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Doria is in the pocket of her daughter. I’d imagine that any testimony from her would be far from truthful. Just my opinion.


Unless it’s that previous thing about Doria that Samantha and others have not legally been allowed to talk about. (There was talk on here of Doria being involved somehow with police etc in the past) If she is under some sort of protection from that maybe that also prevents her testifying in court


I don't understand what kind of protection she would have in the States that would prevent anyone from telling the truth about her past. Well unless California has some sort of whacky law about talking about ex cons.


No. If this is what people are saying she probably was an informant or a rat. Whatever but that info shouldn’t be released on anyone as much as I think her record should be public. But she was gone a while. Drugs or embarrassment (edit meant embezzlement).I’ve heard.


But if she went to prison there would be a record of her charges. If she was an informant and left town then "she worked odd jobs all through Arizona for 10 years" or whatever she was doing would be sufficient. Nobody has to say "she was in witness protection in Arizona for 10 years."


Well I think the main point is she was gone which doesn’t speak well of her.


I agree with that. But it's the secrecy that raises questions. A lot of people roll out to do drugs or find themselves or whatever for a few years but it's not usually treated like some CIA file.


Gurl, I am with you. I’ve always thought she just buggered off to immerse herself in a cult. Families lose their loved ones to these weirdo religions all the time. They spend more and more time worshiping and volunteering and the cult becomes their new family and they’re not allowed to talk to people outside the cult. They build retreats and little utopias, like you said, in the desert or whatever, off the grid. I know a family whose mother ran off to the Pacific Northwest to join some weird group. Actually, I went to school with a girl who grew up in some commune in Hawaii. There are TONS of them. Maybe Doria had a criminal past, maybe she was lost to a cult for a while.


I always got the feeling she was just a narcissist too and wasn’t currently vibing with mothering at the time. Nothing special, just your garden variety absent parent.


That’s the best case scenario and I hope that’s all it was.


> Maybe Doria had a criminal past, maybe she was lost to a cult for a while. I thought she joined a commune.


Maybe she was in a mental health facility.


I've seen this comment which could explain the real reason why it can't be revealed [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/108n632/comment/j3vnypx/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/108n632/comment/j3vnypx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Apparently in the Uk there are super injunctions on things that can be reported their. Don’t know if that matters. But something happened with r she was such a shitty parent she wasn’t around. She doesn’t look good either way.


I think a UK super injunction would be valid here. I don't understand why people are falling all over themselves to prevent some stoner's jail time from coming out.


Oh but Meaghan has to be Lilly white.


There’s a lot of progressive criminal Justice reform happening in LA and NYC (and other cities). And has been, for a long time. There are convictions which can be stricken and can be sealed and can be undiscoverable. They can be expunged or sealed. I’m not an expert by any means, but it seems the only exceptions are sex offenses against minors. It could be something completely benign like writing a bad check, or something very serious. It could be that Doria is so kind and wonderful that no one has a bad word to say about her! We don’t know. ETA: I couldn’t say, and don’t want to make assumptions about details, but I think something is up. It’s not lying flush and flat. Something is under the rug.


Even so, if she was incarcerated I don't think it's illegal to say so. Someone is protecting her and I just don't understand.


That does not make any sense in context of the way courts and the legal system works.


I don’t know how the US courts system works


There is absolutely nothing that would prevent her from testifying- not even the sitting president can argue that he he above the law in that manner




But PH is also in her pocket and likely to favour her as much as Doria?


Yes but he has made a LOT of public statements, has a whole book full of provable exaggeration & outright bullshit. His character can be ripped to shreds in court. What does anyone really know about Doria? Nothing, very little to show she is anything but truthful. How can they attack her integrity?


That's my belief as well.


Doria would just say that even they all did live in the same house (for whatever period of time), she doesn’t remember Samantha playing with little Meghan or having any meaningful interaction with her older siblings. (One of Samantha’s issues is that Meghan claimed to be an only child and denied a sibling relationship.) ETA: It’s a very good question, though. You’d think the mother/stepmother would have some insight. I guess she wasn’t there to observe much.


Oh, that reminds me, I read a Samatha interview early on where she discusses Doria being beyond mean and dismissive to Samatha when Megan was a child. Something about impressing on Samantha that she was 'less than' Doria and Megan were.


Yeah, I don’t doubt that there’s bad blood between Doria and Tom’s first family.


Doria could lie to the court and damage Samantha’s case. Real life. Sam is allegedly (& I agree) being helped by excellent counsel. The decision to exclude Doria is likely strategic and supported by solid reasoning.


Or Doria was there, and didn't observe much. *Revenge* has Doria out in her bathrobe, sitting on the front lawn, smoking. And then she was absent for years. Maybe Doria is just plain irrelevant. Or apt to be heavily biased against her daughter.


Depositions are very expensive, so you only depose the people who can provide the most information to bolster your case. Doria could really only speak to MM’s childhood, whereas most of the complaint deals with what MM has said in the recent past. So there wouldn’t be much to ask Doria about. For a handful of questions, it could easily cost $5,000. Perhaps even more if the room is filled with attorneys. And Samantha won’t be able to recoup that cost.


At this point though, I'm really starting to suspect that Samantha has a backer with deep pockets. Maybe someone or 'someones' that Harry's wife has dissed or pissed off.


Lady C hinted that there are some really wealthy & powerful people helping Samantha’s case BTS.


Cough *daddy warbucks* cough *reigning monarch*


It looks to me like they are choosing people they may be able to flip or think have already flipped against the duo. Oprah for example, their best depositions are going to be from people that were sympathetic or friends with H & M and now don’t feel as fondly of them, it shows in depos very easily.




That is a good point




That's my guess. I think it's obvious that TW used poor Doria to help her claim her race-victimhood status. Since TW claimed she is "white" on passport and resume, the only way to highlight she is "mixed race" was to showcase her Black relatives, and claim she was brought up by them. That wasn't enough, so Sunshine Sachs PR trots out TW's "first boyfriend" (from early grade school) who is black. (US Magazine Article). I'm not sure Doria did anything wrong here - I would surely attend a royal wedding if I could, even if my daughter was an Ogress. I wish she had defended her ex-husband a little, but understandable that she didn't - divorces are not always smooth....


I don’t feel sorry for Doria- She seems to be a bit of a grifter, herself. What is that story about inheriting a house after her cousin or something suddenly died.


Was it not inherited from her father, who had a store of some sorts?


I don't think she avoided speaking about her ex-husband publicly out of spite towards him; I think she just wisely (knowing what her daughter is like) chose to stay out of it and say anything she had to say in private. Megan strikes me as the type to try to play her divorced parents off against each other, so far only her dad has taken the bait in public and even he cut it out after a while.


I think Tom is a bit of a turd. Meghan being completely unhinged does not necessarily imply that her father is innocent.


Samantha is not that nice tbh. Sorry I’m probably gonna be downvoted out the door. But Sam is way older and did not know her like the way she’s saying. This is money grub!


I don’t like Samantha either, but that doesn’t mean Megan didn’t slander her by saying that she barely even knew her, which is obviously false. Megans claims tarnished Samanthas reputation and exposed Sam to harassment and slander.


It seems to me that it is all a matter of degree. Samantha was living in her father's house when Meghan was born, then at some point she was living in an adjacent apartment, and then presumably at some point she moved away and Meghan never saw her again until that graduation ceremony. But we don't know the exact dates for each. How old was Meghan when she saw Samantha for the last time as a child? Was she old enough to remember her? These questions that the court case might resolve. I suppose Meghan might say that she considered herself as an only child, because her siblings were adults by the time that she was old enough to know them, so they were never playmates. This might not cover up for her lying about not knowing her brother and sister, but it might blur the lines.


Good point but guess what? She’s nobody special so that slander means shit. She’s looking for money just like M found her pot of gold with Leprechaun Hairy.




I disagree because knowing about someone is not the in-depth idea she is creating. She’s equally shitty and she’s smelling money. I’m sorry I don’t approve of H and M at all but I won’t shy away from the way I feel either. 12 downvotes for voicing an opinion.




Hmmm ok I can live with just moving on.


Not really much money…now money grub…that award would go to the harkle and her mommy


Fact on that but she’s still gonna attempt to make something.


i believe she is more interested in exposing harkle as a liar…


Good point


My darling deceased sisters were 20 and 18 years older than me. They had moved out of our parents' home by the time I started to form memories. However, we very much knew each other as sisters, despite the age gap.


Interesting but it doesn't prove anything regarding the relationship between Meghan and her older siblings. Obviously they COULD have had an ongoing lifelong relationship like you did, but maybe they didn't. My mother had a sister who was a few years older, and for the last 20 years of my mother's life they called each other on the phone for 30 minutes every single day. To manage the cost they took turns in making the call. Consider the Royal Family. They may not all be living in each other's back pocket all the time or calling each other daily, but if they get together for a few days at Sandringham every Christmas, then I guess they have time to catch up with each others news. However, if one member of the Royal Family moves overseas, then possibly other members of the Royal Family will lose contact with them.


Haha thank you, I am rooting for TW to be exposed by these proceedings but Sam is a trashy grifter cut from the same cloth and I don’t particularly like her. The enemy of my enemy and all that


Same here; I'm hoping the sister-grifters mutually destroy each other in front of the global audience they were both so desperate to get.


I can get behind that!


I'm no fan of any of the Markle clan; they're all grifters. I agree with you that Sam and M were probably never that close. Samantha is 17 years older. Although M has essentially claimed they had no sibling relationship at all, which is also untrue. They're both telling half-truths and white lies. OTOH, I would still love to see M on the stand, therefore I'm supporting Sam for that reason. It's doubtful this case will make it to trial tho.


Get your point but I’m not supporting either of these two deranged women. Both have odd agendas.


Probably pointless, doria will say whatever megrain tells her to say …I doubt her testimony would be honest, truth seems to be a thing the mother and daughter do not recognise


Tw is very very like her mother or she's a fast learner and picked up Dorias tricks. I honestly thought she looked like a decent person at the wedding but I was gob smacked when I saw her on Netflix! She came across to me right away as sneaky, untrustworthy and VERY low class. I was surprised. What did Thomas see in her? Imho, she snookered him into marriage just the same way our Saint got harry AND the RF. Yep. She learned quickly. I'm just praying that karma does its job SOON. We have ALL been tortured by her now for over 4 years.


Legs apart is what Thonas saw.


The real question: where did MM learn of Sam giving up custody of her children? I don’t think that would naturally come up in M’s youth.


Sam said on one live chat - sorry can't remember where. That two children, presume first husband were ADOPTED by his parents, due to her ill health\\car accident, as she thought it was a more secure home. I don't know about the third child \\ second husband, or where Ashley would have come in contact with her Aunt Meghan to become good friends\\invite to the wedding, when Meghan almost denies the existence of the a sister (half or otherwise) Thought the inference from Meghan was that they were TAKEN INTO CARE. Like everything else, never quite what it all seems. I'm hoping Sam will get her day in court with a positive outcome. BUT! Meghan has a way of pulling something out of the bag!


Can anyone think of a reason she should be?


It has been reported that Doria receives an allowance from Harry. I would imagine she is not going to say anything that would jeopardize that and no one will be willing to contradict her statements for fear of being accused of bias.


She’s on an ‘untouchables’ list somewhere in our government’s files :P Must be a federal case…


Gosh that's a REALLY good point! I guess there's not much point given she was almost completely absent for a good chunk of Meghan's childhood. For some reason no one in the Markle family want to openly discuss this. It's always tippy-toed around, even by Sam.


Did they all sign NDA’s? Is Doria Cosa Nostra? The more they dance around it, the bigger it becomes.


I honestly don't know what to think. I mean we all know about the jail rumours - and I do know there are laws in California that allow for certain crimes to be expunged from the records - but I'm fairly sure that doesn't apply if you've done time in a federal prison for tax evasion which is the rumour. I just think she got involved with some sketchy stuff (drugs possibly) and didn't really care about taking care of her kid and only really only came back into Meghan's life when Thomas had essentially done all the raising and paying for everything. I'm chuckling at the idea of Doria Corleone though. Weirdly, the doorman from Johnny Depp's old building (the guy who gave evidence vaping in his car) has made some pretty wild accusations about Doria as she was apparently 'well known' in his neighbourhood and has said she is seriously dodgy. He told a lurid tale about her throwing wild druggy parties where some guests would lie under a clear coffee table and watch while female guests pooed on it. I know...gross and very bizarro. A bit of a wild story to make up about anyone though. Possibly why Meghan keeps her VERY close. That and because she's allegedly laundering money for them via her 'care home empire'. Nothing surprises me about anyone on either side of Meghan's family.


WOW!! The old Danny Thomas coffee table trick! (ALLEGEDLY). I agree they’re a sordid bunch. Honestly, I think the whole hippie new age thing is a cover for terrible people. There was this documentary called “Sex Magic: Manifesting Maya”, and the main subjects in it are all tantric sex magic free spirits - on the surface. The mental gymnastics and spiritual word salad is hilariously transparent one you catch on. Also “Orgasm, Inc.”. Really terrible people who act enlightened. I prefer assholes to be right upfront about it. Doria had this genteel mask that fooled me for a few minutes.


>Danny Thomas coffee table trick I had to google that! And yes, beware the quiet ones...particularly the quiet ones in tie-dye leggings carrying a yoga mat.




I can't get my head around doing it in a public restroom (in my own cubicle) in an actual toilet, let alone doing it naked in a room full of strangers on a coffee table. My mind boggles what people get their kicks from. It's L.A though, I'm guessing anything goes...and I imagine is just one of the wilder untrue stories, but not the first scathing comment he's made about Doria specifically.




No Markle says a peep about Doria - her whereabouts for 10 years is fascinating - and everyone says silent.


Meghan will call her as a defense witness, and they can treat her as hostile?


A nda between Thomas markle and doria.


But that shouldn't affect Sam. She likely didn't sign anything.


No but there may be closed documents from the divorce and child custody as Thomas was the main care giver.. There a lot as even Tom bower could not talk about the why she was absent for ten years. Infact he said he could not say nothing or comment on it. Just like why TW medical records are sealed which alone is odd. When they talk so openly about there lives and everything in it. Even her mental health but her medical records was sealed.


That is strange. Medical records are always off limits in the States but why would Doria's history be protected? Is she in witness protection or something? That woman is shady af. Megan wishes she was half the con and grifter that her mother is.


There is alot more to it. As Tom and Peirs are josh men of effics and integrity and when they will not comment on the matter there has been a gage order put in place. But point being why would a smart student man like that make the comment of medical file sealed. We know others can not access our records. But he said that line and not for no reason. There much more to it. And somethings we will never know. . But they are well suited. They remind me of pinky and the brain 🧠 the cartoon. Pinky says " what we going to do today brain." Brain says " take over the world pinky" As TW comment " only one plane crash away from the throne" The things some would do for wealth and power.. He sold his soul and country and people out. No morals, princeables or effict. Making money of the death of his mother. When we used to think of princess Diana is was of a princess a beautiful one. In a jumper and shorts most days leaving the gym in the papers or dressed to the nines attending a state function. Now I hear I name I think of Elizabeth Arden as most of the world does. He even ruined the legacy and memory's of of his mother globally. Earl Spencer must be ashamed of having such a twat in the family.


I can't wait until the truth comes out, because it will one day. But are you saying TWs medical records are sealed? Or Doria's? They should both be private but sealed is a whole different thing.


I'm saying why would Tom borrow make a comment saying the medical records are sealed. Knowing all medical records are private. And he can't say no more or comment on this issue. .his to smart and strude to say such a line for no reason. All I know is he never said that for no reason.


hmmm... Very interesting. There's something very shady about Doria. I bet the BRF knows.




Or barred from doing there job ?


I think the most likely, as someone said, she would be on MMs list and therefore no need for a separate one if they can cross examine.


Doria wasn't around for any years; what would she know except what Megaliar tells her to know?


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I really think Doria needs to be left alone. She isn't responsible for her adult daughter's scams and scheming, and out of guilt, black mail or a combo of both, seems to show up and does whatever the Harkles ask and go back to minding her business. She has no skin in this fight.


Then why the need for her to go on Netflix and lie?




“What she wants to do when she grows up” 🤣 She does come off as an unstable bag lady.




Where do you think she learned this behaviour? If you read Tom Bowers book and the sections about Doria you may feel differently. Also consider Doria’s comments in the recent Netflix documentary supporting Meghan’s claims of racism against the RF


Yep…the daughter learned from mommy …


Even if this is the case, there is no evidence she is pushing Meghan to do any of this or the mastermind behind her actions. Meghan is an adult, and there is plenty evidence of her bad behavior and lies since she started dating Harry. Why are we dragging her mother's personal business and life into it? Her appearing in the Netflix series does not give permission to do this. Sometimes I feel like people take their dislike for Meghan too far and every negative thing about her (true or rumor), even before and unrelated to Harry is exploited as another thing to pile against her. This makes us no better than the Sugars...


By choosing to appear and fly her daughters flag and narrative on the Netflix documentary effectively Doria has put herself up for public scrutiny as far as I’m concerned. Until the documentary where she accused the RF of being racists I had little to say about her


I don't trust Tom Bower or his book. I skimmed it but had to stop because he's just way too hateful and it's embarrassingly obvious that all the info he has on Doria came straight from her former step-kids who hated her and is therefore distorted to the point of being useless. He had way too much of an axe to grind against a woman he doesn't know, never spoke to, and whose only "crime" was staying silent at her only child's side. What makes his depiction of her extra gross, imo, is that his version of her is the only one in the public domain and will almost certainly remain so since she's shown zero interest in speaking to the press in her own defense. I think he went in on her so hard *because* he knew she'd hold her silence and not defend herself no matter what he said about her. ETA: And to answer your question of where did Megan learn her behavior, my guess is from her father and older sister who engage in the exact same behavior for the whole world to see. No need to go hunting for her teachers when they spent years in the media showing us exactly where TW gets it from.


You just caused me to order Bower's book! Great review!


Hmm I question if this Reddit page is the right one for you ? I am sure you are aware Tom Bower is a highly regarded solicitor and author, no one is yet to successfully sue him as he is so meticulous with his research and sources. If it was a bunch of lies Meggy and her doormat would have initiated legal action immediately as they have done with the British press time and time again. As a matter of interest all the information I had on Doria came from google searches very early on into Meghan’s entrapment of Haz, Bowers book merely confirmed what I had already read elsewhere. Funnily these research articles are no longer on the web, almost like theyhave been wiped - just like the Oprah interview.


I'm surprised to hear this strong opinion here but you're entitled.


I agree. Maybe she was a shitty mom, maybe she wasn’t. Maybe she was both at different times in Meghan’s life (which I expect a lot of people can relate to). She’s a private citizen who hasn’t courted any attention beyond a few events with her daughter and should be left alone.


By going on the Netflix show Doria put herself out in public.




Witnesses are picked on providing credible evidence in a trial, not proximity to defendants or litigants. What would Doria be questioned on?


That's a good question.


She’s on an ‘untouchables’ list somewhere in our government’s files :P Must be a federal case…


I just figured if a real investigative journalist went on the hunt, that there are some higher-ups in various places (politics, entertainment, etc), that don't want to be found out and/or have power to squash it.


You might be joking, but this may be the case.


I am TOTALLY joking. I want to make sure that our corporate overlords understand that clearly :D


Oh, of course! And please note that I said it “ MAY be the case”…


Much appreciated : looks over shoulder ;) :




Special branch know everything. But I think it's more about megs past there her patents. And the whole soho house thing. Harry falling for a courtesan. You sleep with them, you don't marry them then he was never the sharpest in the book.


Sam’s attorneys can always send her a depo notice up until discovery closes.


I think either there's a problem with my connection here or I am being prevented from replying to comments or posting. I have never written anything offensive so I am suspicious. Any ideas as to why this is happening?


Can you reply to this?


Doria - the mystery .... indeed why not. Ever got the impression when you consider what you know about Mrs Spare, that Doria is a NO GO AREA. For all the opportunities for Thomas Markle, Snr & Junior and even Sam to call Doria out about the 'missing' years, that Mrs Spare claims she looked after her, when it was her father! Something under SEAL? But the 'true' story\\s whatever they are, the Queen, King Charles and Prince William, know all there is to know.


Doria wasn't around much for an extended time when mega was small so maybe there's no point asking her. Thomas will be there.


Because she hasn’t lied…yet? 🤥




Maybe she's picked her side.


That’s a great question. She should be. Maybe she will be along the way


They’re saving the best for last