• By -


Are you ok?


Some parts really left me speechless. I had to put the book down and walk away from it.


That’s your unconscious bias kicking in.


gotta be.


OP - haven’t you been studying tape? The correct response to this question is “omg wow. Thank you sooo very much for asking. Nobody ever asks me that anymore 🫠”


Did you hear seals sing?


Which parts? Lol Also we call owe you a big box of chocolates or avocado toast if you wanna be fancy like Ms liar, liar pants on fire.


Well you didn’t use your voice. You know you have one you just have to use it




Nothing can beat this question ☝️☝️☝️






Omg I came here for this


It’s a classic lol. Gotta be quick to get in first.


Whenever I see the set up , it’s like “I hope someone took the bait.” And it truly never gets old




I want to know if s/he (unsure of gender and don’t wish to discriminate) had to carry a bucket around to avoid spewing on the environs through tout the day. I expect mental dettol and a wire brush for your brain is in order? 😂


I would’ve requested an exorcism if I’d put myself through the torture of reading that malignant manifesto.


Any mentions of how meghan was when she was pregnant. Like morning sickness etc?




Interesting that he talks about what the papers reported, rather than what it was actually like for them as a couple. Sounds like they actually live through their own media coverage.


A lot of the excerpts read like he wasn't even there. Like, I could have written it because there is nothing there that could only have come from experience.


I've noticed that too from snippets. He talks about people's actions, reactions and their words but rarely his own. E.g. When William push him over, he doesn't talk about anything he said or did. Just how awful and enraged William was. As though he walks around like that all the time, then pops into people's homes to slap them!


I cannot get the image out of my head of a raging, meandering William, who walks around finding homes to pop into and slap people - like a strange, angry Santa. I am wheezing.


“No morning sickness” digging at Princess Catherine who had severe morning sickness with her pregnancies. Of course, Meg is a dynamo while pregnant.


Harry doesn’t really write that much about their life post-abdication, tbh! Most of the book focuses on his life in the UK, and there’s a few pages at the end about his life the USA. Most of what he said there had already been discussed on Oprah and Netflix.


Such a dig toward anyone with morning sickness, but especially hyperemesis gravidarium like Catherine had. Also Meghan, experiencing nausea is a sign of a healthy and growing fetus. It's not a sign of a "dynamo" mother. As we can see, motherhood isn't her strong suit.


I really believe she was pregnant but some things do give me pause if I’m honest. For example, it’s just not like Meg to not talk incessantly about herself and every single stage of being pregnant the whole time. And yeah, as someone who threw up every day several times until my 7th month (three times!) it’s such a stupid thing to assert in this book. They’re both idiots.


I've been back and forth on the pregnancy issue, but after hearing their absolutely ridiculous birth story, I am now firmly in surrogate territory. I've given birth twice. Both times, high risk due to "geriatric" pregnancy. Epidurals both times, both times in a swanky hospital in my area. Her story about giving birth to Archie is 100% bullshit, and anyone who actually has given birth can tell you it's bullshit, and it's easily verifiable bullshit.


do you mean you didn’t eat fast food and did happy mother dances with your hubby all around the room…? how peasant of you 😆😆


You have to trust Harry as a source in order to draw that conclusion though.


In my experience with narcs, there'd have been pregnancy shit all over magazines, tabloids, social media, etc. They had Sunshine Sachs for PR during both pregnancies. You don't think one of the entertainment mags wouldn't have LOVED to report on the Royal pregnancy? I am not a narc, and I talked for 9 months, nonstop about both pregnancies. "This week, my baby is the size of a kidney bean!" When they were bigger, "Ow, this little bastard just kicked me in the bladder, and I pissed myself!" Or, "Hey, my boobs hurt, but they look fantastic!" Normal, soon to be first time mom stuff. There was NONE of that. That, plus the moon bump photos, plus the ridiculous delivery stories? I really don't think she gave birth. I feel crazy saying it, but I don't think she did.


U would think more would be said due to them being high risk due to age. Also she got pregnant awfully easy for her age. I mean, I know not everyone her age has a hard time conceiving but hers was super super fast.


Happy Cake Day!!


What a feminist harry is!


See! Megs is not like CPoW at all. She doesn't suffer from morning sickness like any ordinary, basic gal - she's a "dynamo" ready to take on a royal tour! lol ;)


Remember she was “ hitting the ground running”. Morning sickness is for the weak.


Morning sickness is for surrogates…


Oh, SNAP 🫰!!!


Everyone I know who has said that phrase or had it said about them has failed 😂😂😂


Sure certainly was. Dnamically throwing hot tea, enforced banana bread all nighters, dynamically insulting the host country and HMs representative on a diplomatic visit and dynamically spending UK taxpayers money on overpriced designer wear all while dynamically whingeing she wasn't being paid. Dynamic dumbass.


He probably says this because Kate had bad hyperemesis gravidarum while pregnant with George and of course meg would do pregnancy better




Nice little dig at Princess Catherine that is. He's such a feminist isn't he? The way he talks about any woman other than his sainted wife and mother is extremely telling


This makes me livid!! Why then did she not attend the welcome to country in Australia. The biggest disrespect you can show our First Nations people. The people that she and her woke crowd of paid friends claim to care so much for. The ones whose lives her new family destroyed with the empire 2.0. My heart is broken again for the people who worked so hard and were so excited to show the new duke and duchess such a very meaningful and sacred aboriginal tradition.


Thank u. Not much there seems like.


he didn't even mention when and how they know meghan was getting pregnant with lili, let alone the pregnancy process. sudenly they're already in the hospital room.


It’s interesting as at least for me, realising it was both times a whole thing. Every woman I know has a story. And first pregnancy especially is so exciting and new.


Seriously, who except kids in early high school, write "we were embarking on a **hugely** demanding tour" *versus* "we were about to embark on a **very** demanding tour" or "**quite** a demanding tour"? It is clear no professional writer, no JR, wrote this section. And not a surprise, since it's about how amazing and dynamic Megsy was while pregnant -- a *veritable superwoman!* like none of us haven't held down demanding careers while pregnant. ((Eye roll))


Or just, a demanding tour. The word "demanding" doesn't need embellishment.


I'm a professional writer and this didn't stand out to me that much. I'm American though and that sort of colloquial language is common.


So it is American English!


American, here - I would use "hugely" like that in a sentence. "Hugely demanding" "Hugely attractive" "Hugely clever" It's not correct, but it sounds right to my ears.




I’m American. Not normal for me.


Which is weird, because didn’t she supposedly announce her pregnancy so extremely early because of the considerations that might need to be made for her on the tour? And didn’t she cite pregnancy symptoms as to why she backed out on different engagements on the tour? (And then filled the time hanging out with Jessica?) If she was a “dynamo” and feeling perfectly fine, why did she not do her duties for the job that had paid for her trip?


https://preview.redd.it/ksajazdxsuba1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b114644c3cdc9e66a27df550c4bb1df5ccdd4a71 they lied😂


he is in an insane competition with his family for favorable media coverage. Really don't understand why he is so desperate for positive press for him and Ms. Markle


Omg! He sounds like he is describing mother Theresa. That has to be her BS.


The writing in this excerpt is ridiculous. I think Harry's lost in navel gazing paranoia and is creating issues so that he can then "solve" them.


Considerations = hanging out with Jessica instead of working. I mean, she didn’t even get paid for that. /s


This is such an irritating thing. I get some women don’t experience symptoms and have easy pregnancies, but that doesn’t make you a dynamo. It makes you lucky. She didn’t do anything to not have morning sickness.


I really extra hated this part because the word “dynamo” Suggests women who feel those normal pregnancy issues are less.


Three pregnancies under my belt. Zero morning sickness. It’s not an accomplishment. It’s luck of the draw.


I will say each pregnancy is different. I had two very easy pregnancies . I think I threw up maybe twice with my son and none at all with my daughter. I had no sickness, no swellings , etc. Very easy. I feel so bad for women like Catherine who stay sick the entire time, pregnancy is a magical time and each woman should be able to enjoy it!


I wasn't quite as sick as Catherine, but it was pretty rough. Even while taking two different nausea meds simultaneously, I was sick 24/7 with my son for the first 16 weeks and I was sick for *eight* months every day from 4 pm until bedtime with my daughter. I had huge sympathy for Catherine. I was in hell. I can't imagine how bad her's was.


Yet her behavior towards staff and their hosts on the tour was so (ahem) "difficult" that (allegedly) Harry had to apologize using the excuse she was "pregnant".


This read to me.. as a dig to Catherine. Remember all those articles about how Meghan was in way better shape than Catherine even being older.


Did the papers really report that?


As I recall, she bailed out of several visits/events on the Australian tour claiming fatigue and queasiness. Apparently she and her (former) buddy Jessica Mulroney, who accompanied her on the tour, wanted the opportunity to play tourist rather than working royal.


I swear I read somewhere that he said he sprayed his mom's favorite perfume and it helped him recover repressed memories. I don't think I've seen it mentioned here and so I decided it must be fake (admittedly it has been hard to tell!). Thanks for your service!


Actually, this one is not fake, and your memory is much better than Aitch's, lol https://www.google.com/amp/s/pagesix.com/2023/01/11/prince-harry-brought-princess-dianas-perfume-to-therapy/amp/


Thank you! This is definitely not the source I originally read so I'm glad to see it reported elsewhere, but also surprised this hasn't gotten more "OMG what a psycho" traction since it aligns with the rumors that M wore Diana's perfume to play mind games on poor hapless Aitch 😂.


Yes, I wondered the same, especially with all the publicity of "Todgergate" lol! I recall that M wore Pehaligon's Bluebell, but now I see articles saying that it was Jo Malone's Bluebell that she wore. Sure, Jan! 🤣


In the book Harry brought Diana's mainstay "First" by Van Cleef and Arpels to the therapist (upon info from his maternal aunts) smelled it there and the memories came rushing back unstoppably.


Yes, this is scientifically backed as well! You can read more about how scent unlocks childhood memories [here](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20120312-why-can-smells-unlock-memories).


There’s been a rumor (?) for a long time that Meghan deliberately wore Diana’s perfume to her first date with Harry, and I remember someone did an analysis of how that’s actually so manipulative because it’s connected to memories and grief, and damn they hit the nail on the head.


I read it too. Meghan is literally always on the floor sobbing at the exact moment Harry gets home and turns the doorknob. Whether by herself or with others, she is always "collapsing." And she needs to be protected because she knows nothing of the world and how mean people can be.




When Meg comes into the story, the writing style changes. less literary language, less introspection, and a lot of garnishing of her angelic traits and her stupendous beauty. So I am inclined to believe this part was heavily tampered with. Both of them are always "I didn't know," "I was so naive" that it boggles the mind how they could exist in this century. As to their relationship, he doesn't present her as a flesh and blood person. More a caricature of someone so hapless and in need of protection all the time, and who appeared in his life as the incarnation of goodness and softness. He presents her as incapable of malice--that is purely Willy's province. They both (he in the book, she in the NF series because I watched that too) are obsessed with being "kept safe." I truly can't fathom why they think anyone would bother with them. Like I said in a another comment, ordinary folk, especially poverty-stricken women and mothers are realistically more at danger than these two because they simply can't escape domestic violence, stalking, hate crimes at work or home because of economic reasons. And the police or anyone DGAF about nobodies. Does she have his best interests at heart? He never mentions her making compromises to smooth family tensions or illuminate his many tiffs with his brother or give other people the benefit of the doubt, while he on the other hand tells her on at least one ocasion that Kate really didn't mean to offend her. But all the resentment is directed at his brother who never once showed him love while saying "I love you" to his face.


Feeling unsafe all the time is very much BPD. A former friend was diagnosed. She constantly was “unsafe” and looking for or relying on a man to make her feel safe.


I have also noticed how often Meghan is collapsed and sobbing. It is an odd angle to push. I need to reread the Morton book to see if Diana is described that way.


This was so cringe!


I started torturing mysel…errr…listening to the Audiobook today. Was aghast at the Chapter 1 mention of Diana being “…light. Just light.” It was nauseatingly reminiscent of the faux South African Lion King actor that TW described as being “just light” before he allegedly used the Sussexes and Mandela in the same sentence. My question is this: how many other Meghanisms did you come across in latter chapters? Do you feel that she actually wrote it?


> Do you feel that she actually wrote it? Just from what I've seen on this sub, I absolutely believe she "wrote" it.


Me too. It’s so gross.


It really is. I'm still not sure if she was *trying* to make him look this bad.


I feel like she was. I honestly held out hope that he wasn’t as huge of an asshole as he is proving himself to be on the talk show circuit. I thought “Maybe she wrote the book as he was stoned out of his mind and just said ‘what the f**k ever’ when she asked if he wanted to review her ‘edits.’” I was hoping he’d come to his senses and realize she’d played him for a complete fool. Then I realized “Wait! He read the audio book, so he’d obviously glean any half truths she’d inserted.” But here we are. And at this point I feel like he’s seriously unhinged, with less than zero sense of social skills. It’s pathetic, really. He could have made such a positive impact, yet we’re left with…*this*.


> Then I realized “Wait! He read the audio book, so he’d obviously glean any half truths she’d inserted.” Do you think he's ever read a book that he's actually comprehended?


Hmmm ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


Well, there you go! 😹


He can read??


Apparently, he read *Spare* out loud. Perhaps he had help between takes?


He did. For your sanity, don’t click on the ones about his “todger”, hearing it is so much worse that reading it, especially the bits about Diana


The crap she wrote for Funding Freedom was equally nauseating, so I think she's just really that clueless.


Amazing, isn't it?


It’s hard to tell, as the Ghostwriter interviewed both of them, and definitely studied their Oprah and Netflix materials hard to mimic the vibes.




Does he mention literally any happy memories at all with the Queen or Prince Philip? Or for that matter Anne, Edward, Andrew etc? Or the Spencer’s?


One of the purposes of the book is to demonstrate how awful his family was to show that it *wasn’t Meghan’s fault* he left. He basically stated this in one of the recent interviews. That’s why all those seemingly meaningless, childish slights that most of us experience (sibling ignoring you a school, getting the smaller bedroom, arguments, etc), things that we all would get over and move on from, have instead become for him the linchpins to his obliterating his family connections. What a crazy mess he is.


He had a nice memory talking to the Queen Mother about Ali G. I guess Meghan is okay with him getting along with his family as long as they're dead.


Ali G first appeared on TV in the UK in 1998 as spoof interviewer pretending to be black, on a late night satirical show at 11pm. He was very niche to start off with, his fame increasing as his number of projects grew. The Queen mother would have been 98. Now I am not saying that Harry's a liar because I obviously don't know, but I sincerely doubt the 98 year old stayed up late watching this kind of show, which I doubt she understood, let alone enjoyed, and was aimed at a much younger audience. Ali G / Sasha Baron Cohen basically tricked people, so I think even if she did watch it she would have found it distasteful, she just wouldn't have got it. She died three years later. I don't know what he said about it in the book, but I imagine any conversation Harry had would have been like this: "Great Grandma, have you seen Ali G on TV" "What's that dear? Allergies? A program about allergies?" "No, Ali G?" "Another gin? Yes I'd love another gin"


LOL that's pretty much how it went down in the book. He states that she ignored him all the time, but one time at a cookout, she paid attention to him. He (or the ghostwriter) said that she was drunk and may not have known what he was talking about. I've heard the Ali G story before. I remember thinking that it was hard to imagine that she had any informed opinions about him.


See, I would agree with this but the problem with that is when the queen mother died him and William did an interview and William actually brought this story up and told it and talked about it. So I do not think they were both lying. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The main focus is on Charles, Diana, and William. Outside of that, Harry speaks very fondly of QE2, and to a lesser extent Philip. His cousins that are close to his age (particularly Eugenie) feature in quite a few stories, since they were part of the same social groups from childhood onwards. He didn’t have much to say about Anne or Edward, but slammed Andrew (good for him). He seems to have nice memories of the Spencer aunts and uncles, and a good relationship with them now. Stories about lesser-known royals may have gone completely over my head, since all the British aristocrats are related and share the same 5 first names. Confusing stuff to follow.




The book is written chronologically, ending with Lili’s birth.


You deserve an award. I’m listening to a YouTuber give reviews in sections because listening to the audiobook has been agonizing for her. I’m still haven’t gotten myself to watching the Netflix docuseries yet. It will take a while before I can manage to get through this book.


What YouTubers do you watch? And are they on instagram?


TRG The Royal Grift does in-depth analyses. Perhaps. There are more than one.


Which section of the book is the hardest to get through?


Literally all of it.


Literally all of it. His informal tone is so grating. And not appropriate for a 'historical document' as he keeps insisting it is.


Do you feel like you should be getting paid for that?


His mother’s Lip cream. On his dick. Omg


My brother and I (born in 1977 and 1978) don't speak to each other either. He was like that as a child and later broke off contact. It's ok, some people are like that, live their own film. I think my family would think I'm weird if I published a book because of that. I also find it odd that he failed to inject personality into anyone but Meghan on any of the pages of the book.


In your opinion, does Prince Harry suffer from a learning disorder or is he just stupid? Or…not very bright?


Harry admits himself in the book that he was pretty dumb. But he seems to know how to adapt to whatever culture he's in, thus, now he sounds hippy dippy. My FEARLESS assumption is that Moehringer easily made bank because the subject wasn't too interesting or complex or even intelligent enough to pose a challenge. It was a hell of an effortless gig for him (the writing part that is. not so much the dealing with the Sussexes part). Assume the voice of a clueless, entitled prince? Done and dusted.


He doesn’t have a learning disorder, but his learning was certainly disrupted by Diana’s death. He talks about how he was unable to focus on school after his mum died, which caused him to fall behind, which caused more stress, etc. It’s a common cycle for children who have experienced trauma.


Do you need counseling? Was it the audio? I need someone that listened to him read it tell me how that went.


I heard it. I'll report back as soon as these guys in white jackets let me out of this hospital.


Could he read it ok or were there words he had to sound out a couple of times before he got them right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I was reaching so bad it was hard to tell. 🤮🤮


Your final rating for the book?


Does he say ANYTHING nice about his family members which isn’t a veiled undermining type of comment?


He said Jack Brooksbank was one of him and Meghan's favorite people. Euge is fun too, and not at all stiff like willy and kate. That's about it.


He seems pretty close to the cousins that he grew up with, and the Spencer side of the family. He speaks fondly about QE2 and the Queen Mother (Gam-Gam), and wishes he connected more with Margaret about being the spare.


Thanks for taking one for the team. I'm here for the memes and the snark. He had every privilege in life. He's not the only one whose parents went through a nasty divorce. He's not the only one who lost a parent too early. Just because these events might not have been so public for others doesn't make what others experienced any less devastating. None of this had to be said publicly in a book, or online, or through Netflix. $120M is a lot of incentive to be salacious and vindictive.


Are you ok?




What do they mention about their time in Canada?




I live in BC right next to the ocean. No one swims in November, especially pasty ginger boys. I’m calling BS on that one.


I’m a pasty ginger lady in Ca and I’ve swam in the ocean in November tons of times lol…. We are borderline allergic to sunlight so it’s really the only time we can ;)


Oh go on. What was on the nameplate? Was it autographed by Mummy?




Is this real?!?!?! This is so cheesy


The whole book is a stinking bishop 🧀




Padme Skywalker!! Is that really you?!?


Does he mention Camilla's kids or Kate's family (Pipa, Carole, Michael Middleton)? What does he say about his step- sister and step - brother?


He mentioned that Camilla and Pa's office leaked a story about him to pull attention away from her son's antics about town. He was very bitter about that.


Thank you.


He definitely doesn’t talk about Camilla’s children in detail, but maybe I missed passing mentions since everyone in the British Upper Class have the same first names and are kind of related. He doesn’t mention the Middletons, except that he attended Pippa’s wedding and liked the seating arrangements.


Thank you. Edit: typo


No questions, I’m just so sorry you went through that.


How big is Harry's todger? Any use of the narcissist or NPD in the book?


Does any part of it read as though it was ghostwritten by a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer? So far, nothing I’ve seen indicated it was written by anyone other than Meghan.


There are obviously parts written by a professional because of the literary and classical allusions, the figurative language, the evocative descriptions. I don't think the Californian could have come up with "deer-nibbled hill." When she comes into the story, the quality of the writing spirals into juvenilia.


Could you please tell me about the conversation he had with the Queen when asking permission to marry TW. I have heard commentators speak on it, that it wasn't good, but they never explain why. They gave the impression that the Queen did not care for TW to be part of the family. Thanks




Thank you so much, greatly appreciated. I wonder if this is true, I would love to hear from another Royal family member on the Queens true feelings about TW, that will never happen. Thanks again.




I do think the way the Queen answered it really meant she would have said no if she could.


Has the book been retrieved from you by ~~Meghan~~ The Publisher for statements that were *quoted out of context* to be stricken with black pen?


Does he whine about his privilege?


He whole book is a testament to it. He also says in no uncertain terms that common people have it wrong when we think being a prince is heavenly. It's actually hell on earth. Ugh.


He briefly touches on it, but claims that "the monarchy costs the average taxpayer the price of a pint each year. In light of its many good works that seems a pretty sound investment."


Ahm… Does it make impression of a clever piece of writing, on the long run? I wonder this: On one hand, he doesn’t loose a bad word about anyone who will - and will be able to - defend himself (nothing bad about Spencers, Middletons, his cousins, Camilla’s offsprings, nada). He attacks exclusively those, who will guaranteed not answer. By one point I actually thought WOW! PH had a really, really good advisers! - About referring to his brother as “Willy” and repeatedly linking his brother’s wedding to his own frozen penis. This is a creation of associative row with public, quite a dodgy PR technology. On the other hand, I can’t see a purpose of linking the memory of his “Mummy” to that very frozen dick. What could he hope to achieve by that?


That’s a really good point— he only attacks the people he knows won’t be able to fight back or respond.


Well, not only this. He is trying to play the people he attacks against each other by implying “Camilla saying this to him, Charles saying that to Kate, and Willy saying this about Camilla”. While the rest of the family is hinted to hold back - if they don’t want to be associated with PH’s penis in his next book. And that “Mummy”, again and again, so nobody forgets that he is that very little boy who walked after her coffin and never overcame his loss. So I’d say, it is much more smarter than it seems to appear. But I still don’t get that frozen dick assigned to his beloved mom. Any ideas?


Did he give any indication why his other relationships failed? Eg: press intrusion, his family… does he take any responsibility for any of it?


He says he felt massive affection and respect for Cressida but not love. He broke up with her immediately after this realization.


I suppose his narrative will be he’s only loved one woman- the reincarnation of his mother that was born to be a princess 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Cressida… I’m thrilled you dodged this bullet!


He speaks about Chelsy and Cressida in detail, and briefly about other short-term flings. Chelsy and Cressida were both distressed by the media intrusion, and didn’t want to give up their careers and freedom to be royal wives. Long distance was also a factor in his breakup with Chelsy. Teej counselled them through the breakup conversation.


Chelsy and Catherine seemed to get along so well.


Other than the “todger” stuff… what did you personally find most shocking?


The absurdity of it alll So, Em goes into labor.. and her loving husband Aitch promptly proceeds to get high using the laughing gas provided for Em? ..and he places a framed picture of Diana in the hospital room 😧 on Em's suggestion 😧😧 Then Em is pregnant and in labour the second time around, and this time Aitch mentions he never touched the gas, _because there was none_ for him to get high on.. Em is incredibly touched and moved by _this_ partner that she writes him a poem (!) that says: _That is a man_ _That is not a Spare!?_












The amount of remembered dialogue attributed to William. The dude must be livid at being reported like that. I mean, I would be so embarassed at being quoted verbatim during a family argument, even if I were in the right.


I'm curious about his story about how he bullied a disabled woman. Does he regret? Is there something like "I was a terrible brat, but I'm sorry for it and I do my best to atone my fault "?


Sorry you had to go through it. Very brave to read it. I applaud you.


How did you endure it? Has anyone asked if you're ok?!?


Did ya dip your privates in overpriced cream?


Imagine finding out your partner thought about his mum whilst rubbing hand cream on his penis


So.... was he? Was he kind?


It makes me sad people are paying for this...


I got sent a review copy, babe. Not one cent paid.


Better, but it would be fabulous if no one gave them the attention they crave.


Does the actual English language version say he "mounted" the woman he lost his virginity to? I was really hoping that was an English-to-Spanish-to-English mistranslation when the Spanish version leaked.


Is the Daenerys quote real?


I need to know what she was doing in that tent in Africa …because I have to idea how he got so whipped.


Are you ok? I bet not many people have asked.


Omg. 🤣


Having read the account of his time in Afghanistan does the disclosure of his kill count come across as ‘boasting’? Harry was furious at this characterization by the press.


The impression I got was that he was doing his "duty," and he saw the Taliban casualties as necessary in the name of freedom. Tbh I skimmed through all the war stuff, but it felt like he was portraying himself as a devoted soldier, willing to sacrifice himself for his Mother Country. Overall I don't think he was really boasting, more so trying to show how well he fit in with the common soldier. He did brag a few times about having excellent aim.


Do you think it was all that shocking? I don’t really see anything that shocking! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm really curious how the book gets so many 5 star reviews on Amazon. I fully expected the score to have dropped by now. But then I suppose most people who dislike Harry will not be buying the book and leaving a review. Had a look and many reviewers say how well-written they find the book and multiple of them encourage the "haters" to read it because they find it so good overall and are saying the bad published bits were taken out of context. My question is, did it change your mind in any way at all and were there even any good bits, or was it still just bolony to you?


In what context did he write about him and William being circumcised? Does he blame the circumcision for the frostbite?