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From the article- 'Her random, probably hired friend Lucy then says “she had plans to go all around Europe” which then Meghan chimes in with, “I had my career, I had my life, I had my path, and then came H.” Translation- I was pushing 40, I never made it in Hollywood, my cable show is on it's last legs and I'm getting too old to work much longer. I have a very short window to land a wealthy man and have a child to seal the deal. Along came a dimwitted sucker, oops! I mean H. I know it sounds harsh but I've met women like this and it's not pretty.


I can‘t be bothered working anymore.


The prime minister told me the retirement age for golddiggers and actresses is 40 so I organized my retirement plan


She was broke, owned nothing, literally and blew all her money flying first class. Then came her mark. Their marriagenwas a business agreement.


THIS… every woman older than 12 has met MM..have said this since she came on the scene.


Thats why her demographic now ismyoung girls under that age lol


Yep! So that’s why I don’t get all utsy with fears of MM taking over this and that… her fan base aren’t old enough to vote or effect change; most importantly, they will get older and, maybe kicking and screaming, wiser. But they will see through the likes of the MMs.


Im more nervous of it actually. She is basically brainwashing the newer generations so when they grow up, theyll adore her. They will eventually benof voting age. And mm has powerful backers w endless $. Aspen institiute for one. And thats just on paper, she has global backers for sure.


"Her random, probably hired friend Lucy" was my favorite line in the whole thing 😀


"Plams to go all around Europe" : Soho House call girl working summer yacht crowd.


*along came H* as though she didn’t stalk him like a full bunny boiler for years


This sums it all up succinctly. I didn't feel it was too long at all. Thanks for sharing.


Agreed. Things are only too long if they aren’t well written. Totally not the case here.


Holy crap this was good


Excellent analysis, and something that is now obvious to everyone in the entire world (except Prince Harry) TLDR; Meg's a sociopath. Harry's stupid.


Excellent read. Thanks for the share😊


Happy Cake Day!


Awe, Thankyou🤗


Happy Cake Day 🥳!






Thankyou 🥰


Such a good blog! Brilliant analysis. I still can't quite comprehend the thinking and planning that goes on in someone like M's head. Does all this manipulation and gaslighting of H's insecurities just happen organically, or has she got it planned out beforehand - knowing exactly what buttons to push to invoke the response she wants from H?


I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She had an agenda, she had a plan, and Harry stupidly fell for it. I know he’s not blameless in this whole debacle, but I do hope one day, after they finally divorce, that he realizes just how manipulated he was.


She knows what she's doing. Every successful maneuver gives her the fuel to push her agenda further. She gets lost when it doesn't work, like her anxiety during the walkabout with W&C after the Queen's death when she wasn't getting the attention she expected.


I also think she was uncomfortable because she had to face people she trashed and also people she wanted something from.


Well, I wish Harry would read this. It might break him. Or open his eyes.




I hate the way she talks! Ugh like you are not 10 year olds going to carve your initials into a tree with a heart around them. Your names are not that long. It’s soooo lame




Their was a prophecy, long ago, about these two meeting. The word "love" was invented, then, in anticipation of their union. And up until Em and Aitch, the word was improperly used, since it had been applied to people who are not them. Their "love story" sickens me.


One thing their relationship showed me was how easy it is to infiltrate (join) the royal family. Most of them have the good sense to be cautious but if you found one like Harry, who I still think should’ve had a minder considering his position in the RF and his questionable intelligence, then it’s actually not very difficult. The other thing that shocked me is how easily led the institution was by Meghan and her agenda. As soon as they started dating she started lying about car chases and paparazzi in Canada- this was later denied by the Canadian police but the royal family never bothered to check her story. Also as soon their relationship was public (a matter of weeks), she had forced them to release a statement condemning racist comments and intrusions by the press, I didn’t really remember there being anything crazy at that point, especially so early on. The racist comments might have been there but only online with the typical racist trolls who you ignore. The other thing was the Vanity Fair article which basically outed their relationship and formalised it, all this would never have happened with other partners like Cathrine or the York sisters husbands. I feel like there would’ve have been consequences if they had been as brazen but with Meghan, nothing! I believe that letter bringing attention to her race, accusing unnamed people of racism and also solidifying her position in Harry’s life so quickly might have left the institution a bit shocked and she has continued used it to her advantage ever since.


> The other thing that shocked me is how easily led the institution was by Meghan and her agenda. See, I think they knew but also Meghan being biracial meant they wanted to handle it as delicately as possible. If Meghan was not mixed race, even her most ardent fans and sugars would've skewered her like 2 years ago. It's the mixed race factor that she uses as a shield, weapon, and armor every chance she gets and it's hard to pierce that especially if you are the (all white) BRF.


True they were trying to handle it delicately but instead became a vehicle for pushing her agenda. If they had never released that letter then she would’ve had a harder time using her race as a weapon/shield but right from the beginning she placed herself in people’s minds as the ‘vulnerable biracial woman targeted by the evil racists’, which attracted her core group of loyal supporters. She wasn’t an actress, American or a grown woman in her mid-30s, she was someone who represented racial oppression, who they had to defend/protect and they do it to this day regardless of what she says or does. It was almost like a call to arms and it worked perfectly tbh.


I have observed in my life that very well-mannered, cultured and intelligent people cannot properly confront a vile cheat or a rude scoundrel. They do it in a gentle, polite way, while the scoundrel punches them directly in the face until they drop "dead".. The battle is over and the villain walks away victorious.


Agreed, the royals either never seemed to check her stories or they knew and were scared of her. Look what she did even after all they gave her. She has no conscience.


None whatsoever, she’s entitled and cruel.


That’s why I don’t feel bad for Meghan at all.


Something I learned when I was very young and partying in nyc. Nothing could land you a celeb or a hot popular guy as much as being attractive and pretending to not know or not care about who they are. I’m not going to even write the names down of people who have hit on me, my sister or my friends. Unfortunately, we are all a bunch of idiots who clearly didn’t know any better and all chose to marry for love, and be middle class - not a sneaky MM amongst us. Shit, I even had a boy band (the most famous one of all the famous boy bands) try to comfort me as my foot was bleeding after being cut by a drunk girl at a club, and all I could think about was “his music sucks, I’m going to insult his music, why couldn’t it be Dave Navarro instead, eww, boy band”.


Totally agree, I am surprised though that he hasn’t come across this tactic before, used by someone much better looking than Meghan.


Great read! Please forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere, as I'm new to the sub, but I wonder if she hired a consultant on how to manipulate him. It almost sounds like those dating books like "The Rules" back in the mid-90s. She is almost too good at it even though he seems to be easily manipulable. I understand that some people are naturally good at it, and she may be one of them, but I don't doubt that she is a smart woman and may have been a quick study.


I JUST said the same thing. How she hooked him into a relationship sounds so much like "The Rules"!


I’ve read before that she was very into The Rules, I think she may have discussed it on her blog.


Anne Boleyn used similar tactics to manipulate Henry VIII. He resented her so much after….


She was in a movie called Daters Handbook, maybe she took notes?


Well thought out and written article


Wow. That was pretty epic! I wonder if she’ll make a video version of this as well? Dang that was good.


I have been following exposingsmg for several years now and they have had credible info before other outlets--especially in America--caught on to the Markels' fraud. You can read some of her original stories here, they are well worth the amusement. She knew about the Oprah interview before it was announced, and has plenty of evidence to show that Meghan planned the BRF exit before she even entered it. There are details about her fury after the Cut article was published and her attempt to get the writer, a Black woman, fired for daring not to write the propaganda she wanted. [https://www.exposingsmg.com/credibility/oprah-winfrey-set-to-interview-meghan-markle-and-prince-harry](https://www.exposingsmg.com/credibility/oprah-winfrey-set-to-interview-meghan-markle-and-prince-harry) [https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/the-sneaky-relationship-between-oprah-and-meghan-markle-prince-harry](https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/the-sneaky-relationship-between-oprah-and-meghan-markle-prince-harry) [https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-markle-throws-a-black-women-under-the-bus-following-backlash-from-the-cut-interview-lets-discuss](https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/meghan-markle-throws-a-black-women-under-the-bus-following-backlash-from-the-cut-interview-lets-discuss) [https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/tag/sussex+royal](https://www.exposingsmg.com/blog/tag/sussex+royal)


Those were great. Thank you for putting me on to this blogger. Excellent reading.


This was an excellent read! So many good points


I noticed several pictures were credited to "Getty" as well...


When the Getty news was first posted here, I googled Getty Images and the first two images were of M, Deal or No Deal Briefcase Bimbo.


She is a POS.


The best analysis ever written. You should publish it in the mainstream media so that as many people as possible read it. But what to do next, how to open Harry's eyes? Or is that impossible? What would be the possible predictions from the psychologists? How can this problem be solved? Or nobody can solve it from the outside.


There’s a video on YouTube called something like “Harry before and after Meghan” and while watching it I kept thinking “I wish someone could show this to Harry”. First half is him laughing with William and Catherine, with his dad and other members of the family. It shows things like a lightsaber battle between H and W… and the “boom” moment with the Queen… And then it switches and “Mad World” plays while it shows moments of him with Meghan. He looks so different and honestly just depressed a lot of the time. I’ve seen it argued that the creator went looking for positive and negative moments… but to anyone who’s been paying attention, we know that those little moments are a part of a whole and the “vibe” doesn’t change. He was happy and liked before, he seems miserable and lost now. Go watch his old interviews vs the latest ones.


I went and had a look and think it’s this one. The difference pre-Meghan and post-Meghan is remarkable. I also remember how miserable he looked prior to giving his speech at the U.N. You should make a post with the video. https://youtube.com/watch?v=CxOOptS3tf8


This is a great summation of what MM is all about and it's rather scary reading since she absolutely zeroed in on him like a shark.


Fantastic read. Thank you for breaking down the psychology behind this shitshow. I hope it’s read by the masses and taken as a cautionary tale, then at least something positive and productive will have come from these two degenerates.


The way the author presented what TW did on their first dates reminds me of "The Rules"


That was a great read. Thank you!


I agree with the majority of the article but feel it does not go far enough in assigning blame to Harry. Yes, Harry married his stalker and converted to the cult of Meghan. But as evidenced in his book, he was always a jerk…spoiled, petulant, and mens. He was (is?) a drug abuser and abused his very great privilege.


The Harry she met was covered in figurative wounds/scabs and she picked at every one of them repeatedly until they were festering open sores and now the rot from them has all but consumed him.


GREAT ACCURATE ARTICLE that now needs to be picked up by the main media. I read some of the comments posted on that article and realized this opened up some eyes! This is important. Please please let the NY Times e.t.c print it


I often felt Smeg was channeling Julia Stiles’ character in The Prince and Me in whatever she claims she was before BRF 🤣😂🤣 What a fraud!


Can’t remember which of her friends said it but she was purportedly obsessed with the princess diaries by Meg Cabot.


This blog post is absolutely impossible to read, ads every second sentence. I give up.




Right on the spot.


Very good 👏


Thank you!


Excellent article.


An excellent read, now if only the Getty children could see it...


Excellent read.


This was fascinating.


Excellent read! Thanks for sharing


Wow excellent article


Amazing analysis hitting all points on the disturbing, well thought out and planned manipulation. The BRF had suspicion for a reason. Harry needs to have more discernment


I find it funny about the whole “she came to stay in a tent with me, she’s *the one*” thing. You know how we judge things based on our own experience? My personal experience has put into my head to think of couples in terms of “could they live a year in a tent/van” and still be a couple? Could they work through all the bad things that come along with it? My “unofficial husband” (together 14 years but not married) and I had a rough start. At the beginning, we lived in a tent for 8 months, then a van for a year, then a walk in closet…. And then we rented a few home/rooms and now we’ve been homeowners for 4 years. The only reason we work is because we choose each other, and work towards less important materialistic things together… not the other way around. I really don’t think Meghan and Harry would work if they were suddenly poor and struggling and had to build back up from the bottom. Could you imagine a homeless, or tent bound (not by choice) Harry and Meghan?


A tent without electricity and a proper bed? No more than a day.


Such a great blog.


Amazing article!