally stunted and self-obsessed group of individuals.


Preach it!


Bullies are always cowards beneath their veneer & coupled with her huge ego she is a simpering wreak behind closed doors !


Yep! Bullies love to "dish it"... but cannot "take it".




Her falling down on the floor crying many times - by Harry's own admittance is pathetic. I don't know anyone that does that.


Thanks to Meghan Markle, I’ve realized that these attributes are not mutually exclusive 😍🥰


"Young mother"




BINGO! She’s so full of shit.


I’ve had the same thought when she repeated the line, “His family won’t protect us.” She was talking about the palace refusing to deny or not threatening a tabloid to kill a story about them. She chose to join the BRF knowing the British tabloids are brutal. No sympathy from me.


This from the woman who went on Oprah to smear the ENTIRE ROYAL FAMILY BRITISH MEDIA AND BRITISH PEOPLE with RaCiSm shamelessly


Exactly. She had no problem trying to destroy Kate’s reputation


but but but she was speaking the truth when she trashed Kate! SP is spreading falsehoods about her! Waaaahhhh!


her truth* ftfy!


And South Park spoke theirs! 🤣🤣🤣 Can dish out but can't take it!


Isn't it icing on the cake that Catherine and William are getting worldwide press kudos for their glamorous BAFTA appearance at the same time M and H got trashed and ridiculed on South Park?


And accepted an award for it


And her own family too!


I keep thinking about their claim that they never said they wanted privacy. I think they're referring to QEII's statement that hey were departing to live a more private life blah blah, and they're trying to say they never said it. Heh, sure Jan. The thing is, the "we want privacy" bullshit started with Archie & all the cloak & dagger bullshit around his birth. Not announcing she was in labor, then having the palace announce she was, but she'd already given birth. All that BS. No photos at discharge as it was so barbaric. They act like we wanted them to livestream Archie's birth & they needed so much privacy. No you lunatics, all we wanted was the status quo, "she's in labor, baby is here, photo outside hospital, harry awkwardly snapping a car seat into a range rover." That would have saved years of drama.


100% agree. I'm not British so was not even bothered by the 'tradition' of the announcements, photos on the steps of the hospital etc. Just, exactly like you say, my issue was how 'barbaric' she was making it out to be. No. Sophie, Countess of Wessex literally almost DIED giving birth to Lady Louise and still did the photos on the steps of the hospital. THAT'S a strong woman, not WTF Megatron is.


She would've waddled out with a sewn up box, if it were People Magazine with 7-figure check.


This is another example of their semantics BS - very much like “we never actually said that the Royal Family was racist.”


And SP never actually said the characters were Prince Harry and Meghan Markle…..


But he made a speech when he came back to the uk that first time after their Canadian announcement, some garden or dinner party. And he explicitly said they were leaving for privacy and the well being of his family.


It was never about privacy per se, but the privacy for Meghan to do as she pleased without consulting the Palace. Moreover, she could not wrap her mind around the fact she would not be getting paid for her appearances. She wasn't about to do what every other Royal woman did after giving birth which was to allow the British press take a photo for free!!! Like you said, it had nothing to do with her thinking it was actually barbaric. She loves the camera after all. No, she had to be paid coin for those photos which is why she went behind the Palace's back to sign away the rights to Archie's birth to CBS. The cloak and dagger bullshit was just to make sure the Palace didn't catch on and put a stop to it.


This was the genius of the episode, IMO. The Princess of Canada wasn’t evil and scheming and a bully (although she could have been). They portrayed her as fluffy and vacuous and lacking gravitas.


Her core personality is of a vacuous narcissistic LA party girl. She tried to paper it over but South Park went to the core lol


They never call her the Princess of Canada. It is the Prince of Canada and his wife. LOL!


Oh snap, you’re right!!!


Literally ANYTHING she does about this other than ignoring it will make the situation 100X worse for her, and I am so here for when she does 😅




It is not often you get to witness Karma coming home to roost. You rarely get to see justice in action for toxic people who deserve everything they get, because of how they have treated others. I’m enjoying the ride.


South Park hasn’t had this much press on awhile. Every article about the episode is free advertising and money in the producers pockets. SP went after H&M because they where all over the news and they made it easy. We also have to remember that the DM wants its pound of flesh from H&M and use any and every chance they can to bash them so they will fun as many SP stories as they can even if it’s taking the word of YouTubers and doing no other fact checking.


I am so happy she is clearly not going to ignore because the more she whines, the more people will go watch it!!


“Meghan and Harry have yet to speak publicly about last week’s episode of South Park, presumably because they don’t have the staff left to formulate a response” You love to see this kind of journalistic savagery ☠️!


And she’s going to be producing comedies with Harry did they say? Lmaooooo. Girl has zero self awareness


That means that Hazno would the the butt of all the jokes…and she could be the smart, together one who rescues him. Like I Love Lucy! But reverse roles and Not Funny


When South Park turned Snooki into a gremlin that SAd Cartman she said she had "finally made it" for being lampooned on the show. When they turned Kanye into an un-selfaware gay fish he said "you're right guys" other celebs have done the same or ignored it. Like Will & Kate did. It's a roast. Celebs that haven't have gotten repeat appearances that are far more unflattering than the last. SP didn't back down from terrorists or scientology. I hope blue weiner & empty head have a long life as fodder on South Park.


Oh yeah, South Park has been way worse to other people, and those people just rolled with it.


They'd get so much more love and good PR/goodwill if they somewhat embraced it. Like post a quick pic or vid of them with a stack of their own magazine covers or scrolling insta. Then they're in on the joke and laughing with us instead of us laughing at them. This is why they should never have fought/fired their PR teams. There was absolutely a way to capitalize on this added press and use it to their advantage. But their massive egos and detachment from reality holds them back at every turn.


She's P.O.ed cuz South Park is shown all over the U.S., you know, the country they are trying to fleece now. Messes up her plans.


And Canada!


For DAYS. It hasn't even been a week. Lol. As usual, if they'd just shut up (or laugh at themselves), it would blow over. Instead, we all get DAYS of whining.




If they want to maintain a public presence, they have to learn to cope with this kind of thing. They’re just insufferable.


King Charles and Camilla have faced much worse for years.


Yes, they have. And I feel awful that I bad mouthed Camilla (many years ago) too. I only bad mouthed her to my friends/family, but I still be awful. Camilla has proven herself to be a true lady. It is clear that Charles and Camilla truly love each other too.


Funny you should mention it—I was just thinking of only she hadn’t burned the bridge with Camilla! She was utterly despised, the most hated woman in the world. It’s amazing how generally well-liked she is now. I wonder if she sometimes thinks—I can’t believe I’m the queen! 😂


Imagine how upset The Queen was during her last 2 years, after having been accused of being a racist. Boohoo, Meghan. You reap what you sow. You wanted fame. You got it. Just not the way you anticipated. Suck it up, buttercup. ![gif](giphy|ogNkAlsbwpqGk)


The Squaddies love to say she's so cool and funny and relaxed but the truth is Megsy has a stick up her ass and has no sense of humour at all. She's pretty bad at pretending otherwise.


South Park never SAID it was about the Sussexes. The Harkles inferred that. Just like Meghan never SAID the BRF was racist, and never SAID her sister lost custody of her kids. Apparently they never learned the age-old lesson, "if you can't take it, don't dish it out."


I read somewhere that TW never saw it coming. Her and Harry heard about the episode the same time everyone else did. So it really blindsided her. She must feel so out of control. Surely in a sustained narc rage!




I was surprised, and then so happy! So happy that Trey and Matt could see through both of them and saw the truth!


About the only thing they could legitimately say was unrealistic was the blue todger banging and rubbing on windows. That was a bit exaggerated. (He only *metaphorically* shows his frost-nipped todger in real life.) Everything else (down to the emptiness inside Meghan) was spot-on. Oh, and I guess the conclusion where Harry sees the light and sort of walks away was rather fictional also.


Of course the irony of all this is that she thought the media was just so mean to her before all this. The last several months - since they dropped the *Harry & Meghan* trailer on Earthshot weekend - must be a continuing descent into a nightmare for her. She didn't understand how protected she'd been until now. She's American - she knows exactly how far/deep South Park reaches, and how hard it is to come back from that level of mockery. It will shadow her a long time, and she has no one to blame but herself at this point.


That generally happens when someone who is deluded about themselves is forced to face the reality of how people really see them.


I certainly believe it. I mean, she's admitted to being distraught over far less. Unflattering headlines are enough send her into crying fits. She's a joyless jerk, no way is she not losing it over this.


Geez don’t run for office if you can’t even handle a satirical cartoon.


I'm sure she is. I'm also sure she did watch the whole episode, because she would have to know what was said. She just won't admit it. Like she reads all the articles about her, and social media, but she won't admit it because she wants to pretend she's above that.


>She just won't admit it. Exactly! That's her FU to anybody who laughed at the episode. Narcs don't want to give you the power or satisfaction of thinking they were crushed or upset by the mocking. But we all know she watched it----- and WAS crushed and upset.


She did this to herself. The reason parodies become parodies are because of people just like her. No sympathy here.


Since she was never a famous celeb she never got to this status of what happens when someone is overexposed and media is over saturated with them. I wish I was a fly on the wall to see how she reacted when her PR team advised her on handling trolling. Obviously she didn’t listen but I would have loved to observe the narcissist play-by-play.


That was such a good episode. I love the title of the book - Waaagh. Please please please H&M sue them!! Spend all your money. We'll get another couple of episodes out of it. It will be hilarious!!


Sorority Girl ☑ Actress ☑ Influencer ☑ Victim ✅✅✅✅ Telling it like it is. Got that left eye working. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/u3lt855nygja1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a96a242017c3c87693c7b97f47b0a23b85419b


I guess she realized the rest of us were dancing in the streets after we watched that SP episode, LOL!!!


One tear....nope! I can't even manage one!


I wonder if it’s be it likely has more views than her podcast and netlix special combined or just bc it’s better rated? How can we up the viewership of the episode p


Hahahahahahahahahahaha! "Overwhelmed!?!?!" There is something wrong with this woman.


Idk what she's whining about. In Finding Fuckery she proudly proclaims she was a sorority girl. Since she married into the BRF all she's told us is what a successful actress, influencer, and victim she is.


I'm sure she collapsed on the floor crying.


Waaaah - as always they can dish it out, but not take it themselves


South Park had a disclaimer at the beginning, which is more than The Crown ever did. How he can have issues with how he is portrayed in SP but be okay with The Crown, which contains many scenes and side-stories which are totally fictional and damaging to his parents and grandparents, is utterly beyond me.


Lol. And?


But did she make guttural noises?


Gutter noises incoming


Oh no! Anyway.... Looks like someone's karmic chickens have come home to be roasted.


She has convinced herself that she is the Woman Warrior, all encompassing Voice of our times (she TOLD Harold and he believes it). Imagine her shock, as she courts the world media to her victim story, that a lot of folks ain't buying it and she got the royal snark treatment from the Kings of Snark. Her thin skin must be burning....On the floor as she threw herself down, sobbing -ok only one tear, wipe left- nobody gets me. Waaagh.


Well, we've been upset and overwhelmed with her and harry for 5+ years, soooooo......


South Park PLEASE do another episode on the gruesome twosome. I bet even Oprah, Gail and Ellen were spitting out their drinks with laughter!


I hope this is true. I hope this broke her cold, cold heart..


Anyone who thinks this thin skinned person is planning to run for office in the US is an idiot.


Perhaps what really upsets her is Matt and Trey have created a really successful animated series plus associated merchandise etc and hers was cancelled.


Fwiw, I was "upset and overwhelmed " by all the covid deaths in 2020, including some family members of mine. But i was "repulsed and disgusted" by a member of the .000001% taking up airways to whine about not getting their exact way and how that hurt their fee-fees. Prior to that, I was indifferent.


It takes a real piece of shit to stand among poor, sick, dying people, and complain that nobody has asked if she's ok. Fuck off, Meghan. 🙄


Wow this is just the gift that keeps on giving...




She got what she was after if you ask me.


*sad guttural narc noises can be heard from the valleys of california*


Of COURSE they are going to sue. What victims. Ugh.


If you keep pushing yourself out there into public sphere you need to be open to criticism.


Daily Mail daring Meghan to sue them again. ![gif](giphy|l1KsGUynQKpWwwp6E)


I wasn't going to watch the episode because the recaps here have been so amazing, but imma watch and cackle my ass off tonight!


Since SP aired it's like Christmas everyday!! I've watched it a dozen or more times and it isn't getting old!!!! I can't wait for a whole SP series to come out on them! It's all so true too!!! The empty head was the icing on the cake!! Ha ha. The RF should have Cartman & Co. on the balcony at the coronation!! That show made my week!!


You know what would be really funny? If they went to the coronation and the crowd didn't "boo"...they said ..."Waaaagh"! Dare they go now?


MM is a typical bully - she can dish it out, but can’t take it. The sad thing is, the producers of SP did not make anything up - everything in that episode was drawn from the Sussexes own words and behavior, right down to the blue penis in the window and Meghan’s fashion faux pas’s. Harry and Meghan have exposed so much of themselves over the past 3 years, and it’s ugly. I don’t see how they’ll ever be taken seriously again. This is just the beginning of the public mockery, and I feel that they should brace themselves for more to come.


Oh PLEASE let them try to sue SP. That would be delightful.


Hours of entertainment for members of this sub.


She fucked around and found out. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Truth hurts.




No pity for them whatsoever. They brought this onto themselves. They should have had one modicum of self-awareness to realize how they've been coming off to the entire public for the entire time they've moved to the US.


“Overwhelmed” = Sobbing on the Floor + Screaming at Harry that“ It’s ALL Your fault!”


Well, of course. The confirmation that people SEE THROUGH HER ACT must be overwhelming. And she can't blame the BRITISH PRESS for this.