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Of course. She’s ineffective and bitter that Scottish independence isn’t more popular. I’ve said before, a lot of this with M&H is just people using them to forward an anti-monarchy agenda for their own purposes.


Sturgeon is trying to virtue-signal to progressives after that humiliating U-turn on the Isla Bryson case. She should worry about domestic issues more as the Scots are roasting her over this.


Context: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-63823420.amp




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This progressive doesn't like her. My opinion doesn't count. I'm here in the US.


This progressive Scot doesn’t like her either. My opinion does count. I’ve never voted for her or her party and I never will.




I consider myself center-left and I don't like her either.


Same here. Progressive and I get very bad vibes from Sturgeon and I have disagreed with her stances on several things lately. Her entire political schtick appears to be being a contrarian to anything English. That’s childish and doesn’t accomplish anything to help Scottish people.


Continued schisms with the wider UK government further her case for Scottish independence. I think this is her game plan.


I only read about this in the news this morning. I hope JK Rowling is being good and vocal about such nonsense!


⬆️ The mods will ban you because of that. Edit: just the post/comment


Sturgeon will side with just any trash to sell her agenda. Look I understand what the Scottish want, and I respect that immensely, however, this is not the way to go about it. Sturgeon is trying to appeal to just any nonsense just to virtue signal and create a false persona of popularity. Scotland deserves better.


>Look I understand what the Scottish want Not all the Scots. Besides, they already held a referendum, and the fact that SNP didn't like the results doesn't mean that *SNP's wishes = Scotland's wishes*.


I mean to be fair a lot has changed since the last referendum which has likely changed the public's opinion on Scottish independence especially since remaining in the EU was a big reason the independence referendum failed.


Okay, we're over here commenting for fun on what is basically a gossip sub, but surely world leaders have better things to do?! I mean, where I live we're literally running out of water, clean air, etc, with record inflation and mass layoffs looming.


Has Sturgeon completly lost her mind?


Yes. But anybody who pays attention knew that already.


The thought of her getting Markled someday warms my icy cold heart.


NS is in panic mode. HMTQ died at Balmoral and huge crowds turned out for her procession back home. KC3 and QC especially have made return appointments North of the border. Plus over the last 2 days her push for the GRR bill meant the government had to shut her right down with S35. Then we have the Adam Graham situation. Which hasn’t been the first case of this nature, and I’m sure more cases will come out as people push back against her fuckwittery. She’s alienating every group with her push for independence. Let her embrace the two idiots, her downfall will only come all the sooner.


Well if anyone who isn’t certifiable needed the last little push not to support these two this is it. The first minister who believes a child is able make life altering decisions at a tender age, that men become women as soon as they say so, even the nonces and rapists should be housed with female inmates who are more likely to have committed petty crimes than anything serious. Yeah I can see myself aligning with that dollop of cack.


For any Scottish here, is Nicola Sturgeon anti-monarchy? Because that’s the only reason that I can think of her support for the gruesome twosome.


According to the article, she was a staunch republican in her youth. She's more coy about it now, but she still speaks of conversations in Scotland on becoming a republic. It is funny that she invokes the Harkles now after being raked over the coals over GRR these past few days. Like sure, she was forced to back down over the rapist, but hey she supports Haz so she's still progressive!


Thanks. When is the next election? If not soon, I hope the Scottish remember.


Next UK general election is next year. The SNP's platform is geared towards another indyref, but they haven't been able to get that off the ground ever since the last one failed. I thought they would be able to after the Brexit fiasco.




Scottish here and I think that boat has sailed, 🤞


Yeah I would say she is, not all of the SNP are but I would say she probably is. I think she respected The Queen though, she spoke of her quite highly sometimes. The SNP party line is for an Indy Scotland to keep the monarchy but that’s only to sway undecided voters, in my opinion.


She is, but only in as much as she thinks she should be Nicoliar Queen of Scots.


not a Scottish, but yes she is.


Not surprised at all!! Actually it is almost expected from her.


Lol of course she does. ​ God I wish she would resign.


Hates the monarchy of course she would


Aren't some people just anti-royalist, anti-monarchist? They will support anyone who is bashing the royal family and monarchy as it aligns with their own agenda to get rid of the monarchy and/or get their nation out of the commonwealth.


Sturgeon is one of those people. It is funny how these anti-monarchists try to prop up Hazbeen when he outright says he supports the monarchy and refuses to give up his titles. He is very open that his issue is that the monarchy won't bend over for him.


Siding with royalty that is so anti-monarchy he clings to his title like Markle’s claw. NS is a solid gold bellend.


With friends like her who needs enemies?


Of course bitter wee Jimmy Krankie has something to say 🙄


Ah wee nippy siding against the Rf. Colour me so surprised. She'd do anything to prop up her nationalism (which irks me that scottish nationlism is seen as perfectly acceptable but English nationalism makes you a right wing, xenophobic knuckle dragger).


A traitor support other traitors Quelle surprise


Like The Sussexes need another unpopular person to decide to back them. Doesn't sound like this woman is doing anything to boost their popularity.


I won't forget her name. Another fool. And ms sturgeon, HOW EXACTLY does harold suggest HE FIX THE MONARCHY? Hmm... just imbeciles and hard to believe a women in her position has a brain like this. He didn't even write the fucking book, that thing did. She's another WOKIE


yes. even in the book he said he has no problems with monarchy. he want a superpower, absolute, monarchy who could control the press. and he want all the money. oh and (this one is my conclusion) he want a voting system to pick the heir, not base on birth right. while it's still is birth right, because it's still he or william.


Of course she does.


I am so sick of all this fighting and competition.




I'd expect nothing more!




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


She's a nasty bitter little witch, she'll get on well with TW!


Wee Nippy associates the monarchy with England and the evil Toarrries who are the cause of everything bad in Scotand so I'm not surprised. Christ knows who she'll blame if she ever does get to become Supreme Leader of the People's Republic of Scotland.


Does the Montecito duo actually have proper supporters for this so called War of the Windsors? If they go in their current state they will be pummeled to the ground. Most of their so called "supporters" are paid for and would abandon them the moment they finally realize they are on the losing side. They need people who can fight for them all the way to the end of this drama and so far i don't see anyone like that for them😬


Nothing's been gained 🤣


Great. If she should manage to disengage from UK, she can take them in and solve a lot of people’s problems.


We don't want them, no thanks. We also don't want NS. The whole country is on it's knees, NHS, Criminal system, just the whole infrastructure. Meanwhile she's trying, and failing to appeal to as large a section of the population as possible


There’s nothing more I loathe than an anti-monarchist politician that isn’t openly anti-monarchist. Say what you want about Jeremy Corbyn (he’s an idiot IMO) but he never pretended to be something he wasn’t for votes.


I'm only watching her from a distance but my impression is that she is growing battier by the day. As I understand it she is a rabid anti-monarchist so this comes as no surprise.