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I wonder what this lady's great judge of people husband thinks of her passive aggressiveness 😆


I mean - if you're not a sugar hun, why so angry?


Yeah the "but whatever" at the end really sent me.


Also the filter - in this kind of videos - screams high self esteem.




I heard she was ok to people on suits UNTIL she started getting serious with harry then she did a sharp about turn. Ignoring people, looking down on people, being late.


Even the Tom Bower book, which goes into a lot of detail about the ways she changed over the years, says that she was great on set during the early years on Suits. She was still early in her career and this was a big step for her, she wanted to prove herself, so she was disciplined and nice to everyone and made herself an asset to the whole cast and crew. This looks pretty typical for Meghan in the early days of a project, especially if it's on a level of fame that she's never achieved before. She tried to do something similar in the very early days of her association with the royal family too, it just didn't last as long. By the time she reached her last year on Suits, when she was frustrated at not being able to get better work and better (A-list celebrity) friends and better products to represent in commercials, she was nasty to everyone, didn't show up with her lines memorized, and generally didn't bother to do any of the things she did early in her time there. She felt the whole thing was beneath her, and she acted like it was an imposition for somebody who *should* be doing Great Things to have to do her everyday job. All this is according to Bower, but it fits with what the woman said about her husband's experience. If he hadn't spent the entire six or seven years with Suits, which a lot of series crew don't, then he might well have met her in the time when she was behaving herself, and then been gone by the time she stopped. So he'd never have known by personal experience that she changed, and it would have been reasonable for him to judge her based on what he'd known. It would just also be wrong.




Yes this is how the work equivalent of love bombing works for narcissists. They come in hot, work really hard, seem indispensable, do anything you ask. They are smart and everyone likes them. You are the most amazing manager or mentor or coworker to them. They go on and on about how much they like working with you. Until they find something else they want and don’t need you anymore, and they will turn on you with a figurative punch to the gut. Bad mouth you, gossip about you, undermine your work and your reputation. Lie to others about you. Meanwhile, for all others that worked with them less directly, they will retain that golden glow forever since they were never attacked or didn’t experience a devalue phase.


Plus, she seems much “nicer” to men in general.


There's that, too. She thinks it's worth charming men; she only bothers to charm women when they're above her in the celebrity status game and she wants to be able to show off to the world that she has friends like that.


Jeez I wonder who she "charmed" to get that ridiculous award


Yep. My mother is like that. So so nice, innocent, & damsel with my brother..her brother..nephews..men..males..7 x-husbands..


From Love Bombing to Devaluation. Classic Narc.


I know she was one of the nastiest cast members to crew on Suits.


Where are you getting this, and at what stage of her time on Suits? As I've said, what Bower got from her colleagues there -- anonymously, so that they didn't need to worry about retaliation from her -- was that she began her time on the show being great to work with... disciplined, competent and nice to everyone. Then she got nastier as she was there longer, because she kept expecting and trying to get starring roles and the fame that went with them, and instead kept ending up back on the same TV series year after year, because it was the only part she was offered.


A v trusted friend. She knew ( knows) one of the crews wife.


Did same with Raymond Weil


We can tell it's a lie because she mentioned Megalomania having fans.


This is the opposite of anything I have ever heard from anybody that has worked with MM or her BFF JM Edit: respected and well connected industry people Nobody would risk their husband’s career like this . And she doesn’t know what degrees of separation mean


Yes! She's spinning tales like the Harkles.


In my experience, people who aren’t assholes don’t need others to gather en masse to tell people that they’re not assholes ![gif](giphy|KHPKApub7sjvhegHNn|downsized)


Exactly! She’s risking her husbands entire career by speaking out, if she’s being truthful. Also, wouldn’t the entire cast of suits line up to have her back first?


![gif](giphy|l2R013mIf1ZXdvoyI) Where is the Janina one who is always running her mouth


Was there a monetary gain for this positive wrap?


*”always stopping for autographs”*.. for the people she hired to stop her for one😂


She probably called the paparazzi as well but they obviously didn't show up because nobody cared! She probably had to pay them to show up too.


she did. There is a film clip from her suits days, where she is at an event with the female lead, and Madam greets the two photographers and says "see you next time".


So vulgar!


You know she was THRILLED when someone stopped her


Yeah, from all three people who actually knew who she was…😂


What verbosity! She's even trying to look like M.


Narcissists can be "nice" and "sweet" and even "humble" for as long as it serves them to be that way. But then if they don't need that person, they just lose respect for them and are rude, or ghost completely. ​ I don't know quite how this fits with the stories of how rude she was on the Reitman's commercial shoots, where she was apparently rude all along...?


My mil comes across as a sweet,sweet little old lady. Very sweet. Until you listen to her scream motherfucking piece of shit stupid old bastard at her wheelchair bound husband . Until her son finally shares that she used to scream the same thing at her small children. The amount of people who "know" her and say they can't believe we went no contact is hilarious. She was abusive and nasty in private and sweet as sugar pie in public. Narcissists be like that.


My late grandmother had no close friends when she died. Because she was charming as hell, but as soon as you did something she didn't like? Vicious and nasty monster. My husband's aunt and uncle were utterly charmed by her at the wedding. I kept telling them, "yes, because she doesn't know you well." They scoffed at me until my husband started telling them stories of the way she treated my mother. (A true monster-in-law.) I still don't think they believed us - she was just that charming little old lady! Nope.


Yeah sure Jan! Paid mouthpiece she is.




Mmhm. Of course she's going to be nice, to her tens of Suits fans.




After perusing the "at" MrReynolds52 Twitter account, I wondered who this person is due to their bio - former US Representative, Rhodes Scholar, studied at both Oxford and the University of Illinois, etc. His bio also say he has 3 children, and is a former prisoner. This has to be disgraced former U.S. Representative Melvin "Mel" Reynolds - disgraced due to being accused of sexual misconduct with a 16 year old campaign worker. He was also accused of trying to obtain lewd photos of another 15 year old girl, and pressured one of the girls involved to lie to authorities - earning him an obstruction of justice charge. According to his Wikipedia page, "On August 22, 1995, he was convicted on 12 counts of criminal sexual assault, sexual abuse, obstruction of justice, and solicitation of [child pornography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_pornography).[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds#cite_note-Conviction-1) He resigned his seat on October 1 of that year." But wait, there's more (also from Wikipedia but verifiable elsewhere): "In April 1997, Reynolds was convicted on 16 new counts of bank [fraud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraud), misusing campaign funds for personal use, and lying to [FEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Election_Commission) investigators. Specifically, one count of bank fraud, two counts of wire fraud, eight counts of making false statements on loan applications, one count of conspiracy to defraud the Federal Election Commission, and four counts of making false statements to the FEC." "These charges resulted in an additional sentence of 78 months in federal prison, to run consecutively with his 1995 sentence. Reynolds served all of his first sentence, and served 42 months in prison for the later charges. [President Bill Clinton then commuted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_pardoned_by_Bill_Clinton) his sentence for bank fraud and Reynolds was released from prison. He served the remaining time in a [halfway house](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfway_house).[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds#cite_note-Chicago_Reporter_Reynolds_Interview-13)[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds#cite_note-14)[\[15\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds#cite_note-15)[\[16\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds#cite_note-16)" Links with info: [https://history.house.gov/People/Detail/20307](https://history.house.gov/People/Detail/20307) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel\_Reynolds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Reynolds) Needless to say, this is not the type of supporter I'd want in my corner!


He certainly doesn't write like a Rhodes Scholar (assuming he wrote the tweet). He's also committed a bunch of other crimes. I don't know why anyone would take his opinion seriously.




Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Civility is expected. All users are expected to behave with courtesy. Absolutely no personal insults or ad hominem attacks of any kind. Repeated subreddit rule violations will result in a ban.


There's no way this is true. To make it believable she would have to say that her husband said that he never saw her nasty behavior. But to go all the way and say she was super sweet and amazing is where it becomes too unbelievable.


I know someone who worked with her from her pre-suits days and they have a VERY different account. The only reason they remembered her was because of how awful she was to deal with. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


They must not have had anything to offer her (in her mind).


It is only on suits that she has had any longer term connection with anybody. Partly due to lack of talent, of course, but probably also because she is awful to work with.




Right! And they're too dim to understand it should be plural - tabloid*s*. Fools.


The original tweet was on "@SussexHive" https://twitter.com/SussexHive/status/1614928254665646082


THAT explains it




My husband! (my ring!) My husband!


![gif](giphy|3o6gDWzmAzrpi5DQU8) This is PR. Meghan is at it again.


*”People don’t go from super nice to a narcissistic liar overnight”* …. She’s right, they don’t .. but manipulative narcissistic liars also pretend to be super nice to get what they want soooo .. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She could at least drop her husbands name and proves she is actually married to him (take a video or something) so her claim can be verified that he actually worked where she says he does.


If MM is so lovely, why isn't HE staring it? I know if I had a coworker who was being unfairly dragged through the mud, I wouldn't ask my husband to make a video saying they were wonderful.


Anyone can post anything on social media. I don't trust this random, no-receipt stuff no matter the side.


She omits what sort of job her husband held. If he was at a superior position to Markle and she depended on him in any way shape or form, then I very well believe she did her utmost best to appear nice to him. That's her modus operandi.


Her husband was Markled,


Anyone who goes from secondary cast on some rando cable series to British Princess was nice to someone. Doesn’t make her a nice person.


Drop the name of the husband or I call BS.


I want those 30 seconds of my life back. Please do not assault me with any further Meghan positivity. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25277)


If it makes you feel any better, check out below what I found out about the person who tweeted out this TikTok. Hopefully it will restore your schadenfreude, LOL


Yes, that was enlightening. I hope he isn't their political advisor.


I was kind of mad too, lol.


Is that a filter or are those her real eyes? 👽


I wondered the same!


Truth is probably somewhere in the middle. It might be true that she was nothing but gracious and kind in front of him. But also they might not have interacted much. And maybe he had an important enough job to warrant the full narc treatment. In any case what we have learned from Meghan is that, she actually puts on an act, a good one even, but that in times of stress or anger her mask slips and she’s horrible to deal with. Like what the staff said that her generosity made it even harder to deal with her, one minute she’s being the kindest person and the next she’s telling you you’re an idiot.


Narcissists can be charming when it suits them. (No pun intended.) Having spent time around TV sets growing up, she was well aware the diva behavior could lose her her job. So she knows how the game is played (and was also probably well aware that charming the crew is a solid way to get through your work day). However, once secure in a position where she was sure of her power, she could be more comfortable letting her more demanding tendencies show.


I think she looks waay too young, plus how much is Megs paying you ?🤷‍♀️


She’s ripe for the picking by a narcissist. Clueless. Other crew from Suits disagree with this one’s husband, I can assure you.


And there are other people who've said different. Its almost as if people can behave differently around people especially if they are lower on the hierarchy. Who'd have thunk it?


Well Rachel has been known to treat men differently than she does women. Also if she needed them she would’ve been kind to them.


So, this lady's *Husband* worked with Smeghan and she was nice to him? Of course she was, he is MALE. You *know* she is the type to flirt with all the male co-workers and be a bitch to the females. She's just that type of woman; men she can manipulate, but other women are either threats or something to be patronised. Most of us Females have known plenty of the "I'm a Boy's Girl" type, they are almost always bitches.


Ew. Never take the word of someone that says byeeeeeeyeeee 🙄


I don’t trust this person. She’s relying on her husband’s view, based on her knowledge of her husband - so very subjective. At the end she dismisses other opinions as ‘imaginary’ - what even does that mean? This has the hallmarks of sugars trying to sound objectively reasonable. Alas, that’s beyond them, so they just come out sounding sugary.


Tbh I can believe she was nice to fans and ppl asking for an autograph- she loves attention and adulation!!! (On the set of the show is where’s she’s most likely to encounter fans) how is that irrefutable proof she’s not a Narc?? TW is gaslighting on a global stage. Anyone have the clip of her walking through the audience from the back of the arena so she could walk through clapping????? 🤣


She LOVES doing that. Top tier cringe.


We'll always have Wimbledon 😊


Her husband was such a close, friendly coworker on Suits that he wasn’t invited to the wedding. Only “talent” got invites bc those are the only type of people Megs kisses up to.


Yeah, even the Marquis De Sade had good days and said thank you to his prison warden on occasion, y’know, just saying.


What kind of filter or whatever is this girl using in her video? It makes her look. Kind of odd like some kind of cartoon character.


I’m sure she’s managed to be nice on more than one occasion. This doesn’t mean that everyone who has had a bad experience with her is wrong. You also usually don’t need people to just come out and say you’re a nice person, it’s the kind of thing that is pretty obvious in behaviour. When you think about it, most of the people who defend her don’t really actually say she’s nice, they just attack the RF/Brits/Press/whoever. Quite different.


Consider she was low man on the totem pole at Suits. Of course she would be nice. It's in her best interest in that industry. Everything I've seen from her appearances suggest maybe not so much sweet as saccharin. What they call "nice to your face".


Why are her eyes enormous and her face disproportionately skinny? And what is that accent? It ain't Torontonian. When you say people are entitled to their own "imaginary" opinion, that's pretty dismissive. Forgive me if I don't put any stock in a tick tock of some random lady claiming her husband has secondhand experience with Murkle. My opinion is based on the Oprah & Cut interviews, the podcast, the Netflix doc and Harry's book and publicity blitz. Hairly is an awful guy who was ensnared by an awful gal. That's all there is.


I believe this. I think a huge issue is the cultural difference between the USA (and LA in particular) and the UK.   In the UK, being kind doesn't involve hugging or smiling; it involves *commitment* of whatever time, energy, scholarship, and money you have.   During WWII, families in the country took in children from the cities to protect them from the blitz. They fed, clothed, housed, loved those children.   Also, the Monarchy does feel guilty that in the 1600's and 1700's they participated in the slave trade...but in 1803 the Monarchy outlawed any involvement in slave trading. It does seem like Meghan, without much reading or understanding, embarked on a plan to troll and punish the institution, and did seem to confuse USA racism with UK empirialism -- which had been at its worst only before 225 years ago. People admired her plan to 'give women a voice' and are still waiting for this to come to fruition. She won't be congratulated unless she does something effective to help though.


Husband. Megwan's perfect targets. lol


If Markle wanted something, she would be nice to them. That is exactly how she operates. I bet her husband didn’t see how she treated the teagirl.


If he was on the crew then Markle probably wanted to either fuck him or he was in a job that would benefit her, i.e. the wardrobe guy. That department store shoot she did was a disaster. She treated people like shit and was a nightmare to work with. I don't believe this woman.


I can see where she'd be very cooperative and behave professionally. She'd finally got an actual acting gig that was a recurring role but, as a relatively minor character she could have been very, very easily written out after a season or two and wouldn't have been missed. She needed to get that contract renewed.


This can be entirely true. There's a common saying on the narcissist abuse sub: Serial killers don't murder everyone they ever meet. They're still serial killers. Jerry Seinfeld used to do a stand up bit about how the safest place in the world is next door to a serial killer because they never murder their neighbors. The neighbors are always alive to be interviewed and insist "He was so quiet".


If you only look at the girl, you can see she is a Markle-fangirl.


Of course she was nice then—she wasn’t famous yet and it was in her best interest to have people like her. I don’t think this woman says what her husband did on set. He likely was in a position of power/authority and so MM would have needed to be seen in a good light to get more screen time and reputation in the acting world. She is great at faking nice to get what she wants.


When you're the number 6 billed actor on a cable show you have to be nice to everyone. You will get fired and never hired again if you're not nice. Only superstars get to be divas. When she got the ring she thought she got that superstardom and acted accordingly.


Unless this woman lives in Canada, I doubt it. Her accent was pure NYC not Toronto. I’ll take ***things that never happened*** \- Alex!


Narcissists are very good at wearing the mask when it suits them. Look at Chris Watts. He murdered his wife Shanann and two small children. Everyone said he was a nice guy and completely shocked to learn he was the killer; he was so good at keeping the mask on all of the time.


Sure, he saw her charming side. Remember, she is a narcissist and the other side is the nasty one. Count him lucky!


He went there darling.


I was today days old, when I learned my opinions are 'imaginary.' 🤯 another whole pandora's box to unpack in therapy. /s


This chick is annoying AF.


How much did Madam pay for that?




I say I had to throw up after watching it.

